Repairs Design Furniture

How to measure rolled blinds. How to measure rolled curtains on plastic windows? The main rules of measurement of blinds

To correctly and accurately measure the size of the blinds on plastic windows you need to know several important points. If they are observed, the positive outcome is guaranteed.

  • Steel roulette is a necessary and even indispensable tool. Without this item, there is even nothing to take for the performance of work. The accuracy of measurements must be up to a millimeter. Roundings are unacceptable, as well as errors.
  • Little to make a window for blinds. We also need to correctly record the results obtained. The first value in the recording should be label and only after that the length is recorded. Incorrect recording of values \u200b\u200b- a mistake that many allow.
  • Even plastic windows do not have the dimensions of the perfect rectangle. Measurements of one parameter must be carried out in various places. This is especially true of slopes, which, because of their uneven lines, can be a hindrance to the movement of blinds.
  • Blind varieties There are several. The rules for performing measurements differ from the chosen type of blinds. Also differences are determined by the method of installation, which there are also several.

For each case, we will tell how to measure the window for the blinds. So be patient, we have a lot of work.

Select installation option

In order to find out how to measure blinds on plastic windows, we will still have time. First you need to decide on the installation option. There are three methods that are selected from about the same frequency: on the opening, on the sash, over the opening. It is necessary not only to know how to perform measurements of the window to install the blinds, but also by how the rules choose the installation option. What we will speak next.

  • To attach vertical systems, the wall is selected more often, i.e. on top of the opening. Inside the opening, such structures are rarely installed.
  • For rolled blinds or Roman curtains, any options are selected. There are no restrictions here, so you can give the will of your fantasy. But you need to clearly know how to measure blinds on the windows so that the end result does not become disappointment.
  • The windows with several sash, which are usually installed in the homes of Russian citizens, are often decorated with several blinds, one for each sash. This method makes the operation of the window comfortable, because the sash can be opened without the involvement of blinds.
  • On European wide windows with overhead rails, the blinds mounted in the opening or over it look beautiful in each sash.

We brought you the general moments that will help make a right choice. Follow them or not, rely on your taste - the case of everyone. And we finally got to the main issue - how to extinct blinds on plastic windows.

Such structures were the discovers and the progenitors of all modern blinds. But even such a long history did not interfere with their popularity, which even now keeps at a high level. Users love them for ease of use.

Measure horizontal blinds on plastic windows can be in different ways, everything depends on the method of their installation. We looked at each of the existing ones.

This molding method visually expands the window space than many designers are successfully used. Moreover, the dimensions of the blinds do not affect the dimensions of the window, which is very comfortable and unlocking hands. To calculate the size of the blinds on the window in this case, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • We determine the size of the opening (width, height), again, extiring each indicator in different places.
  • From the results obtained, choose the greatest and acceptance of them for real.
  • From the width, approximately 1.5 cm, and from the height - 1 cm.

Installation "on the sash": how to remove the sizes

This installation allows you to leave the windowsill free and does not create difficulties with further opening / closing the window. To remove the size of the windows for the blinds in this case, you will have to act on another scheme:

  • by the borders of the stroke in several places we measure the width of the sash;
  • choose the greatest result;
  • for measuring height, we do similar actions;
  • to the width, add 1 cm, and to the length - 3 cm.

That's the whole process to do to make a measure blinds on plastic windows. Attention should be paid to the shutter management mechanism. The design must be positioned so that it is from the opposite side from the handle from the window. How to measure the size of the window for the blinds of horizontal type you know, but still remaining to deal with vertical and rolled structures.

Such structures give the interior of the refinement, indicate a thin taste and are able to transform the room. When choosing such a design, you need to clearly know how to measure vertical blinds on plastic windows. The width of such blinds should be divided into 8 when turning in one direction, otherwise multiplicity is needed 16. Under this condition, it is possible to achieve a flawless view and uniform closure of the window. Vertical blinds can also be installed in various ways. Below will be considered all the available options, which will help to make a window for blinds.

Installation "On the opening": how to remove the sizes

This method is acceptable, if necessary, hide pipes / batteries and desire to make blinds by an interior element. Also behind the design will be hidden slopes and windowsill. By the way, if the windowsill protrudes beyond the opening of 6 and more cm, then you will have to install a long bracket.

How to measure the blinds on plastic vertical type windows with installation on the opening is described below:

  • You need to know the dimensions of the window (width / height).
  • Add 20 cm to the width, this distance will be needed for lateral points.
  • If the attachment of the blinds will be carried out on the ceiling, then the height has done to add the distance from the window to the ceiling.
  • When mounting on the wall, you will have to add at least 10 cm and still the length of the design.

This option is acceptable for small rooms, in which the free space on the weight of gold, as they say. Often in such premises the furniture is placed under the window, which further reduces the space for the location of the blinds. This method is applicable only to the smooth window, in the dimensions of which there are no significant extensions.

How to measure the window to install the blinds is shown in the following practical manual:

  • To obtain a width, it will be necessary on the width of the opening of 1 cm.
  • From the height, you need to take about 2 cm, no less.

That's all, there are no special wisdoms here, so everyone will be able to correctly measure the shutter window.

Such blinds are called Roman Curtains. They are very popular, although they are more expensive than their previous analogues. In the rolled form, they occupy quite a bit of space, and in the deployment - perfectly protect the room from the sun and create an amazing atmosphere. In addition, caring for rolled blinds is extremely simple. How to measure rolled blinds on the window at various installation options, we described in detail below.

Installation "Vansel": how to remove the size

This work is performed according to the following scheme:

  • Determine the width and height of the window.
  • To the results obtained at the previous stage, add 10 cm (to width) and 20 cm (to height).

How to determine the size of the blinds on plastic windows when installing the brass we have already told, as you can see, there is nothing difficult in this process.

Installation "In the opening": how to remove the sizes

This process is not harder than the previous one. The following is described how to measure the window for rolled blinds, so you can make sure yourself in the simplicity of this work:

  • The width of the opening will determine the width of the cornice.
  • Also with the head of the cornice - it is equal to the height of the opening.

On the uneven window this installation is not applicable. You will have to choose another method, for example, brass or "day-night".

Installation "Day-night": how to remove the sizes

Such an option is loved by many, appreciated for the convenience of further operation, in particular, in the regulation of lighting. Interested? Then it is time to find out how to measure rolled blinds on plastic windows when installing "day-night":

  • The width of the blinds is determined by the head, the outdoor side.
  • Height is measured by frame.
  • Based on these indicators, you can order / buy blinds.

For each of these options, you can add half astimeter to the height. This distance will take care of the eaves.

How to find out the size of the blinds on plastic windows you learned, now only the knowledge remains to apply in practice.

How to measure blinds on plastic windows with your own hands: video

Rolled curtains are the most compact from existing ones. They allow you to arrange the window opening at a minimum of funds, at the same time securely closing the room from prying views, sunlight. Some companies in the manufacture of blinds offer customers to make a discount if they freeze the size of the window.

Before buying rolled curtains, you need to measure the dimensions of the windows

The window is measured in a closed form by conventional tape measure with an accuracy of a millimeter. The height of the curtains for a deaf sash must be correlated with the height of the opening fraumuga. The lower edges of the tissue tissue guides should be at one level.

For the manufacture of blinds, it is pre-determined where to install the mount:

  • on the opening outside;

    Measurement curtains for installation on the opening

  • inside the opening;

    When measured, the irregularities of the window opening are taken into account

  • for each fraamugue separately.

    It is necessary to compare the height of the curtains on the deaf and opening flaps

  • Measurement is carried out in two parameters: width, height. Thinking how to measure rolled curtains on plastic windows, highlight half an hour - hour, prepare the roulette, notepad and handle to record the results. Think what kind of design you want to install.

    Important! The blinds "Zebra" (they are also called the day-night) require more space in depth (0.3-0.5 cm).

    Blinds "Day-Night" consist of two strips of fabric, in a closed state they look like a solid cloth

    The width roll-curtain corresponds to the width of the glass with the side of the side staple (this is an element that reliably fixes the glass in the frame, it can have a glaze or rectangular shape), plus 0.1 cm on each side.

    For rolled open-type curtains width measured between the outer edges of the stroke

    When determining the size, it is necessary to take into account whether the mount will not be fixed (rod, the mechanism of rotation, end plugs and fasteners) to rest in the loop or slope.

    Cassette curtains are two UNI1 and UNI2 sizes, the first of which has smaller dimensions and is designed to be installed on the window opening.

    The height is measured from the top edge of the sash to the bottom of the sash, while if the stroke has a rounded shape, then it should overlap the frame boundary from the glass by 2-5 mm.

    Types of headquarters used on plastic windows

    If the frame opens, then the length must be reduced by 5-7 mm. For deaf fraumuga, the height is measured from the upper to the lower head plus 0.5 cm.

    The height is measured between the upper edge of the upper head and the lower edge of the lower

    What errors are encountered when measuring

    Instructions, how to measure curtains, is needed in order to avoid typical errors. Many people think that it is enough to measure the frame across and along, but the windows are not the same on all its area, so you need to do three dimensions at different distances. Indicate the smallest value in the order. With an excess of width / length, the curtain may not fit in the opening.

    Important! It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the rolest itself, which holds the chart.

    Rake is open and closed. Open-type designs cheaper, but they are quickly dirty. The mechanisms of closed type are more expensive, but much more convenient.

    Rolled curtains are two species - open (in the photo on the left) and closed (right)

    Mechanical or automatic control is found. The overall width of Roller 0.3-0.5 cm is larger than the size of the curtain itself due to mounting mounts / plugs around the edges. If you do not consider the difference, the canvas can go beyond the frame limits - it will have to be trimmed when installed.

    When choosing a curtain with an electric drive, it is better to give preference to compact models, the dimensions of which are slightly more manual analogs

    The depth of the mechanism is 3.5-4 cm (the design and its dimensions must be clarified by the manufacturer). Due to the differences in fastening methods, preliminary measurements are recommended to entrust professionals that know the subtleties of various devices for mounting and controlling such curtains.

    Depends on the depth of the mechanism, whether the window sash can open normally

    Sometimes rolled blinds are installed so that they are closed only the glass itself inside the frame. In this case, the design is fixed exclusively on the frame with a rectangular stapper.

    Curtains with guides are good in that it is completely delaying sunlight

    When this element has a rounded shape, the curtains make a little more, they have higher in the window opening. Large-size shutters are placed outside, the role is attached to the wall or ceiling.

    Pay attention to the arrangement of the handle to open the frame! The roll in the open form should not overlap access to them.

    The control system is practical to position it so that the lace does not come across a handle

    If the curtain when using something will touch something, then the probability of disrupting the design from the place is high. The lower edge of the guides, hiding the windowsill, is dumping, sintering.

    Features Curtains with guides

    To ensure that the blinds lay exactly, there were no lumen on the edges, they use guides - rolled curtains look carefully, they serve longer, do not turn. Using how to measure the window for rolled curtains with guides, you must take into account the following features:

    Important! Solving how it is to arrange a curtain with guides, consider that the height of the root is not less than 7 cm with a depth of 36 mm.

    Guides securely fix the canvas of the curtains, not allowing it to be fed and sticking to the window

    With closed-type roles, the width of the fabric is measured from the junction of the stroke with the frame, and not with glass. The width of the mechanism itself is 20 mm more than this value. The measured size includes the width of the guide of the P-shaped form. In the closed-type mechanisms, such structures are used, which adds 3-5 mm on each side.

    Important! The edge of the control mechanism should be at some distance from the slope so that it can be opened.

    If the window breaks is very close to Framuget, the curtain mechanism may interfere with the full opening of the sash

    The height of the curtains with the guides is determined by the shakes of the frame and the stapper from the bottom to the top. For windows that do not open, the distance from the slope to the junction of the frame with glass must be at least 45 mm - it provides the space for attaching the Role.

    Professional help

    Practice shows that standard windows when measured are not rectangular, their size varies slightly at different points of fixation. For large sizes, rolled blinds are needed specifically for panoramic glazing, the measurement of which is better to trust a specialist. For large-scale structures, it is required to take into account multiple fastening points, measure several times.

    Unfortunately, window openings are often uneven, however, like the windows themselves, even plastic

    For window openings of non-standard form, only a specialist can determine the measurement algorithm. For options with the rounded upper part, make the blinds will be difficult due to the features of the mounting rolep. Measurements include the determination of circumference parameters, the choice of the attachment method is impossible to do, not knowing exactly what kind of means and technologies has a company.

    Build an arched window with the help of rolled curtains is quite difficult

    Important! Such structures are created only individually, it is impossible to find them in the catalog.

    Perhaps the best solution will be a failure from rolled curtains in favor of other models that make out non-standard window openings, for example, the plizer curtains look at the arc.

    It is difficult to figure out how to install blinds in Erker - it is better to invite to measure a specialist. It will offer several options for placing the rolled curtains so that there are no lumens for the edges, and all windows looked like a single composition.

    It is important to choose an option that is optimally suitable for each window in Erker

    Depending on the availability of free space for the mounting mechanism, structures are used:

    • open or closed type;
    • mechanical or automatic;
    • professional selects the shape of the guides.


    Measuring frame for blinds is not difficult process, but it is necessary to approach it extremely gently. The error will lead to the fact that the work will have to redo what will entail additional costs. When the position of the handle on the frame or the canvas is almost longer than necessary, the owner, feeling the inconvenience from the mistakes made, wants to get rid of them: you have to spend money again.

    The main thing is the maximum attentiveness, then the result will not disappoint you

    If difficulty arose, the window has a complex form - it is better to immediately invite a specialist. This will save time, means and nerves.

Blinds are an excellent solution for the modern interior: they will protect the furniture and wallpaper from the bright sun and fast fading and will decorate any room. With the right choice of material and species, blinds will successfully serve their owner for many years. The main thing for this is not to be mistaken at measurement.

You can measure the blind window to order on your own, but this process requires accuracy and accuracy. For those who still decided to do this work without assistance, the answer to the question: "?" provided below.

What do you need to pay attention to the first place at first?

  • need steel roulette. Only this tool will help get the most accurate result. Any other funds will not fit;
  • no roundings. Accuracy up to a millimeter - the main factor in this process;
  • when ordering blinds, first write width, and then long. This is a very common mistake, be careful;
  • any parameter must be measured in several places, because many windows do not have an ideal rectangular shape, and uneven slopes can interfere with blinds freely drop and climb.

If you do not take into account the huge variety of materials (plastic, wood, a variety of fabrics), now the range of any store or firm that provides services for the installation of blinds, offers its customers 3 types of goods:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • rolled.

You can also order protective blinds, but when they measure them, you need to be extremely neat, so it is better to take advantage of professional help.

For independent measurement of each type of blinds there is a separate technology. About this and additional, more detailed information, read below.

Horizontal shutters

Horizontal blinds came to our market first, and still successfully cope with competition. These blinds are very convenient to use.

To measure, you need to first decide on the installation method. If it is planned that the blinds will overlap the window and attached to the wall or ceiling, you need to measure for the installation "on the opening". Installation of blinds that does not exceed the size of the window is called "in the opening", and if the fastening on the frame occurs, this option is called "on the sash". For the first and second method, the Management Party is not important, it may be both on the right and left.

Such a fastener will allow you to visually increase the window. It will be a good designer solution, because the settings of the blinds do not depend on the size of the window and may vary.

The first thing you need to do is to extinate the width and height of the window opening. For the most accurate and correct result, we make measurements in several places, and for the reply we take the greatest indicator.

The final data for ordering the blinds should look like this:

  • width \u003d width of opening + 1cm (at least, you can more);
  • height \u003d Height of the opening + 5cm (you can also increase).

Blinds installed in this way are perfect for large windows. This option takes a minimum of space and is very practical.

For this type of installation, it is necessary to measure the width and height of the window opening and choose the highest indicator (similar to the method of fastening "on the opening"). Further from the obtained data (and height, and widths), we take at least 1 cm. From the width, it is better to take a little more, because the window slopes are often uneven, and the blinds may not pass along the size, stick or cling to the wall.

This type of fastening is most convenient to use, because when opening the window it does not need to be folded, and the windowsill completely released for flowers, for example.

In this case, measurement operations are slightly different. They are conducted as follows:

  • it is necessary to measure the width of the window sash in several places (by the stroke boundaries) and choose the largest number obtained;
  • height is measured similarly;
  • final width: + 1cm to primary size;
  • final height: + 3 cm.

The control mechanism must be located on the opposite side with respect to the handle if the window opens.

Such blinds add refinement to the interior. Successfully selected material and color will become a real decoration for any room.

Vertical blinds can be attached to "in the opening" or "on the opening". The choice depends on the form of the window and designer preferences. It is also necessary to consider that the window will look flawless if the width of the blinds will be multiple 8cm (if they are folded in one direction) or 16cm (if in two). Only in this case, all the slats will uniformly close the window.

In order for blinds to stand out as part of the interior or covered the pipes and the battery, the attachment of the blinds "on the opening" is perfect. Installation "On the opening" will also hide the windows of the window, but you need to take into account the windowsill. If it acts more than 6cm, you should take care of the elongated bracket.

To measure such blinds - they will be attached to the ceiling or wall - we measure the width and height of the window. Then add at least 20cm to the first indicator (the blinds will perform on 10 cm on each side). When installing on the ceiling, add to the height distance from the window to the ceiling. If on the wall - at least + 10 cm. There is also a plurality of the desired shutter length.

If the room is small, there is little free space, and under the window there are some kind of furniture, it is better to choose this method. But the attachment of the blinds "in the opening" will only suit a more or less smooth window, without significant discrepancies in size. Also this option will be cheaper.

How to get the necessary data? The width will peel the width of the opening window minus 1cm, and from the height you need to take 2-3cm.

This kind of blinds (the second name - Roman curtains) is very practical. The main advantage - rolled blinds can be collapsed, and they will not take place in the room at all. You can also close the window to a certain level and generally darken the room.

You can install Roman curtains on the wall and "in the window opening". You can also order a popular "day-night" system. When you select any installation to a measured altitude, it is better to add 0.5 cm for the cornice.

Measurement of rolled blinds with the installation of "Vanoslest"

First you need to measure the width and height of the window. Further to the obtained parameters add the necessary centimeters. To the width plus at least 10 cm, to the height - + 20cm.

Measurement of rolled blinds with installation "In the opening"

Measure the parameters required for this option to install rolled blinds, very simple.

The required width of the carnis will be equal to the width of the window opening, and the height is the height of the window, respectively. But you need to remember that the window can be uneven. In this case, it is better to refuse from the installation "in the opening".

Measurement of rolled blinds with the installation "Day-night"

With such blinds, lighting in the room can be independently adjusted, because the curtains consist of the strips.

We measure the width along the outer edge of the stroke, and the height is on the frame. This is the ready-made data.

Video - How to measure blinds on plastic windows


Modern blinds are produced multiple varieties and are extremely convenient for installation at home or in the office. All firms that are engaged in the production and installation of the blinds are offered to perform measurements with professionally trained employees of these firms. But this procedure can be made independently, having a conventional roulette and step-by-step instructions for removing measurements.

However, initially determine the type of blinds. They are produced several types:

  • horizontal blinds;
  • vertical blinds;
  • rolled curtains;
  • curtains Plisse.

Measures for each of these species are slightly different from each other. Therefore, you must first choose which blinds you want to see on your window, and then already take the roulette.

Measurements to order horizontal blinds

Fastening horizontal blinds can be produced in three ways:

  1. on the sash;
  2. in the opening;
  3. on the wall.

1. When choosing a fastening method for a sash, you need to measure the distance from one window of the window, on which it is planned to fix blinds to the second. In the event that there is no need to leave the side clearance, then 30 millimeters should be added to the width of the blinds. In height, measure the length of the window's sash itself. But if you wish to set some additional fasteners, you can not do without a specialist consultation.

2. Measurements for fastening the blinds inside the window opening should be made at least 3 points, both in height and in width, as the window openings are very often not quite rectangular. Of the three numbers received, it is necessary to select the smallest value.

To determine the width of the blinds, you need to measure the width of the glass and add a width of one sealing gum to it.

The length should be equal to the height of the glass together with sealing rubber bands and a margin of 1 cm.

It should be noted that the cornice blinds will perform on both sides by 36 mm and check that he does not rest in the slope or loops. In addition, it is necessary to envisage that the blinds in the assembled form did not interfere with the opening of the window.

The chain for lifting the blinds is usually located from the loop side, and its length is 2/3 of the window height.

3. In the event that if the blinds are planned to be fixed on the wall, the width of them must be larger than the width of the window opening by 10 centimeters. Height is determined independently. You can choose this size of the blinds so that they are slightly above the windowsill, or closed it completely. But the length of the blinds should be more window opening by 5 centimeters, as the cornice is fixed there.

In addition, the control option should also be provided: left or right.

Determining the parameters of vertical blinds

Vertical blinds are attached to plastic windows in three ways: in the opening, on the wall or to the ceiling. A variety of textures and colors, as well as simplicity of installation and subsequent care, made vertical blinds very popular in recent years.

1. In the event that the blinds are mounted in the window opening, you need to measure the width of the upper part of the window and subtract 2 cm from it, it will be the width of the blind. Then, the height of the opening should be measured to the left and right, select the smallest value, to subtract 1 cm from it, the resulting result will be equal to the length of the blind. In addition, it is necessary to determine the side of the management (left or right), as well as the direction in which the blinds will be opened.

2. For the blinds that will be attached to the wall, the width will be equal to the window to the window plus at least 10 cm. And the length should be greater than the height of the window opening by 5 centimeters. If the windowsill protrudes behind the lion of the blind, then their length should not be greater than the opening window. And if the windowsill will be hidden blinds, then a few more centimeters should be added to their length.

3. With the selected installation blinds to the ceiling, you need to measure the height from the ceiling to the windowsill and deduct from the resulting result 2 cm. It will be the length of the blinds if the windowsill will play the window of the window opening. And if the blinds will hide the windowsill, then their length will be equal to height from the ceiling to the windowsill plus 5 cm. The width must exceed the window opening by 10 cm at a minimum.

Instructions for removing measurements for rolled curtains

Rolled curtains are also attached both in the opening of the window and on the wall.

1. When removing measurements for mounting the curtains in the opening of the window, it is necessary to measure the width of the opening and subtract from this value of 4 centimeters. It will be the width of the canvas curtains. And the height of the window opening to the window sill will be equal to the length of the canvas. In addition, it will be necessary to choose the color of the fabric and the type of mechanism, as well as its location - left or right.

2. For rolled curtains that are attached to the wall, it is enough to measure the length from the window opening to the window sill and add 5 cm to this value. And the width of the curtains can be arbitrary, as far as it is wider than the window opening, depends on the personal preferences of the customer.

Cassette rolled curtains

This type of rolled curtains is attached directly to the window frame and in order to get the necessary sizes, you need to measure the width of the window from one pin to another. And the length of the rolled curtains is equal to the height of the window along the fins of the stack plus 20 mm. It is advisable to shoot the dimensions at once in several places of the window, and then choose from them the minimum value, since plastic windows rarely have a strictly rectangular shape.

Measures for curtains Plisse

This type of blinds has the greatest variety of types of fasteners, and at the same time is one of the most expensive. Therefore, it is desirable that the measurements of the Plecese are produced by professionals of the company so that in the future it would be possible to avoid claims for quality and installation of goods.

Video - Instructions for measuring blinds on the windows