Repairs Design Furniture

Original ideas, how to independently make scheduling from girlfriend. Handers with your own hands: Methods of manufacture, examples, photos Creative table lamps do it yourself

Problems with the choice of lamps are familiar to many. Luminaires are purchased in the last place, so combine them with all other interior elements can be difficult. But you should not despair. After all spectacular lamps You can make it yourself without spending a lot of money.

1. New Year decor on the chandelier

Plastic beads that can be purchased in the New Year's decor department, you can decorate the ready-made lampshade. Bright colors And the brilliance will turn the lamp to the concerning decoration of any interior.

2. City landscape

The outlines of urban roofs cut from dark paper are pasted on a light lamp shade. Such an applique will easily transform a boring monotonous lamp.

3. The whole world is like a palm

Each house will find old cards that lie without the use of years. Of these, you can make a lamp with your own hands. Just wrap part of the card of suitable size old lampshane. For a more accurate type, the paper can be coated with acrylic varnish.

4. From Paper Masha

For the manufacture of the original lamp, you will have to remember the papier-mache technique, familiar with everyone since childhood. The paper must be broken into small pieces and leave for a couple of hours in the aqueous solution of PVA. Then a paper mass layer over a layer is a subject necessary form - for example, inflated balloon. After drying, Paper-Masha Abazhur is ready.

5. Second life of old newspapers

Just attach a lamp shade with a newspaper, artificially aged with tea or coffee - too simple solution. Cut the circles out of it and stick them so that partially closed each other. An interesting game of light and shadow is guaranteed. Additionally, it is better to cover lacc lack.

6. Eternal lampshade

From the old metal basket or ordinary wire, you can make a lamp with your own hands, which is a champion for strength and durability. In addition, such a lampshade is also completely fireproof.

7. From bright cocktail tubes

The lamp of the cocktail tubes looks democratic, but at the same time effectively. Proto glue the tubes of one of the sides to the old lampshade with the help of silicone glue. If you cut the tubes in the pressure, the lamp will be smaller.

8. Chic and shine

Beads that have not found applications can be used for the decor of the lamp. Slide them on a thin jewelry wire (it can be bought in stores for needlework) and attach it to the metal base of the lamp.

9. Clear geometry

Cocktail tubes painted in gold or silver colors will become material for the manufacture of the lamp with their own hands. Between themselves, they fasten with the help of the thread.

10. Lace Patterns

Just cover or cross the monotonous lampshade with contrasting lace. In the first case, it is better to use elastic lace: they will easily fit to the surface of the lampshar and look careful.

11. Paper chaos

The usual white paper rolled into the tube becomes the raw material for the original lampshar. Bear them with each other in chaotic order, moving upwards.

12. Cozy lamp for needlewomen

All buttons who do not find applications can be used to make a cute lamp. Hide buttons to strong threads, and secure them up the top of the lamp.

13. In harmony with nature

The branch of the intricate shape will be a great basis for unusual lamp. In addition to her, you will need several light bulbs in the cartridges. Just crush the wires around the branch.

14. Almost edible chandelier

The base from the old lamp lamp, decorated with cutlery, looks quite brutal. Such a lamp will perfectly fit into the kitchen interior in the style of country or loft.

15. Delicate textile petals

For the manufacture of such a lamp, the tissue is selected, the edges of which are not tremended. Carved petals are attached to lampshade with glue.

16. From the decorative rope

Generously squeeze the basis for the future of lampshar thick and tightly wrap with a rope with a rough texture. As the basis, it is not necessary to use the old lamp. Even old dishes are suitable, for example, glasses or bowls.

17. Lamp in the skirt

Translucent textiles, for example, tulle from old curtains, can find the second life. Having gathered it at the top of the fold, secure on the boning lamp.

18. Patchwork style

Many multi-colored flaps are tied on the basis of an old lampshar. Than them more - the better.

19. From your favorite postcards

Often postcards and photos, even those who like, lie without the year. Plue them a boring lamp, and it will instantly transform.

20. Our whole life is a game

Playing deckin which there are not enough multiple cards, you should not throw out. Dense glossy paper with contrast pattern - excellent material for lampshar decor, practical and beautiful.

So, the problem with lighting is solved. It's time to get acquainted with

House decoration on their own favorite occupation of many hostesses, this article reveals how to make a lamp with their own hands. You can revitalize the interior of the living room, bedroom or hallway with the help of a primary means, only by changing the chandelier chandeliers, flooring or desktop lamp. Plafones for lamps made by their own hands can be used not only in a residential interior, but also in the halls of the cafe, pubs, pizzerias.

Choosing materials and lamps for lamp

Products made for children's rooms must be made of natural non-toxic materials and painted with environmental colors.

In the manufacture should also be remembered fire safety, Therefore, the flames from the combustible materials made of paper, plastic, feathers or threads should be used only with lamps that have a small heating temperature.

You need to use LED or fluorescent lamps. They have a number of advantages:

  • large service life;
  • minimal heating base with glass part;
  • the light has three shades: warm, cold, neutral.

In addition, such lamps are also called energy-saving, their only disadvantage can be called high cost.

It is also desirable that the wire connection to the baseman produced a specialist. No need to try to independently perform this operation, as this may lead to undesirable consequences. It is more convenient to decorate the already existing frame frame or make it from durable and not very heavy materials.

To create lamps use the following materials: scissors, mounting knife, fishing line, wire, pliers, hot pistolHis in some cases can be replaced with super-glue. They should be used by an adult, a child to attract to gluing is unacceptable. Since in one case it will get a burn, and in the other you can glue my fingers or stick to the details of the future product.

What can make a ceiling?

Many craftsmen make lamps from very unnecessary materials:

  • from plastic or glass bottles;
  • newspapers, fine or colored paper;
  • artificial or natural threads;
  • dried branches of an unusual form;
  • disposable spoons;
  • old disks.

Plastic lamp

From plastic containers of different volumes, a homemade chandelier is easily obtained.

  1. For the base, you need to take a bottle of 5 liters. The bottom is cut off from it. Then the surfaces are drawn with a diameter of 1.5 cm. They need to be cut by mounting knife or small scissors.
  2. From bottles for the decor, the bottom is cut off and the entire surface is cut by scissors on the strip of 0.5 - 1 cm wide, then the billet is heated above the burning burner. Under the influence of heat, the band will acquire a chaotic look.
  3. Then in 5 liter containers with holes insert blanks, and the covers are screwed from the inside. Then through a large neck, the wire is taking place and a plane is installed. For such a ceiling, you need to use an energy-saving lamp.
  4. In some interiors, you can find a fancy lamp made on the basis of the usual hanger or straw hats. In general, to limit the scope of fantasy both homemade masters and professional designers can nothing.

Glass bottles

A very interesting option of a homemade chandelier is obtained from glass bottles. They are used to decorate the halls of food enterprises. It is also a good option for the kitchen in a residential building or apartment. It may be a plafof consisting of one or more bottles, which are cut down the bottom. You can do this on your own, but it is better to use the services of the workshop where the glass and mirrors are cut.

How to use threads

For lampshar of threads or ribbons, you will need: Ready frame made of durable wire, thread different color, scissors, glue.

  1. The frame consists of two rings, interconnected with metal segments. It can be done independently from a durable wire.
  2. One color is needed or a few shades of the thread.
  3. Thread is fixed on the bottom, then it needs to be stretched through the top ring, lower down and move through the bottom ring. It is necessary to ensure that the thread is stretched and the coils firmly fit to each other. As soon as the thread ends, you need to attach the following segment to the bottom ring.
  4. Carefully trim the remnants of threads and glue them from the back.

Spoons for lamp

You can make a multi-tiered, color lamp from ordinary disposable spoons.

  1. It is necessary to make a wire frame, for a round small lamp you need to make three circles with a diameter: 12, 18, 26 cm. Then the circles are fastened with each other with a fishing line. The above will be the largest diameter, there must be the same distance between them.
  2. In spoons you need to make a small hole with a thick needle at the top of the handle.
  3. Spoons paint acrylic paints In three colors, for example, yellow, orange, red.
  4. Build homemade chandelier: the fishing line is cut in length equal to the distance between the circles. To one end, the fishing line ties a spoon, and the other to the frame. To the lower circle of the small diameter you need to tie a spoon yellow color, To the middle - orange and to the top - red shade.

Easy and elegant plander

Paper or thin cardboard is suitable for the paper. Such a ceiling can be both rectangular and square shape. First you need to think over the size of the flap than more premisesThe wider there may be a design. In a small orphan or hallway, there will be a good ceiling with a diameter of 30 - 35 centimeters.

The frame can be made of wire, it will consist of the upper and lower part, consider the manufacture of a cylinder formation.

  1. Need two circles from wire the desired diameter. They are connected to each other with the help of a fishing line, the distance between the lower and the upper frame - 12 - 15 cm, the fishing hoops are bonded in three, four places. The greater the diameter of the base, the more it is necessary to make connective elements.
  2. On paper blank you can draw circles different diameter, figurines of cartoon characters. The contour drawings can be taken from the Internet and print them, then redraw using a copy. For drawing circles, a special ruler is suitable or you can draw lids or buttons of different diameters. Some drawings are cut by a fully stationery knife, some cut through the contour.
  3. Paper is based on the basis and glue a mustache. Then glued to the wire, you can also fix with a thin wire. To do this, first in paper make a hole with a thick needle or selent, then they make the wire and gently tie to the frame. It is desirable to glue thin paper, as it is easy to spoil.

Exclusive metal pelvic plander

  1. Tases from any metal are used, an interesting option will be made of copper or aluminum tanks. The old pelvis is suitable. If it has a through hole, it needs to be brew or stuck, for example, epoxy resin.
  2. The inner surface must be painted in a light color so that the light is maximally reflected from it.
  3. The outer surface can be painted in a dark, rich color, harmonizing with the interior.
  4. On the low part The rim is glued with hot glue with a fringe of about 5 centimeters. In the central part of the basin, it is necessary to make a hole for the wire. It can be drilled drill or punch with a nail.

Such a ceiling can be decorated with mosaic from CDs. For this discs are cut by sharp scissors into small fragments, which are pasted on the outer surface of the pelvis. You can enclose only the bottom contour, and the rest to paint. Or decorate with such a mosaic all the surface of the ceiling. The more convex surface, the smallest should be disk fragments.

Natural materials

The original lamp can be made of a dry branch of an unusual form. It needs to be cleaned of the bark and coat with a verse, then, if desired, handle with a transparent varnish. The branch must be attached to the hook on the ceiling with a conventional fishing line. Then the wire with a lamp is screwed several times on the branch. It looks beautiful, the branch, accusing several wires.

You can make a lamp of plastic hangers. In detail told on the video:

Lamps in different rooms

The chandeliers of bottles made more suitable for the kitchen made. Designs made of glass or plastic will be easy to clean from dust and, if necessary, washed. For kitchen, hallway or living room fitting lamp natural tree.

For the children's room, the ceiling of painted plastic bottles is suitable, butcher from bright threads or paper composition. The last option can not be called durable, but it is precisely such an option to children. Girls will like a plate with butterflies, vegetable elements, boys fit construction with machinery, superhero or bright plastic plastic plastic.

In some cafes, pubs are used for the decoration of the hall original lamps From bottles. It can be beer bottles. They can serve as a light bulb, and to be an interesting framed for the lamp.

Ideas of homemade lamps at the placement

Do it yourself you can give new look outdoor Torshor.. You can decaffeve with a cloth, threads, paper with slit patterns, it is also not necessary to leave the base and leg of the lamp. They can be painted with acrylic paints, put the glaze, decorate beads. The decor of the lower part of the flooring should elaborate with the elements at the top. The easiest option is to decorate a plane of monophonic color with lace or guipure.

Decorating lamps

The lower part of the bertow can be decorated with pompons of the same size hanging on a thread. They are glued with the inside of the frame of the glue. Pumps can hang both on the same and at different heights. They can be made of one color or combine a few shades.

For decorating paper lights You can use lace, dense fatin, beads different sizes. Decorate glass cans Or bottles can be glass pebbles that can be purchased in accessories stores. You can also use buttons of different sizes and colors. Small buttons can be glued even on PVA.

On New Year's holidays, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree, but plaffers of lamps, lamps can be decorated. Here you can use the usual rain, cut off with your hands with snowflakes, figurines of the Christmas tree, decorative balls and the usual garland. If in the wall or outdoor lamp An energy-saving lamp is installed, then its ceiling can be decorated with paper snowflakes.

Wall sheds are installed in living rooms, bedrooms, children's. After repair, you can use old sconce, only changing their appearance. You can paint the luminaire case into a light color, and from above apply a bronze or silver paint brush to create a patina effect. If the glass is a glass, the liked pattern is applied to its surface using a glass stencil. Here you can use contour (they are used to create stained glass) or aerosol paints.

Original lamps And lampshades do it yourself. Ideas, master classes

Lamps and lampshades do it yourself. Ideas, master classes

Hello everyone!

Creating or decoking lamps and lampshells The occupation is not only incredibly interesting, but also enough useful: it allows not only to create a unique subject, and in full compliance with the interior of your home, but also to save. It is enough to purchase the easiest lamp for little money and beat it to your taste. And there are options that and how to make a huge set, in a variety of techniques, using a wide variety of materials.

I picked up with you the ideas of creating and decorating lamps, I hope you can choose for yourself suitable option:) Happy viewing!

A lampshade decorated using decoupage technique, the base of the lamp is made of books

Decor metal carcass lampshair feathers - very stylish :)

It is often enough to decorate the lampshades, fabric or paper flowers are used, the result is very romantic :)

Fabric flowers with candle processed

Cutting convolutions are used as colors

Flowers from twisted fabric

Ready Flowers used here

The flower is made of a stem strip of fabric, striking on one side and assembled in a bud

Spiral roses from newspapers

The bottom of the lamp is decorated with spiral paper roses

Decor of Ikeaevsky lampsome paper flowers

Lace and knitted napkins look very beautiful

The form attached with glue

The ball is inflated and the lace napkins are applied with the help of adhesive. After drying, the ball skeins, blown away and removed.

Highly beautiful option: As the base of the lamp, the bird cage is used, the lampshade is decorated with decoupage decoupage technique.

Even an umbrella can be used for chandelier :)

Even Loskutka trimming fabrics will go into business: wrapped, knotted. This option will be remarkably fit into the design of the country house or children's room.


For the manufacture of lamps, various glass containers are used very often and successfully use banks, bottles. Just below, I led the master class on the manufacture of such a lamp.

A bottle as the base of the lamp - the bottom is also given a similar master class.

It is a bit more complicated here - the hole is drilled down on the back side of the bottle, through which the cord is started.

The lamp is made of figured metal sheet

Origami technology is successfully used to create lamps.

On the base of lampshar glued fabric strips

Lampshade from various retro leaves

Abazhur from the basket - why not? :)

The second life of metallic coland

Unnecessary fork-spoons created a very interesting version of the chandelier :)

Very cute solution: a metal mesh and beat the poultry is stretched on the frame. I think for the children's room.

And now bird subjects :)

Abjeur painting acrylic paints

Shallow veneer lamp

The base of the lamp is placed by marine shells

Knitted lampshades - look very comfortable :)

Decor of amusing memorable photos and slides

Flowers on this lamp - this is the bottom of plastic bottles :)

Lampshades are planted with paper circles

Vegetable lampshade :) I think, still a flower is frying there :)

Shashore from Shornov

Decoupage technique also applied here

Highly interesting solution - Wire as an art object :)

Lampshade decorated with cloth strips

Branch lamp

A lampshade is decorated with crumpled compressed coffee filters (forms for cupcakes)

Glass vase lamp

Base of lampshar - unnecessary toy soldiers, short and painted aerosol paint

Creative lap fetra

Shade from balls for ping pong :)

Flower decor

And many more, many different ideas ...

Master class on the manufacture of lamp from can & broit caps from Tom & Brit (

We break through the nail hole to create a hole

Insert the patron

Stain in one color

Screw the light bulb and insert into the jar

Lamp is ready :)

Paper Lights from Resource

We will need an image of the castle

Cut out, cutting the winds, glue

Inside place spotlight On batteries

Chandelier from a rope from Sarah M. Dorsey (

We will need a rope, MOD Podge glue (can be replaced by diluted PVA), ball

In order to create a wavy shape, Sarah used wooden rails. We lay out the shape, we laughing glue for fixation.

After drying, we lay out on the ball and scrolling abundantly glue

After drying, remove the lampshade from the ball and stain in the white aerosol paint - the Sarah has four layers

Very beautiful lampshade of grandma squares from the author of the resource

We are tightening with lampshane cloth

Strip tissue bend in half along and twist in roll

Run slightly

We apply glue on the fold and glue to the base

Master class to create a base for lampshar from Kiri (

Necessary components

Bottle carefully mine, disinfect and dry

Covered aerosol paint

Mounting process


That's so a bottle of Jein has turned into a base for lampshar :)

As you can see, the creation of lamps and lampshades with their own hands is sufficient and very interesting. Give the will of your fantasy, create and let your home be beautiful and cozy!

Well, for those who still prefer to buy ready-made lightingI recommend to look into the specialized Internet-shop -, where in a huge assortment there are high-quality and stylish desktop lights, chandeliers, sconces, accessories, etc. from best manufacturers And at very flexible pleasant prices :) By the way, this online store according to Google statistics is the most popular among Ukrainian buyers :) Use with pleasure!

I wish everyone good luck and excellent mood !!

Lighting plays an important role in the house. A well-selected light source is a combination of proper brightness and power with beautiful decor Lamp. Good decision It will become chandelier, floor lamp or lamp under the lamp. But if neither stylization for the last century, neither the modern product, the lamp can be made for the interior, do it yourself!

Popular Materials

The elements of the interior performed on an individual project are conveniently and beautifully integrated into the home environment. They are made of those materials and in those colors that are combined with the design of the rooms and are key for one or another style direction.

But the appearance is not all. Any product should not only correspond to the interior, but also to perform their functions. Before learn how to make lampshade with your own hands, it is important to determine what to do it. The following nuances affect the choice of materials:

  • Location of lampshar. Several options are common: ceiling, high-leg vests, with mounting to the wall, table lamps. It is difficult to imagine the same overall design on the bedside table as under the ceiling. In turn, the small bedside lamp will not cope with the chandeliers in the living room.

  • Dimensions.The larger the diameter of the ceiling, the harder it is to make it from small elements. If the entire meter of material is needed for the tissue lamp lamp lamp latter, then for a plaffron of chopsticks from ice cream will have to eat more than a dozen popsicle.

  • Purpose.Abuirs are suitable for many cases. They create a romantic entourage for a date, a cozy chamber environment for friendly conversations, give the interior a highlight and ease. The more light is required by the room, the thinner and easier should be the materials, the darker the lighting is planned - the denser can be materials and rich color.

  • Cost. Not all materials cost cheaper than the purchase of a ready-made lamp. So, lace, velvet, and some other noble fabrics are many times higher than the cost of the product from the girlfriend.

Large popularity enjoy lampshed of fabrics, skin, various types of paper, tree fragments, ropes and ribbons, beads, metal. No less distributed products from "Cutting" things and "alterations" who have received a new life.


Not every fabric is suitable for tailoring lamp. It can be divided into two types: transparent and dense.

Transparent is intended for chandeliers and lamps that should cover a large area. Such a cloth allows you to create beautiful designer plaffones without prejudice. technical characteristics Lighting. Light veils are suitable, fine lace air products, "knitted" openwork plaffers.

Transparent fabrics must be on a large distance From incandescent lamps, and lacy are desirable to starch so that they retain the hard form even without a frame.

Dense tissues are needed to create a chamber atmosphere. These include Atlas, Jacquard, Flax, Rhozhod, Flock, Silk, Staple, Fabrics with photo printing. There is also a lighting fabric fabric, designed exclusively for lampsulating geometric shapes.

Dense fabrics are more variable in relation to design. They are any desired shades and may have drawing: geometric patterns, different kinds Cells, plots, birds and animals, floral and vegetable motifs. Separately, it is worth noting the skin products, tissue-corrugations and the possibility of using adhesive tapes and ribbons to form a fold of any form.

Save on the creation of an original lampshar of the fabric will help the alteration of old things. There will be a holey jeans, which the hand did not rose to throw out, the sweater, who had mole, cuts from burlap and any one who served her clothes.


In the design of lamps made of wood, the base is often performed, and less heavy materials are needed for the ceiling. However, it does not prevent the use of small, light wooden details Nontrivial form to create lampshar.

It can be products-braid-brackets from wood stripes (as a basket or box), flexible thin branches (willow, hazel, birch), thin wood spins with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, strung on the ropes along the Type of curtains for the doorway. The lamp is more original, the framework of which is made of an old trash can, and the plafof is decorated with smooth rows of wooden clothespins. From budget options - decoration for the lamp from sticks for sushi or a simple and elegant lampshade from the mess for knitting.

Whole wooden plafones are also found on the market. These are the finest cylinders, which preserved the texture of wood and transmitting light, but they are complex in manufacture and require some joinery skills. In addition, due to the material and production technology, they differ in high cost.


Many at the phrase "Metal lampshade" arise associations with bulky candelabras under the ceiling of gothic interiors, but modern technologies Allowed to produce elegant and concise products from aluminum and similar to it according to the properties of metals. They have a diverse shape, depth of the dome, may be solid or consisting of some "Ryubers", like a naked frame.

The budget option is easy to make it easily made of wire (aluminum or copper). Aluminum is larger in diameter, suitable for products of bizarre forms, but without decorative elements. Copper wire thinner and more flexible. It turns out not only intricate plaffones, but also a beautiful decor of any degree of complexity. Ready product From the wire you can paint entirely or separate fragments.

To give a wire fit, use a small bucket, a salad bowl on the leg, a curly vase, a fruit basket, or any other object that can be wind from above, and then remove.

Another option for domestic creativity - lampshade of coins. If at home is the oldest money of Soviet times, then these depreciated rubles can be turned into an original ceiling for the lamp, if they glue them with ribs using a superclone. Disclaimed metal circles should form a deep bowl into which the light is placed.

It is important to take into account that it is painstaking work, and the coins will need a lot even on a small product, so you should not choose this option to decorate the chandelier in the living room. But as a decorative decoration for the table, it will be very by the way.


Gypsum lampshades are a rare phenomenon. Especially used semicircular and curly plafofs of the sconce in the interiors in the historical, especially antique, style.

Make it with your own hands is easy. It will take only a gypsum mixture, water, a medical bandage and the basis on which the future ceiling will be formed. The work passes as in the technique of Papier-Masha, only instead of pieces of paper use small fragments of bandage, sprinkled in a gypsum mixture.

After drying, the product from the gypsum will be textured and uneven. It can be left so or polished with shallow sandpaper before smoothness.


Ready plastic products Amazed with a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. No less original plastic lampshades can be made personally using household items from this material. Among popular - products from bottles, cups, disposable spoons and straws. The most comfortable are the drinking bottles of large volumes.

Color plastic is used to cut small parts from it. For example, you can make leaves, circles, ovals, diamonds, and then fasten them on the frame. Transparent plastic serves as the basis for painting acrylic and stained in paints.

From bottles of 5 or more liters, a ready-made plander is obtained if you cut down the lower part of the container. The remaining top already has a hole under the cartridge, and the lower edge can be cropped on figurily, pouring (heated plastic acquires bizarre forms), separated by another material. It remains only to apply a picture.


Paper lampsome - one of the cheapest, comfortable and lungs performed. They have a small weight and are universal. As in the case of textiles, they are more transparent or dense.

Lightweight, passing a lot of light, such plafones are made of parchment or rice paper. Before cutting parts, sheets need to smooth iron. Dense lamps can be made from cardboard, wallpaper, newspaper pages in Papier-Masha technique.


The most popular and simple option is a product of threads (twine, sisal, twine, jute), which are soaked in a large number of PVA glue and wind around the balloon or an inflatable ball. Due to the fact that when drying, glue becomes transparent, traces on threads, even color, will not remain.

More coarse and complex in the performance of lampshade is obtained from a wicker linen rope or rope. It will not be possible to give it a round form, but the classic semicircular, cone-shaped or cylindrical ceiling will be perfect for the sea-style rooms and loft interiors. We also wonder the wicker plaffers from the vine, twine, in the technique of Macrame.

Screw materials

With good fantasy and skillful hands You can make a lampshade of less fuel materials: beads, beads, trimming of satin ribbons, used drives, seashells, bookstones or unnecessary notebooks, corrugated cardboard, molds for cupcakes and many other little things that are no longer applications.

Style direction

Selecting a specific style direction for interior design requires adheres to even in small things:

  • If in the interior prevails one of the classical directionswhether to give preference qualitative materials and noble shades. Fabrics, lace, bronze, golden and silver elements, elegant shapes, white, beige, burgundy, emerald, brown, as well as ivory and shades of wood of valuable breeds. Especially winning will look like a lampshade, which looks as if he got from an intelligent great-grandmother inherited.

  • Ethnic design It implies the presence of a national flavor of a country. European styles are close to primality and elegance, the Asian region is more characteristic of lightness, airiness, simplicity, east style embodies fabulous motifs bright colors, precious decorations, a combination of a large number of shades.

  • Russian style, contrary to ideas, is not a porch of national symbols, but wealth, foundation, beauty and goodness; American - freedom of expression and original materials, for example, a plander from tabloid pages.

  • Styles approximate to naturehave a natural and simple Materials - Tree, straw, coarse threads.

  • Modern directions Maximum exemption from restrictions. It is permissible to use absolutely any materials, leaving objects and the most unexpected solutions: lampshades from rope, candy candy, used discs surrounding, paper cups and cocktail tubes. And these are just a few variations on the topic.

Making master class

At first sight, independent manufacture the lampshar may seem like a task not from the lungs, but detailed description will help to deal with her for several simple steps. The easiest performed are frameless products from paper, twine, lace.

To assemble paper lampshade harmonic for chandeliers, flooring or desk lamp, you will need:

  • Prepare a section of paper (wallpaper) 150 cm long and a width of at least 30 cm;
  • Simple pencil On the line, outline the "edges" of the harmonica of 3 or 5 cm;
  • Collect harmonic, focusing on the planned lines;
  • With the help of the hole punching the hole in the upper edge in the ceiling and insert a tape or lace into them to adjust the width of the top edge of the ceiling;
  • To glue the two ends of the harmonica superclaim.

To create the most popular lamp shadow lampit will be necessary: \u200b\u200b20-25 meters of cotton-linen threads (thick) or soft rope, scissors, construction PVA-glue, water, glue, marker, dense monophonic inflatable ball, medical gloves, vaseline, lamp base.

Actions are performed in stages:

  • Prepare working surface. It is convenient to perform actions on a table covered with a film;
  • Dilute glue with water in proportion 2 to 1, omit into the resulting solution of the ball of threads. It should be well blocked through. If necessary, you can add another solution during work;
  • While threads absorb glue, inflate the ball to desired size, around the ball's tail mark the circle marker, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the light bulb. Slightly walk on the ball by vaseline;

  • To tie the ball's tail thread and wrapped it in chaotic order until the threads end. It is desirable that weaving was obtained thin and web;
  • When weaving is finished, the tip of the threads need to be fixed around the ponytail of the ball and cut off the excess;
  • Move the ball into a dry place for 48 hours until complete drying. It is important to consider that the glue will drip from it, so the capacity must be provided at the bottom.
  • Pierce or blow the ball and remove it from the lampshar. The product is ready.

Incredibly beautifully, laced lace napkins look. They attach the placement of refinement and romanticism, and at the same time are very easy to perform.

Since the basis of lace - thread, manufacturing technology is similar to the previous option:

  • Prepare a workplace and everything you need: scissors, white glue without yellowness or transparent, lace or lace napkins, water, contrasting balloon without drawing;
  • Divide glue with water, immerse in a mixture of napkins for decorating;

  • Inflate the ball, mark the hole under the light bulb, lubricate the surface of the ball with vaseline;
  • Share lace circles of therapy, moving from the outlined opening for a light bulb clockwise;
  • Leave for 24-48 hours for complete drying;
  • Secure the cartridge and lamp.

Also for frameless lampshaps include products from metal, plastic and wooden fragments, which glued together, forming a semicircular or round cement. For example, from coins, gear, cups, branches.

The frame is necessary for more complex articles made of fine paper or fabric. It allows you to collect lampshades different shapes, sizes and complexity.

How to make a frame?

Ideal for implementing conceived ideas foundation from an old lampshair.

If it is not, it is possible to make a new one from the following materials:

  1. Wire.
  2. Metal shoulders for clothes.
  3. Plastic container from under beverages.
  4. Plastic and wicker baskets.
  5. Check out for embroidery.

The wire frame is the most time consuming, but the product from it is reliable and strong. The main advantage of the wire is that it allows us to give the ground to any form: cone, cylinder, square, tetrahedron.

For the assembly, steel wire is needed with a thickness of 2-3 mm, nippers, passatias (pliers), round-rolls, hammer, wooden chock, sandpaper, enamel for painting, soldering iron.


  • Straighten the wire on a wooden chock with a hammer.
  • Cut the wire to pieces in accordance with the diameter of the upper and lower ring and the height of the "ribs" frame.
  • Ready fragments to clean up irregularities and rust emery paper; Using the round-rolls and the passage, give them the desired shape. The classic frame is two round bases of different diameters and 4-6 ribs.
  • The ends of the workpiece for the bases to cut at an angle, postpone them aside.
  • At the upper end of each segment of the wire for making ribs make a small petakers and turn them into the top ring of the frame. Distribute at the same distance.
  • The ends of the wire on the upper ring and the location of the base of the base with the edges are wrapped with a thin copper wire, press the passage and sch.
  • The round-rolls bend the hinges at the lower ends of the ribs, put on them the bottom ring of the base, adjust the distance, press the passages, clean the wire, and press the passage and scholat.
  • Ready frame cover enamel light colorSo that after a while the wire did not start to darken and did not leave dirty spots on the tissue lamp.

The frame of old metal shoulders for clothing is assembled on the same principle as wire, but requires less effort and is less durable.

For its manufacture, it is necessary to promote the shoulders into long wire strips, of which the parts of the desired shape and size are formed with the help of the passage and the roundheads. Excess you can bite off with laying. Parts are connected to each other with the help of construction glue, thin wire or tape.

Empty plastic bottles of 5 liters can also serve as a good lady for lampshar if you remove the lid and cut off the bottom. The resulting ceiling can be painted, painting, decorated with parts from plastic.

Large scope for fantasy give three-way plastic baskets for used paper and torn wicker baskets. They are almost ready for use as a lampshar, it remains only to do in the bottom hole for the bulb, and if you turn on the fantasy and reapperate them, then no one knows in the luxurious flooring yesterday's urn.

The last type of carcass is also based on application. the usual subject unusual way. For the manufacture of simple and convenient wooden base You will need only a chamber for embroidery of different diameters. Rings are connected with a rope, braid or cord with any convenient knot or through the hole drilled around the perimeter. It is possible to position them in size as an increase in the flooring and descending for ceiling chandeliers.

How to sew from the fabric?

To sewing a classic tissue lamp shape in the shape of a cylinder, you will need pattern, textiles, upper and lower ring, PVC film for lampshades or white cotton, textiles and coil of threads in color, sewing machine, iron, glue, scissors, clothespins, wet napkin, weights .

Step-by-step instructionHow to drag the old lampshade with a new cloth or tinker a new frame cover includes several stages:

  • Preparation of the workplace.
  • Creating drawing patterns.The cylindrical lamp shade is enough to measure a centimeter ribbon, and the conical need to "roll" on the sheet of paper to draw the pattern. Noting the beginning, it is applied to the line on paper so that it coincides with the mark, and roll on the sheet, marking every 3-5 centimeters a new point above and below until the "beginning" marker does not touch the paper again. In this place, the second line is drawn. It is necessary to add 2-4 cm on the edges to the finished drawing, then transfer the pattern on the fabric and PVC film. Cut the part on the film.

The chandelier in any room appealed for a long time not exclusively to the device for lighting. It will not be exaggerated to say that this is the subject of the interior, which acts as the main decoration in any room.

Certainly chandelier with their own hands will be particularly valuable. This will not only allocate a special taste of the owners of the house, but also their creative mind.

Despite the fact that deciding to make the lampshade with their own hands for the chandelier, it will be necessary to spend quite a lot of strength, because the process requires a special concentration - probably the time of work can not be considered wasted, since the work will deliver incredible pleasure and after even a pleasant aftertaste will remain, and in the future it will still want to want Repeat this kind of work again.

If you think about how to make a chandelier, you probably have already seen that today you can use the most various materials And sometimes quite unusual. For example, very often the flaf for the chandelier is performed from wood or glass.

However, if you want something even more incredible, you can also put cardboard, and ships of wood, and even bottles of wine. The choice here depends solely on the ideas that the creator has, as well as from various kinds of wishes at the owners of the apartment.

In addition, the chandelier from the primary materials should also be created taking into account the overall interior of the room.

Chandelier made of plastic spoons

Disposable spoons that most are accustomed to use exclusively for a picnic, in fact, can also perform one of the easiest and easily accessible to each material to create an interesting chandelier version to any room.

If you see the photo chandeliers of such a plan, it will be amazed first of all a variety of color schemes, and in the future it can easily understand that the material will serve for a long time.

In addition, in order to create such an interesting subject of interior, you will need a minimum of financial and material investments.

What materials do you need?

  • Any empty bottle of plastic. The only condition is its volume can not be less than five liters.
  • Any plastic spoons. Their number depends solely on the selected size of the future chandelier.
  • Glue, which will allow gluing plastic among themselves.
  • Cartridge from an old, no longer working chandelier.

The process of creating an original chandelier

Prepare plastic bottle. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the label and bottom, as well as how to dry it.

Remove the spoons from plastics and remove all the handles that will not be needed with the knife. The only thing to be done is to leave a pair of centimeters over the so-called "drawing" level.

Stick blanks to the base of the prepared bottle. At that "tail", which remained, you need to apply as much glue as possible and press it after that to the surface.

It is very important to continue to cover the entire bottle directly in a circle until the entire prepared perimeter will be "busy" with plastic spoons.

It is best to arrange them in a classic chess order and move a little together.

Thus, it will be possible to reduce the number of "free spots" to a minimum.

  • With the old cooked chandelier, the plane is removed and placed in the dried bottle.
  • If there is a desire, then decorative can more often be completed.

That's all. It remains only to set the chandelier to the selected place, as well as check its work by connecting it to the power supply.

Another one an interesting option Chandeliers is a chandelier with decorative butterflies. It is worth noting that by going on almost any master class on the manufacture of chandeliers Designers always offer to learn how to create it, which is not surprising, because it is able to fit perfectly in almost any interior of the room.


In addition, this option looks truly luxurious and expensive, it can be done even to a child with an adult, so its popularity is easily explained.

Photo chandeliers do it yourself
