Repair Design Furniture

What diameter of a log is needed for a bath: depending on use. Optimum diameter of a rounded log for a bath Minimum diameter of a log for a house

Rounded logs have long gained popularity in the market for the construction of country houses and baths. An eco-friendly log cabin looks neat and harmonious, keeps heat for a long time and creates a comfortable cozy atmosphere in the house. Rounded logs are lumber with a circular cross-section, which is produced by uniform processing of the trunk on modern woodworking machines.

The result is a product with perfectly smooth and even sides, which allows you to build a house, bathhouse or gazebo of any design. Therefore, experts recommend opting for a rounded log.

Rounded logs vary in diameter or thickness, ranging from 160-320 mm. The size is selected depending on the purpose and place of construction. In this article, we will look at the main characteristics and advantages of this lumber. We will find out which diameter of the rounded log is better to choose.

Characteristics of rounded logs

Due to the flat and smooth sides of the rounded logs, the installation of the log house is quick and easy. The installation of a log house will not take more than a week, and the construction of a house with a foundation and a roof will take 1.5-2 months. In addition, the cylinders are characterized by durability, strength and hardness.

With the observance of construction technologies and proper care, a wooden house can easily stand for 80-100 years! The material is distinguished by high high heat and sound insulation properties, because wood perfectly retains heat, does not allow cold, wind and extraneous sounds to pass through.

These are 100% environmentally friendly materials that do not emit toxins and are safe for human and animal health. Hypoallergenic products are perfect for living and resting people suffering from allergies and respiratory diseases. Wood creates a comfortable microclimate and a cozy atmosphere inside the house. It contributes to the regular exchange of oxygen, so there is always fresh air in the house. It is easy to breathe in the rooms made of wood, it is comfortable to sleep and it is pleasant to be.

The wood is lightweight and does not give a heavy load. Therefore, a log house does not need a heavy, expensive deep foundation. In addition, the installed wooden walls have a finished appearance and do not require additional decorative processing. This lowers the cost and shortens the construction time.

Let us also note the aesthetic appeal of the logs. They look graceful and allow you to create various designs of any design. Traditional wooden huts have long been a thing of the past. Today, logs can be used to build an exquisite modern cottage, a cozy bathhouse or a country house in any style. You can be convinced of this by looking at the finished projects of wooden houses of the construction company "MariSrub".

Diameter of rounded logs

The choice of diameter and thickness depends on the area and type of the project, the region of construction and the functional purpose of the house. Note that large diameter logs over 220 mm hold heat better and longer, are more resistant to moisture and dampness, and are less susceptible to cracking. Such lumber does not require strong caulking, and in the southern regions, caulking of the walls is not required at all.

Large diameter logs shrink more evenly and faster. The blockhouse becomes heavier, and the lumber sits closer to each other. This reduces heat loss and shrinkage, and there are no gaps and gaps between the crowns, which ensures maximum wall tightness. Such houses turn out to be very warm and reliable, suitable for permanent residence. In addition, they allow you to save on space heating.

Logs with a diameter of less than 220-240 mm are suitable for lighter buildings and with a smaller area. Such lumber is applicable in a bathhouse and a summer residence, a guest house and a gazebo. But if you want to live in such a room or use the bath in the cold season, you will need to increase the thermal characteristics. This can be done due to high-quality finishes, additional insulation of walls, door and window openings.

Logs with an enlarged groove will help to increase the thermal insulation qualities of the future structure. This solution will reduce heat loss and save money without switching to thicker materials. Naturally, the thicker the log, the more expensive the lumber is. You will find detailed prices for materials. And then we will consider how to choose the thickness of the log for the bathhouse and for the house, depending on the area and purpose of the building, the region of construction.

What diameter of the log to choose

  • The optimal diameter of logs for a winter home and living in central Russia is 220-260 mm;
  • In the northern regions of the country with a harsher climate and colder winters, it is recommended to opt for a diameter of 260-280 mm for year-round living;
  • A wall thickness of 200 mm is suitable for a bath. If you plan to use the room in winter, choose a diameter of 220 mm;
  • Compact country houses with an area of ​​less than 100 m2 and buildings for summer vacations or seasonal living are erected from logs 200-220 mm;
  • For a gazebo or outbuilding, it is enough to choose logs with a thickness of 180 mm.

How to choose a rounded log

When choosing lumber, the quality and method of manufacturing the product, the species and type of wood, and the length are important. The optimal log length is 6 meters. If you are planning to build longer walls, installing a five-wall with an internal load-bearing wall is a suitable option. Such a wall not only allows you to create any size of the house, it strengthens the structure and increases the thermal insulation properties of the log house. It prevents deformation of the long walls of the log house, which is possible due to shrinkage.

For the manufacture of rounded logs, larch or needles are selected. Pine will be an affordable and suitable option, as it is a durable, reliable and at the same time affordable raw material. Pine is characterized by durability and moisture resistance, ease of processing and prompt installation, original textured design and aesthetic appearance.

It is important that the rounded logs are even, smooth without wormholes and other imperfections. During the manufacture and drying, storage and delivery of sawn timber, the necessary standards and requirements must be observed. The best drying method is conditional, which dries the material evenly inside and out.

Conditioned drying prevents cracking, preserves the color and original appearance of materials, minimizes the occurrence of possible rejects and the formation of deep cracks. In addition, wood must be treated with antiseptics and other protective compounds to prevent rotting and mold.

The MariSrub company makes logs from selected pine. We independently procure raw materials and control each stage of production. In the manufacturing process, we use modern proven and safe technologies. We carry out antiseptic and protective treatment of products. We comply with the requirements of GOST, we comply with the standards for storage, warehousing and transportation of lumber. Reliable and durable rounded logs "MariSrub" have quality certificates!

This is the second parameter in wooden construction, which affects how warm the house will be or how durable the bathhouse frame will be. Of course, the diameter of the log (forest) also significantly affects the cost of the log house due to the price of the tree.

If you have a question about which diameter to choose, our answer is simple, the larger the diameter, the better!

The pluses of a large diameter.

  • When using large diameter logs for felling, fewer logs will be used than in a log house with a smaller diameter of the same height. As an example, let's take a log with a diameter of 20 and 30 centimeters with a difference of 10 cm. The number of logs in a log house can differ by 50%.
  • Reducing the number of joints of locks and bowls.
  • The width of the groove will increase and, as a consequence, a decrease in thermal conductivity between.
  • Displacement of the border of "freezing" of the log due to the increase in the thickness of the walls.
  • Choosing a diameter of 240 millimeters over the years after shrinkage and shrinkage, this diameter can reduce to 220.
  • Increased service life of the lower rims. Sometimes, to solve this problem, the first crowns are cut from larch or a lining board is used.

Which diameter should you choose?

For ease of perception, we give the diameters of the log and the scope of its application in the construction of log cabins.

  • Timber up to 18 cm. Logs of small diameter less than 18 are considered unsuitable for construction and are used only for the construction of gazebos, outbuildings or non-residential buildings. Also, from this diameter, you can cut down a budget bath with a size of 3 * 3
  • 18-19-20-22 cm. The smallest possible diameter. Cutters often call it "bannik" - it is a simple and budgetary option for the manufacture of log cabins chopped into a paw or for country houses from rounded logs. For cutting into a bowl, logs from 20 cm are used.
  • 23-24-25-26-28cm. The best option for building a house of permanent residence that does not require additional insulation. It is worth noting because of its specificity, the Canadian felling is possible from a diameter of 24 due to the peculiarity of the bowl.
  • 30-32-40. The ideal option, we give the highest rating to this diameter.
  • The maximum size is 40-50 and more, according to experience, this diameter is used mainly in exclusive and elite log cabins and as a design solution. For felling in this diameter, mainly large timber of cedar and larch is used.

I would like to note that these characteristics are more relevant for houses than for baths.

Photo of diameters in a log house.

Photos of log cabins 18 cm.

Photos of log cabins 18-22 cm.

Photos of log cabins 23-28 cm.

Photos of log cabins 30-35-40 cm.

Wood is one of the most common building materials on earth, with a long history. Houses, baths, churches are built from wood, elite cottages and temporary buildings are being erected. The ubiquity and availability of wood provide this material with increased attractiveness in the eyes of developers.

Our portal has already told in detail, and. We continue the cycle of articles we have begun.

So, from our material you will learn:

  • How to build a warm and comfortable log.
  • How to calculate the required wall thickness.
  • What features you need to pay attention to when choosing the width of the groove.
  • What are the types of felling.
  • What nuances you need to know before starting the construction of a log house.

Calculation of the wall thickness of the log house and the diameter of the log

Will there be warmth in a wooden house if the diameter of the logs is 25, 30, 35 and more cm. This is one of the main questions that any developer who wants to build a house from debarked or rounded logs should ask themselves. Agree that it is unreasonable if later it turns out that the thickness of the walls is not enough to comfortably survive the harsh winter. Insulating the house from the outside or from the inside is also not an option: all the aesthetics of the log will disappear. It remains to intensively heat the log house and increase energy costs or calculate in advance the sufficient thickness of the walls in relation to the region of residence.

In one of our previous articles, we have already talked in detail for a stone house. At first glance, it seems that it is easy to make a calculation for a log house - you need to find out the required normalized thermal resistance of the walls (R) of your region of residence. To do this, we find this data on the Internet. For example, for simplified calculation(for Moscow and the Moscow region) we take R = 3.0 (m2 * ° С) / W.

Now we need to find out the actual value of the thermal resistance of a wall made of a log of a certain diameter. Then we will be able to find out (based on the calculation) whether the heat transfer resistance complies with the standards. To do this, you need to use the following formula:

R = d / λ, where:

d is the thickness of the material;

λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material W / (m · ° C).

This is where the first pitfall lies. The thermal conductivity coefficient of wood (λ) is presented in the following table:

As you can see, it contains three values. Which one to take, and what do “normal” and “wet” conditions mean?

Hermes-sz FORUMHOUSE user

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material (including insulation) largely depends on its moisture content. And the operating humidity of the material depends on the climatic zone and the mode of use of the room.

For example, the thermal conductivity of pine and spruce (in a dry state) across the fibers (thermal energy from a wooden house goes out across the log ) is 0.09 W / (m · ° C). Under normal operating conditions (A) and when operating in a humid zone (B), the thermal conductivity of the material increases and is 0.14-0.18 W / (m · ° C).

If the material is waterlogged, its thermal conductivity coefficient increases, and the thermal resistance of the structure decreases. That's why, for an approximate calculation, take the following value: wall material - pine, material thermal conductivity coefficient (average value under normal operating conditions) - 0.15 W / (m · ° C).

Most often, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of materials and heaters is indicated in a dry state, i.e. obtained in laboratory tests that differ from actual operating conditions. This must be remembered when making an independent calculation.

So, we figured out the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the tree. It remains to choose the thickness of the wall for which you want to make the calculation. And here lies the second pitfall. The logs are stacked on top of each other, i.e. there is a groove. Moreover, depending on the diameter of the log (D), customer requirements, the width of the groove (H) changes, and hence the actual width of this node in relation to the thickness of the log. This relationship is shown in the following figure.

It can be seen that with the same diameter of the logs, depending on the design features of the junction of the logs, the width of the groove can vary. Therefore, it is impossible to simply substitute the thickness of the selected log into the above formula. You need a common denominator that you can use to calculate. To solve this problem, we will use the experience of the user of our portal with the nickname zaletchik.

zaletchik FORUMHOUSE user

I want to live in a log house. There is no gas on the site, and is not expected. Region of residence - Moscow region. This means that the issue of reducing heating costs is acute. I am going to heat the house with a diesel-fueled boiler. These input data forced me to study the thermophysical properties of a log house.

At first zaletchik calculated thermal characteristics by calculating the average value of the thickness of the building envelope. This approach was not entirely correct, since heat loss was considered directly proportional to the thickness of the wall. As a result of brainstorming and communication with FORUMHOUSE users, zaletchik made a more correct calculation.


For the correct calculation of the thermal conductivity of the walls of a log house, I calculated the thickness of a log frame made of a bar that has the same thermal insulation properties as a log frame of a certain diameter (D).

Leaving the details of the calculations outside the scope of the article, which can be found in the topic, we will immediately proceed to the obtained coefficients that we need for calculation.

For various values ​​of ε (H / D the ratio of the groove thickness to the diameter of the log) the corresponding values ​​of μ (Heff * D the ratio of the thickness of the bar to the diameter of the log having the same heat-conducting properties). The results are tabulated.

For clarity, consider the following example. Let's say the diameter of the log used in the construction of a log house is 45 cm. The groove width is 23 cm. Hence: ε = 23/45 = 0.5. Now we find in the table the value of μ corresponding to the obtained figure. This is 0.83. Next, we find the thickness of the wall, folded from a bar, in relation to the diameter of the logs, which have the same heat-conducting properties: 0.83 * 45 = 37.4 cm.Translate to meters - 0.374 m.

R = d / λ, where:

d is the thickness of the material;

λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material W / (m · ° C). In our version, pine logs are 0.15 W / (m · ° C).

R = 0.374 / 0.15 = 2.49 (m2 * ° С) / W

Or, you can use this formula:

R = μD / λ, where:

μ - coefficient taken from the table above;

D is the diameter of the log in m;

λ is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of wood.

R = 0.83 * 0.45 / 0.15 = 2.49 (m2 * ° С) / W

One of the factors that determine the thermal resistance of the walls is the diameter of the log and the type of wood.

Earlier we indicated that for Moscow and the Moscow region R = 3.0 (m2 * ° С) / W. Based on the result obtained, for walls made of pine logs, R = 2.49 (m² * ° С) / W. Those. the wall does not reach the regulated value of thermal resistance. You can increase the diameter of the log or choose another wood - cedar pine. The thermal conductivity coefficient of this material (the diameter of the log and the width of the groove are left unchanged) is 0.095-0.10 W / (m · ° C).

We make a calculation.

R = 0.83 * 0.45 / 0.10 = 3.74 (m2 * ° С) / W

That is, the actual heat transfer resistance rate is overridden.

You can go the other way and use a different formula to find out the required diameter of the log from the ratio: the width of the groove in half the diameter of the log.

D = Rtp * λ / 0.83, where:

Rtp - regulated thermal resistance of the wall;

λ is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of wood;

We make a calculation for the pine.

D = 3.0 * 0.15 / 0.83 = 0.54 m.

Using this technique and "playing" with different values ​​- changing the diameter of the log, the width of the groove, the wood - you can make an independent calculation and choose the optimal wall thickness of the log house.


My great-grandfather and grandfather were specialists in the construction of log cabins, logging and woodworking. From them I learned about the required width of the groove in 1/2 ... 2/3 of the diameter of the log.

Also, the thermal efficiency of a log wall is influenced not only by the width of the groove, but also by the profile of the log - its cross-section: round or so-called. half-log, hewn from both sides - carriage. By cutting wood, we reduce the thermal resistance of the wall, because the log in the wall works with its entire section.

Of course the results this simplified calculation indicative. Most of the heat loss in the house takes place through windows, ventilation system, roof and foundation. Those. a warm wooden house is a balanced system where all units work closely together and correspond to each other. It makes no sense to make walls from a log with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 meters and choose a wide groove, if the house is blown through the cracks, a corners freeze.

Features of felling

To choose the best way to cut a log house and thereby make it warm, you need to understand what chopping options exist and how they differ from each other. First, you need to define such concepts as a cut and a crown.


A cut is a connection of various wooden parts of a log house with each other.

With the correct cut, the loads are evenly redistributed between the logs. To do this, all parts in contact must fit snugly against each other. Also, moisture should not accumulate in these places, which over time can cause wood to rot.

Crown is a blockhouse of a house, consisting of four logs, laid in a horizontal plane. At the corners, the crown is tied with a cut. In the process of building a house, the crowns are stacked on top of each other - a wall is obtained.

It should be remembered that the number of crowns depends on the diameter of the log and the width of the groove, which affects the consumption of material, and therefore on the final price and thermal properties of the log house. For example, to erect a wall 3 meters high from a log with a diameter of 25 cm and 40 cm, a different number of crowns will be required. When building a house from a log of a larger diameter, the number of cuts, locks, interconnections decreases. Those. places that can subsequently be blown through, which will lead to heat loss.

When choosing a log for a log house, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the diameter of the log, its cost (price for the material) and the price for working with such a log.

It is physically more difficult for craftsmen to work with a large diameter log. It may also require the use of special equipment - a crane.

In addition, when choosing a debarked log as a building material, remember about such a parameter as tapering off.

Displacement- the difference in the thickness of the log in the ratio of the diameter of the butt and the top. A debarked log that has not undergone machine processing, unlike a rounded log, cannot be completely flat. Its lower part (especially with a long log length) is always thicker than the top. To make the wall even, during the construction of a chopped house, the craftsmen, when laying the crowns, alternate logs of different thickness.

The cabin itself is usually divided into two types:

  1. No residue (in the paw).
  2. With the remainder (into the bowl).

No residue, or in a clean corner, assumes maximum use of the entire length of the material.

With such a felling, a right angle is obtained, which increases the usable area of ​​the house and reduces the consumption of logs. But, based on practical experience, we can say that this type of corner is prone to freezing. To avoid this, even in the old days, the corners of the house, cut down "in the paw", were sheathed with overhead boards, or, as an option, the house was subsequently lined with bricks. This prevented freezing and blowing corners.

Felling with the remainder- more costly, but also more heat-efficient option. Because the ends of the logs protrude in the corners of the house, this unit is more protected from blowing, rain flooding and freezing.

Leaving the whole variety of different types of felling outside the scope of this article, we will focus on the key features of the three main types of felling. It:

  • Russian wheelhouse;
  • Canadian wheelhouse;
  • Norwegian cabin.

In our country, traditionally, wooden houses are built from round logs. A semicircular groove is made along the log. The corner lock is made by cutting into a "flash" in the bowl. The name comes from the word "obliy", i.e. round. The bowl can be up or down.

If the bowl is positioned downward (cutting the bowl "in a chill"), then such a connection is considered more moisture resistant, and the log is better preserved.

When choosing this type of felling, you need to take into account one nuance.


The main disadvantage of Russian felling is that the logs dry out unevenly along and across the fibers. As a result, after shrinkage, the logs do not fit tightly enough in the frame.

With a decrease in the diameter of the log, the shape of the connecting bowls changes. The bowls open and become oval from semicircular. Cracks appear. As a result, the log house has to be caulked again. In addition, open insulation is susceptible to adverse weather conditions. It is saturated with water, and the logs can begin to rot.

This drawback is devoid of a Finnish-style frame. The principle is the same as in the Russian wheelhouse, except that in this version, the groove between the joints is made of a smaller radius (overlapping). Thus, the upper log rests on the lower one only at the edges (undercut).

As a result, when the logs shrink, the edges of the mezhventsov groove do not open, the logs sit tightly, there are no cracks, and the insulation is not affected by wind and rain.

Norwegian cabin. Traditionally, it is believed that a Norwegian log house is a log carriage, although the main difference is the type of castle.

A house or a bath made of rounded logs (for readers interested in a timber for a bath) is a widespread practice, to the point that you may not know anything about the subject at all, order a construction company on a turnkey basis and get the finished result. But it is unlikely that you would read our articles if everything suited you in this version.

Yes, and we ourselves believe that a good owner will definitely consider it necessary to delve into the subject, learn more about the material itself- which log is better for a bath, what size, diameter, how they differ, what properties they have. This knowledge is also useful in order to understand what the construction is from, and to control some parameters or processes. And after that too - the blockhouse is not to say that it is capricious, but it still requires care.

So let's figure it out, and along the way, you see, we will dispel some myths.

Which is better

I would like to start with considering wood. And not immediately by breeds, but so far only with conventional wisdom that the best wood will be the one that was harvested in winter.

IMPORTANT! Antiseptics should be distinguished for internal and external work, and not to be confused with each other. It is worth processing the log after laying, and with the part that will be inaccessible in the future, they do this - not a tree, but a jute gasket (for example) is impregnated with an antiseptic.

What breeds are suitable for a log house

As already mentioned, for the most part these will be conifers breed. You will most often find them on the market and in the proposals of construction companies.

Of course, there is a lot of taiga in Russia, but the main reason will still be strength and disinclination to rot due to resins... And, of course, straightness of trunks- it is higher in conifers than in deciduous ones. All this applies not only to the above-mentioned cheap pine and spruce, but also to more expensive species - larch and cedar. You may also be offered a fir.

From deciduous we would call oak, birch, aspen, alder and linden. But only it has sufficient strength and resistance to external influences. And it's very expensive.

Since we are talking about a bath, where the high temperature softens the resin of the conifers and makes it flow to the surface, there are two options: either partially use hardwoods to build a steam room, or sheathe the hardwood steam room from hardwood.

Spruce has less resin and is lighter than pine. Larch and - noble breeds. Larch is not afraid of water, only it becomes stronger from it.

BY THE WAY! You should not delude yourself about the cedar - this is not at all the tree from which King Solomon built. Here you will find not Lebanese cedar, but Russian ... cedar pine. Here she is what we call "cedar".

Whom to choose? Focus on budget. If it allows - take larch, if not, then it will go. Although ... I would like to advise you not to trust the myths too much - under unfavorable conditions, larch may well rot, and under favorable conditions, it can stand for decades.

And it's worth warning that rounded log, into which the cone-shaped trunks turn, over time can present many unpleasant surprises. Especially from the same larch. If a log is taken atmospheric drying, then it quite often begins to lead over time. It can curl, bend, or just go deep cracks.

This can be avoided only if you take trunks that have been exposed to heat treatment. It is of two types - common and chamber. In the first case, uniform shrinkage is achieved, but with the preservation of the resin.

The second lasts much longer, and the output is wood with evaporated resin, which does not give no shrinkage, no torsional deformation, no buckling, no cracking... All this is extremely valuable, but only the price of such wood is too high.

Dimensions, diameter

Before we name the dimensions of the log for the bath, let's briefly go through what we know about the trunks. First, they tend to thin closer to the crown. Consequently, the upper diameter will be less than the lower diameter of the saw cut.

And for even laying cylindrical rather than tapered. Therefore, of the three types of barrel processing - cylindering, planing and scraping, the most even we get only in the first case, the minimum - in the third, and the second - something in between.

In this case, the cylindering is given cheaper of all, since it is produced on machines, and the rest is associated with manual labor. Manual labor is more expensive than machine labor. But is a rounded log ideal for use?

There is nothing wrong with the operation itself, and it gives it a shape that is ideal for construction.

IMPORTANT only so that the wood itself is free from defects and is properly dried. In this case, everything will be fine.

Planed the option has one nuance: after all, when laying logs into the wall, you should adhere to the gost rule, according to which a taper of 1 cm is allowed for each running meter. (Let us explain: taper is a change in diameter.)

Have scraped off there is no need to wait for the option of complying with GOST on the concordance. Yes, and all the flaws remain there - changes in thickness are possible in places where branches grow, and the curvature of the trunk is not eliminated.

It is clear that the first and second options are preferred, but not the third.

Now about homogeneity logs. There is also a rule about her:

ATTENTION! The permissible difference in the diameters of the crowns used in the construction should not exceed 30 mm.

That is, it does not matter whether your diameters are large or small, the main thing is that they do not differ much from each other. Otherwise strength design will be in question.

As for the dimensions, the linear dimensions depend on the project and from climatic conditions of the area where the bathhouse will be located. It should also be taken into account that seasonality its use - thinner logs will do for a summer bath than for an all-season one.

If the task is to do very light summer building- you need to take material with a diameter up to 18 cm... And it will also come in handy in all-season saunas to create partitions.

More solid summer (!) the bath can be supplied from a log with a diameter 18-22 cm.

For all-season bath diameters are suitable from 22 to 28 cm... Large numbers are applicable where it comes to objects of a large area or climatic zones with very low temperatures, where logs can be up to 36 cm in diameter (at -45 degrees, that's it).

How many pieces do you need

There is nothing difficult in the task of calculating how many logs you need for a bath. Let's describe the solution step by step:

  1. We look at the plan () and write down the lengths of all the walls. If you take a smaller diameter on the partition, then count the partitions separately.
  2. Add up the lengths of the walls. The resulting figure is the total length of one conventional crown.
  3. Decide what diameter the logs will be.
  4. The height of the bath is included in the project. Divide the height by the diameter of one crown. The resulting figure is the number of crowns.
  5. We multiply the length of the conventional wreath by the number of wreaths. We get the total length of all logs.
  6. The length of one standard rounded log is 6 meters. We divide the resulting length of all logs by the length of one log. The final figure is the amount of material to be bought.
  7. Gables are counted in the same way.

Sauna made of large and huge logs

Baths made of large and huge logs, we would refer to design projects. Because there is clearly not so much a building necessity as aesthetic preference... The owner of such a bath clearly likes fabulous, epic times when heroes walked the earth 🙂 And indeed the building will inspire just such feelings, even if it is a bath.

Note, our opinion is that this idea has little functional meaning and often arouses critical reviews, due to the inappropriate destruction of valuable ancient trees.

It would be nice if the project was done by a professional, because it is he who has to find the ideal ratio between the dimensions of the bath itself and the diameter of the logs. Because grotesque proportions are not dear to the eye.

The tree from which crowns with a diameter of more than 30 cm are made should grow for three hundred years, no less. Such logs for the bath must be selected piece, sometimes designers deliberately use barrels without cylindering - this enhances the feeling of antiquity and fabulousness. However, laying them in a log house will require great skill from the builders. In most cases, the choice is between cedar and larch.

In general, it is a wonderful and expensive idea, which should be implemented on a large plot with good landscape design. Better yet, maybe not worth it at all.

Lower crown

Of course, in one article, the specifics of wooden construction will hardly be able to somehow reveal, but the fact that the lower log in the bath differs from the subsequent logs is worth mentioning.

  • First, it is done by several more all other crowns in the frame.
  • Secondly, it does not have a completely circular cross-section. To ensure full adherence to the foundation, it is cut from the bottom edging, whose width should not be less 15-20 cm... The second edging is cut from the inside of the room and has the same dimensions.

It is advisable to protect the crown from the outside ebb, which will not allow moisture precipitation to fall on it.

Processing inside the bath

Protection of the log house is needed from all sides, but from the outside it is simpler, more precisely, there are simply no restrictions that operate inside, since we are talking about a bath. The fact is that the compositions that should be used for treatment are often poisonous, especially with regard to antiseptic impregnations. And the bath is hot and humid, so the substances with which the logs are soaked will enter the air that you breathe, which surrounds your skin.

Therefore, now we will only say about the permissible processing of logs inside the bath. However, it will differ depending on the premises. So for the dressing room or hallway there are no restrictions on the use of poisonous antiseptics. The rest room can also be treated with them.

ADVICE! When choosing an antiseptic for internal work, check with the seller or Google that we are talking about a bath.

V washing you should use formulations that are not afraid of water, and most antiseptics are water-soluble.

V steam room you can use bleach based on bleach - it will both brighten the surface of the wood and serve. You can use the steam room only after the smell of bleach has disappeared.

In the future, you can make a simple moisture protection, because mold settles on damp wood. For moisture protection, use compositions based on oil and / or wax, or Finnish acrylic lacquers for the sauna, to which they add antiseptics acceptable for the steam room.

Seams can be filled wood sealant, and the very surface of the logs is simply grind, to bring out a beautiful "moire" texture. Painting is acceptable almost everywhere, but in the steam room it is worth using only those paints that are intended for it. In the washroom, paints suitable for bathrooms will work. About paints for a bath with us.

How to caulk

The idea of ​​caulking a bath from logs suggests that not all bath owners are familiar with modern means of sealing joints (or do not consider them the best). Traditional the methods, of course, are time-tested, but they are very laborious and require periodic labor-intensive updating, since the log house is constantly slowly changing its dimensions during the first 20 years of life.

Concerning materials, it is usually used for caulking moss, tow, jute and linen. However, below we provide a link to a video of a master who categorically does not recommend caulking with jute, because it picks up moisture well. He considers flax as the optimal material. Moss is traditional, but not widespread everywhere.

Tow comes in different qualities. The one that is worse has all kinds of straw inclusions. Masters do not recommend using it either, because some of it will crumble over time. Good quality linseed tow is an excellent material for caulking.

Flax- quilted cloth, somewhat reminiscent of jute, but different from it in quality. Convenient for work and is not inferior to tow in terms of heat-insulating properties.

A log is a reliable and a kind of unique building material that has excellent natural characteristics and properties. For many years, the log has been used in the construction of not only country houses, summer cottages and gazebos, but also baths and saunas. The diameter of the log house is one of the most important aspects that must be considered when choosing a material.

What should be the diameter of the log

At the time of purchase, there are no problems with the choice of this material, since in this case the thickness will be the same at the top and bottom of the barrel. Thanks to this, in the future, there will be no difficulties in the process of construction work. In the event that it is supposed to use a solid log, then it is imperative to take into account such a parameter as tapering (difference in thickness). The wood cannot be absolutely even: the butt, that is, the lower part, is in any case thicker than the top. For example, if the thickness of the butt is 42 cm, then the thickness of the top will be 36 cm. During the construction of a log house, in particular at the time of laying, it is necessary to alternate the logs so that the wall is relatively flat.

Important! Please note that the thicker the building material, the better it will withstand the effects of cold, but the cost of such logs will be much more expensive. It is very important to know in advance all the basic requirements at the time of choosing a building material.

Remember that logs that are the same along their entire length will be the best option. Choosing the diameter of the log house for, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  1. Material that is less than 18 cm thick is not used for the construction of living quarters. This log is perfect for the construction of temporary summer structures, outbuildings, etc. Note that this building material is a relatively inexpensive option, which can be purchased at any time at minimal prices;
  2. Logs, the thickness of which is 18-22 cm, are perfect for the construction of bath rooms, as well as structures that do not imply permanent residence. As a rule, it is possible to use all variants of a log house, however, most often such type of felling is used as “dovetail”;
  3. Logs with a thickness of 22-28 cm are used for the construction of a residential complex. The cost of this material is affordable - this option is considered the most common;
  4. A log house with a diameter of 30-40 cm will be an excellent solution for capital construction. The most reliable and, accordingly, expensive - log cabins from larch, oak, and also cedar;
  5. A log house with a diameter of more than 40 cm is very expensive and not in all cases justifies its use.

Features and characteristics of a large diameter log bath

Log houses, which have a large diameter, are popular not only because of their high thermal insulation properties. In the event that the building material is characterized by large dimensions, accordingly, it will be required less, which in turn partially compensates for the difference in cost. For example, if you pick up a log for construction work, the thickness of which is 20-30 cm, as a result, the difference in the amount of material used will be about 50%.

In addition, it should be noted that since less material is used, there will be fewer log joints, as a result of which there are fewer areas with possible blowing. Due to the fact that there will be fewer castles, this means that construction work will be completed much faster. Moreover, a minimum amount of tools and substances intended for processing wood will be required, since there will be fewer joints and end parts.

All of the above features and advantages make it the most popular and demanded solution in the construction market. For the direct construction of a log house, it is recommended to use a winter forest, which, in turn, is distinguished by its high strength and density of the tree.

The large diameter of the log makes it possible to build a warm and durable bath that will serve you for more than one year. Of course, this building material is quite expensive, but all the costs incurred will be justified, and the building will become a truly reliable and effective place for spending your leisure time.