Repair Design Furniture

Furniture for a one-room apartment of 18 sq. M. We create a cozy and functional interior in a small family. Current trends and styles

When you have only one room at your disposal, you involuntarily forget about aesthetics, occupying your head with the solution of primary tasks: where to put a double bed, how much square meters allocate for a living room and where in all this chaos to find storage space? Not to mention free movement. In general, zoning a one-room apartment is not an easy job. Good news that there is no need to "reinvent the wheel" - just get ideas from our article!

The main methods of zoning

Owners of one-room apartments can be proud of their home, as open space, like studio apartments, is very popular today. In them, the number of partitions is minimized, while the emphasis is on space and freedom.

But in order to harmoniously organize the interior, it is necessary to resort to zoning. This is a kind Magic wand in the world of design, which allows you to divide a room into visible living areas, while maintaining its functionality. You can use anything for this: from fabric to furniture.


Traditionally, ladies hid behind screens to change their outfits and maintain their dignity. Long time this element was forgotten - either because even in the smallest apartment you can find a place to change clothes, or because of the changeable morals. But in vain, because this is the simplest version of the partition.

Screens are ideal when you need to divide the space into two areas. At the same time, they are mobile, do not require complex installation, and do not take up much space when assembled. You can buy products that fit into any style, hide part of the room from prying eyes or create light outlines by decorating the interior.

Curtains and curtains

To avoid a clear division of the room into zones, you can use curtains. They are best suited for fencing a bedroom, creating an intimate, cozy environment inside that encourages sound sleep.

However, the effect depends on the material. For example, a light tulle will only visually separate the area from the rest of the room, but it will give it a feeling of airiness. More massive curtains will do an excellent job of zoning, but for small spaces it is better to give preference to textiles in light shades.

You can install the curtain-partition on ordinary cornice inside the room or create a structure like canopy holders.

Plasterboard partitions

You can visually zone a one-room apartment using plasterboard partitions... It is problematic to remove them if necessary, such as, for example, a mobile screen, but in appearance they cannot be distinguished from the main wall.

The drywall construction is cheap, lightweight, easy to install and has good sound insulation. It can be flat, round, arched, helping to create a unique design. Depending on the needs of space, it is made bright accent in the interior or an inconspicuous part of the wall, which in any case will perfectly cope with the zoning mission.

Shelves and cabinets

We used to put bookcases and shelving along the wall, "taking away" thereby a huge part of the room. To save space and divide it into two zones, it is enough to place such furniture perpendicular to the wall.

For this, cabinets with through shelves are more suitable, but in the case of a closed structure, the back side can be made mirrored or used as slate board covering special paint... Items that combine several functions at once - modern solution not only for small apartments, but also for spacious rooms.


A small podium is another great way of zoning a studio apartment. Owners of high ceilings can place a living room, dining room or study on it. But with low ceilings, you can only afford a bedroom, which assumes minimal movement.

Such a hill can serve as additional storage space, thanks to drawers... For very high podiums, steps are recommended. The advantage of podiums is that they do not take up extra space and help to highlight some area.

Sliding partitions

Created by the principle sliding doors such partitions allow you to completely separate the area or make it open. Modern products in open form take up a minimum of space, and thanks to different materials help create the right atmosphere.

For example, if there are no windows in the resulting area, it is better to choose a translucent surface that provides privacy, but allows some light to pass through. Ideally, such a solution will fit into Japanese style or minimalism.

A one-room apartment is not only a solution for bachelors. A married couple with a child can comfortably accommodate here, if you choose suitable option zoning.

For a small child, you need to choose the warmest and lightest part of the room, which can be expanded or modified over time.

To be able to monitor the safety of the child, but at the same time providing him with personal space, you can use an ordinary screen, curtain or sliding partition.

Children of all ages will love the nursery on the podium, and the higher the better. For this, you can purchase bunk furniture. Transforming constructions with a table crossing two zones will help to control the child's activity.

Visually separate the nursery from the living room in one-room apartment it is possible with the help of flowers. Often, children are greedy for everything bright and cheerful, so that the children's corner will be easy to distinguish from the rest. You just need to make sure that the shades in the interior are combined.

For such typical variant zoning is suitable for any type of partitions. You need to build on the features of the layout, design and the desired effect.

In square-shaped studio apartments, it is customary to highlight the bedroom area with dense partitions, which practically create the feeling a separate room... This can be achieved by combining different types... For example, shelving on one side and curtains on the other.

Zoning ideas for a 1-room apartment - photo

Nothing better illustrates the theoretical material than the implemented projects of one-room apartments in which zoning principles are involved. Studying them, you can learn for yourself interesting ideas and make sure that different solutions are effective.

1. Wooden aesthetics in Moscow

The designers from the Welcome Studio in the Wood & Stone project managed to combine two opposite properties - intimacy and openness. Typical odnushka 49 sq.m. turned into a proportional space, divided into convenient squares. The apartment includes the following zones from the mandatory "set for comfortable life»: Bedroom, study, living room and kitchen with a small dining room.

Zoning is done using wooden partitions, the design of which resembles blinds. They let in light and are used everywhere, creating a holistic image that is inseparable from the overall interior. Natural materials create a light atmosphere in the home.

Housing of this type can hardly be called a dream apartment. Small size and low ceilings only complicate redevelopment by limiting the choice of "tools". But designer Alena Ganko was able to comfortably organize these apartments.

The original layout required the dismantling of several walls, after which a functional zoning structure was placed between the bedroom and the hallway. It is at the same time a niche for books, a wardrobe, and also separates the recreation area, making it as compact and comfortable as possible.

Located in the same space as the living room, the kitchen is visually set apart by a narrow dining table... The neutral color scheme of the finishes is the perfect backdrop for bright pieces of furniture.

3. Bright apartment-vest

Designer Marcel Kadyrov turned this checkpoint long apartment into a stylish studio.

It is difficult to design such an interior without resorting to zoning. After all, even bachelor housing should have comfortable boundaries.

In the center of the space, there are two wardrobes that form a small dressing room. She, in addition to the main purpose, helps to divide the hallway with living areas. For the same purpose, several pipes with shelves are installed between the sofa and the bed - a rack of unusual design.

If you have started a renovation and do not know how to beautifully and competently design a room of 18 sq. m, we will show you how to do it. Within such an area, you can perfectly equip a bedroom or a nursery. Very often, dorm rooms designed for young families have the same area. The recommendations below will help you make the right decision.

General recommendations for the layout of a room with an area of ​​18 sq. m

A room with an area of ​​18 sq. m usually has rectangular shape... It can be long and narrow, or close to a square. Designers always strive to divide narrow long rooms into several functional zones using zoning techniques. In this case, it is better to select furniture as narrow as possible and place it along long walls. Short walls can be painted in more bright colours or highlight with decorative elements; you can hang mirrors on them. Pick up the drawing flooring with stripes parallel to short walls... All these techniques will help to visually expand the room and make it more square.

Advice! In no case place lamps around the perimeter of a narrow room, it is better to focus the lighting in the center of the room.

When decorating square rooms, other design techniques... The square shape of the premises is considered ideal for renovation and design. Furniture should be voluminous, it can be placed either in the middle of the room, or along the perimeter of the walls. If the space needs to be zoned, then the furniture can act as dividing elements.

How to competently and beautifully equip a bedroom with an area of ​​18 sq. m?

The bedroom is 18 sq. m, you can not only easily place all the necessary furniture, but also allocate a work or sports area, a reading corner or a small separate place to relax with a coffee table and elegant chairs. If the bedroom is in the form of a narrow and long pencil case, then the best solution there will be a selection of a separate area for a dressing room with a length of 1.5 m.

Using this technique, you can make the bedroom more square, where you will be much more comfortable than in rectangular rooms. In case the bedroom is combined with a balcony, attach it to the area of ​​the room. On the balcony, you can place an office or store things. Design project of a bedroom combined with a balcony, see the photo:

Advice! It is better to choose the color scheme of the bedroom in accordance with your tastes and preferences, as long as it is to your liking and not annoying. But more than three basic colors do not combine.

The bedroom does not need to be cluttered with numerous pieces of furniture. Choose a spacious bed with a beautiful headboard that will become the main accent in your interior design. Bedside tables, dressing table and small soft armchair- a standard and sufficient set of bedroom furniture.

For any bedroom, it is very important to think over rational lighting so that it is not only functional, but also allows you to create a romantic and intimate atmosphere in the room. Nowadays, numerous lights of the base or headboard of the bed are popular, bedside tables, shelves, paintings or dressing room doors. Free-standing floor lamps or wall sconces are mandatory attributes for the bedroom (see photo).

Don't forget to decorate your room with paintings, mirrors, candles, or flowers.

What is the best way to decorate the interior design of a children's room for 18 sq. m?

Eighteen square meters is optimal size premises for a children's room. The following recommendations will help to make the children's room as comfortable, safe, cozy and spacious as possible. Premises with an area of ​​18 sq. m can be divided into several functional areas:

  • sleeping;
  • game;
  • working.

In the working area, you can put a table and chairs for classes, while they must necessarily correspond to the child's height. In the play area, you can install soft poufs or armchairs, spread a small fluffy carpet. For active children, a wall bar for sports activities can be installed on a separate wall (see photo).

A standard set of furniture for a children's room, as a rule, consists of the following items:

  • bed;
  • table and chair;
  • wardrobe or chest of drawers;
  • shelves for books and toys.

An interesting design project for a children's room:

When organizing the space of a child's room, the main thing is to avoid sharp corners for the safety of the child. Let there be more rounded and soft shapes. Choose environmentally friendly natural materials for decorating a children's room. You can choose parquet for the floor, cork or laminate with wood grain. The wood is pleasant to the touch and is ideal for any style.

The nervous system of children is very sensitive to color combinations, so choose calm walls for the walls pastel shades... Good deep dream can only be in a room where nothing will annoy. At the same time, children need positive emotions, so several bright colors still definitely need to be added to the interior design. For example, it can be curtains or pieces of furniture. The main thing is not to overdo it.

How to design a room with an area of ​​18 sq. m in the hostel?

In our economically difficult times, very often young families live in a hostel, and not in spacious apartments and country houses... This is the most a budget option housing. Repair of such a room will not require significant financial costs. We will show you how to properly design the interior of a room in a dormitory with an area of ​​18 sq. m for a comfortable stay, so that it accommodates a bedroom, an office, a living room, and sometimes even a kitchen.

In private houses, it is much more common to see a large spacious kitchen 18 sq.m. In high-rise buildings, it is a rarity. Most often found in the form of a studio, or combined with a hallway, living room. Many at the earliest stage of the construction of cottages - design, planning, think about a room of this size, striving for style and luxury. Make their dreams come true.

Having a spacious, in all respects wonderful kitchen is not so difficult. Bold incarnation design ideas, the originality of the layout, the uniqueness ... We achieve all this by decorating the kitchen of 18 sq. m. modern style... We use a variety of finishing materials, correctly select, arrange furniture. We strive to emphasize the functionality of the room as much as possible.

We study in detail the photos of professionally completed projects in order to avoid a lot of mistakes in the process of decorating the interior design of the kitchen. Indoors - there is enough space to accommodate everything you need. Our task is to correctly manage the space, not overload it with anything superfluous, not turn it into a warehouse or a pantry.

Modern style of kitchen design 18 sq.m.

The room for decoration is hardly small. You can easily make a bunch of annoying mistakes that make life difficult.

During design works questions arise that require answers:

  • How to correctly divide, zoning space?
  • Should the dining room be combined with the working part of the kitchen?
  • How to place everything so compactly so as not to run over extra meters, moving from one point in space to another?
  • What is the design project of the kitchen 18 sq. m best suited for financial capabilities, tastes, desires, preferences?

Contemporary design styles strive to make the most of technical advances. The absence of chaos in the interior of the kitchen is a distinctive feature.

When making furniture, finishing materials, high-tech materials are used for various decorations, lengthening their life during storage and use.

Also distinctive features modern styles:

  • Clear lines, graphics, relief;
  • Compactness of equipment, household appliances;
  • Visual expansion of space, filling it with light;
  • Diversity color combinations... From restrained to cheerful, energetic tones. Soft flow of lines, drawings from one surface to another.
  • Paying special attention to lighting. Usage LED lamps with remote control... The ability to manipulate the light flux - change its color, intensity.

Achieving coziness, comfort, practicality of the interior is an important task in the process of decorating a room, where, in addition to the bedroom, a lot of time is spent both by the owner of the house and by family members.

Reasonableness of all the details, trifles is the key to success in modern design... High tech, convenient solutions available in popular styles and directions.

Planning start

We start with planning working area kitchen 18 sq. m:

We use the built-in, compact household appliances (ovens, hobs- hotplates).

Let's experiment with multi-level layouts. Sink, oven, burners - adjustable height for convenience. We raise it, we lower it. Many design styles allow this.

Create a working triangle. We use the advantages kitchen island, peninsula. We reduce the footage for running from one place to another, performing a C-shaped layout of the headset.

We equip the kitchen with modern soft corners, with a sofa, with the layout of which you can relax after dinner, accommodate guests for the night.

Combined layout

In modern studio apartments, this type of layout is most popular. When a room carries a varied functional load, it is at the same time a dining room, kitchen, living room, hallway.

It makes no sense to destroy walls to unite space. The kitchen is 18 square meters and so huge. This is a troublesome, difficult, financially uneconomical business.

Redevelopment will cause many difficulties - coordination with housing and communal services, consultations with specialists in order to avoid destruction load-bearing structures causing the ceiling to collapse.

Options for combining kitchen space with other functional areas are as follows:

  • Combine with the living room;
  • Combine with the hallway;
  • Kitchen-studio;
  • Combine with a balcony.

Visual division of space

The combined kitchen is much more difficult to clean. Perfect option- it is isolated from other functional rooms, has its direct functions - cooking, eating.

In modern high-rise buildings, private houses, the kitchen has a decent size, does not share its space with other functional areas of the room. In old apartment buildings- everything is different. Separation - physical or visual - is indispensable.

We achieve the effects of kitchen zoning:

  • We combine two colors for visual separation;
  • We use various materials, design styles for each functional area of ​​the space;
  • We use low partitions, as well as a sofa, table, bedside tables, cupboards.
  • We slightly raise the kitchen space, create a podium for it. For this purpose, we use no more than three steps. Everything should look harmonious, fit into the interior.

Simple fashion solutions

When the kitchen is in the form of a regular rectangle, not combined with other rooms, it can be furnished in a modern way using a solid set of layouts:

We use light colors, a linear layout - we place furniture along the entire wall in one row or parallel, in two rows. We equip the central space kitchen set... We make a living room in the free part.

We place furniture in the corners, free the center for the dining room. We arrange furniture in a U-shape on three walls.

We will entrust the island layout to specialists, since the premises for it may become small (optimally, you need 20 square meters). We will order a narrow island table instead. We use a compact kitchen set able to hide in niches.

Transparent look harmonious plastic chairs against the background of austere simple furniture, tall wardrobes with a wooden table.

Let's experiment with blue and beige shades. The muted tones of the walls and bright colors glossy facades in the process of combining, will create a cheerful wonderful mood.

We use black and white tones, we emphasize the contrast as much as possible, we use corner furniture. We order a kitchen set in neon colors, decorate the floor with natural wood.

We actively use symmetry and contrast, achieve style thanks to the right combination colors... The surplus of furniture turns the kitchen into a pantry. We start from expediency, we do not place anything superfluous.

Thus, in the process of designing a kitchen of 18 square meters, we make our dreams of an ideal come true. We actively consider, study modern interior styles, select what we liked. We attract specialists, we do it ourselves. And enjoy life!

Photo of the kitchen 18 sq. m.

A feature of a studio apartment is the absence of partitions. This option is suitable for single people or a family of two. The limited space is not overloaded with furniture, and the room is divided into zones using visual methods.

Correct layout will give a zest to any interior. Decoration of a studio apartment 18 sq. m requires ingenuity and creativity from its owner.

With the right interior, you can create a space that is attractive, functional and comfortable.

The nuances of arranging a studio apartment of 18 sq. m

Studio apartment small size should be not only functional, but also comfortable in terms of style. All the necessary items must be present, but not overwhelm the space. The interior is carried out in a unified manner. It is better if in a modern style, since it uses compact and versatile pieces of furniture.

It is important to choose the right furniture. All items must be functional and not take up much space. Instead of a massive bed, you can put folding sofa.

Instead of partitions, you can use racks that have and practical significance.

Before planning the room, you need to draw a plan of the room and arrange the furniture, taking into account all sizes. This will help you.

Since a studio apartment assumes a combined room with a kitchen, it is worth installing a powerful hood, which will prevent the spread of vapors throughout the room.

In confined spaces, you can use transparent or mirrored partitions, and sliding systems.

Features of zoning

An apartment - a studio with an area of ​​18 sq. m need to be properly zoned. The following areas are worth highlighting:

The living area can be located in the center. It includes a sofa, table, chairs and a small coffee table with shelves.

Kitchen area should be equipped with good ventilation system.

The sleeping area is made out separately or in the living room. In this case, the sofa unfolds in sleeping place... You can also place a recreation area near the wall.

To decorate the working area multifunctional furniture is used. For example, computer desk can be installed in a wardrobe. Also, a part of the bar counter is suitable as a workplace.

To separate the zones, small partitions are used, which can be transparent structures or shelving. You can use to separate the kitchen area.

For studio apartments with high ceilings, you can use the second tier. At the same time, a sleeping area can be placed on the upper level, and a study, kitchen or living room can be arranged below.

How to save free space?

The use of mirrors allows you to "push the walls", as well as expand the space and fill it with additional light.

The enlarged doorway between the corridor and the room will allow to combine rooms and increase space.

In order to create a functional and compact design in a studio apartment, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Not worth using swing doors that take up most of the space. They should be replaced with sliding structures.
  2. A wide space and a large volume will help create glass surfaces of cabinet doors, countertops or various accessories.
  3. The interior of the room should not be cluttered with bulky pieces of furniture around the entire perimeter.
  4. In the middle of the room, you can lay a small carpet, which will be with a small pattern in the center or to match the furniture. This technique will increase the space.

Local light sources allow you to highlight the merits of a design and hide its flaws. If the room has non-standard sizes, then local lighting sources are mounted in the form of sconces, table lamps or floor lamps.

When choosing decorative elements, their light should coincide in tonality with the general design, but be more contrasting and richer. In this case, the use of dark tones is allowed.

If you approach the process of decorating a studio apartment creatively, you can create a comfortable and functional room.