Repairs Design Furniture

Hang Japanese curtains on ordinary cornice. Japanese style curtains in the interior. What is eaves and what is it necessary for what

More and more modern interiors You can meet Japanese curtains. IN lately They even have a few other popular models, accounted for hostesses for their minimalism and conciseness, even some asceticism. Such curtains are beautiful and practical, suitable for almost any interior, allow the hostess at home to express their individuality and taste. In addition, they are very easy to make it with their own hands that even a newcomer is available, which is still learning to sew.

Japanese curtains - what is it?

These curtains are somewhat smooth and smooth cloths in the form of a rectangle with a maximum width of up to 1 m. Externally, they resemble vertical blinds, only with very wide lamellas. They can be purchased in finished videoBut it's easy enough to sew yourself.

For such curtains you need a special cornice that is intended for them. Eaves are with a different number of guides on which the cloth or panels are moving, as they will call them more correctly. The standard width of the curtains curtains for these eaves is 60 cm. It is such a size that have purchased eaves, so when the tissue, you must adhere to these parameters.

Distinctive features of curtains in japanese style are:

  • fastening fabric cloths on top of the cornily, the movement of panels occurs with the cord. At the same time, the tissue panels themselves are not folded, but are moved like the screen. There is a remote extension system, but for this requires the installation of a special mechanism;
  • use predominantly natural materials and soft pastel tones;
  • lack of accessories for clamps, pickups and assemblies upper edge - Panels must be stretched, with strict and clear lines.

What are the advantages of Japanese curtains?

Despite the external simplicity, the Japanese-style curtains look elegantly and stylishly, in the interior notes of elegance.

They are universal and practical. The undoubted advantages of these curtains can be attributed:

  • easy to use;
  • the ability to select manual or remote control;

  • ease of care and installation;
  • due to the absence of folds, dust almost do not collect;
  • easy to sew yourself.

Japanese curtains look great on wide windows. May be before the floor, to the windowsill or have a different length of the canvas. Used not only on windows, but also for door openings, as well as for zoning space, acting as a kind of screen separating the room into individual components.

Selection of material

Japanese style involves the use of soft tissue and natural materials for curtains - flax, silk, cotton, bamboo. But this is not mandatory. A wide variety of fabrics can be used, the main thing is that the canvas kept the form and did not fall. The material for the curtains can be chosen dense or transparent, which depends on the season and preferences on the overall illumination of the room; pastel shades or bright and rich colors; Single or patterned. It looks well a combination of crafts with ornament and monophonic panels.

Council. Choosing a cloth with an ornament for curtains in Japanese style, better adhere to oriental motives. It more corresponds to this style direction. If the drawing is selected for panels, it should not be too large, because the width of the cloth is not too large.

How to make Japanese curtains do it yourself: Instructions for sewing

You must first calculate the amount of fabric that will be needed for the curtain sewing. For this, the distance from the eaves to the floor is measured, adding 10 cm per battery. Then to measure the windows width by dividing this figure to 60 - the standard panel width. The resulting number is rounded in most side And multiply it to the result of measurements in height. As a result, it is necessary for the sewing a female fabric.

If the width of the acquired tissue exceeds the panel size by 2 times taking into account the side points of 3 cm on each side, then the total amount of the material is in half decrease, since the panels can be cut along.

Attention! Cutting fabrics for japanese curtains It should be done very carefully that the edges are perfectly smooth. Completely unacceptably the formation of any folds or waves.

After cutting the cloth on the web, you must follow the following instructions. We advise you to first make all the operations on one billet, after which it is already proceeding to the next.

  1. Process side seams and smooth them.
  2. Sew the bottom edge of the web in such a way that it turns out to be a row, which will be installed a special weighting agent.
  3. Lay the fabric panel with the top edge on top of the front. Pre-smoothed for shrinkage Velcro (Velcro) to lay face up on the allowance of the fabric and fasten with pins or occupy. Strike these materials in the place. Then you need to bend the velcro to the offset of the curtains web, reappear with the pins or occupy, after which it is formed on the sewing machine from the front side in the necessary places.
  4. Thoroughly smooth the cloth of the curtains.
  5. Grind the weightlifier in the scene, after which attach velcro, crawled to the top edge of the panel, to special holder Cornise.

For proper selection Tissue, careful stripping and sewing, Japanese curtains look very attractive. If you sew them with your own hands, you can really get exclusive optionwhom no one else will. Self sewing data curtains, as can be seen, does not represent special difficulties.

How to make a Japanese speed: video

Japanese curtains in the interior: photo

Japanese curtains do their own hands so hard. The main thing is to understand what the curtains are in Japanese style represent them, their use. And how to make them yourself, we will tell you in this article.

Japanese curtains (or panels) are several textiles panels, without folds that are near each other. For the manufacture of similar panels, you can use both dense textiles and lightweight cloth for curtains.

Why direct fabric panels are so popular in interior design? This type of curtain has a number of benefits:

  • Japanese curtains are universal, the severity of the lines allows you to use them in almost any modern style.
  • To sewing such a curtain, you can choose any cloth to your liking, even dense, even light.
  • Convenient in care due to the lack of a set of folds, on which dust accumulates.
  • For Japanese-style panels, you can install an electrical mechanism that will add more convenience.
  • The design is quite simple in the installation, and can be sewed and independently.

By type, such panels resemble vertical blinds, they also open and move.

Japanese curtains may not have a standard width

For the manufacture of such fabric curtains at home, it is desirable to use any natural fabric: flax, cotton, silk, bamboo, shikotan.

By the way, it is possible to combine such curtains with curtains, and with curtains, and you can assign the function of both only on the tissue panel, aligning a more dense fabric with transparent and light.

Often for sewing Japanese curtains choose cloth different colorBy collecting all the colors of the interior in them. You can choose a material with a pattern and one-photon, aligning a different texture and material.

The standard width of one curtain panel is 60 cm, but such curtains can be made to order, depending on the width of the window opening or wishes of the host.

Painted panels most often with the help of the "Velcro" tape, the weightlifier is sewn below.

Japanese curtains are fastened with the help of the tape "Velcro"

Selection of Karnisa

Depending on the number of panels, eaves can be used with several tire rows. To determine the number of panels it is important to make right measurements window Piece. It is also necessary to consider that the curtains panels can close both the wall and only window opening.

The plastic cornice profile will be less noisy when opening, as well as reduce the distance between the panel itself and the tire.

Cornice for Japanese curtains can be made to order, for example, in the case of non-standard sizes window. But the cornice, bought in the store and the suitable your window will be much cheaper. In addition, to reduce the cost of Japanese curtains can and independent tailoring.

When choosing a type of cornice, you need to decide on the following parameters:

  1. View and number of brackets.
  2. Dimensions.
  3. Height and side of the feed control (like vertical blinds).
  4. Speed \u200b\u200btype (whether curtains will be opened in both directions or only one)

An important component is and availability manual control or electric drive. The eaves itself can be fastened both to the wall and to the ceiling.

Sewing Japanese Curtains Alone: \u200b\u200bInstruction

To sew the curtains-panels without any problems, you need to remove measurements from the window and cut the cloth.

Length of the canvas is your height from the eaves to the floor (already taking into account the allowance). If the width of the opera is 2.4 m, and the height is 3 m, then they will need 4 panels (2.4 m * 0.6). Paving width batteries leave 3-5 cm.

Now we calculate the length of the fabric needed to sewing the curtains. Since the length of the window turn is 3 m, we need 4 panels, input to the weight of the weightlifier 10 cm, we obtain: (3m * 4) + 0.4 m \u003d 12.4 m. So, the total length of all panels is 12.4 m.

The width of the standard fabric canvase is 1.4 m. In this range, 2 our panels will fit. We divide our length of 12.4 m to 2 and we get 6.2 m of the canvas.

Instructions for independent sewing of Japanese curtains

  1. I cut the panels from the selected tissue with letters for the processing of side edges and on the bottom of the nose for the weighting agent.
  2. Ready canvas are well revealed.
  3. We process the side slice of the swivel seam.
  4. The lower edge of each panel is processed by a zigzag, clamping and sewing in the form of a row.
  5. The upper edge of the canvases are processed by a zigzag, wait into the involves to the width of the Velcro tape, Krepim Velcro pins and stringers. From above you can also make a scene and insert a rectifier there.
  6. Insert a weightlifier to the bottom edge of the panel.
  7. Fresh chosen cornice to the wall. Fresh panels to the eaves.

Everything! Japanese panels who are stitched with their own hands are ready!

A similar type of curtains can also be ordered in the studio, however, this pleasure is not cheap. If you are friends with sewing machine And you have the concept of how to cut and process fabric, then sew Japanese curtains with your own hands you will not be difficult.

What do ready Japanese curtains in the interior look like?

Massive curtains, rowing on ordinary curtains or simple mesh tulle today is no longer in fashion. Complement the style of a predetermined kitchen interior or living room in modern housing Japanese curtains. They serve the role of sliding panels, protect well from the sun, they look simply and at the same time it is elegant. What are the Japanese panels? How to choose to choose the window decor for the room and what is the price of such a decoration?

What is Japanese curtains

Laconically emphasizing the design, harmoniously fitted - that's how you can briefly describe what Japanese curtains panels are. In fact, it is simple sliding structures With a wide cloth tissue, which are specially attached to the ceiling and floor. Metal carcass It is arranged in such a way that the curtains be able to freely go to different directions, then opening access to the sun, then frightened it.

Pros and cons curtains

Russians who are accustomed that curtains on the windows must hang and gather a multitude of folds, in Japanese partitions, first of all, attracts oriental design. However, this is not the most important advantage of this interior element. Japanese screens have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • you can choose the type of fabric, its color and pattern;
  • such curtains are not collecting dust, dirt or rubbish accumulating in the folds of heavy curtains;
  • for them just and easy to care for;
  • japanese screens panels allow you to completely close the opening from the ceiling to the floor, which makes the design especially attractive with panoramic windows.

In addition to the listed advantages of the curtains worth adding ergonomics, versatility and beautiful design. Two, three or four-layer structures will allow in seconds to completely change the situation reigning in the room. The only disadvantage of Japanese crafts is limitations in the choice of form: such screens are rectangular or square.

As attached

If you look at the photo of the Japanese curtains panels, then with the form they strongly resemble rolled curtains in the open state. Really some similarities are, but the main difference between the curtains made in Japanese style - the possibility of fixing the fabric into several rows. This is achieved by fastening the material on a special cornice located on the ceiling. For fixing the fabric, hooks or special stripes are not required, in the store you will be offered:

  • Shoulders for curtains - move on the eaves with the help of rollers. The minus such devices are that the fabric will sometimes be collected by folds even if there are weightlifiers from below.
  • The panel with velcro is mounted glue to the plastic surface of the eaves. Between themselves, such panels are also moved by rollers, but at the same time the fabric is not collected by folds.

Cornices for Japanese curtains

Standard web width for each curtain - 50-60 centimeters. Under the same sizes, manufacturers try to make cornices. If your window is wide or you want to lengthen the cornice yourself, then the product will have to be made to order or make your own hands. Make cornices, as a rule, from plastic or durable acrylic, but if desired, you can purchase metal devices For fixing Japanese panels.

Japanese-style curtains in the interior

Simple design Japanese screens will in no way harm the style of this interior item. Such curtains will become an excellent decoration of the living room, we will separate the children's bedroom on the game area and a place to stay, sternlet hanger with ottopuda. In addition, Japanese screens look perfectly on the windows, protect against heat, bright sunlight and foreign explosions. The main thing is to be able to correctly choose the design under the interior of the room.

On the kitchen

According to Japanese traditions in the kitchen during cooking, complete concentration and calm must reign, because it is possible to achieve the harmony of the taste of the dishes served. Because of this, many designers recommend to choose light prints for this room. It is better to buy Japanese curtains with color found in the untouched man nature: green, brown, tinge of fallen leaves or stone.

Materials should be preferred by smooth or textured fabrics without a picture. Even better if the curtains are decorated from bamboo sticks or soft straw. Love fabric coverage? Then buy an artificial fabric. It is easier to pass fat stains easier, smells are easier and quickly dries steam from cooking faster. As for the sizes of the curtains, then for small premises Optimal dimensions - to the windowsill. Spacious kitchen from big windows Suitable screens to the floor.

For the living room

For a common room, it is worth considering contrasting options for combining Japanese screens with traditional curtains or tumul. It costs to closely make sure that all textures are perfectly combined with each other. You can hang materials on the window that are not stretched with time - flax, satin, rack, silk, veil or cotton. For contrast, buy Japanese blinds from transparent chiffon, organza, taffeta or moire.

If the interior cuisine is worth buying a monophonic curtains, then the lines can hang screens with bright prints. Always remain in fashion such subjects: large flowers, petty strip, urban landscape, birds, hieroglyphs, abstractions. The main thing is not to overdo it. In order for the alternation to be smooth designers, they are closer to the window to the window to hang a monophonic cloth, then the chart with a bright pattern, and behind it a light-tight curtain.

Japanese curtains as partition

If you need to close an unsightly hanger with clothes or extinguish the sleeping zone from the working work so that the partition does not occupy a lot of space, it is difficult to find a solution easier than Japanese panel curtains. The sole apartment of the studio apartment can be divided into two zones: a bedroom and a living room. For the children's panel screen will serve as a barrier between the gaming part, place for study and sleep.

In the adult bedroom, zoning, composed of two or three shells of pastel shades, will be appropriately considered or with a thermal stammer. On one curtain you can portray a romantic landscape, Sakura tree or any other drawing that will be combined with calm and peace. For the bedroom zone, it is important to choose natural opaque fabrics: cotton, flax, light silk, lace.

Price for Japanese curtains

If you wish, you can purchase on-screen curtains in any textile store. Wizards will help you choose the right size, material texture, hue. If there are no suitable colors for sale, try to sew curtains step by step description Or order individual tailoring of tights in the tailor. With a discount or on a promotion, you can buy Japanese curtains in the online store or order by mail, the only minus - the cost is not included by the courier. average price This subject of the interior in Moscow and St. Petersburg is such.

Followers of minimalism, the soul will have to interior with Japanese curtains. Need finality, laconicism and proximity to natural sources make the eastern style to the desired guest in the residential premises. Save on the purchase of a trend design design will help an independent sewing of a popular model. How to make Japanese curtains will tell you in detail.

Characteristic features of the model of Japanese curtains

The appearance of Japanese curtains is identical to vertical blinds. The difference lies in the width of individual webs and the absence of turning opportunities. Curtains consist of a row of cloths whose width range from 60 cm to 1 m. To create smooth surface Used weights, excessively light fabric concluded in the frame.

Administration of Japanese curtains is organized at the expense of the guides on the principle of motion of doors in the cabinets. If there are multiple tracks with different colors, it is possible to change places, periodically creating a novelty of the situation in the interior.

The use of Japanese curtains is not limited to design windows. In the interior of the room, they can decorate the doorways or perform partitions function in order to zoning space.

The main advantages of Japanese curtains are as follows:

  • Due to the absence of complex drapes, they are less susceptible to accumulation of dust.
  • Natural fabrics used for sewing are optimally suitable for creating a healthy atmosphere in the room.
  • The movement of the curtain can be held in manual and automatic mode.
  • The master class on his own sewing will make it possible to create a sought-after design element with your own hands.
  • Japanese-style curtains are relevant for many stylistic interior directions.
  • The care is simple enough.

Comment! The most effectively model of Japanese curtains looks at large panoramic windows.

Nuances selection material

Following the traditions of the East, when the situation is formed by natural materialsFor sewing the curtains are chosen natural fabrics.

  • Preference is given to flares, cotton and silk.
  • Itifies originality from copies made of bamboo, rice paper, reed and jute straw.
  • The budget option involves the use of colored plastic.

In addition to the tissue, the sewing of the Japanese curtains requires the presence of special planks that take the products at the bottom and promote the formation of a flat surface without folds.

Tolerance modern design allows for sewing curtains in eastern style Materials of various densities that are selected depending on the degree of lighting of the room or season. Excessive sunlight You can muffle dense tissues, the north side is better to make up transparent and weightless Japanese curtains. Another approach can be the other: in the hot period, the room is made up with air products, to create a cold winter curtains from heavy fabrics in the interior of the coziness.

Comment! The key moments in each case are their natural origin.

For sewing with your own hands, the consumption of material is determined by the following points:

  • The use of a special cornice involves limiting the width of the lamellas of the Japanese curtains at the level of 0.6 m.
  • To determine the length of one canvas, the distance between the eaves and the floor with the addition of 0.1 m per battery is measured.
  • If the location of individual details of the jack is required, the width of the eaves is divided by 0.6 m and the amount of cavities receive.

Example: Window opening framed by a 5 m wide ewen, the required curtain length - 2.8 m. Calculation:

  • number of lamella: 3: 0.6 \u003d 5 pieces;
  • total length: (2.8 + 0.1) x5 \u003d 14.5 m;
  • the width of the tissue is usually 1.4-1.5 m, that is, two canvases can be placed on the same length. Therefore: 14,5: 2 \u003d 7.25 m.

How to sew Japanese curtains do it yourself so that they organically fit into the interior of the room? The following recommendations will help determine the choice:

  • Preference to matter with natural shades. In priority, brown, green, blue pastel gamma: sand, cream, pale pink.
  • With pale walls and inexpressive furniture, there is a need to revive the interior. Then the Japanese curtains of lemon, orange or red shade will be appropriate.
  • Various combinations of blue with white, pink with beige, monochromatic and colored cloths are spectacular.
  • As a drawing on the Japanese curtains, Sakura branches, poultry images or oriental symbols look organically.

The following photos demonstrate the elegance of the interior with Japanese-style curtains:

Algorithm of independent manufacture

Step-by-step instructions for sewing Japanese curtains with their own hands contains the following steps:

  • The selected fabric is reproduced on the canvas with a width of 0.6 m, taking into account the allowances for the side seams, tailoring the upper and lower edges, as well as the future shrinkage. All panels are better to open immediately.
  • First we sew the side seams, then the slings for inserting weightlifiers are abandoned below.
  • The upper part of the Japanese curtain cloth is treated with Velcro Velcro. It is designed to attach lamella to the guide of the eaves.

Japanese style in the interior of the room is characterized by simple lines, careless colors and at the same time grace. Make Japanese curtains with their own hands Even novice, barely familiar with the sewing machine. Such a detail of the window design, made independently, will emphasize the individuality of the hostess and its independence from the standard design solutions. What is Japanese curtains, how to sew them?

Characteristic and advantages

Japanese curtains resemble vertical blinds. They consist of a number of rectangular panels whose width can reach 1 meter. The material is stretched from above and below the rigidity is fixed with a frame. Each panel is located on its guide cornice, which allows you to move them separately by changing the design of the curtain. You can breed the panels in different directions, shift them all for one or shift in the form of a ladder.

Japanese curtains can be used not only on the window, but also for decorating the doorway, separation of the room to the functional zones. They are suitable for many interior styles. The best way They look at wide windows. Thanks to its design without folds panels, dust are not collectable, so it is convenient to care for them and easily.

Japanese curtains have other advantages:

  • natural fabrics are used for their sewing, which provides environmental purity;
  • with their manufacture there are no restrictions on the selection of shades of the material;
  • to control them, you can use both manual and electrical mechanism;
  • it is easy to create such curtains with your own hands using an affordable master class by sewing.

How to choose a material?

Classic fabrics for sewing Japanese curtains - flax, silk, cotton. Original samples are obtained from the root, bamboo, jute, rice paper. Panels suitable for budget optioncan be made of colored plastic. In addition to the material, trap-weighting agents should be prepared for fixing the lower curtains.

Modern styles allow you to use for the manufacture of Japanese curtains as hard, dense materials and weightless and transparent, most importantly - so that they are natural. Due to the simplicity of the replacement of the fabric panels, each season can be changed. For winter it is better to use tight material: it is not stretched and creates the atmosphere of comfort in the room. Curtains for the summer period can be sewed from the lightest fabrics.

How many material will required? When using a special cornice for Japanese curtains, the width of the panels should be exactly 60 cm. You can apply another method of mounting the web: in this case, you should choose arbitrary size. To determine the length of the fabric, you need to measure the distance from the eaves to the floor and add 10 cm per battery. If it is necessary that the panels go online, the width of the window should be divided into 60: it turns out the number of cloth. You can increase the number of panels so that they overlap each other. Special master class will help correctly determine the size of the tissue.

Choose calm, natural tissue shades: green, brown, blue, and also pastel shades: beige, sand, white, gentle pink. Such colors do not carry loads, and help add harmony, peace and purity in the interior. You can add an expressive atmosphere using bright tones: orange, red, lemon.

To raise the degree of illumination of the room, the curtain canvas should be made transparent. You can combine light panels with pale blue or pink. If in the room it is necessary to reduce light, it is better to sew curtains from a dark opaque material.

For sewing of Japanese curtains, you can choose a fabric with a pattern. It may be not too bulky images of birds, trees, sakura branches, oriental symbols and, of course, hieroglyphs. It looks good with a combination of white fabric and bright print. You can alternate the monophonic canvases and the pattern with a pattern. When choosing material with pictures, be careful: they should not go beyond the panel.

Step-by-step instruction

The master class will tell you how easy and quickly make Japanese curtains do it yourself. It is very important to accurately follow the instructions. In this case, the canvases will be the same and perfectly smooth.
This master class will be understood even by novice.

  1. Remove strips from the selected material of 60 cm wide, adding several centimeters to the allowance, side lining and shrinkage of the fabric. It is better to immediately open all the panels to save time to significantly.
  2. Purge the side seams. At the bottom of each panel, hide the scenes in which the racks will be inserted.
  3. At the top of each canvas, the Velcro Velcro. With its help, each panel of the Japanese curtains can be attached to a separate guide on the cornice.
  4. Before sewing the velcro carefully shifting it. The panels also move along the entire length. This is very important moment In the manufacture of Japanese curtains with straight lines of lateral seams. Throw the fabric taking into account its features.
  5. Attach Velcro-Velcro on the top of the web. Fasten it with pins and push. Having bent the velcro inside out, go again.
  6. At the end, insert the weighting bar in the slice of the bottom of each panel.
  7. Japanese curtains are ready! You can hang them on cornice and admire the new interior.

Using a master class, you can sew Japanese curtains at home yourself, but do it yourself the cornice for them will not work. He is aluminum profile With several rows in which the guides are inserted with the top of the panels. The movement of the canvas in the cornily can be carried out using a special cord or electrical mechanism. It can be directed from one edge to another or from the center in both directions. Depending on the characteristics of the desired interior, the cornice for Japanese curtains can be mounted on the ceiling or to the wall.

Japanese curtains are easy to operate and care. In addition, it is easy to make them with your own hands using an affordable master class. You can only buy in the store. necessary materials and special cornice. Easy to replace panels will enjoy different modelsBy changing them depending on the time of year or the situation.

Japanese curtains fit many modern styles interior. She sewing them with their own hands, you will give the interior originality. The main thing is that the panels are combined with the surrounding situation and created a single composition with it.