Repairs Design Furniture

Universal cell for rabbits. Optimal cell sizes for rabbits: drawings. Independent manufacture of multi-tiered cell

You can build cells for rabbits with your own hands from undergraduate materials: unnecessary boards, plywood, chipboard, slate, bricks, metal cutting, tin, etc. The design of the cells is also different, but it is better to choose the one that does not take you a lot of time to manufacture and it will be convenient for feeding rabbits, their inspection and regular cleaning.

Types of cells for rabbits and possible materials for work with their own hands

Not all the types of cells can be made with their own hands, but many of them are with the knowledge of the sizes, the presence of drawings and basic skills make it unambiguously work. So, what types of houses for the eared tribe exist?

In size and height:

  • simple in one tier,
  • bunk,
  • three-tier
  • multi-tiered.

For what rabbits:

  • for young
  • females
  • decorative,
  • giants and dwarfs, etc

What materials can be manufactured:

  • wood,
  • metal (iron, etc.),
  • metal profile, etc.

Options can be both summer and winter. There are types for keeping on the street or in the apartment. They can be monolithic or portable, especially if rabbits are dwarf and are contained at home. Domoki can also be fattening. There are also industrial structures, but they will not be speaking about them.

Some options for homemade rabbit houses in the photo

Wooden with mesh
Combined wood and mesh
From metal and wood using sect
From wood

Drawings with sizes of some types of cells

On 2 tiers
Cell Mikhailov
Simple scheme
Cell Zolotukhina

Total step-by-step instructions for manufacturing at home

To engage in rabbit breeding, special investments are not required: cheap cells for rabbits, drinkers and feeders you can easily make yourself, hay and branches can be prepared since summer, roots and vegetables take from your own garden. Main costs will be required only on yes to concentrated feed.

Each cage should live rabbits of one sex, about one age, weight and temperament

Place adult individuals and rabbits with the rating is recommended in single or two-section cells. Standard sizes of correct cells for rabbits: length about 100-120 cm, height 50 cm, width about 70 cm. Young is better to keep in a group cell, the dimensions of which correspond to the amount of rabbit. For example, a house with the same height and width is suitable for ten rabbits, as mentioned above, but in length to 170 cm. It should be remembered that the rabbits of one sex should live in each cell, about one age, weight and temperament.

Even novice rabbits will be easy to figure out how to build a cell for rabbits consisting of two sections.

Phased production of cells for rabbits:

With the street content of rabbits, it is necessary to install cells on the bars, so that they towering centimeters on the surface of the earth for seventy. It will save the leopa from rodents and pets, and it will be more convenient to serve the houses. Building a cage from girlfriend, you get almost a free original house for your pets.

Other options from rabbit houses

If the proposed advice is not well described by the picture of the upcoming work, attention should be paid to the most popular varieties of cells for the content and breeding of rabbits. They enjoy experienced farmers.

Family block - three-section cell

A slightly more complex may appear to manufacture a three-section cell for rabbits, the drawings of which are presented in the tab with photos. But in such family blocks, it is very convenient to breed rabbits: a rabbit producer lives in the central branch of the cell, the sides of the female. Wooden partitions Between the cells of the cells have lazes with plywood valves, designed to make it easy to put females for mating to the male and return back to their compartments.

In such family blocks, it is very convenient to breed rabbits

The frame can be knocked down from the bars, and the side walls, rear, nesting compartments with doors and partitions - make out of wide lining. Metal mesh is used for the front wall. In the nesting offices it is desirable to envisage the attic - the free space between the ceiling and the common roof, where the rabbits will be able to relax from their offspring. Additional design convenience consists in the well-thought-out position of the feeders and drinking - feed and water in them are not contaminated, you can fill it outside.

Mini farm Mikhailova - an easy way to grow small rabbits

One of the most effective methods of breeding rabbits is Mini-farms of Mikhailov, providing intensive cultivation of animals with minimal leaving from the rabbit. The well-thought-out design of Mihailov cells provides for automatic cleansing and providing rabbits with food, heated water in drinks to the required temperature (which is especially important in winter), heated of the satellika to increase the survival rate of newborns rabbit.

Make your own hands the cells of Mikhailov under the power not every rabbit. But if you wish, you can collect a complex design according to the scheme, to find which you can easily on the Internet.

Correct houses on the method of gold

Famous Rabbitode Nikolai Ivanovich Zolotukhin has been successfully engaged in breeding rabbits for several decades, so impressive experience helped him develop his own concept of rabbits at home.

The design of them is quite simple, and the manufacturer needs materials that are found in the farm for almost every

Features of Zolotukhina cells:

  • the floor in the cells is made solid from slate or boards;
  • pallets are absent;
  • the narrow strip of the mesh is provided only along the rear walls of the cells;
  • the rear walls are made under the tilt so that the waste of rabbits from the upper tier does not fall on the rabbits of the lower tier;
  • there are no special masterpieces - the rabbit itself places the nest before childbirth;
  • on the doors fastened grain feeders, which are easily turned over to the outflow.

Looking at the video in the tab to the article, you will understand how to make cells for rabbits of the same type, like Nikolai Ivanovich Zolotukhina. Moreover, the design of them is quite simple, and the manufacturer needs materials that are in the farm for almost everyone.

How to independently make cages for dwarf rabbits

If you decide to make the houses of rabbits as pets, the question with cells will be solved otherwise. In pet stores, you can now find a variety of cells for rabbits ornamental, but it is not necessary to spend money on their purchase - the manufacture of cells for a homemade little rabbit will take quite a bit of time.

A cell for a dwarf rabbit is made of two side walls of 70x70 cm and the back wall with a height of 55 cm, 100 cm long long grid. On the front door you also need to kill the grid. Make the mesh cover on the hinges, equipped with a handle. Under the cage, set the pallet - the cell for the dwarf rabbit is ready! The material is updated 03/17/2017

To rabbits grow well and develop, it is important not only to feed them correctly, but also to provide them with comfortable living conditions. That is, to build comfortable accommodation housing for animals. Cell dimensions for rabbits can be different. It all depends on what kind of breed they will be intended.

Minimum dimensions

Cells do so that one head accounted for at least:

  • for half-green rabbits - 0.5-0.7 m 2;
  • repair rabbits - 0.17 m 2;
  • young - 0.12 m 2;
  • males manufacturers - 0.3-0.5 m 2.

A large rabbit (Giant, Flandon) will need a dwelling of at least 0.75 (W) x 0.55 (c) x 1.7 (e) m. Animal smaller (chinchilla) - 0.6 x 0.45 x 0.9 m. Cell dimensions for rabbits of dwarf and decorative rocks will be appropriate.

What should be the design

Typically, rabbit cells are built on a blocking frame. The back and side walls, as well as the roof are made of thick plywood or boards. The front portion is made of a grid with a shallow cell (for example, 2.5 x 5 cm). Paul cells must be inclined. It also manufactures from the grid (1.5 x 5cm) or parallel to each other of the rails. Under the floor is installed pallet for collecting manure. This design will allow to contain "room" clean. The lid in the event that the cells are installed on the street, it should be done with a single-table and protruding forward for about 20 cm and on the sides - by 10 cm. It is covered with a slate or straw.

Over the ground, the cell must be raised at least 70-80 cm. It is much easier to care for animals at this location. Yes, and the animals themselves will be protected from attacks of dogs and penetration into the cell of small rodents. Very often, the cells have row to several tiers. One dwelling can be used both for one and two adult rabbits (or for several small).

On the facade side hang outboard removable drinkers and feeders. It is best to make them swivel. In this case, feed rabbits will be easier. In addition, feces will not fall into the feeders. Next, let's see what the "rooms" for the module should be, as well as the size of the cells for the content of rabbits and their breeding.

Cells for rabbit

The dwellings for hawk females are divided into two parts: feed and uterine. As a partition, the phaneer is used with a 20 cm diameter dropped in it. It should be located above the floor it should be at a height of about 10-15 cm. This is necessary so that small rabbits do not crawl into the feed part. The floor in the royaltics is not made from the rail or grid, but from solid plywood. The front door of the satellika is made of board or plywood. For the stern part it is made from the grid. Before the outflow in the socket compartment, the actual samples of 0.4 x 0.4 m and a height of 20 cm are installed.

Standard double option

In addition to multi-tiered, long cells are often used in personal farms. They are put on a pair of animals at once. Dimensions of cells for double rabbits:

  • in length - 210-240 cm;
  • in width - 65 cm;
  • in the height of the facade - 50-60 cm;
  • in the height of the back wall - 35 cm.

Over the sides of such cells are satisfied with the Musicians. The remaining part arranged feed offices. The floor is done in them with a lattice, and in nesting offices - solid. In the middle of the cells are located nursery from the grid of the V-shaped form, intended for the distribution of coarse feed. Drinkers and feeders under the grain are hung on the doors.

Cells with enclosures

Such dwellings are usually suitable for young. Walking teenage rabbits are very helpful. After all, these animals are very active and love to move much. The sizes of cells for rabbits designed for two animals, and with aviary usually are as follows:

The aviary is arranged on the back wall and has the same as it is a height - 60 cm. The cell and walking the removable partition is separated.

Group cells for young

There are other varieties of such structures. Of course, in this case, certain sizes of cells for rabbits are also selected. The drawings are drawn up, for example, so that the dwelling is:

  • in length equal to 2-4 m;
  • in width - 1 m;
  • with a height of the front wall at 50 cm;
  • rear - 40 cm.

In this case, the posterior and side walls and the lid are made of thick plywood, and the front and floor - from the grid. The length of the visor is 30 cm.

Cells for Californian rabbits

This breed recently becomes more and more popular in our country. It's all about very good adaptability of Californian rabbits to weather conditions of any regions. They grow very thick wool on their paws. Therefore, in the winter they are not freezing. For animals of this breed, the dwellings are arranged in the same way as for any other not too large. The optimal sizes of cells for Californian rabbits - 120 x 60 x 60 cm.

Cells N. I. Zolotukhina

This option has recently causes great interest among rabbit times. N. I. Zolotukhin breeds fluffy animals for more than 60 years and independently constructed two varieties quite comfortable and practical cells for them - three-tiered and pyramidal.

The main feature of the first option is solid floors of plywood. From the grid, only a strip of a width of 15 cm at the rear side of the cell is performed. The biological feature of rabbits is that they go to the toilet in this place (70% of the entire feces are going to here and all urine). In order for livestocking products to come on the head of animals from the lower tiers, the rear wall of the cell is made inclined. That is, the mesh on the floor protrudes beyond the plane of the complex. Rear wall of opaque polycarbonate is manufactured.

The floors of the pyramidal variety of gold cages have the same design. However, in this case, the tiers simply shift each other on the width of the strip from the grid. As a result, the complex and takes a pyramidal form if you look into the profile.

Another feature of the Zolotukhina cells are folding feeders. They are rotated not on hinge or some complex device, but on ordinary nails. The size of the cells for Rabbit Rabbits is not too large - about 70 x 100 cm. However, animals feel in them very well. With the content of rabbits in the cells of the construction of this farmer, it is not necessary to carry out thorough weekly cleaning. It is only enough to freeze absolutely dry floors from time to time. The manure is cleaned from the rear side of the tiers from the ground 1-2 times a year.


So, now you know what kind of cells for rabbits should be. Drawings of similar designs are presented on this page. Now let's see where it is worth placing ready-made cells. Of course, you can put them and right on the street. In this case, tiers are usually under the trees. In this location, the animals will be protected from direct sunlight, and in winter - from the penetrating wind. However, it is better to install cells yet in special stages. So called facilities with a two-tie roof, the side walls of which are formed by the rear walls of the tiers. That is, cells are installed in two rows of facades inside the premises formed.

The gear doors make swinging double bivalves. Often they are double. In this case, in addition to solid cloths, the door from the grid is installed. In the summer, boarding flaps open. The mesh door remains closed. As a result, animals receive more light and fresh air. From the south side, the aviary for the walking of young people is usually satisfied.

Shed for rabbits

Optionally, install cells in the middle. It is possible to protect animals from rain, snow and strong frosts by setting up a comfortable barn for them. The most important thing in the preparation of a project of such a structure is to ensure that there are no drafts. Their rabbits do not tolerate. The roof of the shed is best to make a single one. In this case, it can be dried and store hay. The floors usually arrange slightly inclined towards the entrance. With such a design it will be more convenient to clean up.

Be sure to arrange several windows in the bar. For good development, rabbits need fresh air and a lot of light. Inside the shed must be equipped with an angle designed to store inventory.

Cells for young people are usually placed along the walls. Housing rabbits with Merceliers - in the middle of the barn.

What you need to know

The size of the cell sizes for the fattening of rabbits, the content of the module and the manufacturers of manufacturers should be observed. If you plant a big animal in a small "room", nothing good will come of it. Delighted opportunities freely moving around the animal will be poorly developed. Very strongly discomfort in cells is also reflected on the ability of rabbits to reproduction. Otherwise, with great recurrence, the risk of different kinds of infectious diseases increases.

As you can see, make cells and even the shed for rabbits is not completely difficult. Comfortable housing for these animals have a rather simple design. The optimal sizes of cells for rabbits depend only on the characteristics of the body's constitution of this particular breed.

Rabbits are unpretentious, their breeding for dietary meat, fluff, fur has its advantages over the rest of the animal husbandry. It is also convenient for the fact that the winter content of pets does not require special premises. Cells for rabbits can be installed in the yard. Frost animals are not afraid, only drafts are scared for them, respectively, enclosures for fur rodents should be created taking into account this feature.

Cages for rabbits can be installed in the yard

Cage for rabbits should be spacious so that the animal remains the opportunity to move

Rabbits are afraid of wind, from which they always try to hide. From the leeward side of the cell should be a wooden wall. Provided that the open area is selected for their installation, it is better to close the northern and north-west side.

The rabbit takes care of the babies for 3 weeks, after that time they need to plant them from the mother liquor into a separate cell.

Musician is usually done on the territory of rabbits: this is the second room made of wood, plywood. Straw in it gives excellent insulation. The nest for the kids female will make himself. From the owner you only need to blow the place in which it will feel safe.

Cage for rabbits should be spacious so that the animal remains the opportunity to move. The overall semi-natural individuals become lazy and incapable of reproduction. In most part, this statement belongs to the males.

Breed rabbits are different depending on their aggressiveness. For males, you can arrange large enclosures, calculated on several individuals. Giants and representatives of aggressive breeds are better to keep separately. An optimal place for one adult individual will be 70 x 50 square meters. m.

Cage for rabbits with your own hands

Due to the difference in the size of the body of rabbits of different breeds, the purchase of industrial cells may be inappropriate

In view of the difference in the size of the bodies of rabbits of different breeds, the acquisition of industrial cells may be inappropriate. For ordinary rabbits and their relative-giants having a labrador dimensions, both the height and the length of the room cannot be the same. Before building a cell, it is necessary to watch the characteristics of the breed planned for breeding.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of all cells looks equally:

  1. It is going to a steady base, raising a house above the ground and giving the stiffness of the design. The cell can be performed from wood, but faster it will be possible to assemble it from metal products. This material does not rot, and the design assembled on the bolts is easier to repair. The larger and moving rabbits, the greater the likelihood of loosening the design.
  2. Separate elements are assembled, the door frames are laid and the metal grid is squeezed.
  3. Installation of floors and walls are made to the base, the ceiling is made.
  4. The roof lies with rubberoid or slate.

A frame for cells indoors with an earth flooring should lift the house at least 30 cm. When the animals are kept on the street, higher pillars are used. For a multi-storey house, the height should be about 140 cm (minimum of 70 cm), which is convenient when caring for animals and cleaning the premises.

Room with Musician for 2 individuals

The easiest house for a pair of rabbits consists of two cells. For the manufacture you will need:

  • Metal profiles for the manufacture of floor frame.
  • Boards for deaf back and side walls.
  • Reiki for flooring floor cells.
  • Metal mesh for doors and parts of the front wall.
  • Two metal columns. They will be required to strengthen the house in the ground and lifting it to the height above the meter.
  • Plywood will be required for the manufacture of the Musician.

When developing drawing, you need to take into account the height of the ceilings. It cannot be less than 45 cm. 1.5 m widths enough to make two spacious cells for rabbit and rabbits. The female half can be done somewhat wider, dividing it into two unequal rooms. The width of the motherhouse is 35 cm, the length is 40 cm. This place is sufficient to accommodate kids after okrol. The first 20 days, while the young will be under the guardianship of the mother, they will not need much space.

When transplanting to separate from the rabbit, Woller places on one rabbit can not be less than 12 square meters. See rabbits grow quickly, so nursery is better to make more accomplished. To do this, you can make a two-story house. This is the easiest option from those that can be made with your own hands.

House by Mikhailov Method

Cell drawing on Mikhailov

The features of the rabbit house Mikhailov are heated by the Musicians and drinking, the presence of feces in a special container. The houses on this system are made by single-storey and two-storey, which depends on the need to place one or two pairs of adult animals:

  1. House width - 240 cm.
  2. The height of the same-tier - 210 cm, while the height of the cells is only 70 cm.
  3. 140 cm height to cells is a massive base part under which the collection of animals and inclined gutters are located for its collection.
  4. The penetration feature is that they are attached to the protruding inclined parts of the sumps and feeders.
  5. Musicians: Width - 35 cm; Length - 40 cm.
  6. Cut: Width - 30 cm; Length 12-15 cm.

The floor of the cells collected from the rails. Elements are not fitted close, but after a certain period. This will allow rasbire waste to heat into the inclined gutters by which they will also be accumulated in the accumulative capacity. The yard will remain clean.

Walls can be made of natural or extruded wood. The doors from the grid will not give for a large premises of the proper inflow of air. On the roof of the house there is a ventilation pipe, covered with a visor so that there is no precipitation inwards - the ventilation system looks like this.

The cost of a cotton house with an automatic heating system is high, it is often used to breed decorative rocks.

Practical aviary for gold

Cell drawing for crooks on golden

Nikolai Ivanovich Zolotogin - a rabbit breeding with experience. Studying the behavior of his pets, he noticed that rabbits are defecated for more than the rear wall of their house. In this regard, in the drawings, according to the schemes of the Golden, the floor cell combined. Its main part is wooden, and the rear part is 15-20 cm - this is a metal grid.

The collection floor with a slope of the mesh insertion is 30 ° down dictates the structural features of the rear wall and the location of the cells. The drawing proposed by Nikolai Ivanovich suggests a 3-storey house on 6 adult individuals - two separate rooms on each floor.

As the developer itself says, in order to build cells for the ramp on his method, the drawings are not required.

Dimensions are approximately such:

  1. Cell height - 50 cm;
  2. Width - 80 cm;
  3. Depth - 70 cm.
  4. Square door frames. Their parties are 40 cm.

Between the cells in the form of expanding anose-free triangles, there are sensures made of metal mesh with cells of the same size, which will be used for the manufacture of doors.

Most of the design is wood, only 60-70% of items are made from the metal grid on its front of it. This is necessary for natural ventilation of the room.

If, according to the drawings of Mikhailov, the rear wall deviation is due to the protruding elements of feeders and sumps, then on the Golden system, each floor performs 20 cm per wall borders. Does not apply only to the first tier of the house. Accordingly, the wall from the bottom will deviate. It will come to the mesh joint with wooden floor elements. This design is needed so that excrement does not fall on the lower neighbor.

Triangular detects are not only a comfortable feeder, but also a separation wall between adjacent rooms highlighting heat. In the rooms of females, you can exhaust the maternity branch. If you need to keep a large number of rabbits, the house can be done longer. The number of cells on the floor is not limited.

Decorative "Apartments" for rare breeds

Decorative breeds of rabbits is also resistant to frozen. True, they are bred as pets. For a decorative rabbit and a lodge is required to be appropriate. For any such animal, green grass is a favorite delicacy. When maintaining in highly located cells, animals are deprived of the joy of nutrition with fresh grass.

There is a solution to ensure the rabbit in the summer fresh feed. To do this, right on Earth it is necessary to install an aviary from a metal mesh, several times the lodge, which will be located like any rabbit cell, at high columns. For the frame for the mesh fence and the roof base is the most convenient to use metal profiles. The top house is made according to the standard parameters. Ventilation is performed through the door with the grid. The exit for a rabbit from a house in Wolter is a sloping board with the crossbars featured to it.

The most convenient for rabbit is a masterpiece installed in the aviary. In this hidden corner of the rabbit will be able to calmly grow off the offspring.

With production breeding rabbits, mechanical feeders are used, heated drinkers. Only rabbits there are not so free, as home, although general principles of content are kept on large farms. The calculation of the place for rabbits-giants is slightly different in view of their bodies.

Rabbit cells differ depending on which animals and in what quantities will live in them. Correctly build rabbit houses - this is a whole science, and we will try to understand it further.

The optimal sizes of cells, in particular, for young people, are calculated by the number of heads that will live there. And repairing young people, and the goods are usually held by seven heads in one compartment. The length of such a house is on average from 2 to 3 meters, the width is 1 meter, height - up to 60 cm. Self-fertilization searched separately - one person in one house.

The sizes of the cell, where it is planned to settle the pregnant rabbit, the following: 120x70x60 cm. In some farmers, the magnitude of cellular structures may be less, but it is necessary to strive for such parameters. If the masterpiece of the retractable, its dimensions must coincide in height and depth with the main compartment. The length of the uterine separation on the front wall is 40 cm, the depth is 70 cm, the height is 60 cm. The magnitude of the window for the release of a young to mom: 15x15 cm or a circle with a diameter of 15 cm.

At home, the device is a cell in which adult males will live can be single and two-section. The sizes of cells per section are from 80 to 110 cm and a width of at least 60 cm. The sizes of the cell into two sections: length up to 130 cm, the width is the same as a single-section. Thus, 90 cm account for the feed part of the two-section design, and 40 cm. Adult rasrers in a single-circuit house can be kept 2-3 heads, in two-section - 5-6 heads.

Male young teams hold only to 3 months, then sit down one by one. Dimensions of a single bachelor dwelling: 70x70x60 cm (length-width-height).


Make the cells with their own hands is easy, because the simplest materials will be required for their facilities. Step-by-step following instructions - And now the house for fluffy pets is ready! On the next video, the farmer talks in detail about the size and construction of rabbit houses. This design is performed according to the Golden method.

Materials and tools

  • wooden boards or timber;
  • reiki;
  • Chipboard and plywood;
  • sheathing for protruding wooden parts (for example, thin tin);
  • roof coating material (polycarbonate, sleek slate, linoleum);
  • durable mesh for walls, dental and parts of the door;
  • hammer, nails, self-tapping screws, screws, screwdriver, loops, valves, feeders and drinkers;
  • roulette for measurements.


Step-by-step instructions will help not confuse anything and quickly finish the work.

  1. Locate a rectangular frame from the bar. If there are several separate tiers, between each you need to leave a distance of 10-15 cm (for the pallet).
  2. Between the front and rear bar, we feed the transverse rails, they will hold the first tier on them. Just do with the subsequent.
  3. We stick to our rectangles side "legs" made from boards. The legs are measured in advance so that there is a margin at a height of 30-40 cm from the ground. So the cells will be convenient to take over the bottom for carrying and cleaning.
  4. Next, from the rails and screws, twist the doors, get the grid. From the inside the mesh is both a construction stapler. Do not forget to make a tilt on the front side of the door to fit the Sennik.
  5. Doors broadcast on the loop and attach a small scorehold, the most convenientness to make a folding door "top down".
  6. The deck is made in the form of the letter V, tighten the grid.

The final stage

  1. Next, we build a castler cell with deaf walls of plywood and with a removable plywood bottom. This bottom can be removed and dried after the handsome young. After you can use Phaneur again.
  2. The door of the Musicinee is also deaf, kpripim on the loop.
  3. Under each tier we place an inclined pallet. Tilt make to the back wall so that it is convenient to remove the manure.

Such homemade cells will serve not one year's rabam. They can be transferred from the barn to the street in the summer, and even to hold tiers higher. But as practice shows, three tiers usually enough.

See step-by-step construction to make cells for the ramp on the specified instruction, in the next video. Making this method will take you literally half a day.

Other species

Other types of rabbit houses include a design for rabbit with a socket. This is an autonomous structure that does not imply any tiers, and is built separately. As can be seen in the photo below, it is portable and can be on both the street and indoors.

Instructions for manufacture

Tools and materials you need the same as the assembly of ordinary rabbit housing. Is that grids need less - only on the door of the general office. Next, we offer a brief step-by-step instruction for assembling a cozy rabbit house for mom and young.

  1. Based on the sizes (we take the same on the beginning of the article, 120x70x60), weak the framework.
  2. From thin boards or plywood we make side and rear walls.
  3. After that, we collect the door for the Musician and the door for the main compartment. On the second - you feed the grid.
  4. Doors Sadim on the loop, screw any shape for the latch and the opening handle.
  5. The final stage is the roof. It is covered with water-repellent material, you can take linoleum, polycarbonate, but not iron, so as not to heat up in the heat.

That's all ready! Such a house for females and a young you can endure in the garden, or put in the summer kitchen so that the pets are always under the supervision. The following drawings will appear best to look like cells.

Photo Gallery

Video "German houses for rables"

Cells on video made in German technology. They are intended for solitary confinement of adults or for young to 3 months.

All cells for rabbits are manufactured in accordance with several general principles, but a number of significant differences are also known, which are necessarily taken into account in the process of independent execution of such a design.

What should be the design

The most important requirements for the construction of rabbit cells are as follows:

  • full absence of drafts;
  • high-quality and sufficient ventilation of space;
  • optimal sizes based on the age features of animals and their quantities;
  • the use of harmless and durable materials;
  • lack of sharp or any traumatic elements in the design;
  • lack of negative climatic influences in the installation zone;
  • convenience of maintenance and operation;
  • maximum hygiene;
  • the available cost of the source materials and the fully finished design.

It is interesting! The correctly chosen design of the rabbits cells provides the highest indicators of the productivity of farm animals in the conditions of minimizing the incidence and high livestock safety.

The installation of indoor cells involves ensuring the purity of the air and the absence of excessive humidity or overheating, as well as the normal light intensity.

Cell with aviary for young

The standard cell for the content of young farm animals is most often designed for 8-20 individuals whose age varies from three months to six months. In the manufacture of such a group cell, it is necessary to adhere to the exemplary optimal area of \u200b\u200b0.25-0.3 m² for each individual. At the same time, the height of the walls cannot be less than 35-40 cm. Wolter for walking is placed on the back wall, and is also separated with a cell by a removable partition.

Cells for milk rabbish

The dwelling for a female female is divided into a couple of parts: uterine and feed. In this case, the partition is most often represented by the plywood element with the presence of a convenient pumping lazium with a diameter of 200 mm. Lases is located above the surface of the floor at a height of 10-15 cm, which does not allow rabbits to chat inside the fodder zone.

The floor inside the satellika is most often done from solid moisture resistant plywood. For the manufacture of the front door of the motherboard uses a board or plywood of sufficient thickness. The stern part is made of high-quality grid. Immediately before the outline inwards, the sketchik is installed inside the socket compartment, the dimensions of which are 40 x 40 cm with a height of 20 cm.

Family block of three sections

Independent manufacture of simple three-section rabbit cells is quite affordable. The so-called "family unit" is very convenient for breeding agricultural. In this case, the central branch of the design contains a roll manufacturer, and females are located on the sides.

In wooden partitions installed between all branches, lazes are equipped, which are supplied with plywood valves. Thus, it is possible to easily and simply control the process of adjustment for the male to the male.

The brusade frame is complemented by side and rear wall, as well as nest compartments with partitions and doors based on wide lining. For the purpose of making anterior wall, a metal grid is used. Inside the nest offices, it is recommended to provide an attic free space for animal leisure. The additional convenience of such structures will be the thoughtful location of drinking and feeders, which can be easily filling outside.

Mini Farm of Bunk Cells

The exercise costs of typical bunk cells for farm animals are not too high, due to structural simplicity. Special attention is paid to the location of the mini farm, depending on the type of lighting.

A closed deaf wall with yased boxes and feeders is located in the direction north, which allows you to protect rabbits from the pivy-wing wind and strong cold. The roof of the construction from the north should hang about 0.9 m, and from the southern part - 0.6 m. From the West and the eastern side, the roof is performed on the same level with protruding beams.

It is interesting! With the competent arrangement of the rabbit mini-farm in each cellular structure, it is possible to contain up to twenty-five adults of a valuable agricultural animal.

The bunk cell consists of a frame stand, the lower part and the upper tier, and as a roof is used, as a rule, transparent or translucent materials, as well as rubberoid. As the practice of operating a mini farm shows, one cell should occupy an area of \u200b\u200b1.4 m 2. The standard two-row farm of eight cellular structures with an opening of 70-110 cm covers an area of \u200b\u200b25 m 2.

Cell for Californian rabbits

According to experienced rabbit breeders, California rabbits are extremely simple in care and will not require a lot of space for content. The optimal dimensions of the construction of the rabbit cell for such an agricultural animal can be approximately one and a half times smaller than the dwelling for the content of the gray giant breed.

Among other things, California rabbits are well adapted to cold weather, therefore, it is often contained even without the presence of a traditional litter. The standard sizes of the sketchik cell are 0.4 m 2, and for one half-arched individual - 0.3 m 2. For self-making design, conventional, environmental clean and hygienic building materials can be used.

Cage for dwarf rabbits

Decorative rabbits or miniature dwarf rocks are most suitable for home content. The cell for such an animal will not occupy a significant place in the space of the room, which is explained by the compact dimensions of the rabbit and adult individuals. The weight of a semi-cream dwarf rabbit, as a rule, does not exceed a couple of kilograms.

It is interesting! Despite the fact that the rabbit cell can be made of very different, almost any materials, the most optimal option will be highly fuel, durable and completely environmentally safe plastic.

Two rods in such a finished cell should not be painted. Easy to care for decorative animals will allow the presence of a special tray of a drawn type, in which all the products of the life of a home bunny fall.

Cage for rabbits "Giakanov"

Large-size meat maker bunnies of the "Giant" breed require a special approach and arrangement of non-standard cellular structures. The cell for a large and sufficiently fast-growing agricultural animal has significant dimensions, since the rabbit dimensions in length are 55-65 cm with weight in the range of 5.5-7.5 kg. Based on such parameters, you should pre-draw a drawing-project of the cell.

One adult rabbit "Giant" must be contained in a cell with minimal sizes represented by:

  • - 96 cm long;
  • depth - 70 cm;
  • height - 60-70 cm.

A young couple of such a breed must be kept in a cell with dimensions of 1.2-1.3 m². Among other things, rabbits-giants have a sufficiently large weight, so the floor in the cell must be strengthened with a galvanized grid of thick wire, which will rip the frame base, laid with a distance of 4.0-4.5 cm. Some farmers are often used cells with solid Flooring and installing special plastic or rubber pallets. In this case, the purification of pallets is carried out daily.

Cells developed by gold, are characterized by the creation of rabbits of living conditions, as close as possible to their natural existence. Thanks to structural features, agricultural animals are able to feel freely, which positively affects the indicators of their fertility and general immunity.

Cells manufactured by the Rabbit Rabbit method of Zolotukhina have significant differences from many other types of rabbit housing. The main characteristics of such convenient designs are presented:

  • multi-line;
  • lack of mesh and pallet;
  • lack of landing machinery;
  • mobility feeders.

The three-tiered design is designed for six rabbits, and each subsequent tier will be shifted back by 15-20 cm, which is easily preventing from entering any livelihood waste in the following animals. The inclined floor in the rabbit is preferably solid, and only at the rear wall is fixed with a small grille plot. In the summer, the Musician is placed in the darkened zone of the cell, and in the winter, removable nestings are placed in the design.

The size of the rabbit golden cells varies depending on the breed features of farm animals, but for large or medium breeds, the structures presented are optimal, presented:

  • width - 2.0 m;
  • height - one and a half meters;
  • depth - 0.7-0.8 m;
  • the width of the mesh zone is 15-20 cm;
  • level of tilt floor - 5-7 cm;
  • door sizes - 0.4 × 0.4 m.

  • the total area is 0.4 × 0.4 m;
  • height level for the inlet - 150 mm;
  • performance height indicators - 160 mm;
  • rear wall height parameters - 270 mm.

It is interesting! If necessary, the above-mentioning parameters of the cell can be increased or reduced, which will make it possible to make the maintenance of the design as convenient as possible and easy.

The advantages of such cells are available available to the value of materials, as well as the ease of service and independent manufacture and not too large dimensions of the finished design. Among other things, it is possible to observe the optimal lighting mode and regular sufficient ventilation.

Dimensions of industrial cells for rabbits

Rabbit cells intended for animal breeding on an industrial scale, as well as ready-made structures, can be represented by different types:

  • stationary type for indoor installation;
  • stationary type for outdoor installation;
  • mobile type;
  • models equipped with enclosures.

Street cultivation is most often carried out in one-sided cells installed along a solid fence or wall. The rear and side walls of the cell in this case should be solid, which will ensure the full protection of animals from precipitation and wind gusts. Bilateral structures are best suited for placing indoors, bilateral structures are fully made based on steel grid, thereby ensuring easy and efficient ventilation.

The most popular for the content of adults are structures consisting of a pair of compartments with a settric installation near the side wall.

The solid floor in this zone must be made of the board, and the feed section must be separated by a partition having a lase with dimensions 17x17 cm. Floor coating is performed from a steel mesh. Standard sizes of the Musician:

  • depth - 0.55 m;
  • length - 0.4 m;
  • height at the entrance - 0.5 m;
  • the height of the rear is 0.35 m.

It is interesting! A feature of the rabbit houses intended for the street content of rabbits of any breeds is their unlimited sizes and a lightweight service option.

A pair of solid doors and two mesh shutters with reliably fixed feeders are installed on the front side. The whole design should be raised to a height of 80 cm from the ground level by means of stable legs.

Making cells

The most simple design of the rabbit cell can be performed independently. For open-air cell location, moisture-resistant OSP plates are used as the main construction and finishing material. The length of the standard single cell is one and a half meters with a width of 0.7 m and a similar height. The optimal option is the manufacture of a stear rabbit cell with a length of 3 m, width of 0.7 m and height in front and behind 120/100 cm. This design is convenient to maintain, and also allows you to significantly save building materials:

  • sheet plywood with dimensions of 1.5 × 1.5 m with a thickness of 10 mm - pair of sheets;
  • wooden bars with a length of 3.0 m with dimensions of 3 × 5 cm - ten pieces;
  • galvanized mesh with cells with dimensions of 1.5 × 1.5 cm - 3.0 m²;
  • screw screws 30 mm - kilogram;
  • self-screw screws 70 mm - kilogram.

The manufacturing process includes a framework of a frame and its trim, as well as the arrangement of the feeder and the pancake, the roof installation and the door hanging. It is important to properly make an outdoor coating inside the cell.