Repairs Design Furniture

What if the wooden house glanced? Methods of amendment of foundation defects under the house Old wooden house glanced two-story

You should know that it is not too difficult to raise the house. Of course, it is better to entrust this work to professionals, but if there is no such possibility, you can make it yourself.

We will need the following materials and tools:

  • hydraulic jack, preferably ten or twenty ton
  • brussia size of about 150x250 mm, you can take sleepers
  • various construction tools
  • fat plate of steel

Sequence of work:

  • calculate the load falling for each angle
  • choose a place where the jack will stand
  • put domkrat
  • lift each wall and put the stops
  • fix the raised wall
  • replace crowns or add foundation

Next, you should choose a place where the jack will stand. It depends on what purpose you are lifting. If you need to change the lower crowns, you need to cut a hole in them until the next log, it will become the support of the jack. The hole must have a width, which is enough to fit the jack itself, as well as boards, which will serve as a support of the house after raising.

In case the target of the rise is to increase the height of the foundation, it will be necessary if the foundation of the ribbon type, make a deepening for the jack. If it is a column, there is no such need.

Under the head of the jack, you need to put a thick steel plate. Well, if there will be any milling in her center, then the head does not slip.

Not far from the corner you need to rake and stick it to the ground. On it and on the corner you need to make markers at the same level. The ratio of these marks when lifting will be indicated how much centimeters are raised.

Work begins with the inclusion of the jack. It is necessary to ensure that the jack is vertical. If he deviates aside, you need to stop working and install the jack correctly.

When lifting, you need to follow the following rule. It is necessary to lift at once with two jacks that are supplied under the corners. The lifting of one corner should be carried out if it is ass in relation to other corners and it is necessary to align it.

Each wall at a time must be raised to a height from 4 to 6 cm and no more. Then follow the wall to put the stops and start the opposite wall.

There are two options of how to fix the wall already raised. The first - between the foundation and the log need to put the boards. The second is to make a "bench", that is, put the boards under the wall at right angles to it. The ends of the board should be located on the supports located on both sides of the wall. The choice of option should be due to the fact that you need to do with the house, for example, replace the crowns, add foundation, etc.

How to raise angle home video

SVAROG (Expert BuilderClub)

At the expense of the trench you are right. Just check which way from it then water is reset. And most importantly, as far as fast. If water does not leave there at once. Trench LLP can play a negative role - water is going in it from the county, it is necessary, absorbed and flows under the house inside the soil.

Apparently you have a frame house. The frame is quite movable and forgives the worst drawdowns and sides. True can break the panels in the corners. But when returning to its original position, they should almost completely close.

Better, of course, lift the winding angle. In order not to wait when the floors are very raised, the skin will disperse, etc. But if the drawdowns continue, then I don't want to give two to 10k every year. Therefore, as an option - lift the house yourself with the help of wedges.

Wedges are better to do from the cheapest wood. The main thing is that it is not rotten. As a rule, such an edge is soft (not construction). I do not know what kind of wood is sold from you, so I will not tell you. Wedge is placed german. No need to make a wedge very sharp. Watch the attached drawing, I think it will be clearer. The figure shows the lining - it is temporary, it is not the permanent that is indicated below, and is only needed under the corners and the intersection of the walls as a safety.

The order of work is:

1) It is necessary to access all the outer walls (from the side where the drawdown) and under all the inner walls of at least 1 sides. Those. Release a place to work.

2) take the first wedges that are 10-15mm thicker. Drive on each corner of 3 wedge in 500-1000mm increments (first in the corner, and 2 and 3 from one and on the other side of the angle, respectively. The same makes the same for the inner walls. Actually, on the plan at home, that you have shown, red Arrows just marked all the necessary places. Scroll wedges uniformly. Those. Do not beat every wedge until it stops. I woke up half 1, then 2, etc. For the second pass, seek.

3) Cooking new wedges (better of course in advance), which are thicker than 15mm and drive them next to the previous ones. Thus, you gradually align the whole wall to the desired mark.

4) Raise all the walls you need a little more than it is necessary - 2-3mm. It is necessary in order to lay the main (permanent) gaskets. The main gaskets are already made of construction wood (pine, for example) impregnated with antiseptics. Place the gaskets, and carefully knock the wedges. So that the strapping bar of the house is tightly lay down on the gasket.

What you need to properly harvest gaskets and wedges. Firstly, it is rather determined as you can determine how much each part of the house (you seems to do not seem uniform). For each angle and walls to prepare their wedges. Describe them next to the place where you will install. If you fall in a bunch - you push later. During the work, it is necessary to constantly control the construction level of the strapping beams in order not to squeeze them up to the other side :). It would not be bad that someone inside the house watched the floors aligned and do not appear any cracks.

Works can be stopped and continuing as it is convenient for you. But the wedges at the same time under all the walls should be confused approximately the same.

If something is not clear - check.


How to raise the house by jack? At first glance, this may seem a rather difficult task, in fact the technology is quite simple. The main thing is to take into account all the requirements and act in accordance with a certain sequence. To the process of lifting at home, the jack must be carefully prepared, learn all the subtleties of technology. It is very important here to act without a rush, gradually.

Two jacks will be quite enough, in the process they will need to be installed alternately, from different sides of the house. The use of four jacks (for each corner of the house) is not recommended, since this approach to work can cause the house shift. Before raising the house by jack, it is necessary to calculate an approximate load that comes from each angle. Thus, you can choose the optimal material of the appropriate size, which can be used as a temporary support for the house.

Necessary materials and tools

Before raising the house by jack, you should take care of the presence of the necessary materials and tools:

  • reiki;
  • steel plate (metal corner of suitable size);
  • metal tube (for use as a rink under the house);
  • material in order to restore the raised house (a wooden timber is perfectly suitable);
  • hydraulic level;
  • funnel.

In this case, jacks are perfect for trucks (loading capacity of 10 tons).

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Stage of preparatory work to raise the house by Domkrat

Before proceeding to the rise of the house, you need to perform a number of preparatory work. First of all, two rails are clogged at each corner of the house. To perform the following actions you need the use of hydraulic level. A feature of this device is a rubber hose, the ends of which are connected to the glass tubes, their length is about 200 - 250 mm. To work with the level of this type in the hose with a funnel, water is poured (for convenience, the liquid can be squeezed using ordinary manganese). The water level in the tubes should be the same.

With the help of the hydraulic level, each of the rails marked the height to which the rise of the house will be performed. For this purpose, one tube is attached (tied) to the rake. In the meantime, the second tube is applied to the rest of the slats, after which marks are set. At the same time it is necessary to return to the tube, which is in a fixed position, and verify the fluid level. In case of incurred levels, it can be concluded that the hose contains air bubbles. As you understand, such a device is unsuitable for work.

Lifting scheme at home with two jacks: 1 - Rake with lifting height mark; 2 - foundation.

In order to fix the current situation, you will need a flat platform with a small slope. After the device is filled again with water (again, with the help of a funnel), go around the house, exposing a mark on the stoken scored in the soil. Then return to the fixed tube. At the same time, checking the coincidences of levels of regions is a prerequisite. If you accidentally poured the liquid from the tube, the process must be continued. Otherwise, all subsequent work related to the rise of the house can be made incorrectly.

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Stage lifting at home, or work with jack

Before performing the rise of the house with your own hands, it is very important to prepare areas to which jacks will be installed. Each horizontal platform should put shields, boards or other material. The support area is desirable to make the most large as possible. From the patch of the jack to the lower crown of the dwelling, the steel plate is stacked (which can be replaced by the corner of a suitable size). This will avoid damage to the log about the Piglet. Next, try to raise that will be trial. If at the same time there was a shift (from the vertical) of jacks, the reference site is recovering under the device (jack).

It is necessary to raise the house so that the height ranges from 30 to 40 mm. For lifting houses, two jacks are applied immediately. In the process of work should be at least 2 people. The next action will be laying under the house lining, with which you can free the jacks. After that, the lift is performed all the same side. The lifting height of the house this time should be about 80 mm. Next, the installation of linings under the house should be installed.

After the rise of the first side of the house is completed, it should be proceeded to install jacks from the opposite side of the dwelling. Subsequent actions are similar to the previous one. Next, come back to the right side of the house. By installing the jacks, lower the curtains, otherwise the tool can turn out from under the housing. Already familiar actions are repeated in the same sequence until the rise of the house will not be implemented.

When lifting houses, it is very important to take into account the following rules:

  1. If you are in doubt about the installation of the jack, the housing raising process is worth stopping and put the tool correctly.
  2. Raising the house by the jack, in no case can be subject to housing. It also concerns the hands and legs, regardless of how reliable the temporary lining may seem. With extreme caution, work should be done if you have to raise the house after it has been raining, since temporarily installed stands can be unevenly settled.

If the lift of the house has occurred when the lift occurred, install the jacks on the other side, which turned out to be lower. At the same time, the installation of jacks will be somewhat different, their position should not be vertical, but inclined. The tilt should be sent to the desired position in which the house should be (the angle should be approximately 60 degrees). With the help of jacks, it is necessary to stop the crown of the dwelling, for this, the stop-kniting board is perfect for the log.

Thus, the house will stand more reliably and will not start sliding further. Other two jacks are used to lift the opposite part of the house (30 mm). To lay the crown on the log on the cut from the pipe, the diameter of which is equal to ½ to ¾ inch. After lifting the house managed, lower it on the prepared rollers. The following your actions (with the help of the jacks exhibited) should be aimed at performing not only the rise of the house, but also its horizontal movement.

In the event that it was possible to raise the house, but it does not turn out horizontally, it does not work, perform the installation of jacks at a smaller angle (between the axis of the tool and the soil from 45 to 60 degrees).

It should be not in a hurry to work by jacks, performing several rollers alternately by each tool. Otherwise (with long-term operation only with one of the houses put under the house), the housing can gradually slide and tighten around the pillar installed on the foundation. Raise the house is necessary strictly in the specified sequence.

Each person who has its own home, sooner or later collides with the problems of cracks on the walls of the building, the curvature of the foundation, skews. First of all, these problems go from the damage to the foundation, which even with its proper device can be much reduced through a large period of time.

Of course, the specified problems need to be solved without the slightest delay. It will save your time and money, and you will not give to the house and then. Therefore, the main ways to be corrected below will be described.

There are 3 basic options for solving this problem: the foundation can be strengthened, lift or replace completely or partially.

Method First: Strengthening the foundation

Let's start with the simplest :. Usually, the amplification is produced in the case of the start of the base. If you, with the help of the amplification, you cannot correct the foundation of your home in time, then this can pour out in a large amount of money with a complete replacement of expensive parts as the foundation and the buildings are completely.

First you need to dig a trench around the perimeter of the house. The trench is better made as deep as possible. The width of it should be such that you can make it possible to work as much as possible with the underground part of the foundation while in the trench.

Now carefully cleaned the surface of the foundation of the whole house from dirt and garbage, and then you can be taken for strengthening. To reliably, you will need reinforcement rigid wire. Take it and confront the foundation in all possible height. The other end of the wire is lowered and fixed on the other side to the soil.

So that all this design remains durable, you need to make a formwork in the width of the trench and pour all this business concrete. The solution must be made as thick as possible. It is also desirable to add minor pieces of fittings to it.

Pour the trench with a solution so that approximately 15 cm remained to the surface of the Earth. After the concrete is frozen on this height, it will be necessary to glue the ground with sand and well all the tamper. If there are places with very large cracks on your foundation, it is necessary to produce through anchoring on them and link it with an additionally laid out of the brick or slag block. This will be subsequently a uniform load on all parts of the building.

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The second method: raising the foundation

The following option is to raise the foundation base. This is the perfect option of how to fix the foundation under the house, if it asked too much, thereby giving large cracks on the walls of the house and dosage of doorways and windows.

To raise the foundation, you will need a very durable gasket, which will be the foundation of opens, and two enough powerful jacks. Start work with raising the most damaged corner of the house with the help of jacks. Under the raised part, gently put the gasket and immediately take over the following corners.

When picked up the corners, the jack is very important to take into account two main points. The first is the height of the raising. The most damaged place should be raised first and above the rest of the corners. But with all this, the maximum height of the raising should not exceed two cm. The second is the possible breakage of the church. Therefore, in the process of raising the corners, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that the log house does not twist. Otherwise, this can lead to even greater destruction.

After raising all the angles, check that in the end all the angles are raised exactly at the same distance. If you have done the check and all the heights of the raising were the same, make direct money correction directly directly. For this, near the corners and in the middle of each of the walls, we make recesses for pillars, the height of which is about 1 m.

After that, very durable fittings are shoved in the recess. Try to squeeze the reinforcement so that it rests well about the walls of the recesses. When you finish with the reinforcement, install the formwork. But after that, knead the thick solution with pieces of reinforcement wire and pour them into the recess with the reinforcement. As a result, you should have the so-called reinforcement columns, which in the future will not give the foundation to Square. After solving the solution, you can pour off the flooded areas from the top of the soil, it is good to the rim.

With all the work process, it is very important not to forget about the safety technique. In order not to damage, be sure to secure the jack so that it has a good support. And between the log cabin and the support for the jack, it is necessary to put a non-slip boards.

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Method Three: Replacing the foundation

And now it concerns partial or complete. In the event of a complete replacement, everything is extremely clear. It is equivalent to the fact that rebuilding the building with large cash investments and significant temporary costs. Therefore, to admit it is undesirable. It is better to fix individual parts of the foundation in time.

For partial replacement of the foundation, it is convenient to use an old, but well proven way. This is a partial replacement of the base. For this, the sole should not deepen. It is best for this in places of damage to the foundation and walls of the house to do in the land of the cell about 1 m depth. Opposite each of the cells in the wall of the foundation, the perforator makes notches for future fastening.

Now with the help of a powerful jet of water, rob the foundation near the dug cells and move the reinforcement beams that you need to hook anchors for the notches done in the wall. Then knead the thick solution and pour them all the cells.

After that, it is mandatory to strengthen the openings for doors and windows. To do this, pick up the openings in discharged places and check them in the level. Only before they need to be thoroughly aligned, if even minor skews have already been formed.

This method will provide an opportunity not only to partially restore individual parts of your foundation, but also increase the overall carrying capacity of the base for the whole house. In this regard, the risk of new cracks will be much reduced.

Thus, three main ways were considered how to fix the foundation of the house. These methods are the most simple and effective if the foundation deformation has not yet reached too significant scale. On time, the corrected defects will not give the problem to grow into a more severe scale.

Quite often, the owners of old wooden buildings face a question how to make their rise. The log house can serve much longer if its foundation is "reanimating". The processes of hydrological nature flowing in the depths of the soil become the cause of the sedimentation of the foundation of the wooden construction. The effect of water also provokes different biological processes that destroy the structure of building materials. As a result, the formation of cracks and gradual expansion of existing ones. Located in the process of operation loses pantry, which affects negatively on thermal insulation, in addition, the house with time begins to settle.

After lifting a log, the lower crown is changed or foundation.

Control, with which intensity these processes can be processed by applying paper beacons that should be pasted on cracks.

The violation of their integrity indicates the destruction of the foundation of the house, which must be repaired, otherwise destruction will progress.

Tools and materials

Replacing logs in Siruba: a) was; b) became.

  • asbestos cement pipes;
  • brick;
  • metal brackets;
  • sledgehammer;
  • scrap;
  • chainsaw;
  • wedges;
  • jacks;
  • sheet metal;
  • hydroelectory;
  • metal plate;
  • sand;
  • armature;
  • cement;
  • shovel;
  • ruberoid.

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Wooden House Lift Features

Fill a new foundation for a log house.

If the destruction touched only the base of the log house, which she asked to the ground of the soil, while his remainder remains in excellent or satisfactory condition, it is necessary to increase and subsequent replacement of the foundation. It is important not only to repair the foundation of the house of the logs, but also to avoid the destruction of the construction.

The initial stage will be the determination of the height to which the rise of the house will be. As a rule, this figure is not more than 2 m. In order to obtain accurate data when measuring, a hydroelectory should be used, which can be replaced with success. Based on this, it will be pre-prepared reliable columns from wood, which must have the necessary height, should be substituted under the corners.

To determine the mass of the house, knowing such data as the thickness and dimensions of the walls, as well as the density of wood, which is equal to about 800 kg / m³. It will be necessary for the faithful selection of the type of jacks.

The old house should be released from furniture and things, you should remove the doors, dismantle the floor, all these actions will help relieve the design. If the house has any structures that may be interfered with the process of lifting, they should also get rid of them, among such elements: beams from the furnace, porch, roof pipe.

Scheme of the fill of the foundation under the house around the perimeter and with a concrete jumper in the middle.

In addition to the columns from wood, take care of the presence of additional equipment, like something: a sledgehammer, chainsaw, crowds, wedges made of wood, jacks with a long rod. Jacks, as practice shows, must have a lifting capacity of at least 10 tons. In the process of work, the supports of jacks, which should be made, applying a thick sheet metal, can replace plywood sheets. As a result, the resulting lining five should have dimensions equal to 500 × 500 mm.

The log house before starting work should be analyzed so that if necessary, to strengthen the joints of the logs or repair the fragments of the logs that have come into disrepair. Using metal brackets, it is necessary to fix the 3 first lower rows of the mooring. Before the entity of the jack should determine the most convenient angle for this. After the establishment of the jack under the house, it can be started carefully lifting. As soon as it was possible to raise a log before the moment when the angle was cut off from the ground, the wedges should be started, which will act as insurance if the jack will not cope with the load.

After the possibility of establishing jacks under the rest of the corners appears, you can install them on the lining places, and then proceed to the rise. Fixing angle by 1.5 cm, you can go to the next one. The lift should be made with extreme caution to avoid distortions that may entail collapse. Near the jacks it is necessary to equip temporary backups using a brick, which will allow additional insurance.

Replacing the bars of the lower crown of a church.

After the appearance of the possibility, under the lower crowns you need to start the beams, rearring the jacks in such a way that they rest in the beams. Between the beam and the jack should be laid a metal plate, and then continue to increase, until it is possible to achieve the desired height. In the process of conducting work, constructions should be built by applying construction materials, and after placing them in the middle of the spans.

If the failed brick foundation has sufficient height, it follows in certain places to extract bricks, placing beams into the resulting holes. Then under the beams need to install jacks to continue the rise of the house above the method described.

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Repair of the base of the house

After the house managed to raise and fix, you can start repairing the base on which the log house is installed. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a certain procedure. Replacing the base under the house starts with the dismantling of the old foundation. Brickwork must be completely disassembled. And the trench should deepen the creation of a new base.

Replacing the old foundation on screw piles.

The bottom of the trench should be filled with sand, the thickness of the embankment is 150 mm. The base on which the log house will be installed must have a reinforced foundation, the formwork should be installed for its arrangement. The next step is to fill the trench with a concrete mixture. In the process of setting the strength to concrete, it is unacceptable to load it, which should be followed within 28 days. After the end of this period, the formwork can be dismantled.

The log house is exposed to water, which is why its base should be waterproofing, for which the rubberoid sheets should be applied. A new base must certainly be processed by bitumen, these actions are vertical waterproofing, which serves to protect against groundwater impact.

The opposite sides of the foundation must be equipped with holes, which will ensure ventilation of the underground space. It is possible to equip the holes by laying asbestos-cement pipes at a certain height in the process of filling the base.