Repairs Design Furniture

Windmills of the 16th century. Windmill. Video: Water mill for the garden do it yourself

Buildings that are available on a home or summer cottage are usually created in a strict functional style. They, as a rule, do not have any specific decorative elements, do not look like their intended purpose. At the same time, a desire to somehow decorate, revitalize the territory of the site is characteristic of most owners. Solutions of this issue have a lot. Most often used landscape design technologies, with which absolutely any block of land can be decorated.

One of the options for creating an unusual appearance is erecting windmill. The solution is somewhat unexpected, but invariably spectacular, requiring detailed consideration.

Device and principle of operation

Windmill is a device that converts a flour mechanism into operation. This is the traditional appointment of mills who performed almost the only work - grain grinding, the manufacture of flour. The blades (wings) of the mill took the wind stream on their plane and started rotation. It was transferred to the millstone, pussy grain and flour. The windmill device is a prototype, pumps and other mechanisms of today using streams.

Currently, we rarely meet the actual windmill, mainly contain them in ethnographic reserves as exhibits. At the same time, they are completely good and can perform their work quite effectively.

Is the decorative element or a practical structure?

Use a windmill as a full-fledged faucet that serves flour grinding is impossible. First, the dimensions of such a structure will not fit for relatively small sections. In addition, there is no need for grinding grain currently. therefore windmills, erected in garden sites, perform a decorative role. At the same time, the rotating rotor, if it is able to perform its functions, it can be used for various economic needs:

  • power generation;
  • actuation of the water pump;
  • the housing of the windmill can be accommodated for storing various inventory.

The choice of a method of applying the windmill is the prerogative of the site owner, but the most common appointment of such structures is the decoration of the site, bringing folklore motifs in the design style. This moment cannot be considered secondary or unimportant, since the appearance also needs a competent and creative approach, as well as practical application.

Why can you need?

In this case, the key point becomes an independent manufacture of facilities. In addition to certain practical purposes, which are prosecuted when creating a windmill, a creative approach is important, the ability to make efforts to independently design the site.

You can apply such a structure in different ways, for example, with the help of a windmill, you can decorate a water well. Often, similar structures cover the exit to the surface of sewer collectors. The use of a windmill in direct purpose is not excluded - in order to bring mechanisms or generating electric current into the movement, for example, to illuminate the site.

Important! The decoration of the territory is an important factor in itself, but if it is possible to practically use a windmill for economic needs, its value increases many times.

Another possible application of such an element can be called a place for children's games. The kids play with pleasure in various houses, and if it is stylized under the mill, it becomes even more interesting.

Selecting the territory for installation

The choice of place affects, first of all, the design of the owner, the appointment of the construction. If purely decorative use is planned, then the mill is placed on the basis of considerations of painting, an external effect, that is, on an open site, providing a good overview of the structure. If the device is functional, then the choice of the site will affect the choice, the absence of large buildings that can close the blades from wind streams.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the location of engineering communications, buildings or structures, which can interfere with the rotating wings of the mill. If they are opposite the windows, constant flashing in the eyes will create a significant inconvenience for people in the room.

It should also be borne in mind that the construction will need to have a normal approach, especially if it is planned to make it an element of a children's playground. Given all these considerations, the choice of optimal place for the construction of the mill is made.

Step-by-step instruction

Mill creation Occurs under the usual scheme used in the construction of any structures:

  • creating a project (working drawing)
  • purchase of materials, tool selection
  • preparation of the site
  • housing assembly and rotor
  • installing mechanical elements (if they are scheduled)
  • running, debugging modes

Some steps in this list may be superfluous, sometimes, on the contrary, additional steps may be needed. The final action plan can only be compiled when considering a specific design, the conditions for its operation, size and other parameters.

Important! In no case should not neglect the creation of the project. Often it is at this stage that there are significant errors or additional factors, in the root changing approach to the work performed. Production of the NamAum can lead to an empty spending time and materials.

Necessary materials and tools

For creating a decorative windmill It is best to use traditional materials:

  • bar
  • boards
  • split logs
  • nails
  • saws.

In addition, depending on the size and purpose of the mill, materials may be needed to create a foundation:

  • cement,
  • sand,
  • armature rod.

It is equally important to have the necessary tools:

  • electric saw
  • electrolake,
  • hand-hacks
  • chisel, chisel,
  • passatia,
  • a hammer,
  • electrode with a set of drills,
  • rule, roulette.

Depending on the project of the structure, other tools or devices can be attracted if there is a need for them.


The first steps that will be performed at the initial stage, this is the preparation of the construction site. If the construction planned is quite large, for example, under the mill it is necessary to reorganize the storage for tools, inventory, engineering devices, then the foundation is required.

The easiest way to fill the foundation will be the creation of a ribbon type of base. To do this, around the perimeter of future walls is digging in the inside of which the formwork is installed, the reinforcement frame knives and concrete is poured. The foundation is withstanding the desired time for sufficient crystallization of concrete, after which further work can be maintained.

Note: For small decorative structures, the foundation is not required, sufficiently lift them over the ground level to eliminate contact with groundwater.

After completion of the foundation, it is embarked in the creation of the housing of the windmill.

Choose the type of walls and roof

The construction of the walls and the roof of the mill is carried out in accurately in accordance with the working drawings, performed in advance at the very beginning. Options are possible:

  • build walls from procusible logs. Performed when creating a large mill designed to perform certain economic functions.
  • the construction of walls from the bar. This method is somewhat simpler, since the adjustment of the bar is much easier than logs. The magnitude of the mill is also quite large.
  • creating a frame with subsequent sheaving boards. Such construction is suitable for a smaller mill.

The considered options imply the construction of the construction directly on the spot. There may be options when the entire structure is collected in one place, for example, in the garage or in the workshop, and is installed ready for a designed place. Such an approach can be used when creating small decorative mills that can be transferred within the area.

Construction of walls is completed with the beginning of the roof. Traditionally, two- or four-piece design is made. As roofing material, any of the vintage, traditional roofing coatings - tile, dunca, etc.

Wood - unstable to the effects of atmospheric moisture and rain material. The finished structure must be protected from water, applying a layer of varnish or olifa. The optimal option will be a preliminary impregnation with an antiseptic and antipyarem to protect the walls from insects or fire.

Features of the construction of a functional mill

If the windmill will perform useful work, then it is designed fairly difficult. The design consists of a rotating rotor transmitting movement to the generator from which the received voltage is transmitted to the battery and the inverter. This is the most difficult, there may be options and easier. But all of them are combined with one sign: the rotor shaft is connected to a specific mechanism.

This circumstance is forced to approach the construction on the other side:

  • first, the working mechanism is mounted;
  • walls or protective box are built around it with access to equipment for repair or maintenance.

In such situations, construction is carried out so that the walls and roof of the mill are prevented by the rotation of the wings or did not overlap access to the mechanics. Otherwise, work is carried out in a similar way using the same materials and tools.

Installation of the wind generator

Installation of a windmill is necessary in cases where it was made in the workshop. Usually such structures have small sizes and are quite accessible to transport within the site. This option is good for the production of repair, upgrading or maintenance. The ability to work in a normal workshop, not an open-air, gives many advantages and ensures high quality of repair or care.

Installation of the mill is produced on a dry prepared platform. If necessary, the device is attached to it with anchors. If the design is horizontal and does not have the ability to install on the wind, then you should take care of the choice of a place that allows you to use the prevailing flow direction for this region.

For a long time, wind mills, along with water mills, were the only machines that humanity used. Therefore, the use of these mechanisms was different: as a flour mill, for processing materials (sawmill) and as a pumping or water supply station.

With development in the XIX century. Steam machines The use of mills gradually began to shrink.

The "classic" windmill with a horizontal rotor and elongated four-trigger wings is a widespread element of the landscape in Europe, in windy plain northern regions, as well as on the Mediterranean coast. For Asia, other structures are characterized with vertical accommodation of the rotor.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    ✪ The principle of wind turbines




Presumably the oldest mills were distributed in Babylon, which is evidenced by the Code of Tsar Hammurapi (about 1750 BC). A description of a windmill organ - the first documentary evidence of the use of wind to bring the mechanism. It belongs to the Greek inventor Gerono Alexandrian, I century n. e. Persian mills are described in reports of Muslim geographers in the IX century, differ from Western design with a vertical axis of rotation and perpendicular to the wings, blades or sails. The Persian mill has a blade on the rotor, located similarly to the shovels of the rowing wheel on the steamer and should be enclosed in a shell, covering part of the blades, otherwise the wind pressure on the blades will be the same on all sides and, as the sails are rigidly connected with the axis, the mill will not rotate.

Another kind of mills with a vertical axis of rotation is known as a Chinese mill or Chinese windmill. The design of the Chinese mill is significantly different from the Persian use of freely rotating, independent sails.

Middle Ages

Windmills with horizontal orientation of the rotor are known from 1180 in Flanders, Southeast England and Normandy. In the XIII century, the structures of mills appeared in the Sacred Roman Empire, in which the entire building was turned towards the wind.

This state of affairs was in Europe until the appearance of internal combustion engines and electric motors in the XIX century. Water mills were distributed mainly in mountainous areas with rapid rivers, and windy - in the plain windy areas.

Mills belonged to the feudalles, they were located on whose land. The population was forced to look for the so-called forced mills for grinding grain, which was grown on this earth. In conjunction with a bad road network, it led to local economic cycles in which mills were involved. With the abolition of the ban, the population was able to choose a mill at his own discretion, thus stimulating technical progress and competition.

New time

At the end of the XVI century, mills appeared in the Netherlands, which only the tower turned to the wind towards the wind.
Until the late XVIII century, wind mills were in a huge amount distributed throughout Europe - where the wind was quite strong. Medieval iconography clearly shows their prevalence. Basically, they were distributed in the windy northern regions of Europe, in a large part of France, the lower lands, where there were no longer 10,000 windmills, the UK, Poland, Baltic States, Northern Russia and Scandinavia in the coastal districts. In other European regions there were only a few windmills. In the countries of Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Balkans, Greece), built typical mill mills, with a smooth conical roof and, as a rule, a fixed orientation.

When in the XIX century, a pan-European economic leap occurred, there was a serious growth of the mill industry. With the advent of many independent masters, a one-time increase in the number of mills occurred.

In Russia, wind mills were traditionally used for grain grinding or water lifting. Modern wind power plants provide electricity small farms and enterprises.

The progenitors of the windmills appeared almost four thousand years ago in Egypt. Initially, the windmill had a constant direction of the blades and a belt drive to the axis of the stone millstone. Later, gears and bearings, turning mechanisms appeared in the design. Such a device without radical changes was successfully used before the beginning of the last century and now also has the use.

Reasons for the success of wind energy

The characteristics of wind energy are unique. Deserve a separate mention of the properties that caused the long-term success of windmills. Comparison of the characteristics of energy sources makes it possible to understand such a long and geographically widest use of wind energy:

But there is winds and disadvantages. For example, inconstancy included in the saying. The wind direction is changing so often that they had to even create mills with a rotating case. And the change in the wind strength from the hurricane to the calf does not allow to count on the stability of energy flow. Other natural energy sources are also unstable and with their shortcomings. The sun does not give energy at night, and in the afternoon he can leave for clouds. The rivers are not everywhere, but where there is, can dry or freeze for months.

Another minus is the low wind density - 1.29 kg / m3. For example, the density of water is almost ton. To obtain the same energy, the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades near the windmill must be 750 times more than that of water. And for such structures there should be a corresponding case.

But, nevertheless, for almost four thousand years, the wind has been in demand, as a source of energy, in the European, Asian and African continents. And now they do not forget about him.

How wind turns blades

Since the air has a mass, the air movement has kinetic energy. When the wind path in a certain direction appears, the object appears, their interaction can be described using strength vectors. The wind will push the obstacle and repel himself in the opposite direction. In this case, the blade, fixed on the axis of the structure, will bend along the axis of rotation and spin on it. Graphically, it looks like this:

The wind after contact is reflected from the blade, leaving it part of the energy:

  1. on the bending of the blade in the direction of the wind, which the design is opposed to PL2-1, creating potential energy. The magnitude of this force will decrease the wind power vector FB2-1;
  2. creating the kinetic energy of rotation, the strength of FL2-2 acts on the blade. This reduces the wind power vector FB2-2, changing its direction.

The magnitude of the kinetic energy transmitted by the wind through the blades depends on the mass of the air interacting with the blade, the speed of its movement, directions relative to the blades - the more perpendicular, the better.

In the mill itself, in addition to the design of the blades, you can minimize friction losses using bearings on the axis, and the gear gear mechanism, or installing the generator directly to the axis of the blades.

Knowing how the mill works, you can try to make it yourself. At least in decorative purposes.

How to calculate wings mill

First you need to decide why and where to build a mill. Usually the wind machine is placed in the open area.For example - in the country. If trees grow closely and tightly and tightly, you will have to make a high housing for the windmill. In this case, the foundation will be required.

The foundation is needed and low, but heavy housings. For dachas, it is enough to put a concrete to a depth of 0.7 meters to a depth of 0.7 meters of bricks to a depth of 0.7 meters. For decorative structures, it is enough to maintain a brick layer, insulating the structure from moisture.

Now it is necessary to decide why the mill should be built. Many options:

  • for lifting water from the well;
  • for electricity;
  • to scare the mole;
  • for storing garden tools;
  • in decorative purpose.

The order of variants is presented to reduce the requirements for the power of the device, i.e. to simplify the mechanism. The definition of design requirements remains the right and responsibility of the owner.

Immediately remember that the real power of the household windmill does not exceed 500 W at wind speed 5-8 m / s. However, electricity can be accumulated, including, if necessary, powerful consumers for a short time. For example, a water lifting pump.

The main thing in the windmill is a blade. First of all, to determine the design of the blades, you need to know that the more power - the greater area of \u200b\u200bprojection on the plane of rotation should have a blade. This is achieved by increasing the number, length, area and corner of the blades.

To calculate the average capacity of the design, the knowledge of the usual for the construction of winds will be required. In addition, the blades of the mill must be perpendicular to the prevailing directions of wind. This information should be found on the Internet at the request "wind speed statistics" and "wind rose" for your region.

It remains to calculate the size of the blades. For example, the average wind is 5 m / s, and the power consumption of an electrical appliance 100 W. Losses on the conversion of the kinetic energy of the rotation axis of the mill into electric will be about 20% - 40%.

The efficiency of the efficiency can be calculated, given the exact passports of the generator efficiency on the axis, rectifier, the stabilizer, the direct current converter to an alternating voltage of 220 V. in the calculation of the percentages of losses are not summed, it is necessary to multiply the efficiency of each device to obtain the efficiency of the rotation conversion system in electricity . Even half the wind power is lost on the blades.

Reduce the loss of conversion can exclude, for example, a DC converter to a variable if the actuator can work from the battery. The absence of any other device is also possible if the voltage and current do not have a large value for the operation of the device - for example, a small incandescent light bulb is even more practical - LED.

The power of the wind generator is directly proportional to the density of airmultiplied by wind speed in the third degree (for 5 m / s - 125). If you split the result on the double area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of the blades on the rotation plane, the power can be obtained that the generator can work on the axis of rotation of the blades.

For example, it is possible to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bprojection for 4 blades with a width of 0.5 m, forming a circle with a diameter of 2 m, fixed at an angle of 60 degrees to the rotation plane. The area according to the formula D / 2 * SIN (30) * 0.5 * 4 is 2/2 * 0.25 * 4 \u003d 1 square meter.

Such a design, with the most common average of wind speed in Russia, 5 m / s, receives energy from the wind in the amount of 1.29 * 125/2 * 1 \u003d 80 W. Remove half to the transformation into a rotational movement, remove 25% for transformation into electricity and will remain about 30 W for consumers. Maximum wind power with such wind on the blades that completely overlapping the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle in the projection can grow 3.14 times. As a result, the consumer will get a maximum of about 100 W. Not so bad.

If on decorative purposes to use LEDs, the dimensions of the mill will change to funny, there would be a low wind along the ground.

Without conversion to electrical use wind energy to scare up small insects living underground. It is enough to lower 15 centimeters into the recess of the wooden axis, rotating from the windmill, how the vibration of the soil will scare them for several meters, without interfering with the owners.

Varieties of windmills blades

The design of the blades are not only with a vertical rotation, but also with horizontal. Blades can have a screw constructionValued sailboat. Mills were built on the century and so that in each structure there was uniqueness. Modern designs are also affected by a variety.

Statistics and prospects

In Russia, the late 19th century worked about 200,000 flour mills. The usual windmill produced a power of 3.5 kW, large with a diameter of a 24 meter blades - to 15 kW. The total generated power at that time reached 750 MW. Now the wind power generators and a few of the mills of another destination are used. And all of them are all producing 50 times less than 100 years ago, 15 MW. Development plans. sure. Created, because the wind potential over our country is tens of billions of kilowatt.

While the plans were not realized, you can rephrase the well-known expression of Vladimir Mayakovsky and say: "If the mills are built - it means that someone needs it? So - someone wants them to be?" The fascinating beauty of working mills has become a powerful inspirational factor for craftsmen, creating masterpieces in the courtyards and in the country areas.

Mills. Lead mills, history, types and designs. - Ch.5.

Sea view with windmill on the shore

Windmill- Aerodynamic mechanism that performs mechanical work due to wind energy captured by the wings of the mill. The most famous use of windmills is their use for flour grinding. During the long time, windmills, along with water mills, were the only machines that used humanity. Therefore, the use of these mechanisms was different: as a flour mill, for processing materials (sawmill) and as a pumping or water supply station. With development in the XIX century. Steam machines The use of mills gradually began to shrink. "Classic" windmill with a horizontal rotor and elongated four-trigger wings is a widespread element of the landscape in Europe, in windy plain northern regions, as well as on the Mediterranean coast. For Asia, other structures are characterized with vertical accommodation of the rotor. Finished the most ancient mills were distributed in Babylon, what the Code of Tsar Hammurapi (about 1750 BC) is evidenced. A description of a windmill organ - the first documentary evidence of the use of wind to bring the mechanism. It belongs to the Greek inventor Gerono Alexandrian, I century n. e. Persian mills are described in reports of Muslim geographers in the IX century, differ from Western design with a vertical axis of rotation and perpendicular to the wings, blades or sails. The Persian mill has a blade on the rotor, located similarly to the shovels of the rowing wheel on the steamer and should be enclosed in a shell, covering part of the blades, otherwise the wind pressure on the blades will be the same on all sides and, as the sails are rigidly connected with the axis, the mill will not rotate. Another kind of mills with a vertical axis of rotation is known as a Chinese mill or Chinese windmill.

Chinese mill.

The design of the Chinese mill is significantly different from the Persian use of freely rotating, independent sails. Windmills with horizontal orientation of the rotor are known from 1180. In Flanders, Southeast England and Normandy. In the XIII century, the structures of mills appeared in the sacred Roman Empire, in which the entire building turned towards the wind.

Bruegel senior. Yang (velvet) Landscape with windmill

This state of affairs was in Europe until the appearance of internal combustion engines and electric motors in the XIX century. Water mills were distributed mainly in mountainous areas with rapid rivers, and windmage - in the plain windy areas. Mills belonged to the feudalles, they were located on whose land. The population was forced to look for the so-called forced mills for grinding grain, which was grown on this earth. In conjunction with a bad road network, it led to local economic cycles in which mills were involved. With the abolition of the ban, the population was able to choose a mill at his own discretion, thus stimulating technical progress and competition. At the end of the XVI century, mills appeared in the Netherlands, which only the tower turned to the wind towards the wind. Until the end of the XVIII century, wind mills were in a huge amount distributed across Europe - where the wind was strong enough. Medieval iconography clearly shows their prevalence.

Jan Bruegel Senior, Yos de Momper. Life in the field.Prado Museum (On the right in the upper part of the painting of the windmill).

Basically, they were distributed in the windy northern regions of Europe, in a large part of France, the lower lands, where there were no longer 10,000 windmills, the UK, Poland, Baltic States, Northern Russia and Scandinavia in the coastal districts. In other European regions there were only a few windmills. In the countries of Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Balkans, Greece), built typical mill mills, with a smooth conical roof and, as a rule, a fixed orientation.When in the XIX century, the pan-European economic leap occurred, there was a serious growth of the mill industry. With the advent of many independent masters, a one-time increase in the number of mills occurred.

In the first type, the milling barn rotated on a pole in the ground. Support served either additional pillars, or a pyramidal log pad, chopped "into dign" or frame.
The principle of mills-rolling was different

Mills Shatrovka:
a - in the truncated eight; b - in direct octagum; In - octo on the barn.
- The lower part of them in the form of a truncated eight-grumble was fixed, and the lower side of the upper part rotated under the wind. And this type in different areas had a lot of options, including mills-towers - chetver, monotherb and octal.

All types and variants of the mills are striking with an accurate constructive calculation and logic of wristbands that kept the winds of great strength. Folk architects also paid attention to the appearance of these single vertical economic structures, the silhouette of which played a considerable role in the settlement ensemble. This was also performed in perfect proportions, and in the grace of carpentry work, and in the threads on the pillars and balconies.

Description of structures and the principle of milling mills.

Pobbins Mills are called for the fact that their barn rests on the post, covered in the ground and covered outside the log cabin. It covers beams, holding a pillar from a vertical displacement. Of course, the barn is resting not only on the post, but on the Siruba-Troops (from the word cut, logs, cutted not tightly, but with proces).

Circuit diagram of the mill mill.

On top of such a row, a flat round ring from plates or boards is made. On him and relies the bottom frame of the actual mill.

There may be different shapes and heights in the column, but not higher than 4 meters. They can rise from the ground immediately in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid or first vertically, and with some height to move into a truncated pyramid. There were, the truth is very rare, the mills at the low frame.

Jan Van Goyen.. Windmill by the river(Here is a typical column or Kozlovka).

Jan Van Goyen. Scene on ice nearDordrechta (Another pillars - Kozlovka away on the elevation of the canal).

Base towers There can also be different in shape and designs. For example, the pyramid can begin from the ground level, and the design is not cutting, but a frame. The pyramid can rely on the connoisseur four, and the utility rooms can be attached to it, a melnik room, etc.

Salomon Van Ruysdael. View of Deventer from the North-West. (Here you can see the rolling, and the column).

The main thing in the mills of their mechanisms.IN towers The internal space is divided by overlaps into several tiers. The message with them goes along the steep stairs of the attic type through the hatches left in the floors. Parts of the mechanism can be located on all tiers. And they can be from four to five. The mighty vertical shaft is served by a rod, piercing the mill throughout the hatching. It relies through a metal groove attached to the beam, which lies on a broomable frame. The beam with wedges can move in different directions. This allows you to give the shaft strictly vertical position. You can also do the same with the help of the top bar, where the shaft pin is embedded in a metal loop.In the lower tier, a large gear with fists-teeth, fixed along the outer contour of the round base of the gear. When working, the movement of a large gear, multiplied several times, is transmitted to a small gear or a set of other vertical, already metallic usually. This shaft stitches the fixed lower millstone and rests on a metal bar, on which the upper movable (rotating) rails are suspended through the shaft. Both mills are dressed with a wooden casing with sides and from above. The millstones are installed on the second Mill Yarus. The beam in the first tier, which relies with a small vertical shaft with a small gear, is suspended on a metal rifle pin and with the cast washer with handles can be slightly raised or lowered. With her, the upper mill rises or falls. This is so adjustable grain grinding.From the casing of the millstone down, the deaf milk gutter with a bay board at the end and two metal hooks, which is hanging on a bag filled with flour.Next to the railway block is installed crane-bugs with metal gripped arcs.

Claude-Joseph Vernet Construction of a large road.

With it, the millstone can be filmed from their places to catch.Above the housing of the millstone from the third tier is descended toughly fixed to the overlap of the bunker grain. It has a valve, with which you can overlap the grain feed. It has the form of a tipped truncated pyramid. From below the swinging tray is suspended. It has a juniper bar and a pin, lowered to the upper mill. In the hole eccentric, a metal ring is installed. The ring can be with two-three oblique feathers. Then set symmetrically. The pin with the ring is called a shell. Running over the inner surface of the ring, pin all the time changes the position and sinks a spherical suspension tray. This movement is referred to the grain in the yawn mill. From there it falls into the gap between the stones, grinds into the flour, the one goes into the casing, from it in a closed tray and a bag.

Willem Van Drielenburgh. Landscape with a viewDordrechta (Towers ...)

The grain falls asleep into the bunker embedded in the floor of the third tier. Grain bags are served here with the help of a "company and rope with a hook. The gate can connect and disconnect from pulley planted on the vertical shaft. It is made from the bottom with the help of a rope and lever. In the overlap board, the hatch is cut off, covered by obliquely supplied two-ring sash. Bags , passing through the hatch, open the sash, which then arbitrarily slam. Melnik turns off the gate, and the bag turns out on the hatch covers. The operation is repeated.In the last tier, located in the "cap", another, small gear with beveled fists-teeth is installed on the vertical shaft. It makes the vertical shaft rotate and launches the entire mechanism. But it makes it makes the big gear on the "horizontal" shaft. The word in quotes is concluded because actually the shaft lies with some inner end slope down.

Abraham Van Beveren (1620-1690) Sea scene

It is concluded in the metal shoe of a wooden frame in the metal shoe of a wooden frame, the base of the cap. The elevated end of the shaft, which goes out, calmly lies on the stone-"bearing", slightly rounded from above. On the shaft in this place, metal plates, preventing shaft from fast erasing, are embedded.Two mutually perpendicular bruses-bracket are cut into the outer head of the shaft, which are mounted with clamps and bolts other beams - the base of the lattice wings. Wings can take the wind and rotate the shaft only when the sail will be raped on them, usually rolled into the harnesses into the late, not working time. The surface of the wings will depend on the strength and speed of the wind.

Swisshardt, Heinrich Wilhelm (1746 Hamm, Westphalia - 1797 London) Fun on the frozen canal

The gear of the "horizontal" shaft is equipped with teeth embedded in the side of the circle. From above, it hugs a brake wooden block, which can be released or tightened with a lever. A sharp braking with a strong and impetuous wind will cause a high temperature when the tree frustzes about the tree, and even the depression. It is better to avoid it.

Corot, Jean-Baptiste Camille Windmill.

Before work, the wings of the mill should be turned towards the wind. For this, there is a lever with a pink - "drove".

There were small columns with a number of at least 8 pieces around the mill. To them "drove" and was attached to a chain or a thick rope. Silah 4-5 people, even if the top ring of the tent and part of the frame is well lubricated with solidol or something similar (previously lubricated with pork lard), it is very difficult to turn the "cap" of the mill, almost impossible. "Horsepower" here is also not suitable. Therefore, we used a small portable gate, which alternately dressed on the columns by its trapezoid frame, which served the basis of the whole structure.

Bruegel senior. Yang (velvet). Four windmills

A block of millstone with a casing with all parts and parts located above and below it, was called in one word. Usually the small and average windmill varies "about one post." Large windmills could be built with two podasses. There were windmills and with "crushes", on which linseed or hemp seed was pressed for obtaining appropriate oil. Waste - cake, - also used in the household. "Silent" windmills seemed to have not met.

Bout, Pieter Rustic Square

The sun bother under the evening.
Over the rope fog already steles.
Nursing the ugliest wind
Only shoves the wings of the mill.

Wooden, black, old -
From worries, from the troubles are tired,
And like the wind in the field is free.

Accelerates ink clouds
Entertains wind wanderer -
- she found nothing better
How to meet a dawn yes dawn.

What are you standing black mill
Are the carousel of foreign winds?
You are unhappy, you are the idleness,
You are the keeper of desires and dreams.

You cried hands in despair -
- Wooden, long ride,
And I heard, inadvertently,
How did you pray for the sky about death.

I'm old, black mill -
- Carousel and abode of devils,
I'm tired and linen -
- Perhaps me thunder soon.

Thunder listened - I ran and rumbled,
And he lit with hot flames.
Did not have time not to shout nor the hurry, -
He burned down today.

Only the mills were heard
In pre-ordinary, sleepy rays

Landscape with windmills to us more familiar on the canvas of European masters of painting of the eighteenth-nineteenth century.

Now many working windmills can be seen only in the Netherlands. True, they are not the flour on the flour there, although there are such. They pumped out water from some channels to others. How was the windmill been arranged? You can see it except in the Baltic States and the Netherlands themselves. The first thing to do is to work well, to catch the wind. To do this, its roof was turned in the desired direction using a special wheel and lever. The wheel was just associated with the roof. When the roof reached the required position, the wheel was stopped with a special chain. Then they released a special brake, and the wings of the mill began to rotate, first slowly, and then faster and faster. The shaft on which the wings was mounted, through wooden transmitted rotation to the main vertical axis.


Next, the device of the windmill could be different. With its help, water was pumped out, the oil was pressed from the seeds, even made with its help and sawed the forest, and, of course, Molly flour. Mill for flour did his job with the help of all the same stone millstones. With the advent of steam and other types of engines, it can be said, has lost its importance for industry. But in our time, when people learn to take care of energy and nature, the windmill has been revived in another capacity, like a cheap and eco-friendly source of electricity. Hundreds of windmills, her great-grandfather, work in Holland, the Netherlands and Germany. In the USA, Canada and Australia, remote farms successfully use wind generators for the production of electricity for the needs of home and economy.

Decorative element. His construction.

Today, the windmill was popular as a decorative element of the household economy. Make it easy. Such a mill, my own hands collected near the country house or giving, will decorate any corner of the garden. Work begins with the manufacture of the foundation. A pit on a depth of 70 cm, and a brick foundation is laid. The framework of the 80x120x270 sizes is welded out of 50x50. The frame is trimmed with a 40x40 timber. You can lean the design from above the clapboard. The frame is installed on the foundation. Wood top covered with a protective impregnation in several layers. From the inside the housing is insulated by foam and plywood. Next, the roof is performed. A solid suit is spilled on the roof rafters, which is then covered with a rubberoid in two layers. The roofing material is placed on the runner. Then the mechanism is collected. The axis and two bearings are selected and installed. The blades of wooden slats with a cross section of 20x40mm are harvested, which are fastened with self-tapping screws. The blades are installed on the axis. The upper part of the foundation is also trimmed by a timber. Interior room can be used for storage, for example,