Repairs Design Furniture

Interior of the house trimmed by clapboard. Angrily, cheap and stylish - wooden lining in the interior. What furniture to furnish the room decorated with clapboard

Lots of advantages have a lot of advantages: durability, environmental friendliness and accessibility. Designers love her for the perfect appearance and compatibility with any surfaces. The lining mittens the elite materials well and helps to create an exceptional interior.

The cloaking board is used to underestimate. For a long time, it was used to finish the production premises and country houses, hiding her decorative potential. In fact, the lining can qualify for a leading place among the finishing materials, Since it has a lot of functional and aesthetic superiorities.

Advantages of clapboard

The trim board, which we used to call the clapboard, is made from recycled wood. Its diameter is no more than 20 millimeters, and due to such a subtlety it is convenient to use it to cover internal or external horizontal and vertical surfaces.

A beautiful wood coating is obtained from the lining, an aesthetics is not inferior to a natural cut. With it, you can shelter walls, ceilings, facades, loggias, balconies, etc. With the right execution, it is almost impossible to distinguish the lining from the wooden wall.

The advantages of such material are as follows:

  • long service life (the lining is well preserved for 100 years);
  • immunity to pollution;
  • increased strength;
  • good environmental qualities;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • easy installation.

It is very difficult to interfer to break or sell the casing board. It has a natural structure, a natural drawing and perfectly fits into modern interiors. Such material is well suited for bedrooms in the style of Provence, they can be decorated with a living room in eco-style or do.

If you are afraid of the "country atmosphere", use the lining to finish some parts of the walls and ceilings. For example, a finishing board can be arranged one wall or part of it, while other zones paint the contrasting paint. It is convenient and cheap from the lining to make "wooden accents", which are now at the peak of popularity.

Another advantage of the lining is the ability to change its color with paint.

If you are not a supporter of wooden motifs in the interior, do not rush to postpone the casing board aside. From it you can make an original wall covering, painting the board in the desired color. Wood and plastic lining is well staining and gives a lot of space for creativity.

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of a lining board made of modern materials:

  • Euromagle is manufactured from valuable wooden breeds.
  • "American" has an unusual texture with the imitation of masonry of the board of the Vansel.
  • Block House is characterized by texture similar to a log laying.

All these species can be painted and lacked, mount on vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Western and domestic designers use the lining everywhere, offering such decor options:

  1. The use of bright matte and lacquered lining for walls and ceilings. Thanks to this combination, you can achieve the effect of open space in the residential room.
  2. The use of oil paints to decorate finishing boards will help create an unusual material texture. To enhance the nontrivial effect, designers are recommended to apply paint not with a brush, but to rub hands.
  3. Painting the lining should be kept before mounting on the wall or ceiling.
  4. Choose local walls in combination with an unusual layout of boards. You can mount the boards in the form of a Christmas tree, diagonally or with a slight inclination.
  5. Fire resistant plaquel, so it can be given an unusual texture with a soldering lamp. After that, the surface should be treated with oil paint to achieve graphic manifestation of a wooden structure. For the first time, such equipment began to be used in Japan, now the secrets of local craftsmen are used worldwide.
  6. Decorate the walls of lining pastel shades, and use bright boards for ceilings, for example, violet. You can also take advantage of other expressive shades, now is relevant.

  1. You can combine the lining with the plates for phytosten. In this case, it is worth choosing finishing boards of dark colors with a pronounced wooden texture.
  2. The lining of the wall of the wall creates a cozy atmosphere in the house. To do this, it is worth choosing tender shades of pink, blue, all types of pastels in combination with bright, but not catchy furniture facades. The top edge of the lining can be decorated with a beautiful baguette to designate the location of one material to another.
  3. An unusual solution is to highlight the wall with the wallpaper.So that the result turned out to be expressive, there must be several millimeters of free space between the boards. Also boards can be painted in multicolored shades or set color backlight.
  4. As a finishing of the elements of the ceiling of a private house, the lining is suitable great. Designers recommend paying more attention to the attic and even make an emphasis on it. For example, the walls in the room can be covered with wallpaper, and the attic part of the ceiling is lifted with a suitable coloring. By itself, such a design is unusual, so it should not be "loaded" too bright palette.

  1. The lining is often used in the interiors of the style of Provence, in such the subject it looks particularly effectively. It is recommended to paint with special paint, which is used for the composition of the composition. Then indoors immediately reigns the owned and spiritual atmosphere.
  2. Gray lining from deciduous trees fits well into a model interior. So that she looked more beautiful, it can be opened with a colorless varnish.
  3. Using a finishing board, you can mask pipes and technical rooms. In this case, it is also useful to use the backlight.

The classic use of such material is white matte boards on the wall surface.With their help, you can create a real one. There are also many other brave ideas for the use of lining. If you wish, you can create your own unique design.

In modern interiors, the lining is particularly popular - beautiful finishing material for walls and ceilings. It appeared for a long time, when the cracks were closed with thin wooden slans in trains cars. Builders borrowed this idea and began to use thin wood plates for decoration. The lining is a thin trim, specially processed board of selected wood varieties. More often is coniferous species of wood - cedar, pine or spruce. The lining is a universal finishing material that is perfect for the design of a children's, living room, bedroom, kitchens and even bathroom. This material is environmentally friendly, which also meets modern designer trends in creating eco-interior. We offer a photo selection of interiors of various rooms, with trunk trim.

Lining color
The lining is used not only in natural color, it can be painted in the colors of the interior. The natural wooden lining is most often stained in white or pastel colors. Sometimes the color of the natural tree is enhanced by paint or varnish, or give it a new one, the original shade. With the help of paint or varnish, you can give a pine type of a bleached oak or dark walnut. There are other methods for decorative processing painted lining, for example, artificial formation, or brushing.

Lining in children
The design of the modern children's interior is increasingly departed from pink-blue stereotypes. The priority becomes finishing with environmental and clean materials and the development of artistic taste and feelings of the style literally from birth. Country styles, Provence, Shebi-chic, which uses lining for wall decoration and ceiling now very popular in children's.

Lining in the living room
In the living room, designers advise to use the trigger finish of light shades, and the furniture is used from the darker tree species. Eco-interior living room with an abundance of natural materials, a forging as a decor, natural stone - now at the peak of popularity.

Lining in the bedroom
In the bedroom it is important to create a cozy, warm atmosphere. Increasingly, designers turn to the decoration of the walls or the close space with wooden lining. It is better to use the eurvagon from the real lumber, the best of which is the wood of larch.

Lining in the kitchen
In the kitchen walls and ceilings, covered with wooden clap look very expensive, gently and exquisitely. To achieve the maximum effect, the decorative lining is painted in a tone of a natural tree or white, and also treated "under ancient" or cover patina.

Lining in the bathroom
In the past, there was a myth of the unsuitable lining, as a finishing material for the bathroom. Now this finish is very popular and there are many ways to process it for making moisture resistance.
The use of varnishes and toning compositions is absolutely changing the overall view of the color range of wood products. Popular styles for decoration bathroom - Zen, Spa style, country, eco-style, Provence will not be able to be implemented without applying such a finish.

Interior finish at home lining painted

A tree, as you know, the material is universal and remains such, regardless of the scope of its use and processing options. Especially relevant is the use of wood in construction, in particular in the trimming of walls inside the house. Thanks to this, the material can be created in the house a favorable microclimate, comfort and beautiful interior.


More and more residents of private houses choose the interior of the walls of the wall tag inside the house. This is explained not only to the comfort and magnificent beauty of the interior, which are achieved through the use of wood, but also due to the presence of certain properties that the lining has.

Among them:

  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • The surface does not require further alignment;
  • Beautiful aroma of wood, which will have to taste all residents;
  • Biological peculiarity and high ecology of the tree;
  • Various ways of masonry lining, as well as various widths and others allow you to visually change the proportions of space.

Let's say a few words about the properties of the clap change the space:

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that any decorative lining for interior decoration is wooden daughters whose width is usually 8.8 cm, it in turn is a standard working dimension. The length of the rail will vary (from 1 to 6 meters), their variation of room size and laying methods depends. Before purchasing the cruise material, it is necessary to make accurate preliminary measurements;
  • Also an important point is a way to lay the plays on the walls. They can be located vertically or horizontally. The horizontal position expands the room space, while the vertical masonry increases the room in height.

Classification by varieties

The classification of the lining directly depends on the qualitative indicators by which the material is made to divide on 4 grades, from which, in turn, the price of products depends.

It is not worth saving in this case, however, the purchase of too expensive lining can be meaningless waste of money. 4: "Extra" is most often found on sale, then the varieties "A", "B" and "C" are followed.

It is difficult to imagine the wood of wood, from which it would be impossible to carry out the lining, while the quality of the finishing material will be directly dependent on the species used.

On the Russian construction market, the following wood breeds are commonly used:

  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Larch;
  • Ash and other options.

However, approaching the selection of the tree of wood, from which the lining is made, one point should be taken into account - all of the above-mentioned varieties of wood are suitable so that the internal finish of the clapboard is carried out.

Important! It is worth considering some physical features of rocks, for example, coniferous grades are not suitable for the design of the bath, since at elevated temperatures, the resin is released from this material.

Phased finish clapboard

If you want to learn in detail how to sew the house with clapboard inside, the phased algorithm for the work of the work should be studied. It is not difficult to fulfill this procedure with your own hands, a special video and instruction will come to help you, which step by step will tell you how to carry out wall cladding.

The initial stage is the choice of the method of location of the lining, horizontal or vertical. The choice in this case should be dictated by the size of the room and the taste of the owner. For the vertical location, the Rack frame is located horizontally, the opposite location for horizontal laying of the lining.

Previously, it is necessary to prepare the rails (or buy), you can cut the boards for them, the width of which ranges from 25 to 30 mm. Mandatory condition - the material must be dry.

Montage Karcasa

The main condition for installing the frame is to set it in the same plane. The first rack for horizontal laying should be installed strictly vertically using a plumb. You can fix the rail through self-tapping and ordinary nails.

Go to the opposite angle where the installation of a similar rail is required, there are several kapron threads between them to create a single plane. Then, on these threads, the installation of all frame elements is carried out.

Tip: The distance between the slats is strictly withstanding in the range must be from 50 to 60 centimeters, the doomer after installation requires an antiseptic processing.

Fastening clay

The main rule, placing the lining of the horizontal type of masonry lies in the fact that the groove should be located down, and spike up. This will avoid moisture from entering the groove, in the event of its formation on the walls. After all, the accumulation of moisture in the groove will lead to the loss of the appearance of the facing, as well as to the formation of mold, dangerous to health.

You can collect the lining both from the ceiling and below, from the floor, is dictated by this moment exclusively by the desire of the owner. However, it is advisable to leave the lining in the room where it will be mounted for a day so that the tree adapts to future conditions.

Karnat Rakes to the frame can be used by nails, driven into the groove part, must be used here to use such a tool as Dobannik (photo), or use the large-size nail.

The rear wall of the groove requires special attention, it is important that it does not cracked in the installation process. Moreover, a small gap (1-2 mm) is allowed between the elements, this will correct the shape of the lining in the event of a tree deformation due to the increased humidity of the room. In the photo - Ceiling plinth, hiding all irregularities Assortment of stores is very voluminous

Sometimes the lining is simply vague if this room does not differ any conditions. In the event that we are talking about the walls of a bath or sauna, you will need to use protective agents that can not only prevent the negative impact of moisture, but also protects from the temperature drop.


Asking how to shelter the house in, it is not necessary to resort to the services of specialists. You can do this job on your own by using our leadership.

The construction of a country house is coming to completion. The next stage of work is the interior decoration of the premises.

Today it will be about such a finishing material like lining. Many, having heard the word "lining" presented themselves the interior of the bath or the "Soviet" loggia. Yes, perhaps earlier it was.

But woodworking production is not standing in place, new technologies in the processing of wood have been published a new material - "Eurovantia". The name itself suggests that the product is made according to European standards, therefore it has a fairly attractive appearance and excellent characteristics.

This material attracts the attention of connoisseurs of natural environmentally friendly interior, where wooden walls, floors and even ceilings become an integral part of the general image of the housing.

Wooden lining

Initially, this type of sawn timber was used to firm the slots between the carboards of the cargo wagons, hence the name - "lining". Today it is an independent, widely used material, both for the external and interior decoration of buildings and buildings .

Normal lining (Eurovanda) It is a narrow, long, flat board with a groove on one side and a tongue on the other. At the same time, the Euro woman is better, has special grooves from the inside for ventilation. Board width from 100 mm, length from 2 m, profile thickness is usually 12 mm.

But timber producers do not stand still. Everyone knows such names like "Blockham" and "American" is the same lining, but modified.

Blokhaz - Lining, imitating round logs (semicircular outer side). The profile thickness reaches 36 mm, length from 2 to 6 m, the width varies depending on the thickness of 90 to 190 mm. Block-house is usually made of softwood wood.

Lining-American Reminds wooden timber. As can be seen from the name, came to us from America. The lining profile resembles a rectangular trapezium. A thickened part (from 22 to 40 mm) has a groove, narrower (from 14 to 28 mm) - spool.

"American" is usually used for external work - finishing the facades, and stitches strictly horizontally from the bottom up. The narrow part of the board is located on top, and the widespread is stacked. But it can be used for interior decorations in certain interiors.

Classified classes in classes:

  • class "Extra" - the highest quality and expensive lining, with high decorative properties;
  • classes "A" and "B" - Middle quality lining;
  • class "C" - the cheapest and less high-quality material.

In the ratio of "price-quality", the lining of conifers (spruce, pine) is most popular, it is cheaper compared to other rocks.

Larithing rocks (linden, aspen, larch, cedar) during heating do not emit resin, less susceptible to rotting, possess healing properties, so they are often used when finishing the saunas and baths.

Interior decoration of lining residential and non-residential premises

To finish the premises of the house with a clapboard, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of high-quality material (smooth dry boards, without traces of the resin, without dropping bitch, etc.).

Eurovale in this case is better. Already at the stage of production, the lining is processed by antiseptics, its color is aligned with special compositions, and is covered with the finish layer. With the usual clap will have to work before you achieve the surface close to ideal.

Mounted lining on the crate, pre-fixed to walls or ceilings. Between the vertical and horizontal guides of the crates, if necessary, can be laid a layer of heat-insulating material.

Vertically stacked lining will help visually "lift" ceilings, and horizontally - visually "will expand" the room. "To bring down" the yellowish color of wood will help various beans that will help to change the color, while maintaining the natural structure of wood. Beans will not only give her the desired shade, but also protect wood from rotting and pests.

Interiors using lining

There is an opinion that finishing with lining inside the house is the dacha, bath or interior of a residential building in a rustic style. Let's try to debunk this statement. Wood noble building material, which is combined with many other finishes in the premises of different styles, even in modern high-tec.

Wooden lining looks great with plaster, painted walls, wallpaper, textiles, cafeter. With proportional and color combination of materials, you can create a truly unique, elegant and cozy interior.

You can use lining in the interior not only for sewing walls and ceilings, but also for decorating furniture.

Of course, the most traditional interior using the Country style is the style of country.

Fans of natural wood prefer a Scandinavian style in which wooden lining is perfectly combined with a stone and massive wooden beams on the ceiling.

The same who is annoying an excessive abundance in the interior of unpainted wood natural color, will attract olive style. The lining can be painted into the traditional pastel tones for this style, harmoniously combining it with plastered walls and a rough boarding gest.

Artificially aged lining - shebbie-chic style raisin.

And so the walls of the house in the Russian style look. If the house is built out of the stone, and this style is very close to you, then the inner (however, as the outer) walls of the walls can be stitching a block house.

An option to decorate walls in the style of high-tech. You can paint in white, gray or silver color. In this interior, the walls are background, and do not attract special attention.

The variant of the combination of lining with stone, painted walls and floor of ceramic tiles in the interior in the style of minimalism.

Lining in the interior of the hallway in combination with plaster.

It is possible to use lining as finishing material not only in residential premises, kitchens, corridors, but also in bathrooms. Only requirements for it will be more rigid: the main condition is moisture resistance.

Any material in the bathroom can be placed mold. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide good ventilation in the room, mount the lining vertically, to handle its protective impregnation, wax or varnish, ensure the ventilation between the wall and the wall to which it is attached.

The ceilings can become beautiful and interesting, when used in the trim.

The possibilities of this material are endless. It is enough to show the taste, correctly apply the lining in the style of the interior, combining it with other materials, and the result will certainly please you for many years.

To separate the walls of the structure with clapboard, many owners of private houses can be allowed. As an example on the Internet, numerous photos of the walls of the walls are placed. This material has all the thermal insulation indicators of natural wood, and also has excellent frost-resistant properties, is not affected by various weather effects and sharp temperature drops.

Such high-quality finish of the house allows you to create a favorable and healthy environment within the structure. It should also be noted that the walls of wood, in contrast to metal and plastic panels, the buildings are trimmed not only outside, but also from the inside.

Procedure for performing work

Wood-walls made of wood, possibly produce a decoration of residential premises, performed in fact in any stylistry.

The walls of the walls are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Preparation of the structure, begin with insulating and waterproofing work with the outside of the building.
  • A selection of finishing material and profiles or wooden bars for the crate.
  • Installation of wiring in the room.
  • Alignment of the surface, installation on it crates and insulating material.
  • The decoration of the room by this material, according to the scheme determined by the original home owner.
  • Installation of sockets and electric vehicles.
  • The device of angular profiles, plinths and door trims.


Lining - these are boards, different in thickness made of various wood. Such a name, these products were obtained due to its initial application on the railway. Initially, railway cars were separated inside wooden slats of small sizes.

The modern market has made significant changes, and plastic and MDF panels appeared on sale, but, despite these innovations, the lining of the walls in the apartment or private house-building remains so far very sought-after.

Today, the market for finishing materials is there a huge amount of various types of lining, which is implemented by numerous companies. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully choose the goods before you pay.

When buying it is important to pay attention to the following moments:

  • Packed material must be stored horizontally, on a special substrate.
  • Air humidity, to the room intended for storage of goods, must correspond to the norm.
  • Products in the outdoor under sunshine loses their qualities and properties.

Information on the timing of storage and suitability of goods must be specified on the label, it is also necessary to pay attention to the purchase of material. Compliance with all these rules and precautions significantly reduce risk shares.

It is also better to acquire this product with a small margin, to avoid the need to re-purchase it.

Installation of facing products

Currently, the brigade of the finishes use two ways to cladding the surface of the walls. These options also use housing owners who have decided to independently fulfill the improvement of the premises. What way and how to finish the trunk with your own hands, consider further.

The first option is as follows, you need to prepare a perfectly smooth surface, after which the finishing materials are attached to the surface with the help of adhesive mass.

Another option is a facing of the surface using a cerebral frame to which the finishing product is attached. This method assumes the additional insulation of walls, a special insulation. That is why this option is considered more preferable.

In addition, it is necessary to determine in advance what kind of finishing the surface of the room with lining, horizontal or vertical is most suitable for the owner of the housing.

You can use and combined trimming options in the interior of your room. This is when part of the area is separated by a horizontal way, and part of the materials are fixed with the help of vertical mounting, thus combining the walls.

After the owner decided with the options, you can start the installation of finishing panels. To begin with, prepare the necessary tool and the framework material is an electric drill, a screwdriver, levels, hammer, passage and electric jigsaw or an ordinary hacksaw for metal, as well as metal profiles for crate and all sorts of dowels, screws, nails, self-tapping screws, and so on.

The frame of the crates is attached to the surface with a thorough way. Profile Are placed vertically or horizontally, depending on the selected method, fastening the panels.

  • The profile must be collected and secured perpendicular to the panels.
  • It is necessary to follow the six-meter distance between metal slats.
  • Based on the floor and from the ceiling.
  • Constantly, the installation of profiles is checked with a level.

After grabbing assembly, it is filled with insulation specially prepared for this.

Now it is necessary to start installing the lining itself. By this time, the owner has already chosen the installation option, and the finishing panels themselves are usually started to mount on the surface of one of the solid walls.

Stock Foto Wall trimming photo