Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade crafts for the garden. Original ideas for creating beautiful jewelry for your garden and garden (photo). Crafts from tires for garden and garden do it yourself

So that the country plot has become a family holiday in place, it is necessary to make it beautifully. Simple crafts for the garden and giving from tires, wood and other primary materials will turn the usual gardening area into a cozy place where it is interesting to be the owners themselves and their guests.

Jewelry from tires

Popular material for decorating the site is old. They can be used differently: make a swing, make, to build a fun garden sculpture. The last option is the most time-consuming, but provides huge space for creativity.

To make the tire of such a rooster need to have imagination and artistic abilities. Tires are painted with acrylic or oil paint.

Attention! You can cut a knife for only tires without metal cord.

Algorithm for making crafts from tires:

  • mark the product;
  • cut the rubber well sharpened by the knife;
  • fix the elements in the desired position with metal ribbons and screws;
  • paint.

Such technology allows you to create the most unusual figures:

The bright parrot of Ara looks so realistic that it seems, is ready to pinch the passing by his powerful beak.

Four tires, a little effort - and a pretty hippo is ready to serve flower.

To make such garden furniture, you have to divide the tires on the tape, and then weave them. This is a job for a real master.

Crafts from the old bike can be very practical.

Tree crafts

There is no shortage of the tree in the country area. Cut branches, cutting trunks are usually sent to the fire. But of them, you can make decorative crafts for giving.

For owners of giving, where such Boroviki is worthy, any year - mushroom. Appetizing mushrooms are made of wood. It will take a fat trunk and special tools. In completion, wood is treated with acrylic paints and varnished.

If there is no dacha, do not be upset. It can be constructed independently of the girlfriend. Moreover, the accessory will not be worse than the expensive designer furniture, because only natural wood will go to its creation, and excellently processed.

Options for benches from pallets in the photo:

For the manufacture of crafts from thick trunks, a carpentry machine will be required or at least chisel. If there are no special tools, it is better to work with plywood. It can be cut off by an electrolybiz or manual hacksaw. Plywood is easily turning into a figure of fabulous characters, animals and birds.

Only one plywood sheet and a pretty watchman appeared on the site. The main thing is to accurately place the material, and then carefully cut the parts by the electroball. In baskets on the back of the dog Blessed, tube begonias - a seasonal flower that can be transplanted in the pot in the fall and take home.

Crafts from an old bath and a piece of plywood from which you can cut the head of any funny creature, easily turn into a flowerbed or water tank.

Pumps at the cottage - always the problem. An adult tree cannot be removed from the site completely, along with roots, without causing special equipment. You can do differently - turn interference to the "highlight". Then every guest will make sure that the owners of the site are people with fiction.

An unpretentious drought-resistant Carpathian bell feels comfortably in the original, growing straight from under Kashpo. To plant a plant on a stump, in a slice cut down a deepening and fall asleep with its land. To prevent the root rotation from the conjunction in the sides of the stump you need to drill a few holes for the flow of excess water.

Few people refuse to sit on the forest throne. It will take chainsaw for its manufacture.

From the type of this stump, the heart of any child will be killed. The miniature house for the gnomes as if materialized from the pages of a children's book. Mushrooms and a forest resident are also made by their own hands - made of polymer clay, burned in the kitchen oven. The solar panel lamp illuminates the composition when the sun goes.

For the manufacture of Herkel from Churbachkov, you do not need to have special skills or expensive tools. You will need conventional ax and saw. Details fasten with self-draws. Khokholki can be made from the old urine. Despite the simplicity, the figures look originally and attractive, at all hinting at the poorly angry of their creator in woodworking.

A funny composition from the remains of a bar and chumbachkov in the country will not let you get bored, even if you are on a plot alone. Wooden men carefully watch all what is happening and, it seems, only waiting for the moment to start the conversation.

For those who have time and desire to create, such crafts are a great way to decorate the plot and take the soul. It would seem - nothing complicated. On a wooden frame, cones, branches and fruits of decorative rosehip are fixed. And at the same time, from the composition it is difficult to tear the look. You can look at small details endlessly.

The bird is made of papier-mache and feathers. Such figures are purchased in stores for homemade creativity.

To make this crawler will have to use the wood cutters. It will take a job for work not one day, but the slave will be like alive.

Bottles - fantasy

In skillful hands cease to be ordinary household waste. Of these, you can make a decoration for the country area. It is important that crafts from plastic are durable, not destroyed in the sun and in the rain. In addition, the bottles are perhaps the most affordable material that is always in stock. Below in the photo shows crafts that can be made to the country with their own hands made of plastic containers under beer and water.

The painted acrylic paint piglets from 5-liter plastic bottles look like alive. It seems they are now curling and the inequers will be broken. The hosts did not miss the opportunity to provide their favorite begonias an extra place, turning decorative figures in original floral containers.

If instead of colors in a five-liter bottle sow lawn grass, it will turn into a hedgehog with green spines. The front of the figure is covered with a cloth.

Myster mills from plastic beer bottles with a volume of 1 liters. For their creation, it will take only an hour of time, sharp knife and paint. The country accessory is suitable for those who are not afraid of rodents, but on the contrary, is experiencing sympathy for them.

It is difficult to believe, but these cute caspo, similar to the works of applied art, are made of plastic bottles. Of course, the flowers in them are artificial, but as wonderful they look against the background of their lubricated cloth "VAZ"!

What can be done from the disks?

Crafts from the disks sparkle and shimmer by all the colors of the rainbow. For their bonding use instant transparent glue. Cut the durable plastic can be ordinary household, but quite powerful scissors.

Filin from disks and plastic bottle is a simple product, the manufacture of which can be done with the children.

The dried bus and unnecessary computer discs connected together can create a stunning effect. The tail of the bird is made of a rigid fine chain chain, so it easily retains the vertical position.

For a creative person there is no impossible. Discs, metal covers from cans and bottles and a few stripes cut out of a piece of tin, turn into a miracle bird, just to fold them in the correct order.

For dacha decoration, you do not need to hire a professional decorator. With this task, everyone can cope independently. Creating crafts from wood, tires, discs or plastic bottles - an exciting occupation that can be engaged together with children. It combines the older and younger generation. The result of the work will be unique crafts, giving the dacha comfort and beauty.

Crafts from stones and old things

There may be absolutely everything in the course of a person with a fantasy - including stones, old things and even transport.

Crafts from stones in the photo:

Interesting ideas from the old car:

Examples of creative country crafts in the photo:

Cottage is the best place to relax in the fresh air, the present salvation from the noisy, rattling metropolis, drowning in exhaust gases. In its plot, many people not only restore forces and join the nature, but also engage in creativity, mashed something.

After all, to make a beautiful and originally to issue a country area, it is not necessary to buy garden sculptures and other decorations.

It is very easy to make crafts for giving with your own hands, which will look no worse than purchased, besides, such a pastime has its advantages.

The possibility of fun to spend time with your family. What can better rally you than co-creative work? Invent ideas for crafts together and attract children's process! Classes at the cottage will no longer be limited to weeping beds and watering vegetables!

Your cottage will look brighter and becomes really unique. Down with the decoration from the store that the neighbors have. You can do better and yourself!

The use of primary materials will be inexpensive to you and will allow you to decorate the cottage without unnecessary costs.

What can I do summer crafts from? Options Many: wood, foam, stones, bottles, automotive tires ... more we will look at various solutions further.

The best ideas of crafts from bottles in the country

The most inexpensive and widespread material - old bottles used. Of these, you can make many beautiful and useful things that can really transform your cottage.

For example, cutting the bottles on the vertical part. You can make a wonderful flamingo, and horizontally - a fence for flower beds that will not rot and break like a wooden. There are also many simple crafts from whole bottles: snowmen, flowers, trees.

It looks very original in the manufacture of a lamp from painted bottles bonded in a ball with a bulb conducted into the center. It can be hung on the veranda to create a fabulously cozy evening atmosphere.

Over time, you yourself will begin to invent new ideas on your taste, inspired by numerous photos of crafts for giving from plastic bottles. Especially since it can be made of very simple: can be glued with a bottle with a tape or superclaim, paint with simple acrylic paint. Special skills are not required here, in this and the charm!


Restrained on bottles, go to the option more complicated - wood. Surely on your site or near it will be unnecessary old stumps, branches, sticks, drawers, building pallets. Of these, you can make a lot of things in the farm:

Benches, chairs and sofa. There are many different options. You can paint the old pallet and put on it a decorative mattress and pillows - the seat for the indoor arbor is ready! Magnificent stools are obtained from wooden boxes or stumps. It looks like the furniture is very natural and homely.

Bunches and feeders. Well, what is the cottage without such cute bird houses and feeders? You can make it yourself, and decoration to entrust children. The smaller brothers will be delighted, and you yourself, perhaps, too!

Original vases can be made it from wood. Wooden trolleys filled with colorful and fragrant flowers look very stylishly. An easier option: paint a box and put something into it, too, with proper execution it looks interesting.

Crafts from automotive tires: We continue the country transformation!

Flexible material convenient material gives a real expanse for creativity. Cut is better using a hacksaw blade for metal, since the wire is located inside the tire.

Crafts options Indecent: fences, flower beds, vases, rugs, animal figures, armchairs and even swing. The main advantages of such products are durability and resistance to moisture. The main thing is to choose a good paint.

Other ideas for giving

Materials that are suitable for the manufacture of country crafts are a lot. Any unnecessary thing at first glance can be adapted for its purposes.

From the CD-disk narrowing, you can make lanterns for garden tracks or incredibly beautiful birds that glitter in the sun rays.

The foam can serve as material to create vases or swans and colors figures. It is not so difficult to give it the necessary form, and at a certain level of skill, the result is very realistic.

Even old pair of boots or a ked is useful for dacket decoration. From the shoes you can create a very unusual option for placing colors. Also, unnecessary furniture can be the original furniture: broken bath, chandelier, chair and even piano. It all depends on your imagination!

Relieve yourself from the materials you have, and you will definitely do something beautiful and useful for your site. And to push on new ideas you will be able to photo crafts for the garden and giving presented in this article! Create yourself, with family, friends and enjoy every trip to the cottage!

Probably, all owners of their own runs, whether the yard or cottage, are forever captured by the desire to decorate the territory controlled. Of course, for these purposes it is easier to acquire everything you need in the store. However, make crafts for the garden with their own hands, and new and unusual, - the pleasure is unique.

Especially for those who succumbed to such a wish, we picked up the newest ideas of crafts. Many of them we made themselves and publish descriptions, drawings and diagrams for repetition. Thus, you can see all the latest new products from the world of homemade for the garden.

The best perfect ideas for the garden decoration do it yourself

Incendiary innovations of the current year

After making a decision to decorate the courtyard homemade, do not hurry. Definitely, you must first get acquainted with the fact that others have already done. I am a good desire to build something unusual and new.

However, it is much more important to ensure the harmony of the landscape design of your yard with future design elements.

For example, a charming trolley with flowers is placed on the shallow water of the reservoir, without which the decor becomes familiar and standard.

If you want to get an interesting and well-thought-out design of the garden, you should act according to the following instructions:

  • explore the possible options for homemakes;
  • make a scheme of their placement on the site in accordance with the landscape;
  • assess your capabilities, discuss the project with friends and adjust the plan.

It will be logical and correctly place the crafts in accordance with their destination:

  • frog, duck and snail are relevant at the reservoir;
  • little bird, squirrel and owl come down on a tree;
  • cheerful hedgehog can look out due to kestic;
  • large animal or figure place on Earth.

A charming ditch with a trolley has an impressive size and will be appropriate on a plot of at least 6 acres. For its manufacture, you need to act according to the following plan:

  1. The framework of the sculpture is made of a metal mesh with a PVC coating. Torchish, head and legs are made of separate parts of the grid with a cell 50x50mm, rolled into rolls of different sizes. Details are interconnected by wire segments.
  2. Inside the case laid a plastic grid with a shallow cell and geotextile.
  3. The cavities inside the body of the donkey are covered with fertile soil.
  4. In the soil are planted inconsidive to moisture plants.
  5. The trolley is made of wooden bars. Wheels and caspo are convenient to choose from existing thrust materials.

The palms that never get tired to keep flowers placed in them are originally. Non-flat master class for making crafts:

  1. The rubber gloves poured diluted to the state of the liquid sour cream, the cement and sand solution in the ratio of 1: 3. It is necessary to use pure sand shallow fraction.
  2. At the time of soloing the solution, it is necessary to provide the desired position of the elements of the hand using cardboard, rags and sand.
  3. After soaring cement, the rubber form is removed. Perhaps you will have to sharpen small flaws. Billets must be primed and painted.
  4. Hands from cement are placed in low plants, fall asleep in the palm of the soil and planted flowers.

Obviously, the figures from the metal do their own hands in the mind of the difficulty of execution. The more interesting and more valuable specified specimens. The iguana is made of steel sheet, a couple of lovers is made from the reinforcement, a shovel was used for owls, and ants were collected from a steel rod and a small grid. In all cases, welding was used for mounting homemade metal. As you can see, crafts from metal can be even more interesting without coloring.

Before you image, crafts made with your own plywood hands. It turns out to be made rather large and colorful figures for giving.

Tree is the most ancient material for creativity. Before you are the easiest in the manufacture of figures. Nothing prevents from using the charge of fantasy and offer something to him.

For example, it is possible to build a whole submarine from the boards. Everything is so simple that it is not necessary to explain.

Stone - no less ancient material for crafts than wood. Nevertheless, creative personalities from the country of masters continue to amaze us. The simplest ladybug or caterpillar do in accordance with a short master class:

  • suitable on the form and size of the stones must be washed and dried;
  • tassel applies the dye of the main color to the surface of the pebble;
  • after complete drying of the first layer, the largest elements of the scenery are applied;
  • the colors of the subsequent layers are applied after complete drying of the previous layers;
  • covered with a protective layer of varnish decorations will save its appeal for a long time.

Spatial stones made of stone are manufactured using a frame of thick wire or fittings. Thus it is possible to build a dragon from the cartoon "Shrek" and other new products:

  1. First of all, it should be schematically to portray the future figure and select the required number of stones. The limestone is suitable, which is well drilled and processed.
  2. For severe sculpture, a small foundation from concrete will be required. In concrete, there are segments of wire or reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12mm, which will later be sacrificed.
  3. After the foundation of the foundation, the stones are drilled by the perforator and sit on the cuts of the frame. Separate wire segments bend to create the necessary form. For stones do not rotate, they should be fixed with cement mortar.
  4. Bulgarian need to modify individual stones to designate the drop of dragon, eyes, etc.
  5. The application of paint will help arrange the missing accents.

Dragon boy also happens

Funny dogs are also made of stone. To collect them, I had to choose the stones of a suitable form. To connect separate elements of the crafts in them, drill holes where the pins from the wire with a diameter of 4-8 mm are inserted. Additionally, parts are fastening with cement mortar.

The stone flower for the garden and the garden is easy and easy to build with their own hands. The idea is obvious: we select suitable stones and fasten with cement mortar. For reliability it is necessary to equip a very small foundation with a height of 5-10 cm under the base of the flower.

Gnome, Ladybug and cartoon characters made of concrete. The above examples mean that from the cement mortar to actually build both very simple and quite complex homemakes for home and giving.

Of the old car cylinders at home, make a variety of homemade. The photo presents the most characteristic novelties from the tires. Other interesting examples, as well as techniques for working with automotive tires, we give in a special article.

On your rating there are some more successful homemade home and garden:

  1. Old bath is often used in the country. The form and sizes of the subject are remarkably suitable for imitation of a cow's body. Some black paint, the head of plywood and the yoo from the rubber gloves complement the image of the animal.
  2. Beautiful butterfly is made on the basis of a plywood sheet. The base surface is primed. With the help of glue on the fane, a mosaic is applied.
  3. Buckets, which gave an oval shape during a haircut, resemble the bodies of ostriches. The long neck of the bird imitates stick sticks into the ground. Ostrich's head is convenient to perform from plaster or foam.
  4. The hedgehog is beautiful in his embarrassment! It is convenient to make it from the foam, which is easy to stick the needles from the toothpicks. Paws are good from wooden sticks. In the intricate nodule it is better to put the content that is not afraid of moisture.

Original and simple garden figures from girlfriend

In this section, we have grouped products made from undergraduated materials. Thus, it is possible to choose an object for repetition yourself, comparing several options. Most of them are easy to make at home.

Computer CD discs bright rainbow sparkle in the sun and are not afraid of bad weather:

  1. In combination with a bird body, carved from the tire, the original peacock figure is obtained. A knitted metal mesh is used as a base for the tail of the bird.
  2. If the fins cut out from plastic to the discs are charming fish.
  3. Several disks screwed with wire to the grid of the fence form a cheerful caterpillar. It remains to add a hairstyle and legs.
  4. 6-8 disks are painted with bright colors and put on a wand. The ends of the discs fasten with a glue gun - it turned out another caterpillar.

Decorations for the garden and garden can be made of foam. It can be birds, mushrooms, and other figures. The material is well processed by the sandpaper. It is very desirable to protect him from solar radiation by coating. Acrylic paint will not solve the foam, but before it applies the surface of the figure must be primed.

Decorations for giving glass bottles will serve for a long time. From the glass container it is convenient to perform fences for plants. With the help of glass bottles, you can create a futuristic plant, putting them on the ends of the wire sticking out of the ground.

Old Barrels 200l will acquire a second life if they are brightly coloring. Barrels can be used for water, as a bed of different execution or manufacture garden furniture. Located on the side of the barrels resemble a commodity train with tanks. In order for the composition to become alive and cheerful, it is necessary to decorate it and fill with flowers.

Many children love to sculpt the homemade from polymer clay. Your child will be proud of the figure, which will decorate the cottage. In such a situation, it is better to make an exception and first make a figurine of polymer clay, and then pick it up on the site.

Beautiful figures are obtained from flower pots. They are comfortable to fasten, riding a cord or wire. Of course, the more additional attributes, the most expressive product.

Especially good floral pots using for direct purpose: for falling flowers. Of course, additional handles, legs and decor provide a bright expressiveness of products from pots.

Cryers - excellent natural material for garden crafts. Pine chistems can be pasted on a plastic bottle with a glue gun. Add a pair of eyes from traffic jams, and get a wonderful hedgehog. In the same way can be saved with cone concrete vase. Contemporary to mulch the soil under the plants: the grass does not grow, the moisture is preserved, and the garden looks neat and unusual.

PVC pipes for water supply provide ample opportunities for cottage creativity. For the assembly of the samples presented in the photo, a special welding gun will be required. Seams and connections are accurate and durable.

Moother things, from the carcass greenhouse to the cart, really collect from PVC pipes. Of course, you can find a lot of new ideas for manufacturing the desired inventory in the farm from plastic pipes.

As you can see, there are no unnecessary things against jewelry for the household site. Of the old plates, it will be a pretty and durable fence for flower beds. Beautiful fungi are obtained from plastic plates. Hats mushrooms are glued to the legs of the buckets from mayonnaise. White paint stains finally design fungi.

Tazik on hemp - a familiar plot. However, it is possible to add decoration with taste and with a highlight. Rate the ideas of mushrooms from basins presented in the photo and make it even better!

A miniature decorative house for flowerbeds is possible to make himself in a different execution. The house is complemented by landscape design elements on scale. The author is given the opportunity to implement both ideas that are not fulfilled on the household plot. If the lodge for the flower beds to build out of small pebbles on cement mortar, it will have a long time.

What is the cottage without butterflies? Consider different options step by step:

  1. Option number 1 is made of plastic bottle. The base of the butterfly is cut on a predetermined pattern. Coloring the wings can be lacquered for nails, acrylic and other paints. The body of the insect is made of beads, put on a thin copper wire. Also make a mustache. Butterfly should be attached to the wings with wire through the holes in the latter.
  2. Butterfly №2 made of plywood. On how to work with plywood, it is better to read in a separate article, which we have already mentioned.
  3. Butterfly №3 is also made of plywood sheet, on which corks from plastic bottles are fixed. Covers can be mounted with glue or screws.
  4. The fourth butterfly is collected from a metal grid with a PVC coating that is held on the frame of steel reinforcement. In the cavity of the wings, geotextiles and a fertile soil is covered. Watering flowers will have to more often, as the Earth will dry quickly.

As you can see, interesting compositions are obtained from the old buckets, so you should not throw them out. Of course, the flowers in Kashpo must periodically water as indoor plants. You can give a single recommendation for the manufacture of garden decorations from the old buckets: do not brake fantasy.

The mill enjoys attention to the owners of the garden puts. This option is based on the use of residual building materials. On the roof we see trimming the flexible tile, the second floor in the form of a ring is made of linoleum residues, the building body is made of plastic siding trimming. All the construction is collected on the frame of the cutting of a wooden bar. It will be correct to use your own set of cast material.

Our own master classes homemade

Repeat: the following items of registration of the site are manufactured by us independently and for this reason are original. You can familiarize yourself with the appropriate master class and repeat the homemade. Particularly interesting techniques for working with infirred materials, using which you can compose your own work.

The basis of the figure of the garden don is plastic bottles. A solid design requires relatively little time, tools and materials.

Simply crafts from the canister for the garden does not happen. In this design, an interesting attraction of horns was used, so it's better to see how this is done in the same article, where we write about the donkey. Currently, the head of the Baran from the canister plays the role of "hunting trophy" in the garage and raises the mood when returning home. Of the plastic cans, interesting bird feeders are also obtained, which we tell in the relevant article.

Palm tree from plastic bottles is known and popular. Artificial tree can have different sizes.

The native of plastic bottles will decorate the territory of your garden. We appointed him scarecrow for birds.

At first glance it may seem that flowers from plastic bottles in the country are inappropriate. However, the practice refutes such a representation: such a decoration is not terrible, neither drought nor autumn.

Swan from plastic bottles can be made by several technologies. The photo shows a simple and spectacular way: plastic plumage is attached to the base of plywood.

It happens that there is no washbasin at the cottage. It can be made of plastic bottles.

The repeller for moles, snakes and birds often make plastic bottles. We decided to give a rattling an attractive look and arrange as an airplane.

Reliable bird feeder can be collected from plastic eggplant. Our option is imitation of a snowman, and the best time to think about it is autumn.

The simplest bird feeder is made from the package. We decided to make a buse in the form of a bus. This option is also described in the mentioned article about the manufacture of feeders.

An easy-to-form a birdhouse is made according to the "Canadian technology": from the inside the cardboard, outside plastic. Reliable, warm and comfortable birdhouse We made without boards and hacksaws.

Best of all from the mounting foam it turns out lamb. In our embimony, the animal is successfully imitated by plastic brown bottles.

The fungus is a classic use of gypsum for giving design. There is an incredible amount of mushroom scenery.

What can you build unique garden crafts?

Those who viewed the content of the entire article, delivered by the title, the question may seem unnecessary. However, looking at the picture above, you understand the erroneousness of the impression. Let's try to list the possible options for girlfriend and for crafts in the garden, complementing the foregoing:

  • unnecessary furniture;
  • old car;
  • unsuitable household appliances;
  • remnants of various building materials;
  • branches, trunks of trees, squigs, stumps;
  • metal and plastic banks;
  • non-valuable clothes and shoes;
  • unnecessary children's toys;
  • unsuitable garden tools.

Obviously, the list can be continued. Thus, the most correct answer to the question of the assigned question is any branded means!

For those who passionately want to decorate their yard and the house with their own hands, there is a simple advice: go on the banks of your property and before throwing out unnecessary, ask yourself a question - what can be built from this?

What crafts can be made in the courtyard?

At first glance, it may seem that on their own for the cottage you can make figurines, dolls and funny crafts. The presented images demonstrate that it is possible to build as the simplest useful things, and the full serious attributes of the country's interior. Those who personify perseverance, effort and fantasy will be inevitably awarded the result obtained. For all who are passionate about seriously (10 Rate on 4,40 of 5 )

To date, in specialized stores you can find a huge number of diverse decorations for the garden.

Cheap and angry?

However, despite this, master classes for making crafts for the garden are of great popularity. After all, many daches and owners of country houses prefer to decorate the territory on their own.

And they use for this that the decor elements that were created with their own hands. Such popularity of crafts is due to the fact that every person in the soul wants to become the one who will independently turn their plot into a fabulous place.

And if earlier it was possible only to those people who had a good imagination and could come up with how to use sweater materials, now it is available to everyone.

It should be immediately noted that the main advantage of such designs is not their cheapness regarding those sold in stores. A person who is engaged in creating such a craft, first of all receives moral satisfaction. After all, he can feel like a creator.

In addition, he creates a thing that will be different with uniqueness and originality. And this is important, because nowadays such things are rare.

It is determined by the fact that the range, presented in the store, is focused on massive buyers. And therefore no one thinks over the creation of a unique design.

Simple and original crafts for garden decoration

Pay attention to the photo of the crafts for the garden, which is presented below. On it you will see a simple cracker, which, despite its simplicity, it seems quite original. To create it, you will need a minimum set of tools and materials.

Create such creation for everyone. In addition, it is ideal for a small country area, which needs to clearly distinguish between the tracks and planted territory.

Decorative reservoir

Very often in areas you can see decorative reservoirs. But most people believe that for its creation, it is necessary to make a lot of effort and spend an impressive summary. However, this is not quite true.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made system in a specialized store and use it. However, it will be quite high. At the same time, it does not matter what dimensions will be in the design.

But we suggest you to build a small decorative reservoir in our garden with the help of a conventional car tire. It will not require money from you, especially if you find in your garage old and unnecessary tire.

In the manufacturer's instructions such a craft for the garden and the garden, which is presented below, the whole process is divided into steps for greater convenience.

  • The first thing you need to do is determine where your homemade reservoir will be located. On the outlined place should dig a hole in which the tire is perfect.
  • After that, it is necessary to completely remove the roots of trees and small stones from the pit, if any.
  • Next, it should be sealing the soil at the bottom and spoil the sandstone pillow with a thickness of 50 mm.
  • Using a knife to separate one board, as shown in the figure below.
  • Put the tire into the pit and spread the film from polyethylene at the bottom, wrapping its edges.
  • Fill the container with water and decorate.

As you can see, a similar hand from the tire for the garden and the garden will be simply an indispensable decorating element. Your guests will undoubtedly be amazed by her. And you yourself will enjoy this beauty every time you go outside.

You can also organize a whole system of reservoirs on the indention site. At the same time, it can be used to construct the tires of different sizes.

Specialists engaged in creating landscape design, noted that there are very beautifully looking at the plots of small fountains. However, to create them, of course, you will need to buy special systems.

Details complexity

Quite often from those who are just begins to create crafts, you can hear the question of how to make simple crafts for the garden with your own hands, so that they look more complex. Indeed, often to create really luxurious designs requires considerable time and certain skills.


But experts are confident that even the lack of necessary skills cannot become an obstacle to create a masterpiece.

For example, if you want to make a simple craft from a simple craft, use the principle of multi-layered.

If we consider on the example of the above-handed reservoir described above, it can be visually complicated if you use three or more identical reservoirs.

However, you should consider one nuance. Such a multi-layered design should look harmonious and holist. Otherwise, its entire charm is lost.

Very good, this principle works with crafts for the garden from plastic bottles, when several small elements are located nearby. But it should be borne in mind that the jumble is completely inappropriate.

Photo crafts for garden



To decorate the territory of the cottage, you can buy various decorative items - these are figurines, artificial plantings, etc. But if you have a fantasy, free time and many old, unnecessary things, then you can make it possible to make it decor items yourself. For clarity, look at the photo of the crafts for the cottage.

The advantages of country crafts

  • Masite crafts can children and adults, it is very entertaining and fun.
  • Children develop fantasies and small motility.
  • Cash savings, because for dacha crafts you can use old and unnecessary things. For example, you can apply: wood; bottles; disposable cups; traffic jams; stones; Tires, etc.

The main thing to come up with an idea, and the materials for its implementation are not difficult to find.

Country crafts from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are in every home, we regularly buy water and other drinks. Here are some variants of crafts for giving your own hands from bottles.

Bottie deer

To make a deer, we need a plastic bottle of 5 liters. We remove the neck of the neck of the bottle and cover the bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters down. And already on the neck of this container, the liter bottle is secured.

Thus, you should get a head on the elongated neck. You can fasten the bottles with liquid nails, wire or bolts.

The nose, tail and ears for the animal are cut out of any plastic bottle and glued to the appropriate places. The horns can be made of wooden branches or from wire.

The case remains as small, you only need to paint the resulting deer in a brown or orange color. It is better to paint quality paint so that it does not burn out in the sun and did not wash off the rain.

Cat from bottles

This is a new idea for cottages and is performed in another style, it will take about 100 plastic bottles of 1.5 liters and 2 liters.

For a plastic cat, not entire bottles will be needed, but their cut bottoms. To create a form, make two balls (torso and head) from the wire and connect them between themselves. Next, we attach the cut off the bottoms to the shape made with the wire.

Elements such as eyes, nose and ears can be made from an old linoleum or similar to the structure of the material. It remains to paint the resulting cat and put out into the courtyard.


For a horse's body, a 5 liter plastic bottle is used or a pot with flowers can be used instead. Wooden sticks are attached from four sides, it will be the legs of the animal. For neck and tail also used by a stick.

The head of the horses can be made from a metal can, and the coolet from plastic covers. For the mane and tail we use the old wig if it is not, then you can thin a piece of fabric or attach the hay. After all, it remains only to paint the horse in your favorite color.

Unusual crafts

To decorate or diversify the flower bed there are a bunch of options, you only need to turn on the fantasy. Alternatively, you can apply the old TV. It is removed from it all the insides and leave only the case. The earth falls asleep inside, and flowers are planted. Such a flowerbed looks unusual and beautiful.

To get an unusual handicraft for the garden, instead of the TV case, you can use other items, such as tires from wheels, suitcase, shoes or clothing. Options mass!

What materials can be done by country crafts?

Styrofoam. This is a strong material from which you can make any shape, as it is well cut in a simple knife. Cut out the shape of any animal from the foam, paint the right color, decorate with leaves, cheese, buttons, yes than you like and you will have a great decorative object for the garden. Another foam can be cut down small elements that will be useful for crafts from plastic bottles.

Live materials, it is berries, fruits, spikelets of grain crops, mosses, cones, fruits of trees, etc. From natural materials you can make a picture or small crafts.

Artificial flowers. They can be used to decorate or, as elements of a large craft.

Mounting foam. Many people know that it is applied in construction, but if you can fantasize, then it can be used in creativity. For example, you can make a snail from the mounting foam.

The body and the head will be from wooden chumbs, it can be combined with nails. Top torso applied mounting foam and highlighting a snail shell. All elements can paint from the canopy.

From old tires can be very unusual crafts for the garden. For example, benches, tables, swings, flower beds, sandboxes, etc.

From any material, you can make it possible to make your favorite animal or other decoration for the summer cottage. When the appearance of the subject is ready, it only needs to paint and add minor elements.

The main thing is that for such decorative items do not need high costs, everything you need can be found at home. Children will make crafts will only be joy.

Photo crafts for giving