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Evergreen Magonia Padurbisate landing and departure breeding photo and description of species. Magonia Padoliste: Proper landing and competent Curply Care Magonia Growing and Care

29.11.2017 2 176

Magonia Padoroliste, Landing and Care - Growing Secrets

Magonia Padoliste, landing and care for which are not particularly complex procedures, requires, however, a certain attention from the flower plant, in particular, it is recommended to know the subtleties of growing plants in Siberia, in the Urals, in the Leningrad region, in Kuban. How is the fallout and reproduction of the flower, what is its winter hardiness and features of use in landscape design, as well as a full description - all this you will learn from the article written below.

Cultivation conditions of culture

Evergreen shrub became known to European gardeners in the 19th century, relatively recently he among the common plants in Russian gardens. In nature, this culture grows in North America and is often found on the edges of the forests and open areas of the terrain. Shrub loves light, but at noon he needs a light shadow from the growing nearby tall plants. In such conditions, Magonia is puffolisant blooms more lush and gives delicious fruits.

The climatic conditions of Russia are suitable for the cultivation of most varieties of southern beauty. It is withstanding relatively soft Kuban winter, it grows well in the Moscow region and the middle lane, as well as in the Leningrad region. In the conditions of central Russia, she does not need shelter for the winter. If the plant is planted in Siberia and on the Middle Urals, the probability of frozen increases, especially if you do not take care of its protection from permeating winds.

This culture is extremely negatively reacting to drafts, especially if the northern winds are dominated. To avoid death, landing and care must necessarily include protection against drafts. It is planted for this so that buildings or tall trees are located on the northern side.

To fit successfully, and the plant developed without problems, choose a loose and fertile soil, there should be a lot of humus in it. Therefore, before planting it, it is necessary to make a lot of humus and sheet land - Not less than 7-10 kg per 1 m². The sand in the soil should not be made, even if it was originally dense, and it is better to use vermiculite or create a drainage layer of shallow rubbing at a depth of 40-50 cm, as it will prevent stagnation of water from the roots.

magonia Padoliste berries - in the photo

In terms of moisture, the culture is not demanding, and if the groundwater spots in the surface close to the surface, the shrub should be planted on an elevated place or create a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 30 cm. Problems in growing may begin if the roots are wetted. With the overalling of the soil, the culture can quickly die.

As neighbors for the plant, any trees and shrubs are suitable, landing and care which coincide with it for the main moments.

Landing and care: when and how to plant?

To successfully relocate in your garden of shrubs, planting and planting should obey a specific algorithm. Experienced gardeners They argue that the best shrub is getting better at the spring landing, since in the summer he will have time to prepare for wintering.

landing of Magonia Padoliste - in the photo

The landing pit is preferably cooking a month before landing. To do this, a hole is digging a depth of about 60 cm and a diameter of 60-70 centimeters. Drainage is poured onto it, and then fill it with a soil consisting of a garden land with the addition of 2 buckets of the leaf land and one measurement measures. The distance between the pit is determined on the basis of which landings are planned on the site. If the culture will play the role of alive hedges, the bushes are planted at a distance of 80-100 cm one from the other. For borders, the shrub is planted with the same interval. To create compositions, it is better to plant it at a distance of 150-200 cm from adjacent plants.

To landing, it is necessary to proceed as soon as possible, especially if the seedlings are open root system. The plant for 12 hours is soaked in water with the addition of the rooting agent, divorced according to the instructions on the package. At the bottom of the landing pit, a holmik is formed, carefully spread the roots along its surface, fall asleep with the soil, shed to eliminate the air cavities and smash the earth to fill the wells. After repeated irrigation, the surface of the soil under seedlings are covering mulch.

If the roots are closed, that is, the seedling grows in the container, it is immediately placed in the hole and fall asleep soil, after which it is generously watered (7-10 liters of water under one bush) and mulch.

If the seedling is purchased in the fall, it is better to touch it (relevant for bushes with an open root system) or leave in the basement to spring (this method of preservation is suitable for plants in containers).

Fertilizer and watering bushes

In order to get the best results when growing, the gardener will have to work first 2-3 years, because during the actual growth period, this North American guest requires a generous watering twice a week. Under one plant consumes no less bucket of water. Good bush and on sprinkling crown, which will be especially useful in dry periods.

The roots do not tolerate the lack of air, so the plant should be loosened after each watering, and in parallel with this you can fight weeds and remove excessive strokes. To facilitate such a task, mulch from a crust, sawdust or peat, and in the autumn surface under shrubs can be covered with a thick layer of overwhelmed manure, which will give heat and serve as a source of nutritional elements.

It is recommended to feed plantings 2 times for the season - in the spring after the snow supply to the soil, nitroammofosk is made at the rate of 20-30 g per m². The second feeding is carried out during the formation of buds. In this case, together with irrigation under the bush, 5 liters of complex fertilizer (40 g of azophos or 20 potash salt and superphosphate + 30 urea on the water bucket) are introduced. Replace the listed fertilizers can be infusable from weed grass with bird litter. It is necessary to breed the resulting alone in a ratio of 1:10. 5-7 liters of solution are poured under the bush.

In the first year after landing, care should include freezing prevention. Young bushes are preferably covered with a sweetheart, clinging the soil with a thick layer with a thick layer, also needed moisture-loading watering, especially if the autumn is arid.

Evergreen beauty is capable of transforming any garden, - in the spring of its bushes decorated with many flowers, and at the end of summer and in the fall - berries. In the first years, it requires constant care, and after the growing it is necessary to periodically give the shape of Crown. This care is enough to ensure that the Southern Guest feel good.

Magonia Padoliste is one of the interesting representatives of the Barberry family, which differs from other types of lowestness. In total, about 50 species are presented in the genus of this evergreen shrub. The homeland of Magonia is Padurbisnaya is the North American continent, but this is not a serious obstacle to its cultivation in a moderate climate of the average latter of our country.

In his homeland, the plant is known entitled "Oregon Grapes". Up until 1822, its representation was limited only by native places, but later it was brought to the European continent, where and today continues to grow, widely used in landscape design.

What loved gardeners Magonia?

Photos of the plant can already cause interest. Therefore, a rare gardener remains indifferent to the beauty of the leather leaves of Magonia, which it retains in a constant form throughout the almost entire growing period. Seeing her leaves for the first time, their can be taken for holly leavesthat in principle explains the name of the plant. In the spring, when the leaves begin to bloom, they have a reddish color. However, in the summer, it changes to dark green, and in the fall, when the growing season approaches the end, they acquire a golden-bronze tint.

An even greater beautiful stems of Magonia become at the time of the first frosts, which change her color to purple.

Such a variety of color palette is one of the reasons for the increased interest of many gardeners to this plant, which is often used in landscape design. Therefore, when decorating its plots, they often stop the choice on Magonia. The plant fits perfectly into the Alpinaria design, and can also be represented as part of various group compositions, including lawn sites. With the help of Magonia, you can refer various buildingsIf you plan her next to them. It also allows you to emphasize the gardens of gardens. Since Magonia is a low-volume plant, it can be successfully used as a border plant or low alive hedge.

In the process of development, Magonia Padurbolta appears many depotable root offspring, so during the season she can form small thickets. In this regard, Magonia seems excellent option To decorate those areas where you need to fill the surface of the soil.

Characteristics of Magonia Padoliste

In the flowering phase, a pleasant and light fragrance comes from this plant, and it itself resembles the lily of the valley. The first flowers are revealed in May and remain those until June. Usually they have a yellow tint And form small inflorescences-brushes. If autumn is issued fairly warm, the gardener gets an extra opportunity to admire the blooming magnesium and in October.

This flower refers to the number of cross-pollinated plants, so it can only bloom if there is a paired instance. Without it will not be able to form fruits providing planting material For breeding. This plant ripens oval fruits that have a length of up to 1 cm. Most often they reach the stage of maturity in August, which can be determined by their dark blue color.

In Magony berries, a pronounced sour-sweet taste, which they resemble Barbaris. The fruit contains a small amount of meakty and many seeds.

You should not immediately consume the berries in food - it is better to give them a little in the refrigerator. Then their taste will change in best side. Magonia berries may not be discharged for a long time until five months, because from this saves a dense fruit. And even if you stay with harvest, it will not lead to decomposition of vitamins and other organic compounds. For the season from one plant, you can collect up to 2 kg of fruits.

Landing Magonia Padurbisnaya

Considering that Magonia is most often found in the forests, in artificial conditions It is better to grow it on the shaded areas. If Magonia is growing at sunny areas, then the direct sunlight can lead to burns appearance, and this will noticeably weaken the plant and slow down its growth. The most suitable for the cultivation of Magonia are places protected from winds, which are in the half-tree created by adjacent buildings or trees.

Magonia is undemanding to the quality of the soil and its fertility. therefore you can grow it on any soil.

To obtain thick thickets of Magonia Padoliste during planting of the plant, it is recommended to post no further than 1 m from each other. Create more rarefied landings, if the distance between plants is increased to 2 m.

During the landing, the bushes should be shuffled to a depth of no more than 50 cm. After the transfer of the plant into the pit, the root neck must be strictly at the soil level. The planned bushes of Magonia Padoliste must necessarily pour a good way.

Plant care

Grow magonium padoliste in conditions open soil It is easy and because it does not create problems in care. Regular watering is just one of the activities that are necessary for the normal development of plants. It is also recommended to periodically feed the mortar from complex mineral fertilizers.

Magonia Padurbisnate Care Rules:

Useful periodically carry offWhat helps maintain a beautiful or sophisticated shape of Magonia Padoliste. Landing and care, including this event, in this case will help to show all their beauty to the plant.

It is recommended to trim the spring. In this case, the removal will be subject to only those shoots and stems, which have no floral kidneys. Conducting the trimming, taking into account this moment, will avoid disruption of abundant flowering bush.

Plants are well transferring pruning, after which it takes not so much time to restore. As a rule, bushes take up the previous form through the formation of young shoots.

Magonia Padolisnaya breeding

To obtain young bushes, you can use such reproduction methods as seeding, growing from root offspring and cuttings. Use the seed seed method is recommended in spring, and this should be definitely separated by seeds.

Reproduction of cuttings

Also get the bushes of Magonia on the plot you can with the help of cuttings:

  • it is recommended to choose green shoots and stems with leaves as a landing material;
  • stems are used for the workpiece of shortened cuttings, which must necessarily have a straight upper slice and oblique lower;
  • to cut the cuttings faster, it is recommended to apply a solution of root growth stimulants;
  • after training, the cuttings are buried in the ground, not forgetting that the bottom kidney must be at the ground level;
  • thereafter upper layer Soil must be thoroughly tamped and pouring a fungicidal solution to protect against diseases;
  • after landing on the cuttings install plastic bottles With transparent walls, it is necessarily a thorough watering.

Reproduction with chains

Get the spring planting material Magonia is padurbisnate from the melts:


Magonia has a puffasnut there is a lot of fans from among experienced flower flowers. This plant has beautiful leaves and inflorescenceTherefore, more and more often use Magonia Padurbiste in Landscape Design. However, due to the fact that it is shadowless, most often it is grown near the various objects that are in the garden. In addition to protecting from direct sunlightMagonia needs regular watering, which is especially relevant for areas where long-term drought periods are often observed. Otherwise, it demonstrates unpretentiousness, so it can be grown on any soils.

Padoliste Magonia Plant

Magonia Padoliste received this name due to similar to Holly, but it also has an alternative name - "Oregon grapes", since the flower berries look like grapes. Until 22 years of a century, the plant germinated only in native lands, but later it became popular in Europe, where still very popular with landscape designers. Surprisingly, in our days, gardeners are not so often planting this plant in their sites.

By the way, the care and cultivation of Magonia Padurbisnut does not cause difficulties in the conditions of a domestic temperate climate, despite the fact that her homeland are lands of North America.

Description of Magonia Padolisnaya

Any gardener familiar with this type of plant cannot refuse to put it on its site. In early May, gentle yellow flowers, similar to tassels, bloom and keep the old appearance of about a month - approximately June.

During flowering, lush flowers exude a pleasant, unobtrusive fragrance, capable of charm anyone. In case the autumn has been turned out to be sufficiently warm and moderately wet, the flowers can delight until October.

A beautiful plant, the periodically changing color of his leaves attracts to himself again and again. It is worth noting that in the spring only the blurred strong leaves have a pinkish shade.

Later the sun and rains contribute to the repaintance of foliage in green colorAnd the golden autumn paints them into a bronze tint. During the initiation of the first frost, the plant does not lose amazing properties: His leaves become crimson.

Such a variety of color palette manits each gardener. The noble plant is perfectly combined with other colors and shrubs. Also, a group of padurbolized magnesium can become an excellent background for country buildings or to participate in the role of a border plant due to its low-speed.

Since Magonia has a property in the process of growth to form overgrown, it can be used to fill empty areas and emphasize the greens of nearby plants. In order to evaluate the delicious appearance of Magonia, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the above-mentioned photo of Magonia Padoliste.

Magonia can only bloom in a duet with another instance, otherwise the fruits involved in the breeding process are not formed. In compliance with these conditions, your plant will enrich the fruits of an oval form about 10 mm in length.

Berries ripen in about August, about their ripeness testifies dark blue color. Fruits contain a large number of seeds and have a sour-sweet taste. Do not be afraid to be late with harvest: Berries do not lose useful vitamins and trace elements in the process of maturation.

The specific taste of fruits can be bought, if you leave them in the refrigerator for several days. In the process of growth in one season, Magonia can give about two kilograms of the crop.

As you can see, Magonia Padoliste in landscape design plays an important role, but it is impossible to forget about the characteristic of the fruit of Magonia.

Dachnings of the North American continent use berries as an ingredient for wine and compotes, as they have the property of painting a drink in bright color. In addition, fruits are used for the manufacture of medical preparations, including added to the drugs from psoriasis. These items are already pushing the dachniks to accommodate this wonderful plant on their plot.

Characteristics of varieties of Magonia

In the nature of the shrub, five dozen species are accrued, however, we give the description of the Magonia of Padurbisnaya some species:

  • Compact - It contains yellow flowers and fruits that can achieve more centimeter in length. A bush reaches 70-cm long.
  • Maichan Strain. - A bush more meter long has yellowish flowers and large berries. Leaves of this variety have a green color, changing in red with the advent of autumn;
  • Emerald Different with luxurious yellow inflorescences in a duet with black berries. At the beginning of the fall, the leaves have a purple color with a blow to bronze, and in summer, brilliant leaves acquire an emerald shade. Berries of the shrub of this variety are used in the manufacture of wines - in this case, the choice of this variety for the landing of Magonia Padoliste will have practical benefits.
  • Orange Flame - A variety reaching one and a half meters long. In the warm season, the leaves have an ordinary green color, and in the fall become aluma. Flowers have a yellow color, and berries - blue.
  • Atropurope - The view with the orphanage can boast the purple coloring leaves in the early spring and autumn. The fruits have a black color, and the length of the shrub fluctuates from 50 to 60 cm.

Landing Magonia Padurbisnaya

"Live" hedge from Magonia

Before starting to land the shrub, it is necessary to clearly decide on its placement on the site. In case you want to create live hedge From Magonia, place plants no more than a meter from each other. In this case, bushes will firmly fit together.

If you wish to arrange shrubs one, the distances of about two meters will be quite enough: the formed bushes will not be closed with each other.

Of course, the care of Magonia Padurbisnut does not cause difficulties, but during its landing it is necessary to take into account the following nuances. Since the natural habitat of the shrub is forests, its placement on the darkened areas, protected from the wind, will be most successful. Pourable sun rays Feed the leaves and slow down their growth.

The plant is not demanded to the soil, so any soil will suit the cultivation of Magonia. After you have determined with the location of Magonia, do the ground.

Having cut a hole in a depth of no more than fifty centimeters and adjust the shrub so that the neck of the root was on the same level with the soil. After the roots are covered with the soil, generously paint the plant.

By the way, the soil does not require additional compaction - it will slow down the growth of the shrub. The transplant process should occur in summer or spring.

The care and cultivation of Magonia Padolisant is hampered in the fall, since the process of rooting in the soil is noticeably complicated.

Magonia Padrol Care Rules

The plant is not picky, the cultivation of Magonia Padoliste implies fresh iris Plants and periodic feeders from minerals. So, the bush will not suffer from cutting and receive all the necessary elements for normal growth.

However, there are several other subtleties for care:

  • The first making of fertilizers can be held at the beginning of the third month of spring, before the bloom began;
  • Use fertilizers within the normal range: no more than one hundred grams per m²;
  • Fungi and other microorganisms can not seriously harm the shrub;
  • The best solution will be the landing of Magonia Padurbisnaya in darkened places, near any object. For this suitable country building or trees;
  • Regularly water the plant during heat and drought;
  • The plant is distinguished by resistance to transplants: it can be carried out at any time of the year and age of the plant. However, autumn is poorly suitable for this process, as in order to adapt to a new place, Magonia will need a lot of strength;
  • In the cold season, a dense snow blanket reliably protect the shrub from frost. In areas that do not differ large quantity winter precipitation, the shelter of the shrub from the cold will need;
  • If you want to grow up magnia adhesive in such a way that it serves as a live bush, the trigger does not need a bush, since the distance between bushes will increase.

However, in the fall, after the completion of the flowering of Magonia, it may be necessary to trim the branches, but it is not necessary to do it too often: the twigs grow quite slowly;

Let's talk more about watering. Watering - main part Magonia care, as it requires a large amount of water. It is enough to water 8-10 liters of pure water plant 2-3 times a month. During drought, the irrigation rate can be increased to four times;

Methods of breeding

The reproduction and landing of Magonia is padurbalent in the following ways:

  • Distribution plant with cuttings;
  • Use of seeds;
  • Reproduction with the assignment;
  • Tripping branches.


The extension method is used by many gardeners for the breeding of Magonia. It requires the minimum cost of strength and time. Special baits will help to speed up the process of growing cuttings, which can be selected as decomposed organic materialsand special mixes whose list is shown below.

  • Prepare good shoots with fresh leaves. Stems should be sliced \u200b\u200bon the bottom, and in the top - straight.
  • The solutions that stimulate the growth of the roots can be applied to the lower braid slicer. This will significantly accelerate the development of the future shrub.
  • After the solution is applied, immerse the cutlets into the ground so that the oblique slice comes into contact with it.
  • Put the hole to the soil, thoroughly sink it and pour a special solution that protects the plant from diseases.
  • Upon completion of irrigation, cover the bush with a transparent plastic bottle. Next, the care and cultivation of Magonia Padurboliste cannot be carried out effectively without constant irrigation.

Landing seeds

The reproduction of Magonia with seeds is a difficult, requiring attention and non-real patience, since the germination of a seedling can take more than one year.

However, in case you want to challenge yourself and your gardening skills, pay attention to the following algorithm:

  • After the onset of frosts, it is necessary to rip the berries from the bush.
  • Washing seeds Place on a wet cloth with a wipe and place a plastic container into a tightly closed plastic container.
  • After the appearance of the sprouts, place them in the pot with a well-soaked soil, suprate it with a soil. Do not allow it to dry.
  • The growth of the plant from the seed can last up to two years or earlier - it depends on the care of the care of Magonia Padoliste.


This method does not imply large costs Force and time. In addition, it is often used to reproduce in the natural medium of Magonia.

  • Mortgage the shoots as close as possible to the soil and pour them with the soil so that the upper part performs from the ground.
  • Escape under the soil must be fixed with wire - so easier formed the root.
  • Pour the ground with water.
  • In the fall of escape, a child seedlock is formed to be separated from the maternal bush. After a neat branch of the seedling, you can go to the fertilous soil, the actions algorithm is given above.

Reproduction with branches

Multiply this plant can be very simple way - For him, we will need only a good twig, water container and patience.

We give the procedure:

  • Before the offensive of the frost, cut the twigs and place them in a water vase.
  • After the branch lasted the roots, place it in the ground.
  • Caring for Magonia Padurbisnut in a pot as well as for houseplants: Regularly water and ensure good lighting.
  • About a year later, the seedling will be ready for landing on open space.

Magonia Padoliste in Landscape Design: Application

This plant can complement the composition from other plants and become a wonderful background for them, emphasizing the bends and saturation of the shades of flowers.

In addition, this plant is suitable for creating stunning landscapes in a duet with stones, creating hedges, borders, vegetable cloth on the hills slope.

According to the above description of Magonia Padoliste, it is ideal for any colors, trees and country buildings.

It is possible to plant it separately - in this case, a bangs with sparkling yellow flowers on the background of crimson or green leaves will attract the main attention.

In addition, the location of shrubs is close to each other guarantees the creation of a beautiful and fertile alive hedge.

Best neighbors for Magonia can be bulbous plants, Roses, Camellia and others. In the case of a combination of the specified flowers with a shrub, it will emphasize their refinement and brightness of the color.

Magonia feeding: What do you need to know?

Despite the fact that the care and cultivation of Magonia Padurboliste does not take a large amount of money and time, it is necessary to periodically enrich the soil with a feeding, so that she did not deplete.

It is necessary to do this after the completion of the winter and until July, but it is not necessary to repeat the procedure more often once a month: in this case, the feeding will not improve, and on the contrary - will spoil the state of the soil.

As a feeding, you can use decomposed organic substances with a thickness of up to 50-mm. Doing so better spring: In this case, the plant will go down the strength and will be able to give the gardener a wonderful harvest and please in lush, bright inflorescences.

In addition to the collected organic substances, any other feeders available in free access can be used.

  • « Blank sheet»Sold in the form of crystal, which are used to spray leaves and feeding the root of the bush. This substance contributes to the strengthening of the root system, leaves, increase the period and pomp flowering. In addition, the bush shoots are greatly stronger.
  • « Bona Forte."Is a solution that includes succinic acid and other organometallic kits. Helps flowers to grow longer, and besides this, increases the puff of inflorescences. The substance improves the growth of Magonia and makes the color of the leaves more rich and catchy.
  • « FACE"- powder that is used at the same time and as usual fertilizer, and as feeding during vegetative reproduction. Enriching the soil with useful trace elements, strengthens the immunity of the shrub and helps him withstand aggressive factors of the external environment, such as drought, cold, disease and harmful microorganisms.
  • « Gumi-Omi"It is a drug that implies a mixture of organic. Gumi-Omi helps to strengthen the immunity of shrub, increases its ability to resist harmful microorganisms and diseases, accelerates the growth of branches and the bush itself in length.
  • « Allianced»- Liquid mixture used during watering and soil irrigation. The mixture contributes to an increase in the brightness of the inflorescences, their pomp and increases the flowering period. Thanks to the solution, the shrub is growing much faster. The leaves grow symmetrically and differ in bright color.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the unpopularity of Padoliste Magonia among domestic gardeners is not justified. This plant looks great as one by one, and in a duet with other representatives of their type.

The combination of shrub with other plants, stones and other decorative elements of the landscape guarantees the creation of an excellent setting on your summer cottage.

We must not forget about the practical benefits of berries that give Magonia: their sour-sweet taste resembles a barberry, and after freezing, soft fruits will become more tastier.

Try adding berries to compote or wine - they will not only give the drink more rich color, but add a new, weakly tangible, but delightful taste.

One of the advantages is simplicity in caring and growing Magonia Padoliste. Not requiring constant attention plant will not be just a background, but decorating your cottage plot. These tips will help you grow a strong, attractive and fruit plant.

Combine beautiful with useful - the task number one for the owners of small garden sites. Before the happy owners of large household possessions, the task is no less complicated - to get a maximum of beauty and minimize care. In the list of decorative and at the same time "edible" plants that do not require special care, Magonia Padoliste takes up top positions.
Favorite Professional Lakes, Zaochanskaya Beauty Magonia falls in love at first sight - Saturated grain of foliage, purple stems, bright fragrant flowering ... In addition to decorativeness, this plant has medical properties and excellent flavoring characteristics.

Mahōnia Aquifōlium (Mahōnia Aquiflium) is an evergreen shrub of a family of barberry families from North America. Her habitat extends from the state of Colorado to the shores of the Pacific Ocean: Northern California, Oregon, British Columbia. In each area, it was called differently: mountain grapes, yellow lilac, barberries Padurbisnaya. The plant received its botanical name in 1818, in honor of one of the first nurseries of America Bernard McMahn - Magonia. The similarity of its hard shiny leaves with holly leaves has determined the species name - Padoliste.

Magonia - a slow-growing shrub height from 1 to 1.5 m, in warm climatic zones - Up to 2 m. Stems, depending on the variety, can be a reprehensive or assessed, grown on the ground. Bark shoots changes its color depending on the age: young stems of pink gray color, and adults are gray, in winter time Brownish gray. Leather leathery, shiny, up to 20 cm long, consist of 5-9 acutely separated egg-shaped leaves, each no more than 8 cm. The color of foliage depends on the season: Spring-summer greens is replaced by a red bugger in autumn and brownish bronze in winter. It is unpretentious, adapts to any conditions of growth, under the right sun can be burned.

Flowers Magonia Padoliste from mid-April to early June. Inflorescences consist of multiple yellow flowers collected in branched brushes located at the ends of the shoots. Flowering bushes - This is a mix of flavors, while simultaneously resembles the smell of lilac, valley, honey and chocolate.

Fruits are similar to mini grapes, hence the name is Oregon grapes. Oval berries not exceeding 1 cm long and 0.8 cm in volume. Technical maturity occurs in September - the fruits acquire a dark blue, with a SIZ, painting and sour-sweet taste, like Barbaris. Left "Winter" on the bushes, berries retain their decorative and culinary properties.

The color of foliage depends on the season: Spring-summer greens is replaced by a red bugger in autumn and brownish bronze in winter.

The most spectacular varieties of Magonia Padoliste

Listed varieties are most suitable for our climatic zone.

Apollo. - Magonia variety is widespread. Grows slowly, at the age of 10 years does not exceed 0.6 m. The shoots are red, prickly, with age heavily drooping. Abundantly blooms bright orange-yellow color from April to May. It is uncomprecedable to soils, poorly tolerates long-term drought, winter without shelter. Suitable for solar and sexual places, grows well in the shade. Frequently used as a soil plant.

Smaragt. - The bush is distinguished by solid straight shoots height not more than 0.7 m. The foliage is dark green. Flowers in May, the inflorescences are yellow. Berries blue-black with a wax rode.

Separately, it should be noted a little-known type of Magonia Czzuchy Mehonia repens. (Lindl.) - From Magonia Padurbisnaya, it is characterized by a height of a bush not more than 0.5 m. Grows slowly, blooms from 6 years twice a year, in May and September. Updated fruits from 8 years. Morious.

magonia Apollo in Live Hollow

Popular species and varieties of Magonia Padurboliste poorly tolerate our winter, apply them in landscaping risky. This is Mayhan Strain, Orange Flame, King's Ransom, Golden Abundance, Mosier.


Magonia Padoliste - a unpretentious plant, even a novice gardener will be easy to grow it on his plot, because she:

undemanding to acidity, it is equally well feeling on fertile, sandy and heavy clay soils;
Suitable for sun and shady corners of the garden;
Resistant to drought and urban air pollution;
no shelter does not make it, it withstands frost to - 28 ° C;
Freely transfers the transplant at any age.

Landing. Best time Landing is an early spring or late autumn, and the plants grown in the container can be painlessly planting throughout the season.

The landing pit should exceed the size of the container or root mos by 1.5-2 times. It is added to it consisting of equal amounts of soil, sand and peat, as well as mineral fertilizer At the rate of 5 g per 1 l of the mixture. Created in this way, the transition layer of the soil accelerates the development of the root system. If landing is performed in a heavy clay soil, it is necessary to create a drainage of at least 15 cm. The plant thoroughly shed, rOCK To mediate. In the case of transplanting a plant with a naked root or with a lump of land, you should add any stimulator of root formation: radio affairs, corneser, heteruxer.

Magonia is a cross-permeable plant, so for abundant fruiting you need to have at least 2 bushes on a plot.

Care. In the first year after landing, when the root system has not yet fully gained in the soil and cannot produce water independently, the plant should be watering at least 1-2 times a week. Adult bushes can be watered 1 time in 2 weeks.

For greater decorativeness, Magonia is puffed in the spring complex fertilizers or nitroammophos at the rate of 30-40 g / m2. Autumn potash-phosphate feeders contribute to abundant spring flowering and increase the frost resistance of the plant.

Trimming. Timely haircut guarantees the development of a thick healthy crown, lush flowering And abundant fruiting bush. The trimming is made immediately after flowering: in the first year of landing - to the first dutch of the leaves, 10-20 cm above the ground level, in subsequent years, 1-2 mutants are higher than the previous one. Such formation will allow you to get a beautiful branched plant.

Corrective trimming of an adult plant is carried out as needed in the end of spring, removing thin and weak shoots from the earth itself.

With a rejuvenating haircut, strong shoots are shortened to 30-60 cm, stimulating a new future formation. Prothesing is carried out late spring, avoiding the dangers of damage to young shoots with spring frosts. Pay attention - Magonia blooms on the shoots of last year!

Reproduction. Magonia is palpolent multiplied with seeds, glasses, cuttings and less often - root siblings.

  • Seedsobtained from freshly placed berries should be seen in the fall in the prepared ridges - in this way they will pass natural stratification and delight in the spring by friendly shoots.
  • For shining It will suit July-August, only young healthy shoots with well-formed leaves are used. The cuttings are cut so that the top smooth slice is located directly above the upper kidney, and the lower, oblique, lowered by 2-3 cm from the last kidney. The processed billets are placed in a neutral peat substrate so that the upper kidney is at the ground level, and transferred to mini-greenhouse. To germinate the roots, it is necessary to maintain a substrate in a wet state, periodically processing it with fungicides. After 1.5-2 months, young seedlings can be searched into individual containers for further growth.
  • Reproduction with chains spend in spring. For this, adult shoots bend to the ground, thus reading in several places of the bark to stimulate the root formation, fix with studs and fall asleep the earth. The gods should be abundantly watered to get a full-fledged seedling in the fall.

Magonia Padoliste does not give abundant root row, but sometimes old bushes can sometimes find "extra" offspring. It is neatly separated from the Musician and transplanted in a pre-prepared pumlet.

Using Magonia Padoliste in the landscape and not only

For Names, Magonia Padurbisnaya is a very plastic material:

It is planted in group landings, and as a single architectural plant;
on the stony slings and on the slopes of natural hills;
Used to create and as a soil bush.

Magonia gets along with everyone garden plants and serves as an excellent addition to roses, magnolias and camellias. It looks with. In Rabatkov and Mixle Magonia, Padoliste works well as a contrast plant, in combination with a fern, Badan ,.

In addition to decorative attractiveness, this shrub has valuable medical and high food properties. For rehabilitation, the indigenous inhabitants of America are used both the above-ground parts of the plant and underground: from the roots are preparing bitter tea to remove fatigue and increase appetite, they are used when problems from the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver. Decorations and infancy of rhizomes are used to rinse the throat with an angina, for washing the wounds and in the form of a row with skin diseases. It should be remembered because of the high content in the roots of a strong alkaloid - Berberina - the internal use of infusions should be strictly dosed. Pregnant and suffering from the stomach ulcer with increased acidity The use of root beads is contraindicated. The berries of Magonia Padurboliste are used as a soft laxative, and the flowers are for the preparation of safe anti-scene teas.

Recipe for therapeutic infusion of Magonia Padoliste flowers

One teaspoon of colors is poured 300 ml of boiling water, insist on a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then leave to cool to room temperature. Take a meal for ⅓ glass 3 times a day.

Cooking. Berries and flowers Residents of North America are widely used in cooking, adding them to salads and soft drinks, desserts and basic dishes. Fresh-robous sour-sweet berries are processed on juice, wine, jams, canned in the form of compotes, and dried. After freezing, the taste of berries is significantly improved.

Floristics. Magonia Padoliste is widely used in floristics - hard leaves after cutting for a long time retain decorativeness, so they are included in flower compositions. Wreath woven from the leaves of Magonia is mandatory new Year's decoration both in America and in Europe - he symbolizes health, longevity, wealth.

Magonia is Padurbisnaya easy to leave, undemanding to the soils and place of growth. Her evergreen foliage will be able to revive the most unsightly corners of the garden. By purchasing this shrub for your garden, you are guaranteed to get a bright plant with delicious berries with minimal care.

Long-stayed in Europe appreciated Barbaris shrub, combining and decorative, and delicious berries. But rarely he leaned in the gardens due to a variety of sharp spines of literally suiced his branches. Nobolly Barbaris sought to get many nerds, including the first Russian scientist-agronomist A. T. Bolotov, recommended to include this plant in garden landings. But in the 19th century, the far relative of the barbaris was brought to Europe from North America. Sophisticated beauty received the name "Magonia Padoliste".

Flowers Magonia Padurbisate in Park

Magonia - in honor of the American scientist, the author of the American garden calendarwhich was published in 1806 Bernard Mak-Magona (Bernard M'Mahon). And the definition adjective "puffolisant" plant received for the similarity of its sheet plates with holly (otherwise a ostolic) - the plant of the family of Holly.

Biological features


Magonia Padoliste - evergreen shrub of the genus Magoni from the Barber Higher Family. In height, it rarely reaches one and a half meters, mostly the tops of its branches are located on a meter altitude.

Without trimming, Magonia is puffed strongly grow up due to root shoots and can form a non-unheated hedge, which is widely used in modern landscape design. The bark of the branches first the pink-gray change with age on dark gray with characteristic streants.

The leaves of Magonia are complex unparallers containing from five to nine sharp sheets that constitute the total length of the sheet to twenty centimeters.

Yellow flowers are very small, in diameter of only about eight millimeters, they are collected in the inflorescences of Bourgee. For this feature, the plant is also called the "lonelywed shrub".

Padurbiste's sour-sweet yagodamagonium was widely used in cooking. Effigious-elliptical in their form they have a length of up to one centimeter, and the width of up to eight millimeters. Blue-colored, their color with abundant nasal gives them an external similarity with some varieties of grapes. No wonder in the people, Magonia is often referred to as "Paduban grapes".


Magonia blooms late in spring, by the end of May the low bushes are covered with citric chips of inflorescences. Blossom continues for about two weeks.

Flowers of Magonia Padoliste

In addition to beautiful colors, Magonia is very decorative and due to its original painted foliage. Dark red leaves in the autumn-winter period change their color in the spring on a dark green shade. How do you look at the leaves of the Magonia Padurbiste winter can be seen in the following photo.

Magonia Padoliste winter


To taste, the berries of Magonia resemble barberryovy, for which the plant has another popular name - "Padurbolis Barbaris". The sake of fresh form is eaten for dessert, and also add to fruit salads and dry breakfasts, such as Muesli.

Another direction of use of the Magonia Padoliste berries is a food dye for jelly, wine or compote. When adding a berry of Magonia to the drink, its color takes a saturated ruby \u200b\u200bshade.

Magonia's breeding enthusiasts boil out of her berries jam and jam. It is said that the taste is simply amazing.

  1. Berries go through, rinse and blanch in boiling water 5-6 minutes.
  2. Throw back on the colander and pour out 60 percent sugar syrup.
  3. Bring to a boil on slow fire.
  4. To shift into the enameled dishes and give to stand for 10-14 hours.
  5. Did notice to readiness, at the end of the cooking add citric acid at the rate of 1 gram per liter of jam.

The berries of Magonia Padolisnaya

Magonia as a medicine

Like other plants of the Barberry Magonia family contains a lot of Berberina - strong alkaloid, which causes the use of plants as a medicinal.

Therapeutic properties of Magonia Padurbiste sincerery were used by Indians North America. Currently based on different parts This shrub is preparing medicines from diseases such as:

  • diarrhea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • gallbladder diseases (as choleretic);
  • skin diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • psoriasis.

The recipe of tincture from Magonia Padurboliste:

  1. One part of the dried bark or the top of the plant shoots is poured with ten parts of the vodka.
  2. In a dark place to insist about seven days.
  3. Take 5-15 drops per day (although self-treatment is dangerous, it is better to consult with a doctor).

Recipe from gout:

  1. The dried flowers of Magonia in the amount of one teaspoon are poured with three grams of boiling water.
  2. Insist the solution before cooling.
  3. Take 70 grams of tincture three times a day before meals (again, do not forget about the consultation by the doctor).

Magonia as dye

If a sprig of a plant is broken in hand, then we will see a bright yellow color on the break. Plant juices were widely used by North American Indians for coloring of fabrics and skin. Below we will publish vintage recipe Staining, it is well suited for silk or wool.

  1. Take 100 grams of the bark or finely alarm the twigs of Magonia Padoliste on every liter of water.
  2. Fill the twigs or baying boiling water.
  3. Add some lemon or acetic acid.
  4. Boil for 30 minutes.
  5. Give it to become cool.
  6. Turn the fire again and drop the solution half.
  7. Place a cloth or yarn into the solution and put for one hour to a water bath.
  8. After rinse the fabric in clean water And dry.

Before you gather to paint some valuable T-shirt or T-shirt, practice on a piece of fabric, for example, on a nasal scarf or a small small low value wardrobe.

Types and varieties

Up to this point, we considered Magonia Padoliste as the only appearance and variety. However, botany have over 50 types of magonium, some of them need to be part more.

Japanese Magonia

This species, in contrast to other magnesium, originally from the Asian continent. It is common in China, Japan and Southeast Asian countries. The species is characterized by a height of a bush, which is up to two meters, and the bush itself comes to the size of three meters in diameter. Also very beautiful flowers in plants of this species, they look like the sultans sticking up up. Wide and long up to 40 centimeters Magonia Japanese leaves completed the decorativeness of the entire bush.

The varieties and hybrids of the Japanese type of Magonia:

  • Charity;
  • Winter Sun;
  • Bealei.

Japanese Magonia

Magonia Wagner

Magonia Wagonpo is very similar to Magonia Padoliste. Famous variety -undulata.

Magonia is crazy

The lowest type of Magonia, the growth does not exceed it and half a meter. This is also the most frost-resistant look due to the fact that in winter it is almost always listed. Magonia creeping is used as a coating plant.

Magonia is crazy

The variety of Magonia Padurbiste Apollo or Apollo is the most common in our country, and European gardeners mainly cultivate this variety. In addition to him, it is still possible to name the copspakto variety, which is similar to Apollo, only has a little smaller dimensions.

Handsome of Apollo

Growing and care

If you were inspired by Magonia and read up to this place, it means it's time to talk about how to grow and care for this interesting plant. As written in many agrotechnical articles, the cultivation of Magonia does not represent much difficulties.


Magonia is one of the most unpretentious plants among decorative shrubs. It can grow both in the sun and in one-day, on neutral and weakness soils. The only thing that barbaris do not tolerate are stagnation of soil spring waters. Roots plants can be installed with high soil moisture.

The cultivation of Magonia Padurboliste and care for it will simplify if placing bushes in the place protected from the northern winds: at the fence, or under the protection of a large tree or a high dense shrub.


The landing of Magonia is the best to spend in spring, as for most shrubs. Saplings at disembarking do not pinch, but plant as it is with a lore earth.

Mandatory agrotechnical reception when landing of Magonia - mulching. To do this, it is best to use a manure humus or garden compost, more loose materials, such as hay or straw, before laying on the soil it is better to grind.


For Oregon grapes, it is very easy to care for, you can say planted and forgotten. The whole care for the magnesium is puffolisant is to maintain a thick mulching layer and spring sanitary trim.

In addition to sanitary trimming after flowering, the forming trimming of Magonia is palpolent. Rather, it can be called trimming, as it is carried out to shorten the excessive escapes.

As another work on the care of Magonia, it is worth nameing the shelter of bushes for the winter, although if Magonia grows in a terrain with a high snow cover and is not required. Before the shelter, the bran is flexing to the ground and pinch, and they cover the bushes with leafy opds or sweet snap. The use of straw mats is possible.

Council. A very good shelter of shrubs for the winter provides combining non-woven material and filled with organic mats. Initially, the bushes are pressed to the ground, the underfloor material is pounced, and the bags are laid out on top of it, straw, dry leaves or sawdust!

Although the plant of Magonia is Padurbisnate is not an example of frost resistance, it perfectly tolerates the winter of the Moscow region, and Siberian frosts. Flowers do not suffer on Magonia and on time return freezers.

Magonia under the snow

Magonium reproduction

The reproduction of Magonia is Padurbisnaya is possible with cuttings, seeds, root piglets or tanks.

The seed method is less desirable, because here we meet with certain difficulties:

  1. The need to pursue seeds.
  2. Most of the Magonia are somehow hybrid, so the probability of obtaining varietal cocus is small.
  3. Long term of growing seedlings.
  4. Blossoms wait long, as many as three years.

All these flaws are deprived of the other three ways. And the hauling of Magonia Padurboliste, and its strokes and chains carry the signs of a parent plant with all the varietal features inherent in him.

The cuttings use semi-respene, cut them with 6-8 kidneys in spring or autumn. In March, the cuttings are treated with a solution of the stimulator of the root formation and put on germination, blocking 2 kidneys in nutritious primer. It is advisable to create such conditions under which the roots will be warm and the tops in relative coolness. For example, we put the pot to the battery so that the top of the cutlets is above the windowsill.

The taps are flex in the spring and pinch the branches to the ground, and in the fall separated from the uterine bush. The percentage of obtaining high-quality seedlings is higher than when rooting the cuttings.

If Magonia Kush gave root PoroslIt can be considered an excellent material for breeding a variety.

Diseases and pests

Special pests on Magonia in our conditions are not found, and only malievous dew and rust are observed from disease. When signs of these diseases appear, and they are the same as for other plants, it is necessary to process with appropriate drugs.

From pulse dews are treated with violence with iodine (10 drops of 5 liters), or spray with soap solution with the addition of copper-containing drugs.

In the fight against rust leaves, you can use any fungicide destroying fungal diseasesFor example, the Bordeaux mixture.

In conclusion, we present a video about it. interesting plant: