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Extract from sea cucumber. The amazing properties of the trepang on honey - the benefits and harm in the treatment of human diseases. Features of the preparation of honey trepang. Medical properties for men

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Sea Trepang is an elixir of life, a source of vitality

Almost three decades needed to our scientists to create a unique drug " Trepang extract" (hood from Trepenga ) In a liquid ion state.He has nothing to do with pills, it isabsolutely natural resourcecontaining the entire set of water-soluble vitamins.Clinical studies have shown that " Trepang extract"has preventive andhealing properties eliminatenot manifestation, butthe cause of the disease , restores the work of all vital organs, even people of old age.

Activates immune system And human bioenergy prolongs life.

It has strong antioxidant Action, i.e., used to prevent and treat oncological diseases. Inhibits growth any localization (timely disposal of prematubological changes andresearch Preiod ). Natural antibiotic.

Trepang extract is used at:
- cardiovascular treatment (rheumatism, myocarditis, atherosclerosis, inflammation of veins, hypertensive disease), to warn stroke, hemorrhage. Apply after transferringinfarcity, strokewhich contributes to the rapid restoration of the patient's body.

In surgical practice to prevent thrombosis in the postoperative period;
- treatment diseasescaused by violations of work immune systems (Avitaminosis, multiple sclerosis, systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, immunocomplex diseases);
sugar diabetes . This drug restores the metabolism, normalizes the composition of the blood;
chronic Liver diseases , kidneys, intestines;
- female diseases (Mioma, mastopathy, fibroma);
- gastritis, colitis, pepticlesions of the mucous (
crubitsy orately ), for pancreatitute;
- Chronic constipation;
- diseases thyroid gland ;
- bronchitis, laryngitis, asthma;

- Emfizeme lung, tuberculosis;
- impotence, frigidity (prostate problems,climax);
- cataracte, for the enlightenment of the lens with the initial forms of age, myopathic, radiation and contusion cataract, trachoma;
- dystrophic lesions of the mesh eye shell, corneal dystrophy.
Improves the blood circulation of the eye dna, visual sharpness and color;

- rheumatism, arthritis and othermuscular Diseases .

And also contributes to the normalization of the medium of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens and purifies the liver, kidneys, intestines, pulmonary tissue and mucous membranes, the walls of blood vessels, adjusts the level of cholesterol in the blood.

For outdoor use, used in the following problems:

Promotes purification I.healing of purulent Ran. ;
- Effective for fungic skin diseases and nails;
- cleans the face when ugregrash and acne;
rejuvenates the skin .

Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular disease And cancer are the most common cause of death. Myocardial infarction,brain stroke , angina, hypertension, cardiosclerosis and cancer - they all come from blockageblood vessels . The disease sneaks imperceptibly (usually after 30-40 years); on the inland walls of vessels deposits accumulate (atherosclerotic plaques, narrowing the clearing of vessels and impede blood flow). All this leads to severe complications in the organs.

" Trepang extract "compared with other drugs, does not suppresshematopoietic system cleans vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, strengthens influxblood to heart , providesvessels (including large) oxygen, restores their elasticity and plasticity.It has a strong antioxidant effect.Inhibits growthmalignant neoplasms .

Under influence " Trepang extract "The blood pressure decreases, the brain circulation is improved.
Improves myocardial supply (
cardiac muscle) Oxygen. Constant phenomena disappear, the elasticity and passability of vessels is restored, shortness of breath and swelling, the drug regulates blood clotting, improves the "fluidity" of the blood." Trepang extract "Used to restore the patency of thrombic blood vessels.

Gynecological diseases
Forerosions of the cervix Moma use cotton swabs, richly moistened with solution (on 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil or water Add 1 teaspoon "Trepang extract "(5-10 ml) on a tampon). The swab is tightly pressed against the erosion surface. Change daily.A course of treatment: With counterpart 10-15 procedures, with endocervicitis of the Ierosis of the cervix 8-12 procedures.If necessary, after 3-4 weeks, the course repeat. Simultaneously with the procedures"Trepang extract" It is accepted inside 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day.It is also indispensable as an antibacterial substance acting on various gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, includingtrichomonoz andchlamydia; It has chemotherapeutic activity against pathogenic, yeast-like fungi.

Eye diseases
Used in dystrophic lesions of the meshshell eyes, including hereditary,distrophes of the cornea , senile, diabetic, traumatic and radial cataracts, with blufarites, cataracts, belly of conjunctivitis, iridocyclites, choiring, scurrities, and as well as a means of stimulationrecovery processes With injuries cornea. Used as a means of reducing intraocular pressurepatients glaucoma , when cloudingcorneans, under herpese keratitis and keratuenta, cornea ulcers, hemorrhages in the retina, edema of the fragments of the fabrics after the operation, with a sharp in the eyes, with impairment of vision.

Take inside 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The drug lubricate the eyelids twice a day.

Antitumor action
The drug is appliedfor prophylaxis and treatment of cancer . The growth of malignant neoplasms of any localization occurs. Forchemo and radiotherapy This drug contributes to the restoration of folate metabolism, prevents cell damagebone marrow, Protects the blood formation organs and contributes to the restoration of DNA biosynthesis.
Mode of application: Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day for a month, 20 days break (life).

For the degelmintion of the body accept "Trepang extract" In the morning and in the evening, 5 ml 30 minutes before meals within 10 days.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
When applying the drug, accelerated occurssplicing of bone fractures . Effective also with lumbosacral radiculitis, shoulder plexitis, wheninflammatory diseases CNS. and etc.Mode of application:1 teaspoon 2 times a day according to biorhythms.

Prostate adenoma
At the age of 50-60, men suffer from adenoma prostate gland, and, as not sad, this age is constantly young, and by 60, this disease is detected in 80-90% of men.
The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with oppression at the cellular level of stimulating the action of metabolites on the development of the tumor.
With prostate cancer incl. With metastasis.

In dental practice in disease Periodonta I. for therapeutic and preventive treatment Postoperative wounds Apply a solution of the drug, diluted 1:10 for rinsing or irrigation of periodontal pockets 1-3 times a day.On the gum edge - on cotton swabs 1 time per day for 15-20 minutes.

Dermatology and Surgery
Used for furunculaes, carbuncoules,trophic ulcers , purulent wounds, mastitis, wounds of soft tissues, burns,frostbite. Promotes the purification of wounds, tissue and epithelization regeneration.For resorption of pathological scars, adhesions after burns.Apply locally1:10. Infected wounds washed, then impose abundant napkins.As well as with psoriasis, ichthyosis, Darya disease,red Volcanque , severe formsacne (non-treatable treatment with other means), hypodermia, listened, neurodermitis, dermatitis, sodium dermatitis, proleells.

Outwardly apply bandages- Bandages are wetted or undiluted extract or a solution - 1 tablespoon of the drug plus 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil; Or a solution - 1 tablespoon of the drug plus a tablespoon of boiled chilled water, moistened bandages are applied to patients with places, tightly pressed.Together with outer treatment, the drug is taken inside 30 minutes before meals 1 teaspoon 2 times a day.

ENT disease
Patient S. chronic diseases The nasopharynx and the apparel sinuses of the nose bundled the solution, diluted 1:10 by 2-3 drops into each nasal stroke with simultaneous irrigation of the pharynx cavity. To restore vital organs, take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day by the clock of the biorhythm of this body during the month, then 20 days break. Use so much time until you feel that this disease does not bother you anymore.

Time of receipt " Trepang extract "Recommended for greater effects in the prevention and treatment of the following organs and systems:
1-3 hour. - liver , blood circulation, tendons, joints, vision,gall-bubble , hormonal function, emotions anger, dipresses, spleen, stomach, digestion, bile secretion, powered joints

Trepangi - sea invertebrate animals of the type of needle-skinned with an oblong body, because of which they are called marine cucumbers. Trepangs in East, Japanese and Yellow Seas are inhabited, as well as in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Japan. In Russia, trepanga meet in the Gulf of Peter the Great from Vladivostok

Common Trepang

Sea cucumbers who are actually not cucumbers are distinguished by valuable nutritional qualities, they are considered a delicacy and cost enough. They have an oblong and flexible body covered with skin with spikes. The average length of the trepang is 40-45 cm, and the weight is half a kilogram. Under favorable conditions, Trepang can live to eleven years.

Trepang's mouth is surrounded by tentacles, which he captures food, leather elastic and dense, with numerous lime formations - by sprockets. On the back - the grown, assembled in four rows.

It is noteworthy that Trepang has a unique ability to regenerate - if its body and internal organs are damaged more than half, and in this case it will be restored to the initial size. It happens for two months. As is known, plants and animals that have such properties are very useful for both.

There is another unique property in Trepang - he has sterile tissue cells in which there are no bacteria nor viruses.

Trepang meat is a real pantry high-quality protein, amino acids, vitamins, micro and macroelements. It contains all the vitamins of group B, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese and other elements of the Mendeleev table needed by human body for normal life.

Trepangi in cooking

Trepang meat can be purchased in supermarkets, or order via the Internet. As a rule, trading networks implement trepalgs, dried, and coated dust, which prevents rotting.

Trepang brought from the store is soaked within 24 hours from time to time changing water. Then they are cleansed - cutting the belly and removing the insides, and boil for 2-3 hours so that the meat becomes soft. The finished meat can be put in soup or borsch, make the second dishes, salads, stew and so on.

Meat Trepang has one big drawback - its high cost, this food product is not available to everyone, but it is better not to save on treatment.

Trepangi in medicine

Treppa meat well affects the protective forces of the body, strengthens the immune system, so it is called a marine ginseng in the Far East. Delicates is especially useful when the forces is declined after and during illness, depressions, nerve disorders, problems with blood.

Trepagov is used to replenish iodine in the body and when the endocrine system fails. The substances in the meat of trepang have a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland, normalize the hormonal background, maintain the necessary blood sugar level.

Constantly use of sea cucumbers strengthens the bones, joints and muscles, rejuvenates the fabric. Chinese doctors believe that Trepang helps the body to resist oncological diseases. But there are no drugs on its basis in oncology, as not and evidence of the effectiveness of the trepang in the treatment of cancer tumors.

The emperors of the Middle Kingdom believed that the constant use of the trepang not only rejuvenates the body and prolongs life. According to their conviction, Trepang contributes to the extension of the period of staying on the throne.

Drugs from Trepenga can be bought at the pharmacy, however, they are not cheap. The tincture of sea cucumber has pronounced stimulating properties, so apply it only in the morning, first time limited to 10-15 drops. If you took the Trepang tincture in the morning, in the evening it will be necessary to adopt sedative and heartcorts for removing the excitation and normalization of the heartbeat. However, Trepang is considered to be a natural aphrodisiac, so the calm in the evening is not taken.

The correct and integrated use of drug-based drugs normalizes the work of the heart, reduces pressure, helps overcome bradycardia and tachycardia, increases the body's tone, strengthens it and gives strength.

As we have said, Trepang has a property to regenerate from 1/3 of his body, and this property helps a person having problems with the musculoskeletal system. No, the person has amputated limbs, unfortunately, do not grow, however, in people who take trepalgs in food, or as a medicinal agent, fractures are faster. Helps trepang and crunches, trophic ulcers, purulent wounds, burns and frostbite.

We offer you a few recipes of Trepang's tinctures on alcohol, on vodka and honey, which can be done at home. The main thing is to buy high-quality source components for them.

Recipe 1.

Trupang tincture on alcohol - this drug is perfectly suitable for outdoor use. It is used for wound healing and ulcers. For the preparation of tincture, you will need alcohol fortress 70% and fresh trepanga. First, they are maintained in seawater, then the abdomen is cut, the internal organs remove and are rinsed thoroughly.

In ceramic, glass or enameled dishes lay the trepalgs and poured with alcohol at the rate of one to two. Capacity is closed and put in a cool place for three weeks. Once a week, the contents of the dishes are mixed. When the tincture is ready, it is filled and take 1 time per day, in the morning before meals in an amount of from 7 to 45 drops, the dosage depends on the weight of a person.

Recipe 2.

Tincture from the treason was dried on alcohol or on vodka, and on honey. Take 100 grams of dried trepaga, place in a large container and fill it with boiled, but cold water in a large volume. After 12 hours, drain the water and cut the trepang into small pieces.

Fold them into a suitable container, pour with alcohol in 40 degrees, or purified by vodka at the calculation of a liter of alcohol per 100 grams of trepang. Tableware with tincture, remove into a dark cool place for three weeks, mix the contents of the dishes every week.

The finished tincture is strain, reclix to another dishes, add an equal amount of honey, mix and apply to the destination.

Recipe 3.

Tinang tincture on honey. This drug is prepared from fresh or dried trepalgov, pre-measured in water. Honey should be liquid, high-quality, natural, take it in equal to the trepang proportions.

Cooking: Trepalds rinse, clamp, rinse again, cut and lay out in a glass container. Pour honey and put utensils in a dark cool place. After two months, the tincture is filtered, bottled liquid into clean bottles or jars, and take 1 teaspoon in the evening after eating.

Dried trepagges are first soaked in water as in recipe # 2. Otherwise, the process of cooking tincture is no different.


Preparation preparations with great care should be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 15 years old, as well as persons who have individual intolerance.

Trepang lowers pressure, so it should not be taken by hypotoniki. Doctors do not recommend taking drugs from the trepang in the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, since it can cause an aggravation of the disease.

New study showed that extract sea cucumbers kills up to 95% of cells breast cancer90% cells melanoma, 95% of cells cancer liver and 88% of cells lung cancer in vitro. Extract also stimulates immune system On the fight against cancer and prevents the development of key processes involved in metastasis. While for Western Science in the field of medicine, the sea cucumber is a new tool, in Chinese medicine it has been used for centuries.

In previous studies, marine cucumber extract has demonstrated a powerful cytotoxicity against pancreatic cancer, lungs, prostate glands, colon, breast, skin, and liver cancers, as well as leukemia and hyperlastoma. Researchers identified key compounds responsible for the anti-cancer action of the sea cucumber: triterpenoid known as frondoside A..

The results of the new study currently confirmed the anti-cancer effects of Frondoside A in a completely new level. But the benefits of this compound does not stop only on the direct induction of the programmed cell death (apoptosis). It also inhibits angiogenesis (the ability of the tumor to grow into new blood vessels in search of food) and stops the metastasis of cancer, preventing migration and invasion of cells. An even more intriguing is the ability of frondoside and activate the natural cells of our immune system - murderers attacking cancer cells. This was shown for breast cancer, in particular, can also spread to all types of cancer, since the ability includes the entire immune system, and not just selective action on cancer cells. This can partially explain why Frondoside A was so effective with a decrease in lung tumors in mice, which allowed this composition to compete with chemotherapy in efficiency.

But the most impressive part of this study was that the results were achieved when using a very low dose of Frondoside A - less than one milligram for an adult man weighing 75 kilograms.

It should also be noted that the use of Frondoside A gave together with drug chemotherapy a tumor reduction by 68%.

Trepang: Recipes for cooking tincture.
Tinnoying of trepagov on alcohol. It should be noted that this tincture is ideal for outdoor use.
Alcohol should be brought to 70%, you can also use 40% (high-quality vodka)
For the preparation of tincture to take live trepalgs. Before placing them into a container for insteading, they should be kept in sea water, after which it is possible to cut the belly along and turn the intestines, to slip it well.
Preparation proportions - trepangs are laid in a clean capacity, and alcohol is poured so that the ratio of trepalg and alcohol was 1: 2.
Capacity is closed tightly with a lid, then stored on 21 days in a dark cool place. About once a week, tincture should be intensively mixed.
This tincture can be taken before eating 1 time in the morning, from 7 to 45 drops, depending on the weight of a person. You can use as a healing and disinfecting agent externally. Due to the sterility, which Trepang acquires from exposure to alcohol, it is used even with gynecological and dental problems.

Tincture of dried trepang at home.

Trepang on alcohol and honey.
Trepang dried 100 grams (this is about 1.5-2 kg of fresh) put in a glass jar and fill in a low amount of boiled cold water for 12 hours, after which we merge water, and finely mode with a knife on a ceramic board (the sooner the better), Then the cut product is poured with 40% alcohol or good vodka, per 100 grams of Trepenga liter, give it in a cool temperature in a dark place periodically scolding from two to three weeks and tincture is ready for use. Store in a cool place for 1 year.
If you wish to get a tincture on honey, then take the finished tincture on alcohol, drain the liquid and thoroughly mix 1 to 1 with your beloved honey.

Trepang on honey.
The preparation of a tincture of trepang on honey has two separate recipes - in the first case, live trepangs are taken for the tincture, in the second were dried. If dried trepgans are used for several hours soaked in water. For the recipe, the Honey natural and trepang ratio 50x50 will be required.

Freshly crushed ordinous individuals are well washed and stacked in a glass container and poured with honey. The solution is insistant two months in a cool and dark place. After the expiration of the two-month period, it is necessary to strain the tincture and pour on bottles or small jars.
How to use or drink trepang on honey? Dosage one teaspoon 1 time in the evening after meals.

Trepang on vodka with honey.
Recommended as a means of folk medicine, which in combination with honey is a powerful active impact on the human body. Meet the recipe of Trepang tincture on vodka with honey adding.
Description of preparation:
For the preparation of Tinang tincture on honey, patience is necessary. Such tinctures can be purchased in Japan, in China where they are very popular. In Russia, such tinctures are terribly expensive. Therefore, here we offer the recipe for home cooking a tincture of trepang on honey, which you yourself can cook. Pleasure is quite expensive however it is worth it.

Fresh trepalgov cut into thin rings (about 1 cm wide).
We put them in ceramic dishes (closing) and pour vodka in proportion 1 part of the trepalg and 2 parts of vodka.
Next, it should be sealing the contents and insist in a dark dry place for about 3 weeks. Every day the infusion should be shaken. At the expiration of 21 days, the infusion is to dock with honey from ratios 1 to the resulting solution. And mix well, so that honey completely dissolved.
Many doctors advise to take 1 teaspoon a day before lunch. The course lasts about 30 days. Then break 10 days and retraining.

Hood from Trepenga (Honeymill, sea cucumber, sea ginseng) was used in Eastern medicine for many hundreds of years. The composition of these marine invertebrates, having the external similarity with cucumber, includes a large set of trace elements, vitamins, chondroitins, glycosides and fatty acids. Modern medical studies confirm the therapeutic properties of hello. Its components are able to effectively fight free radicals, slowing the aging processes.

The word "Trepang" in the Chinese pronunciation is consonant with the phrase "sea ginseng". The name was popular thanks to the similarity of the phytotherapeutic value of the Holoturia with this perennial therapeutic plant. The features of the extract of trepaga include the ability:

  • rejuvenate
  • strengthen immunity
  • reduce tumor distribution paces
  • positive influence the functionality of the sexual system.

Indications for use

Trepang extract (Honeymill, sea cucumber, sea ginseng) has pronounced immunomodulatory properties. This allows you to strengthen the body in the struggle with a large number of diseases of various etiology. The effect of exhaust use will be especially noticeable at:

  • Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, myocarditis, thrombosis).
  • Immune deviations (systemic red lupus, immunocomplex diseases, glomerulonephritis, avitaminosis).
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diseases of endocrine and digestive systems (diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, peptic lesions).
  • Destructive changes in the eye apparatus (cataract, trachoma, retinal dystrophy, cornea).
  • Inflammatory processes in muscles and joints (arthritis, rheumatism).
  • Respiratory diseases (tuberculosis, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, laryngitis).
  • The dysfunction of the sexual system (in men - prostate adenoma, prostatitis, impotence; in women - menopausal manifestations, frigidity, mioma, fibrom).
  • Chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines.

Beneficial features

Clinical studies have proven the therapeutic properties of trepang extract. Regular reception of this accessible tool helps to get rid of a number of paragraphs associated with the weakening of the protective properties of the body or inadequate immune response. It is in the form of an exhaust that the biologically active substances contained in the sea are best perceived by cells of the body.

The tool contains trepang extract and a natural active base. Extract from sea cucumber (another name of this inhabitant of Japanese, yellow and eastern seas) has a rich component composition:

  • triterpene glycosides - provide antiseptic and bactericidal effects,
  • steroid glycosides - slow down the development of tumors,
  • cardiac glycosides - relax and expand the walls of vessels, reducing pressure,
  • chondroitins - restore joints and cartilage cloth,
  • a row of fatty acids
  • trace elements (zinc, manganese, iron, iodine, selenium, calcium, phosphorus),
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C.

Mode of application

For the treatment of diseases or during the recovery period: 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 30 days. Repeated course after a break in 10-20 days.

For prophylaxis: 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course is 10-20 days.

Extract take during meals or 30 minutes before it. It is recommended to undergo a preventive course during epidemic bursts.


Do not take a pulling extract during pregnancy and lactation; children under 15 years old; patients with hypertension, hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland; People with individual intolerance.

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