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How to handle strawberries after harvesting: Tips and recommendations of experienced gardeners. How to care for strawberries in july to get a big harvest again after collecting strawberry what to do next

Each gardener grows in their plot not only vegetables. Here you can find fruits and berries. Such favorite cultures refers strawberries. Her taste is admired adults and children. And it is also necessary to grow it too, because if she does not have enough nutrients, she will not give a good harvest. Consider how it should be care for strawberries after fruiting.


Strawberry is known to everyone. This plant can be found in appearance:

  • low-spirited bushes, the height of which does not exceed 35 cm;
  • straight stems with a small fluff;
  • during flowering, white buds are formed, which have 5 petals;
  • fruits have bright red color and amazing flavor.

There are a large number of varieties. Everyone has its own separate maturation. The earliest of them fall on May and can continue until the beginning of the autumn.

So that the plant gave a big harvest, it is necessary to care for him. The main phases of preparation include:

  • watering;
  • weeding from weeds;
  • hilling;
  • loose;
  • podrel.

But what about the plants that you have collected the entire harvest? Here, in no case you can not throw them. It is necessary to carry out further care for strawberry in the summer, after fruiting. And our task with you is to find out how it is done.

With relocation

The main thing that can be done with a plant after harvest is to transplant it. To begin with, you must prepare the right place under the yoke. It must meet the following requirements:

  • the soil is well-groomed, reheated, fertilized;
  • the place is ideally suited, on whom Row onions, legumes or garlic;
  • for fertilizer beds, use organic substances, such as bird litter or humus.

You can replant the processes that gave a berry. Old bushes better dig and throw out. It is recommended to conduct a procedure on a cloudy day when there is no strong sun. If the weather is clear, it is better to postpone the transplant until evening. Transplanted bushes Moisten well.

If you think that on this strawberry care after fruiting ends, then you are deeply mistaken. It's still just begins.

Sanitary treatment of bushes

As is well known, garden strawberry is considered the most popular berry. After fruiting care will help restore the plant's strength by the future. During this period, the active growth of leaves begins. At this time, we begin to think about the future harvest and do everything according to our instructions. After collecting berries, if there is no need to transplant plants, you need to carry out hygienic processing according to the following principle. The very first step is to buy a bed with berries from weeds. All delete well and braid the soil.

  1. You need to cut all the mustache and old leaves. At the same time, leave young shoots that managed to get out.
  2. Be sure to clean the berry land from dry foliage. It may remain serious infections and various diseases.
  3. If noted that young shoots took a painful look, do not rush to get rid of them. You can try to treat strawberry colloid gray.
  4. The next important step will be loosening the bed. This can not be done in the immediate vicinity of the bushes, since they have a root system located on the surface. To loosen the soil must be carefully between the rows, at a depth of about 15 cm.

We have gradually found out what is the care of strawberries after fruiting. Trimming bushes is included in the list of measures. Do not be afraid to spend this procedure. From this a berry will not suffer, but will only win and give in the new season a good harvest.


In the main care for strawberries after fruiting, feeding bushes with various fertilizers. First of all, it is necessary to make minerals. For each square meter of the garden, 30-40 grams of substances are needed. Perfect special ready-made mixtures of drugs, which are made specifically for berries. In addition, use:

  • ammonophos, it contains such necessary substances such as phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium;
  • humus;
  • compost.

The only enemy of strawberries is chlorine. Avoid fertilizers that contain such a substance. But after making fertilizers, it is necessary to carefully moisten the soil.

Watering in all the rules

Go to the next procedure, which is included in the mainstream strawberry after fruiting. Ganichkin - famous agrotechnik - famous for all - recommends special attention to paying watering. On this occasion, it gives several tips:

  1. Moisturize the ground after each fertilizer application. It will help the nutrients faster to dissolve and absorb them into the ground.
  2. So that the crust is not formed on the soil, sprinkle the garden to peat.
  3. The whole season needs to keep the soil in the raw state. In no case should not fill the bushes so that they do not start rot.
  4. Moisturizing should be carried out as needed. Watering should be abundant. There will be no sense from surface moisture.
  5. After each watering, loose the soil, step from weeds and be sure to remove the mustache. On them, the bushes of strawberries should not spend their strength and juices.

Preparation for autumn-winter period

For all the care of strawberry after fruiting, you have already spent a lot of time and effort. And most importantly, this does not need to stop. Ahead of an important period. Autumn and winter are the main enemies of the berries. To in the new season you could see plants in health, make training:

  1. In the fall, you can stop moisturize the soil. But do not stop on the fight against weeds and mustache.
  2. All bushes bypass a layer of straw. It will protect the plants from the coming frosts.
  3. Rows between strawberries can be chopped by grass. She will not only warm, but also become a fertilizer early spring.

We looked at how to care for standard plants. It is worth paying attention to the repair.

From May to November

Modern breeders offer gardeners the most interesting varieties. One of these belongs to the repair berry. With it, you can collect harvest several times per season. To be a lot of berries, it is necessary to carry out the right care for the removable strawberry after the first fruiting. It is as follows:

  1. Constantly loose the bushes so that the roots remain in the ground.
  2. After you removed the first harvest of ripe berries, adopt the bushes with mineral fertilizers.
  3. Produce watering as needed.
  4. So that the berries are not spoiled, keep the bed with a special black material. Through it, moisture passes well and is very difficult - various insects and weeds.

Now you know how to properly care for strawberries. The quality and amount of delicious and fragrant berries depends on these important procedures.

Strawberry Garden opens the season of fruiting, in terms of ripening time ahead of all other berries. For several weeks on the reserves of last year's power, it has time to grow leaves, blooming and give fragrant, sweet fruits. But after collecting the harvest, the plants are dried up, and he needs to help restore them. In this article, we will tell you how to care for strawberries after harvesting than to treat it from diseases and pests, how to cut and what to feed the plant to restore the power spent on the fruction and has time to accumulate nutrients for the winter.

Pruning strawberries

After completion of the fruiting, it is time for the strawberry increases new leaves and lays out flowering kidneys, and nutrients are laid in its horns, which will be needed by the plant in winter and the next spring. So that strawberries did not feed the organs unnecessary to it, it should be triggered by old, drying leaves and threw ups. Conduct pruning carefully not to damage the hearts and new foliage, and after completing the procedure, collect and dispose of all plant residues.

Strawberry processing after harvest

If, during the trimming, you saw that young leaflets began to deform and wrinkle, this is most likely due to the fact that they settled by the web ticks. Do not delay, treat strawberries by an acaricidal preparation - accuters, phytooferm (ticklever) or teemite jet. Effective against ticks on strawberries and a solution of colloidal sulfur. The listed drugs are good as the fact that they destroy not only the spine-shaped, but also insect pests.

If during trimming noted that strawberry leaves are covered with stains, treat bushes and soil on the bed of a fungicidal drug: even if the plants are not infected with fungal infection, this preventive measure will protect the strawberry from infection in the future. Processing strawberries from pests as well as the processing of strawberries from diseases, is carried out in a windless day after 17.00.

Soil processing on a garden and feeding strawberry

The soil on the plot must be loosen to a depth of 10 cm, but not close to the bushes, because you can damage the root strawberry system. On the contrary, during loosenings, hurt each bush, so that the growing appropriate roots are underground.

Since after the fruiting of the strength of strawberries, it is depleted, she needs food, and for this in the soil you need to make a complete mineral fertilizer with trace elements. Consumption - 20-30 g / m² plot. It is best to buy in the garden pavilion or in the store a specialized fertilizer for strawberries, which contains all the substance necessary plants.

One of the best fertilizers is ammonophos, which, in addition to the main elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, also solel, calcium and magnesium are also included. Apply drugs that include chlorine, it is not recommended because the strawberry reacts badly to it. But make in the soil of humus will never be superfluous.

Get the fertilizer into the ground and cover the surface of the bed of peat.

After completion and until the end of the season, strawberries are rarely watered, but abundantly: frequent surface watering do not bring any benefit. From time to time, froze the soil, remove weeds and growing mustache: the plant should spend power and power on the formation of flowering kidney, and not on the development of child sockets.

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June-July - it's time when strawberries thank us for care. We reap the fruits of our works, but do not think that after harvesting the brewing beds can be forgotten. In August and September, plants need even greater assistance and protection than in the spring. It was at the end of the summer - the fall of the next year's crop is found in the fall.

What you need to do with strawberries after harvest

It is necessary to start care at the end of July - August, the earliest - when the last berries hang on the bushes, and at the most later - 2 weeks after harvesting:

  1. Cut the old drove leaves, leaving in a bush for 5-7 top young young. Do it, even if there are no signs of disease. So you raise the plant, improve their ventilation and help strawberries update the leaves. Indeed, in August, the second wave of growing greenery begins.

    Fishing the leaf is entirely an extreme measure. The bush will send all the strength to restore the tops, and not to bookmark flower kidney. Cardinal trimming to hemp is justified only in two cases: the whole strawberry is strongly amazed by diseases and pests or the plantation is too big, overgrown, each bush is impossible to cut.

  2. If you left the mustache in July, in August, it is time to turn them from the parent plant and put on a separate bed. All other mustache necessarily remove as they are growing.
  3. After trimming the leaves and the mustache, adapt to nitrogen fertilizer, but in a smaller concentration, than in the spring, for example, instead of 1 tbsp. l. Ammonium Selitra Take 0.5 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water. Many gardeners use weeds in this time. Support with watering.
  4. The ground under the strawberry is constantly wet and loose to the first frost. This is also important for booking floral kidney. To facilitate work, use a mulch or grow strawberries on Spanbond. Run the drip irrigation system.
  5. Treat from pests and diseases. Use checked tools. Each gardener has their own. Many prefer folk recipes, for example, from Khushchev - Naughty alcohol (40-50 g per 10 liter of root), from diseases - green (40 drops on the bucket). But it is more reliable to use fungicides (Sorrow, Hom, Arzerid, etc.) and insecticides (Aktara, Carbofos, Fufanon, etc.). Spend two treatments with an interval of 10-14 days.
  6. In September, when the bushes restore and become more pissed, enter phosphorus-potash fertilizers: 1 tbsp. l. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate for each square meter of bed. You can use ash - 1-2 tbsp. l. under the bush. Fertilizers distribute uniformly, rubbing and pouring. Phosphorus and potassium also have a positive effect on the yield of the next year, and in addition, help strawberries better to overrevail.

    Do not make autumn fertilizers containing nitrogen, they will provoke another growth of greenery. Bushes with delicate young leaves will be freezed.

  7. With the arrival of sustainable cold weather, when the surface of the Earth will begin to flicker freezing, cover the strawberry straw, dry tops of vegetables, dill stems, agrofiber and other insulation materials.

I am this year, after collecting the harvest, I plan to deal with the transplant of young bushes to another place. Last summer, planted seedlings on the solar site at the house. I wanted how much better, but early in the spring the snow was gone first. Strawberry near the day stood in the puddles, and at night in the ice. Several bushes were killed, the remaining I want to transplant to the middle of the site. Also there is a row in the shadow of the fence, there is a reverse situation - the snow goes down long, the earth warms up slowly, strawberry blooms and fruits later, sick. I will be replant too.

After harvesting, the period occurs when the bushes can be transplanted with another place

Replant adult bushes is best immediately after trimming unnecessary leaves and mustache. Plants become compact, the moisture evaporates less, is faster at a new place. Do not forget the rule: every 4 years need to tolerate the entire plantation of strawberries to another place.But for this you take not old bushes, but the sockets obtained by rooting the mustache in July.

Video: Care for strawberries in the second half of summer - in autumn

Features of the maintenance of removable strawberry

Repairing strawberries fruit all summer. After collecting the first harvest, the period of rest comes for 2-3 weeks and the next wave begins. Berries grow and ripen to the most frosts, so care is required intense:

  1. Immediately after harvesting, cut old flowers and leaves with damage and stains. It is impossible to make all the foliage and radically reload the bushes. Strawberry needed forces on the bookmark of the next harvest, so it is necessary to injure it at a minimum.
  2. Be careful with the mustache: some varieties after trimming do not give new. Therefore, read about the features of your variety and decide how many mustache you need to leave. There are strawberries, which, on the contrary, build up the whole season and even give an additional harvest on them. In this case, the berries will be a lot, but small. In addition, you will then find it difficult to clear the garden, she will touched everything.
  3. Keep the soil wet and necessarily under the mulch to eliminate the contact of constantly increasing berries with crude ground.
  4. Feed every 10-14 days with a complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements, such as fertile, Agrikola, etc.
  5. From diseases and pests, use only biopreparations: Triphodermin, Platrous, Hauksin, etc.
  6. In early September, cut sick leaves, as well as all the blooms together with growing and constructive berries. The bushes should go to the winter harder, so before the onset of the cold, they need rest.
  7. After trimming, adopt the phosphorus-potash fertilizer.
  8. Before the onset of frosts, make the charging watering, and with their arrival cover strawberry beds for the winter.

Video: Caring for the repair strawberry

Be sure to process strawberries after harvesting. Do not leave it to weed and be covered by the stains of the disease. Without proper care, the bushes are quickly depleted, they can freeze in winter or will be low-cycle next summer.

Garden strawberries (traditionally referred to the people of strawberries) - Favorite delicacy not only of our children and grandchildren, but also numerous insects, abundant in the dacha. The mechanical destruction of these pests is not always possible, often you have to call for help chemical protection. In addition, culture is subject to diseases leading to a decrease in the crop or even the death of plants. Safe for man, but fairly effective means to fight often can be made from all known substances.

The need for strawberry processing

Unfortunately, the pests and diseases in the strawberries are so many that without periodic processing of its by those or other drugs can not do. Of course, careful care for plantations (timely weaplation, watering, loosening, removal of patients and unnecessary mustache) significantly reduces the need to use "chemistry", but from time to time to make additional substances into the soil and spraying the bushes insecticides or "home remedies" to perform.

Basic pests and strawberry diseases

The widespread pests of strawberries include:

  • malino-strawberry weevil is a widespread pest of strawberry. Serious black beetles with a size of 2-3 mm winter under old, half-chased leaves. In the spring, the beetles first feed on the leaves, then females begin to postpone the eggs. The larvae remain inside the buds. In summer, young beetles appear;
  • strawberry (transparent) tick is a very serious strawberry pest. Wintering at the base of the leaves. Adult ticks up to 0.25 mm long, vitreous yellow. In the spring females lay eggs on young leaflers, which are wrinkled, become yellowish, often dry. Increased air humidity favors the reproduction of the pest;
  • stem nematode is distributed everywhere. Causes loss of crop to 70%. The size of no more than 1.5 mm, lives and multiplies in the tissues of strawberry bush. Infected plants lag behind in growth, become ugly. Flowerines are thickened and twisted. High infectious bushes are very bad fruit. Stickless nematodes to unfavorable weather conditions;
  • strawberry nematodes from the stem is characterized by smaller dimensions (up to 1 mm). Over the season develops in 6-8 generations. Under resistance to adverse environmental conditions is inferior to the stem nematode. In plants infected with strawberry nematodes, there is a strong thickening and branching of some stem parts, as well as the formation of a large number of new kidneys. Sheet plate stuffs are losing down and acquire a poultry-red color. With a strong infection of the crop loss reach 30-50%;
  • root weevils. Black beetles, size 4-5 mm, mustaches and legs are reddish-brown; White larva, with a brown head. Weevils damage the leaves of strawberries, sprinkling them from the edge. Winter in soil. In the spring, food is renewed, pumped in June;
  • slug. Very love strawberries and can destroy the juicy berry completely.

Photo Gallery: Insects, damaging strawberries

Due to the activities of the strawberry tick, the leaves are wrinkled, the nematodes dry causes the deformation of the berries and the thickening of the flowers Malino-strawberry weevil - the widespread pest of strawberry slugs eaten moves in ripe berries, sometimes completely destroying the fruits

The most dangerous languages \u200b\u200bof strawberries:

  • gray rot - very malicious disease. On the leaves, dark stains of an indefinite form are formed. In the berries, brown spots appear on the berries, then they increase, covered with gray mushroom peel, rotate and dry out. Mature berries are affected more often, especially lying on Earth without a litter. The disease is manifested in cold and cheese climates, especially on thickened, poorly well-maintained areas;
  • puffy dew is a widespread fungal disease, striking the entire bush of strawberries. From the bottom side of the leaves, white muccious raids are formed. Sick plants become as if bronze, poorly develop. Strongly affected outlets acquire an ugly shape. The affected berries are also covered with white hollow and acquire the smell of mold. The disease develops all summer, reaching apogee to the beginning of the fall. Promotes the disease increased air humidity;
  • white spotting is striking leaves, stems, fruits. In May, on the leaves, small reddish brown rounded stains appear. Highly amazed young leaves die away. On the old leaves, the stains increase over time, become white with a reddish rim. The highest phase of the disease occurs with the beginning of flowering. Thickened landings and long-term exploitation of plantation contribute to the development of the disease;
  • root rot. From the middle of the summer there is a massive die away of the leaves of the lower tier. After 2-3 years, sick bushes die. The whole root system is affected;
  • the witch broom is characterized by the formation of a large number of leaves, which give the strawberry the kind of abnormally thickened bush. The leaves are small, on thin stiffs, are located unusually straight, light green. Flowerines are usually not formed or without fruit. The mustache is short, a little sockets.

Photo Gallery: Strawberry Diseases

Puffy dew rapidly spreads with raw weather light with a reddish rim Spot on the leaves - a sign of white spottedness gray rotting makes berries in detail

When to handle strawberries

In principle, care for the garden must be carried out yearly. This fully applies to the strawberry. At the very least, the entire country season (from early spring to late autumn) must be followed by the state of plantations, to clean the sick plants in time, pull the weeds, not allow drying and forming the crust on the soil. Strawberry treatment with drugs is needed not so often. This should not be done immediately before booking the harvest and during its collection. And in early spring and especially in autumn it is worth doing something.

Spring treatments

Spring processing of strawberries is, first of all, in careful cleaning from a plantation of plant residues, frozen and dried leaves, dead plants. After careful cleaning, the soil around each bustle should be braid and focus. In the spring it is quite logical to make (according to the instructions) nitrogen fertilizers, as well as to climb the bushes with humus. Treatment from pests in the spring is not always carried out, it is better to leave such work for autumn.

If in the fall for some reason, the strawberry failed to process, then this can be done before flowering (against the ringer - carbofos, against ticks - preparations of colloid sulfur).

Autumnal hassle

After harvesting, it is necessary to carefully examine the bushes of strawberries. Those on which the sense will be a bit (deformed leaves, thickened stems, essential holes and stains on the leaves), should be pulled out immediately and burn.

If the plantation is strongly amazed by nematode, it is better to destroy it completely: the bushes burn, and the beds are good to shed a solution with a solution of iron vigor. The concentration of the solution is approximately 5%, and it should be pouring to a very wet state.

On the infected garden, you can sow the seeds of velvetsev or calendula. These are good natural insecticides. By the autumn, they most likely will have even blooming. At this point, they will need to cut, chop and overheat the soil together with the received "medicine".

Calendula - good insecticide for strawberries

It is impossible to leave in the winter and the strawberry tick. If you want to do without chemistry, the bed can be shed several times in a week in a week with the onion husk. To do this, about 200 g of husk pour the water bucket, insist 3-4 days, strain.

If there are many different pests, but the position is not yet critical, immediately after the last collection of berries, you can try to crush all the leaves and burn. Many do this with the strawberry plantations of 3-4-year-old age in any case. Well, if after mowing the sun a few days do the remnants of the bushes. After that, it is necessary to pour a bed well, preferably with the addition of fertilizers: phosphoric and potash. The foliage will grow quickly and will be significantly healthier.

If there was a lot of rotten berries, the bushes after harvesting can be treated with the infusion of mustard (100 g per bucket of water, insist 2 days, filter and dilute twice). If you are not very afraid of "chemistry", instead of mustard, you can take the composure of copper and follow the instructions for the drug.

In the event of a disease with mildew, one of the best outputs will be spraying with a solution of the preparation of topaz. In combating fungal diseases, burglar liquid is very effective.

What to treat strawberries

The range of preparations for the fight against pests and diseases on strawberry plantations is huge. Over time, new chemicals appear, and old things will multiply their names: many businessmen produce well-known drugs under their name. To understand what is for sale, it is becoming more difficult and more difficult. Fortunately, in most situations it is possible to do well-known drugs themselves, and even at all "home" means.

The ammonia alcohol is an aqueous solution of ammonia and has a strong sharp smell. Ammonia dissolves in water at room temperature at a concentration of approximately 25%, which is quite a lot, and use such a solution in everyday life and in the country area is still dangerous. If you get to the skin, it needs to be immediately washed off with plenty of water. But, as a rule, less concentrated solutions sell in business stores.

Most often, a 10% solution of ammonia comes in open sale

It is known that ammonia water (strongly diluted ammonia solution) is an excellent nitrogen fertilizer. But the ammonia alcohol can also be used to prevent many diseases of garden plants. Most cultures can be sprayed after the end of flowering. After processing strawberries, anti-alcohol on the beds for a long time ants, notes, nematodes, other pests do not appear. With regular spraying, you can also get rid of the weevil, root nematodes, the May beetle.

It is believed that over the season it is necessary to treat strawberries by ammonic alcohol three times:

  • the first processing is early spring, in the rustling of green leaves. On bucket of water take 40 ml of ammonia alcohol (an aqueous solution of ammonia with a concentration of 10%). Abundantly watered a bed of watering. The solution should be on the bushes, and on the soil under them. At the same time, in addition to fertilizer, get rid of fungal diseases on the leaves and pests in the land;
  • second processing - after flowering. On the bucket of water take quite a bit of ammonic alcohol, only 2-3 tbsp. l. After an abundant irrigation, the garden with strawberries are watered with watering can with a cooked solution. This is protection against most diseases. In addition, the second processing is both timely nitric feeding;
  • the third time - after harvesting. The solution is used by the same composition as in the spring. This is charging and prevention for the future season.

Iodine is a weak oxidizing agent, perfectly disinfect in most cases, due to its antiseptic properties can prevent the appearance of various bacterial diseases.

Iodine can be used to prevent bacterial diseases

Watering a strawberry with a solution of iodine at the beginning of spring, you can get rid of weevils that can destroy almost the entire harvest. It is necessary to prepare a solution of only 0.5 h. Pharmacy alcohol iodine solution on water bucket. First, the bushes are abundantly watered with water, and then treated with a cooked solution.

Iodine on strawberry beds is used to combat gray rot and red spot. Spray strawberries 3 times the season: early spring, before flowering and early autumn. You can add a little liquid soap to the solution described above (approximately 1 h. L) so that it is better adhesive to leaves.

It is believed that the iodine is an effective immunomodulator: after its application, not only increased yields, but also the improvement of bushes, as well as an increase in the healing of the grown berries should be observed.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (the former name - peroxide) has unique properties. In the fight against pests and diseases of strawberries, its oxidative (disinfectant) ability is most important.

Most likely, you can purchase only a 3% peroxide solution. 30% solution ("perhydro") is quite dangerous in circulation.

Hydrogen peroxide consists of only two elements, but has unique properties

Hydrogen peroxide in the country area is used in the processing of greenhouses, various tanks, tools. The drug kills bacteria, viruses, pathogenic mushrooms. So it is better to choose for processing from rot - peroxide or iodine? Actually, the choice is yours. Depending on what is at hand. The peroxide leaves the water and oxygen, iodine - iodide potassium or sodium. But their number, sampled after the introduction of these drugs, is so little that there is no particular sense to pay attention to this aspect. And with its disinfecting task, both drugs coped perfectly.

Hydrogen peroxide is probably the simplest and safest tool for saving strawberry berries from rotting. It should be dissolved in 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide (in severe cases - up to 3 art. l.). The resulting solution is abundantly sprayed by all strawberry landing early in the morning or in the evening. Processing is repeated after 1 week. This drug in the quantities used is completely non-toxic and for humans, and for bees. Therefore, it is possible to collect and eat berries within a few hours after processing.

Bordeaux liquid is a suspension prepared from copper sulfate and lime (calcium oxide or hydroxide). With their interaction, there are few soluble copper hydroxide and calcium sulfate, so that the handling of the finished suspension is somewhat more complicated than with a solution: the contents of the sprayer should be taken periodically. As a rule, a kit containing both components of the mixture is for sale, and often indicator paper to control the correctness of the preparation of the liquid. First, the instructions are prepared separately two solutions, and then they are neatly mixed, controlling the acidity of the medium by the indicator. To create a neutral or low-alkaline medium, add the required amount of lime (in the form of "lime milk").

Neppetizing Bordeaux liquid and actually enough poisonous

Bordeaux liquid, unlike pure copper vigor, adhesions well to plants, acts more softly and for a long time. However, it is necessary to prepare the mixture strictly before use.

Bordeeping liquid is low toxic for people, warm-blooded animals, bees. However, it is known that copper, like any heavy metal, health to a person in elevated doses, to put it mildly, does not add. Therefore, in recent years, a concept arose, according to which the annual spraying of the bordeaux mixture leads to excessive accumulation of copper in the soil. Therefore, the use of copper drugs in the country area are advised only in case of acute necessity, no more than once every few years.

3% solution Bordeaux liquid for the processing of strawberry in early spring is used to prevent letters of leaves. Later (closer to flowering, as well as in the fall) for this purpose, 1% solution is used. Dosage - approximately 1.5 liters of liquid mixture on 10 m 2 strawberry plantation. It is better to carry out the processing after all after harvesting and cleaning the beds from weeds and extra leaves. Spraying by this drug is carried out no more than 2 times per season.

Boric acid

Boric acid is weak, in circulation is almost safe, it cannot be harmful. This is a white powder, slowly soluble in water, the valuable source of boron - an important trace element, therefore, the role is played in the garden, first of all fertilizers. This is especially important when cultivating strawberries on turf-podzolic and lung soils. Spraying bushes in early spring solution of boric acid is very favorable. There is an increase in the number of barriers, Bor stimulates the appearance of new growth points, berries are becoming sweeter. The introduction of boric acid can increase yields, improve the sugar content of berries, promote the protection of plants from pathogenic microbes.

Usually, boric acid is used together with potassium permanganate (well-known "manganese").

Permanganate potassium is the strongest oxidizing agent, and it is necessary to use it in the lowest possible quantities.

So, early in the spring of strawberry planting is spilled by a solution of boric acid and mangalls - 1 g on the water bucket. This volume is 30-40 strawberry bushes.

For the extra-root feeding of strawberries in the spring, such a composition is used: on a bucket of water take 2 g of potassium permanganate and boric acid, 1 tbsp. chimney. Of the ash, only useful "exhaust" is needed. Therefore, it insists the day in a separate capacity with water, not forgetting from time to time to mix. Before using the infusion of ash should be strain.


The ash is widely used and as an individual "primary" drug. Water "extract" from wood ash, obtained from burning firewood in a furnace or on a fire, well suited for strawberry fertilizer.

As a fertilizer, it is necessary to use wood ash, and not the one that is formed after burning various household debris.

The ash contains most of the elements necessary for the development of strawberries (no, perhaps, only nitrogen). This is phosphorus, potassium, calcium, many trace elements. In addition, wood ash is famous for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Thanks to the ash, the berries become sweeter, their burning increases. The ash can be scattered between the rows in the garden. The best time for this is the foregoes. After the rain in the soil, the most valuable thing is that there is in the ash. It is not bad immediately after that to climb the beds.

Hot water

If you do not want to do the chemical treatment of strawberry plantation, you can try to limit the physical. The first thing that comes to mind is of course the thermal disinfection. It is known that the gooseberry bushes and currant in early spring are watered with almost cool boiling water. At the same time, most pests and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. Of course, with strawberries such a number is dangerous: it leaves the winter with green leaves! Therefore, they take no boiling water, but just hot water.

In the first decade of April, hot water (temperature 60-65 o C, it is best to control the thermometer) strawberry plantations. Wash the water, of course, not far from the beds, draw any comfortable dishes and quickly pour into the center of Kusta, capturing all the leaves as possible. Hot treatment destroys the larvae of a transparent tick, Malino-strawberry weevil, sawers, ticks and nematodes. Water, passing through the soil to a depth of several centimeters, cools up to about 30 o C, so do not fear that the roots of strawberries will hurt.

Hot water helps and planting strawberries. With its help, it is possible to disinfect seedlings (mustache) with its preventive purpose. To do this, immerse seedlings into the water heated to 45 o C, and are kept within 15 minutes.

the fire

It looks like barbarism, but there are such techniques in the network.

10 days after harvesting, the mustache is actively growing. I will leave another 4 days when the earth will get dry in the ranks and aisle, I cut off all the leaves, mustache, remove weeds. In the same hour, a predetermined powerful soldering lamp burns the land and completely to ash burning the leaves remaining after cutting. Cut sheet and weeds remove into compost. Strawberry hearts burn too, they are not afraid of processing with fire for 10-20 seconds if they grow at the ground level or near it. Only those who got out of the ground will disappear, so that the roots are visible.

Posters P.

Means from weevil

Start in the spring, for which all damaged fragments of the bush need to be thoroughly assembled and destroyed. In the first days of May, plantattion of long-term biological preparations (spark, ascarine) are treated. Protection of pests from the pest continues within a few weeks. In case of strong infection, the second processing is performed in the fall. At the same time, powerful insecticides are already used, such as carbofos, Corsair.

If you do not use chemistry, it is much more complicated with a weevil. Basic techniques:

  • processing bushes with hot water in early spring;
  • during the period of the bootonization - spraying with a malicious soap with mustard;
  • manual insect collection;
  • spraying with the infusion of vegetables or red pods;
  • use on the garden of good "neighbors": Luka, garlic;
  • treatment with tobacco-garlic infusion or infusion of Cepurel and Low Pecs.

Video: How and what to treat strawberries

All the long winter we are waiting for, when finally the harvest of vitamin plants will appear on our garden. And in June, the holiday comes: Spectacles strawberries - juicy, sweet, fragrant berry. But besides us are waiting for competitors - garden pests. What means to choose in the fight against them, to solve you. In most cases, earn the right to a wonderful strawberry harvest can be without using toxic drugs.

Caring for strawberries after harvesting in July and August - the basis of the crop of next year. At this time, the second wave of extension of leaves begins, and in addition, the growing of new horns and the bookmark of new flowering kidneys. Caloric substances are postponed in horns, which plants of garden strawberries will be used next year on the formation of berries. Old leaves that performed their function begin to shut up, a huge number of mustache appears. The second half of the summer is the most optimal time in order to worry about the future crop.

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    Strawberry fruiting

    It is necessary to note the fact that the fruiting of this plant has no certain time frame, because each variety is individual in its kind. As for earlier grades, they begin to bear fruits already in early May.

    Such a variety, as Victoria refers to later, because the fruits from the bushes can be obtained only in the second half of June.

    After harvest

    In July, August and the autumn bushes of strawberries need watering and various types of feeding. It is very important not to complete the care of strawberries at the time when she already gave her harvest. One of the very important criteria for the care of strawberries is the moistening of the soil, that is, the soil on which the plant is located, it is necessary to regularly water. It is necessary for the fact that the bushes of the plant were able to recover after harvesting. Water will help the plant to create kidneys for subsequent fruiting, which is important.

    It is important to know that exceptionally surface watering will not bring any benefit. It is very important to moisten so that the soil is soaked as deep as possible. It is impossible too often to pour, once a week is quite enough.

    Of great importance is the correctness of the ordination of this bed. After irrigating the site, it is necessary to break the soil on it. But this must be carried out according to a certain technology. The tillage of the soil must be no deeper than ten centimeters. It is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to damage the bush of strawberries and his mustache.

    During such treatment, it is necessary to dip the strawberry bush. It is very important to pour out the pressing proceedings that will turn into a new bush in the future. This process is needed in order to eliminate various types of weeds around strawberries. It is very important that the beds with these plants bark up weeds and grass. If, after eliminating the weed herb, pour sections with sawdust, then the in the fall of pests in the soil will be significantly less.


    The addition of nutrients into the ground in the period after the strawberry brings, it is extremely necessary. This is justified by the fact that the plant must be recovered from lost organic substances.

    • horse dung;
    • humus;
    • mullein.

    It is very important to care for the soil and in spring time. During this period, the use of chicken litter is perfect. You can use various mineral fertilizers where it includes:

    • nitrogen;
    • potassium;
    • magnesium;
    • sulfur;
    • calcium.

    Proper process

    After all weeds are eliminated and the soil is exploded, it is necessary to decompose the korlard or manure on the ground. It is very important that these fertilizers are in the form of small pieces. In the future, when it is raining or the gardener himself will water the garden, these substances will independently dissolve in the ground and carry nutrients in the strawberry roots.

    It is important to note that the most positive effect on the fertilizer of the soil is the chicken litter. It is much faster absorbed into the ground and carries the nutrients to the root. But in this case everything is more complicated. This is justified by the fact that fresh litter must be divorced in water. There is a special proportion of 1:20. All this mixture must be thoroughly mixed and pour directly under the bush of strawberries. In this case, it is impossible to abuse with a solution.

    One bucket of such a consistency should be enough for ten bushes.

    If it is decided to feed mineral fertilizers, then there is a few more application. It is necessary to scatter them in the soil near bushes. Next to rinse the site and pour it with water. It is very important after irrigation after a certain time to break the soil again.

    Crimping process

    Strawberry trimming is no less important than all previous events. The process is best done immediately after the plant brings. It is worth noting that the removable strawberries in the first year of fruiting cannot be circumcised. In this case, it is recommended to eliminate the weak or already taking leaves.

    Crossing the leaves is extremely neat. After the plant brings, it is necessary to remove those bushes that have already dried up. You can plant a young bush in their place, which will bring a crop to the new season.

    Those bushes that are still well preserved must be cut. Cutting to be subject to leaves that are located at an altitude of up to ten centimeters from the ground. It is important to eliminate strawberry tools.

    Prevention measures

    Specialists in the field of agronomy argue that the best means for eliminating various types of pests is the observance of all necessary conditions in the cultivation of this culture. But still, as practice shows, there are cases when even when complying with all the necessary strawberries can get sick.

    In order for this unpleasant situation, it is necessary to implement so-called preventive measures. Strawberry processing for this purpose is carried out at the autumn time of the year. The best tool is "nitrophen", it is them spray strawberries. Still used to "topaz", but only in the most extreme cases.