Repair Design Furniture

Complex fertilizers for raspberries. How to care for raspberries during flowering? Watering rules and feeding methods! Raspberries: spring care, feeding

Correct feeding of raspberries is very important, because it is one of the most common berry crops. Its tasty and aromatic berries are a favorite treat for both children and adults.

It is quite simple to grow it on your site. But to achieve abundant fruiting is already much more difficult. An important role in the cultivation of raspberries is played by timely and correct feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers.

After removing weeds, the soil is dug to a depth of at least 30-40 cm.There are several basic schemes for pre-planting fertilization for each square meter of area:

  • Well-rotted manure 7-8 kg, superphosphate 80 g, potassium sulfate 20 g.
  • If the soil is fertile enough, then you can limit yourself to the introduction of wood ash for raspberries at the rate of no more than 0.5 liters per m2.
  • Highly decomposed peat 10 kg, superphosphate 100 g, potassium sulfate 100 g.
  • When preparing the soil, you only need to use one of the above schemes.

To make it easier to care for the raspberry tree, the seedlings are planted in rows. In this case, the row spacing should be at least 1.5-2 meters, depending on the variety. After planting, the seedlings are well watered, and the soil surface around the bushes is mulched.

It is best to plant raspberries on a trellis, tying the whips in a timely manner. So, inside the bush, air will circulate better, and the access of sunlight will improve. This will simplify maintenance as well as harvesting.

This method can be used for any variety of raspberries, but for tall varieties with long, spreading branches, this is a must. The use of trellises has many advantages over usually planting or tying to pegs.

So the beds have a better look, the structure is more durable and the shoots can be tied in the direction of their growth, and not reducing to the center. The movement of juices is not disturbed.

It is important that there are about 7-8 healthy, strong shoots on each bush. Then the plants will not get sick due to the thickening of the plantings and it will be possible to harvest a good harvest of large berries.

Top dressing of raspberries in spring

Feeding raspberries in the spring is a must. It is on her that the further development and fruiting of the bushes depends. How to fertilize raspberries in the spring? When choosing a particular type of fertilizer, it is imperative to take into account the degree of soil fertility and the condition of the plants.

It is possible to apply fertilizers in the spring under raspberry precipitation at the earliest possible date. This is best done immediately after the snow melts. Also, most experts agree that when spring feeding it is best to combine organic matter with mineral fertilizers.

Fermented mullein can be used as an organic fertilizer. Before use, it should be diluted at the rate of 1 part mullein to 10 water. Usually it is enough for 2 square meters of landings.

You can also use the following fertilization option:

  • diluted mullein is the third part of the bucket;
  • urea 1 matchbox;
  • water 10 liters.

All components are mixed with water and the mixture is used immediately. It is impossible to leave it, even for a short time, because the nitrogen contained in it is in a volatile form and evaporates rather quickly.

Mulch can also be used as a spring top dressing. It is made up of a mixture of humus and straw. If there is no straw, it can be replaced with sawdust. A layer of mulch is simply laid out underneath.

Do raspberries like dung? It is allowed to use well-rotted manure as a top dressing. Half a bucket of it is poured under each bush and evenly distributed, and sprinkled on top with a layer of earth or, if possible, peat. The frequency of such top dressing depends on the physical and mechanical properties of the soil.

On light and sandy ones, it will have to be applied annually, on more fertile and heavy ones, once every 2 years is enough.

Raspberries are a healthy and tasty berry. This unpretentious berry bush grows well in the most forgotten corners of the country house and constantly thanks us for a good harvest. And if you pay a little attention to the raspberries, cut them off in time, find out when it is right and the main thing - how to feed the raspberries, the yield will increase immediately at times.

Raspberry is a berry bush with thorny shoots. However, in recent years, breeders have been trying to breed varieties with bare shoots, so that it is more convenient to pick berries. Because of the delicious berries, everyone tries to plant raspberries on the site, but due to the fact that the raspberry spreads a lot and does not look very decorative, they are usually planted deep into the site, in the farthest corner and forget about it. There, in the shade of garden trees, raspberries do not bloom well and bear fruit, which indescribably surprises the owners. What else do raspberries need? Here are some tips to help you harvest a serious raspberry crop from a small area throughout the season.


The best time to plant raspberries is spring. Some varieties can be

Planting raspberries must be carried out in a sunny place. The more light the better. Raspberry, growing by itself, shades itself, it does not need companions in the form of garden trees.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in trenches or holes, into which humus is preliminarily poured. The seedlings are buried several centimeters deeper than they grew in the old place. On average, they are buried by 4-6 centimeters. The distance between the holes is about 60 centimeters, and between the rows of raspberries - about a meter.

The planted plant is well spilled with a bucket of water, having previously formed a well-deepening for watering.


Raspberry is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, during the season, it must be watered abundantly in order to get a good harvest of delicious berries. Moisture is especially necessary for the plant during flowering, development and ripening of fruits. Therefore, the first abundant watering is done before flowering, the second after 2-3 weeks. The next watering is done at the time of harvest. The last time the raspberries are watered after pruning.

Raspberry pruning

Raspberry yields on the shoots of the second year. This rule does not apply to remontant raspberries. You need to know this in order to successfully form a raspberry bush.

The next year after planting, at the moment when the buds begin to bloom, the raspberries are formed by pruning, leaving several strong and healthy shoots. The tops of the shoots are slightly shortened, but not much, since the main fruit buds are at the top. The shoots are attached to the support.

Autumn pruning is the removal of dead shoots.

Fertilizing raspberries

Raspberries are fed several times a season:

  • during flowering and the appearance of the ovary;
  • during fruiting;
  • after the end of fruiting.

The most important micronutrients for raspberries are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen fertilizers reduce the resistance of raspberries to frost, therefore, fertilizers are applied in the following sequence: nitrogen fertilization in spring and summer, and potassium-phosphorus by autumn. Fertilizing raspberries in the summer is recommended with organic-based formulations, since raspberries respond well to organic matter. In addition, organic fertilizers have a positive effect on the quality of the crop.

Top dressing of raspberries in spring

In May, i.e. in the spring, raspberries are fertilized mainly with nitrogen-containing compounds in order to enhance the growing season, shoot growth and thereby increase its yield. Mineral fertilizers should not be applied, because collecting an environmentally friendly crop is the goal of every gardener.

Top dressing of raspberries during flowering

Here are some recipes for feeding raspberries when they bloom:

  1. Top dressing with a mullein is carried out in a proportion of 1 part of a mullein to 10 parts of water. Let it brew for about a week;
  2. With a solution of chicken manure in a ratio of 1 part of manure to 10 parts of water, let it brew for about 10 days, and then use it as a fertilizer, diluting a liter can of infusion for 10 liters of water;
  3. In the infusion of chicken manure or mullein, prepared according to the rules, wood ash is added in a proportion of 1 glass per 10 liters of water, as well as bone meal, which is introduced directly under the roots, mixed with humus;
  4. Yeast in the amount of 100 grams is dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water, you can fertilize raspberries with a similar composition in spring and summer. It perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass, activates flowering and increases productivity.

Top dressing raspberries in summer

The second feeding is carried out when the berries begin to actively sing. You can feed raspberries in July with organic or biohumus compounds. You should not use mineral compositions so that they do not affect the quality of the crop.

  1. Apply compositions based on vermicompost, diluting according to the instructions for the preparation;
  2. You can feed the raspberries again with infusion of mullein or chicken droppings;
  3. Stimulate productivity by feeding with yeast infusion.

Fertilizing raspberries during fruiting is necessary for the plant to increase yields, improve the quality and taste of berries.

Autumn feeding

During the period of autumn feeding, it is recommended to introduce herbaceous plants, for example, vetch, clover, and mustard, into the soil. Over-heating, the grass loosens the soil and provides additional fertilization to the raspberry roots. In addition, a mixture of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is applied under the plant, which will enable the plant to lay flower buds for the next season.

  1. Mix 30 grams of phosphorus and 20 grams of potash fertilizer, the dry mixture is embedded in the soil around the bush;
  2. Pour under a bush and close up up to 1 kg of wood ash per square meter of raspberry bush; fertilization of raspberries with ash is recommended to maintain the optimal amount of potassium in the soil

Feeding raspberries with yeast

Feeding raspberries with yeast greatly stimulates the vegetative process, flowering and fruiting of the bush. Therefore, you can feed the raspberries during the ripening of the berries with yeast. In addition to the fact that such a top dressing will become a stimulant, it will also strengthen the plant's immunity, increase yields and have a positive effect on the quality of the crop.

Probably, every gardener contains a corner with raspberries on the site. This plant is rarely given attention and care. Why feed her, because raspberries grow like a weed? And only attentive gardeners know what yields of berries can be obtained from a raspberry bush with good care. Feeding raspberries in spring lays the foundation for a bountiful summer harvest. Consider when and how to feed raspberries, what fertilizers are best to use.

A raspberry plantation requires feeding three times throughout the season:

  • in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season of the bushes;
  • in summer during flowering and ripening of berries;
  • in the fall - at the time of laying the fruit buds of the future harvest.

When you need to do spring feeding of raspberries, it is easy to determine. The timing depends on the climate and spring weather. In the middle lane, the soil thaws and warms up in April, at this time you need to inspect the berry, cut out broken and dry branches, remove fallen leaves, and weed if necessary.

The first feeding of raspberries

The first feeding of valuable berries is combined with loosening the soil in the raspberry tree. In early spring, it is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers: urea, ammonium nitrate. It is helpful to add superphosphate, potassium salt, or wood ash.

The feeding rules are simple:

  1. Mineral fertilizers should be added to well-moistened soil. Dry soil should be shed with water before fertilizing.
  2. The soil is loosened carefully and shallowly so as not to disturb the root layer and not damage the fragile roots.
  3. Try not to get solutions on the leaves and stems and do not overdose the feeding.
  4. It is better to carry out the procedure on a cloudy day or in the evening.

After applying inorganic fertilizers, mulch the soil with organic matter: humus, compost, peat, tree bark or sawdust. Mulch attracts earthworms - the creators of soil fertility, retains moisture in the soil, improves air exchange in the root zone and serves as additional fertilizing.

What and how to feed raspberries in the spring?

Adult bushes, which have been growing in the garden for several years, have used up the supply of food laid down during planting, and need to be fed in the spring. Gardeners use mineral and organic fertilizers or their combination to increase yields. Feeding methods are very diverse, and every gardener can choose the options that suit him.

Spring feeding must necessarily include nitrogen fertilizers. Fortunately, you can feed nitrogen in any form - both mineral and organic.

Mineral fertilizers

To obtain high yields, raspberries require nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium salts. You can add them individually or in combination. In this case, feeding is divided into two parts and produced twice - in spring and early summer.

Early spring feeding with urea or ammonium sulfate improves shoot growth. Under adult bushes, 10 g of urea or 12 g of nitrate per 1 sq. m. Top dressing is done by loosening the soil.

Superphosphate is a source of water-soluble phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. This fertilizer activates the growth of roots and stems of raspberries, increases yields and improves the taste of berries. Under the influence of phosphorus, raspberries become more resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases. The amount of superphosphate introduced during spring feeding is 30 g / m2.

Potassium salt strengthens plant tissues, stimulates productivity, increases plant resistance to winter conditions. The dosage of potassium salt is 40 g per 1 sq. m.

Attention! Potassium chloride cannot be used to fertilize raspberries.

Feeding raspberries with wood ash can replace potash salt. Ash contains many important trace elements, raspberries respond well to ash feeding. Ash can be either dissolved in water or applied dry when loosening. The amount of ash is 1 glass per sq. m area.

It is convenient to apply complex mineral fertilizers containing a mixture of substances - Kemiru, Azofoska. Fertilizers are used according to the instructions. Three tablespoons of Kemira are dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of water, the solution is poured over raspberries in a volume of 1 liter per bush.

Old raspberry bushes are fed with a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers.

The approximate consumption of fertilizers per 1 sq. m is:

  • 3 g superphosphate;
  • 3 g of potassium salt;
  • 3 g of urea;
  • 1.5 kg of humus.

Organic fertilizers

Raspberries are very responsive to organic fertilization. These dressings will be of great help for you if you do not recognize the "chemistry" in your area.

Slurry is prepared from fresh mullein. Manure is poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and left to ferment for a week. The solution is poured over raspberries at the rate of 1 liter for each bush.

Infusion of chicken droppings. It is a powerful organic fertilizer. Litter is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 and kept for 5-10 days for fermentation. Litter should be used with care so as not to burn the plants.

Plant dressing - Herbal infusions are prepared in a similar way. The cut grass of weeds, nettles and dandelions is poured with water in a bucket or barrel, fermented, then diluted with water at a concentration of 1:10.

There are also very specific fertilizers. Some gardeners successfully feed raspberries to increase yields with food waste: vegetable peels, yeast, onion husks, eggshells.

Attention! Household waste should not contain chlorine and other unhealthy chemicals.

Potato peels contain potassium, which is beneficial for plants. They can be brewed with boiling water and water the bushes with the resulting infusion. The cleaners can also be laid out under the bushes like mulch.

Yeast accelerates the decomposition of organic matter in the soil. A kilogram of fresh yeast is bred in a bucket of warm water with added sugar. For watering, take 0.5 liters of solution per 10 liters of water. Feeding with yeast is done at the end of spring, when the soil in the raspberry berry is warm enough.

Recipe for dry yeast: Mix a 10-gram sachet with 5 tablespoons of sugar, dilute in a 10-liter bucket of water, stand for 2 hours. For watering, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. Yeast infusions are used only fresh.

Infusion of onion peel not only feeds raspberries, but also repels pests. For a solution of 50 g of raw materials, they insist in a bucket of water for a week, filter and water the raspberry.

Mulch as top dressing

Many gardeners believe it is best to keep raspberries under mulch to improve yields. Indeed, in nature, raspberry roots grow better under a layer of fallen bark and woody leaves. Mulch is also a good food for raspberries, releasing nutrients as they decay.

  1. Dung humus is a good mulching material and contains a lot of organic matter. The manure should be well rotted.
  2. Compost, leaf humus is also a convenient material for mulching. The mulch layer can be made up to 10 cm thick.
  3. Peat is a loose material that improves soil structure. Peat acidifies the soil, so ash or lime is often added to it.
  4. Straw and grass cuttings are also often used as mulch. Since it decays quickly, mulch must be added throughout the summer.
  5. Wood waste. Don't be surprised, raspberries love crop residues mulch. Sawdust, bark of coniferous trees, pieces of branches after cutting the garden, rotten boards will be used. All this garbage should, if possible, be crushed and sprinkled with a raspberry patch. The only condition is to ensure that the wood mulch does not cake.

Fertilizing raspberries when planting

To plant raspberries, the garden bed is dug to a depth of 30-40 cm. All weed roots are removed.

It is believed that if the soil is fertile and dug up for the first time, fertilization is not necessary. In other cases, you need to fill the garden with organic matter: raspberries will grow here for several years, actively consuming nutrients.

The approximate consumption of fertilizers per 1 sq. m. beds:

  • humus - 6 kg;
  • compost or peat-compost mixture - 10 kg (1 bucket);
  • superphosphate - 80 g;
  • potassium salt - 25 g.
  • wood ash - half a liter can.

Top dressing in the planting hole

Planting raspberries in the spring is convenient in the northern regions, where there is a risk of seedlings freezing. Fertilizers for raspberries can be applied directly to the planting hole.

The best will be a combination of organic and mineral nutrition:

  • humus or compost - 1-2 shovels;
  • superphosphate - 2 tablespoons;
  • wood ash or potash salt - 2 tablespoons.

All components are mixed with earth in the planting hole. Before planting raspberries, acidic soils must be calcified by adding slaked lime (1 cup) or dolomite flour.

Raspberries, planted in well-planted soil, do not need to be fertilized for the first 2-3 years.

How do you know when it's time to fertilize raspberries?

An experienced gardener will determine by the appearance of raspberries what substances the plant lacks.

These symptoms will indicate a lack of soil:

  • nitrogen - the leaves of plants are pale green, the growth of shoots is slowed down;
  • phosphorus - young shoots are thin and weak;
  • potassium - the edges of the leaves turn brown, as if from a burn;
  • gland - the presence of yellow leaves with green veins;
  • magnesium - the leaves turn yellow from the center to the edges.

Add the correct fertilizer in the spring if your raspberries signaled a lack of elements in the previous season.

Fertilizing raspberries in the spring, you will make sure that your garden has become much more productive, and the berries are larger and tastier. Do not limit yourself to spring feeding, fight diseases and pests, remember about correct pruning and other care elements - and you will be proud of your productive plantation.

If you want to get bountiful harvests of large and tasty berries every year, then you need to fertilize raspberries. Naturally, for top dressing to be effective, you need to know when (at what time), how and what to feed raspberries in spring, summer and autumn (after fruiting), so that the shrub is always provided with all the required macro- and microelements.

Raspberries, like any other berry shrub, are quite demanding on nutrition and, accordingly, sensitive to its lack.

Naturally, the shrub needs the whole complex of macro- (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and trace elements (the most important is magnesium, as well as sulfur, boron, calcium, iron, etc.)

The most important nutrients for raspberries are potassium and nitrogen, but we must not forget about phosphorus (especially after fruiting, although in the period before and after flowering, it is also necessary, but in smaller quantities than potassium).

Due to the lack of phosphorus, the number of ovaries decreases, and therefore, the yield decreases sharply, as well as the content of sugars in berries (they simply cease to be sweet).

Nitrogen - required for active growth of shoots (stems) and leaves.

But! You can not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers and use them only before flowering, otherwise raspberries will drive shoots and foliage to the detriment of fruiting.

Potassium - is responsible for pouring berries, namely, it has a direct effect on its size (large-fruited) and sweetness.

In addition, potassium has the ability to increase the immunity of the plant, which means that raspberries will be able to better resist various diseases.

Thus, spring feeding of raspberries, which should include the entire balanced set of macro- and micronutrients, is performed for the normal growth and development of the plant, in particular to increase its yield (and not only in terms of quantity, but also large-fruited), improve taste. berries.

When to fertilize raspberries in spring: optimal timing and scheme

Raspberries should be fed in the spring according to a certain scheme, so it is extremely important to know when and at what time to fertilize. In this case, it is most convenient to rely on certain phases of plant development.

Many experienced gardeners adhere to the following scheme for feeding raspberries in spring and summer (after harvest) or in autumn, focusing on the phases of shrub development:

Note! You should not rush to the first feeding. The roots of the plant still begin to absorb and assimilate fertilizers only at a soil temperature of at least + 5-10 degrees. Although many advise to apply fertilizers earlier, even over the snow, so that they are absorbed together into the soil when it (snow) melts.

  • The first feeding of raspberries is carried out in early spring when a positive temperature is established (the snow begins to actively melt or has already melted) and the shrub begins to wake up (its buds begin to swell), that is, after you cut, loosen and weed the bushes from weeds.

At this point, the plant needs a lot of nitrogen to build up green mass. Ammonium nitrate or urea is your choice. Alternatively, you can, in principle, apply a complex fertilizer such as nitroammofoska.

  • Just before flowering (in the period budding).

In order for raspberries to gain weight - to be large and sweet, they need more potassium and phosphorus. That is why the composition of top dressing must necessarily include potash and phosphorus fertilizers, as well as a little nitrogen (but much less than during the first top dressing). You can still use nitroammophos, but diammophos is better. In this case, you can also use potassium humate.

  • During flowering and the beginning of fruiting.

  • After fruiting and harvesting (late summer-autumn).

The purpose of the last feeding is for the raspberries to set flower buds = prepare for the next harvest, and also harden before wintering, in other words, so that they do not freeze. Therefore, the shrub also needs potassium (as an option, potassium sulfate or just potassium monophosphate).

Video: a variant of the raspberry feeding scheme

How to fertilize raspberries correctly,what types of dressings are there, their specificity

  • Raspberries planted last year do not need to be fertilized in the spring if sufficient nutrients = fertilization were applied to the soil during planting.

They begin to feed only after 2-3 years, since only by this time the plants will have pulled out of the soil all the nutrients introduced during their planting.

  • Before feeding raspberries, it is recommended to first spill the bushes with plain water, because it is always necessary to fertilize on wet soil, especially with mineral fertilizers.

By the way! You can water it a day or 1-2 hours before applying liquid top dressing.

  • If, during root feeding, you get on the leaves and fruits, then try to irrigate (lightly rinse) with plain water.
  • Top dressing is desirable in the morning or evening hours, but not at noon, when the sun is at its zenith, or you can choose a cloudy day.

Advice! Any granular mineral fertilizer(especially ) better pre-dissolve in a separate container in hot water (you can use boiling water), since granules, as a rule, dissolve in cold water rather poorly and slowly.

Methods or types of feeding

Exists 2 ways or type of feeding any plant(including raspberries): root (watering at the root) and foliar (by leaves). Let's take a closer look at each of them.

As a rule, it is in the spring major root dressing(more often in liquid form, but it is also possible in dry form - scatter granules and cover with earth. Further, fertilizers will gradually dissolve during watering or rains). But already summer can be done and foliar feeding(by leaves).

Root dressing

Root dressing involves the application of fertilizer directly under the raspberry bushes or at some distance from them.

For root dressing, as a rule, mineral fertilizers with macronutrients, as well as organics.

Foliar dressing

Fertilize raspberries in the spring for abundant fruiting = harvest can be done not only at the root, but also by the leaves.

Note! It is believed that foliar feeding is most effective when the plant especially needs certain trace elements (which is manifested in its appearance), in other words, they are carried out as needed.

Thus, foliar dressing, as a rule, is carried out with the help of fertilizers, which include trace elements.

Obviously! Foliar dressing cannot completely replace root dressing. Therefore, root dressings are the main top dressing, and foliar dressings are additional (if necessary).

How to feed raspberries in spring for a good harvest: options for effective spring fertilizers

Naturally, before buying and fertilizing, you need to figure out how (with what fertilizer) it is possible and better to feed raspberries in the spring.

As with many other crops, both mineral and organic fertilizers can be used to feed raspberries.

Note! Do not apply potash and phosphorus fertilizers under raspberries.(for example, potassium chloride, potassium salt and diammophos). Such feeding can provoke plant disease. chlorosis.

By the way! Almost all berries are very sensitive to an excess of chlorine, in particular red and white currants, wild strawberries (strawberries), grapes, to a lesser extent - black currants and gooseberries.

Nitrogen fertilizing

Remember! Applicable only 1 time, in early spring.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers:

  • Urea(Urea) - 46% nitrogen (20-30 grams per 10 liters of water or per 1 square meter);

By the way! Many gardeners recommend feeding raspberries for the first time in early spring, even in the snow, with urea (carbamides).

  • Ammonium nitrate- 33% nitrogen (30-40 grams per 10 liters of water or per 1 square meter);

Organic nitrogen fertilizers:

  • chicken droppings(as a rule, 1 in 20 with water, or you can simply sprinkle it in the trunk circle);

By the way! Please note that purchased poultry manure contains the entire range of macronutrients, as well as some trace elements.

Video: feeding raspberries in spring with chicken manure

  • infusion cow dung or mullein(1 in 40);
  • green manure(i.e. nettle infusion).

And it is also very good to mulch the trunk circle. compost or humus.

Complex mineral dressing

It is very convenient to use complex mineral fertilizers, which contain all the macronutrients.

So, raspberries in the spring (before flowering) can be fed with the following complete mineral fertilizers:

  • Nitroammofoska(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - 16% each). Prepare the solution at the rate of 20-30 grams per 10 liters of water.

  • Diammofoska- 10% nitrogen, 26% phosphorus and potassium (20-30 grams per 10 liters of water).

Note! The composition of these fertilizers does not include any trace elements, and it is very desirable to add them. Therefore, it is highly recommended to add humates to the solutions, which are described in more detail later, in the last paragraph.

Mineral and organic potassium-phosphorus feeding

Suitable for feeding before and after flowering, as well as in autumn.


  • Superphosphate- nitrogen 6-9%, phosphorus - 26-30% (20-30 grams).

  • Potassium sulphate(potassium sulfate) - 46-52% potassium (30-40 grams).

Dissolve and mix everything (superphosphate and potassium sulfate) in 10 liters of water, and then pour 5 liters of solution under each bush.

Video: feeding raspberries in the spring with superphosphate and potassium sulfate

By the way!Instead of potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate), you can usepotassium nitrate(Nitrogen -13.6, Potassium 46%).

And it is also very convenient to use potassium magnesium, which, in addition to potassium (32%), contains such an important trace element as magnesium (12%).

Organic potassium phosphorus supplement

If you proponent of organic farming, then you can as potash feeding use by preparing the following solution (or even better infusion-extract): 100-200 grams of ash per 10 liters of water, and then pour 5 liters under each bush.

Concerning phosphorus, then it is in the same bone or fish meal (100-200 grams per 1 square meter).

Video: phosphorus fertilizer for shrubs (bone meal)

Rapidly assimilated phosphorus supplement

Suitable for feeding before and after flowering (during fruiting).

To make an easily digestible infusion for spring feeding of raspberries, you must:

Take potassium monophosphate, dissolve in water and feed. However, it is not always possible to find it in the store, and it costs a lot.

Therefore, you can prepare it from superphosphate (preferably double):

  • 1 kg double superphosphate pour 5 liters of boiling water;
  • after the water has cooled, add 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar;

Acidifying the water will help convert the calcium phosphate to a more soluble form.

  • Let it brew for 12-24 hours, shaking and stirring occasionally.
  • Add another 5 liters of water, bringing the total volume to 10 liters.
  • Then dilute 1 liter of the superphosphate infusion with 10 liters of water (1 to 10).
  • Carry out top dressing.

Advice! The remaining phosphorus sediment can be dug under the fruit trees.

Autumn potassium-phosphorus feeding (after harvest)

An excellent option for feeding raspberries after fruiting and harvesting (i.e. at the end of summer - closer to autumn) can be the following combinations of mineral and organic fertilizers.

First option:

  • Superphosphate- nitrogen 6-9%, phosphorus - 26-30% (20-30 grams per 10 liters of water).

  • Potassium sulphate(potassium sulfate) - 46-52% potassium (15-20 grams per 10 liters.

Second option:

  • Nitroammofoska- 2 tbsp. spoons (25-30 grams).
  • - 1 glass (100-200 grams).

Third option:

  • Diammofoska- 10% nitrogen, 26% each phosphorus and potassium (20-30 grams).

Fourth option:

  • Potassium monophosphate(Phosphorus - 50%, potassium - 33%) - 15-20 grams;

Dissolve everything, mix in 10 liters of water and pour 5 liters of solution under each bush.

Fertilizers for raspberries

If you do not want to bother (you are a "lazy" summer resident), then you can buy one of the special complex fertilizers for raspberries (berry bushes), which already contains all the macro- and microelements (all apply and dilute according to the instructions on the packages):

  • Gumi-Omi "Berry" for raspberries, strawberries (garden strawberries), currants and other berry bushes (based on chicken manure).

  • Specialized fertilizers are especially popular. prolonged action(granular, it is advisable to add them dry into the holes along the diameter of the bushes, and then water). For example, " Berry bushes»From Fasco.

  • other.

Fertilizers with humates and microelements

Very good to use humates, which promote better assimilation of mineral fertilizers. Therefore, you can first prepare a humate solution (for example, Humata Potassium), and then add a complex mineral fertilizer to it, for example, the same Nitroammofosku.

By the way! Now humates are initially added to some complex mineral fertilizers. For example, " Strong " from Fasco with humates and trace elements.

In general, it is very convenient to use for feeding raspberries ready-made cocktails with essential microelements type Humate +7 Iodine.

Folk remedies

Yeast is very popular among folk remedies for feeding raspberries.

This is best done before flowering.

  • 100 g of fresh yeast (or 30-35 grams of dry yeast, i.e. the ratio is 1 to 3) and 100 grams of sugar are dissolved in 5 liters of warm water and insisted for 1-3 days (to start the fermentation process), while not forgetting stir periodically. Then the resulting stock solution is diluted 1 in 10 with water, poured into a watering can and abundantly watered (pouring out about 5 liters) each plant.

Important! Adding yeast to the soil negates the presence of potassium in the soil (dissolves it), so after about a week add a potassium supplement, for example, feed or potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate).

Video: feeding raspberries with yeast

Video: ammonia - super means to increase the harvest of raspberries