Repairs Design Furniture

How to mulch plants for the winter. How to mulch the priority circles of trees and shrubs? Mulching of coniferous trees

In order for the trees to grow quickly, were strong and high, care for them. This applies to both decorative and fruit species. If earlier surveillance Circles Around the trees were left in the form of open portions of the soil, which swallowed and fertilized in the autumn and spring or covered with mulch, then in our time all large quantity Dachnikov plant flowers, spicy and vegetable crops or sow lawns.

This not only adorns the garden and benefits the trees themselves, but also allows you to save the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot in favor of other plant species.

Dig or do not dig?

For many gardeners, the question of how to properly care for fruit trees and when they jump the earth around them, whether it is at all, or it is better to sing this area of \u200b\u200bgrass. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the dropping can be allocated as follows:

  • Pests will become less or they will disappear at all.
  • Since the rolling circle fruit trees Expands as they grow, it makes it possible to use this land with benefit, for example, break the flower garden.

Since the flaws from the leaving of the Earth around the trees are more, then many dackets refused this practice. Caused by the fact that:

  • When soil jumps, not only pests, but also useful microorganisms are destroyed in autumn. For example, aerobic bacteria living on the surface requires oxygen. When pumping the upper layer of the soil turns over and they turn out to be underground. Lained oxygen, they die, and since the aerobic bacteria supplied plants the main nutrients, then the trees are deprived of the elements important for the vital activity.
  • When pumping, there is always a risk of damage to the roots. This is especially true for those who are closer to the surface and the necessary food is obtained.
  • Autumn junk reduces the frost resistance of trees, as the soil becomes open to the cold.

Each dacket decides himself, how to care for his garden, but more and more people are inclined to the fact that the soil around the trees is an area that can be used with a sense and benefit both for the plant and for yourself.

Flowers and beds around trees

In the light of the above, gardeners prefer to use the priority circles and sow them either by dispersion or flowers or useful vegetables and spices. This gives its advantages:

  • Gradually, untouched soil is enriched at the expense of plants growing on it, which, taking their time, become a natural dress for wood.
  • Especially useful to settle the priority circles for additional insulation root system. The roots of the "neighbors" create a peculiar pillow, which does not give frost to penetrate the ground.
  • In the summer, the lawn or flower garden protect the roots from the sun, and the tree is less than watering.
  • The priority circles of trees filled with vegetation do not need to be rescuffed and a special tie, which not only relieves from excess work, but also contributes to the preservation of the fertile layer of the Earth.

Given all the advantages, more and more dacnisters use the soil around the trees for planting beautiful or beneficial plants.

It is important to know: plants are not always combined with each other. Before planting something, you need to make sure that the "Neighborhood" will be mutually beneficial. This is especially important for fruit trees, as their harvest can significantly decrease by satellites that will act in oppressing.

Types of priority circles and care for them

Design and care for the soil around the tree begins with its landing. So, when he is 2-3 years old, it is 2 m, it reaches 3 m to the sixth anniversary, and by 10-12 - 3.5-4 m. Together with the growth of the crown, its rolling circle is growing, the design of which is growing to the tree change.

Soil care depends on how the ground looks around around the seedling:

  • If the earth remains under black ferry, then it needs regular weeds and light looser after every rain or watering. In the presence of heavy soil, autumn jumps should be carried out annually, while on the sublinks it can be done every 2-3 years.
  • Mulching though is best way Preserving moisture, improving the quality of soil and protection from cold weather, nevertheless is considered to be many gardeners in vain waste land area. Molding methods are described below.

  • Decorated priority circles are becoming increasingly popular because they simplify the care of them and allow you to create beautiful flower beds, lawns or mini-garden.

It is important to know: if planting a plant around the tree, then it should be noted that its barrel should be quite high (from 75 cm), and the branches are raised above the ground.

Materials for the decor of rolling circles

Already long ago, those times were passed when the design of the rolling circle of wood consisted only from mulching or "naked" soil. Today landscape designers use natural and artificial materials, seeds of flowers and herbs.

Sades are not lagging behind and add their gardens:

  • decorative stone;
  • rubbed and pebbles;
  • glass;
  • synthetic fiber tissues, for example, agricultural;
  • lawns;
  • groes with spices;
  • healing herbs.

It is important to know: the soil around the trees is effective areaWhen it is properly used. What is allowed on large landscape lawns does not make sense on a plot of 6 acres, where every meter of land on the account.

Decorating stone

Application small pebbles Or gravel for decorating the rich circles is particularly popular with dachensors who cannot give their garden a lot of time. These "helpers" are capable of:

  • hold the moisture;
  • protect root sun ray and severe frosts;
  • not to give weeds to grow;
  • do not let pests.

Such a decor of the priority circle frees the gardener from weeding, loosening and pumping the Earth. Stones are natural material, which is durable, does not fly away from the gusts of the wind and looks impressive.


In the regions where rains are rare, and frosts - no, summer houses are used in the form of a mulch dry manure, straw, peat or leaves with reed. For this there are reasons:

  • this is a natural fertilizer that is drunk in the spring and gives the roots additional food;
  • a similar mulch warms the soil;
  • well keeps moisture.

It is important to know: such mulching should be done not only at 10-15 cm from the trunk, as many gardeners come, but throughout the rolling circle.

However, in warmer regions, an increasing number of dachensons prefer not to multen the rolling circle of fruit trees, but also decorating it. For this, pine cones are perfectly suitable, for example. They look beautiful, they keep warm well, they skip and retain moisture, do not blown away by the wind and do not give a chance to weeds a proportion through such a barrier.

In any case, the choice of which natural material Use for mulching, remains behind the gift box, based on weather conditions and the needs of the tree itself.

Lawn around trees

Beautiful well-kept lawn always looks spectacular. Not an exception when it covers an apple tree, for example, or other fruit trees. Such luxury can afford the owners of large areas. As the grass grows it, it is cut off with a lawn mower and remove. As practice has shown, lawn in the priority circles is beautiful decorationwhich provides a tree additional care:

  • protects from the sun;
  • protects against cold weather;
  • well keeps moisture;
  • the roots of the grass themselves loose soil, and it breathes.

It is important to know: lawn requires constant care, otherwise the garden will look overgrown and abandoned. Also trees need a regular spring feeder, which is better to make directly under the roots.

Loading the priority circles

The owners of the cherished six hundred and hundredth lawn is not suitable, so the best way out is to create a cultural retention, for which the seeds of the dispersion are used. It is better to sow perennial herbs, for example, a cereal mixture of meadow tissus (up to 60%) and meat lugs (40%).

As the grass grows it, it needs to be scarked and folded under the trees, as it is the best natural fertilizerwhich frees the gardener from additional organic feeding. Such a downturn serves as a natural "carpet", which retains the roots of trees from the scorching sun, strong frost and drought.

Flower garden

Before proceeding to the creation of a flower bed, a bed with spices or healing herbs, it should be found out which plants of the priority circles will bring the highest benefit. For example, the following flowers are combined with an apple trees:

  • daisies;
  • daffodils;
  • lungwort;
  • pansies;
  • forget-me-not;
  • bells;
  • nasturtium;
  • barwinka.

They will not only decorate the rolling circle, but also a beneficial effect on the yield of the tree. Among the spices and vegetable crops, the apple tree gets along well with:

  • dill;
  • radian;
  • feathers;
  • salad;
  • sorrel;
  • basilica.

To date, the cultivation of the coil circles of trees is a widespread practice, and not tribute to fashion. When the earth can not only be used, to improve and decorate, but without much effort to improve its composition, it is a chance to make your site perfect.

Everyone is preparing for the winter in different ways. People buy warm things and get skiing from the attic, the beasts are branched in a mink, and the fish are buried deeper into il. To the snow and cold need to prepare and garden trees. Special attention in this regard requires care of an apple tree. Preparation of this fruit tree by winter requires trimming branches, cleaning the trunk and many other events. On the Internet you can find quite a few videos and articles on this topic. The gardener, which armed with useful knowledge, will be able to save trees and future harvest.

Care of branches and trunk

The first thing you need to work when preparing a tree for winter is branches and trunk. Apple tree you need to carefully examine and remove dry, broken, sore branches and those that grow inside the crown.

Attention! Crop branches can only be cropped at a temperature not lower than -10 ° C. If you do not comply with this rule, then cracks will appear on fresh cuts, which over time will increase and destroy the apple tree.

It is necessary to remove branches in such a way that the slice is as smooth as possible and smooth. It is unacceptable to leave the bark jackets. After trimming, damaged spaces need to be carefully treated with a solution of copper mood at the rate of 1 h. per 1 l. clean water. Then the sections are also processed by garden boraner. These activities make it possible to prevent the emergence and reproduction of fungal diseases.

Pruning branches

And finally, you need to remember about whitening the trunk, which to protect the tree in winter from rodents and sun burns. Processing the trunk is needed from the root to the lower branches or slightly above. The best recipe formula of a chipped mixture for an apple tree: Lime - 3 kg, carbon black - 200 g, copper vitrios - ½ kg, water - 10 liters.

Council. If the apple variety does not differ in frost resistance, it is possible to wind up its barrel for winter with spruce or pine branches, and you can also catch it.

Soil processing around the tree

Tillage around the apple tree in preparation for winter includes 3 stages: cleaning, perplex, mulching.

  1. Cleaning. You need to start this stage with the harvest of fallen foliage and Padalitsa. It is in this mass that the pathogenic bacteria and pests are hidden and multiplied. Leaves and fired apples are best reset in composted bile, sprinkling lime. Then a year later, it will be possible to bother the tree.
  2. Pumping. When the land under the tree is cleaned, you can move to the soil resistance. At the same time, the shovel is immersed parallel to the soil by 20 cm. If the gardener works for a pitchflower, you need to carefully monitor not to damage root system. It is necessary to switch and the soil that goes beyond the crown, as there is no roots, the shovel can be immersed deeper.
  3. Mulching. This procedure can be carried out using compost or manure. It is also recommended to use peat, sawdust, straw, chips or chew.

Identification and neutralization of pests

Autumn is a great time in order to reveal and neutralize pests that settled on fruit trees. Most often, they can be found under the old bark of the apple tree. It must be bent and inspect the trunk under it. Insects discovered there should be immediately destroyed. Too large thighs of old bark are best removed at all.

Treatment of the trunk of apple

In order to treat and prevent apple tree, autumn is treated with insecticides. For example, urea solution will help to overcome martherny Dew or pass. Also used laundry soap, calcined soda, copper vigorous. If you prepare solutions yourself there is no desire or opportunity, you can use ready-made fungicides, such as Aktara, Carbofos, Khorus.

Autumn feeding apple tree

  • Organic fertilizers such as compost or humus are made at the rate of 4-8 kg per 1 m² of soil.
  • If it is not possible to make organic fertilizer, You can use a mixture of phosphoric, potash and nitrogen fertilizer. At the same time, nitrogen is needed at all in small quantities, about 10 g. Such feeding will be useful for root growth.
  • Sour soils under apple trees are neutralized by lime, which makes every 3-4 years. Use ground limestone for this or even old stucco, Mergel, dolomite flour, a piece of chalk.
  • In order for trees easier to suffer severe frosts, they need to be filled with superphosphate divorced by 30-50 g per 1 liter of water.

Council. Dense fertilizers before entering into the soil you need to grind. For example, burnt lime is quenched with water at the rate of 3 l per 10 kg.

The hosts of some household plots prefer to care for the apple tree to move to the spring. But this is an incorrect approach that can significantly damage the tree and reduce the harvest. But due autumn preparation will help the tree to move the stern period.

How to prepare an apple tree for winter: video

Autumn treatment of apple tree: photo

Most cultures grown by gardeners came to us once from the forest, where their roots in the rigorous circle were always securely covered with warm and soft pillow From fallen leaves and needles. Forgetting about it, we took the practice of ubiquitous dumping in the fall of the earth, the removal of all weeds from it, rushing the surface with robbles. And then in this nude form we leave it until next year.

The study of scientists of the practice of such a relationship to Earth showed that in the conditions of the vicissitudes of our climate, bacteria and other living beings are extorted so much that their ordinary mass, inherent in one or another soil, is restored only by the end of June. It turns out that in the most responsible period for growth and development of plants, there are no power: in the soil there is little living substance, and therefore, and little humus is the basis of fertility and rich yields.

From the above, it follows that the mulching of the soil in our climatic conditions should be total in nature, that is, it is carried out not only after irrigating or loosening the soil, not only for garden crops and not only during the period of their cultivation, as recommended in the literature, and always Everywhere, and especially under the winter. In such conditions, the most upper, the most fertile layer will always be in a favorable environment, and the soil will not lose, but, on the contrary, will acquire even richer, saturated with all necessary content.

On the peculiarities and methods of mulching plants on vegetable beds in the literature and printing there are many recommendations. Here we will talk mainly about mulching fruit-berry crops and flower beds, including their more and long-term mulching.

According to my personal experience and experience of other gardeners, in the preliminary period for mulching, it is possible to use any post-harvest residues, crushed stalking mass, weeds and already fallen lying, as well as sawdust, chips and bark.

At the same time, to accelerate the decomposition of the mulching cover, it is best mixed, adding a composting accelerator at the same time, which is a complex mixture of bacterial fertilizers.

The mulch is usually brought into the priority circles of separately standing fruit trees, and for young plants, a layer of 5-6 cm, and for fruiting old - layer 8-10 cm. Around the trunks in diameter about 80-100 cm Mulch, as a rule, make a very thin layer To avoid damage to the bark. As established, such more suitable mulching contributes to the porosity of the soil, its aeration and moisture permeability, and this influence is often propagated to a depth of 15-20 cm of the surface layer.

With a protracted and small autumn, a mulmy can even detect a rather active activity of rainworms. All this, combined, contributes to the good survival of the newly planted and successful overwrieving young fruiting trees, and also facilitates the heavy care of them in the spring.

Especially love mulching low-suite apples with a small crown. Thin suction roots of such trees germinate to mulchipocrov and visible if the mulch is carefully removed. Good results gives mulching berry bushes, where the mixture of foliage and crushed herbs and stems are best suited. At the same time, since there may be causative agents of diseases of these crops on the leaves, it is very advisable to use the foliage and stems of other cultures.

Everything berry shrubs Successfully murdered with sawdust, chips and bark, but before that, all of them must be in the rewind or semi-proverse state. On the strawberry, good results gives mulchplos from compost and coniferous sawdust in a mixture with a cheese. It provides by the time of cleaning the protection of berries from pollution, giving them a special taste and aroma.

When mulching flower beds, and especially roses, instead of a deficient and expensive stall manure recommended in the literature, it is quite acceptable to apply compost compost, as a result of which the soil structure is improved, its humidity becomes balanced and the care costs are reduced. Also, the use of chopped branches and plants stalks in a mixture with crushed wood waste. At the same time, the best result was using the above-mentioned mulching materials with a thickness of 6-7 cm.

As established, under the influence of the external environment (rains, irrigations, etc.), very small mulch particles, although they are lowered deep into, but the total structure of the mulchoprovka is preserved and actively interacts with the soil, and the microbes are activated, and in the restructuring of the medium, both mulchplists are activated, so and soil. The result of this is the decomposition of mulch and the enrichment of the soil by humus. At the same time, the moisture is well maintained in it, the appearance of weeds is suppressed, the likelihood of the formation of soil crust, which prevents the growth of the root system of trees and shrubs. Switching mulchplists warms faster, and all plants begin to vegetate earlier and faster.

Examples of the beneficial effects of mulching on fruit trees and shrubs can be given a lot. I can judge this by personal experience. One of the three apple trees-aloles as a result of a thorough little mulching for a year before the other bloomed and also gave the first fruits before. And one of the gooseberry bushes, no different from others, but only a well-closed, almost two years old earlier gave large and delicious berries. Even currants, which seemed already died of severity, after a good trimming and mulching with watering herbal Zhiza in the spring of next year, married and gave quite full-fledged shoots, and then berries.

In conclusion, I will give several mulch requirements that are absent in the literature and appeared only on the basis of personal experience.

FirstlyBefore mulching the soil, you must make sure that it is fine and carefully loosen at a depth of about 10 cm.

Secondly, Simultaneously with the loosening of the soil, the most malicious rhizable weeds must be removed: drinking, sick, binds, etc.

Thirdly, So that microorganisms have time to start their activities in a timely manner, mulch should be made either late in summer or early autumnWhen the Earth is still alive.

Fourthly When making a mulch, it is necessary to always strive for the diversity of its species composition and careful mixing of its various components with each other, so that it will be a more diverse and rich species composition of microorganisms involved in the formation of humus from mulch and soil.

Fifth If the mulching layer is too thick and dense, leading to the negative consequences for the soil, then such a mulch should be removed, after which it again to break, warm the soil and re-lay either a new mulcher, or the same but a thinner layer, followed by increasing it in The flow of summer season.

A. Veselov, Gardening

The soil around the plants should be mulched not only in spring and summer time, but in the fall, so that the cultures are safely overwhelmed.
Mulch, laid in autumn, overloads to the spring and contributes to the best heating of the soil, as well as rapid germination of crops. But this is just one of the advantages. autumn mulching. What is still useful to mulch?

The covering material is well kept moisture, therefore plants planted in the fall do not need watering.
Overtaking, the mulch forms an additional humus layer, feeding the plants.
A closed soil is less suffering from frosts in winter and overheating in spring.
Sheltered land is not covered with a crust after watering or rain.
Mulch protects plants from sudden temperature drops.
In the spring, less weeds grow on the vesticated soil.
Stroke the cartoon of the garden and the priority circles of plants should be late in the fall, when the upper layer of the soil is already started to moderate. It is necessary in order that rodents do not settled in the mulch, finding themselves a warm place for wintering.

It is important to understand that the desired effect of mulch can only be achieved if you do not regret the underfloor material. The mulch layer thickness should reach 5-10 cm, otherwise the mulch procedure is in vain.
All you need to know about mulch
CAUTION: Not all kinds of mulch are equally useful!
1. Mulching Korah. coniferous trees


This is one of the most durable materials for mulching. Mulch from the bark of coniferous trees is good with its decorativeness, as well as the ability to stimulate the growth of plants. Wood bark Protects the ground from sharp temperature drops. In addition, the soil after irrigations does not fit, and an earthen crust is formed on it.


Perhaps the main minus in the use of this mulching material is the complexity of its workpiece. The bore of coniferous trees before use is recommended to compose over the year. Also, this material is not recommended for mulching tomatoes.

What you can mulch the bark:

fruit trees and shrubs,
Heath and coniferous cultures
Landberry, blueberry.
2. Mulching compost


Compost - one of the most best Materials For soil mulch. It is completely safe for plants, reduces the likelihood of their infection with diseases, and is also an excellent fertilizer.


As in the case of the bark of coniferous trees, the compost must be prepared in advance. Also on a bed with a compost, more weeds can grow than on the soil covered with another mulching material.

What can be mulched by a compost:

vegetable crops planted under winter
fruit trees and berry shrubs,
What is the difference between the compost from humoring? Compost is an organic mass obtained as a result of the decomposition of plant residues, and the humus is a pumping (or rather, overwhelmed).

3. Mulching peat


Peat is most often used as a mulch in autumn. Mulching peat under the winter is especially shown on heavy soil, prone to the formation of peel. In the spring, this underfloor material contributes to the early heating of the soil, keeps moisture and improves the structure of the soil.


It is not recommended to mulch the soil fresh peat, since it has a high concentration of toxic substances that negatively affect plants. You can use for mulching only certain types of peat: transitional and nyline.

What can be mulched peat:

planting vegetables and greens under winter.
4. Mulching by humus


Soil mulch by humus - one of the most effective ways Enhance its fertility. Such a mulch is rich in the useful substances necessary for good height Plants. In particular, it satures the soil with nitrogen, which is very necessary garden and garden cultures in spring time.


Mulch from humoring can provoke the growth of weeds.

What can be mulched by humus:

Roses and hardy perennials.
5. Mulching sawdust


Sawders are excellent fertilizer for any type of soil (especially in combination with a compost). They protect the Earth from the freezing and can enrich nutrient substances Even the poorest soil.


Decaying, sawdust can "pull out" from soil nitrogen, as well as lowering her fertility. Since sawdust tightly closes the land from sunlight, in spring in top layer The soil begin to develop all sorts of bacteria.

What can be mulched with sawdust:

fruit trees,
bulbous flowers
Winter gardens cultures.
If possible, use only fresh sawdust. Those that for a long time Stored wicked with pile, can stick. Before use, they need to carefully dry.

6. Mulching wood chips


Chip can be used where the soil is rarely treated. Wood chips are perfectly stored if you contain it in a dry place. Like sawdust, chips scares slugs.


Unlike sawdust, the chips overtakes much longer (about 1 year), therefore it is often used to cover the soil, which is practically not recalled (for example, on tracks).

What can be mulched with chips:

surveral circles of trees.
7. Mulching straw


Straw enriches the soil with nutrients and increases its fertility. And since this mulching material is decomposed slowly, it provides closed cultures long-term protection and preserves heat in the soil.


The mulch of straw may contain weed seeds, as well as in it, they love to arrange their winter shelters rodents.

What can be mulched straw:

planted under winter potatoes
8. Mulching cheese


Needle - affordable Materialwhich can be collected in the forest. Over time, mixing with the soil, such a mulch will make it more loose and water permeable. For mulching landings on the site, it is best to use pine or spruce opead - they will help prevent the appearance of gray rot from the plants. The dense layer of spruce needles reliably protects the soil from freezing and drying.


Favoring needles allocate volatile substances that can adversely affect gardening and garden crops. It also increases the acidity of the soil, which is very harmful for many plants.

What can be mulching cheese:

strawberries and a fine strawberry,
Camellia and other plants preferring to acid and weakly acidic soil.
9. Mulching with dry fallen leaves


Fuling from dry leaves is a natural coating that nature suggested. The leaves are quickly decomposed and enrich the soil with nutrients. As a result, culture planted in the fall faster goes into growth in spring.


Leaf Odad can not mulch vegetable crops. In conditions of soft and raw winter foliage, it can start rotting that it provokes reproduction in the soil of fungi.

What can be mulched with fallen leaves:

fruit trees and berry shrubs.
10. Mulching of cedar shells


Mulch from cedar nut shell is not only natural, but also very durable. It perfectly retains moisture in the soil, protects the landing from weeds and looks quite decorative. In addition, a good shell of the shell stimulates the formation of useful microflora in the soil. In winter, the cedar shell does not give the soil to freeze. Everything else, such a mulching material is an excellent antiseptic.


High price. To climb even a small portion of the soil, you will have to spend pretty. Also nutshell It can attract rodents who are able to significantly damage plants in the ground.

What can be mounted for cedar shells:

perennial flowers
Decorative trees and shrubs,
Coniferous plants.

As you can see, there are quite a few options for mulch, so every gardener and gardener will be able to climb the landing before harsh in winter. You just need to choose the type of mulch, which is most preferred for you.

Fruit trees, like the rest of the cultural garden plantsneed preparation for winter. Non-novice gardeners have questions about when to bleach trunks, it is necessary to strengthen the trees for the winter than spraying to get rid of diseases. We will try to answer them in our article.

Fighting pests

First of all, well inspect the trunks of their fruit trees: if they have "winter apartments" custom tick, plum fruit, apple caterpillars and others, then you need to consider tightly paper and burn.

Those insects that plan to winter in the rolling circle will die from frost if the soil is swapped. For the prevention of diseases and pests, it is necessary to process all skeletal branches of trees with iron vitriol with a solution.

Painting trees for the winter serves as they protect against rodents and various diseases like losing and pasta. We need to beat the trunks and so that they do not overheat in the sun during the day and were not cooled at night.

Also, for the protection of trees from rodents, you can cover the trunks of the trees with Pynik and Kraft paper. How to bite the trees for the winter: cutting paper on the strip 30 cm wide and wind it on the trunk from the bottom up, after which we are tied up with a snapper (construction bag).

Mulching of priority circles

Preparation of fruit trees for the winter is also in mulching - the organization of a kind of fur coat to preserve heat in a rustic circle. First you need to break the soil to a depth of about 5 cm - loose soil less freezes. Then we lay 10-20 cm mulch. It can be peat, compost, humid, sand, sawdust. It is necessary to do this before the steady cold occurs.

When the snow falls, it is thrown into the rolling circle and is well covered - it serves as an additional heat shield.