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About company. The best and cost-effective boilers for private houses or giving heating boilers on wood waste

UTPU-MT hot water boiler is designed to generate thermal energy by direct burning in automatic mode without a high-voltage pear (AR up to 25%), wet (Wotn up to 55%) and dry (Wotn up to 10%) fuel with a maximum fraction up to 250 mm at coolant temperatures 95-75 ° C. Waste boilers use mechanized fuel feed from the fuel warehouse "Live bottom" and automated ash removal from the firebox using a screw conveyor

Automatic boilers of the UTPU-MT series burned waste:

  • Wood waste of furniture and wood processing enterprises: sawdust, chips, large garbage garbage, chipboard, boron
  • Specialized waste: Luzga, peat, rice husk, bedding litter, coal
  • Pressed biofuels: briquettes, peat, pellets, eurodrov
  • Solid household waste, plastic, MSW trash, Building waste

Benefits of boilers UTPU-MT:

  • Multiplicity, the boiler is able to burn almost any biofuel
  • The burning of high-voltage waste due to the fuel drying zone at the entrance, mechanical movement of waste along the grate grid and air supply to the furnace heated in the facing circuit
  • Exceptions of overheating in a dust area with a hydrotor due to the use of water cooling
  • Full mechanization of filing and removal of ash
  • Reliability of mechanized nodes due to their water cooling
  • Modular design: on one frame with a boiler installed fuel-feeding mechanisms with a hydraulic pusher and ancorption with an adhesive bar, a fan of the subdoscope, a control cabinet
  • Easy installation: Delivered to the prepared platform and connects to power supply, water supply and gas pump.

Technical description of waste boiler:

  • Top boiler. Container type, assembled with hydraulic fuels and gold, with a fixed grate grid, lounge for chamoten bricks with a working temperature to 1300 ° C. Provides layer combustion at a temperature of 1000 o C.
  • Heat exchanger. Removable water-tube, with technological clean hatches, for manual cleaners of the outer surface of the pipes from plaque and scale, with the possibility of installing an automatic pneumatic cleaning of an external convective surface. The pipes and the heat exchanger body are made of special boiler steel.
  • The waste boiler is equipped with a system of automation and control with shields based on Japanese microcontrollers "Omron" with the output of information on the LCD screen and sensory control. Possible preparation of a computerized workplace with archiving and GSM informing.
  • Hydraulic mechanism of fuel feed boiler. From low-alloyed steels, with water-cooled on the part side by contour, drive from hydrostating with a working pressure on the pusher, guaranteeing the flow of large, up to 250 mm fractions of various fuels in automatic mode.
  • Hydraulic system of zerolation of boilers. Water-cooled rotator strap from heat-resistant stainless steel with a hydrostating drive to move the fuel layers into the burning zone and removal of ash onto the screw conveyor. The frequency of movement is set by the program depending on the ashiness of the fuel and is regulated by automatics to maintain in the firebox of the installed temperature.

In the face of tough competition, furniture enterprises and sawmills are forced to constantly optimize their costs. One way to minimize them is the use of own wood waste for the heating of industrial premises. To this end, enterprises are installed boilers operating on woodworking waste. Consider the principle of operation of such a boiler room on the example of the most common CTU series boilers from Teploresource.

General scheme and principle of work

Immediately it should be noted that the fuel laying for heating occurs mechanically using a screw system or hydraulic pusher. It eliminates handmade fuel in the boiler. The duties of the service personnel include:

1. Control of the boiler

2. Regular fuel laying into a special bunker from which fuel is fed to the boiler.

3. Clean the ash bar. In the extended accutation, the function of mechanical expenditures of the mechanical transparencies, vbazova-acting ebellers.

The following three stages can be distinguished in the boiler.

1. Fuel drying. High-frequency supportServo-processing enterprises, therefore, fluidavity. To ensure uniform and stable burning, the sawmills are dried on a grate grid.

2. Allocation of CO. On the grateproof-sustainedness of the Overviewaephum, thanks to the presentation of a carbon monoximulum.

3. DOWNING CO. The combustion product is supplied to the Zamzhigaisthethephraperature Zone 900-950 degrees. EtoposolathetProatProcessingCompanical carbon.

Such a scheme makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the combustion and practically use the entire potential of wood chips for the heating of the room. This principle of work is the name of the layer burning on the grate of the blade. Promotes combustion efficiency is also automatic air distribution.

Security and automation systems

In order for the work of the boiler in the safest way the following protection devices are used.

1. Thermal insulation of cladding.

2. Anti-tip valves. Reset excessive steam pressure.

3. Temperature sensors at the inlet and outlet of the coolant.

4. Temperature sensor of exhaust gases.

All these elements help effectively take care of the safety of the boiler and prevent possible dangerous situations, and if necessary, use the signal and stop the operation of the unit. The combustion rate of fuel is adjustable by dosing oxygen into oxidation. The supply of materials in the furnace is carried out using a screw system or hydraulic pusher.

Advantages of using a boiler operating on sawdust

As basic advantages, it is worth noting the low cost of fuel, compared with fossil fuels, and as a result, low operating costs. The possibility of transition from one type of fuel to another (peat, sawdust, chips, etc.) with minimal changes in the boiler settings - also should be attributed to weighty advantages. Thanks to the boilers of this type, it is possible to save considerably. This is especially noticeable if you have to give big rooms. The acquisition of fuel is also not a problem, most logging and woodworking enterprises will readily get rid of several tons of waste that needs to be disposed.

Exportation, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard

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Wood waste - garbage that is formed during processing, disposal and wood use. The boiler on sawdust processes this garbage.

Charming garbage is formed:

  • While working with a timber industrial complex and wood processing plants.
  • There is low quality, tops, large bombs and breeds of deciduous type.
  • With sanitary care of plantings in parks and squares.

It is worth remembering that a huge number of enterprises does not export wood waste, and uses them as fuel. Special emphasis such organizations are made on sawdust, as they are the perfect source of fuel. Woodworking waste serves excellent raw materials for the manufacture of various building materials. Such products are actively used in almost all spheres of human activity.


There are two main classifications for which wood waste is divided. Depending on the production on which waste is formed:

  • Logging waste - separated elements of wood, which are formed during the production of logging. For example, the remains of the bark, needles and leaves.
  • The treasury of woodworking is wood waste formed as a result of woodworking production.

Based on the shape and size of particles, wood waste can be divided:

  • Skusky Waste - Visors, Rake and Shorter
  • Soft Wood Waste - Speakers and Chips are included here.

Disport, recycling and the further use of each category occurs differently. So, trash from logging in most cases is sent to secondary processing, and it is also possible to make wooden products like furniture from it, and solid fuel creates out of pieweds.

Export of wood waste

The removal of such a garbage is carried out by special organizations, which in the future send it to burning in the CHP operating on sawdust, or to the recycling plants. It is worth noting that the export, as a method of getting rid of waste of such a type of non-degenerate.

There are two reasons for it:

  • Cheapness. Because of the excess of garbage of tree origin, the cost of the market fell to a minimum. The cost depends on the specific region.
  • Transport costs. Transportation costs may be higher than the profit received from the delivery of waste.


In most cases, wooden products are burned in order to use the heat released heat for heating rooms. This is the main and rational way to dispose of the bark and other waste. For this purpose, you can take layer or vortex furnaces, dust burners, but the most successful will be the solution to use boilers on sawdust and debris from the tree. With their help, you can even create gas generators on wood waste or mini CHP, which largely will save on heating.

Mini CHP, working on sawdust and woody garbage - a heat plant, which is designed to generate thermal and electrical energy in mechanisms, no more than 25 MW.


It should be said about the advantages of mini CHP, working on wood waste and sawdust. Compared to other methods of heating, such as gas or coal, mini CHP on wood waste has a number of undeniable advantages.

Consider in more detail the main of them:

  • You can not depend on centralized heating and electricity networks. In particular, it is convenient in those areas where there is no ubiquitous electrification and gasification.
  • If the boiler house on wood waste is intended for use in production, the waste of which is the semicircle used as fuel, then it is possible to significantly reduce, and even exclude the cost of other fuel materials at all.
  • Production waste will be used, so do not have to spend money on their export and further disposal.

To all, it can be noted that reducing the cost of the purchase of energy resources will help the development of production, because such an economical source of energy will allow producing products that require significant energy costs.

Wood waste burning boilers

The basis for such a device, as a boiler room on wood waste is a boiler running woodworking. Boilers can be different, however, the general classification shares them on steam and water heating.

  1. Steam boilers on waste and sawdust, as can be understood from the name, we produce steam, resulting in steam turbines. In this way, it is possible to obtain electricity that can be used for heating and other technological needs.
  2. Water boiler is used to supply hot water or heating.

In addition, there are a number of other criteria by which classification is carried out:

  • Performance. In heat boilers, it is named steam-performance and is measured in megapascals / cm 2. At the water heated, this parameter is called "Heat performance" and is measured in megawatts. Partly, the performance of such a device as a heating boiler on sawdust depends on the type and quality of material. So, one of the characteristics is a bulk density of sawdust wood.
  • Material from which boilers are made on long-burning sawdust. In most cases, such boilers on wood waste are made of steel or cast iron.
  • Circulation of water in hot water boilers, which can be direct, natural, combined or forced.

If we talk about steam boilers, they are also divided by the temperature of these steam. Although a similar criterion can be observed at a water-type type - the maximum temperature of heated water is measured there. Here, too, can play the role of a mighty density of sawdust wood. It is also important that the formula that sets the ratio of chips, bark and sawdust was set correctly. For the manufacture of boilers on sawdust, you will need knowledge in the field of physics, small skills and schemes.

Optional equipment

Of course, for the normal functioning of the system of one boiler, it will not be enough.

To create your own mini CHP on wood waste, you will also need:

  • Fuel Storage Warehouse
  • Device transporting chips from a warehouse to the boiler
  • Ventilation system for feeding fresh air boiler and removal of combustion products
  • Temperature and leaning sensors
  • Devices cleansing from a boiler smoke from ash and slags
  • Water cleaners
  • Turbogenerator
  • A system that allows you to manage all the processes in the mini CHP.

Although it seems that there are many points quite, they are all extremely necessary to ensure that the power plant is fully safe, because It is the basis of the heating boiler with the use of waste as fuel (bark, sawdust and other woodwashers).

The heat-power plant operating on wood waste is much more environmentally friendly than its coal working on or fuel analogs, special filtration systems will reduce the contamination of the atmosphere of combustion products. This is another reason why burning wood waste with boilers is becoming increasingly popular.

Application of wood waste

The use of wood waste from bark and wood as secondary raw materials:

  • From wood waste, you can make useful wooden products, like parquet or furniture.
  • Creation of building materials for thermal insulation and fiberboard production, chipboard.
  • The remains of the crust are used in the field of pharmacology as a phytopreparation. Another way to use the residue of the cortex is the drugs for skin treatment.
  • Greens is used as fertilizer.
  • A large garbage is used in the field of paper production.
  • Small garbage, like a pinch, sawdust and bark, has established itself with an excellent fuel resource.
  • Devices for cleaning contaminated electricity products operate on sawdust.

As a rule, only large organizations are engaged in processing, minor preferred garbage disposal for landfills or recycling, in order to obtain additional income.

Non-returnable combustible waste production is always of interest as cheap fuel for industrial and household needs. During the primary woodworking (round forest sawing), there are sawdust, which are formed in considerable volumes.

Periodic export or disposal of them is poured into significant costs, and their permanent storage in the production site is fraught with sanctions of environmental and sanitary and epidemiological control bodies. The use of sawdust, taking into account their continued education, for the heating of private houses and cottages looks very attractive.

Given the specifics of fuel, it is useful to first be carefully familiar with the characteristics and features of operation. In addition, several words need to be said about the fuel.

Ensuring fuel

So, for permanent heating, the sawdust should:

  • Form in the amount necessary for heating. It makes no sense to install such a boiler with their insufficient quantity. This should pay attention first. For example, a 25 kW boiler in the heating season consumes up to 40 kg of sawdust per hour. On the other hand, the excess volume of sawdust in the warehouse is also undesirable, since their warehousing deteriorates the quality: sawdust becomes dense and raw, poorly burning with low heat transfer.
  • Get cheap. Since sawdust is usually released by the manufacturer for free, the only type of costs will be transportation costs for delivery to their home for heating. It should be borne in mind that they have low density and uncomfortable for transportation.

Consider what you will cost the delivery of fuel, and what, accordingly, there will be its price.

Requirements for fuel

The efficiency of boilers directly depends on the moisture content of sawdust. The use of dry chips and sawdust of carpentry production problems does not cause problems as fuel. The main mass of sawdust is, as noted, waste sawing shops of round forest.

Production waste sawing sawmills on belt sawmills are small (up to 0.3 mm) sawdust with humidity up to 80%. Even with constant forced air supply in the furnace, such sawtuffs burn very slowly because it takes time for their pear. An even greater problem of burning is raw, long stored sawdust, compacted in the crude dusty mass.

Burn such fuel in a specific mode:

  • A dry and raw fuel in the 3: 1 ratio should be supplied to the bracket chamber.
  • The supply of raw fuel can be started only with a set of full boiler power after ignition.
  • Constantly forcibly serve the air with a fan into the fiber chamber.


The workflow is based on the temperature decay of wood, called pyrolysis. In the mode of incidence in the gas generation chamber, pyrolysis gas is released, which burns out in the combustion chamber in conditions of forced air supply.

Are indisputable advantages are

  • High efficiency (up to 85-90%).
  • High economy (up to 8-12 hours of heating on one boiler load). Pyrolysis boilers are more economical than classical wood-having 3-5 times, and gas boilers - at 10-11 times, with approximately the same heat release.
  • Quick heating of the room (30-40 minutes) after the ignition of the boiler.
  • Simplicity and reliability of the design.
  • Low fuel consumption.
  • Low fuel cost.
  • The ability to transfer to a conventional wood boiler mode.
  • Independence of the power of raw materials. The boiler, besides sawdust, can work on the crust, chips, blesses, wood.
  • Easy to maintain and clean the boiler.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Ease of operation allows not to spend money for expensive training of boiler house.
  • Thanks to the cheapness of sawdust and high efficiency, such boilers pay off very quickly.

Options for configuration and work schemes

Consider several options for boiler equipment designed for the heating of a residential or country house.

Boiler room

The most convenient and modern is an automated water-heating installation operating on sawdust, chips, chips. In the presence of a large amount of large-scale part of the fuel, you can purchase a crushing machine for processing a large fraction in small.

Installation includes the following nodes:

  • Bunker for fuel
  • Gas generator
  • Water heating boiler (combustion chamber and heat exchanger)
  • Automatic control unit

The housing project can also provide for various options for placing the equipment: completely outside or indoors, as well as with the removal of individual nodes outward.

Description of the work process:

Speakers are discharged into the heating bunker by automotive themselves (tractor, front loader). To prevent the peeling of sawdust in the bunker there is an agitator for the periodic loosening.
According to the conveyor (ribbon or screw), they are supplied to the gas generation chamber, where in the mode of slow combustion, the thermal decomposition of fuel is occurring with the release of pyrolysis gas. Fuel supply to the conveyor and to the gas generation chamber is automatically carried out.

Pyrolysis gas coming from the gas generator to the combustion chamber, burns completely, heating water. The content in flue gases of unburned components is minimal: carbon monoxide is only up to 1%, nitrogen oxide up to 300 mg / m³. In the combustion chamber, hot air is supplied to the fan, which contributes to a deep burnout of the pyrolysis gas components.

The automation system manages the following processes:

  • Fuel supply to gas generator
  • The fan of hot air is proportional to the volume of fuel in the combustion chamber
  • The temperature of the coolant and its change
  • Fire extinguishing

Boilers on and sawdust Hargassner (Austria) are typical equipment of this level used for the heating of private houses, hotels, offices, cottages in Europe. The power of such boilers is 25 - 55 kW, heated area of \u200b\u200b200-600 square meters. m.

Domestic manufacturers

Domestic manufacturers also offer a wide selection of boilers on sawdust and pellets for the heating of individual housing and small industrial premises.

The proposed boilers are mainly pyrolysis, operating in automatic mode. Technologically combustion process is similar to the above. The only difference from imported equipment is that Russian boilers are usually not provided with automatic fuel supply lines.

Automation Adjusts the fan operation of the fan for a stable set temperature of the coolant, which is set to control blocks. With a planned or emergency shutdown of the fan, the boiler continues to operate at low power. The layout laying, chips and other wood waste flashes in them for 4-12 hours, depending on the selected burning mode.

Long burning mine boilers

Special attention deserves the mining boilers of long burning (Boilers Holmov). These are pyrolysis boilers of a special design. The constructive advantage of them is that the fuel layered in a special mine partially dries out, which allows the use of high humidity for heating.

  • The automation (controller) controls the combustion process, a given temperature of the coolant and the operation of the centrifugal pump.
  • The security system is provided by the boiler emergency cooling circuit and the safety valve.
  • The boiler service takes a few minutes 1-2 times a day.
  • The use of such boilers allows you to damn cottages and small production with an area of \u200b\u200b60 -250 square meters. m.

Own structures

The designs of such boilers, offers in the network a lot of homegrown "self-timer". Without focuses on creative innovations in advertised devices, we note that such equipment cannot be reliable and durable, in principle.

Materials from which it is manufactured, most often do not meet the conditions of operation, the designs themselves are primitive, they do not have the most elementary automatic control and security system. At the same time, a fully equipped factory boiler on sawdust or pellets with a capacity of 20 kW, with a guarantee that can dump a cottage or a country house, costs only about 40 -50 thousand rubles. Agree, this is not the amount, saving which you can risk your own health and housing.

Boilers working in sawdust and other woodworking waste today are the most economically justified equipment for the heating of private houses. When deciding on the choice of such equipment, special attention should be paid to the presence of the required amount of fuel responsible for humidity. If it is supposed to burn the sawdust with humidity of more than 55-60%, then they must be no more than 20-25% of the material being loaded into the furnace. The main fuel should be wood waste with humidity up to 20%.

Due to the constant increase in energy prices, many consumers are looking for a way to save on heat sources for their own.

Affordable and inexpensive raw materials for heating rooms are used - ordinary wood sawdust.

One problem: For heating, with sawdust in the house you need to install a special heating boiler, which is capable of this type of fuel productively recycle.

Consider the characteristics of several different heating boilers.

Boilers Liepsnele.

Among the products of this brand distinguish those that work:

  • on firewood and wood waste. There are the following power points: L10, L20, L40 - from 10 to 40 kilowatts;
  • both on wood waste and at peat, coal and. Marking U- indicates universal. L7U, L10U, L20U, L40U, power - 10-40 kW.

The duration of the burning of Lipsenele is 22-26 hours, subject to laying in the furnace of the fold or other wood garbage of small size. When combustion, almost 100% of the processing of combustion products occurs, which meets environmental requirements.

In addition, the ability of "Lipsnele" to process wood waste into heat energy removes issues of utilization of woodworking enterprises.

High burning duration is caused by the technical features of the boiler structure: the thermal impact on the raw material is carried out not from the bottom, as is usually accepted, and from above, which allows you to extend the process to a maximum.

Manufacturer - Liepsnele.

Consider the characteristics on the example of L10U:

It should be noted that the permissible moisture content of the used raw materials is 15-30%. With a higher humidity, the heating furnace will not be able to highlight sufficient heat to heat the house. The price of the L-10U model will range from 60 to 66 thousand rubles.

Boiler Unica Sensor with a capacity of 10-60 kilowatt

The manufacturer is the company "Moderator LLC, Poland.

"Moderator" is adapted for burning for the purpose of heating the indoors of the chips, a crust, sawdust, other small christmas trash. Coal can be applied for heating, but you cannot use cardboard, plastic waste or plastic.

In addition to the heating, the "moderator" means the function of high-quality water heating.

Like "Lipsnele", the "moderator" works in the upper combustion system, which ensures.

The main condition for good heating of the room: the humidity of the raw materials used for heating should not exceed 30%. In addition, excessively wet fuel lowers the efficiency and reduces the life of the boiler.

Technical characteristics of the "Moderator of the Unicaus Sensor" with a capacity of 10 kW:

The cost of the "moderator" with a capacity of 10 kW from 54 to 60 thousand rubles.

Mine boiler for long burning "YIK" brand KS-Sh-25

Manufacturer - OJSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant".

"YIK" is easy to maintain and unpretentious boiler, heating the room by burning bulk materials: pinch, sawdust, chips, sunflower husk.

A distinctive feature of the "Yaika" is the presence of a chamber for the survival of the generated gases, which is why the combustion time of one fuel batch increases. The boiler is controlled by a microprocessor regulator, which optimizes the combustion process as optimizes.


The price of "Yaika" from 90 to 94 thousand rubles.

Attention: Each of the above boilers requires the use of chimney.

It is a pity that the choice of waste boilers for home use in the Russian markets is very small. Similar heating machines, provided prices available, could not only make it easier to accommodate people in the outback, but also reduce the unjustified consumption of such a valuable resource like wood.