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Water strawberry after harvest. How to care for strawberries after harvesting? Conditions of successful growing strawberries

To collect a generous harvest of berries, it is necessary to organize competent care for strawberries during flowering and in fruiting, as well as after its collection. Gardeners often neglect the elementary rules of cultivation, and eventually collect very few berries.

When growing berries it is important to remember that the sockets that have been fruitful for three years in a row should be removed. The fact is that after a three-year-old age, the berries certainly begin to be fine, and the crop becomes very scarce. In addition, over the years, strawberries becomes susceptible to various diseases.

If the goal is to collect as much as possible berries, then the mustache that give out rosettes should be trimmed. If this is not done, the strawberry yield will be low.

If you need to get a seating material, then young sockets are taken only from annual bushes, which have 5-7 well-developed leaflets.

Many gardeners grow strawberries with a seaside in the greenhouses. For breeding a berry through seedlings, work is beginning in February.

And finally, the main rule - when growing this berry, it is important to comply with the correct landing schemes, and not reduce the distance between the bushes in order to save the area area.

Then the yields of berries will be high.

Of course, it is very important to comply with the agricultural enterprise growing plants so that the outlets gave as much berries as possible.

During flowering

When flowering, you need to surround the strawberry care to get more fragrant, large berries. During flowering, the sockets spend all the forces to pasture the buds and ripening berries. Therefore, it is important at this point to make the necessary meals. Caring for strawberries in spring is, first of all, watering and necessarily feeding.

This berry needs to make nutrient compositions three times during the season - at the beginning of growth, then during flowering period, and then after harvesting. The most important feeder for sockets is when blooming. It is recommended to bring complex mineral compositions.

Mineral mixtures are entered only once!

During flowering, the strawberries fertilize and with the help of extractive feeding. To do this, it is best to use boric acid, 1 g of which is divorced in 10 liters of water. Buckets are simply sprayed. This contributes to increasing the number of stocks.

During flowering, it is important to contain a plot clean. Strawberry does not like the neighborhood of weeds. It is also necessary after each watering to explode soil so that the air is easy to go to the roots. Watering the berries should be abundant, not allowing so that the soil sat down completely.

During fruiting

Mandatory watering during maturation and collection of berries. Optimal water consumption - 2-3 buckets per square. The sockets in the period of fruiting consume a lot of moisture consume, so it is impossible to allow soil drying in any case.

It is necessary to follow that strawberries do not get sick. It is possible to understand that the plant is sick by its leaves. During the ripening period should not be applied chemistry. Pretty sore instances remove from the site, digging down with the root.

When the berries are growing, it is desirable to mulch the landing site so that the fruits do not lie on the crude ground. For this, many use a straw, because it is not for nothing that the strawberry is called the "straw berry". Playing berries are sure to be removed so that the rot does not spread to healthy fruits.

During fruiting, it is very good to bother with a strawberry with a cow. For the preparation of the nutrient solution, the part of the cowber is diluted in 5 parts of the water, the solution insists for a week. Then the finished solution is bred 1:10 with water and poured each outlet. The main thing is that fertilizer does not fall into berries.

After harvest

Caring for strawberries After harvesting is to prepare landings for the winter and resetting the bushes. Plants, by giving berries, become very weakened, and therefore they should be unscrewed, make feeding, and also cut.

Caring for a berry after harvest is, first of all, abundant, but not frequent watering. You need to shedding the bushes very well, so that the earthen comes deep around the roots became wet.

Also bushes need nutrients. In August or in September, chicken litter or horse manure close up in the bed. You can use the infusion of a cow. Mineral mixtures are useful, but in very small quantities.

Feed the outlets after collecting only once - it will be enough for the berries faster to restore the strength and went to wintering.

Also at the end of the season and in the fall, you certainly need to remove all the dried leaves and trim the mustache. If it is planned to expand landings, then all mustache are cut. If you leave a mustache on sockets, they will weaken the bush, and the crop will decrease. In addition, young sockets are very thickening landing.

After the collection, preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of diseases and the appearance of pests on the beds. You can treat bushes with a special preparation, such as "Nitrophen". If the strawberry will be amazed by flourous dew, which happens often, it should be treated with additionally to the preparation "Topaz".

At the end of the season, Kostiki is once again sprayed, for example, "carbofos" to prevent the appearance of insects.

How to prepare strawberries to winter

When preparing landings to wintering, in addition to abundant irrigation and preventive measures and trimming, each bush should be mounted to protect against frost. Do it in the fall. Of course, the best shelter for winter sockets is snow. But if there is a slight snowy winter, then plants can just die. Therefore, additionally, the beds are covered with special artificial materials or natural components.

Excellent shelter is a needle. The needles does not wet. And there are no mice in it. You can also cover the garden on top of straw, sawdust or fallen foliage. If the strawberry for the winter will be hidden by artificial material, such as spunbond, then it must be laid on the arc. The fact is that when placing plants with artificial material, they can freeze.

Start events on the shelter of strawberries with the first frosts. Such a later shelter helps strawberries to harm, and then it easier to suffer minus temperatures in winter.

Secrets how to get a good harvest

For a long time on its site, take a good harvest of berries, first of all, you need to plant several different varieties with different maturity times. Experienced gardeners planted up to 6 varieties of strawberry of different times. There are both universal varieties that are fruit throughout the summer or give a crop twice per season.

Strawberry loves moisture, so mulching helps not only grow clean berries, but also keep the land around the roots wet for a long time. Excellent mulch is a needle that also scares insect pests.

Young bushes should remove buds to give them the opportunity to build a strong root system and grow up.

Features of care depending on the grade of strawberries

The cultivation of strawberries is painstaking work, and when growing different varieties there are its own rules for care.

Thus, the care of the repair strawberry is somewhat different from the care of other varieties, and the main difference in making feeding.

So that the removal varieties are fruitful constantly, they should be very often feeding. Moreover, the feeding begin to make only after collecting the first berries. The next feeding is carried out after the appearance of new color lines and so on.

In addition, leaves from repairing varieties after fruiting are not cleaned. Remove only patients of the plant.

It is also necessary to take into account if you decide to grow strawberry continuous fruiting that in three years the bushes will have to be thrown away. Planting such varieties should be updated every three years, otherwise the volume of the crop will decrease sharply.

When growing any variety, it is worth considering that strawberry does not tolerate moisture. Therefore, if in the warm time it requires abundant watering, with the onset of the first cooling number of moisture should be drastically reduced. In winter, the strawberry does not make extra moisture.

In the cold regions, such varieties are planted in the spring so that they manage to root, and in the winter is covered with agrofiber. When growing in the greenhouse, repairing varieties are better to plant in autumn. In the warm regions, planting strawberries is preferable at the autumn time of the year.

When to trim the strawberry or care for her after harvesting

Under the term "mowing of leaves" means a number of events on a replicating bed of the first year strawberries.

An unambiguous answer to the questions - why and when to trim the strawberries - no. The opinions of gardeners on this score are different.

Someone - for, someone is categorically against. Why do it, if it seems it is known that foliage feeds the root, they say, the more foliage, the stronger the bush? Yes, it is, of course, correctly.

But ... Assemmed the harvest - prepare for the next! It sounds like a slogan for gardener gardener.

So, care for strawberries after harvest is the preparation of a plantation for the crop of next year. A trimming of strawberry leaves, one of their stages of this care.

We all love this berry. In the spring, much strength and time is spent on leaving the flowering, during it, during the formation, ripening of berries. We want the strawberry berries to be more, they were larger, juicy, tastier.

So, just after harvesting, you need to make every effort to improve, increase it next year. Strawberry It is after harvesting that needs special care. This is the most responsible time for her and for us.

Why crop mustache

Surely, you already noticed that strawberries (strawberries) gives a lot of mustache. Of course, it depends on the variety. Some varieties form a lot of mustache, some little, and some can be at all insane.

Collected all berries - carefully inspect the entire plantation. It is necessary to undermine the beds of garden strawberries, rinse them from weeds, remove the mustache.

The mustache requires a strawberry for breeding. If you do not want to get new sockets, new plants for breeding, then it is necessary immediately after the appearance of them.

Usually on one bush several mustache, we collect them in one bundle and cutting as close as possible to the base of the bush. By the way, this procedure for circumcision must be repeated more than once per season. If we start, do not do it on time, then all the forces of the plant will spend on the growth of mustache, sockets - the future crop will get less, there will be less floral kidney, and therefore the berries will be less, they will be smaller.

All unnecessary harvest must be cut.

In addition, it is necessary that the strawberry is not thickened, as it is harder to care for thickened landings.

When you need to feed, fertilize

Some gardeners come incorrectly, imperatively feeding strawberries before harvesting. This leads to the fact that it is very amazed by gray rot, it is, firstly. Secondly, the berries although they become large, but they are watery, less sweet, have a shorter collection period.

Early spring before flowering, we carry out feeding with nitrogen fertilizers. But, remember, the main application of fertilizers should be after harvesting. This is a complete mineral fertilizer and organic. Many are brought under the strawberry manure. This, of course, is good - manure not only feeds the plants, but also cares for the root system of strawberries.

Dipping strawberries

The fact is that strawberries - a berry plant - a perennial. Over time, it is increasing the air root system and begins, as it were, to write out of the ground. We are forced annually, especially after 3-4 years of cultivation in one place, pouring a mulch, ground, compost, overwhelmed, covering the roots of strawberries into aisle. Mulching, emphasis helps well develop roots.

Causes, timing of cutting leaves

Bookmark of fruit kidneys in strawberries (Sadovaya strawberries) takes place in June (Krasnodar region) - July (middle lane) after harvesting. Here by this time it is necessary to wind up the first trimming of the mustache, leaves.

The fact is that the leaf of strawberries lives only 60-70 days - 2-2.5 months. And after that, various spots appear on the leaves - whites, rusty, red. These are signs of aging of leaves, the development of various diseases on them.

That is, trim the leaves in strawberries (strawberries) need to protect the future harvest from diseases.

Cut the leaves or mustache by a secateur or scissors. Tools must be sharp.

Do not break them with your hands - so you can damage the root system. The plant instead of increasing the leaf mass will restore its forces for a long time.

The process of producing chlorophyll in 2-2.5 months after harvesting berries is suspended - even in healthy plants, the leaves can redden.


the reddened leaves should be removed, so as not to give the pests remaining on them calmly. Plantation Treat preparations from pests.

There is a danger that young leaves after trimming will not have time to grow - barred bushes may not survive a frosty winter.

So, in a month and a half after the collection of recent berries, we examine the plantation of strawberries (gardening garden) and remove all the leaves with specks, holes, without forgetting to remove the flowerons. We only leave young leaves.

When do it?

In the middle lane - the first half of August. I will not say the exact date - this is not so important. The most important thing is to calculate the deadlines so that in winter your strawberry left with the already grown young leaves.

How to carry out strawberries if plants are amazed by diseases pests

In the event that the bush or strawberry bushes are amazed by the strawberry tick, in the leaves there are strong spottedness, it is necessary to remove all the leaves, even young.

Crop the leaves with signs of diseases should be as close as possible to the base of the bush, as the controversy of diseases can be saved on the cutters. Try not to affect when trimming the heart of the bush - the plant will be able to recover faster.

Making such a trimming, you will not harm the bustle, as the strawberry is very quickly increasing the green mass. Cutting the old leaves, you will immediately see where it is possible to undermine the earth, where we need to remove weeds.

Of course, removing all the leaves from strawberries, you do not remove all pests, illness. They will remain on the leaf penets, the earth.

Simply, such a bed is easier to treat drugs from diseases and pests. Such processing is more efficient.

Now you can feed the "peeling" bed.

At this time, as I have already said, fruit kidneys are laid - the basis of the future harvest, so do not forget to periodically water your strawberry. BUT

if there is no rain, maintain the soil in the wet state.

Facing, watering at this time is mandatory. It was at this time that the strawberries will increase the leaf mass, which in the winter covered with snow, will protect the root system from freezing.

That is, than with a large number of foliage, your bushes will go to winter, the better they will fall, the greater the crop you get.

If during the harvest period you noticed the berries affected by gray rot - after cleaning the last berries, treat the entire plantation by any fungicide - it can be a burglar liquid, a preparation toopaz or chorus.

Is it possible to mock all the leaves of strawberries

Under the term "mowing of leaves" means a number of events on a replicating bed of the first year strawberries. Some gardeners word "mowing" are perceived so literally that they are going to bed with oblique and even with a lawn mower, and not in July, but in August, and ignore all other techniques. The results of such mowing of the leaves are always deplorable.

In fact, this most important stage in the care of strawberries includes not only the removal of leaves, but still loosening, treatment of pests and diseases, the removal of the mustache, the plants behind the plants and the preparation of seedlings for a new bed.

Not so long ago, passing along his country street, I saw that the familiar would stick the leaves of strawberries oblique. They have a big berry plot - several acres - without braids, as they consider not to do. At first I decided that they thus decided to get rid of the old strawberries, they say, it's time to lay a new plantation. But it turned out that everything is wrong. The owner of the cottage said they would stick the leaves from strawberries every year of the week three or four after the removal of the last harvest. And this year some circumstances prevented them to do this in time and they mowed in mid-August. Vintage strawberries, according to them, they have a good all the time, she is less ill.

If you have a big plantation and she is over 3-4 years old, then you can follow the example of my acquaintances.

There is another reason for the complete cutting of the leaves of strawberries oblique or the secateur (scissors) is a strong damage to planting diseases and pests. After complete cutting (mowing) of the leaves, the plantation should be treated with any fungicide or a pest preparation. Be sure to adopt your strawberry - help her to increase the leaf mass faster.

Starting on young healthy fittings, strawberries do not need, it depletes the bushes and you deprive themselves harvest.

How to care for strawberry beds after trimming or mowing

I repeat a little, but it is very important.

Spread the land around bush.

Remove weeds.

Treat plantation from diseases and pests.

Adjust the mineral and organic fertilizers.

Water regularly, if during this period there are no rains.

It is very important that the land on the garden was all the time wet - it is very important for the growing of young foliage.

That's all simple rules. Now you know how and when to trim the strawberry (garden strawberries). Good harvest next year you are secured!

An unambiguous answer to the questions - why and when to trim the strawberries after harvesting - no. The opinions of gardeners on this score are different. Someone - for, someone is categorically against. Why crop leaves? Why do it, if it seems it is known that foliage feeds the root? They say, the more foliage, the stronger the bush yes, it is, of course, right. But ... Assemmed the harvest - prepare for the next! It sounds like a slogan for gardener gardener. So, to process it after harvesting is the preparation of a plantation for the new season. A trimming of strawberry leaves, one of their stages of this care.

We all love this berry. In the spring, a lot of strength is spent on the care of strawberries before and during flowering, during the formation period, ripening berries. We want strawberries to be more. So that they were larger, juicy, tastier. So, just after harvesting, you need to make every effort to improve, increase it next year. Strawberry It is after harvesting that needs special care. This is the most responsible time for her and for us.

Why crop mustache at strawberries

Surely, you already noticed that strawberries (strawberries) gives a lot of mustache. Of course, it depends on the variety. Some varieties form a lot of mustache, some kind of little, even can be at all insane.

Collected all berries - carefully inspect the entire plantation. It is necessary to undermine the beds of garden strawberries, rinse them from weeds, remove the mustache.

The mustache requires a strawberry for breeding. If you do not want to get young sockets, new plants for breeding, then it is necessary immediately after the appearance of them.

Usually on one bush several mustache. We collect them in one bundle and cutting as close as possible to the base of the bush. By the way, this procedure for circumcision must be repeated more than once per season. If we start, do not do it on time, then all the forces will spend the plant on the growth of mustache, sockets and future crop will get less. Strawberries will lay down less floral kidney, which means there will be no berries, they will become smaller.

All unnecessary harvest must be cut.

In addition, it is necessary that the strawberry is not thickened, as it is harder to care for thickened landings.

When you need to feed, fertilize

Some gardeners come incorrectly, imperatively feeding strawberries before harvesting. This leads to the fact that it is very amazed by gray rot, it is, firstly. Secondly, the berries although they become large, but they are watery, less sweet, have a shorter collection period.

Early spring before flowering, we spend nitrogen fertilizers. But, remember, the main application of fertilizers should be after harvesting. This is a complete mineral fertilizer and organic. Many are brought under the strawberry manure. This, of course, is good - manure not only feeds the plants, but also cares for the root system of strawberries.

Dipping strawberries

The fact is that strawberries - a berry plant - a perennial. Over time, it is increasing the air root system and begins, as it were, to write out of the ground. We are forced annually, especially after 3-4 years of cultivation in one place, pouring a mulch, ground, compost, overwhelmed, covering the roots of strawberries into aisle. Mulching helps to develop well roots.

Causes, timing of cutting leaves

Bookmark of fruit kidneys in strawberries (Sadovaya strawberries) takes place in June (Krasnodar region) - July (middle lane) after harvesting. Here by this time it is necessary to wind up the first trimming of the mustache, leaves.

The fact is that the leaf of strawberries lives only 60-70 days - 2-2.5 months. And after that, various spots appear on the leaves - whites, rusty, red. These are signs of aging of leaves, the development of various diseases on them.

That is, trim the leaves in strawberries (strawberries) need to protect the future harvest from diseases.

Cut the leaves or mustache by a secateur or scissors. Tools must be sharp. Do not break them with your hands - so you can damage the root system. The plant instead of increasing the leaf mass will restore its forces for a long time.

The process of producing chlorophyll in 2-2.5 months after harvesting berries is suspended - even in healthy plants, the leaves can redden.

Tip: Red-free leaves should be removed, so as not to give the remaining pests to calmly overwhelm. Plantation Treat preparations from pests. Only to do it was needed much earlier: the picture was made in the month of September. There is a danger that young leaves after trimming will not have time to grow - barred bushes may not survive a frosty winter.

So, in a month-one and a half after harvesting berries, we examine the plantation of strawberries (soda strawberries) and remove all the leaves with spots, holes, not forgetting to cut the flowerons. We only leave young leaves.

When do it? In Kuban, this end of June-beginning of July, in the middle lane - the first half of August. I will not say the exact date - this is not so important. The most important thing is to calculate the deadlines so that in winter your strawberry left with the already grown young leaves.

How to carry out strawberries if plants are amazed by diseases pests

In the event that strawberry bushes are amazed by tick, there are strong spottedness on the leaves, it is necessary to remove all the leaves, even young. Crop the leaves with signs of diseases should be as close as possible to the base of the bush, as the controversy of diseases can be saved on the cutters. Try not to affect when trimming the heart of the bush - the plant will be able to recover faster. Making such a trimming, you will not harm the bustle, as the strawberry is very quickly increasing the green mass. Cutting the old leaves, you will immediately see where it is possible to undermine the earth, where we need to remove weeds.

Of course, removing all the leaves from strawberries, you do not get rid of all pests and diseases. They will remain on the leaf penets, the earth. Simply, such a bed is easier to treat drugs from diseases and pests. Such processing is more efficient.

Now you can feed the "peeling" bed. At this time, as I have already said, fruit kidneys are laid - the basis of the future harvest, so do not forget to periodically water your strawberry. And if there is no rain, keep the soil in a wet state.

Feeding, at this time is mandatory. It was at this time that the strawberries will increase the leaf mass, which in the winter covered with snow, will protect the root system from freezing. That is, than with a large number of foliage, your bushes will go to winter, the better they pumpim. And from this and the crop will increase.

If during the harvest period you noticed berries affected by gray rot, then after the end of the fruiting strawberries need a processing. Treat the entire plantation by any fungicide - it may be a preparation toopaz or chorus.

Is it possible to mock all the leaves of strawberries

Not so long ago, passing along his country street, I saw that the familiar would stick the leaves of strawberries oblique. They have a big berry plot - several acres - without braids, as they consider not to do. At first I thought that they thus decided to get rid of old strawberries, they say, it's time to lay new plantation. But it turned out that everything is wrong. The owner of the cottage said they would stick the leaves from strawberries every year of the week three or four after the removal of the last harvest. And this year some circumstances prevented them to do this in time and they mowed in mid-August. Vintage strawberries, according to them, they have a good all the time, she is less ill.

If you have a big plantation and it is over 3-4 years old, then you can follow the example of my acquaintances.

There is another reason for the complete cutting of the leaves of strawberries oblique or the secateur (scissors) is a strong damage to planting diseases and pests. After complete cutting (mowing) of the leaves, the plantation should be treated with any fungicide or a pest preparation. Be sure to adopt your strawberry - help her to increase the leaf mass faster.

Starting on young healthy fittings, strawberries do not need, it depletes the bushes and you deprive themselves harvest.

How to care what to process strawberry beds after trimming or mowing

I repeat a little, but it is very important.

  • Spread the land around bush.
  • Remove weeds.
  • Treat plantation from diseases and pests.
  • Adjust the mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Water regularly, if during this period there are no rains.
  • It is very important that the land on the garden to be all the time is wet - it is necessary for the rustling of young foliage.

That's all simple rules. Now you know how and when to trim the strawberry (garden strawberries) after harvesting, than it must be processed. Good harvest next year you are secured!

After fruiting, strawberry plants remain active for a long time - it is during this period that the harvest of next year is laid. If the care for strawberries after harvesting will be thorough and full, then the next year you can feel the harvest increase to 30%. Respubordants who received additional food buns will give more delicious, juicy, sweet berries. Care for strawberry garden (strawberry) after fruiting all summer moves in July and August.

Strawberry care in July after harvest

In July after fruiting, it is necessary to carry out the trimming of the mustache, remove the dry foliage, rinse the beds, feed the plants, pour and produce a dip. It is not necessary to cut the whole strawberry foliage or scream in July. It is required to remove only unnecessary leaves and mustache. But if they found nematode on strawberries, bushes without regret should be dug and destroy. From the strawberry tick will save spraying. Timely feeding and watering will help plants and restore forces, and stock new.

Strawberry trimming after harvest

Immediately after harvesting, we advise you to make a weeding bed, removing all weeds. At the same time, you can remove part of the mustache, especially those who come beyond the beds, as well as cut all the filter and beginners to blush leaf plates.

Cut leaves advise how to burn as soon as possible. You do not need them into compost, and you should not make a layer of mulch or underfloor material from them. There may be diseases or pests on leaves.

Immediately after removing all unnecessary more leaflers, it is necessary to get rid of the old mulch layer if it was. Next, you can proceed to looser, watering and making fertilizer.

How to trim the strawberry

It is possible to remove the leaflets, combing them with robbles, steaming or cutting with a garden knife or scissors. Climbing sheets ultimately do not advise: pulling behind the sheet, you can pull the bush or part of it, violating the root system. The damaged bush will be recovered for a long time, root, and the harvest for the future season will decrease.

The most optimal option for those who have small areas, it is to remove unnecessary sheet plates with sharp garden scissors either by the secateur. You can make leaflets, but try not to damage the sockets and a healthy leaf mass.

Strawberry processing after harvest

When working with strawberry garden, I advise you to pay attention to the leaflets more often. If you notice that some became corrugated, then most likely they attacked them strawberry tick . When it is detected, the plants need to be treated with any permitted acaricidal (anti-heaven) drugs, strictly following instructions on the package.

Sometimes the central leaves in the plant of strawberries suddenly begin to shrust, their petioles are noticeably thicken, become shorter. Means it is only one thing - the bushes struck nematode . It's hard to get rid of it, it is much easier to remove bushes from the site, and the soil where they grew, shed steep boiling water.

Strawberry loosening after harvest

To froze, try only to break, I do not advise you to climb close to the bushes so as not to damage the root system. In the aisle, the tip of the hoe can be plugged at 7-8 cm, it is quite enough. After the loosening of the rods, it is possible to dip bushes with fresh soil 2 cm.

Try first of all to voyage those bushes in which the root system for some reason is cable (usually in plants of 2-3 years old), while the soil should not fall into the center of the bush.

Strawberry feeding after harvest

In July, a mixture of complex and mineral fertilizers is successfully used for feeding. Consumption rate: 20-25 g per 1 m². When using nitroammofoski, it is scattered over the surface of the soil, both in dry and dissolved form.

How to make fertilizers under the strawberries

Dry mineral fertilizers under the strawberry need to be made in a certain order:

  1. break the soil
  2. half - Water bucket by 1 m²,
  3. scatter on the surface of the fertilizer
  4. purchase from above dry soil.

Also, dry mineral fertilizers can be dissolved in water (0.5 art. L. Per 1 liter of water) and pour them with the soil under the bushes of the earthy, spending 2-3 l per 1 m² of soil.


It is impossible under the strawberry garden to make fertilizers with chlorine content, for example, potassium chloride. The chlorine worker reacts very badly: they can have a slowdown in growth or deterioration of fruiting.

Photo: Phosphorus-potash water soluble fertilizer monochalphosphate for feeding fruit and berry and other crops

Strawberry feeding after harvesting chicken litter

In July, you can enrich strawberries and organic. Closer to the end of the month, it is permissible to bother with a strawberry chicken litter, divorced 15 times with water. A chicken litter dissolved in water can be exclusively under the plants, it is impossible to enter the foliage - it can cause severe burns.

In general, watering and making fertilizers, try to produce in the evening or early in the morning.

Watering strawberries after harvesting

Watering combined with feeders. 2-3 days after feeding, if there is no rain, you can pour strawberries again, throwing out 2 buckets per 1 m² and climb the surface with a 4-hole layer in 2-3 cm. The humus affects the soil very good: it prevents the formation of peel, does not evaporate moisture, slows down the growth of weed plants and improves the structure of the soil substrate.

How often water strawberry

Throughout the season and before it is completed, on the strawberry plantation the soil must be maintained in a slightly wet state, not letting the earthen of the earth. Watering should be carried out in accordance with the weather outside the window. If it is cool, it rains, then there is no need to water the plants. If dry and hot, then we are needed and no less often 1 time per week.

1 m² of strawberry beds are spent on 2 buckets of water. When watering, it is desirable to use the water weighing the day, which the sun warms up to room temperature.

Drip watering strawberries do it yourself

The perfect irrigation option is drip irrigation: and water saves, and precious time. The optimal solution of drip irrigation for giving with their own hands is the installation of a tank under the roof roofs. Put it on a slight elevation and take a few drops from it directly to the beds. To inside the leaves or a large garbage from the roof, which is capable of scoring the holes of the droppers, the surface of the tank should be covered with a plastic mesh with the finest holes. Water will pass through the holes, and the garbage and leaves are not.

Strawberry care after harvest in August

The second stage of care for the strawberry garden after fruiting falls on August. At this time, you need to continue the removal of dry foliage, watering, feeding, the removal of the mustache. It is also time to begin the preparation of plants to the winter period.

Strawberry trimming in August

In August, it is necessary to trim on the strawberry all the dried and beginners to blush leaves. First of all, pay attention to early varieties, then go to the secondary and finally cut the leaves from late varieties.

Strawberry processing in August

In August, prophylactic treatments against mushroom infection (fungicides) and a tick (acaricidal drugs) can be made. Use only permitted preparations, the list of which is updated annually.

To combat infection, it is possible to use 1% solution and copper sulfate. It will prevent the appearance on the plants of Rotina and Spotted.

Standard strawberry in August

To increase the immunity and winter resistance of plants in August, some feeding can be repeated. I do not recommend using nitrogen fertilizers in August, excessive growth activity at the autumn duration of the strawberry.

A potassium salt solution can be used (1 tsp by 1 m²) and a solution of superphosphate in the same volume. Superphosphate in cold water dissolves not very well, therefore it is better to use water heated to 35-40 ° C.

Watering strawberries in August

In about the middle of the month, it is possible to braid the soil on the strawberry bed, to pour it at the rate of 1.5 buckets per 1 m² and climb the surface with a humid layer 2-3 cm. For a month, it is also worth remembering about additional irrigation, one cannot allow long and strong soil drying .

Strawberry Shelter for Winter

At the end of the month I advise you to start prepare for the winter period. For these purposes, you need to stockpure material, such as straw or buy a nonwoven underlining spanbond type material.

Under the term "mowing of leaves" means a number of events on a replicating bed of the first year strawberries.

An unambiguous answer to the questions - why and when to trim the strawberries - no. The opinions of gardeners on this score are different.

Someone - for, someone is categorically against. Why do it, if it seems it is known that foliage feeds the root, they say, the more foliage, the stronger the bush? Yes, it is, of course, correctly.

But ... Assemmed the harvest - prepare for the next! It sounds like a slogan for gardener gardener.

So, care for strawberries after harvest is the preparation of a plantation for the crop of next year. A trimming of strawberry leaves, one of their stages of this care.

We all love this berry. In the spring, much strength and time is spent on leaving the flowering, during it, during the formation, ripening of berries. We want the strawberry berries to be more, they were larger, juicy, tastier.

So, just after harvesting, you need to make every effort to improve, increase it next year. Strawberry It is after harvesting that needs special care. This is the most responsible time for her and for us.

Why crop mustache

Surely, you already noticed that strawberries (strawberries) gives a lot of mustache. Of course, it depends on the variety. Some varieties form a lot of mustache, some little, and some can be at all insane.

Collected all berries - carefully inspect the entire plantation. It is necessary to undermine the beds of garden strawberries, rinse them from weeds, remove the mustache.

The mustache requires a strawberry for breeding. If you do not want to get new sockets, new plants for breeding, then it is necessary immediately after the appearance of them.

Usually on one bush several mustache, we collect them in one bundle and cutting as close as possible to the base of the bush. By the way, this procedure for circumcision must be repeated more than once per season. If we start, do not do it on time, then all the forces of the plant will spend on the growth of mustache, sockets - the future crop will get less, there will be less floral kidney, and therefore the berries will be less, they will be smaller.

All unnecessary harvest must be cut.

In addition, it is necessary that the strawberry is not thickened, as it is harder to care for thickened landings.

When you need to feed, fertilize

Some gardeners come incorrectly, imperatively feeding strawberries before harvesting. This leads to the fact that it is very amazed by gray rot, it is, firstly. Secondly, the berries although they become large, but they are watery, less sweet, have a shorter collection period.

Early spring before flowering, we carry out feeding with nitrogen fertilizers. But, remember, the main application of fertilizers should be after harvesting. This is a complete mineral fertilizer and organic. Many are brought under the strawberry manure. This, of course, is good - manure not only feeds the plants, but also cares for the root system of strawberries.

Dipping strawberries

The fact is that strawberries - a berry plant - a perennial. Over time, it is increasing the air root system and begins, as it were, to write out of the ground. We are forced annually, especially after 3-4 years of cultivation in one place, pouring a mulch, ground, compost, overwhelmed, covering the roots of strawberries into aisle. Mulching, emphasis helps well develop roots.

Causes, timing of cutting leaves

Bookmark of fruit kidneys in strawberries (Sadovaya strawberries) takes place in June (Krasnodar region) - July (middle lane) after harvesting. Here by this time it is necessary to wind up the first trimming of the mustache, leaves.

The fact is that the leaf of strawberries lives only 60-70 days - 2-2.5 months. And after that, various spots appear on the leaves - whites, rusty, red. These are signs of aging of leaves, the development of various diseases on them.

That is, trim the leaves in strawberries (strawberries) need to protect the future harvest from diseases.

Cut the leaves or mustache by a secateur or scissors. Tools must be sharp.

Do not break them with your hands - so you can damage the root system. The plant instead of increasing the leaf mass will restore its forces for a long time.

The process of producing chlorophyll in 2-2.5 months after harvesting berries is suspended - even in healthy plants, the leaves can redden.


the reddened leaves should be removed, so as not to give the pests remaining on them calmly. Plantation Treat preparations from pests.

There is a danger that young leaves after trimming will not have time to grow - barred bushes may not survive a frosty winter.

So, in a month and a half after the collection of recent berries, we examine the plantation of strawberries (gardening garden) and remove all the leaves with specks, holes, without forgetting to remove the flowerons. We only leave young leaves.

When do it?

In the middle lane - the first half of August. I will not say the exact date - this is not so important. The most important thing is to calculate the deadlines so that in winter your strawberry left with the already grown young leaves.

How to carry out strawberries if plants are amazed by diseases pests

In the event that the bush or strawberry bushes are amazed by the strawberry tick, in the leaves there are strong spottedness, it is necessary to remove all the leaves, even young.

Crop the leaves with signs of diseases should be as close as possible to the base of the bush, as the controversy of diseases can be saved on the cutters. Try not to affect when trimming the heart of the bush - the plant will be able to recover faster.

Making such a trimming, you will not harm the bustle, as the strawberry is very quickly increasing the green mass. Cutting the old leaves, you will immediately see where it is possible to undermine the earth, where we need to remove weeds.

Of course, removing all the leaves from strawberries, you do not remove all pests, illness. They will remain on the leaf penets, the earth.

Simply, such a bed is easier to treat drugs from diseases and pests. Such processing is more efficient.

Now you can feed the "peeling" bed.

At this time, as I have already said, fruit kidneys are laid - the basis of the future harvest, so do not forget to periodically water your strawberry. BUT

if there is no rain, maintain the soil in the wet state.

Facing, watering at this time is mandatory. It was at this time that the strawberries will increase the leaf mass, which in the winter covered with snow, will protect the root system from freezing.

That is, than with a large number of foliage, your bushes will go to winter, the better they will fall, the greater the crop you get.

If during the harvest period you noticed the berries affected by gray rot - after cleaning the last berries, treat the entire plantation by any fungicide - it can be a burglar liquid, a preparation toopaz or chorus.

Is it possible to mock all the leaves of strawberries

Under the term "mowing of leaves" means a number of events on a replicating bed of the first year strawberries. Some gardeners word "mowing" are perceived so literally that they are going to bed with oblique and even with a lawn mower, and not in July, but in August, and ignore all other techniques. The results of such mowing of the leaves are always deplorable.

In fact, this most important stage in the care of strawberries includes not only the removal of leaves, but still loosening, treatment of pests and diseases, the removal of the mustache, the plants behind the plants and the preparation of seedlings for a new bed.

Not so long ago, passing along his country street, I saw that the familiar would stick the leaves of strawberries oblique. They have a big berry plot - several acres - without braids, as they consider not to do. At first I decided that they thus decided to get rid of the old strawberries, they say, it's time to lay a new plantation. But it turned out that everything is wrong. The owner of the cottage said they would stick the leaves from strawberries every year of the week three or four after the removal of the last harvest. And this year some circumstances prevented them to do this in time and they mowed in mid-August. Vintage strawberries, according to them, they have a good all the time, she is less ill.

If you have a big plantation and she is over 3-4 years old, then you can follow the example of my acquaintances.

There is another reason for the complete cutting of the leaves of strawberries oblique or the secateur (scissors) is a strong damage to planting diseases and pests. After complete cutting (mowing) of the leaves, the plantation should be treated with any fungicide or a pest preparation. Be sure to adopt your strawberry - help her to increase the leaf mass faster.

Starting on young healthy fittings, strawberries do not need, it depletes the bushes and you deprive themselves harvest.

How to care for strawberry beds after trimming or mowing

I repeat a little, but it is very important.

Spread the land around bush.

Remove weeds.

Treat plantation from diseases and pests.

Adjust the mineral and organic fertilizers.

Water regularly, if during this period there are no rains.

It is very important that the land on the garden was all the time wet - it is very important for the growing of young foliage.

That's all simple rules. Now you know how and when to trim the strawberry (garden strawberries). Good harvest next year you are secured!