Repair Design Furniture

Growing indoor violets. Violet house (saintpaulia). Video: indoor violet flowers care and reproduction

When purchasing a long-awaited plant, we always look forward to the first flowers. But now a month passes, the second third, and the violet does not please with abundant flowering, let's try to figure it out and understand how to care for violets.

For the growth and development of each plant, certain conditions are necessary. For violets, light is paramount. In rooms with insufficient lighting, violets may die.

If the apartment has enough windows, then you need to choose where the light is soft, diffused. South windows must be used with caution, as direct sunlight is contraindicated for violets. In this case, the windows can be covered with short curtains or sheets of white paper.

How to choose a pot?

Indoor violets are small compact plants, and even varieties with abundant foliage have a small root system, so the plant requires a small container. Saintpaulias do not grow well and develop in large pots. The optimal container size for young plants should be 5-6 cm. For an adult violet, a flowerpot of 10-12 cm will suffice.

Correct soil

A mixture of soil for violets is in every specialized store, but it is not always of high quality.

Since these plants need an acidic substrate, the following components must be present in the composition:

  • Leaf ground -5 parts;
  • Peat-3 parts;
  • Sphagnum, charcoal -10% of the total mass;
  • Coarse river sand - 1 part

Violet care at home

Caring for indoor violets is not difficult, you just need to comply with certain conditions of detention and properly care for the plant.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Violet put on a well-lit place where direct sunlight does not fall. It should be noted that violets with dense, dark green foliage need more light than a plant with light, wavy leaves. It is also not desirable that the plants touch window glass. If the daylight hours are short and less than 15-16 hours, then the flowers are provided with artificial lighting using a fluorescent lamp.

In summer, a comfortable temperature for violets should be about 20-24 ° C, in the autumn and winter months about 18 ° C.

Watering and feeding violets

The plant is watered as the soil dries, settled water room temperature.

Several watering methods are acceptable for violets:

  • Water is poured into the pan;
  • A container with a flower is immersed in water for one hour;
  • If the house is too hot, more than +25 ° C can be watered from above, but so that the water does not fall on the leaves.

Violets do not like spraying, but they need moist air. To do this, a saucer with wet expanded clay or sand is installed next to the plant.

Violets are fed several times during the year. In spring and autumn, mineral fertilizer is applied twice, in winter, organic matter is used once. In the summer, if the plant is in good condition, it is not necessary to feed, in other cases, complex fertilizer for violets is used, which is in every gardening store. To avoid burns, you need to dilute fertilizers in more water than indicated on the package, and top dressing should be carried out only on moist soil.

Reproduction of violets

The most favorable time for breeding saintpaulias is spring and summer. Healthy leaves of the second row from an adult plant are suitable for this. They are cut off with a sharp, clean scalpel. Cuttings can be placed in a container with warm water with the addition of coal or a biostimulant, or planted in cups with a prepared substrate. For this purpose, take small plastic pots or regular cups with drainage holes. Fine expanded clay is poured at the bottom, then earth with the addition of perlite (3: 1), which will provide better breathability. The cutting is deepened by 1.5 - 2 cm. After the leaf is planted, the soil is watered with warm water and the container is covered with a plastic bag with holes, this will help faster rooting and adaptation.

How to seat children?

As soon as small rosettes about 3-5 cm in size appear at the base of the leaf, the plants can be transplanted. Children are separated so that at least one pair of leaves with a developed growth point and a root system remain.

In order to injure plants minimally, you need:

  • Moisten the soil well;
  • Take out the plant along with a clod of earth;
  • Gradually remove the soil from the roots.

For children prepare containers measuring 4 cm in diameter. The substrate should be light, with the obligatory addition of vermiculite and sphagnum. The plant is transplanted into a recess in the center of the pot. In this case, the growth point should not be deepened. After about 30 calendar days, the children will grow up, while the size of the outlet will exceed the diameter of the pot three times. Next, I transplant the plants together with an earthen clod, which is placed in the center of the container, and soil is added from the sides.

Reasons Why Violet Doesn't Bloom

Flowering violets may be absent due to improper care, inappropriate conditions of detention, due to diseases or when attacked by pests. Let's analyze all the cases in more detail.

Light. Lack of light is a common reason why violets do not bloom. Incorrectly located flowers in the apartment suffer from a lack of light. This is easy to recognize if you look at the foliage of the plant, it always stretches up. But the sun is also contraindicated for violets, otherwise burns will appear on the foliage.

For abundant flowering, these houseplants need 12 hours of continuous light every day.

Fertilizers. During plant feeding, predominantly nitrogen compounds should not be used, as this contributes to the active growth of the green part, and the formation of flowers will be delayed. If there is an excess of potassium in the fertilizer, then the violet may stop growing and turn yellow.

Water. There may be no flowers on the plant due to improper watering. It is impossible to allow complete drying of the soil and waterlogging, as well as the use of hard, cold water.

Air humidity. In ordinary city apartments, especially during the heating season, air humidity is only 20-30%, while violet needs 50% for normal development. Therefore, it is worth installing a saucer with wet expanded clay next to the flower.

Priming. Ordinary soil from the garden will not work. It is important that it is light, well breathable. But over time, the best soil can become caked, so once a year or a year and a half the plant needs a transplant.

Capacity. Flowers may not appear at all if the violet is planted in a large flowerpot.

Age. If the plant is more than three years old, then most likely it will not bloom. Violets bloom on young rosettes at the age of 1-3 years. They update the violet in winter, planting child rosettes, by spring it will adapt and bloom.

Plant diseases and pests


  • Powdery mildew. The infection appears with insufficient light, air temperature less than +18 degrees, dusty room. Powdery mildew looks like a white coating on the stems of a plant. Violet stems are wiped with a slightly damp cloth, the room is ventilated, and the drug "benlat" is used.
  • Gray rot. It occurs due to temperature changes, frequent watering with cold water. It looks like a gray, fluffy coating on petioles and violet leaves. For processing, "thiram", "phytosparin", "agate" and other fungicides are used.
  • Fusarium. This fungus leads to decay of the root system, it occurs due to improper care (frequent watering, cold water). The plant does not bloom, the foliage turns gray and falls off. For treatment and prevention, a solution of benomyl, fundozol is used.

Insects - pests often found on violets

In order for the violet to please with good and long-term flowering, it is necessary to observe the conditions of detention, properly care for and from time to time check the plant for the presence of pests.

Violet has taken its rightful place not only on the windowsills. There is a club of lovers of these plants who breed hybrid specimens of fabulous beauty, arrange exhibitions and share their experience in caring for violets at home. The species range is represented by thousands of varieties, registered and still in breeding, many known, but not included in the register. Often these are hybrids, obtained by random selection.

Varieties of violets

Violets or saintpaulias are a rosette of leaves without a central stem, with a large number of medium-sized flowers with petals of simple and bizarre shapes. The color of flower petals, leaves is varied. The shape of the outlet is from simple to strongly terry. Patterned lacy plants are decorative not only on window sills. They create compositions for kitchen apron, racks. Subject to care, the plant will decorate the most modest dwelling.

Violets and related beliefs and folk omens

When growing violets at home, it is believed that these plants strengthen the material condition of the inhabitants and their health.

Violets are credited with the ability to expel ants from their homes. They also create a field of good luck in the house and calm unbalanced people. If a violet dies, it is believed that it took on the host's illness. And if someone from the household is sick, then the violet withers, sharing the torment of the person.

Such signs make caring for a plant that has settled in the house responsible, since a blooming violet will be an indicator of a healthy family.

The color of the inflorescences also matters:

  • purple flowers are an indicator of love and understanding;
  • blue flowers thrive in a creative atmosphere;
  • red warn against excessive commercialism;
  • white color brings harmony, removes negativity and suffering;
  • a pink flower on the window of a lonely person calls for a couple.

A delicate flower requires a caring attitude towards itself, not only to poke a finger into the ground, but to stop, talk, and lovingly touch the leaf. An unloved flower will wither and die for lack of a simple morning greeting. rid the flower of negative energy it is possible, turning from time to time the pots on the other side to the light.

Violet planting and care at home

If you decide to start a violet, then you should take into account its preferences. The flower loves bright lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Violet loves moist soil, but without stagnant water, does not like excessive humidity and does not tolerate spraying the leaf blade. You can only clean it in the shower, but you should take it out after rare procedures. dry plant without water droplets on the leaves. Water for irrigation should always be warm and settled. Moderate through the pallet is considered convenient and favorable for the root system.

Violet does not like drafts from the window as well as warm air from a heater or fan. She cannot stand the lack of love and tranquility in the house and inattentive attitude towards herself. If the desire to have a violet has only strengthened, then we are preparing to receive a new family member.

Ground Requirements

Caring for indoor violets begins with preparing the right substrate and container for the plant. For planting, an acidic composition is taken, including peat, dried sphagnum moss, leafy soil, sand and charcoal.

Moreover, moss and coal should not exceed 10% of the total composition of the main ingredients:

  • – 3 volumes;
  • leaf land - 5 volumes;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part.

Experts advise adding perlite and vermiculite to peat, which help retain moisture in light soil. Poor composition requires the addition of nutrition during growth. Once a year, a solution of humate is added in winter, in spring and autumn mineral dressings are made with a special liquid fertilizer for saintpaulias. The condition is to prevent overfeeding, the soil should always remain lean.

Capacities and terms of transplantation

Growing violets at home has no trifles. In order for the lump of earth not to turn sour, it must be sufficient for the development of the roots, but without excesses. So, for an adult plant, a glass with a height and diameter of 10 cm is quite enough, while Bottom part half of it should consist of drainage filling.

Until the root system fills the pot with earth, the plant will not bloom. For breeding, the first dish can be 6 cm in diameter. The drainage hole must be large enough everywhere. The plant is transplanted every three years, while it is not necessary to change the capacity of the pot, you can only change the ground, carefully cleaning the roots as much as possible.

Reproduction and transplantation of violets

Planting and caring for violets at home begins with getting a young plant. Reproduction can be carried out:

  • leaves;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • rooting of flower stalks.

The simplest, most commonly used method is leaf rooting. Before rooting, the cut of the resulting leaflet should be updated, while making it diagonally across the leaf with a disinfected tool and lowering the cut into water until callus and roots form.

With a root length of 4-7 cm, the leaf can be rooted, covered from above from excessive evaporation and wait for the results to appear. The small plants that appear as they grow are seated in separate containers. Such plants will bloom with good care in a year.

Hybrid violets, called chimeras, can only be propagated by stepchildren and peduncles that convey maternal qualities. The stepson can be separated from the main outlet with an awl and rooted immediately in a peat tablet.

When transplanting plants, you should make sure that the root system is healthy. The roots of the plant are white, lively and completely fill the container. When taken out of a conical cache-pot, they retain its shape. This is the basis of one of the methods of watering a plant, for which an external cushion soaked through a filter is created. To do this, a well-formed plant is arranged in a larger pot with a moist substrate in a special nest.

Revision of the root system consists in removing all brown dead roots. Leave only light living healthy roots. With this treatment, the plant can be washed in water, and the roots straightened and planted in a prepared pot. If the rot has eaten the root, clean the plant to living tissue, sprinkle with activated charcoal and dry, and then re-root in water or in moss, which has bactericidal properties.

Plants feel good in summer at temperatures up to 25, in winter at 18-20. The dryness of the air should be about 50%. The plant requires a year-round day length of at least 10 hours, and during periods of flowering, local illumination with fluorescent lamps.

If watering is carried out through a pallet, then excess water should be drained. When watering in a pot, do not wet the leaves. In summer, a little watered every day, in winter - 2 times a week. A young plant will bloom in a year, not earlier.

If proper care is taken, a photo of violets at home will be a reward.

Plants usually bloom for about 2 months, while flowers that have faded and lost their decorative effect must be plucked.

How to grow violets at home - video

For a beginner grower, violets are an excellent choice; planting and caring for them at home should not cause any difficulties. Violets (Saintpaulias) were formerly grown as garden plants. In room conditions, they began to grow only in the last century. They look beautiful in a pot, do not need time-consuming care, and if you create the right conditions for them, they will bloom luxuriantly and for a long time.

What should be the external environment for violets?

Often you can hear from beginners, they say, we grow flowers according to all the rules, but they do not want to bloom. This happens if something is missed in creating an environment suitable for the violet. First, these flowers love good lighting. Light day for them should last at least 10 hours. But these flowers do not like direct sunlight, and therefore shade them. The light is diffused. In winter, when the length of daylight hours is less than the violet needs, additional lighting is used - fluorescent lamps.

Violet is sensitive to air humidity. It is necessary to put a cup of water next to the flower pots.

Indoor violet is a heat-loving plant. From spring to early autumn, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be + 20 ... + 22 ° С. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than + 18 ... + 20 ° С. Drafts are contraindicated for this plant. At the same time, violets need fresh air, so you need to ventilate the room regularly, but the flower pots will have to be moved to another room for this time.

Watering: choosing a method

Caring for violets is also proper watering. If it is too plentiful, then the plant may get sick, in addition, root rot may begin. The soil in the flower pot should not dry out and become a hardened lump, so on average you need to water 2-3 times a week. This general rule, and in each case, the frequency of watering depends on the humidity of the room, the season and the material from which the pot is made.

There are 3 main irrigation options:

  • usual,
  • pallet
  • wick.

The latter method is convenient because correct settings violet can be watered once a week or less.

wick method involves the use of a cord that absorbs moisture from a container of water and ensures that it enters the pot with the substrate. This allows you to maintain the proper level of moisture and at the same time prevents root rot. The wick method allows you to smooth out changes in housing conditions, for example, in late spring, when a sudden heat begins.

The wick method has many advantages. It provides good conditions for the growth and development of violets - plants bloom earlier and bloom more profusely. This method allows you to provide plants not only with water, but also with nutrients, while the dosage of fertilizer is calculated and an appropriate aqueous solution is made. The method ensures uniform receipt of all nutrients and moisture by the violet.

Such irrigation also has its drawbacks. If the diameter of the cord and the material from which it is made are not chosen correctly, and the wick absorbs more water than necessary, this will lead to waterlogging of the substrate and rotting of the roots. During the cold season, if the violet is simply left on the windowsill, the water will flow through the wick very cold, which can also negatively affect the condition of the plant's roots, so you will have to rearrange the violet pots to where they will be warmer.

Breeding violets at home with wick watering can be associated with some difficulties. When using this method, the socket is enlarged. If the grower grows only a few rosettes, this does not really matter. But if he grows many varieties at once, then the enlargement of the outlet reduces his possibilities - there will not be enough space for all varieties. In addition, if violets are grown not on window sills, but on racks, then difficulties may arise with the additional load that a container of water will create. For her, you need to find a place and pick it up so that there are gaps between the container and the pots.

Due to the difficulties that arise with the wick method in cold weather, many experienced growers for the winter, they switch to another method of watering, most often pallet, since it is much simpler.

Underfloor irrigation assumes that water will not fall on the above-ground part of the violet. Direct contact is generally excluded here. Warm water is poured into a pan on which pots of violets are placed. When it is seen that the soil is saturated with moisture (but no later than 15 minutes from the start of the procedure), the water from the pan can be drained.

Caring for violets at home also involves choosing a watering method after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Some growers choose drip irrigation as the easiest way.

How to take care of violets? This flower, like other plants, must be regularly washed from dust, literally leaf by leaf. This is done about once a month. But after this procedure, the leaves need to be dried - paper napkins are used for this.

Violet is very sensitive to water temperature and quality, therefore, for irrigation and showering, it is better to use water that has been previously settled for 2 days, then boiled and cooled to a temperature of + 18 ... 22 ° C.

Plant nutrition

In order for Saintpaulia to bloom beautifully, you need to feed it with mineral fertilizers. They only do it twice a year. In the spring, the violet is fed during the period of active growth. The second time this is done after it has faded, that is, in the fall. In winter, the plant, when it is at rest, does not need to be fed. Complex mineral fertilizers are used for this.

During transplantation, plants use a small amount of humus or humus for feeding. It should also be noted that only adult plants need to be fed.

How to transplant violet?

This flower should be repotted no more than once every 3 years. The plant periodically needs fresh soil. You can buy a special substrate for violets in the store, you can take garden soil that has undergone a special treatment against pests. There should be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. The pot itself is selected so that its diameter is 2-3 times smaller than the diameter of the plant. In too large a container, the violet simply will not bloom.

For transplanting, the earth should be moist, but not sticky to your hands. Only new pots can be used for transplanting so that the plant does not become infected. Contrary to popular belief, plastic pots are better than glossy ceramic pots.

For transplantation, loose soil mixed with sand or peat is required. Expanded clay is used for the drainage layer. When transplanting, the violet is planted so that its lower leaves barely touch the surface of the earth. For some time after this, the plant needs to be covered plastic wrap, creating greenhouse conditions for it. You can only water the next day after transplanting. But you need to ventilate regularly so that condensation does not gather under the film.

Propagation of violets by cuttings

The most popular option is the propagation of violets by cuttings. It is best to choose a leaf from the middle of the outlet, that is, neither too young nor old. It can be pinched off or carefully cut off with a small, sharp knife so as not to damage the plant and leave a tall stump behind. Cut the cutting as close to the ground as possible.

It is desirable that the black was at least 47 cm long. It must be cut obliquely, at an angle of 45 °. If the cut surface is 2-4 cm long, this will be enough for the leaf to take root well and give more rosettes.

Not all leaves take root, so it is advisable to take 2-3 leaves at once from the variety you like, if possible. It is not necessary to buy a pot for rooting such a leaflet. Can be used disposable plastic cups or a container of yogurt. It is best to take shallow glasses. If there is a shallow container of large diameter, then several leaves can be planted in one container at once. The distance between them should be at least 5 cm, so that it would be convenient to dig them out later.

Not all violets reproduce equally well from cuttings. There are so-called chimeras - these are varietal flowers of unusual colors. Their leaves are well rooted, but they do not retain the color features or the beautiful shape of the leaves.

How to grow a violet from a leaf, in the ground or in water, is of interest to many beginner flower growers. In fact, both methods are equivalent. In both cases, this medium must be disinfected, for example, using activated charcoal. If the cutting is placed in water, care must be taken to ensure that it does not rot. Water should be taken warm, but not hot. The roots of the leaf will appear in about 1-2 weeks, and then it can be planted in the ground. Some growers wait longer - until new shoots appear, and this happens after about 1-2 months in the water. Shoots appear from the place of the cut. If the grower decided to wait for their appearance, then you still need to guess so that they grow up enough so that they are not sprinkled with soil when planting. You can not dig the cutting too deep, otherwise the sprouts will not appear soon. The maximum depth is 1.5 cm.

Some believe that violets germinated in water will bloom faster. In fact, this is a controversial issue. Experienced flower growers who know how to care for violets at all stages of the development of this plant will surely say that when grown in water there is always a risk that the stalk will begin to rot. Water quality does not always meet the requirements of this plant.


Rooting violets in the ground has its advantages. But here, too, there is a nuance: you need to choose a super-light substrate, more loose than what is usually used for "adult" violets. soil mixture you will have to cook it yourself on the basis of a special soil for saintpaulias, to which pure river sand (pre-calcined) is added. You can also use sphagnum moss for this, it is also sold in flower shops. Moss, even if it is fresh, needs to be slightly ignited in the oven for disinfection. So that it does not burn, it must be laid out on food foil.

The substrate should be regularly watered with warm water so that it does not dry out. Rooting in soil is slower than in water, but the risk of root rot is excluded. The seedling must be kept away from drafts. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for him. It is recommended to make a greenhouse for him, covering for this with plastic wrap. Approximately 2 months after rooting, when the grown sprouts are already visible, the plant must be transplanted into a permanent container, having previously treated both it and the plant itself with special agents against pests and fungi.

Violet. Usually, when exclaiming such "curly" words, the image of a plant comes to mind. And indeed, the owner of this name knows how to bloom and please the eye. Moreover, the corresponding effect occurs despite the miniature size of the thematic heroine. It is not surprising why violet room care, which does not require much work, is a frequent decoration of window sills, balconies, and loggias.

On a note

The purchase of several violets will allow you to create a unique flowering necklace in the interior. An odd number of "dwarfs" seated in separate pots looks especially advantageous. There are so many varieties of violets that it is not difficult to choose colors for a particular composition. Caring for one violet is also not without bad taste, because for beginners it is a good preparatory training.

Although everyone who is lucky enough to enjoy such a pretty plant emphasizes its unpretentiousness, with a closer analysis it turns out that the blooming baby is not at all averse to making claims to its owner, if he is used to being limited to simply admiring and watering from the tap. Violet does not tolerate such “care”. We will improve her living conditions by going through thematic briefing. But first, a few words about the history and geography of this magical flower.

Let's start with the fact that violets are usually called small flowering plants, whose range covers mainly the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate. But that beauty, who was able to take root in indoor use, is usually called anything other than Saintpaulia. She was discovered in the vastness of East Africa at the end of the 19th century, and due to her outward resemblance to her northern sister, she quickly acquired her name as a pseudonym. And since in natural conditions The main place where Saintpaulia grows is the Uzambara Mountains, the flower managed to acquire the patronymic “Uzambarskaya”.

Saintpaulia variety "Chic poppy"

The homeland of the thematic heroine partly helps to reveal her love for warmth and moderate moisture. However, more than a hundred years after the discovery of Saintpaulia, experienced breeders, by crossing an African flower with northern violet varieties, have achieved incredible results in terms of plant vitality, as well as its variety. Today Saintpaulia has, if not thousands, then certainly hundreds of varieties.

All of them are divided into the following groups:

  • Collectible (rare specimens with a unique past and remarkable biological parameters);
  • Industrial (plants common in indoor floriculture);
  • Variegated (unpretentious flowers with bright, patterned leaves);
  • Ampelous (constantly blooming violets with original stems up to 50 cm long);
  • Miniature violets (plants with leaves 1.5-3.8 cm long).

Violet varieties

Despite some differences between varieties, general description violet deserves such words: a small shrub with flowers and leathery leaves that are covered with villi.

Depending on the variety, the plant is monochromatic and spotted, with burgundy and green stems.

Accordingly, the baby is able to cause delight in different people: some use it as an interior or exterior decoration, others make money on it by selling collection representatives, others find a simple outlet in its breeding.

On a note

Like any flower, violet has its charms: the heroine of the theme is said to drive away flocks of annoying ants, and her dwarf image, coupled with fluffy foliage and bright velvet blooms, contribute to home comfort and peace of mind. Violet also knows how to take away diseases of the household. This energetic property often causes the strange death of a plant. According to the horoscope, a squat flower is most characteristic of slow, but strong-willed bodies.

Agrotechnics for care of violets

Indoor violet flower seems unpretentious only at the beginning of care: in pursuit of other things, inexperienced flower growers do not have time to look back, as their favorite begins to wither, fade, rot. Corresponding misfortunes are easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, comprehensive care is indispensable.

Comprehensive - this is because care involves the following activities:

Saintpaulia ampelous

  1. soil preparation;
  2. Choice of location;
  3. Watering;
  4. loosening;
  5. Root top dressing;
  6. Treatment for preventive purposes;
  7. Humidification, ventilation;
  8. Illumination with lamps.
  9. Let's go through each item

soil preparation

Loose and breathable soil with a low level of acidity, but a high content of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) is suitable for room violets. The land near the house is not something that does not meet this quality, it has a lot of harmful fungi, bacteria, insects. Another thing is store peat. But its relative acidity compacts the soil over time, causing the root system to stop breathing. To avoid two problems, before planting violets, peat must be mixed with rotten sawdust and ash in a ratio of 4: 1: 1, where peat serves as the main components. But in order for a violet transplant to portend an exceptionally positive result, it is better to use a ready-made substrate, which is sold in any flower shop, as planting material.

Video "Care for violets - transplant"

Location selection

Since the violet does not like coolness and heat, bright heat and darkness, it is better to arrange it near windows that face west or east. On the other hand, temperature and lighting are determined by the time of year and the climate of the region. For this reason, the issue of organizing a place for violets is a relative issue. The main thing is that the temperature should always be kept within + 22-25 ° C, and the lighting should last at least 10 hours.

Irrigation system

The key to caring for violets is watering. It is necessary to moisten the soil with settled water at room temperature. The volume of water for irrigation should be 250-350 ml.

There are three irrigation methods:

  1. traditional, i.e. under the root;
  2. by means of a pallet;
  3. drip, i.e. wick.

The first option is known to everyone, but, despite its simplicity, is inferior to the others. The thing is that watering a small plant from a watering can is very inconvenient. In addition, moistening the top layer of the earth worsens the ventilation of the root system. It is impossible to loosen this layer because of the sprawling foliage of the flower. As a result, you have to be creative.

On a note

Usually violets are grown in small containers. A lush leaf rosette of a flower during traditional watering from a watering can prevents water from penetrating into the soil. As a result, one part of the life-giving moisture flows past, the other remains on the foliage, which increases the risk of developing rot and fungal diseases. Therefore, instead of a massive garden watering can, it is better to use a medical pear, the tip of which can easily be brought to the root through the foliage.

How to organize wick watering violets

Irrigation by means of a pallet consists in filling the stand with water by 2/3 so that moisture feeds the roots from below constantly. The main thing is that the pallet is voluminous. Otherwise, instead of it, you need to use some kind of deep container.

The drip method involves laying a wick (hoses) with holes inside the pot so that water can flow evenly without the participation of a pan.


This procedure is designed to improve air access to the roots so that moisture does not linger in the substrate for a long time, thereby creating an excellent environment for harmful fungi and bacteria. As mentioned above, it is very difficult to mechanically loosen clods of earth through violet foliage. Therefore, before planting a plant below the peat substrate, it is desirable to arrange an expanded clay substrate through which air will pass. The latter is also facilitated by the holes at the bottom of the pot. As for traditional mechanical loosening, this process is best done rarely and carefully - with a thin stick, without catching the upper roots.

On a note

In some store-bought flower substrates, small white balls can be found. These are perlite and vermiculite. They are breathable, which means they are able to serve as natural baking powder of the soil. If these components are not available, they can be purchased separately.

Root top dressing

Flower care is not complete without top dressing. After all, as the plant grows, it takes away its beneficial minerals from the soil. It is good that the latter can be restored by irrigation with a nutrient solution.

For indoor violets, it is better to use complex fertilizers like Bona Forte "Good Power" and "Fertica".

Disease prevention

Diseases, along with pests, are sure to disturb Saintpaulia, if fungicides and insecticides are not included in agricultural technology. Moreover, the infection can also make itself felt when the soil does not match. optimal conditions violet growth. Thus, prevention and feeding are closely related to each other.

We offer you to get acquainted with the table of purpose-efficiency of various means for the care of senpolia:

Table 1 "Care for room violet: prevention of infection with diseases and protection from pests"

FUNGICIDES "Fitosporin-M" Fight against fungal and bacterial diseases; plant immunostimulation
Previcur Energy
INSECTICIDES "Aktellik" Violet pest control: greenhouse whitefly, mites, aphids, mealybugs, thrips, wood lice, etc.
COMPLEX INDUSTRIAL FERTILIZERS Bona Forte "Good power" Complex root top dressing (enrichment of the soil with all the minerals necessary for the plant)
"Fertica" ("Fertika") Lux, Florist Rost
« Ambulance»
NATURAL FERTILIZERS sawdust Improving ventilation when applied to the finished substrate; enrichment with nitrogen, provided that the chips are rotten
Peat Use as a ready substrate
Ash Enrichment of the soil with potassium; fight with high humidity, acidity; prevention of fungal diseases

Humidification, ventilation

Specifically we are talking about creating favorable air in the room where the thematic heroine grows: few people know that fluffy violet leaves accumulate a lot of dust, and then suffocate due to lack of air. To avoid this, the front side of the foliage should be periodically wiped with a slightly damp cloth, and the room should be ventilated (especially if it is spring-summer outside).

Many spray violets, hoping to quench the thirst of the plant. But in fact, excessive moisture contributes to the formation of powdery mildew and other diseases on the leaves. It is more rational in this case to spray the air around the Saintpaulia or place a container of water next to it.

Additional lighting with lamps

It is reasonable to use this technique when the grower has been caring for violets for more than a year and is tormented by the same question: “why do they bloom badly?”. The fact is that violet lighting should last at least 12 hours. Moreover, the light should be more or less bright. It is difficult to achieve it in winter-late autumn, so it makes a lot of sense to illuminate violets with lamps.

For auxiliary artificial lighting of plants, sodium lamps and LED lamps have proven themselves best. The latter are good because they do not heat up, but the lighting area of ​​the former is an order of magnitude larger. Accordingly, LED lamps can be brought closer to the flora, while sodium models must be kept at long distance. In general, spiral-shaped energy-saving lamps can also be used for lighting. However, their color spectrum and light intensity are worse

Why violets don't bloom

Violet variegated

The formation of flowers in the heroine of the topic is facilitated by a number of other factors: the quality of air exchange between the root system and the external environment, the level of acidity and soil fertility.

Their relevance depends on the season, so below we provide a table of seasonal violet care.

Table 2 "Care for room violet"

SPRING Watering with barely warm water every 3-4 days;

seasonal biofungicide treatment; seasonal top dressing with complex fertilizer (preferably the content of nitrogen "N", phosphorus "P" and potassium "K")

Seasonal biofungicide treatment; periodic airing of the room in warm weather (April-May);

elimination of diseased leaves;

SUMMER Watering with water at room temperature every 3-4 days;

light spraying of the air, but not the plants themselves during the hot period

Monthly loosening if necessary;

sprinkling the topsoil with a pinch of ash to prevent fungal diseases;

cleaning weeds, insects, fungal mold

Periodic ventilation of the room;

elimination of diseased leaves; gentle rubbing of leaves from dust (do not touch the flowers!);

cutting off extreme healthy leaves and young stepsons for propagation

AUTUMN Watering with barely warm water every 4-5 days; pre-winter top dressing with complex fertilizer (preferably the content of nitrogen "N" and phosphorus "P") Monthly loosening if necessary; sprinkling the topsoil with a pinch of ash to prevent fungal diseases;

cleaning weeds, insects, fungal mold

Seasonal biofungicide treatment;

elimination of diseased leaves; covering a flower pot with a plastic bag on frosty nights; lighting with a lamp during a short daylight hours

WINTER Watering with lukewarm water every 4-6 days Monthly loosening if necessary; sprinkling the topsoil with a pinch of ash to prevent fungal diseases;

cleaning weeds, insects, fungal mold

Elimination of diseased leaves;

covering a flower pot with a plastic bag on frosty nights; lighting with a lamp during a short daylight hours

Video "Care for violets: why violets do not bloom"

We propagate violet

Planting violets deserves separate words. The fact that this process is preceded by the preparation of the soil, we have already said. But the breeding methods will be of interest to those who want to grow a violet "from scratch", i.e. without having to visit a flower shop that sells seedlings.

There are three ways to reproduce:

  1. sheet method

consists in cutting a strong healthy leaf from a violet, followed by immersing the first one in water so that its root takes root within a few days, and then becomes suitable for planting in the soil.

  1. stepson method

selection of small individual sprouts from the mother bush. As a rule, they already have small roots that need to be germinated in water so that they can more easily adapt to a new place of residence after transplantation.

  1. seed method

the most difficult, because with it, you need to wait for the flowering of several saintpaulias so that pollination is cross. Otherwise, the seed pods that are in buds may not ripen. If the result is positive, then the seeds must be removed from the inflorescences, kept for several months in a dry place to increase the likelihood of germination. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds for a day in a nutrient solution (for example, Zircon) or clean warm water.

When propagating violets with seeds, the result can be the most unpredictable. This is due to the fact that the development of grains is facilitated by the delivery of pollen by insects from other flowering plants, including violets. The corresponding feature is guided by experienced breeders who are eager to develop a new unusual Saintpaulia variety.

Growing violets is not a boring hobby, which is accompanied by both pleasant visual enjoyment and fascinating manipulations. If you approach the appropriate care with all seriousness, you can bring out a new look, give it a name, put it on display and even sell it for a rather big price.

The contingent of violet lovers who hold themed clubs and fairs is constantly growing. Joining a multi-thousandth company is not difficult, so full speed ahead!

Violets can safely be called one of the most popular indoor plants. In many countries, they symbolize the arrival of spring. Their small delicate inflorescences are full of grace and remind of unity with nature. These plants are unpretentious, do not take up much space on the windowsill, are not a source of allergies, are constantly in bloom, and therefore have a large army of fans.

Violet (Uzambara violet, Saintpaulia) is a compact perennial with growing creeping rhizome. leaflets dark green color, pubescent, heart-shaped. The flower rosette during the flowering period almost completely hides the leaves. Flowers are simple and double, collected together in several pieces.

The color of the petals is the most diverse, mostly pastel shades. The fruit is a capsule with many seeds. The root is thin and almost does not branch. Violets are divided into groups that differ in shape, color and type of flowers.

Types and popular varieties of violets with photos

There is no scientific classification of violets yet, so the division into species is conditional. The bred hybrids now number more than 32,000 varieties.

More than others, the following types of violets are popular:

It has dark green leaves with a jagged wavy edge, the length of the stem reaches no more than 8 cm, and the diameter of the rosette can reach up to 60 cm. The flowers have a purple-blue color, are located on short, fleshy stems.

Its dark green leaves have a rounded shape with a serrated edge. Leaf size 4-5 cm. The underside of the leaf plate has a reddish color. It blooms magnificently, with small blue-violet flowers with a dark center.

The plant has ampelous shoots with bright green, pubescent leaves. There are varieties with purple foliage. In width, the leaves reach 5 cm, grow up to 6 cm in length, the flowers are small, blue with a lilac tint and a dark middle. Their size does not exceed 2.5 cm.

Variety "LE Rosemary"

popular variety with star-shaped double flowers. It has a standard serrated leaf socket. Very distinguished by its decorative inflorescences. There are three colors on the petals at once: scattered pink strokes and blue dots on a white background. Rosemary violet looks luxurious and gentle at the same time.

Variety "Lyans Pirates Treasure"

The variety is characterized by bright pink flowers with a raspberry edging along the edge of the petals. There are crimson specks on the border of the main color and the border. The leaves collected in a rosette have a bubbly surface texture.

Variety "Fire Moths"

The upper surface of the leaves is dark green, the lower surface is light green. The flowers are simple or semi-double with petals of a rich burgundy hue. A white or pink edging runs along the edge of the petals. The color of the inflorescences changes with time. Socket sizes are standard.

Variety "JAN Caprice"

The plant has colorfully colored wavy leaves that combine green and white colors. A snow-white foam of double flowers with green corollas rises above the leaf rosette. Very refined Saintpaulia. Requires more light due to variegated leaves.

Landing and care at home

Despite the fact that the violet is attributed to unpretentious plant, she, like any flower, has her own requirements for watering and lighting, for the composition of the soil and fertilizers, for the size of the pot. Like other flowers, violet needs your care.

In nature, saintpaulias grow in places with high humidity air. But the usual method of increasing this indicator - spraying the leaves of a plant - is not applicable to violets. Their leaves are pubescent, which contributes to the retention of water droplets on the leaf plate. As a result, it may develop fungal disease especially if the room is cool.

It is best to place water containers on the windowsill or place pots of violets on a pallet with wet expanded clay. Just make sure the water doesn't reach the bottom of the pot. You can use a household humidifier by placing it next to a window. In an apartment, the humidity drops especially in winter time when the central heating is on.

The temperature regime in the room is important for violets, because it is thermophilic. In winter, the thermometer should not fall below 16 degrees. The optimum growing temperature will be 20-24 degrees. With these parameters, the violet blooms willingly, and flowering continues. long term. Young plants need a temperature of 23-24 degrees for this. If the temperature is too high or too low, flowering stops.

In winter, it is better to remove the violet from a cold windowsill and put it on a shelf or rack next to the window. Or the pots are placed on wooden, foam supports so that the root system does not overcool. Away from the Saintpaulia window, you will need lighting for flowering.

Violets should receive 10 to 12 hours of light, but direct sunlight should be avoided. At the same time, the night period of being in the dark is also important for them. Some varieties need more light than others. If Saintpaulia has faded leaves, it refuses to bloom, which means that there is a lack of light or it stays in the dark for less than 8 hours a day.

In the summer months, violets are suitable for lighting the northern and eastern window sills. In winter, it is better to place them on the southern and western windows.

The rosette may warp during growth as the leaves reach for the light. To avoid this, periodically turn the pot around its axis. Violets grow well under artificial lighting. For this, fluorescent lamps are best suited. The bushes grow to a compact size and bloom well.

The main rule when watering violets is that water should not fall on the leaves of the plant. Saintpaulias often die for this very reason. Water for irrigation is better to use separated, room temperature. too cold or too hot water can damage the roots.

Experienced flower growers do not water violets from above, but use other watering methods:

Through pallet

You can take a large bowl of water, put several pots of violets there at once and leave for a while until the soil is saturated with moisture. Pots can be taken out when the ground darkens from the water. After that, they are put in their place.

Please note that all plants must be healthy, otherwise it is easy to infect them from one another. With this method of irrigation, the water quality must be ideal, since harmful salts are not washed out, but rise to the top and settle in the ground.


For this method, a watering can with a narrow spout or a syringe is used to make it easy to get to the ground, bypassing the leaf outlet. With this option, it is important not to overdo it with the amount of water. If you have watered the violet excessively, immediately drain the excess water from the pan under the pot.


To do this, most often use a piece of fabric or lace, missed in drainage hole one end, the other end is lowered into a container of water for irrigation.

The advantage of this method is that the plant itself takes as much moisture as it needs - the capillary effect is triggered. At the same time, the moisture level in the pot remains stable and is regulated by the flower itself, depending on the air temperature. This method can be used only with a small volume of the pot and in the warm season. In winter, the water can get too cold on the windowsill. In addition, not all varieties of violets are suitable for such watering.

The choice of pot depends on the size of the plant. Conventionally, Saintpaulias can be divided into large, medium and miniature specimens. root system violets have a superficial, it does not require a large amount of land, because in nature they grow on rocky soils. You can not even increase the volume of the pot during the next transplant. If the violet has become crowded in a pot, you need to remove it, remove the old dead roots, excess soil and plant it back in the same container.

  • The plant will grow excessive green mass at the expense of flowering. Sometimes a violet may not bloom at all.
  • The risk of fungal diseases and the appearance of pests will increase, since such a violet is difficult to carefully examine.
  • The soil in the pot will turn sour due to the fact that the roots are not able to braid the entire earthen clod.

Usually, the maximum size of a violet pot is no more than 9 cm in diameter. Plastic containers are best suited.

As a substrate, you can take ready-made soil for Saintpaulia, but it is not always of the right quality. Some bring it to the desired state by adding baking powder. Most often, perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber are used for this purpose. Additionally, these components retain moisture in themselves, so you don’t need to put a lot of them so as not to provoke root rotting.

You can take up to 40% biohumus when compiling the substrate; it has proven itself well in growing violets. The rest of the soil in this case should consist of baking powder to prevent it from hardening over time.

Young violets are best fed with nitrogen-dominated fertilizer to build up a good leaf rosette. Plants that are preparing for flowering must be fed with phosphorus and potassium. Top dressing is added to the water for irrigation in the pan, or violets are fertilized from above. With nitrogen fertilizer, you should be more careful, with its overdose, the plant will not bloom.

On a note! Nutrient deficiencies are easily identified by the appearance of the violet. She will have weak stems and leaves, slow growth, poor-quality flowering.

Usually, nutrients disappear from fresh soil within 2 months, then artificial top dressing will have to be applied. Regarding fertilizers, violets are unpretentious. They can be fed not necessarily with complexes for flowering plants, but also for vegetables. The composition should include not only nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, but also iron, calcium, magnesium, boron, molybdenum. When buying a fertilizer, be sure to read on the packaging about its components and choose a complex with the widest range of components.

Rules for growing and caring for violets: video

Since violets are grown in small pots and there is little soil, they should be replanted annually. The need for a transplant is indicated by a white salt coating on the surface of the soil and the complete filling of the pot with roots. Transplantation can be done at any time of the year, except winter months. If your saintpaulia is blooming, do not disturb it, because flowering indicates that the plant is doing well in this pot. Transplantation should begin after flowering.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Moisten the soil in the pot so that it is easier for the plants to extract from there.
  • Prepare a washed, well-cleaned pot.
  • Fill the bottom of the container with expanded clay.
  • A plant is placed vertically on a hill of earth.
  • Fill the violet with soil to the lower leaves, lightly compact the soil with your hands.
  • You can water the transplanted plant in a day. If after watering the stem is bare, the soil is filled up.

You can transplant the plant and the transshipment method. In this case, the earth is carefully sprinkled along the edge of the pot, which should be slightly larger than the previous one.

Violets transplant: video

At home, flower growers propagate violet leaves. Rooting can be done both in water and in soil. The leaf must be cut from the second or third row of the leaf socket. Too young and old leaves for reproduction will not work. The leg of the leaf should be 3-5 cm long. The freshly cut leaf should be air-dried a little.

If you ordered planting material on the Internet, and he came a little wilted, soak him for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the sheet must be completely dried. In water, rooting is carried out using a glass of dark glass. Boiled water is poured there and an activated charcoal tablet is placed. The leaf petiole should be immersed in water no more than 1 cm. Water is added as it evaporates. The rooting rate depends on the variety of violets and on the air temperature in the room. If the petiole has begun to rot, the damage can be cut off and the leaf placed in fresh water.

Rooting in the ground is carried out by placing the leaf at an angle of 45 degrees and making it a support from a toothpick. After that, the seedling is covered with a film or glass jar create a greenhouse effect. It is placed in a warm, bright place, the soil is periodically moistened. On the permanent place a young violet is planted when its leaves reach a size of 3 cm.

How to grow a violet from a leaf. Rooting and propagation of Saintpaulia: video


The one who saw lush bloom violets, will forever be captivated by her beauty. But for this you will have to give the flower at least a minimum of care.

A prerequisite for flowering violets will be sufficient lighting. It can be both bright diffused light and the radiation of fluorescent lamps. Light day should last 12 hours. Keep them in a warm place at a temperature of 20-24 degrees. Conduct timely watering and fertilizing. In winter, be sure to increase the humidity of the air.

During flowering, it is necessary to regularly remove faded flower stalks. After flowering, you can take a break and transplant the plant. If you don't plan on doing this, start using a nitrogen-rich top dressing to encourage new leaf growth.

There can be several reasons for the lack of flowering: lack of lighting, cold content, depleted soil, overfeeding nitrogen fertilizers. Move the pot with the plant to a warm, bright place, water it in a timely manner, use top dressing with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. It is also possible that the violet is planted in too large a pot.

Diseases in plants most often occur due to improper maintenance. A weakened violet cannot resist pests and pathogens of various diseases. Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so it is important to maintain plant immunity and take preventive measures.

Saintpaulias are prone to fungal diseases. They are often affected by powdery mildew, fusarium, gray rot, late blight, and rust. The reason for the accelerated development of fungal spores can be drops of moisture on the leaves and low air temperature in the room. All these diseases are manifested by the appearance of dark and brown spots on the leaves, spores or fluffy plaque. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to treat the plant with fungicides, acting according to the instructions.

A similar phenomenon can be observed during overheating, if the air temperature is above 25 degrees. Yellow spots appear on the leaves, then they begin to dry and fade. Direct sunlight has the same effect. If you do not want the violet to lose all its leaves, move it to a cooler room with diffused lighting.

Yellowing of the leaves can also be observed due to rotting of the roots. If root rot is suspected, the plant should be removed and the roots examined. The affected areas are removed, the wounds are powdered with charcoal, after which the plant is planted in fresh soil. With excessive watering, the surface of the earth in a pot can become covered with mold - this is another factor in the yellowing of the leaves. A lack of nitrogen can also affect the color of the leaves.

Ticks, thrips, aphids, nematodes, scale insects and false scale insects, whiteflies and some other insects can attack the violet. You will see their presence by the appearance of spots and dots on the leaves, you can see them near flying insects, cobwebs may appear on the leaves. To avoid this, maintain the correct microclimate in the room, reduce watering when the temperature drops, and regularly ventilate the room.

If harmful insects have already started, use an insecticide. Actellik, Intavir, Fitoverm and other drugs are suitable for treatment. They are bred in water and violet is processed, acting according to the instructions.

It is believed that violets charge the premises with positive energy. This flower is a symbol of comfort and a prosperous life, it brings joy and harmony to the inhabitants of the house, awakens activity and love of life in pessimists. The beneficial effect also depends on the color of the plant.

White saintpaulias muffle bright emotions, clear the space from the negative influence of bad thoughts and quarrels. They are ideal for children's rooms, helping to relieve fatigue and emotional stress.

Varieties with purple inflorescences contribute to spiritual growth and development. They strengthen the character and take away from the mind everything unchanging. It becomes easier for people living in the house to find mutual understanding. Violet flowers help develop intuition and the gift of foresight. It is better not to put them in the room where children sleep and near workplaces.

Blue violets will quickly help you forget about boredom and despondency. They are great for children's groups: various studios, school classes. These flowers make a person more harmonious, develop his creative abilities.

Pink and red violets protect health, prevent diseases of the throat and thyroid gland, and reduce excess appetite. Emotionally, these flowers help to cope with a bad mood, to feel joy. They are suitable for those people who have a lot of problems in life.

  1. Violets love the company of their own kind, so it is better to place them on the windowsill more closely.
  2. Those varieties that are called "chimeras" do not make sense to propagate with a leaf, since in this case the color of the petals is lost.
  3. If you notice the rotting of the trunk, cut off the top of the Saintpaulia to living tissue, then there is a chance to save the plant.
  4. In the heat, you should not water the violet “with a margin”, this will certainly lead to rotting of the roots. Water more often, but in small portions.

If you manage to "make friends" with violets, they will not disappoint you and, most likely, will remain in your house for a long time. long years. Among a large variety of varieties, you can always find a plant to your liking. Later, you will probably want to expand the collection.