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Dereza: General Description and Methods of Application. Goji or Dereza ordinary - landing and care

My thrust for plants began since childhood. How much I remember, I always, if there was such an opportunity, I brought different flowers to the house from everywhere. He took the relatives familiar, brought from school. I liked to watch the process itself, how beautiful the process crossed out of a tiny process flowering plant Or just decoratively deciduous. This is a passion, or rather, you can say, already my life, without which I do not think myself, did not leave me to this day. True, this passion has long been beyond the scope of the apartment in my favorite garden, in which I plant various flowers and plants.

I love grown not only some beautiful flowerswithout which it is definitely impossible, because They always make an eye, starting with early spring and to late autumn, but also various beneficial plants. One of these plants, which is simultaneously decorative and useful, appeared on my garden plot 4 years ago licium (Lycium), boxthornknown to us called godji. Goji is the Trasliteration of the Chinese Name of the Plant, which has become commercial, and the true botanical name of the plant has nothing to do.

There are 88 types of Lisioma (Dereza), which grow in tropical, subtropical, partially - in moderate belts of both hemispheres, mainly in South America. In nature, the Licium can be found in the steppes, the plain and mountain deserts and semi-deserts, along the river deserted valleys, in the south-east of Europe, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia, in China.

In Russia, it is divorced mainly by the Chinese ( Lycium. chinense) And the deresant ordinary (Lycium Barbarum). The latter is considered the most unpretentious view.

From everything we can conclude that the derision is ordinary - unpretentious, decorative and useful plant. I advise everyone to chain such a plant on your site.

"Ural Gardener", №12, 2017

IN lately Goji berries have gained great popularity. They are used both to replenish the organism with the useful substances and to reduce the number of fat cells. However, not everyone knows that the scientific name of this culture is the Tereza ordinary (Lycium Barbarum). The fruits of this plant are still called " wolf Yagoda"Or" Tibetan Barbaris ". The name "Goji" came to us from China, it was there that such a name has the fruits of the union ordinary. Goji berries today are grown in fertile Himalayan valleys. Their homeland is considered Tibet, Ningxia-Huiesky district. These fruits today are rightfully related to the most valuable drug cultures existing in the world. Next, we will tell about how to plant and grow a breeze ordinary in Russia.

Dereza ordinary. Characteristics of culture

The Plant of Guest (Tereza ordinary) is a low-spirited shrub belonging to the family of paroles. The plant is cultivated in different countries. Consider where the derane is growing. Thus, culture can be found in China, in Asia, in Kuban, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine and in some regions of Russia.

Shrub Dereza ordinary has the following distinctive features:

  • Fragile shoots of this culture are covered with thin spines. The length of the branch reaches about 340 cm and hang down. They have a yellowish tint. Thanks to the beautiful color gamma Plants, it is counted for decorative species.
  • The bark usually has a gray shade.
  • During flowering, flowers have purple or gentle pink color. The soft flavor of flowers is also noteworthy, thanks to which the deres is popular with summer gardeners.
  • Goji's fruits are usually small in size, up to one and a half centimeters in length, in color they are bright red or orange. The appearance of fruits can be expected on the 2-3rd year after planting a culture on the site.

  • Ordinary bodies are fairly juicy. It is worth noting that there is no case in the raw form. Therefore, the fruits are usually dried in the shade, only after drying they can be used. The taste of dry berries sweet-salty, sometimes they are acidic. To taste, they are the same as full.
  • The composition of these berries contains a very large number of different nutrients, vitamins, calcium, antioxidants, zinc, phosphorus, iron and other useful components.
  • The diameter of the Kneeza bushes is about 600 cm.
  • The plant has a major root with a lot of branches. Due to the massiveness of the root system, the culture can not be planted on all types of soil.
  • Dessen leaves have a beautiful shade. From above, they are painted in green, and below - in a gray color. The shape of the leaves is elongated, oblong.
  • Saplings of Dereza ordinary begin their bloom from the beginning of summer. Culture pleases with its flowering throughout the summer period. In September, after the plant wonders, the appearance of fruits can be expected.

Varieta ordinary varieties

The reproduction of Dereza passes in several ways:

  • Seeds. This method is the most popular. The seeds of the ordinary ordinary can be purchased at any flower shop or it is possible to collect them on their cottage plot. If planned planting material Sold in an open soil, it is recommended to conduct seeds to the stratification procedure. If sowing is carried out in a greenhouse, then you can do without stratification. In the greenhouses planted seeds in the spring. Spring seedlings are pinching. This allows you to increase the number of shoots on one bush of culture.
  • Vegetative method. In this case, the reproduction passes with small cuttings, the length of which does not exceed 100 mm. The shoots that are selected for disembodies should be semi-resistive or weird. This allows you to improve the survival rate of culture. Dry cutlets in the greenhouses in the summer. Buy Saplings of Dereza ordinary can be in flower shops or in summer houses. To improve the formation of the root system, you can pre-fall cuttings in the fall in containers with fertile soil. Capacities with seedlings should be placed on the heat balcony.
  • Summer. In this way, the drape breeds in the Caucasian fields.

The benefits of the fruit of the union ordinary

You can talk a lot of time to talk about the benefits of the fruit of the blast ordinary. Therefore, we will dwell only at the main points:

  • One of the most valuable properties is that the substance that is contained in these berries helps to deal with harmful neoplasms. According to research, people who regularly use the fruits of the blas of ordinary are less susceptible to such serious agers as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.
  • In addition, the fruits of Dereza have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. The work of the heart muscle is normal.
  • In these berries contain sufficient number polysaccharides. Thanks to them, the fruits of the union ordinary have a tonic effect. The eating of these berries stimulates cells so that they actively perform their functions.
  • It contains valuable adaptogen, which gives the body vigor, activity and endurance.
  • In addition, these berries can replenish the intestinal useful microflora, as well as maintain its livelihood.
  • In addition, fruits are used as prevention of blood pressure. Useful substances in the composition of berries make the walls of the vessels elastic.
  • Lutein, which is contained in the fruits of the union, is useful for the eyes. In particular, it prevents the appearance of lens pathologies.

  • With regular use of fruits, it takes place from excessive accumulation of fat cells.
  • The use of this berry contributes to the normalization of the Motoric GTS, and also helps the elimination of harmful slags from the body.
  • Phytosterols, located in the composition of the fruits, help balance the hormonal background.
  • In addition, the use of berries eliminates anemia, the deficit of minerals and raises the hemoglobin level, helps in stress and improves sleep. Therefore, these fruits can be safely called natural means from insomnia and depression.
  • Improve the work of the brain.
  • The berries contain likope, which activates immunity, is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Improves the state of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Due to the content of glycosides, these berries cause a decrease in blood glucose in patients with chronic diabetes.
  • Blood clean well and are a means of preventing various pathological processes in cells. At the same time, their aging is deprived.
  • It should also be noted that these berries restore in some cases the impaired structure of DNA molecules. This fact was even confirmed scientific research. Perhaps it is for this reason that the Chinese who live in the Himalayan regions are considered long-livers.

The cultivation of Dereza ordinary

Selection of a landing site for the union

Before you decide to land this plant on your site, you need to understand that it is rather unpretentious and very quickly grow. If you do not follow it, it can grow up all over the site by adding inconvenience to other plants. To bring it from the site will be problematic. Often, this plant is grown on wastehouses, along the pvv and ditch, as well as on the dapets. For landing, Dereza is suitable for any soil. It feels perfectly perfectly on drained lowland soils. The only condition for normal growth of the plant of any variety is sufficient sunlight. Therefore, for its landing it is better to choose well-lit sections without shade from other trees and plants.

Landing Dereza ordinary

The optimal period for planting this plant is spring. In the fall, it is planting extremely rarely, even though it makes small frosts. In the southern regions where in the winter the temperature is rarely lowered below zero, autumn planting possible. Wintering the plant of the union should be in shelter. It is unpretentious in the choice of the soil, but the most good results gives on weakly acid-high-alkaline soils. At the same time, the site should be well lit by sunlight.

The order of landing of Dereza ordinary:

  1. For landing, the sageda is needed to prepare a hole in a depth of 0.4 m and a width of about half a meter.
  2. The pit before landing is abundantly watering and is mured with humid or peat.
  3. After planting a seedling of the plant, which you need to burst a little, the soil is preparing for filling. To do this, 30-45 grams of potassium sulfate either are stirred from the ground. wood ash, 150-230 Gy of superphosphate and up to 8 kg of compost.
  4. Support Saplings Dereza is needed with a slight gap so that they do not interfere with each other to develop. Optimal distance Between wells - 1.5 - 2 meters.

Dereza Ordinary: Care

  • The plant in the process of its growth does not require much care and grows in itself. It should not pour it abundantly, even if there is a dry summer in the yard. Abundant watering it requires only in the planting process. Otherwise, watering once a week will be quite enough.
  • In the feeding plant needs only during the growing season. In other cases, the drape is quite normally developing and without fertilizers, because it is perfectly caring for both weakly ground soils.
  • For trimming, the plant is quite stable. On the site of the cropped branches, young shoots grow rapidly. Does not damage and mechanical trimming, which is often used in decorative gardening.
  • With serious freezers in medium latitudes, the plant can freeze and die. To avoid this, it is covered by winter. They are covered with a sweetheave or polyethylene. It creates inside optimal microclimate With small frosts. If the winter in the region is very severe, many gardeners transplant the culture in deep containers and remove into a warm room.

Dereza ordinary: photo

Tereza ordinary: video

Recently, the Berries of Dereza became very popular due to their effective medical properties and the presence of a large complex of vitamins. Only advertising and success they brought another chinese name - Goji berries.

The types of Dereza have a lot, but some species are poisonous.

In North America, this plant is known as Anderson Dereza, in China - Goji Berries, in Argentina and Chile - Dereza Chilean, in South Africa - African Dereza, in Russia - Tereza ordinary.

The plant belongs to the Polenic family, is a perennial shrub with a well-developed root system. Height can reach up to 3.5 m. It grows well, has soft stems and spines on the branches.

During flowering, a pleasant fragrance. The form of flowers resembles bells with a pink-purple tint, light purple or purple.

Elliptical leaves, fruits have a beautiful saturated red, coral or scarlet color.

The period of fruiting lasts from May and until the middle of the autumn. During this period, more than 12 yields can be issued.

Taste with Sweet-sour or sour berriesthat once again confirms the findings of scientists about the content in Dereza large number Vitamin C.

Conditions for growing

The plant in the cultivation of unpretentiousis accepted easily and well grown. For landing you can buy both seeds and seedlings that are sold in specialized stores.

Dereza calmly transfers any weather, whether it is a strong thirty-degree frost or roast little rainy summer.

She carries it calm and drought. For good well-being, Derezu enough to water once every two weeks.

Spring plant is desirable to fertilize Potash Selutyra and urea. If the plant grows in highly alkaline soil, it is preferable to add ash once a year, approximately 500 mg per fuma with a sapling.

To various diseases and pests of deresses are stableIt has good adaptive qualities, not afraid of anomalous weather conditions. In preventive purposes, you can spray once a year tincture of wormwood or garlic.

Derezu can be found on forest edges, at the foot of the mountains, along the path of forest landing. However, many dacities began to cultivate the plant on their sites, wanting to improve and strengthen their health with the help of excellent healing berries of the plant.

In essence, the Berries of Dereza ordinary is the same berries, only grows the drape of the house, on its garden plot, and not in the distant China on someone else's land.

Goji berries in supermarkets and pharmacies sell at very high prices. Reasonable people grow in their sections of healing berries for free.

It has long been observed and it is proved that the best effect for health is bringing those fruits and berries that grew on their own plot on their native land.

Brought overseas fruits do not have such a healing effect on the human body, as they grew in another soil, whose chemical content differs from native soil.

The fact is that the human body since birth has individual enzymes for splitting precisely those fruits and vegetables that grow in the native terrain.

What is brought from abroad, what kind of healing it would not have, does not have such a healing effect for a person, like what is grown in the native locality, surrounded by personal care and polished with native water.

Medical and useful properties

In plants, almost all parts are useful: berries, bark, roots, leaves.

Leaves and roots For preservation useful properties They collect during the blooming of flowers, dried in a dark place and store about 2 years.

The most valuable raw materials are Berries Derezawhich contain a rich complex of vitamins, minerals, macro and trace elements, amino acids, polysaccharides.

Thanks to its miraculous therapeutic properties, the plant is called "a means of thousands of a twigs".

It is known for a long time, they were treated many diseases. The plant has the greatest popularity among the monks of an ancient Tibet.

Properties of Berry of Dereza ordinary:

  1. Cleansing the body from toxins, slags, pathogenic infections (eliminates the intestinal wand, candidiasis; used as auxiliary means when infection of the urogenital system).
  2. Improving the work of the cardiovascular system, getting rid of headaches and dizziness, pressure normalization.
  3. Strengthening visual acuity.
  4. Reduced in blood cholesterol and sugar.
  5. Facilitation of symptoms of rheumatism, diseases of the muscular system and joints.
  6. Strengthening sexual function, elimination of sex frigidity and male potency.
  7. Normalization of the kidney and gallbladder.
  8. Strengthening the immune system.
  9. Burning extra fats, weight loss.
  10. Improved memory, concentration of attention.
  11. Toning, giving strength and energy.

The healing properties of Dereza ordinary to so many diverse that it is all very difficult to list them and long.

No wonder lekari argue that she treats a thousand diseases, gives strength and energy, "pleased" the heart enlightens the mind, is the most powerful antioxidant, extends the years of life and rejuvenates the entire body.

Planting a seedling and plant care

Most fast way To obtain a crop - locking with cuttings. Escape should have at least 4 kidneys, in the length of the kidney should be about 20 cm.

Escape is cut off by a secateur at an angle and landed into a greenhouse into the soil rich in fluorine. When root system It will appear, the plant is transplanted into the ground.

For planting a seedling you need to dig a hole Approximately 50 cm deep and 60 cm in width. Add a mixture from wood ash (40 g), compost (80 g), superphosphate (200 g). Saplot must be well deepened in the soil, pour and shop.

Dereza loves the sunny side of the plot, does not like abundant moisture.

Fruit the draze begins approximately 3 years after landing.

Berry of Goji or Tereza ordinary. Growing and care:

Use of berries and roots in cooking and medicine

Recipe infusion of bodies against excess weight and for health promotion: 1 tbsp. l. Berries pour into a glass and pour boiling water to breed half an hour.

Take daily within a month 2 times a day at half a glass.

Recipe from neurological swelling: 1 dessert spoon of dry roots at 300 mg of boiling water is taken, 20 minutes. On slow fire is languishing, after 40 minutes it is.

The decoction is focused and accepted 250 ml 5 times a day before the removal of edema and diseases of neurological genesis.

Vitamin Soup to Strengthen Immunity with Berries Dereza: To prepare to take 100 g of berries, feta cheese 50 g, 2 fresh tomato, one bulb, 2 pcs. bulgarian pepper, 100 mg of water, salt and oil to taste (preferably olive oil).

Before cooking, you need to soak in cold water Minutes for 15. All components are crushed in a blender (except cheese), insist in a cold place 1.5 hours.

Stay out in plates, add chopped cheese, pour in any broth or water (if a vegetarian dish), salt the taste, you can add ground pepper, dill and parsley. Dish is ready for use.

Protein cocktail with Dereza to recover after heavy loads : Preparing for a day before intense physical training: 3 tbsp. l. Berries are poured a liter of low-fat milk, covered and put in a cold place to fill.

After hitting a homogeneous mass, a cocktail is ready. You can add 2 sheets of mint or on the tip of a spoon of dry cinnamon. It will emphasize and improve taste.

Cocktail must be used immediately after training or severe physical work. It will quickly restore power, will return the ability to work and energy. In the protein value, such a cocktail from the bodies of Dereza is much higher than the hammering milk.

Berries can be dried in a dark place and in winter to use instead of pharmaceutical vitamins. A day you can take no more than 30 mg.

Same dried berries add to meat dishes, casseroles, cakes, pies, any porridge. Of these, beautiful tea and kissel are prepared, brew and drink instead of water as a prophylactic agent from a variety of diseases.

It is noted that people who regularly use the berry data, feel great and are sick less. And recently scientists have found a component in Dereza, which reduces the risk of developing oncology.

Lycium, Dereza, Wolf Berry. Perennial decorative plantFlowering from the middle of summer and fruiting in the late summer-early autumn. As a rule, these shrubs, up to 2 m high. Most species of poisonous, some have medicinal properties.

Types and varieties of Dereza

In the order of about 90 species encountered everywhere, the most famous ordered ordinary, which has become popular under its commercial name "Goji Berry".

Tereza ordinary, Berber Derezov, Wolf Berry, Litia Ordinary, Dereza Barbaric ( Lycium Barbarum, Lycium Flaccidum, Lycium Halimifolium, Lycium Vulgare, Lycium SUBGLOBOSUM)

Other names: Lychi, Berry Goji ( Goji, Goji Berry, Fructus Lycii, Gou Qi Zi (Goji), Ninxia Gowtsi - Chinese)

Commercial name "Goji Berries" derived from Chinese Ningxia Gougi. , literal translation of Ninxian Dereza. However, there is an assumption that this name comes from the ancient Parsida gojeh. - "plum".

In China and Asia, the berries are called "red diamonds".

Russian trading options: "Paradise Berry", "Yagoda longevity", "Red Almaz", "Tibetan Barbaris".

Foreign names of Goji berries. English options: Wolfberry, Barbary Matrimony Vine, Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree; German: Bocksdorn..

Motherland - China, Ningxia district, Tibet and Himalayas, but in culture occurs everywhere, including in Russia, in Southern Europe, North Africa, Iran, in the UK and in North America.

Spiny bushes with a height of 2-3 m with gray-green, oblong pointed leaves on short cutters, 6-7 (3-10) long (3-10) long, cm. Flowers, purple or lilac, up to 2 cm in diameter, fragrant. The flowering period from June to September. Fruits - multiferied red-orange elliptical berries, 1-2 cm long.

Berries ripen from August to October.

Fruption begins on the 2-3rd year after landing.

At the popular large-scale Polish variety 'NEW BIG' Fruits are larger, up to 2 cm long and in diameter up to 1 cm, in addition, they are sweeter compared to species.

Wolf berries - a generalizing name for a whole group of plants, including not only toxic, but also quite edible. For example, poisonous - belladonna or arms are typical ( Atropa Belladonna.), wolter year ( Daphne.), Krushshka brittle ( Frangula Alnus. - Poisonous Fresh Fruits), Snowy Year ( Symphoricarpos.), worsion eyes ( Paris.) and not poisonous: ordered ordinary ( Lycium Barbarum), Common honeysuckle ( Lonicera Xylosteum).


In the middle lane, Goji can grow on any soils, even depleted. Optimal time for landing - spring.

For the plant it is necessary to install support. Pruning tolerates well, but in general does not need. Crop as needed.

Berry reproduction year

Seeds, semi-resistible and weathered cuttings. Seeds are well rocked even without prior processing.

Application in medicine

In Chinese medicine, dry berries are traditionally used (Latin - Fructus Lycii.). In addition, in Chinese medicine, in addition to berries, use the bark of the roots of the Berry of Goji.

In Japan and China from berries are prepared alcoholic beverage.

In general, the Berry of Goji has a tonic, adaptogenic, well-fastened action and other useful properties.

The name "Wolf Berry" is known to many, but few people know that a variety of plants can be hidden under this name.

Most often we are talking About Dereza - Flower, many species of which are poisonous, but, nevertheless, are found in gardens and parks.


Dereza (Lycium) refers to the Polenic family and includes more than 80 species of trees and bushes. This plant is common worldwide, it can often be found on arid or salted soils.

It is a long-term shrub covered by barns, its height averages 2-3 meters, but there are also giants up to 10 meters. Leaves are small, up to 8 cm. Flowers are growing separately or small inflorescences and have white, purple or greenish petals.

Flowering lasts all summer, which makes a shrub excellent honey. The fruit looks like a thin box of red, yellow, orange or even black or violet flowers. Maturation falls on mid-summer - the beginning of autumn.

It's important to know:earlier in Russia, Derezu was called shutters, the score, the damn of the shoulders, the name of Tkenna was common in the Caucasus.

The fruits of Dereza contain vitamins A and B, nicotine acid and polysaccharides, but they are extremely poisonous due to the content of alkaloids. In small doses, they can be used in medicine for the treatment of liver and kidney, but due to high toxicity, this occurs extremely rarely.

It is important to note that the keeper has a huge number of species that are common in many countries. There are Dereza African, Chilean, Tibetan, Shanghai.

The Chinese view is known under the name of the berries of Goji (Berds of happiness), sometimes add the word "shambal". These berries are edible and contribute to the strengthening of immunity, deliverance from Handra and depression, local legends even emphasize them with the ability to give immortality.

Tereza ordinary or Lycium Barbarum is one of the most common species in the world, whose homeland is considered China. It is high, up to 3 meters, a bush covered with barbs, with deep and strong roots.

Its branches are long and thin, bending downwards under his own weight, crown is pretty thick. The leaves are narrow, with short cutters, purple flowers, small, diameter up to 2 cm, have a pleasant smell. Berries are small, up to 2 cm in length, the oblong shape, warm red-orange shade, inside contains several seeds.

Note: in wild ordinary Dereza There are spines, its "cultural" fellow women are practically no.

The deresis grows along the roads, in the thickets of the forest and on the edges, on mounds, slopes, waste, and others are few places suitable for growth, for example, at an altitude of up to 4 thousand meters above sea level. A bush can be found in the south-east of Asia, in Central Asia, Primorye, in Middle lane Russia, in the Caucasus and Kuban, as well as in Ukraine.

Thanks to unpretentiousness, it can be planted even on poor soils. Some of the most popular species are Lifeberry and New Big, which can be raised at home.

Gardeners Licium attracts primarily a duration of flowering: it continues from the beginning of summer until mid-October. Also, Dereza looks great in the role of alive hedge.

Another reason is its fecundity: since the three-year-old, the bush is able to give more than a dozen yields per year, 1-10 kg from each bush. Fruits appear at the beginning of summer and continue to grow to the beginning of autumn. The bodies of the union can be dried and there is, as well as apply in cooking. To taste, dry fruits resemble raisins, but contain more vitamins.

Basic landing and care rules

Derezu is quite easy to grow even in the suburbs, the main thing is to correctly care for her. Choosing a place, it is worth staying on the sunny sides, as this plant is rather thermal lodge.

It is worthwhile to move away from the walls or hedges, and the close neighborhood with other plants will not benefit: thanks to the strong developed roots of the Dereza will select all nutrients. But the composition of the soil does not play a special role: even weakly salting soils are suitable for Dereza.

Good to know: Despite unpretentiousness, it is still necessary to feed the bushes: it will help get good harvest and strong bush.

All landing takes place in several steps:

  1. In the ground it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of about 40 cm.
  2. Need to put a layer cow manure Or compost, top with a slightly sprinkle the earth.
  3. After sitting down, Derezu himself, slightly drowning the root neck, fit the ground and wipes abundantly.
  4. Then the Earth is mounted with or sawdust.

If the bush transplant from the pot in open sad, Kaya land with roots can not be removed: it will help Lisiuum to adapt faster.

Subsequent care

The plant care does not represent any particular difficulties. In the arid summer, Derezu needs to be regularly watered, 1-2 times a week: the soil should always be slightly wet.

If the weather, on the contrary, rainy, watering is not required. In the middle of July it is worth a comprehensive mineral fertilizer, it is also necessary to regularly remove weary grass.

If the bush rumbles badly or it is required to give it a certain, more neat form, it is necessary to carry out. It can be done by any tool, the main thing is that it is sharp enough. Usually, gardeners are removed by three-year branches, as they are practically not fruiting and only interfere with young shoots.

The plant is characterized by good frost resistance, calmly worries cold to -20-25 degrees and does not need special wintering. But still it is recommended to cover the bush for the winter, so as not to freeze it.

To do this, fir firboans or a simple tissue tied on top. If the plant "lives" in the pot and just endured outside, it can be removed into a basement or another cool place (the temperature should be no lower than +10 degrees).

Take note: Dereza needs a support, as it has too thin branches that bent under its own weight.

If this is not included in the plans of the gardener, it is necessary to tie the bushes at once when landing. The easiest option is to drive a support near the bush with a height of up to 1.5 meters and tie to it branches. When the bush reaches this height, its top is cut to stop the growth. At an altitude of 1-1.5 meters, side shoots are also thinned so that the bush does not "collapse."


In nature, the reproduction of Lisiology occurs with the help of self-help. Gardeners use in other ways:

  1. Seeds: This is a rather simple way that does not require any preparation. Seeds must be removed from the fetus and soak for a couple of hours in the zircon. Then they are planted in a mixture of 1 part of the peat and 2 parts of the sublink, they are abundantly watered and covered with glass or film. It helps to create a greenhouse effect and speed up germination. The pot must be removed into a warm place, carefully following the seeds not overcooked and not overheated.

After 2 weeks, sprouts should appear, after which the pot is cleaned into the half. When leaflets appear on the surface, sprouts should be transplanted into deep separate pots. If the pot turns out to be small, then after a while when the deres is strengthened, it will be possible to transplanted in a larger tank. At the time of transplanting plants, it is recommended for a couple of days to put in the nutrient solution.

Gardening Council: When seedlings are actively growing, it is necessary to pinch them in order to get a thick crown.

  1. Cuttings: This express option is suitable for home reproduction. hybrid varieties. Better time For such a reproduction is the second half of the summer. To do this, it is necessary to cut the young one that has not yet covered with a solid bark with a bit of several knelts with a length of about 10-15 cm, and put it for several days to the nutrient solution. Then transplant in a mixture of peat and loam and create a greenhouse effect with a transparent plastic bottle or glass.

When the cutlets stop the roots and it will grow enough (it may be necessary for 2-3 weeks), it must be transferred to a pot of more and in the middle of the autumn to rearrange it into a greenhouse or a greenhouse. In the open ground stalks you can transplant the next spring.

Fighting pests

Dereza is able to confront pests and disease itself. For prevention, it is enough to regularly inspect the leaves and young shoots, cutting off the affected parts, and spend spraying from insects.

Tereza ordinary is great for creating vegetable hedges and growing useful berries Goji in the country area. It is unpretentious, does not require special costs and easily adapts to a wide variety of conditions: the bush can do without water or feeding, grow without trimming, etc.

Interesting information about Goji berries, see the following video: