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"Fitozont coniferous", "Rakurs", "Pinocid" are unique preparations for the health and beauty of conifers. Dereza vulgaris: useful properties and contraindications

On the world market, 1 kg of common wolfberry costs from $ 50 - as well as a liter of juice of its coral berries. The annual spending of fans of the "superfood" is estimated at $ 145 million and more. For connoisseurs of exotic and healthy way life will be interesting reference Information about culture, facts about the miracle berry, photos of an extraordinary ordinary wolfberry.

general information

Dereza ordinary, she is also Berber dereza (Latin Lycium barbarum), perennial, deciduous shrub of an extensive family of Solanaceae, a related species Lycium chinense, the so-called. Chinese wolfberry, or identified with it. In Chinese transliteration, the name sounds like Níngxià gǒuqǐ, in English it sounds like Goji - the same goji known as a superfood of recent decades.

The distribution area is the central part of China, the foothills of Tibet, most of Eurasia, including Russia and southeastern Europe, North America, Australia.

Industrial cultivation is concentrated in the northern and western regions of China, from where it is imported as raw material for juices, in dried form, to the European Union, the United States and other countries, including Russia. Manufacturers of dietary products and juices include Coca-Cola, PepciCo, Schweppers, Dr. Pepper, etc.

The global branding of goji as a "superfood" began with Freelife International, an importer of dried fruit and a juice producer. Freelife accounts for 90% of sales in 26 countries, with an estimated annual turnover close to $ 500 million.

In Russia, in the wild, Dereza is found in Middle lane, Primorsky Territory, in the North Caucasus. Wild-growing culture can be found everywhere: Dereza grows on forest edges, dry slopes, along roads, in wastelands.

Dereza berries

Amateur cultivation of wolfberry is also practiced. Gardeners note the aggressiveness of the plant, to get rid of the shoots of which have to be done with the help of herbicides. The similarity of the seedlings of the "Himalayan miracle" bought for a lot of money and the culture that has chosen wastelands is also noted.

Botanical description

The height of a plant resembling a barberry is up to 3.5 m. The bush gives many offspring. The branches are arcuate, drooping, studded. Leaves are oblong-lanceolate, whole-cut, light green above, slightly bluish below. Purple flowers with a diameter of 2 cm, bell-shaped. Fruits are orange-red, oblong-rounded, up to 12 cm.

Dereza ordinary blooms in the second year, from the beginning of summer to September. Dereza begins to bear fruit for 3-5 years.

Attention! According to the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) database, wolfberry is a poisonous plant. Since 2004, the FDA has classified dietary supplements based on it as containing "hazardous, undeclared ingredients."

Many varieties of Dereza have been bred, differing in the size of the fruits, the roughness of the shoots, and the ripening time. These are Chinese, American, European forms of Goji Lhasa, Goji Lysiet, Crimson Star, Dynamite, Biglifeberry, New Big, etc.

For those who doubt the identity of common wolfberry and goji: in the United States, the officially declared name of the culture is Lycium barbarum, its berries are Goji Berry, Wolfberries. The name Lycium chinense is not used.

About the main thing: about the benefits

  1. Improving metabolism, psychoemotional state, potency.
  2. Weight loss, hormonal stabilization.
  3. Suppression of cholesterol synthesis.
  4. Decreased sugar levels.
  5. Adaptogenic, immunostimulating properties.
  6. Hepatoprotective.
  7. Cytostatic (antineoplastic).

The declared properties are not confirmed. On the contrary, the FDA has more than once stopped the supply of wolfberry due to the increased content of insecticides and fungicides. To this day, the wolfberry imported under the "natural" brand has not been approved by the Department.

Freelife International representatives were caught making false statements, incl. about the antitumor efficacy of berries. For example, Earl Mindell, marketing director, cited non-existent studies at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, a cancer center in New York, allegedly confirming the cytostatic activity of the culture.

According to the National Institutes of Health, there are currently no ongoing or pending studies on the properties of wolfberry. The wording sounds like “we have not researched and we are not researching dereza”.
There are also legal proceedings with Freelife International, the subject of which is "the provision of false information, false statements."

The composition of the "superfood"

Dereza fruits contain:

  • 22 important macro- and microelements;
  • 6 essential vitamins;
  • 18 amino acids;

  • alkaloids (atropine, hyoscyamine), etc.,
  • polysaccharides;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins.

Attention! Due to the content of atropine, the permissible dose of the "superfood" is 100-120 ml per day, or up to 50 g of dry fruits.

The content of the listed substances is comparable to that of many fruits and vegetables. So, the level of vitamin C, declared as the highest among plant foods, as it turned out, is inferior to citrus fruits, rose hips. In dried fruits, it is practically absent. According to British nutritionists, about 500 ml of juice will replace a regular apple.

Different sources provide different data on the composition. So, the amount of protein ranges from 0 to 30%, fiber - from 0 to 13%. Calorie content also varies: according to some sources, a hundred-gram handful of dry berries is 150 kcal, according to others - up to 300 kcal.

Attention! Dereza products are absolutely incompatible with antihypertensive drugs, lowering sugar levels and anticoagulants.

Only three studies of the properties of culture have been documented. The results of the first revealed UV resistance in hairless mice drinking goji juice. The results of the second report that "the product needs to be studied." A third experiment in China found a decrease in sugar levels in diabetic rabbits. According to the brilliant marketer Martin Lindstrom, the goji's PR campaign is a surrender of common sense to marketing. Sunbathing mice and recovering rabbits are not a reason for the whole world to buy “hope in a bottle”.

However, one cannot judge those who believe in the cure with the Tibetan coral berry: there is no immunity from belief in a fairy tale. And there is no answer to the uncomfortable question: who will return health and lost time to those for whom a handful of wild barberry has become the last hope.

V recent times goji berries have become very popular. They are used both to replenish the body with nutrients and to reduce the number of fat cells. However, not everyone knows that the scientific name of this culture is common wolfberry (Lycium barbarum). The fruits of this plant are also called "wolfberry" or "Tibetan barberry". Directly the name "goji" came to us from China, it is there that the fruits of the common wolfberry have such a name. Goji berries are grown today in the fertile Himalayan valleys. Tibet, the Ningxia Hui region, is considered their homeland. These fruits today rightfully belong to the most valuable medicinal crops that exist in the world. Next, we will tell you about how to plant and grow common wolfberry in Russia.

Dereza is common. Culture characteristics

The goji plant (vulgaris vulgaris) is a low-growing shrub belonging to the Solanaceae family. The plant is cultivated in various countries. Consider where the common wolfberry grows. So, the culture can be found in China, in Asia, in the Kuban, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine and in some regions of Russia.

The common wolfberry shrub has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • The fragile shoots of this culture are covered with thin thorns. The branches reach about 340 cm in length and hang down. They have a yellowish tint. Thanks to the beautiful colors plants, it is classified as an ornamental species.
  • The bark is usually gray in color.
  • During flowering, the flowers are purple or pale pink. The mild aroma of flowers is also noteworthy, thanks to which the wolfberry is popular among gardeners and summer residents.
  • Goji fruits are usually small in size, up to one and a half centimeters in length, they are bright red or orange in color. The appearance of fruits can be expected in the 2-3rd year after planting the crop on the site.

  • The berries of the common wolfberry are quite juicy. It should be noted that in no case should they be eaten raw. Therefore, the fruits are usually dried in the shade, only after drying can they be consumed. The dry berries taste sweet and salty, sometimes sour. They taste the same as nightshade.
  • These berries contain a very large number of different nutrients, vitamins, calcium, antioxidants, zinc, phosphorus, iron and other useful components.
  • The diameter of the crown of Dereza bushes is about 600 cm.
  • The plant has a large root with many branches. Due to the massive root system, the crop can not be planted on all types of soil.
  • Dereza leaves have a beautiful shade. From above they are painted green, and from below they are gray. The shape of the leaves is elongated, oblong.
  • Dereza saplings begin their flowering from the beginning of summer. The culture pleases with its flowering throughout the summer. In the month of September, after the plant has faded, fruit can be expected to appear.

Dereza varieties

Reproduction of wolfberry takes place in several ways:

  • Seeds. This method is the most popular. Dereza seeds can be purchased at any flower shop, or it is possible to collect them at your summer cottage... If planned planting material sowing in open soil, it is recommended to carry out a stratification procedure for the seeds. If sowing is carried out in a greenhouse, then stratification can be dispensed with. Seeds are planted in greenhouses in the spring. Sprouted seedlings pinch. This allows you to increase the number of shoots on one crop bush.
  • Vegetative method. In this case, reproduction takes place with the help of small cuttings, the length of which does not exceed 100 mm. Shoots that are selected for planting must be semi-lignified or lignified. This improves the survival rate of the culture. Cuttings are planted in greenhouses in the summer. You can buy saplings of common wolfberry in flower shops or from summer residents. To improve the formation of the root system, cuttings can be pre-planted in the fall in containers with fertile soil. Containers with seedlings should be placed on a warm balcony.
  • Self-seeding. In this way, Dereza reproduces in the Caucasian fields.

The benefits of the fruit of the common wolf

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of the common wolfberry fruit. Therefore, we will focus only on the main points:

  • One of the most valuable properties is that the substance contained in these berries helps fight harmful neoplasms. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat wolfberry fruit are less likely to suffer from serious ailments such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's.
  • In addition, dereza fruits have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. The work of the heart muscle is normalized.
  • These berries contain a sufficient amount of polysaccharides. Thanks to them, the fruits of Dereza vulgaris have a tonic effect. Eating these berries stimulates the cells to actively perform their functions.
  • It contains a valuable adaptogen that gives the body vigor, activity and endurance.
  • In addition, these berries can replenish the beneficial intestinal microflora, as well as support its vital activity.
  • In addition, the fruit is used to prevent high blood pressure. The beneficial substances in the berries make the walls of blood vessels more elastic.
  • Lutein, which is found in the fruits of the common wolfberry, is good for the eyes. In particular, it prevents the appearance of lens pathologies.

  • With regular use of the fruit, excess accumulation of fat cells is eliminated.
  • The use of this berry helps to normalize the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, and also helps to remove harmful toxins from the body.
  • The phytosterols found in fruits help balance hormones.
  • In addition, the use of berries eliminates anemia, mineral deficiencies and raises hemoglobin levels, helps with stress and improves sleep. Therefore, these fruits can be safely called natural remedies for insomnia and depression.
  • The work of the brain improves.
  • The berries contain lycopene, which activates the immune system, is the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Due to the content of glycosides, these berries cause a decrease in blood glucose levels in patients with chronic diabetes.
  • They cleanse the blood well and are a means of preventing various pathological processes in cells. At the same time, their aging is delayed.
  • It should also be noted that these berries restore in some cases the damaged structure of DNA molecules. This fact has even been confirmed scientific research... Perhaps it is for this reason that the Chinese who live in the Himalayan regions are considered centenarians.

Growing wolfberry

Choosing a site for planting wolfberry

Before deciding to plant this plant on your site, you need to understand that it is quite unpretentious and grows very quickly. If you do not follow it, then it can grow throughout the site, adding inconvenience to other plants. It will be problematic to remove him from the site. Often this plant is grown in wastelands, along ditches and ditches, as well as in apiaries. Any soil is suitable for planting dereza. She feels great even on drained marginal soils. The only condition for the normal growth of a plant of any variety is sufficient sunshine... Therefore, for planting it, it is better to choose well-lit areas without shade from other trees and plants.

Planting wolfberry

The optimal period for planting this plant is spring. It is rarely planted in autumn, although it can endure slight frosts. In the southern regions, where temperatures rarely drop below zero in winter, autumn planting possible. The wormwood plant should overwinter in a shelter. It is unpretentious in the choice of soil, but gives the best results on slightly acidic-strongly alkaline soils. In this case, the site should be well lit by the sun's rays.

The order of planting the common wolfberry:

  1. To plant a wolfberry seedling, it is necessary to prepare a hole 0.4 m deep and about half a meter wide.
  2. Before planting, the pit is watered abundantly with water and mulched with humus or peat.
  3. After planting a seedling of a plant, which needs to be buried a little, the soil is prepared for backfill. To do this, mix 30-45 g of potassium sulfate with the ground, or wood ash, 150-230 grams of superphosphate and up to 8 kg of compost.
  4. It is necessary to plant Dereza seedlings with a small gap so that they do not interfere with each other's development. Optimal distance between holes - 1.5 - 2 meters.

Dereza vulgaris: care

  • The plant in the process of its growth does not require special care and grows by itself. It should not be watered abundantly, even if the summer is dry. It requires abundant watering only during planting. Otherwise, watering once a week will be sufficient.
  • The plant needs feeding only during the growing season. In other cases, Dereza develops quite normally without fertilizers, because it takes root well on poorly fertile soils.
  • The plant is quite resistant to scraps. Young shoots grow quickly in place of the cut branches. Mechanical pruning, which is often used in ornamental gardening, will not harm the tree.
  • With severe frosts in mid-latitudes, the plant may freeze and die. To avoid this, it is sheltered during the winter. Cover them with spruce branches or polyethylene. It creates inside optimal microclimate with light frosts. If the winters in the region are very harsh, many gardeners transplant the crop into deep containers and store it in a warm room.

Dereza ordinary: photo

Dereza ordinary: video

Recently, wolfberry berries have become very popular due to their effective medicinal properties and the presence of a large complex of vitamins. Only advertising and success brought them something else, Chinese name- Goji berries.

There are many species of wolfberry, but some species are poisonous.

In North America, this plant is known as Anderson's Dereza, in China - goji berries, in Argentina and Chile - Chilean Dereza, in South Africa - African Dereza, in Russia - common wolfberry.

The plant belongs to the Solanaceae family, it is a perennial shrub with a well-developed root system. In height it can reach up to 3.5 m. It grows well, has soft stems and thorns on the branches.

Emits a pleasant aroma during flowering... The shape of the flowers resembles bells with a pink-purple hue, light purple or lilac color.

The leaves are elliptical in shape, the fruits have a beautiful rich red, coral or scarlet color.

The fruiting period lasts from May to mid-autumn. During this period, more than 12 crops can be produced.

Berries have a sweet-sour or sour taste, which once again confirms the conclusions of scientists about the content in the tree a large number vitamin C.

Growing conditions

The plant is unpretentious in cultivation, taken easily and grows well. For planting, you can buy both seeds and seedlings, which are sold in specialized stores.

Dereza calmly endures any weather, be it a strong thirty-degree frost or a hot, little rainy summer.

She tolerates drought calmly. For good health, it is enough to water the wolfberry once every two weeks.

In the spring, it is advisable to fertilize the plant potassium nitrate and urea. If the plant grows in highly alkaline soil, it is advisable to add ash once a year, about 500 mg per hole with a seedling.

Dereza is resistant to various diseases and pests, has good adaptive qualities, is not afraid of abnormal weather conditions. As a preventive measure, you can spray it once a year with tincture of wormwood or garlic.

Dereza can be found on forest edges, at the foot of the mountains, along the paths of forest plantations. However, many summer residents began to cultivate the plant in their plots, wishing to improve and strengthen their health with the help of the wonderful healing berries of the plant.

In fact, the berries of the common wolfberry are the very same goji berries., only dereza grows at home, on its garden plot, and not in distant China in a foreign land.

Goji berries are sold at very high prices in supermarkets and pharmacies. Reasonable people grow healing berries on their plots for free.

It has long been noticed and proven that the best health effect is brought by those fruits and berries that grew on their own plot, on their native land.

The imported overseas fruits do not have such a healing effect on the human body, since they grew in a different soil, the chemical content of which is different from the native soil.

The fact is that the human body from birth has individual enzymes for the breakdown of exactly those fruits and vegetables that grow in their native area.

What is brought from abroad, no matter how curative it would be, does not have such a healing effect for a person as what is grown in the native area, surrounded by personal care and watered with native water.

Medicinal and useful properties

Almost all parts of a plant are useful: berries, bark, roots, leaves.

Leaves and roots to preserve useful properties, they are harvested during the blooming of flowers, dried in a dark place and stored for about 2 years.

Dereza berries are the most valuable raw material., which contain a rich complex of vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, amino acids, polysaccharides.

Due to its miraculous medicinal properties, the plant is nicknamed "a remedy for a thousand ailments."

It has been known for a long time, it has been used to treat many diseases. This plant was most popular among the monks of ancient Tibet.

Properties of common wolfberry berries:

  1. Cleansing the body of toxins, toxins, pathogenic infections (eliminates Escherichia coli, candidiasis; used as an aid in the infection of the genitourinary system).
  2. Improving the work of the cardiovascular system, getting rid of headaches and dizziness, normalizing blood pressure.
  3. Enhanced visual acuity.
  4. Decrease in blood cholesterol and sugar.
  5. Relief of symptoms of rheumatism, diseases of the muscular system and joints.
  6. Strengthening sexual function, eliminating sexual frigidity and male potency.
  7. Normalization of the kidneys and gallbladder.
  8. Strengthening the immune system.
  9. Burning excess fat, losing weight.
  10. Improving memory, concentration.
  11. Toning, giving strength and energy.

The healing properties of common wolfberry are so diverse that it is very difficult and long to list them all.

No wonder healers claim that she cures a thousand diseases, gives strength and energy, "pleases" the heart, enlightens the mind, is a powerful antioxidant, prolongs the years of life and rejuvenates the entire body.

Planting a seedling and caring for a plant

Most quick way for harvesting - planting with cuttings... The shoot must have at least 4 buds, the buds should be about 20 cm long.

The shoot is cut with a pruner at an angle and planted in a greenhouse in a soil rich in fluoride. When root system appears, the plant is transplanted into the ground.

To plant a seedling, you need to dig a hole about 50 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Add a mixture of wood ash(40 g), compost (80 g), superphosphate (200 g). The seedling must be well deepened into the soil, watered and dug in.

Dereza loves the sunny side of the site, does not like abundant moisture.

Dereza begins to bear fruit approximately 3 years after planting.

Goji berry or common wolfberry. Growing and care:

The use of berries and roots in cooking and medicine

Recipe for infusion of berries against excess weight and for health promotion: 1 tbsp. l. pour berries into a glass and pour boiling water, let it brew for half an hour.

Take half a glass daily for a month 2 times a day.

Recipe for edema of a neurological nature: Take 1 dessert spoon of dry roots per 300 mg of boiling water, 20 min. simmered over low heat, then infused for 40 minutes.

The broth is filtered and taken in 250 ml 5 times a day until the removal of edema and diseases of neurological origin.

Vitamin Soup for Strengthening Immunity with Dereza Berries: for cooking, take 100 g of berries, feta cheese 50 g, 2 fresh tomatoes, one onion, 2 pcs. bell pepper, 100 mg water, salt and oil to taste (preferably olive oil).

Before cooking, the berries must be soaked in cold water minutes for 15. Grind all components in a blender (except cheese), insist in a cold place for 1.5 hours.

Put in plates, add chopped cheese, pour over any broth or water (if the dish is vegetarian), salt to taste, you can add ground pepper, dill and parsley. The dish is ready to eat.

Dereza protein shake for recovery after heavy loads : prepares the day before strenuous physical training: 3 tbsp. l. berries are poured with a liter of low-fat milk, covered and placed in a cold place to infuse.

After beating until smooth, the cocktail is ready. You can add 2 mint leaves or on the tip of a spoonful of dry cinnamon. This will accentuate and enhance the taste.

The cocktail should be consumed immediately after exercise or hard physical work. He will quickly restore strength, work capacity and energy. In terms of protein value, such a cocktail of wolfberry berries is much higher than milk milk.

Berries can be dried in a dark place and used instead of pharmacy vitamins in winter. You can take no more than 30 mg per day.

Same way dried berries are added to meat dishes, casseroles, cakes, pies, any cereals... They make excellent tea and jelly, brew and drink instead of water as a preventive measure against many diseases.

It is noted that people who regularly consume these berries feel great and get sick less. And recently scientists have found a component in dereza that reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Walking through the forest, we often come across beautiful berries, which are popularly called wolf berries. If you eat them, you will definitely get poisoned. Is it so? Actually, wolf berries- the collective name for a number of plants. These include belladonna, wolfberry, raven eye, honeysuckle, buckthorn, snowberry, common wolfberry. Photos of these plants, the fruits of which in most cases are really inedible, are very often found on the pages of publications dedicated to wildlife... Many of us know from childhood that you cannot eat such berries. A separate place in this list is occupied by the common wolfberry, the fruits of which are a very valuable source of nutrients.

Wolfberry, bulldurgun, Tibetan barberry, goji, licium. All these names belong to one and the same plant - dereza, which supplies us with the most valuable raw materials used to prepare all kinds of medicinal compositions.

Description of the plant

Dereza vulgaris, whose Latin name is Lýcium bárbarum, belongs to the large Solanaceae family and is a woody plant belonging to the genus Dereza, numbering more than sixty species. The homeland of wolfberry is China, but it can be grown in Russia as well.

In height, this shrub reaches a height of 3.5 meters. The branches of the plant are covered with small thin thorns. Leaves are simple, whole-edged, elliptical, flowers are bell-shaped, lilac or color pink, the fruit is a small, bright coral-red berry. Dereza ordinary during the fruiting period, which lasts from May to October (depending on the region), is capable of producing up to thirteen harvests.

About the benefits of common wolfberry

The fruits of the plant are rich in ascorbic, gamma-aminobutyric and nicotinic acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, polysaccharides, proteins, amino acids and many other useful substances.

The leaves and berries (both ripe and dried) of the common wolfberry are used to treat various diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, normalization of kidney function. They also lower cholesterol and normalize blood sugar levels. In addition, the fruits of this plant increase potency, for which they were dubbed the berries of love. For their medicinal properties a broad spectrum of action of the common dereza is called a remedy for thousands of diseases.

Growing dereza in the garden

Is it easy to grow a shrub? Dereza vulgaris feels great in almost all conditions. And before you start breeding wolfberry, you should take into account that it is easier to grow it than to get rid of it later. it unpretentious plant, which perfectly takes root on semi-saline and insufficiently moistened soils, grows quite quickly and successfully, displacing its neighbors in order to reclaim a large area. Therefore, it is better to plant it in wastelands, along ditches and roads, gardens or apiaries.

Dereza vulgaris reproduces equally well by cuttings and seeds. In the first case, one- or two-year-old shoots are used, having 3-4 buds and a length of 10-15 cm, which are first grown in a greenhouse soil consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. The stalk is immersed in the soil to a depth of 5 cm, while the lowest bud should be covered with earth. For germination of seeds, surface sowing is used. To achieve the best result, the seeds must be placed in warm water for two days, then treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and planted in the ground. During seed germination, constant moisture must be maintained.

At the beginning of spring, in adult plants, about one third of the old shoots should be cut at the root. It is necessary to water the common tree only during the rooting period or in the hot dry summer, since it does not like too much humidity.