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How and where to properly store tomatoes? How can you keep tomatoes fresh where to store tomatoes in the refrigerator or not

The cultivation of tomatoes is under the non-gravity control of each vegetable. Very often ripe or submerged fruits have to be massively removed from the bushes. Consider how to keep tomatoes at home in the apartment so that they remain juicy and fresh for a long time.

There are many reasons that can make you break up tomatoes with a bush unhappy.

Reasons for collecting tomatoes, in quantities exceeding the current needs of the vegetable farm:

  • Theft.
  • Plant overloaded with fruits.
  • The fruits are too heavy, break branches.
  • Tomatoes massively squinted.
  • The threat of frosts, signs of serious diseases of tomatoes.

Rules for collecting

It is important not only to collect yields of tomatoes in time, but also to do it right so that the fruits are well kept.

The misappropriate tomatoes can be stored much longer than the dosens.

Rules of collection are applied to all tomatoes, regardless of the degree and timing of their maturity.

It is important to remember: not all varieties of tomatoes are designed for storage.. Early thin-skinned or so-called "Salad" tomatoes should be used to power or recycling for sauces and ledge in the first place.


Transportation of mature tomatoes should be very careful, since the likelihood of fruit is likely. Ripe tomatoes are stored at home without loss of taste of about 3-8 days.

For long-term storage, tomatoes assembled in the dairy ripeness stage, which have achieved characteristic of their sizes, but green ones are preferred.

The fruits of dairy ripeness are practically green tomatoes, just begin to blush.

Tomatoes at the stage of partial maturation - blange ripeness They will hurry in 1.5-2 weeks. Therefore, you should not remove them into the "Far Box".

These tomatoes have already slept and will not lie for a long time!


Optimal storage conditions:

After collecting, all the fruits are carefully viewed and sorted in size, varietal rapidness (secondary, late), according to visual signs of ripening (green, white, brown, pink).

You should not shoot harvest from bushes ,.

Sick plants

Vintage with patients with plants are collected separately, in the absence of signs of the disease at the fruits themselves (rot, pigmentation).

Cracked tomatoes will not be stored for a long time, they are eaten first.

Tomatoes omit on 1.5-2 minutes in hot (about 60 ° C. ) Water and wipe dry. You can try to prevent the fetus fruit with vodka, or a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate.

Unfortunately, if the tomato is infected, then the performance will not give any kind of processing. From tomato, you need to get rid of the tomato.

Accelerate the ripening of tomatoes

Tomatoes mature as quickly as possible if placed on the battery.

It is nice to indulge yourself and close to fresh ripe tomatoes to a deep autumn or even winter, but not everyone has such a possibility - to create optimal conditions for long-term storage of a rich yield of tomatoes. The misappropriate tomatoes contain poison - Solan, which can cause serious poisoning from a fatal outcome. Therefore, garders have a need to quickly bring tomatoes for recycling.

Secrets of accelerated maturation of tomatoes:

Tomatoes are found in the second life in the billets for the winter. Methods of salt, marination, taking, drying and other processings are very many, but "fresh" retains ripe tomatoes only a shock frost in the freezer.

Can tomatoes store in the refrigerator

In the refrigerator, tomatoes are stored in a special vegetable compartment.

Scientists have proven that storage of ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator worsens their taste.. Green tomatoes never mature on the roof of the refrigerator, and ripe will become tasteless.

In case of acute need to store tomatoes in the refrigeration cabinet, but no more than a week (up to 8-12 days). To do this, comply with a number of rules:

  • Store in the designed compartment (zone). At a temperature not lower + 5-8 ° C Heat-loving cultures get frostbite and quickly deteriorate.
  • Do not clog in airtight plastic bags or not to tie them.
  • Store separately from other vegetables and fruits.

Refrigerator tomatoes need to get for 12-24 hours Before drinking and give them to warm at room temperature, then the fragrance will be partially restored, and taste quality improves.

Tomatoes in banks without conservation

Recently, some of the ways of preserving ripe tomatoes are very popular without heat treatment in various containers (mainly 3 liter banks).

The vacuum method does not always work and has many negative reviews.


Successful storage of tomatoes largely depends on the correct selection of the variety.

With proper storage Late (especially hybrid) tomatoes can gradually creek until Februarykeeping your freshness. For tomatoes in the melting, constant surveillance is necessary: selection of actively spice and spoiling fruits.

If the vegetable water managed to independently grow a rich yield of tomatoes, then he has enough patience to keep it until the right moment or dispose of processing, following a simple, tested time for storing tomatoes at home.

Video on how to prepare tomatoes for the winter without conservation

As you know, in any refrigerator at the bottom there is a special compartment for vegetables. It is suitable for any vegetables other than tomatoes: scientists argue that tomatoes are becoming tastier and more useful when storing under normal conditions.

Nutritionists immediately insist that gentle fruit should be stored in the bright and cool corner of the kitchen. Only under such conditions in them, not only useful substances, but also enzymes, which provide tomatoes in the unique taste, are preserved.

The refrigerator really helps to extend the shelf life of gentle fruits, but low temperatures, without affecting the sugar content and the acidity of the pulp, prevent the completion of a complex chemical reaction with the participation of enzymes, as a result of which the special taste and aroma of ripe tomatoes appear. In addition, the researchers found that the impact of low, albeit the positive temperature, changes the structure of the pulp of tomatoes - for several days it can lose the characteristic tenderness and become a grainy.

The French know a lot about food, and it is their scientists who were engaged in studies on the effects of temperatures on the taste of tomatoes. In particular, the effects of storing fruits at room temperature and in the refrigerator were compared and the following results were obtained:

At a storage temperature of 20 ° C, a ripe tomato not only does not suspend the separation of volatile fragrant substances, but also enhances their production (tomato has become more fragrant).

At storage temperature of 4 ° C, fragrant substances were not simply stopped stand out, but the already contained such compounds began to collapse. Moreover, different compounds have different resistance to reduced temperatures. First of all, the more than others were destroyed by substances that attach the so-called "grassy" or "green" shade. It is it that we perceive as a sign of fresh tomato, and the substance responsible for this is destroyed in the refrigerator first.

Researchers, in particular, the well-known American nutritionist Harold McGee (Harold McGee) also found that tomatoes are perfectly stored for at least a week at room temperature - the main thing is that the place is cool and at the same time well-lit, and the harmful effects on the taste quality of tomatoes have temperatures. below 10 ° C.

This rule applies to the potatoes and onions - researchers also do not recommend keeping these vegetables in the refrigerator. Potatoes during long-term storage in the refrigerator can purchase a strange sweet taste - this is due to the transformation of starch in sugar under the influence of low temperature. And onions, like tomatoes, can change the structure of the fabric, lose crispy qualities and become tough.

Tomatoes are loved by many vegetable used as the main component of salads and as an addition to hot dishes. At the end of the season, I really want to find the best way to keep tomatoes so that they longer remain juicy and tasty. In our article we will tell you how to properly save the harvest of ripe tomatoes at home, as well as let's talk about the storage of green fruits at the ripening stage.

Storage conditions

To keep tomatoes for a long time, you need to create the right conditions. Without some compliance with certain requirements, for example, in a package in a kitchen cabinet, tomatoes lie just a few days, after which they begin to quickly deteriate.

For many, habitually store tomatoes in the refrigerator, where they can go to 10 days. But if you want to save tomatoes longer, for example, before the new year, you need to consider the following factors:

  • choose for storage only whole fruits, without the slightest damage and traces of damage;
  • prefer unreasonable Tomatoam, and not ripe copies;
  • take care of suitable temperature mode. It will depend on the degree of ripeness and a specific storage method;
  • provide regular air ventilation in room.

Methods for long-term storage of tomatoes

Each of the methods below is suitable for tomatoes of varying degrees of maturity - from completely green to ripe and surround fruits. For savings will suit both homemade tomatoes, only collected from the bed and bought on the market.

At least twice a week check the tomatoes in the storage location. It is not only possible in possible damage to fruits, but also at the speed of their ripening. Ripe (or already seen) tomatoes are isolated ethylene, which activates the process of ripening the rest. Therefore, instances begin to blush, it is necessary to remove from the repository as quickly as possible. For the same reason, it is impossible to keep apples or pears of autumn collection next to tomatoes.

Ripe fruitperfectly stored in clean lattice boxes made of plastic or wood. Shipped the bottom with clean paper / parchment and spread tomatoes on it, additionally shifting each row paper or wrapping vegetables into it. When all tomatoes are laid, pour the contents with peat or sawdust. In such a form, tomatoes may chase a few months if maintaining the temperature in the room no more than + 8 ... 12.

To preserve tomatoes with fresh for the winter, it is important to collect a crop at the stage of dairy maturity. If the weather allows, green fruits are best removed from the garden as possible, for example, in October. Wrap each vegetable in thin black paper and gently lay out in the lattice box, shifting each row straw. Store the blank follows in a dry dark place with a good ventilation system at a temperature of +10. Under all the conditions of tomatoes, they gradually arm and persist until January.

To destroy the microbes and extend the storage of tomatoes, before bookmarking the boxes need to be treated with pharmacy alcohol and dry.
  • in vegetable oil. Fold the tomatoes in glass jars and pour sunflower or other vegetable oil so that it is completely covered with vegetables. The oil layer from above should be at least 1 cm. Close the harvesting by iron or plastic lid;
  • in brine. Mix the water, salt and vinegar in the proportion of 8: 1: 1. Washing tomatoes fold into the container and pour the cooked solution.

For rapidly ripening Green fruits (5-10 days) decompose tomatoes on the floor in a well-lit place with a temperature around +25. You can fold the fruits directly with the fruits and stems and hang in the ventilated room. A small amount of unripe vegetables can be laid out in the apartment right on the windowsill so that they blush.

In order for tomatoes longer than fresh, do not wash them before booking on the savings.

Verified method for storing ripe tomatoes - slash. Select strong red fruits for the workpiece, free them from the fruits. Separately prepare overripe tomatoes: they need to cut into large parts. In a saucepan or a jar, lay out a layer of crushed tomatoes with a thickness of 8-10 cm, slide a little, lay the layer of whole fruit over the top and pour salt again. Fill the cutting to the top so that the last layer is salt. Sealantly close the dishes and put it on storage in a cool place.

Detailed recipes of tomato blanks for the winter, see this section of our site.

Where to keep tomatoes in the apartment?

Do you still think how to keep tomatoes at home in the apartment? If there is almost always a cellar in rural areas - the best place to save tomatoes is the urban residents have to choose between storage in the refrigerator and storage at room temperature. The following principles will help to determine the optimal option:

  1. For storing tomatoes designed for use in the near future, suitable any Sun protected place. Spread the tomatoes with a flat side down on the windowsill or kitchen table. For a couple of days, they will become more delicious and will not lose their fragrance.
  2. To keep ripe red tomatoes for 5-7 days, place them on the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator Closer to the door.
  3. Slightly misappropriate fruits are recommended to hold at room temperature so that they do loose, and then move the refrigerator.
  4. In the fall and in winter it is convenient to save ripe tomatoes on a glazed balcony or loggiawhere the temperature rests in the range from +10 to +20. In such conditions, tomatoes sufficiently lay out one layer on the floor or another smooth surface, covering the top with a dense cloth to avoid direct sunlight on them.


Regardless of where and at what temperature you decide to save tomatoes, some tricks can extend their storage time:

  • tomato varieties are important (planning storage still at the seed selection stage);
  • keep ripe tomatoes separately from dissolved and at different temperatures;
  • consider that major fruits are ripe faster than small;
  • when sorting tomatoes, spend a thorough inspection of each vegetable, because even the slightest traces of phytophulatoons can lead to a damage of the whole harvest;
  • remember that tomatoes are longer stored without fruits;
  • before bookmarking for storage, dry vegetables;
  • so that fresh tomatoes are preserved longer, treat them with 0.3% boric acid solution or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese).


From the next videos, you will learn about three different ways of storing tomatoes:

It has a considerable experience of garden work - starting with sowing seeds and seedlings and ending with the harvest and storage. Each sowing season begins with the search for new methods of cultivation, because the cucumbers can be collected not only from the garden, but also, for example, with ... barrels and even grow in winter on the windowsill. Plant care considers one of the best ways to remove stress.

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Do you know that:

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on the removal of sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, Ferenz Croat (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia already from Bulgaria, because he received his usual name - "Bulgarian".

The novelty of American developers is a TERTILL robot that performs weeds in the garden. The device is invented under the guidance of John Dunes (the creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works under all weather conditions autonomously, moving around the uneven surface on wheels. At the same time, it cuts all plants below 3 cm by built-in trimmer.

And humus, and the compost is rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil increases the crop significantly and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. According to properties and appearance, they are very similar, but it is not worth confused. Humus - overwhelmed manure or bird litter. Compost - overworked organic remnants of various origin (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). The humus is considered to be more high-quality fertilizer, compost is more accessible.

The "frost-resistant" varieties of garden strawberries (more often - "strawberry") also need shelter, as well as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are nosemount winters or frosts alternating with thaws). The whole strawberry roots are surface. This means that without shelter they freeze. The assurances of the sellers are that Zezhnika "Frost-resistant", "winter-hardy", "transfers frost to -35", etc. - - deception. Gardeners must remember that the root system of strawberries could still be changed to anyone.

Humus - overwhelmed manure or bird litter. It is prepared for this: the manure is folded into a bunch or a bourge, moving it with sawdust, peat and gardening ground. The burta is covered with film to stabilize temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). Fertilizer "matures" for 2-5 years - depending on the external conditions and composition of the initial raw materials. At the exit, a loose homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of fresh land is obtained.

Natural toxins are contained in many plants; No exception and those that are grown in gardens and at the gardens. So, in the bones of apples, apricots, peaches there is a blue (cyanocystic) acid, and in the topping and peel of non-fermented (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) - Solan. But you should not fear: their number is too insignificant.

In Australia, scientists began experiments on cloning several grape varieties growing in cold regions. The warming of climate, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will result in their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

Collect dosage flowers and inflorescences are needed at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of the useful substances in them as high as possible. Flowers should be ripped by hands, overclocking rude flowerwomen. The collected flowers and herbs are dried, scattering a thin layer, in a cool room with a natural temperature without access of direct sunlight.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, pepper, apples) have a "negative calorie", that is, more calories are spent when digesting than them is contained. In fact, only 10-20% of calories obtained with food are consumed in the digestive process.

As you know, tomatoes lose their taste if they are stored in the refrigerator. But why is it important to keep tomatoes? Thanks to a new study, we learned how certain genes that are responsible for the aroma are suppressed as a result of hypothermia. This explains why greenhouse tomatoes, which, as a rule, are cooled to prevent their rapid maturation and rotting, according to many people, are not so tasty, like those that can be bought directly from farmers.

Study of scientists

Its fragrance tomatoes are obtained due to the combination of sugars, acids and volatile substances, that is, amino acids and esters that have a special taste. Previous studies have shown that some of these volatile substances are lost if tomatoes are stored at low temperatures. This prompted the international group of researchers to try to find out why this happens at the molecular level.

Researchers stored tomatoes at a temperature of 5 degrees for 8 days, and then analyzed the changes in expression from 25879 genes. Due to this, they were able to determine how low temperatures affect the regulation of genes that regulate the producing volatile volatile substances.


These results published in the works of the National Academy of Sciences show that after storage in the refrigerator, genes controlling 12 different volatile substances were suppressed. Later it was confirmed by the taste test, during which a group of 76 consumers identified these tomatoes as less delicious, compared to others that were not chilled.

Even if the tomatoes are repeatedly placed in a warm medium, the expression of these genes cannot return to a normal state, which means that vegetables are forever lose their taste.

Nevertheless, tomatoes that were cooled within three days did not have any epigenetic changes. This suggests that they can be stored at low temperatures for a certain period of time before they begin to deteriorate.

The study also showed that the level of sugar in tomatoes does not affect changes, so products based on sweet tomatoes can also lose their taste in the refrigerator.

More recently, lovers of tomatoes did not think about where to keep tomatoes. After all, since childhood they were taught us: it is better to store products in the refrigerator. It is believed that there they slowly deteriorate. But recently the statement is increasingly found that for tomatoes this rule does not work. Let's figure out who is right, and who is mistaken in this matter.

Gardeners and housewives lead desperate disputes about whether it is worth storing fresh tomatoes in the refrigerator. Some argue - yes, others categorically disagree with them and believe that tomatoes in the refrigerator are not a place. Partly right and those and others.

Adherents of the theory that the refrigerator is not the best place for tomatoes, they say that the reduced temperature kills the fragrance and the taste of the fetus. That is why many do not store tomatoes in the refrigerator. And this is a confirmation. It was found experimentally that at low temperatures the fragrance of the fetus is lost. But is it saying that tomatoes do not categorically store in the refrigerator?

Required storage conditions

Scientists have established an experimental way that the optimal temperature for storing tomatoes + 12-13 degrees. Neither the room nor the air temperature in the refrigerator does not correspond to this level. At home, especially in summer, the temperature reaches 25-30 degrees. And in the refrigerator always less than 12 degrees (depending on the settings from +2 to +8). Therefore, neither the first nor the second option is not optimal for this product.

Where to store

The most optimal option is considered dry cool room with a temperature not higher than 12 degrees. For residents of private houses, the best place is the cellar. There tomatoes can be stored fresh and fragrant for several months.

reference. Some gardeners manage to preserve their crops in the cellar to the end of the autumn - the beginning of winter.

Up to 10 days, tomatoes suspended with a cool wall are well stored until 10 days. Usually such a wall - on the balcony or loggia.

Experienced hostesses to preserve as long as possible, advise first of all to pay attention to the degree of ripeness of tomatoes. If the fruits have already been completely ripe, then the warm place can be their storage for no more than a few days. Then they will begin to deteriorate.

Ripe fruits are still better placed in the cold. It is correct to extend their shelf life. How many tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator? There they can be up to several weeks.

If we are talking about still unrivaled (green) tomatoes, which are collected earlier than the term, then for them in the storage rules there are features. The refrigerator does not benefit. To ripen, they need to be warm. A few weeks at room temperature will contribute to the ripening of fruits. At the same time, taste, and the fragrance will be worthy.

Important! It will not be superfluous to revise the stored fruits every few days. If some instances begin to deteriorate, you need to detect them on time and remove from the storage location.

If tomatoes are spoiled

Tomatoes that are not suitable for saving, you can:

  1. Put into recycle. For example, make a soot of home tomato sauce or ketchup. Fruits are also halves or pieces. In winter it is very useful.
  2. Tire or snap. They do it in the oven and in the electric zone. Stored dried and dried tomatoes usually in banks, bay to the top by vegetable oil.
  3. To freeze. Neurizuctural tomatoes are frozen in packages of whole, large-cut (for example, pizza rings). Fruits also twisted on the meat grinder or crushed the blender in the puree. In winter, they are added to sauces and podliva.

Here are the advice of experienced hostesses:

  1. When stored in the refrigerator, ripe fruits are better placed not near the distance wall, and closer to the door or in a special box for vegetables. There is a little warmer.
  2. Unworthy tomatoes when stored well shock dry hay or sawdust.
  3. Fruits better calibrate. Through a long period, the medium-sized tomatoes with dense skin without damage to its integrity are capable of preserved.

Best grades for long storage

Breakingers brought a lot of tomato varieties with a long shelf life:

  • New Year;
  • Firm;
  • Winter heart;
  • Winter miracle;
  • Christmas;
  • Autumn gift;
  • Snowfall, etc.

Attention! For a long time, medium tomatoes are preserved, thick-walled, with dense skin. It is important that there are no damage to the fruits.

Let's summarize

If you are a happy owner of a private house, you probably have a cellar. It is in him best to keep tomatoes. Alternative options for residents of apartments - a refrigerator or a cool place at the balcony.

If tomatoes are still green, do not keep them in the refrigerator. Feel free to leave the fruits on the windowsill. And if the tomatoes have already been completely ripe, make a choice in favor of a box for vegetables in the refrigerator. The aroma will slightly weaken, but the shelf life of the fruit you will extend. And do not believe those who say that tomatoes cannot be categorically kept in the cold. Ripe - you can.