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Bulgarian pepper - cultivation and care in the open soil. Pepper Bulgarian cultivation and care: from sowing seeds before harvesting is properly growing peppers in open soil

Pepper sweet is one of the most beloved cultures grown by vegetable breeding. True, this vegetable is very demanding, without supplementing something, he can seriously punish his owners with a decline or complete absence of a crop. Requires big attention, knowledge and experience. Especially should not be upset by those who only took over this business. Gradually, if there is a desire, everything will be able to learn.

Growing pepper seedlings

In most areas, even the most southern, the cultivation of sweet peppers begins at (end of February, early March). This can be done, both in greenhouses and in room conditions. It is best to grow seedlings on the windowsill in special excavation cups, which are subsequently easily transferred to open ground. And all because, like any other kind, very badly coming. For normal growth, seedlings need moisture, warmth and light.

When seedling will reach the growth of 60-65 days, it can be replaced either in open ground, or to a greenhouse. The last option, of course, the most suitable, but if there is no such possibility, you can try to collect a harvest and from that pepper that will grow on the street.

In open soil

If you decide to save money on the film with this method, then it will not work. In any case, the cultivation of pepper in the open soil needs a temporary building of a small greenhouse, which will warm the plants by about the end of June. In May and even June, the weather is not quite sustainable, which can lead to a weak increase in sweet pepper and lack of harvest.

So, first must prepare the soil. It is still in the fall, it is necessary to move, make a reworked manure. Before boarding, it is necessary to move again, put in the open ground it is best to spend on the place where legumes, cucumbers, green cultures and root crops have grown up to this. Sweet pepper loves fertile soil, but if there is no one on the plot, it is necessary to add peat into the ground and overwhelming sawdust at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq.m. The beds should have a height of about 30 cm, while the width is about 1 meter, but the length is at personal discretion. Also in advance must be thought out how the greenhouse will be built. The easiest way is to pull the film on plastic or metal arcs inserted into the ground.

When everything is ready, you can proceed to disembarking seedlings. It is best to do it in the evening when solar activity is reduced. To do this, at a distance of 40-45 cm, it is necessary to dig up the holes, taking into account the width of the aisle - 55-60 cm. In each yam you need to pour water and wait until it is absorbed. Seedling or an earthen cup with a plant descends into the hole and neatly falls asleep the earth. When the seedling landing is completed, you can pull the film. If the day is very warm, then the film can be removed, not forgetting to pull overnight.

It should be paid to the fact that the cultivation of pepper in the open ground in the first two weeks is unfavorable: plants begin to hurt, slowly grow. This suggests what begins to take off. To help her, the land can be loosened slightly, as well as to reduce watering. When the peppers are well fixed and start growing, watering should be increased to about 10-12 liters per 1 sq.m. Water for this is used only warm, the temperature of which is about 25 0s. Cold and cool water is significantly hampered by the growth and planting of fruits.

During flowering, it is necessary to feed the sweet peppers with diluted dry fertilizer "fertility" (100 l 1 kg) at the rate of 1 liter on 1 bush. Another feeding is carried out during the period of fruiting (100 liters of water one bucket of bird litter and 2 cups of nitroposki).

In order for the pepper's bushes well fertile, it is necessary to take advantage of the tops of the main stem, and also to sign, leaving only 4-5 upper steps.

How to properly spend the cultivation of pepper in the open soil and create care? Sweet pepper - South culture and requires heat and humidity. In the middle strip, the pepper in open soil is grown through seedlings and with the help of greenhouses. To raise the desired crop harvest, a special care is needed.

Pepper grows well in the open ground of the middle strip

Preparation of soil

Growing pepper in the open ground requires competent preparation of the Earth.

Sweet pepper in the open ground grows better in places with a mild climate and on a plot where more sun and smaller wind. To protect against wind, make a shield from plants or build a woven.

It is important to grow pepper in an open area, it is important to understand what crops grow more effectively.

Pepper disembarking is better to do in place where cabbage grew, pumpkin, cucumbers, legumes, dining roots. In places with the previous harvest tomato, eggplant, potatoes, planting pepper is not recommended for three years, since diseases of these vegetables apply through the Earth.

The soil isolated for pepper should be characterized by fertility holds moisture. Soil starts to prepare from autumn. Removing the autumn of the harvest, you need to carefully collect the remnants of the previous culture and step up the earth. Also fertilize the soil enriched with such substances (1 meter square):

  • superphosphate in the amount of 30-50 g;
  • wood ash - 50-80;
  • humus - from 5 to 10 kg.

In places, where they feather fresh manure, it is impossible to plant sweet peppers, as there is no need for organic fresh feeding. The bust of nitrogen in the ground causes the active growth of the vegetative parts of pepper, and the marking is so poorly retained, which is reflected in the yield.

In the fall, the place where they plan to place peppers, deeply jump. In the spring, the ground loose and feed fertilizers with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. The land is slightly discharged and leveled before the planting seedlings.

Pumpkin - a great predecessor for pepper

How to make a fallout seedlings?

Before disembarking, it is important to pour out the seedlings so that pepper does not start. The faded pepper is badly leaning, his growth is delayed, which leads to the fall of the first buds. So early harvest is lost.

If the weather is hot, it is better to make landing in the evening. In grind weather, the morning landing is recommended.

Prepare wells for planting and pouring water. It is recommended to pour up to two liters of water (minimum liter) to each well (minimum liter), which should be heated in the sun. Saplings are sled deeper than they were planted in pots, as seedling. On the filled ground, the stem is formed apparent roots capable of nourishing the plant.

Plant pepper seedlings in the wells, ensuring sufficient watering

How to water the sweet pepper?

Saplings of sweet peppers require special care.

In order for the seedling faster to take root, it is necessary to produce waterproof for the root every 2-3 days. For one seedling, 1-2 liters of water is consumed. If the weather is hot, watered every day. Seven days checked seedlings and where the pippers died, a new sprout from the reserve is planted. Reduce the portion of watering. This is called "thin" watering. It is important not to make harm with plenty of water. How to determine the need for vegetable in water? If the plant darkens - this is a sign that water needs. It is impossible to allow a long fading of the plant. If there is a fading of the leaves in the heat, this is not a reason for watering.

When fruits ripen, watering produce once every 5-6 days. In the heat watered in the morning or evening hours.

Watering young peppers should be regular

When to carry the soil?

Sweet Pereza is comfortable to grow in a degraded land. You can not bring to the appearance of an earthen crust.

What is the benefit of soil looser?

  • Improve the influx of air to the root.
  • The plant grows faster.
  • The functioning of microorganisms is stimulated.

Sugging land, there is a struggle with weeds.

You should be aware of the slow growth of pepper in the first 10-14 days, because the rhizome is strengthened and the ground does not need to loosen.

The first loosening of the Earth is made after the first "thin" irrigation. The root system is in the upper ball of the Earth, so the loosening will be small, at the level of 5-10 cm.

If the earth is severe, the first time to loosen the soil is allowed deeper, destroying the ground crust. So the soil is better warmed and ventilated.

Plugging is carried out during flowering.

Soil looser around peppers should be carried out regularly


Pepper care will not bring the desired harvest, if not to feed.

The seedlings are well fertilized from nettle. To do this, unite the nettle with water, in proportion 1:10 and insist two days. The last time feeds the seedlings 2 days before disembarking, increasing the dosage of fertilizers with potassium (7 g. On 1 L.Zhid,).

At least three feeders are for the season. For the first time during the first drawing (after disembarking in two weeks). Fertilize the aliens from manure, bird litter, mixing with phosphorus-potash feeders or with wood ash.

The manure is bred with water in a 1: 4 ratio, the bird litter dilute 1:10. It is good to alternate chicken last with a nitroposka (1 pt spoon on a bucket of liquid).

The solution of organic fertilizer (manure, litter) effectively add 40-60 g. Superphosphate and potassium chloride to 20 g. Or wood ash in volume of 150-200 g.

Mineral fertilizers also apply. For this you need 10 liters of water to make the following substances:

  • ammonium nitrate - 15-20 g.;
  • superphosphate- 40-60 g.;
  • potassium chloride - 15-20 g.

This feeder is used by 8-10 seedlings.

During the formation of fruits, the pepper nutrition is increasing. At this stage, the third feeding is carried out. And the second time it is fettered at the beginning begins fruiting with an increase in the dose of ammonium nitrate.

If the fruits of culture ripen small, feed the fourth time.

It is important to know that when caring for pepper, you use feeding without chlorine or with a very small percentage. Pepper does not tolerate chlorine. But there is a good replacement of potassium chloride - this is a ash of a tree.

Superphosphate - one of the main fertilizers for pepper

How to protect pepper from frosts?

Having landed pepper, you need to know how to protect the culture from frost and damage. Current care at the time of frosts, forces ingenuity.

From the primary materials (pieces of wood, cardboard, fabric, etc.) build tents. They are made in the evening, and removed in the morning. But when the cooling last long, it is advisable to apply the film.

Frequently occurs flowerfish and ovary. All due to the temperature-adverse temperature of the temperature regime (low or very high temperature). Suspension of growth occurs at + 8-10 degrees. But if the heat is 30-35 degrees for several days, the buds are falling too.

The consequence of the late irrigation is the lack of moisture. Dry soil also reduces the growth of culture.

It is impossible to shade the pepper. In case of insufficient lighting, especially during cooling, the flowers and marking are falling.

Bulgarian pepper flowers may fall due to shortness of sunlight

Bulgarian pepper care features

There are some subtleties of pepper care, for the purpose of better yield:

  1. It is necessary to packing pepper - the removal of the side and lower stepsins. But with hot and dry weather, it is not recommended to steer. Leaves protect the soil from evaporation. Professionals are offered to increase the crop, cut the central flower, which has grown from the first branching.
  2. In the growing season, long shoots cut down several so that there are no shading of other twigs.
  3. Remove the processes of the plant below the main branching and domestic branches. Once in 10 days spend pruning.
  4. Useful for sweet pepper insect pollinators. They are tested by the method of spraying the plant, during flowering with sugar with a solution of sugar (100 g. Sugar and 2 g boric acid diluted in 1 liter of hot water).
  5. Applying the mulching of pepper pepper straw (up to 10 cm. Layer) - Polyvov will decrease.
  6. When leaving, it is important to encourage the culture immediately after dipping and mulching.

Pepper mulch helps reduce irrigation frequency

Fighting pests

Pepper is sensitive to diseases, so requires special care.

But the most pepper suffers from pests (scoop, whitefly, wave, colorado beetle, bear, slug).

So that the plant is not damaged, pollination of woody ashes (three times per season). Fight with tool, can with water with water serum (0.5 liters of serum on the fluid bucket). And on top of the leaves sprinkle with wood ash.

Taking into service all the advice, you can grow a great crop of sweet peppers.

bulgarian pepper

refers to the most common vegetables among domestic gardeners. It is actively planted both in the open soil and in the greenhouses. Caring for it cannot be called scrupulous, but some basic principles and agrotechnical features still need to be considered more. Being ready for the process of growing pepper of Bulgarian at home, you can achieve visible results.

Preparation of land

Very often it is the choice of an optimal land plot for planting Bulgarian pepper becomes a whole problem. Many farmers believe that a vegetable garden is suitable for this purpose: the Earth feels regularly, while pretty loose. However, there is one substantial minus. As a rule, the garden is open, the wind is constantly blowing there, and the plants will not protect against it. Such conditions are considered not optimal in the case of Bulgarian pepper. So try to plant this vegetable culture in a place protected from strong drafts. In addition, it is very important that it is well covered.

Before planting the Bulgarian pepper in the open soil, some of the procedures for the preparation of soil should be carried out. What exactly needs to be done farmer:

It is recommended to draw attention to another nuance before you finally plant the reservoir on your garden. Suppose you want to make several varieties of pepper at once. In this case, it is better to plant sprouts away from each other. The thing is that this agriculture can in the process of ripening to overstate. There is a risk that as a result you will receive not the result that was calculated. However, there is a way out of the situation. Divide the home plantation from several varieties of perch with more tallest plants (corn, tomatoes or sunflower). Thus, you can without much effort to grow in the garden at once a few varieties of Bulgarian peppers.

Video "Growing and Care for Pepper"

From the video you will learn how to grow and care for pepper.

Undercabe seedlings

It is necessary to feed the pen, but you need to clearly understand what kind of soil you are dealing with. Your features should depend on your fertilizer selection. Suppose you decide to plant a pen in the greenhouse and scored there ordinary garden land there. In this case, be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to feed the soil every 10 days. If you approached this issue more thoroughly, using a specially prepared excavation mixture for landing in it seedlings of the Bulgarian pepper, it will be enough to continue to carry out no more than three stages of fertilizer.

How come out of the position of experienced gardeners-gardeners?

Many prefer exceptionally natural feeding. Between the rows with the seedy, the shallow trenches are broken, in which manure or bird litter falls asleep. When can this kind of procedure be carried out? It is advisable to do this after 2-3 sheets will be blossoming on spoils. When the seedlings of the Bulgarian pepper will noticeably grow up, it must be picked, and then to carry out the next stage of the soil feeding. You can use both special complex mixtures and dry ash or compost tea.

Feeding after disembarking

It can be infinite for a long time to determine the optimal place to land the Bulgarian pepper. But on this, your efforts to grow a generous crop of pepper should not be completed. Particular attention should be paid to the regular soil feeding with mineral fertilizers. And this is not necessary to do this, but during the development of the plant ripening fruit. What kind of fertilizers are suitable for Bulgarian pepper, and in what proportions they need to be added to the ground?

Among the variety of modern fertilizers, urea and phosphates are allocated for this agriculture. But it is not all.

To date, many dachas use potash and phosphoric fertilizers for feeding purposes, as well as folk remedies (cow manure or bird litter). It is best to feed the pen with natural mixtures.

For example, cow manure is recommended to breed with water in a ratio of 1:10. As for bird litters, the proportions will be 1:12. These types of feeding are considered the most versatile for Bulgarian pepper.

If you prefer to feed a vegetable plant as preventing diseases and in order to strengthen the autonomic part of the agriculture, you can safely use universal fertilizers. However, if you for some reason did not feed the soil in advance, or did it, but noticed certain deterioration in the appearance of the seedlings of the Bulgarian pepper, it is necessary to act immediately. To begin with, determine the problem and after that quickly correct it. For example, if your plant is not sufficiently saturated with nitrogen, over time, the vegetative mass begins to yellow. In the event that burns appear on the edges of the leaves of the leaves, the reason for most cases is the deficiency of potassium in the soil. It happens that the Bulgarian pepper bushes acquire a purple shade: this means that the phosphoric fertilizer is needed to be added to the substrate.

Stimulation of fruiting

In order to prevent such problems, it is worth supporting seedlings at all stages of its development. For this, there are universal natural fertilizers, among which the nettle tea is distinguished. How to cook it? It is necessary to grind the stalks of this plant, and then fill them some barrel or a container (about 2/3). Greens poured water. It is desirable to leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for productive fermentation. At the end of the process, and it will take about it for about a week, the solution is used to fertilize the soil, before diluting it with water in the ratio of 1:10. If desired, it is possible to feed the soil to obtain a more generous crop of the Bulgarian pepper using a high concentration of the rattling solution. To do this, it is necessary to add a dandelion, a wet, plantain and other herbal plants to it.

Stimulation of fruiting is not bad thing, however, and it is undesirable to rearrange. With overly large volumes of fertilizer and too frequent feeding, the branched part of the Bulgarian pepper can be dried. In addition, sometimes you can get the opposite result: when the soil is reduced by fertilizers, the fruits grow almost empty inside, falling long before the end of the ripening period.

Features of watering

Bulgarian pepper varieties for open soil do not require too thorough care. However, as for moisturizing, there is an intestal in this business, as they can do it expensive. What is interesting, to water the seedlings of the punch is recommended regularly, it is impossible to push the soil. But it is also not worth breeding excessive dampness.

What the rules should be observed about irrigation of peppers:

  • after planting seedlings in open ground, it is unwanted to water her immediately. It is necessary to give it a few days to adapt and only after that carry out the first phase of irrigation. Next, try to abide by the established intervals, until the seedlings begin to actively unite;
  • as soon as sprouts are placed, it is recommended to water them daily;
  • certainly use warm and resistant water for watering - non-compliance with such recommendations is fraught with the occurrence of diseases in the plant;
  • it is important that the water does not get directly on the pepper leaves;
  • at the bottom of the capacitance of seedlings, a drainage must be present. Thus, excessive moisture will evaporate in a timely manner.

Video "Growing pepper in greenhouse"

From the video you will learn how to effectively grow pepper in the greenhouse.

Bulgarian pepper Call back sweet, It is rich in useful substances and vitamins, various colors, juicy and tasty.

Process growing sweet pepper It has its own features, as the pepper is a thermal-loving vegetable. To get a good yield of peppers, you need to have knowledge and specific skills.

Consider growing Bulgarian Pepper From seeds, from seedlings, pesting care features in open ground, the fight against pests and diseases when collecting a harvest.


- Video - peppers, the secret of a rich harvest

- Video - how to form pepper !!! Care and feeding !!!
Pruning pepper
Pests and diseases of the Bulgarian pepper
Bulgarian pepper harvest
- Video - 10 Errors when growing sweet pepper

Pepper plant of a short luminous day, and if a light day is less than 12 hours, pepper begins to be fruit.

Planting pepper seeds in open soil is inappropriate even in southern regions, because it is necessary to wait until the soil warms up, the pepper will begin later and not long. Therefore, mostly sweet peppers are grown by a seaside.

Cultivation of Bulgarian Pepper seedlings

When growing seedlings at home, pepper seeds are seeded in February, so that the plants are 90-100 days before transferencing. Pepper does not tolerate dive, so try to immediately sow seeds in separate peat pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

Large pots use no need due to the slow development of the root pepper system.

Soil for seedlings

Suitable light and loose substrate consisting of humus mixed with 1 part of the Earth and 1 part of the sand. Add to 1 kg of substrate 1 tbsp. l. Wood ash.

Before sowing, carrying out pepper seed treatment - to withstand seeds in hot water + 50 degrees for 5 hours. Then, place the seeds in a wet tissue for germination for 2-3 days, the room temperature should be + 20 degrees. After such pre-sowing preparation, shoots appear the next day after sowing.

Seeds are sown in the glasses, pour and cover with a plastic film or glass. Before the appearance of germs to keep the pot in a warm place with a temperature of + 22 degrees. After the appearance of shoots, the film remove and transfer to the room with a temperature of 26-28 degrees during the day and 10-15 degrees at night.

Caring for the seedlings do not allow the soil drying, but also no excess watering.

Watering produce warm water +30 degrees, from cold water will grow sickly seedlings, plants can get sick. The air indoor should not be too dry, protect the plants from drafts and spray the plants.

In February in February, seedlings require additional lighting, so that the light day was from 7 am to 9 pm.

First subordinate It is carried out in the phase of the appearance of 2 of these leaves with the following solution: 10 liters of water to dilute 5 g of ammonia nitrate, 10 g of potash fertilizers, 30 g of superphosphate.

Second subcord It is carried out 14 days after the first mineral fertilizers 2 times greater proportion than the first.

Third subordinate It is carried out 2 days before disembarking seedlings in the ground. Increase in a solution of dose of potash fertilizers to 70 g per 10 liters of water.

A few weeks before the planting of pepper seedlings, there are hardened plants, pulling out on fresh air for several hours. Watch the air temperature is not lower than +13 degrees, seedlings may die.

Choosing a place to land Bulgarian pepper

Pick up the site on the garden, where the cucumbers, onions, pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, and various sita grew up to it. Pepper grows poorly and be froning if you put on the site where potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, pepper grew up to the site.

Best of all the pepper grows on the lung soils. Prepare a landing plot in advance, in the fall of 50 g of phosphate and potash fertilizers on the m2, deeply swing. In the spring to the upper layer of the soil, make 40 g of ammonium nitrate on the m2 of the site.

Before planting seedlings into an open ground, to deal with soil disinfection with such a solution: in 10 liters of water to dilute 1 st l of copper mood.

At the end of May, pepper seedlings are planted in open ground with a distance of 40x40 cm between plants. The seedlings are planted at the end of April.

Planting seedlings should be at the same depth, with which plants grew in cups or boxes. Do not expose the roots, but also try not to pin the root neck.

Pepper does not like cold soil, arrange high beds, raised by 25 cm to get a good pepper harvest.

ATTENTION: Peppers are susceptible to transferable, so different varieties of peppers planted as far as possible from each other or divide with the help of tall plantations of tomatoes, corn, sunflower.

Video - Peppers, the secret of a rich crop

Pepper care in open soil

It is necessary to carry out watering, feeding, garters and weeding planting pepper in a timely manner.

Pepper feeding in open soil

During the season, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 feeding chicken in chicken, diluted with water 1 x 10. Such feeders alternate the extraordinated, using the spraying of the nitroposk (1st art. L. By 10 l. Water).

Lack of potassium It will lead to twisting of the leaves, the appearance of drying border. But pepper poorly tolerates the abundance of potassium chloride.

For lack of nitrogen The leaves of pepper are minced, acquire a matte grayish tint. If the excess nitrogen is dropped by dropping flowers and barriers.

Lack of phosphorus - The leaves from the bottom side become richly purple, pressed against the stalk of the plants and ride up.

For lack of magnesium Leaves become marble coloring.

Video - how to form pepper !!! Care and feeding !!!

Pepper care

Conduct steaming in hot and wet weather, removing side shoots, especially lower. Conversely, when hot and dry weather pepper is not meat, the leaves are prevented by plants from evaporation of the soil moisture.

Pruning pepper

During the growing season, pruning the longest shoots, especially remove all the processes below the development of the main stem, as well as all branches reaching the plant. Cut the trim every 10 days and after collecting fruits.

To attract insects - pollinkers, spray the planting of pepper with sugar or honey solution: 100 g of sugar, add 2 g of boric acid, all dilute in a liter of hot water.

Mulching pepper pepper straw (layer 10 cm), reduce the frequency of irrigation to 1 time in 10 days.

Timely spend the garter of plants, it is better to do it after dipping.

Pest pests and diseases

Pests such as slugs, scoop, wave, whitefly, Medveda and Colorado Beetle are able to harm plants. It is necessary to pollinate the pepper wood as a season 3 times for the season.

Common Diseases of Sweet Pepper - phytofluorosis, septoria, macrosporiosis, vertex rot, white rot, black leg.

In the fight against the bear, before landing in the ground, the wells for planting filled with onion water (500 g onion husk inspired in 10 liters of water for 3 days).

Under the defeat of the tool to treat plants with a solution: 1.5 liters of lactic serum dilute in 10 liters of water. After processing, overcoat ashes.

Bulgarian pepper harvest

When peppers acquire the size and color of the ripening, proceed to the harvest, cutting off vegetables with a fruit. The ripening of pepper begins from the beginning of August, and continues to the first frosts.

Video - 10 Errors when growing sweet pepper

Larger sweet pepper yields!

To obtain a good crop of Bulgarian pepper, it is important to create the necessary conditions for it. High humidity and elevated temperature are those indicators that have a positive effect on this vegetable. But such a plant can be grown not only in warm edges. It is often found on the beds of vegetables. In order for the pepper to bring harvest it is important to know how to plant peppers into open ground, which put in the holes, and how much should be the distance when planting pepper into the open soil, and how to properly care for sweet peppers in the open soil.

Sowing machinery

The cultivation of Bulgarian pepper in the open ground begins with proper seed preparation. The technology of training bushes to landing is in the counting of the deadlines, because sowing should be used so that the pepper is ready for the necessary date for landing into the ground.

There are several seed processing techniques for successful preservation and improvement of planting material. With their help, you can increase the warranty on a successful harvest.

Interesting! If the sowing material is not handled, then the seeds will go up fourteen days after landing. When processing, the result will be visible on the third day.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which of the seeds are healthy. To do this, they must be pouring 3% solution from food soda and water room temperature. Healthy seeds will stay at the bottom of the Court in five minutes, and empty and unsuitable for landing will float on the surface. After checking the sowing material is washed from salt and is prepared for processing.

The seed material is disinfected with different solutions. It can be albits, phytosporin, alin-b or tripidermine. You can use the grandmother's recipe and process the swollen pepper seeds with a solution of manganese. 30 minutes will be enough so that the processing gives the result.

Increases the immunity of the plant and accelerates its growth such drugs as EcoGel, Novosil or Epin. They are used according to the instructions attached to them. To improve the effect, such drugs can be used after the climbing of sprouts.

In order to make seeds strong and strong, use special fertilizers that strengthen seeds. For this, enough for 12 hours to soak seeds in diluted fertilizer.

Growing pepper seedlings

Seedlings are grown in the ground three months after seeding. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare since February. It is important to fulfill all the necessary procedures before you start seeds. First of all, it is necessary to process and disinfect seeds. Then they are hardened and soaked. After that, they are ready for landing.

Sowing seeds

In order for the pepper to grow faster, it is necessary to complete the seeds to wrap in a wet fabric and hide into a warm place for two days. After that, you can land them into a pre-prepared soil (in the drawers, pots or other containers). The distance between the peppers when landing into the ground should be 1.5 cm, after which the container is covered with glass or polyethylene film until the seedlings are ascent.

Important! For landing of Bulgarian pepper, light soil is required, which consists of sand, chernozem and humus. Water seedlings with water that insists one day.

It is important to regularly contribute to the soil fertilizer organic and mineral origin. The first lure occurs after the dissolution of the first leaves in the seedlings.

Growing pepper seedlings

Prepare soil at home can be used with the following components:

  • nerd land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sawdust.

All components are mixed in a 2: 4: 1: 1 ratio. Then in the resulting soil add ash and sand, sticking to the following dosages: one bucket three tablespoons of ashes and 0.5 liters of river sand. The resulting consistency is watered by potassium permanganate.

You can raise the Bulgarian pepper by two methods:

With picking

It is important to conduct a pickup in time so that the plant gets better. As soon as the seeds germinate, the vegetable room counts 20 days and makes a pickup. Since the root of pepper is restored badly, it does not touch it, but other parts of the plant are used.

Without using picking

This technique is more common. It is only necessary to move the seedlings from a smaller capacity to the greater. Then the root system does not hide and the plant is faster.

Growing pepper on the windowsill

When growing Bulgarian pepper on the windowsill, you need to know several subtleties and nuances. First of all, it is necessary to choose the right timeing time of seeds. Since the Bulgarian pepper at home often lacks heat and sufficient humidity, it will arise longer than the prescribed time. Therefore, plant seeds are recommended at the end of February - early March.

For normal growth of the plant, it needs to provide 12-hour lighting. To do this, it is enough to keep the windows in constant purity, as the dirty windows take part of the world.

Do not forget about moisture in the room. For Bulgarian pepper, it must be 70%. To do this, an air humidifier is installed in the room. Of course, you can spray plants and from the spray gun, but the humidifier will be more rational and safe.

For planting seeds, two-frame cups are used, which are replaced by liter after passing one month after landing.

Bulgarian pepper, cultivation and care in open soil

Pepper growth technology with open ground is similar to the cultivation of tomatoes. The plant is important in time to water, feed, form, and, if necessary, remove steps. Do not forget about protection against various pests and diseases.

We need to water the sweet pepper, as soon as I landed it in the open ground, then after five days. After each watering, it is necessary to loose land so that there is no hardened soil. Falker plants are carried out three times per season. For this use nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Do not forget about protection from the heat. In order for pollen to do not lose its abilities, you need to make a screen that will donate the plant.

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Bulgarian pepper, growing in barrel

You can grow culture in barrel. To do this, you need to take a barrel and remove the bottom of it. So that oxygen flows into the barrel, it is necessary to make holes in its walls, with a diameter of 1 cm at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

The following components are then laid out according to the layers: faded (layer thickness 10 cm), soil (narrow and ordinary earth, compost).

In early May, one bush of peppers landed and covered with a film. After three hours, break all the lower sheets and fall asleep the plant by 10 cm soil. After the plant grow up the procedure to repeat. Do it until the barrel is filled with completely earth (it will be the beginning of June). Then the barrel can no longer cover the film.

Features of agrotechniki

Grinding agricultural equipment in the open soil of sweet pepper consists of the following processes:

  • Irrigation. Water seedlings are needed by water outward every day. You need to be careful and not overdo it with water.
  • Prevention. Periodically spray plants from the spray gun to maintain humidity.
  • Temperature. It should not exceed 22 ° C during the daytime and 15 ° C in the night.
  • Podrel. To increase the immunity of pepper, it is necessary to feed it with minerals.

Principles of growing on the site

Sweet pepper is a plant that requires care and attention. Therefore, an experienced gardener prepares in advance all the necessary tools for care. Care in the open soil for sweet peppers consists of the following steps:

  • preparation of seedlings;
  • disembarking plants in the ground;
  • watering;
  • feeding

Preparation of bushes

Before planting seedlings to open soil, it must be hardening. To do this, the plant periodically needs to be taken out to the sun for adaptation. Due to this, pepper will be resistant to weather conditions and will be strong. Hardening begins two weeks before disembarking.

Plant landing process in open soil

To get a good pepper harvest, you need to choose the right place to bed. This plot should not be under direct wind streams, be solar and protected from drafts. Since autumn, it is important to prepare the necessary site for landing, it is pre-stopping it and fertilizer. Plant Bulgarian pepper into open soil is necessary with soil impregnation with potash and phosphate substances.

When landing, it is important to remember that the sweet pepper does not like direct sunlight and too hot air. Therefore, it is necessary to take care that the seedlings are in the shade.

Depending on which variety is planted, a landing scheme of Bulgarian pepper into an open ground is being developed. The wells should be apart from each other at a distance of 35 cm, and between the rows - 45 cm. If the pepper plant is satisfied with two pieces, then the distance increases to 60 cm.

There is also a square-nesting way to plant pepper. Its essence is that each well is with the same parties that do not exceed 60 cm.

Perepper is transplanted into the ground in late spring or in the first days of June, depending on weather conditions. It is recommended to do it on a cloudy day or closer to the evening so that there are no straight rays of the sun on the ground.

Pepper landing in open soil begins with the fact that seedlings first watering and carefully, without damaging the root of the plant, removed from the tank along with the soil. At the same time, it is important to know which depth it is necessary to plant pepper seedlings in the well. Under the ground, plants are placed to the first lower sheets. After the fallout of sweet peppers into open soil was finished, it is recommended to insert pegs to which he will be lied in the future.

Features of watering

Bulgarian pepper does not require regular irrigation and moisturizing open soil. It is originally necessary to pour during landing, then 5 days later and to water once a week. Approximately one bush pepper will need one liter of water.

On time flowering water for watering should be about 20 ° C. Do not forget, after each irrigation to loosen the earth around the bush, so that the crust is not formed. To moisture longer kept, Bulgarian peppers advise mulch. Mulching pepper in the open soil is performed using a straw or grass.

Podcock pepper

Feel the soil is necessary three times for the whole season. In order for the plants normally develop and grow, they need nitrogen. Therefore, the first feeding is drugs with nitrogen content. It is done after 2 weeks after disembarking bushes in the ground.

The next feeding is carried out during the flowering period of pepper. To form fruits, a potassium needed a plant. It is contained in wood ash. And the last feeding occurs when the first fruit was formed. To do this, use potash salt and superphosphate. Two teaspoons of each component are added to the water bucket and plants are poured by the resulting solution.

Possible diseases and pests, and the fight against them

On pepper, such pests can often be observed:

  • slugs;
  • colorado beetle;
  • bellenka;
  • medveda.

These pests are harvested manually, and a solid of wood ash is used for twi.

Of the diseases are popular:

  • Yellow leaves. This means that peppers lack nitrogen. For treatment it is necessary for 10 liters of water to add 1 teaspoon of urea and the resulting solution to spray bushes.
  • Fitting uncess. A solution of boric acid will solve the problem (1 spoon on the water bucket).
  • Fruits are poorly developed. It is treated with superphosphate or wood ash.
  • Blackleg. Arises from the oversupply of moisture.

Growing greenhouse pepper

Planting a culture in an open primer under the film is considered as comfortable as possible, as it brings to the culture to normal conditions. Saplings can be placed in the greenhouse in April. For this, the greenhouse is done by the wells, adhering to the right distance.

Before planting seedlings, it is important to help the hole. For this, a solution based on chicken litter or manure (on 10 liters of water is half a package of fertilizer). After planting, the bushes are poured taking into account 1 liter on one bush. And to maintain the plant, you can make a support from the pegs so that then tapping the pepper to it.

Collection and storage

Bulgarian pepper is assembled as fruits ripening. Some vegetables can collect unorded fruits, for loss of gravity from the bush. This vegetable is used in many recipes in fried, stewed or baked. Fruits can be cleaned and freeze or put it.

In order to receive fresh pepper until December, you can take a blooming bush with the land to transplant to any capacity and leave on the windowsill in the house.

Each gardener seeks to get a good crop of fresh vegetables on their beds. And the main place in this list is occupied by southern plants: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants. Pepper care in the open ground just as care for the other thermal-loving cultures is to create a specific microclimate in which it will grow comfortable.

The secrets of growing pepper in the open ground are to comply with the exhaust technology and observing the development of plants. To cover additionally beds with peppers or ventilate a greenhouse, feed the fertilizer or dip landing - the appearance of the plant unmistakably tell me what he lacks.

Biological features

To collect a good crop of sweet pepper in the Russian conditions, you need to know the features of its growth and development. It was possible to grow pepper in the open ground. It became possible only after removing stable varieties and hybrids that carry low temperature, its oscillations and an insufficient amount of heat without loss of yield.

Such varieties appeared in Russia in the early 70s. They were a bit, but they were universal, they grew well in all climatic regions: from Moldova to Siberia.

Important! The active promotion of peppers north and east contributes to the emergence of new underfloor materials, the availability of a variety of greenhouses and greenhouses, the removal of stable varieties and hybrids.

Pepper is a long-term shrub with sharp or sweet fruits. In the harsh conditions of our climate, this culture is grown as annual. In terms of ripening of fruits, early, medium and late varieties have.

How to properly care for planting peppers, you can learn by studying biological features and developed by agrotechnic.

The plant is heat-loving, good yields are obtained, if or in a bed with temporary film shelter. During the whole period of growth, peppers requires a temperature from +20 ° C to +30 ° C.

This is a short-day culture. With a decade-hour lighting day, the fruits ripen two weeks earlier than with a 14-hour illumination.

The dryness of the flowers and the umbrella affects the dryness of the air, they fall on the heat. With high humidity, fungal diseases begin to develop on pepper. The optimal humidity of the air for the development of the plant is 50%.

The popularity of pepper can be determined by looking at the list of varieties in the state market of plants of the Russian Federation. They are already more than 700 and about half - hybrids.

Important! All F1 hybrids differ from varieties by a shorter period before collecting fruits, accelerated harvest, highly adaptable to unfavorable climate.

Agrotechnology of growing seedlings

Before starting planting seeds, you need to decide on the variety. In addition to maturation time, they are characterized by many parameters:

  • height and branchiness of the bush;
  • resistance to diseases and weather changes;
  • yield;
  • painting fruits and their mass;
  • wall thickness and juiciness.

Choosing in the open soil, it is necessary to give preference to the zoned varieties of early and medium ripening time.

Agrotechnics of the punch consists of conventional stages:

  • preparation and landing of seeds for seedlings;
  • care of seedlings;
  • disemboding in open ground;
  • watering, feeding and loosening;
  • protection against pests;
  • harvesting and processing.


In the store you need to choose a suitable land for planting seeds. It can also be prepared independently. Mandatory condition - loose, air-permeable and moisture permeable structure.

In Earth, there must be a breakpoint presence:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • sawdust.

A mixture of squeezing earth is prepared, peat and sand in the ratio of 1: 2: 1.


To obtain a strong and sustainable seedlings of the seeds before planting, it is necessary to prepare. In firmly salted water, viable seeds are selected, which are lowered to the bottom. Then they are soaked for an hour in the raspberry mortar, killing a mushroom infection, from which adult plants suffer.

In front of the seeding in the soil, the seeds are lowered into a solution of microelements and growth stimulants, for example, Epin Extra. is 60-70%.

Seeds should be planted in individual cups or in the cassette cells. Pepper roots are poorly restored after damage and do not like transfers. Seeds are planted at a depth of 1 cm, between plants - 2 cm, between rows - 3 cm.

Sit down in necessarily wet land in mid-February for greenhouses and in mid-March for greenhouses. The land is closed with a film and shoots appear after 3 days. Temperature for must be + 25-28 ° C.


In the middle lane of Russia, peppers are grown only through seedlings. This is due to the long vegetation period. Even early varieties need not less than 90 days for fruit tie. In addition, the earlier the peppers begin to give the harvest, the more the fruits can be collected. Like a long-term culture, pepper fruits without stopping to frost.

Basic requirements of seedlings:

  • high temperature + 20-25 ° C;
  • sufficient illumination with a short day. Seedlings are closed with a lid from 19 o'clock in the evening to 7 am, creating the desired length of the day artificial day;
  • timely watering when drying the soil, which must constantly be wet. Pepper is very poorly restored after the soil of the soil, is delayed in the development and fruiting;
  • sufficient feeding with a weak solution of complex fertilizer with trace elements;
  • hardening before landing in the ground.

Without picking seedlings is ready for transshipment into the soil in 45-50 days, with a picking - after 60 days.

Claim seedlings begin 10-14 days before disembarking in the ground, gradually catching up to the temperature outside the window. Seedlings, which is grown in optimal conditions and has passed the hardening, perfectly coming up in a new place. During the day before transplanting, seedlings are sprayed with epic extra or zircon to remove stress from transplantation, enhancing protective properties and increase yields.

How to grow viable, healthy and strong pepper seedlings, today, is not a secret. We grow it mostly at home, on the windowsill and loggias. The main thing is attention to the plant, its appearance and developmental speed.

Open ground care

Pereparnikov on the garden in the Greenhouse in the middle of April, under the film shelter - in mid-May.

How to care for peppers in the open soil, described in detail in many manuals, magazines and sites. In addition to standard care, there is a care that is in the procedures:

  • glaze;
  • feeding;
  • weeding and loosening;
  • protection against disease and pests;
  • landing taking into account the crop rotation;
  • the care of peppers in the open soil has several features.

With a large green mass of a bush, pepper has weak urine roots. Therefore, it should be located in a place, protected from strong winds, otherwise the plants are Poliagut.

Be sure to touch the pepper of high grades, to disembark it with high plants: corn, sunflower, Topinambury. We are tied up every escape by fan to a grind or peg.

Pepper is self-polished plant, he does not need insects to form barriers. However, during mass flowering in dry weather it is worth shaking bushes for better pollination.

Pepper bushes form in 1-3 stem. Paging side shoots, you can form an empty bush. We certainly remove the crown flower, which is formed first in the center of the plant. - not a prerequisite, but it gives an increase in the yield by 30%, and the number of fruits increases by 2 times. The scattered bush shall give the soil and protects it from overheating.

The best seeds are collected from the crown flower, they leave it if they want to grow their seeds. The largest and juicy peppers grow on the four lower tiers of the bush.


The main condition of abundant harvest is sufficient watering. Under the pepper should be constantly wet and loose soil. The roots are located superficially, so it is necessary to loosen a shallow. The pepper on the dipping of wet ground speaks well. Extra roots grow out of the stem, which not only increase the area of \u200b\u200bfood, but also strengthen the bush in the ground.

After planting seedlings, it is watered daily warm water. After rooting the plant three times a week 2 liters under the bush.

The ovary on pepper grows first in length, then in width, and the walls of the fetus thicken at the end. If not sufficiently remain thin.

When rewarding the roots will not be enough oxygen. Pepper can get fungal infection or neglect. The loose land, which ensures the passage of oxygen roots, is a very important condition for normal growth for the plant. Mulching, loosening and emphasising of wet land - Mandatory techniques in agrotechnics of vegetable.

Making fertilizers

Behind watering should be a feeding. Three main feeders are carried out after rooting seedlings: during flowering and with the beginning of fruiting. If this is enough, the plant develops normally, no extra fertilizer to pour under plants. For fertilizers, the infusion of litter, manure, ash and solution of mineral fertilizers is suitable.

If the summer was cold and cloudy, pepper roots cannot provide it with sufficient food. Weak, yellow, in the spots of the leaves will be prompted that the plant lacks nutrition. In such cases, it is necessary to apply extractive feeding on the sheet.

Important! Sheet feeding can very quickly deliver food to develop a plant in an adverse climate.

Spray the leaves in a warm, but cloudy day with a solution of trace elements, boric acid, ash, superphosphate, urea.

Care does not represent difficulties. The recoil of the crop goes to the most frosts until the plant dies from low temperatures.


The cultivation of pepper in the open ground brings not only benefit when receiving a long-awaited harvest, but also the pleasure of growing an amazing plant, which accompanies a person on all continents. This piggy bank of vitamins, due to the efforts of breeders, has greatly changed its appearance.

Instead of red 50 gram fruits, we can collect violet, orange, yellow and chocolate giants weighing up to 400 grams. However, no one wants to change the taste and smell of vegetable. Bright sweet-spicy taste and harmonious aroma are quite suitable for pepper admirers for over 500 years.