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Kalanchoe homemade. How to care for calangean at home. Scooty rocky soil

Without this plant, it is impossible to imagine any house. The flower has long grown our grandmothers and moms not only for decorativeness, but also actively using healing properties plants.

With coldic diseases, a cold, inflamed throat, and also, if they cut or burned, this plant is simply indispensable as first aid.

The names of Calanechoe a lot besides the main: a tree of life, a home doctor, a room ginseng. All plants differ in the form of leaves and shades of colors, but absolutely each has therapeutic properties.

  • Calanechoe is a succulent plant related to the family of Tolstanka. Distinctive trait This flower is fleshy leaves and shoots.
  • The Madagascar Island is considered to be the island of Madagascar and now there are more than 200 types of calangean.
  • Between themselves, growing in natural conditions in South Africa, Asia and America, these plants differ not only by the color of the inflorescence - blizzard, but also the height of the bush, the structure of leaves.
  • Nowadays there are several particularly popular and famous specieswho successfully can even grow newcomer at home. Calanchoe is sufficiently resistant to infections, diseases and pests, it is not bad to carry trimming, and their bloom can be admired until several months a year.
  • Since the plants belong to the tropical, they are perfectly transferred both hot and sultry weather and high humidity.
  • Moist accumulates in fleshy leaves, which is gradually the plant uses for nutrition. Calanechoe do not need to transplancing too often and fertilize and feed and feed. Such undemanding will make the flower with a pet of any flower collection.
  • Conditionally flower is divided into several types: decorative - blooming, able to please the eyes of the color of the paints of small flowers, and decorative - deciduous, which, due to the meaturacy and density of shoots, look very original and their decorativeness will emphasize any stylish interior.

Main types for cultivation

They are not so much, but all of them are undoubtedly beautiful. When purchasing a flower, it is worth asking, to which class and mind it belongs, because the care can be slightly different. Consider the most common and their brief description.

Kalanchoe Blossfelda

  • The plant is completely small, rarely in height reaches more than 30 cm. The compactness of the flower allows you to grow it in small apartments, which is very convenient.
  • Sheet plates along the edge of the toothed, sometimes have a weakly pronounced reddish kaym. The structure of the leaves is meat.
  • The view is very popular due to long blossoms: we can enjoy the beauty of colors from the beginning of December and until the end of May.
  • The flower is quite unpretentious, well tolerates the transplant and even moving. Rarely sick.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

One of the most popular varieties. The structure of its colors resembles a rose, only in the reduced version.

  • The bloom is represented by a thick hat from inflorescences in the form of panicles, which are represented by the brightest palette of the paints. Flowers are not only very beautiful, but the flowering continues almost 6 months a year.
  • When Kalanchoe of this species is in a state of rest, then its dense and shiny leaves A juicy green shade look no less decorative than inflorescences.
  • Caring for him is absolutely simple, although it has several secrets, which a little later.
  • This species is characterized by such a variety of colors, which often is called Calanchoe Calandian Mix.


  • This species differs from the previous more complex structure of the sheet plates and the other structure of the flower.
  • Flowers of tubular structure, but also collected in the inflorescences of the battle-type type. The color is predominantly red, but may have darker shades. The hybrids of this species can have another coloring.
  • The color of the leaves is also different: from bright shades of green to purple.

Kalanchoe Degremona

  • This flower has one distinctive feature - At the edges of the leaves there are so-called babies in the form of brood kidneys.
  • Over time, they disappear from the parent plant and rooted nearby.
  • Leaves are usually dense and fleshy, triangular shape. The upper part is slightly bent to the side.
  • This flower can grow very large, so you can adjust its size cutting up the tops and forming more rounded shape.
  • This species is very unpretentious, has a decorative look due to the original structure of the leaves.

Care rules

The flower is definite enough, but the basic recommendations should be performed. Then Kalancha will delight lush flowering and healthy green leaves. Consider all the steps in more detail.


  1. Water flower is desirable only from above.
  2. In hot and dry weather you need a little fascinate moisturizing. In winter, it is better to reduce the number of watering up to once every 14 days.
  3. Calanchoe is an undemanding plant and put even dry soil well. But here is an extra moisture can cause putrefactive processes in the root.
  4. It is not recommended to moisturize the leaves and flowers, spray them, and if we wipe with a damp cloth, then it is preferably wiped out dry.

Temperature and lighting

  • The flower loves a lot of light in active state, but under the rays of the sun, the sheets can purchase a browned hue. Southeast - a comfortable place for calangean.
  • IN winter It is better to determine it on other sides of the room, where there is a shadow or scattered light, since at this time K Kaklakhoe comes the rest phase.
  • The peculiarity of this plant is that for active flowering, he needs not a very large daylight. Therefore, it blooms more often in winter. If you want bloom to continue, you can artificially reduce lighting up to 10 hours using a package that is thrown into the crown. You can also define the flower with a flower in the wardrobe in the evening, and get it in the morning clock.
  • The temperature regime in the room can be different, depending on the time of year. IN summer days Calanchoe perfectly tolerate air temperature to +25 - 35 degrees, and in winter it grows normally at 10 - 15 degrees of heat. The temperature is +5 are destructive for tropical handsome.
  • This flower feels good in both the room and on the terrace or insulated veranda.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Once in 30 days the flower needs a feeding for lush flowering and active growth. It is recommended to purchase special fertilizers for succulents, but universal fertilizers Also fit.

It is important not to overflow it. decorative plantSince instead of beautiful flowering can be waited only to lush foliage. If the dosage is indicated on the package, then use half for once.

It should be carefully observed for the plant, its appearance will immediately show if the nutrients will grab. If the leaves are yellow or fall, it means that there is no lighting, temperature or watering. And maybe the flower requires additional nutrition.

Rules of transplant

  1. The root of this decorative flower develops quite quickly and grows, so it must be transplanted periodically.
  2. The transplant is better from the last decade of April and ending in mid-May. During this period, Calanchoe joins the phase of active growth.
  3. It is recommended to extend the length of the day until 11 to 12 hours.
  4. New Vases should be selected for several centimeters more than the previous one.
  5. Very carefully, the plant should be pulled out. Try not to disturb the roots together with the ground - they, like sheets, very gentle and fragile. Therefore, as you can carefully shift the flower into a new pot.
  6. The composition of the Earth can be prepared as: in the same proportions, sheet and hardening land are mixed and river sand. In some cases, a slight ground is added. Do not forget to make the drain layer at the bottom.
  7. If the flower has taken place well, then replant the next time it will have to be over a year.


The plant needs to be periodically removing the shockless inflorescences, as well as dry or affected leaves. Sometimes the forming trimming is made to give the bustle decorative and neat look.

During the flowering of Kalanchoe, pests will appear on it. Only then it is necessary to make a sanitary trim in which the affected parts of the plant are removed.

Paging is done when calangean does not begin to bloom the second time. It may occur due to the fact that the shoots are strongly thinned and they lack the mineral elements. If you do not make the pie, the shoots can begin to be pulled, and this can lead to dry drying.


  • Kalanchoe - homemade favorite of many generations. Famous not only excellent decorative species and a long flowering period, but also healing properties.
  • It is easy to care for him just enough, it is worth only to comply with the basic rules: adjust lighting and watering depending on the rest phase or growth.
  • Choosing a grader in the store, purchase a fertilizer for succulents or cacti. Once a month feed Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe - not only beautiful, but also quite useful plantbecause it is widely used in folk medicine For the treatment of colds. In addition, this flower is quite easy to grow at home, since Calanechoe on botanical classification belongs to succulents - plants that are found in the desert and semi-desert regions.

With all his unpretentiousness, Kalanchoe still has certain requirements to the care and conditions of cultivation. From this article you can find out how to properly care for the flower at home.

Description Kalanchoe flower

It is believed that Madagascar is considered to be a homeland plant, but there are about 200 species of this culture, and they are found not only in Madagascar, but also in many African and Asian countries.

Note: Despite the wide species diversity of culture, only a few species can be grown at home.

As a rule, at home, either decorative and blooming or decorative-deciduous calangean is grown. Flowering varieties are characterized by high decorativeness, and the color of petals can be the most diverse, from white to saturated-red. In addition, the flowering period is long enough, and if you have provided the correct care, the buds will not be faded for several months.

Decorative-deciduous varieties, despite the absence of flowering, will also become an excellent decoration for the house, since their fleshy leaves of various forms are distinguished by high decorativeness. It is noteworthy that it is possible to form a crown completely freely, as the culture quite normally transfers cropping and is rapidly restored.

What a calanchoe looks like

Externally, culture resembles a small compact shrub with thick leathery leaves. Thanks to them, culture can accumulate and for a long time Keep moisture, so watering plants at home can be minimal (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of Calanechoe

In addition, the evaporation of moisture from the leaves prevents a thin film that covers all the above-ground parts of the culture. Flowering varieties at a certain time are covered by small inflorescences, assembled in pan. The form of sheet plates in deciduous varieties can be both simple and terry, which significantly increases the decorative value of culture.

Varieties of Calanechoe

As mentioned above, at home, you can grow deciduous or blooming varieties. It is important that each variety has certain features that relate not only to the appearance, but also the peculiarities of the departure, so before buying it is necessary to ask what kind of the selected flower belongs.


A distinctive feature of the variety is in its compactness. Even adult copies rarely exceed 30 cm in height. The leaves have a rounded shape, and their edges are cut. At the same time, some representatives of the species leaf plate on the edge may have a thin red kaym.

This variety belongs to flowering, and the period of flowering lasts from the beginning of winter to the end of spring. It is important that the plant, with all its decorativeness, is absolutely unpretentious, does not require frequent irrigation, Normally transfers the transplant and trimming.


Calandian grade stands out among other species abundant blossom. Thanks to short bluers that are covered with small inflorescences, the bush is covered with a lush cap of buds.

It is noteworthy that the flowering period of culture is about six months, regardless of how carefully you cared for a plant. But after the completion of the flowering period, representatives of this species will be an excellent decoration for the house, thanks to their leathery leaves of a saturated green color.


Representatives of this variety more complicated structure Leaves, and inflorescences have a melting form, and the shade of buds can range from gently pink to saturated-red.

In addition, exist hybrid varieties Curish Calanete, whose buds can have another color. Another distinctive feature is the color of the leaves. Depending on the variety, they can be both rich-green or gas and miphent.


This variety belongs to the most popular, and if the blooming varieties saw a few, the type of degremba is a sign practically everyone.

Figure 2. Popular varieties of plants: 1 - Blossfeld, 2 - Kalandis, 3 - Pirish, 4 - Degremona, 5 - Mangin

The plants have oblong dense leaves, along the edges of which are small, but numerous children. They are called brood kidneys: it is enough to scatter them on the surface of the soil, and you will have to grow a new plant.

Another features of the Degremon variety are fast, and almost uncontrollable growth. Therefore, if you do not spend regular trimming and chipping of cookies, it will quickly turn into a fairly high tree.


Representatives of this species are also called African bells for the unusual form of inflorescences.

Mangin's grade representatives are a compact evergreen shrub that natural conditions It is found only in Africa. Stems of culture are thin and flexible, covered with small fleshy leaves of oval shape. Blossom begins at the end of spring. During this period, the bush is covered by numerous bell-shaped buds, the color of which can range from pink to saturated-red or orange.

How to care for calangean at home

Despite the fact that Kalanchoe belongs to hardy succulents and does not require special attention, it will still need a certain care. First of all, it concerns the blooming varieties that, with improper care, can stop the formation of buds.


Buying any flower in the store, first of all, you should decide where it will be located at home. This condition concerns Calanechoe. Fortunately, this culture does not differ in demand for lighting. In the summer it will be quite normal to feel at the eastern and western windows, and in the winter pot can be rearranged on the southern windowsill.

Note: With all its unpretentiousness, the plant can get sunny burns From the effects of direct sunlight, so in the summer it is desirable to be signed.

But also leave the flower in the shade is also not recommended. In such conditions, his shoots will begin to pull greatly, and the flowers will become small, or will not appear at all. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the optimal duration of the light day for the flower should be about 12 hours. In the summer, for this there will be quite ordinary sunlight, and in winter the culture will have to be additionally free.

Air humidity

Since in vivo culture is found in arid regions, its air humidity requirements are minimal. The flower will normally develop in the hot room with dry air, and with high humidity.

At the same time, periodically spray the leaves are still recommended. The main purpose of this event is not to increase air humidity, but in compliance hygienic rules Growing. Spraying of leaves will help remove dust from the leaves, and also prevents the damage to the culture by pests or diseases.


Temperature regime directly affects the formation of flower kidney. In order for the plant to bloom, it must be moved to the cool room, with a temperature of no more than + 16 + 18 degrees.

At the same time, the culture is perfectly tolerated and high temperatures, so in the summer, when the indicators reach +30 degrees, calangean will still not be required any special care.


Although the plant relates to succulents that are characterized by drought resistance, it is impossible to completely ignore this plant (Figure 3). It should be noted that the frequency and intensity of watering is determined individually, depending on the temperature in the room and the size of the plant itself.

Figure 3. Right watering Culture

For example, in the summer in hot weather, watering should be not only regular and abundant, but also to combine the spraying of the leaves. If the culture is located in a moderate lighting, it will be enough to water it every 2-3 days. In winter, the frequency of irrigation is reduced to once a week.

It should be borne in mind that the culture is much better to transfer the light lack of moisture than its oversupply, therefore, planning watering, should be focused on the moisture content of the upper layer of the soil.

The soil

Planting the flower is better in a special soil for succulents that can be bought in any flower shop. If you do not have such a possibility, you can make a suitable soil yourself.

For the plant, a substrate is suitable, which consists of equal parts of peat, sand, delicate and deciduous land. It is desirable to add a little charcoal to the resulting mixture, and the pot in which the plant will be grown, lay the drainage layer, which will prevent moisture stagnation from the roots.


There are no clear terms of transplant. The procedure is carried out if the plant has grown much, and the old pot became too small. In this case, the transplantation is carried out by the method of transshipment, that is, the culture is moved to a new capacity of larger size together with the old room of the earth, and the free space is filled with fresh soil (Figure 4).

Figure 4. The main steps of transplant

Another signal to the transplant is considered excessive watering. If the plant began to yellow, or began to proceed from the soil nasty smellIt means that moisture stagn in the roots of the culture. The only way out of the situation will be a plants transplant to a new pot with a fresh and moderately humid substrate.

Trimming and pinching

Calanechoe is growing quickly and intensively, and without the formation of the crown will quickly turn into a high, but shapeless plant. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to regularly cut the branches and pursue the crown sequin (Figure 5).

The best time for trimming is spring. At this time, the shoots are shortened that they stretched too much. In this case, you can cut branches on 2/3 or even half the length. Such a strong trimming does not hurt culture, as Calanechoe has an amazing ability to rapid recovery.

Figure 5. Trimming and pitching flower

If you want to form a crown in the form of a beautiful bustle, you must add the pruning of the seafront. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of summer. In this case, the top of the plant is removed to stimulate the development of lateral shoots. This procedure is particularly relevant for young plants, but also adult copies it will not hurt.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe

Calanechoe refers to those cultures that are very simply multiplied at home, and often even without human participation. Many varieties along the edges of the leaves are the so-called "kids". Camping, they are rooted in the ground, and grow into a young full-fledged plant.

Figure 6. Basic breeding methods

If you want to multiply the flower yourself, it is enough to take a few babies and scatter them along the surface of the soil (Figure 6). Also can be rooted in a wet ground leaf or stalk, which remained after trimming.

Diseases and pests

The advantage of Calanechoe also in the fact that this culture rarely sick and is practically not damaged by pests.

The plant begins only if he missed him. For example, if brown, gray or white spots began to appear on the leaves, the plant care should be revised. First of all it concerns watering: stagnation of moisture in the roots and excessive moisturizing of the soil can provoke fungal diseases. A similar process can cause an excessive fertilizer, so the feedstocks are better for a while.

From the pests, the danger is a word and shields. To cope with these insects, you need to wash the leaves of the plant with soap water, and then spray insecticides.

In the video you will find even more useful information on how to care for the flowering calangean at home.

In almost every apartment you can find such a flower as Kalanchoe, which many are used in decorative and drugs. This is enough unpretentious plantBeing easy to carry out home care, but for this you should follow certain rules. Only in this case, Calanchoe will delight his master with bright pink flowers, but the flowering period is not too long.

In this article, we will try to figure out how to care for Calanchoe at home so that it as long as possible decorate an apartment or a house.

Plant Features

The birthplace of this flower is madagascar IslandBut it is possible to meet it almost throughout Asia. It grows well both in the orange and at home. This plant belongs to the family of Tolstankov. Possessing thick stems and leaves, it is able to accumulate moisture and do a long time without watering. Prevents the evaporation of a thin film on them. All these moments should be taken into account during the care of this decorative creation.

Kalanchoe: Home Care

Care principles are as follows:


The flowering plant does not impose any serious requirements for watering, even prefers little drought. Of course, in hot weather Calanchoe, it is necessary to water as often as possible, but in the winter the frequency of irrigation is reduced to once every two weeks. It should be remembered that the moisture stagnation contributes to the appearance of rot, which can even destroy the plant.

It will be better if the pot with a flower, except the Earth, will contain drainage, which will allow to contain the soil in an optimal state. Watering plants are carried out not only from above, but also in the pallet.

Lighting and temperature regime

Flower care includes proper lighting and necessary temperature mode. In contrast to most indoor plants Blooming Kalanchoe loves straight sun rays. In winter, he prefers to be at rest and with sunny window It is transferred to blackout.

Surprisingly, the plant began to bloom, you need reduce the length of the daylight. In natural conditions, this is happening with the onset of winter, so the color of the calangean begins in cold period. If the flower desires want this to happen at another time of the year, it is necessary to cut the light day artificially up to 10 hours. To do this, you can wear a dense package on a pot or at a certain evening to remove it into the closet, and get it back in the morning.

An important point in the care is also the temperature regime, which is also different in the summer and winter period. In the warm time, the flower may be indoors with a temperature of +18 to +28 degrees, and in winter it easily tolerates and cooler conditions with a temperature of +10 to +16 degrees. Decorative calangean on moral, even a warcled loggia or balcony.

Transplant Calanchoe

For comfortable accommodation at home this is a plant it must be replantsince his root system very quickly grows. It is necessary to do this in April-May, during the intensive growth of the flower. The duration of the daytime should be 12 hours and, if necessary, create additional lighting.

A new pot is used to transplant, which should be much wider than the previous one, and the composition of the Earth must remain the same. The flower from the container should be removed very carefully to accidentally damage the earth com.

Blooming Kalanchoe does not present special requirements to the quality of the soil, so it can be perfect both in dense and loose land. Good add more sand. Preparing the soil for the flower transplant at home, it should be disinfected.


So that Calanechoe blooms lush and beautiful, it is necessary to fertilize it correctly and in a timely manner. Do it you need once a month. Fertilize the plant best of all fertilizer for succulents, but the use of complex additives guarantees abundant flowering.

Fertilizer is very accurate, since an overpressure contributes to a rich growth of green mass, but the colors can not be waited. It is best to make half the norm indicated on the packaging.

Protection against disease

Care for Kalanchoe at home includes protection of it from various diseases. Although it happens quite rare, but should be prepared for everything.

If the leaves of the plant were covered with white, gray or brown spots, it indicates that it is necessary to change care. For example, stains arise due to excessive soil moisturizing, so moisture flow should be reduced. Excess feeding can influence their formation, in this case the use of fertilizers or change the soil.

Often, indoor flowers are attacked by Tly, due to which the leaves begin to shut and fall. To cure the plant, cut the affected places and treated with the drug from these insects or soap solution.

Methods of breeding

Care for calangean includes its reproduction. This plant can be purchased in a flower shop, but often it happens that after buying it begins to stick and root. The easiest way to breed it yourself, and this can be done in different ways:

  • using the separation of a large bush;
  • rooting a cutlery;
  • planting a separate sheet;
  • sowing seeds.

At home, a large bush is divided in the case when it is necessary to refresh it. But the separated flower may not take care or will be recovered for a long time.

The easiest and most common method of reproduction is the rooting of the cutting. The roots at the small stem are formed very quickly, which allows it to be easy to fit in a new pot. About a month later, the bush becomes very lush.

From the parent plant you can re-jeep not only a stalk, but also a sheet. It also takes place quickly that and the cuttings, only the desired size reaches a year.

At home, this decorative flower is multiplied by seeds that such a plant has very small, which makes them like landing. They laid them on the surface of the soil, slightly pressing into it, but in no case sprinkting them. Then the pot is covered with glass or polyethylene package. To create comfortable conditions for germination of seeds, do scattered sunlight, carry out small ventilation and put a container in a warm place. After shooting the seed with glass or the package is cleaned, and the pot put on a sunny place.


Is it necessary to carry a calangean during flowering? Only if the pests or flower fell ill on him. It is done very simply - patients are cut off at the junction with healthy.

Since blooming is strongly weakened by the plant, it is necessary arrange him. For this, the following activities are carried out:

  • cut all bloomrs;
  • the pot is installed in a cool shadow;
  • the plant does not water around 1.5 months.

After the period of rest, the calangean is returned to the usual place and fertilize.


Does calanchoe need in pinching? The fact is that the plant often does not bloom. The problem may wage in the thinning of the shoots due to bad receipt minerals. This can lead to their complete drying. That's why conduct the qualanchoe qualand.

You can fasten the weak shoots anything, but you need to do it slowly and very carefully. If this happened, the wound is cured, sprinkling it with charcoal or ashes.

Thus, we figured out that it is a calangean, care at home for which no difficulties are caused. This plant can be perfectly done perfectly and without much care of its own stocks, but in this case it will not be so lush and healthy.

Calanchoe blooming today is very popular with lovers of decorative succulents, which are also helpful. The juice from the leaves of the plant has the healing properties for human health. Care calangean at home is not complicated, it is important to know the peculiarities of its cultivation.

Exists a large number of species and varieties of calangean. Only a few of them are grown at home. The main interest is several varieties of plants.

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld is the most common appearance, which is presented in most flower shops.
  • Dergémone - a radius-demanding plant that is more suitable experienced flower. It is often called "indoor ginseng."
  • Rosalina is an elegant terry variety, distinguished by unpretentiousness. For the formation of new buds, you need to clean the tagged flowers from the flowers.
  • Kalandis - the grade is characterized by very stormy blossom, not even under ideal conditions. Despite the high decorativeness, the plant is very unpretentious.

Whatever Calanechoe variety has been selected, you need to create a flower the necessary conditions Growth that will allow him for a long time to remain in good condition. Even unpretentious grades It is necessary to provide high-quality life.

Basic requirements for crust growing

In general, there is nothing complicated in the cultivation of Kalanchoe. In order for the flower to successfully grow, it needs a regular shift pot as growth, timely watering and care. Do not expose the plant to extreme decrees and temperature increases. For a flower optimal is the usual room temperature, but only you should not put it at the battery and on the cold window sill.

In winter, the temperature should not be below 12-15 degrees. Not too demanding related to light, calangean can grow perfectly even in rooms that are not suitable for other plants due to their shadensity. For a flower is not required sunlight, and it perfectly feels like an ordinary daylight lamp, gladly blossoming.

Plant care at home

To create optimal conditions For Kalanchoe, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements of the plant and the recommendations for the care of it. With good content it can bloom all year round.

Requirements for the soil and pot

Soil for calangean is required. If you apply a ready-made substrate for succulents, which is sold in garden stores, it is necessary to dilute it with small sand on 1/5. It is better, of course, to prepare the ground alone.

To do this, mix in equal parts such components:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • charcoal wood;
  • turf.

Additional application of fertilizers during the preparation of the soil for calangean is not required, since at first the plant will be provided with nutrients that are rich in coal and humus, and then their drawback will compensate for regular feeding.

The pot for the plant requires a wide and deep enough so that the roots are not turned. You can use plastic or ceramic dishes. It is better to apply a new container or one that was wary during the winter on the street. Without it, the likelihood that the flower may get sick due to the rift of fungi remaining on the walls of the pot after the past plant.

Watering, feeding and fertilizer

Despite the fact that the birthplace of the plant is arid areas, at home he needed to provide regular watering with estate water room temperature. In summer, Calanchoe consumes more water, in winter less. Watering is not carried out by regime, but as needed. The fact that the plant is time to pour, is determined by the humidity of the top layer of the soil. If he is dry, you need moisturizing.

Conduct it, watering flower on the edge of the pot. You can also immerse the capacitance with the calangean to the jar with water for 20 minutes so that the soil can apparently. If the soil is wet, it should not watered about the supply, as this will lead to the death of the flower due to rotting roots. Writing plant does not tolerate perfectly.

The feeding is necessary only in the spring-summer period. It is held 1 time per week. For a flower, special feeders for succulents are used. You can also use comprehensive mineral fertilizers feeding for indoor plants and a surge solution bird's facewhich is divorced in a ratio of 1:30.

Location, lighting and air humidity

The place for the flower is optimally choosing a light, but without hitting it direct sunlight. Optimal length The day of the day is 12 hours, and therefore in the fall and in winter it is necessary to keep the calangean in the room with the greatest illumination. It is impossible that the flower is exposed to drafts that are destructive for him.

The dryness of the air for the plant is not dangerous, as Calanechoe is easily experiencing moisture deficit. At the same time, culture can carry increased humidity.
air, but not soil.

Blooming and trimming calangean

Calanechoe flowering is falling on autumn and can last for a month, and some varieties and two months. After all the colors started, a plant trimming is carried out if necessary. It is necessary to do this, since for the year the flower is able to add height and width up to 30 cm and become very voluminous. Also uncontrolled growth leads to the deterioration of its appearance.

Young plants at the moment of active growing vegetation are pouring to give them an attractive form. To this end, it is cleaned with shoots on 2 top leaf. The procedure is carried out for several years while the flower does not become as they want to see. Sanitary trim involves removing 1/5 of the number of leaves and shoots.

When forming a calangean in the form of a tree on the plant, only one strongest escape is left, and all side cuts are cut. The top of the main stem with such a trimming does not pinch.

Council. After flowering, the blooms need to be removed. For a month: Install the plant on the shady window sill, do not water. Then transfer it to the previous place, to ensure watering, and it will bloom again.

Conduct at home

The transplant of young plants is held annually, as the development of them is very violently, and they need a constant increase in the pot area. After 3 years, Kalanchoe develops slower, and the transplant is required only 1 time in 3-4 years, since the root system, even an adult plant, continues to grow and at some point will develop a pot. If Kalanchoe begins to shut up, most likely, an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pot is urgently needed. The optimal transplant time is the beginning of spring.

At the bottom of the pot, the drainage layer is made of clay with a thickness of 2 cm. Then the soil is embanked. The plant is transplanted by the method of pulling, trying not to disturb the already existing lore earth. After the flower is transplanted, it is watered abundantly. Next, watering is carried out in the same way as always.

After the purchase of replanting Calanchoe to a new pot, it is necessary regardless of the season, but only after the plant completely blends. If the state of the plant deteriorates rapidly, and it must be urgently transferred to another pot, with flowers it is necessary to part. Cut with sharp scissors.

Features of breeding Kalanchoe

At home, the reproduction of calangean is very simple. If the bush is in good condition and the correct care is ensured, then you can get a new plant with the care of the leaf or rooting.

The cuttings are cut off with a young escape so that there are at least 3 leaves on it. Use for cutting need sterile scissors. Cutted cuttings is placed in water. So he will release the roots much faster, and the process of its development will be easier to control than when landing in the ground immediately after cutting. As soon as the roots are shooting up to a length of 2-3 centimeters, the cuttings are planted into the ground, suitable calangean.

When the sheet is reproduced, a well-developed sheet is taken with a cushion and is drawn into the soil suitable for calanchoe. It is further important to ensure that the soil does not drive. If everything is done correctly, the roots of the plant will release in 2 weeks, and a few leaflets appears in a month. Care for Kalanchoe after rooting as an adult plant.

Pests, diseases and treatment methods

Diseases that are striking calangean, not much. Most often, against the background of excessive moisture, you can face bacterial infections. After watering is normalized, the disease is eliminated. The pests sometimes become a serious problem for the flower.

With the right Care Calanete at home grows perfectly and breeds, pleaseing the owner with beautiful and lush flowering. Don't forget about values medical properties Kalanchoe.

Optimal summer temperature For flowering calangean - ranging from 23 to 29 degrees. Higher temperature is permissible, but it will not hurt to increase the frequency of irrigation, as if there are flowers - they can dry.

Although plant - tropical, low temperatures It transfers well. In winter and in the fall, at a temperature of more than 10 degrees, it can be quite available on fresh air.

Nevertheless, given the harsh climate of many areas of our country, it will be safer in the room in the cold, away from sudden frosts and chilling winds.

After frostbite alive, it may remain unless that the root. You will have to cut almost everything except the root, and then wait for a miracle and shoots will appear.


Room plant Calanete It is unpretentious enough In caring, including regarding lighting. It is possible to position it almost at any point of the room in which the rays of the sun fall. Favorable conditions You can call both halftime and multiple light.

Straight sunlight most part of time safe and even recommended, as optimal option Lighting. Danced straight rays from 11 am to 3 pm from March to September.

The fact is that the leaves contain a lot of moisture and therefore can get burns from intensive lighting. These burns can cause growth stop. In most sunny time The day is recommended bright, but scattered light.

If enough is provided lightingThe leaves should be a reddish contour. In the opposite case, when the light is not enough, the stalks are pulled out, and the leaves are noticeably pale.

Watering Kalanchoe

How often water calanchoe at home?

Kalanchoe - SukkuletThat is, it can accumulate moisture and in such a way to worry about drought. You can not worry much if we forgot about watering.

And here excessive watering harmful. It is necessary to water so that the water is completely watched the earth, but to merge over.

In the heat you can increase the frequency of watering, but still monitor the water.

In winter, it will be enough two times a week.

Excessive watering leads to rotting roots, the formation of mold and fungi.

The bay is detected by the following features:

  1. Leaves pale and wither.
  2. On the leaves appear dark spots With yellow edges.
  3. The earth does not enhance.

The danger of the bay is primarily lies in the fact that all negative processes occur at the bottom of the pot (out of sight), and the consequences are manifested very late when the saving operation may not help.

Before you start a saving operation, you should find out causes of the Gulfnot to make the same mistake after recovery.

Causes of the bay may be as follows:

  • the plant did not transplanted from the purchase of soil, which was too moisturizing;
  • the soil in a new pot turned out to be inappropriate;
  • excessive irrigation frequency;
  • the pot is in too dark and wet place;
  • missing drainage;
  • too spacious pot.

How to save:

Air humidity

Summer B. spraying No need, and in winter it is even dangerous.

To save leaves from dust, as well as prevent some diseases and pest appearance, it is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth.


No need for abundant feeding - Quite fertilize every month.

There are no special requirements for fertilizer. Use conventional fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

Excessive feeding is even harmful, and in winter it is dangerous in winter.


Trimming is necessary for flowering. how undercut Calando? Moreover, it must be cardinal - should be maximally able to remove the flower, to prevent the remaining part.

Blooming strongly weakens plant, Therefore, all the sweat and fry parts should be cut off immediately when detecting.


How to trim Kalanchoe:

How to add calangean:

Care after shopping

For room colors, and especially for decorative Calanete very important good care At home. First landing (Transplantation) Calanchoe requires special attention. Immediately after buying a plant, a plant should be transplanted into another pot with a new soil.

Most likely, it has long developed its old pot, but it remains in economic considerations. Soil should be changed, as it is not known what kind of composition it is. For growing, pots are used with a diameter of 9 to 18 cm.

The most common sizes are 12-15 cm. The pot should not be too large, as this can cause the bay and death. But too little pot will affect not as critical.

The worst thing that can happen - the plant does not bloom.


Kalanchoe grows very quickly And therefore it is very important to transplanted in a timely manner.

It is advisable to do this at least once a year, at the end of March.

Each new pot must be greater than the previous 2-3 cm in diameter.

The transplant should be carried out very carefully, so as not to damage the fragile stems and leaves.

The optimal composition of the soil should include turf, leaf and sand in the same proportions.

How to care for calangean, blooming at home?

Supporting the life of Calanchoe is quite simple, but that he bloom as often as possible and longer, additional knowledge and effort will be needed.

Flowering conditions

Blooming begins in November, and ends in March, when the rest period comes.

Conditions for the content of calangean For abundant flowering:

  1. Moderately and properly water - moisturize the soil no more than once a week. Do not wet the leaves and flowers. Follow so that there is no excess fluid.
  2. Correctly light. That is, provide good access to the Sun, but not to leave under the right rays too long. Very important for flowering normalized light mode.

    In winter, the daytime should be renewed with artificial lighting Up to 12 hours, and in the summer to shorten with a canopy or moving to a dark angle.

  3. Protect from cold and drafts.
  4. Feature only from June to November no more than 1-2 times a month.
  5. Crop the old sheets and flowers.

Cutting a calangeon blooming

Do I need to pruning calangean? Appearance pests or diseases At times, forcing the trimming during flowering.

The process is simple enough - only you only need to cut patients on the junction with healthy.

How to trim a calanchoe after flowering?

The bloom strongly relaxes the plant.

So that it could bloom in the future, he needs to arrange a rest period.

How to trim the decorative calangean at home? For this:

  • cropped all bloomrs;
  • the pot moves to the shadow with cool;
  • does not water for 1.5 months.

After the rest period plant Return to the old place and with summer starts fertilizes.

How to form a crown?

Formation of calangean - The case is simple and long.
How to form calangean? All that is required is to pinch the tips of the shoots as they are height.

How to form a kalanchoe flower if he stretched out? Too elongated shoots need to fuse more radically, while sprinkling sections with ashes or charcoal. Thus, the volume will gradually appear.

How to pinch a calangean?

So, do you need paging calangee ? Many owners often complain that they are Calanechoe does not bloom again.

They do not even realize that the lack of motion buds may be only less than many problems.

If some owners look closely at their plant, they may notice the thinning of shoots. This means that minerals do not come to this area.

And this can lead to the fact that the shoots will choke entirely. It is for solving this problem. calancoa Cipher.

Weak shoots can be fused anything: fingers, scissors, etc. It is advisable to do it slowly and gently so as not to restress extra.

But even if this happens, rank can be easily curedBy sprinkling it with ashes or charcoal.

Garden landing and care

Low it is known that calangean can be contained not only in room conditionsBut in the garden. But, growing (reproduction) at home much easier than on open soil.

How to care for the Kalanchoe flower on the open soil? The plant does not withstand temperatures below zero. The soil should be neutral or weakly acid composition with a thickness of the nutrient layer at least 12 cm.

Seedlings should have a height of at least 10 - 12 cm and about 6 developed leaves. Before landing should be fertilized Overwhelming dung, superphosphate and potash salt.

After engraft, in July and August need Support as nitrogen fertilizers. The distance between the plants is approximately 30 cm, and the width of the rod - 50 cm.

Before flowering you need to break the soil At least 5 - 6 times.

What to do if not growing?

In such a situation, the owner should make sure that he followed all the recommendations on care for calanchoe.

Also possible calanechoe is not growing Because of the existing diseases and pests.

Get rid of diseases and pests by cropping affected places and processing insecticides.

Useful video

A little bit about how to care for Kalanchoe: