Repairs Design Furniture

Calanete care at home pinching. How to crop calange to bloom. Garden landing and care

Kalanchoe is one of the most famous indoor plants. There are several of his species in the apartments. Kalanchoe is not only a luxurious interior decoration, but also good drug. The juice from his fleshy leaf leaves is far away from a runny nose, treats Naryvy and inflammation, and one of his species even received the name "Surgeon". Calanchoe is increasing rapidly growing and does not constantly look like the owners would like. The crown should be formed.

You will need

  • - Kalanchoe;
  • - charcoal.


1. Just over the plant. Calanechoe, standing on a clear window, Much Muzhe is powerful to grow even in a jar with water. The rapid growth is characterized in fact for all species of this plant. However, on too scorched upper shoots, the leaves are becoming smaller and smaller, and the shoots themselves look thin and not exceptionally beautiful. At the same time, in powerfully stretched in the height of plants, there are often not enough strength for flowering, the truth is generally about all the varieties of Calanechoe bloom in the apartments extremely with hunting. After noting similar manifestations, tune in to the fact that you will have to re-join extra shoots. Do not be afraid of this moment, the similar operation will benefit the flower.

2. Do not touch the flower until the crown of his thick, and the leaves are huge and beautiful. As soon as a thin non-visual tip is formed - remove it. Calanchoe is well tolerating similar operations, the plant does not need to prepare even intentionally. Its stem is pretty soft, investigately tear up the top easily with nails. The wounds are usually formed. If she nevertheless arose (it happens when the stem is closer quite fat, spray it wood coal either ashes. Pretty ash from a small burnt sheet of paper. Later, a pair of side shoots rapidly arise in a dipping.

3. Dresvalt to the ears of the first time to grow voluntarily. The somewhat may be that no operations will not need any operations, and Kalanchoe will save his supercompact form. However, it is not constant. New shoots may initially grow perfectly and give good fleshy leaves, and at some point they become thin and ugly. After noting this, pinch the plant again. Make it right as well as with the first escape.

4. Page Calanechoe and in the event that the blooming look does not allow buds long. The parting time depends on certain conditions. But the flower usually standing on the southern window is pinned until the end of November. If he lives on a western or eastern window, then make it allowed at any time. On the north side of Calanechoe, it does not like to grow and may not bloom at all.

Kalanchoe Related to the family of Tolstankov. Different kinds This plant is distinguished by plump (succulent) leaves and colorful flowers (white, pink, red), collected in umbrella inflorescences. Kalanchoe is unpretentious in room culture. Once a year, this plant must be replant. Of course, the transplantation for the plant is invariably stress, it will be necessary to conduct it competently correctly.

You will need

  • - pot;
  • - soil mixture;
  • - Keramzit and clay shards for drainage;
  • - Water.


1. Calanchoe transplane in the spring. The plant itself will show you that it is time to do. Flower roots will appear through drainage In a pot, the Earth compact and hesitates.

2. Cook for transplanting a pot of slightly larger diameter, welcome ceramic and unplaned. If you bought the newest pot, then hold it a couple of hours in the water. This will allow you to remove the clay gases that fell there during the firing. If the pot was applied, then rinses it with burning water with soap, and then soak for 2-3 hours in a pink solution of manganese.

3. Prepare fresh soil mixture: Cherry Earth, Sheet Earth and Sand, in the 4: 2: 1 ratio. In stores you can buy closer ready sad For succulents. You also need a shard shard shard to lay a pot and slightly clamzit.

4. Calanechoe before transfer richly. Carefully remove the flower from the dilapidated pot. Slightly shake the dilapidated land. All broken or immensely twisted roots cut. If the plant is too large, it should not shake the earth. It is allowed to primitively translate the flower with the old kits of the earth into the newest pot.

5. For calangean, the dignified drainage is primarily primarily, it's necessary to put several shards to the bottom of the pot, after that the small pebbles of the ceramzite and on top of the sand. The thickness of the drainage layer should be at least a quarter of the height of the pot, as calangean does not tolerate water stagnation. At the prepared drainage layer, fall asleep the earth.

6. Carefully post a plant in a pot and split the ground until it closes the roots. The soil tier must be a couple of centimeters below the edge of the pot. Pour the flower and add the land if necessary.

Disagree to transplant calangean during flowering. With a slightly slightly time with a transplant than to injure the flowering plant.

Helpful advice
If the plant lean itself lies later, the transplant is either weakened, then adopt its special fertilizer for succulents.

Kalanchoe - This is the plant of the Tolstankov family. In this family there are more than two hundred species. Especially famous among the flower rods are Kalanchoe felt, Devenona (in the people called "Live Doctor") and beautifully blooming Calanchoe Blossfeld and Mangin.


1. Kalanchoe - The plant is not demanding. Growing perfectly in a clear place, transfers direct clear rays. True, it can calmly test the moisturely moisture, abundant irrigated still loves.

2. The plant does not like water stagnation, in effect before landing, provide him with cool drainage. Scroll to make out sheet land, peat, sand and humus. Sit and transplant calangean in the spring.

3. Spread the plant with top cuttings or seeds. Before boarding the cuttings, dried two days. Place them in the crude substrate in peat or a mixture of sand and leaf land, put it in a warm place. Capacity with cuttings is not necessary. In addition, while they are not rooted, cuttings water in a dirty, in the disgusting case they can be understood.

4. Seeds sit in raw sand, cover with a film or glass and put this improvised greenhouse in a clear place. Shoots will appear approximately one or two weeks.

5. Each easier to multiply whipping Kalanchoe Degremona. His subsidiaries formed along the edges of the leaves, the somewhat easily rooted and rapidly grow.

6. When reproducing Calanechoe cuttings, the plant will bloom in ten months, and if seeds breed, then for two months later.

7. Finger Calanchoe once a month with a special fertilizer for cacti and succulents. Loop the leaves with a damp cloth and sometimes spray. Water the plant or rich in two weeks.

8. Kalanchoe - Flower of a short day. If you want to get blossom in winter, it will not be necessary to unnaturally shorten the light day, in this period the bloom is caused by the usual reduction. But in order to achieve flowering in spring or in summer, give a plant from clear rays. Light day should not exceed nine hours. Also watch, so that the air temperature indoors did not exceed twenty degrees.

Video on the topic

Motherland Kalanchoe - Africa and Madagascar. The plant belongs to the family of Tolstanka, he has fleshy leaves that are able to store moisture, like other succulents. However, among lovers of indoor flower growing, Kalanchoe is famous not only for the decorative foliage, it is a charming plant with cute flowers that bloom in winter. And some species of each other also own drug properties.

Kalanchoe Blossfelda

The most well-known view in the culture is Calanchoe Blossfeld. This is a plant with branching stems and elongated rounded fleshy leaves. Its size is small, in diameter and in the height of Calanchoe Blossophild reaches each 30 cm. In the flower flower, it is extremely valued for the beautiful bloom. Small terry flowers of red, yellow or orange color Collected in inflorescences that are crowned with a plants.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Calanchoe Kalandis is a hybrid of Calanechoe Blossfeld. The flowering of this species is much longer (up to six months) and more abundant. The hat of small shiny terry flowers covers the plant is also in winter under the condition of positive care. In order to achieve re-blossom, you need to form a bush. Cut off the stretched shoots immediately later than the plant will flash. They are allowed to root in water and get new specimens.

Kalanchoe Diigremonta

An unusual plant of Calanchoe Diigremont is a "borious" succulent. He has a straight line, not a branching stem coated with elongated leaf of triangular shape with cloths around the edges. On any of these teeth, a new little plant grows (the so-called brood kidney) with leaves and air roots. It is easy to propagate the calanchoe dyigremont, as a result of these daughters, pretty separate the kidney and put it on the substrate surface. Succulent Diezhen will soon be rooted and starts to grow.

Kalanchoe Mangusa

Externally, Calanechoe Mangusa resembles a diogremont, the difference between these species is that the final blooms in the early spring of small flowers. Later, the end of flowering shoots is recommended to shorten. Succulent Dieuz will rapidly increase the green mass and will continue to formation.

Kalanchoe disseated

Unusual foliage in Calanechoe dissected, as in other species it is juicy and fleshy, however, they firmly dissected, as a result of the people this species Kalanchoe is referred to as "deer horns." With age, it becomes more decorative.

Calanechoe tubular beds

In nature, this species dwells on Madagascar Island. This is a height of a height reaching 70 cm. He has stretched long leaves with most broken kidneys. Flowers plant richly. Flowers are quite huge, tubular shape. In addition, they have a large variety of colors of shades from white, to violet and dark purple.

Some types of calanchoe Capture does not make sense. These include, say, Kalanchoe Degremona. He has several items. The names of "Surgeon" and "doctor" he received for healing properties and "crocodile" for the shape of the leaves. Between the teeth of the leaves, the young rabid grow. The leaves of the "surgeon" are growing in pairs, they are traditionally fleshy at each height of the plant, and it is not necessary to quote it. But in the thesis it is allowed to do, it puts it beautifully pouring and gives side shoots, however, less with hunting than other types.

If Kalanchoe does not bloom that his owner would have tried, new Zovyazi would not appear without proper care and prevent the appearance of diseases. Succulent may experience stressful situation Or, on the contrary, need it so that the stem threw buds and the flowering process passed without any defects.

Why doesn't calanchoe bloom at home?

To find out the reason for the infertility of all attempts to cause the appearance of groes on the plant, you need to understand it life cycle. Flowering is the logical completion of the vegetative turnover, which most plants are repeated from the year in the same time. Specifically, this flower is characterized by the emergence of new buds in the period from December to July. Reasons so that this process is broken may be somewhat - and each of them can help understand why not blooms decorative calanchoe:

  • unsuitable climatic conditions;
  • irregularities of watering;
  • refusal to feed the plants;
  • wrong choice of placement location on the windowsill.

Why calangean does not bloom and grows up?

Among the widespread reasons why new vessels do not appear, they are unnecessarily called succulent. Kalanchoe does not bloom and pulls out when his owner does not follow the height of the room plant and does not limit it. The optimal value for it does not exceed 25-35 cm. The stem can grow up to 40 cm if such errors are allowed in care:

  1. Refusal of pinching.It arises due to fear before infection or the death of the plant, to avoid which is possible due to the disinfection of the wound.
  2. A large number of fertilizers. Pereparification does not allow to form uncess, because fertilizers stimulate the expansion of the sheet plate.
  3. High ambient temperature.Succulents consider heat to be the best medium for the formation of a high bush, so it does not bloom with a stuffing. What to do with it, it is easy to solve: the plant needs to be transferred to a cool place.

Calanechoe does not grow and does not bloom

When the plant is limited in growth and does not plan to bloom, white spots or cracks appear on the leaves. The reason why calangean does not bloom belong to the following list:

  • exhausted land in a pot;
  • incorrectly composed primer mixture;
  • recent with injuries of roots;
  • rain worms in the ground.

Why stopped blossoming calangean?

The growth of already existing flowers and the dieting buds freezes if the air becomes cool or appear drafts. If decorative calangean does not bloom, but temperature mode I did not undergo change, it may only mean one thing - the succulent is in stressful state. There are three provoking factor for such depression:

  • natural aging of the stem;
  • close source of heating;
  • location next to citrus or decorative tomatoes.

How to make the color of Calanchoe?

At the same time, stress allows you to plunge the ejection of the bud, but only if it lasts not long and controlled from the outside. Experts know what to do if before the blooming calangean no longer blooms and suddenly lost all the marks. The sequence of actions should be such:

  1. Watering frequency gain.Soil under the succulent should be constantly wet for 2-3 days.
  2. Double portion of fertilizers. Spontaneous feeding outside of a plan to make the plant give an increase in "sleeping" barring.
  3. Ruffle soil near the roots. The aeration of the root system enhances the immunity of buds.

Kalanchoe blosspeld does not bloom - what to do?

Variety varieties exist at least 130: each of them has small terry flowers of a wide variety of shades - pink, orange, red and yellow. Kalanchoe Blossfelda does not bloom if it grows in a darkened place direct light he also does not like, but responds large quantity Basins on bright lighting. It is possible to determine the correctness of the care that is incentive in two signs:

  1. The presence of a red border on the leaves of the plant. When calangean does not bloom, the wounds do not appear if the leaves are uniform green color. The red "strip" signals that the plant gets the desired volume of water and nutrients.
  2. Lack of fungal diseases. If brown spots appear on the leaves, they are removed, and the cuts are treated with fungicide.

Kalanchoe calandiv does not bloom

The variety is considered the most adapted to accommodation in an apartment or at home. His bright terry flowers are going to large inflorescences, so if one inflorescence is dying, then the petals of the neighborings also dry out. He has one feature: While other succulents lose the ability to grow out due to moisture from entering the leaves, Kalandis, even if you consider that it is a subspecies of calangean, it does not bloom if it is not sprayed. It is hard to carry dry air, so water to spray water room temperature Need at least 2-3 times a day.

How to trim a calanchoe to bloom?

Pruning is recommended for any of the types of this. decorative plant As a stimulating bloom measure. The process is the removal of unnecessary leaves or painful flowers to prevent the development of diseases and imparting a neat form. Because with the development of the stem, the upper shoots tend to drop and becomes fruitless, it is important to know how to choose Calanechoe to choose. The two of these processes (pinching and circumcision) are similar to each other, so they can be combined into one:

  1. First you need to choose the weakest tops of the plants that have not been covered with flowers for a long time.
  2. For scissors or fingers, a small part of the stem is removed with the calculation to ensure that the remaining wound is small.
  3. The edges of the stems after pinching for the prophylaxis of diefs are sprinkled with ashes or charcoal.

Kalanchoe flower - how to care for color?

To be bedroom plant Appeared zeroshi, the care regime must be radically revised. Do not think how to make the color of the calangean at home, - you just need to exclude the factors that impede this process. These include:

  1. Excess sunlight. Permanent stay on the windowsill, located on the sunny side of the dwelling, makes the plant grow in height, spending all juices on this process.
  2. Refusal of excessive irrigation. The leaves of the bush are able to accumulate moisture and spend it gradually, so the lack of water is not so destructive, as its excess. In the summer, the procedure must be repeated once a week, in winter - twice.
  3. Fertilizer with a special complex for succulents. If Kalanchoe does not bloom, so that it would not try to make his owner, it may mean that it needs a mineral complex with potassium, sodium and manganese in the composition.

Calanechoe is famous not only notionative appearance and unpretentiousness, but also used in therapeutic purposes. Any flower model is familiar with this plant. Our article will tell you about the important "ritual", giving your green friend the final refined appearance - on how to add calangean. Step-by-step instruction at your service.

The heroes of our article belong to plants, since therapeutic purposes used

The heroes of our article refer to plants, ancient times used in therapeutic purposes. From their leaves squeezed out juice with an anti-inflammatory effect, used on wounds, burns, and even from the "Beach of Mankind" - a runny nose of an ordinary (from which, so far, almost no drugs are more efficient). Especially after the segments, Kalanchoë grows quickly,

Although almost all varieties of Kalanchoë need piping, there are certain types that do not need to be quenched - they are without round year They have a completed form, without shoots, periodically dried at the ends in other species. One of those - the most famous of all, among scientists and gardeners is referred to in Degremona, and in the people he received the honorable name "Doctor" (or "Surgeon"), for exceptional medical properties. And also - "crocodile", for the growing pairs of fleshy gear leafs, between which the "growing generation" is expressing. Although this Calanchoe pinching stands steadfastly, and if you wish, you can do it, side shoots after this procedure makes no special zeal.

Video about Kalanchoe

  1. Let's start with the observation. We see that any Kalanchoë feels great even in a bank, and grows not by day, but by the hour. The main thing is that it gets more light, therefore it will be a bad idea to put a vase with him in a poorly illuminated corner of the room. Over time, most varieties can see the thinning of the upper shoots. In parallel with this, the leaves are becoming all the smallest. This is a sign that insufficient juices do in these areas. Such shoots can not only be bloated, but also shook entirely. Seeing this, it is time to join the spitting off of weakened shoots.
  2. Restressing the top of the plant can be without any preparation of a green pet to the procedure. It can be done with scissors, and just nails, without fear of the formation of a wound. Occasionally the last, yet, appear. It happens if you overtaken a stick with pinching, redisted on the needed. However, the wounds are treated very simple. It is enough to sprinkle them as ashes, and better - wood coal. After a while, the liberated place takes two side escapes.
  3. By the formation of new shoots, continue to observe their growth. Compact flower shape can still persist for a long time After this operation, but in some cases you can again notice signs of drying already new branches. Then it should be done with them the same manipulations that we considered in the second paragraph.

To tear the top of the plant without any preparation of a green pet to the procedure

What is also useful to know about pinching

There is one more thing when it is very desirable to pinch a calanchoe - if he should bloom, but still will not give buds. Note that standing on the northern windowsill, the flower grows with noticeable efforts and may not be bloated. If he is in the south - it follows this until the onset of December, and if it looks at the West or East - on any convenient day. Caring for Kalanchoë in this way, you will undoubtedly wait for gratitude from him.

Video Pro Care for Calando

Often, gardeners ask a question specifically about Kalanchoe Kalandiv, how to pinch this flower. The main thing is that it is necessary to take into account - the plant must be thoroughly cut immediately after flowering. Otherwise - the same instructions.

It is necessary to pinch a calangean - everyone decides for himself and its green pet, without this operation the plant will not die. However, we recall that the procedure can help the process of healthy lush growth, as well as improve the aesthetics of the appearance.

Optimal summer temperature For flowering calangean - ranging from 23 to 29 degrees. Higher temperature is permissible, but it will not hurt to increase the frequency of irrigation, as if there are flowers - they can dry.

Although plant - tropical, low temperatures It transfers well. In winter and in the fall, at a temperature of more than 10 degrees, it can be quite available on fresh air.

Nevertheless, given the harsh climate of many areas of our country, it will be safer in the room in the cold, away from sudden frosts and chilling winds.

After frostbite alive, it may remain unless that the root. You will have to cut almost everything except the root, and then wait for a miracle and shoots will appear.


Indoor plant calangean is unpretentious enough In caring, including regarding lighting. It is possible to position it almost at any point of the room in which the rays of the sun fall. Favorable conditions can be called both halftime and multiple light.

Straight sunlight most part of time safe and even recommended, as optimal option Lighting. Danced straight rays from 11 am to 3 pm from March to September.

The fact is that the leaves contain a lot of moisture and therefore can get burns from intensive lighting. These burns can cause growth stop. In most sunny time The day is recommended bright, but scattered light.

If enough is provided lightingThe leaves should be a reddish contour. In the opposite case, when the light is not enough, the stalks are pulled out, and the leaves are noticeably pale.

Watering Kalanchoe

How often water calanchoe at home?

Kalanchoe - SukkuletThat is, it can accumulate moisture and in such a way to worry about drought. You can not worry much if we forgot about watering.

And here excessive watering harmful. It is necessary to water so that the water is completely watched the earth, but to merge over.

In the heat you can increase the frequency of watering, but still monitor the water.

In winter, it will be enough two times a week.

Excessive watering leads to rotting roots, the formation of mold and fungi.

The bay is detected by the following features:

  1. Leaves pale and wither.
  2. On the leaves appear dark spots With yellow edges.
  3. The earth does not enhance.

The danger of the bay is primarily lies in the fact that all negative processes occur at the bottom of the pot (out of sight), and the consequences are manifested very late when the saving operation may not help.

Before you start a saving operation, you should find out causes of the Gulfnot to make the same mistake after recovery.

Causes of the bay may be as follows:

  • the plant did not transplanted from the purchase of soil, which was too moisturizing;
  • the soil in a new pot turned out to be inappropriate;
  • excessive irrigation frequency;
  • the pot is in too dark and wet place;
  • missing drainage;
  • too spacious pot.

How to save:

Air humidity

Summer B. spraying No need, and in winter it is even dangerous.

To save leaves from dust, as well as prevent some diseases and pest appearance, it is recommended to wipe them with a damp cloth.


No need for abundant feeding - Quite fertilize every month.

Nic special requirements There are no fertilizers. Use conventional fertilizers for succulents and cacti.

Excessive feeding is even harmful, and in winter it is dangerous in winter.


Trimming is necessary for flowering. how undercut Calando? Moreover, it must be cardinal - should be maximally able to remove the flower, to prevent the remaining part.

Blooming strongly weakens plant, Therefore, all the sweat and fry parts should be cut off immediately when detecting.


How to trim Kalanchoe:

How to add calangean:

Care after shopping

For room colors, and especially for decorative Calanete very important good care At home. First landing (Transplantation) Calanchoe requires special attention. Immediately after buying a plant, a plant should be transplanted into another pot with a new soil.

Most likely, it has long developed its old pot, but it remains in economic considerations. Soil should be changed, as it is not known what kind of composition it is. For growing, pots are used with a diameter of 9 to 18 cm.

The most common sizes are 12-15 cm. The pot should not be too large, as this can cause the bay and death. But too little pot will affect not as critical.

The worst thing that can happen - the plant does not bloom.


Kalanchoe grows very quickly And therefore it is very important to transplanted in a timely manner.

It is advisable to do this at least once a year, at the end of March.

Each new pot must be greater than the previous 2-3 cm in diameter.

The transplant should be carried out very carefully, so as not to damage the fragile stems and leaves.

The optimal composition of the soil should include turf, leaf and sand in the same proportions.

How to care for calangean, blooming at home?

Supporting the life of Calanchoe is quite simple, but that he bloom as often as possible and longer, additional knowledge and effort will be needed.

Flowering conditions

Blooming begins in November, and ends in March, when the rest period comes.

Conditions for the content of calangean For abundant flowering:

  1. Moderately and properly water - moisturize the soil no more than once a week. Do not wet the leaves and flowers. Follow so that there is no excess fluid.
  2. Correctly light. That is, provide good access to the Sun, but not to leave under the right rays too long. Very important for flowering normalized light mode.

    In winter, the daytime should be renewed with artificial lighting Up to 12 hours, and in the summer to shorten with a canopy or moving to a dark angle.

  3. Protect from cold and drafts.
  4. Feature only from June to November no more than 1-2 times a month.
  5. Crop the old sheets and flowers.

Cutting a calangeon blooming

Do I need to pruning calangean? Appearance pests or diseases At times, forcing the trimming during flowering.

The process is simple enough - only you only need to cut patients on the junction with healthy.

How to trim a calanchoe after flowering?

The bloom strongly relaxes the plant.

So that it could bloom in the future, he needs to arrange a rest period.

How to trim the decorative calangean at home? For this:

  • cropped all bloomrs;
  • the pot moves to the shadow with cool;
  • does not water for 1.5 months.

After the rest period plant Return to the old place and with summer starts fertilizes.

How to form a crown?

Formation of calangean - The case is simple and long.
How to form calangean? All that is required is to pinch the tips of the shoots as they are height.

How to form a kalanchoe flower if he stretched out? Too elongated shoots need to fuse more radically, while sprinkling sections with ashes or charcoal. Thus, the volume will gradually appear.

How to pinch a calangean?

So, do you need paging calangee? Many owners often complain that they are Calanechoe does not bloom again.

They do not even realize that the lack of motion buds may be only less than many problems.

If some owners look closely at their plant, they may notice the thinning of shoots. This means that minerals do not come to this area.

And this can lead to the fact that the shoots will choke entirely. It is for solving this problem. calancoa Cipher.

Weak shoots can be fused anything: fingers, scissors, etc. It is advisable to do it slowly and gently so as not to restress extra.

But even if this happens, rank can be easily curedBy sprinkling it with ashes or charcoal.

Garden landing and care

Low it is known that calangean can be contained not only in room conditionsBut in the garden. But, growing (reproduction) at home much easier than on open soil.

How to care for flower Kalanchoe On the open soil? The plant does not withstand temperatures below zero. The soil should be neutral or weakly acid composition with a thickness of the nutrient layer at least 12 cm.

Seedlings should have a height of at least 10 - 12 cm and about 6 developed leaves. Before landing should be fertilized Overwhelming dung, superphosphate and potash salt.

After engraft, in July and August need Support as nitrogen fertilizers. The distance between the plants is approximately 30 cm, and the width of the rod - 50 cm.

Before flowering you need to break the soil At least 5 - 6 times.

What to do if not growing?

In such a situation, the owner should make sure that he followed all the recommendations on care for calanchoe.

Also possible calanechoe is not growing Because of the existing diseases and pests.

Get rid of diseases and pests by cropping affected places and processing insecticides.

Useful video

A little bit about how to care for Kalanchoe:

Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation: almost all of its varieties are unpretentious and able to have a healing effect on the body. However, even the most uncompressive flower needs proper care. This is watering, fertilizer, soil explosion, pruning. Pruning the process is simple, but in order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to trim the calangean, namely the sequence of the procedure and the best time for this.

What is Calanechoe trim at home and why is it needed?

Cranechoe trim is the removal of extra leaves or floweros. It is necessary to give the flower with a neat round shape. Growing in the form of a small bush, the plant looks more original than stretching up the long thin stem with chaotic branches.

In addition to the decorative goal of pruning calangean at home, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions For the life of the plant. The accumulated juice inside the flower is distributed evenly by processes, filling the sheets. The plant becomes juicy and more resistant to drying and fading.

Cranechoe trim there are three types:

  • initial;
  • prophylactic;
  • after flowering.

To trim the flower it is better to use a sharp table knife or stationery blade. Leaves breaking manually can harm the plant, and it will be fading.

How to trim Calanechoe depending on the variety of a flower

Depending on the variety of calangean, the rules of trimming are different. To date, more than 200 varieties of the plant are known, however, a few may grow at home. The most common is the variety of Blossfeld, which blooms with flowers of bright red. Pruning its extra leaves can be carried out in limitless quantities. Even to crop all the apparent branches and leaves, leaving only the "Penc", this flower will cover with thick leaves again.

It is more difficult to deal with Calanete varieties, blooming white and yellow flowers. Such kinds of its varieties are rather rare and whimsical. Excessive removal of leaves can lead the consequences destroying for the plant. Before adding Calanechoe rare species, it is necessary to accurately determine its variety.

As a rule, the competent crust of the calangean occurs for the flower is painless. However, in the case of the formation of a wound on the stem in the form of disagreement, it is necessary to sprinkle this place with a small amount of wood ash.

Initial and prophylactic trimming

The young plant must be discharged almost immediately as soon as it has taken root and began to grow. On each of the shoots of Calanchoe, it is necessary to cut one by one - two top leaf. This is the initial flower trim. Further, as needed, preventive trimming will already happen: new shoots will appear on the sprawling site, on which leaves will be formed. This procedure must be repeated as long as the plant does not take a neat round or whined form.

In case of issues, you can see the video how to trim the calangean at any stage of its growth.

In winter, in particular, after November, pruning is desirable to stop. You can resume the procedure late springHowever, at this time the flower can bloom, and then the pruning will be contraindicated.

Preventive trimming can be carried out immediately in the formation of new leaves on shoots. It is not necessary to wait when they grow up.

During the initial formation of the flower, it should not be kept in a highly illuminated room. In bright light, the plant quickly gives into growth, as a result of which its overrost occurs.

Cutting Calanete after flowering

After flowering, the calanchoe trimming is made not only to remove extra leaves, but also in order to free the flower from the flowers. The leaves are removed, as with normal trimming: one or two extreme on the stems.

Before cropping Calanete after flowering, you need to make sure that all its flowers completely blew. The color paints must be removed from the very base so that the plant does not start to rot. They must be removed everything to one after each flowering plants.

This procedure stimulates the new growth of stalks ready for flowering. Upon completion of the trimming of calangean, after flowering, the plant requires a period of rest. This is the time when watering should be cut and ensure the absence of direct sunlight. The time for which the flower will come again about 20 to 40 days.

Protecting the leaves and floweros is better to produce in the morning, preferably before noon.

Timely pruning calangean will provide a lush and rich bush with regular blossoms. Competent trimming is a flower health.

Video about Kalanchoe

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