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Calanete Mix D9. Kalanchoe Calandian flower - Description. Kalanchoe Kalandiv: Home Care

Calanchoe Kalandiv is a houseplant, which refers to the succulents of the Tolstyanka family. The flower is brought by breeders, so in wildlife Not found. The plant is a variety kalanchoe Blossfelda. From the source view is distinguished by abundant and long blossom, as well as a miniature size.

Description of the species of Calandian

Calanchoe Kalandis is a bush with a height of 30 cm with fleshy stems and dense leaves. Plant leaves depending on the variety smooth or velvety. Small terry flowers are connected into fluffy inflorescences. Calandiv differ among themselves Basically color petals. Calankoe mix is \u200b\u200bextremely popular, as it is a hybrid with inflorescences of different color. The plant has some healing properties, but they grow mainly as decorative flower. To add home greenhouses, acquire several calangean with the colors of different colors.

Student blooming mini variety

Correct care for kalandiv mini guarantees luxurious blossom. The first flowers appear a few months after landing and hold about 4 weeks. Then the flowers dry and fall apart, and new buds develop in their place. Full cycle blossom lasts 6 months. Dense stems hold fleshy leaves. Flowers are collected in umbrellas, petals can be yellow, pink, purple, red, white, orange.

Multicolored hybrid mix

Kalandian Mix - hybridwhich is derived from the mini kalentiva. Mix blooms for almost all year - 8 months, excluding the time of vegetative rest. The miniature plant pleases the owner with colorful flowering. Inflorescences are red, yellow, lilac and white colors. Calanechoe leaves are smooth, dark green, oval shape with wavy edges. Sometimes the owners of flower shops call calandian Mix. Several plants mini placed in one vase.

Care for Calanechoe Kalandiv at home does not represent a special difficulty. The main thing in the leaving of the plant - to organize proper lighting. Mainly OT light mode Depends whether the calangean will bloom. The room where the flower is planned to be placed should not be dark, but at the same time the plant can not be put under direct sunlight. It should be noted that when cloudy weather, the kalandis needs an additional, artificially created lighting.

The composition of the soil and watering

The main requirement for the soil is neutral acidity and high air permeability. There are three options for calangean:

  • Nutritional mixture: sand, peat, cherry earth, leaf land, humus in equal parts.
  • Garden land with sand in a 3: 1 proportion.
  • Humile with sand in proportion 3: 1.
  • Ready soil for succulents.

Drainage is needed for growing and developing the plant. Drainage is provided with a layer of clay, large sand or shards.

For irrigation, it is impossible to use hard water, so the liquid is passed through the filter. Then the water insists 2 days and the plant is watered as the upper layer of soil dries. Calanechoe refers to succulents, so it makes it easier to transfers the lack of moisture than its excess. Excessive moisture is dangerous for kalandis, so it is recommended to wipe the pallet after each watering. In the period of vegetative rest Watering is limited to 1 time per week. The rest period lasts from September to January.

Transplant to a new pot

Kalandon does not need frequent transplants. The transplant is required only after purchase. In the future, the procedure is carried out as needed when the flower grows up, and the plant cannot fully develop in a close pot. The transplant should be prepared as follows:

The transplant begins with the fact that the plant is moisturized and carefully free from the old vase, trying to keep the roots intact. To safely extract the flower, the pot is turned over and gently tighten the tank with an earth's coma and roots. Then the stick is knocked down the old land, carefully inspect root system To eliminate the damage to the rot or the presence of infection. Ajacked roots cut off.

Kalandon is placed in a pot and fall asleep so that the neck of the root is at the level of the top layer of the soil. Between the level of soil and the edge, the pot must remain from 1 to 3 cm. The transplanted flower is watered, slightly seal the soil, shine the ground if necessary. The seal is carried out peg, not with fingers.

Pruning and feeding plants

Clawdiv trimming is required in order to give the kusta beautiful shape. Young plants cut or pinch on every twig of 2 leafs from above. The pruning procedure is performed during the entire growing season until the bush adopted the necessary form. During the flowering of Kalanchoe, do not expand. Faded flowers are cut from the stem itself.

Pruning is recommended to carry out with overwriting tools, such as a knife or stationery blade. Pre-instruments should be disinfected. Do not climb stalks and leaves. During one procedure, you can cut only ¼ part of the greenery. Pruning is needed not only to maintain decorative type Plants, but also to stimulate the growth of shoots and the development of flower kidney.

Calanchoe needs a systematic feeder at least 2 times a month. The feeder plays an important role during the tying of buds and when flowering plants. The best result brings the use of potash-phosphoric fertilizers for succulents. Mineral substances are dissolved in water for watering. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are not suitable for kalandis, as they contribute to the rapid growth of stems and leaves. Green growth reduces duration and blossoms.

Flowering factors

Sometimes the unpretentious plant of Calanchoe Kalandiv, which is not difficult to organize care, refuses to bloom. Causes of lack of flowering lies in violation simple rules Care:

Tips on what to do to avoid problems with the formation of flowers at Kalanchoe Calandian, how to care for the plant to be glad to bloom in winter months:

  1. It must be organized for a 12-hour day flower. Lighting should be quite bright, because without light, the plant will not bloom.
  2. In the fall, it is recommended to plant a plant several times so that instead of the upper leaves, blooms developed.
  3. Systematically make fertilizers in the ground.

Methods of breeding plant

Calanechoe breeds leafy and stem cuttings, seeds and kids. In June, the cuttings are planted in pre-moistened sand and covered with a glass. The survival rate of the plant is very high, even fading and old leaves are able to form the roots. Babes are planted in soils.

The reproduction of seeds takes place from January to March. It is not necessary to put out the seeds of the earth, sufficiently press them. The crops are then covered with glass and shadow, for example, a sheet of paper. Soil for seeds should be light, loose. Optimal temperature For crops - +18 degrees Celsius. It is important to organize ventilation. For this, glass is cleaned by 5 or 10 minutes 2 times a day.

Pour sowing with soft water, its temperature should be the same as the air temperature in the room. The frequency of watering depends on how the upper layers of the soil quickly dry. Upper layer Soil should always be wet. A month later, the seeds germinate and they are covered by 3 days polyethylene film. When the first leaves appear, the plant is peeling into a pot in a diameter of 7 to 10 cm.

Possible diseases and pests

The lack of moisture in the hot summer months provokes the appearance of dry brown spots on leafy plates and stem. Then leaves fade and fall. In the summer period, water is needed to focus on the humidity of the soil.

Viral and bacterial infections are manifested in the form of wet brown spots. It is recommended to remove the amazed leaves and shoots, then treat plants with special healing solutions. Preparations do not spray, only carefully watered.

Calanchoe Kalandis - an unpretentious flower in leaving, which brings more joy than worries. High adaptability to the surrounding conditions, abundant bloom, variety of colors made succulent with a pet flowerflower.

ATTENTION, only today!

How to combine in one plant decorative properties and a whole range of useful, so that it was unpretentious and pleased with the eye?

It's easy - enough to grow calanchoe on your windowsill, care at home for which nothing is difficult.

About how to water, replant and fertilize different types of this useful plantSo that it is more pleased with its colors, you will learn from this article.

Kalanchoe belongs to the family of Tolstankov. It is known without a small 200 species of this succulent, the birthplace of which is Madagascar, South and Southeast Asia and South Africa.

In wildlife there are different types of calanchoe: and very small sizes - just a few centimeters in height, and very impressive half-workers with a height of 3-4 meters.

Common views

At home, more often than others are grown Kalanchoe Kalandiv and Calanchoe Mix.

Kalanchoe Kalantiva

Kalanchoe Kalandis or Mini is a variety of Calanechoe Blossfeld. The fleshy casting characteristic of all kinds is suitable for use for therapeutic purposes, and short decorative decoratives add it.

This is a small plant, with a lush cap of small four-meter pink, orange, white or purple flowers Cute looks and decorates any windowsill.

Kalanchoe Calandian can bloom until six months, which is especially pleasant in the cold, poor in the bright colors months.

Kalanchoe Mix

Kalanchoe Mix is \u200b\u200balso a small plant with bushes of neat motley colors on short blossoms. It looks particularly well in the number of several pieces in small cass.

The huge plus of this plant is that it blooms practically round year And it will delight you with bright colors and winter, and at the beginning of spring.

How to arrange such a wonderful flower bed at home without unnecessary trouble?

Kalanchoe, home care

In addition, the calangean in itself is an unpretentious plant, its views also do not differ among themselves in care - what applies to one, fairly and relative to the other.


The plant feels equally comfortable and at 30 ° C heat, and at 15 ° C, however, the sharp differences are contraindicated. The most suitable blooming temperature is considered standard roommate, 20-25 degrees.

If during the year the seasonal difference will be observed at 6-8 ° C, this will serve as an additional hardening and stimulates the plant to flowering.

Kalanchoe mix and mini can be used in summer. At home, they can be placed on the balcony, if it is not glazed or hanging to the windowsill with back side. To do this, it is better to choose Western or Eastern windows, where direct sunlights do not fall, so as not to burn the plant.

In autumn winter We put Kalanchoe to the southern windowsill.


This is a very important aspect, and, like any succulent, Calanechoe mini or mix at home is better to be cheat than to pour. The leaves accumulate quite a lot of moisture, therefore it is too large in its soil or pallet can cause a plant disease.

But it is not necessary to completely stop watering during the period of active vegetation. The interval once a week can be considered optimal only with daily spraying, especially if we are talking about the warmth of the year.

Excess dryness can lead to a loss of leaves by a plant. It is for them that we can easily determine the need for watering: if they are soft, it means it is time to moisten the soil, if shiny and elastic, then moisture is still enough.

The main thing is, what you need to remember is to water the plant can only be accumulated in no less than a day with water. Tough water from the tap or even fresh filtered only hurts.


No special requirements for the air calangean calandiv plants. Not enough to put kashpo with a flower in close proximity to heating devices in winter and avoid long-lived direct sun ray In the summer so that the plant felt comfortable.

From time to time we can rinse a calangeon under a cool shower, flushing dust and refreshing leaves.

50 - 60% of air humidity are considered to be maximum for this type of plant. A greater moisture content can lead to the appearance of fungus, reinforce the roots and damage of the leaves.


Kalancho Mix and Kalandis prefer loose light soil intended for cacti and succulents.

It is better to choose a soil with a neutral acid-alkaline pH 5.5 balance.

If there is a desire, we prepare the soil yourself. To do this, mix 4 pieces of turf, 1 - peat, 2 - leaf land and 1 part of the sand. Add a slightly slowing down and mix.

Blooming Kalanchoe, Home Care

The flowering plant requires a little more attention, especially if the period coincided with the cold time of the year.

During the flowering of ordinary lighting, it may not be enough, so we prolong the light day until 12 o'clock installed next to daylight lamps - this will provide longer and abundant flowering.

In addition, the flower will be grateful to us for feeding. Add special compositions For succulents in the soil when watering 2 times a month. We divor them in the water in half dosage.

After the plant completely blends, cut off the grown flowers and remove the calangean in a cool privacy. Temperature should be 14-16 ° C. To cut the cut, it is necessary to produce it a very sharp knife and as low as possible.

Now the plant should relax at least two months. During rest watering should be practically stopped. A break can be from the 1st to 2 months, depending on the state.

To stimulate kalandis or mix to further growth and flowering, we begin to gradually take the plant to bright light, and add to the water mineral fertilizers. A wake-up period is usually at the beginning of the summer.

Reproduction and transplant Calanchoe at home

Calanechoe kalandiv and mix at home is very simple - cuttings and leaves.

To do this, it is enough to cut a sheet or cutlets, put in a jar with an estimated water and after the appearance of the roots fall into the ground. Already six months later, the year of proper care, the grown flower will delight us with their lush color.

In transplantation, the plant begins to need when grows out of the old kashpo, it happens about a year after the first landing. The new "house" should be in diameter by 4-5 cm more. It is best to produce a procedure in the middle of spring.

We are preparing the soil similar to that the plant accustomed to, carefully take it out of the old pot and rinse the roots from the soil. Then we transfer and fill out fresh ground.

Until the period of adaptation was passed - about a week, the plant is better not to water.

As you can see, calangean care at home is nothing complicated! This is unpretentious decorative plant With a minimum, effort from our side will decorate the windowsill beautiful bright colors.

Your decision to purchase this flower will allow you to admire the living flower not one month. Wish you enjoy the shopping And beautiful and long flowering your pets!

Always with you Elena Skopich

Do you have a desire to dilute your collection of home plants with a blooming and unpretentious instance? In this case, you have a perfectly suitable calangean kalandium, obtained by the work of breeders. This variety appeared due to the non-less popular among the flower products for breeding at home.

The varieties are very similar both externally and by the rules of care. But still allocate some differences that you need to know while growing these two varieties. In addition, the Calandian Mixes is distinguished by the amazing combination of plants of different colors.

Care rules

Kalanchoe refers to those plants whose cultivation can be trusted even to children. Caring for them is not difficult and every beginning flower deaf can cope with it.


Despite, it will be a kalandis Mix or Calanechoe Blossfeld, you should always take care of good lighting. Sentented places and half authentive plant does not like. This can affect the appearance of buds and flowering in general. Just do not overdo it. Be sure to come up with the protection for the flower from getting the burning rays of the sun.

Temperature mode

Additionally spray Calanchoe Kalandiv you do not have to, it develops perfectly with dry air. The optimal temperature regime for growing varies between 15 and 30 degrees of heat.

The flower is very afraid of drafts. Often they become the main reason for the appearance of gray mold on leaves. If any - be sure to make them eliminate.

High temperature and high level Humidity can lead to the appearance of malical dew on the plant. Try to care to be timely and due.


To implement this process, a soft driver is fine. It is necessary to water moderately, but regularly, as a rule, as the soil is drying. Kalanchoe Calandian Mix with ease will take place lack of moisture, but will not forgive you his overabundance.

Be sure to carefully wipe the bottom of the tank and pallet after watering.

Making fertilizers

With the onset of the summer period and throughout the autumn, while the bookmark of the buds is occurring, nutrient mixtures are introduced into the ground. For this purpose, ready-made fertilizers for succulents from a specialized store. The feeding is carried out monthly, less often - twice a month. Special care during the flowering period at home is not required.

It is enough to remove sluggish flowers on time and make sure that the driver does not fall into new buds in the process of watering.


For a transplant to be successful, it is necessary to purchase a special soil for succulents and choose the right capacity. Often to transplant Kalanchoe Kalandis or Mix at home you do not have to. The first transplantation will occur when after purchased you decide to change the temporary container for permanent. Next, everything will occur systematically or on emergency cases, such as the rotation of the root system.


For all listed care for kalandv, at home does not end. The moment will come when you want to reproduce your indoor pet. As a rule, the reproduction of Kalanchoe Kalandiv is the shilling of his leaves or stem.

You can root separate shoots or leaves. As for leaves, their rooting can be carried out at any convenient time, despite the period of the year.

As for stem cuttings, they can be obtained only after the end of flowering in the process of trimming.


Many flowers without waiting for the re-flowering of Kalanchoe simply get rid of it. All this is due to the lack of information. Although the plant refers to unpretentious, but care for it is still necessary to exercise.

Even improper reproduction can categorically change your flower behavior. To stimulate flowering, it is necessary to reduce the number of lighting. Often, when growing at home, the plant is under constant lighting. For re-flowering, the plant should receive light no more than 10 hours every day.

Therefore, try to protect the plant in every possible way from excess lighting. You can hide it into the closet, cover with dense curtains or cover the plastic bucket. All these measures need to be carried out before the appearance of the first coloring. Next, it can be grown in the same mode.

Flower care is significantly complicated if you wish to rejoice in it with flowering. It is necessary to provide the plant all the necessary conditions. Also, specialists are not recommended to be fascinated by feeding, they can become the main reason for the lack of flowering.

Do not be afraid of all complexities for the care of the plant. They are quite a bit, as it seems at first glance. Calanchoe Kalandis is a fairly unpretentious plant, which is well developing at home, if the care is carried out correct and timely, and the diseases and pests will bypass the calankhe. For full comfort It is only necessary to provide the plant with the right lighting, the number of fertilizers and watering.

Follow the following rules if you want to admire Calanete blooming several times a year:

  1. Provide the plant additional backlight on cloudy days.
  2. It is necessary to remove the container with the plant into the dark room, if it has already received about 9 hours of lighting.
  3. After the end of flowering and the implementation of trimming, you need to send a plant to a well-deserved rest. Try not to disturb it, reduce the amount of watering and stop making fertilizers.
  4. With an offensive autumn period It is necessary to enter special feeders for succulents into the soil, and before the start of the flowering process, replace the feeder intended for flowering plants.

If you fulfill all the recommendations for Calando Calandian at home, then you will definitely grow a full-fledged healthy plant with beautiful blossoms. Do not regret your strength to take care of the plant. It will surely answer you reciprocity.

Home care for felt calangean, mini mix, Degremona and Rosalina Kalanchoe Blossfeld: Medical properties and care at home

A miniature flower with colorful and abundant flowering, pleasing hosts up to eight months a year - this is one of the most unpretentious succulents of Calanete Calandian Mix. The spectacular decorativeness of the plant in combination with the simplicity of care for it at home is the causes of its high popularity among flower flowers.

Origin and Botanical Description of the Plant

The genus Calanchoe plants belongs to the family of Tolstankovy, and Kalandis is a hybrid derived by the breeders of the laboratory, because in the wild, it does not occur. It is a bush, rarely reaching a height of more than 30 cm.

This is a succulent plant that accumulates "about the supply" water in fleshy leaves, and then gradually its consignatory.

Calandon Calandea Calander Stems Rounded, thick, dense fruitful. Numerous branches shoots, produce air roots.

The leaves can be smooth or velvety, in bloom - dark green. The form of their oval or egg-shaped, edges of small-scale.

Form of inflorescences - Miscellaneous (in the form of false lush umbrellas). Flowers terry, small and numerous, on short bluers. Feature of the species of Kalandiv Mix - Color variety: White, red, pink and salmon shade Buds are revealed from January to summer months. Each Kalanchoe Kalantiva Kalantiva is blooms in one color, but the composition of several instances looks very effectively.

Kalandis is removed as a high-temperature flower. Medical properties The plant does not possess, but benefits, cleaning the air indoors and gladly glad.

Main varieties

Kalanchoe Kalandis Mix is \u200b\u200ba bright variety of Kalanchoe Kalandiv mini, a hybrid, derived from Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The main difference between the varieties of Kalandiv from Blossfeld - terry, and not simple flowers, longer flowering period.

Required conditions for growing

Kalandis perfectly adapts to the conditions of home content, the range of comfortable temperature for it is wide - from 15 to 30 ° C. Influx fresh air The plant perceives with gratitude, and in the warm season the best place for it is on the balcony, a veranda or in the courtyard. Critical for calangeo temperature - less than 10 ° C. A short-term decrease of up to 7-9 ° C flower will survive, but long-term cooling can cause his death.

The period of multi-month active flowering will not add a flower concern - just delete faded flowers.

Location and lighting

Flowering Kalanchoe Kalandiva directly depends on the light mode. The flowering plant needs long and intense lighting (at least during the bookmark of buds), but at the same time direct sunlight does not like.

After the end of flowering "requires" recreation within a month in a darkened place (some flowerflowers put a pot with a flower on the shelf in the closet). The main thing is not to forget the occasionally watered it.

The rest of the time the plant is sufficiently scattered sunlight (or artificial lighting) During the usual light day.

Air humidity

In the dry air of Kalandiv feels quite comfortable and does not need an additional moisture. Moreover, excessive humidity can provoke the development of putrefactive processes.

For the hygiene of the flower, it is enough to wipe from dust from the dust of the leaves with a wet cloth.

Soil requirements and pots

For healthy development of Calanchoe, easy access to air and water to the root is important, so it is necessary for him loose soil Neutral reaction, with drainage inclusions. Better fits ready sad For succulents and cacti, however, you can "collect" the mixture yourself:

  • the first option is to connect 3 parts of the garden land and one piece of large sand;
  • the second option - the garden land is replaced by humus, taken in the same proportion;
  • the third is the turf and leaf Land, peat, sand and humus take equally and add a little perlite.

Required drainage - clay, broken shards or small brick fragments. Pot must also have drainage holes. Its form and material does not play a special role.

How to care for calangean kalandiv mix

Calando Kalantiva flowering with proper care of it, starting during the winter months with a short lighting day, will last until the middle of the summer. Watering mode, feeding at this time and during the recreation period the flower is different. For lush flowering Next year, the plant needs a high-quality vacation.

The need for watering

Calanechoe is succulent, and therefore it is easier to carry drought than overflows. Moisturize the soil moderately: in summer - after drying the upper layer of the soil, in winter - when the earthen combs on 2/3. In the months of active vegetation, it is usually enough of one watering in several days, during the period of rest (from the beginning of September to January) - two or more times less often.

A few minutes after watering the water accumulated in the pallet, delete. Repeat the procedure for an hour several times ( experienced flowerflowers As a result, they even wipe dry and pallet, and the bottom of the pot). The convergence of succulent is fraught with the development of root rot.

Water for watering is well defended to chlorine. Tough use undesirable. Excess lime forms a raid on the surface of the soil, impede air access to roots. If there is no possibility to use tama or rain, boil and wind water.


Kalandis needs feeding fertilizers when bookmark buds. As a rule, this is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. As feeding it is most useful to use ready-made mixes intended for succulents. The organic is not used, as the excessive content of nitrogen adversely affects the state of the roots, provoking from the rotation, and in addition, it is the cause of the junction of the bush, when all its forces go to the growing of leaves and shoots, and no strength remains.

The helpful mixture is dissolved in water for watering.

Plant formation

Pruning Calanchoe Calandian Mix is \u200b\u200bpracticed:

  • in decorative purposes - to give the flower more harmonious, neat look;
  • for its rejuvenation - under the root;
  • to prepare for the flowering of next year (since inflorescences are formed only at the ends of young top stems);
  • after flowering to remove faded flowers.

During the flowering period, the kalandis does not bother with trimming, and during the rest of the season the vegetation is plugged or cut off the branches on the distance of two leaves - they do so while the bush does not get the desired shape.

After fading, the blooms are removed so that they do not spoil the "elegant" appearance.

As a tool suitable acute knife, normal or stationery. If it has already been used to trim other plants, you need to disinfect the blade with alcohol. Put shoots or tops are not recommended.

Pay attention to what can be removed at a time not more than a quarter of the total volume of greenery.

Pests and diseases

Calanchoe Kalandiv - a plant with a high immunity, sick or amazed by pests is extremely rare - only in a chronic violation of the rules of care. If the attack of pests happens, it is usually aphids or shields:

Excessive watering in combination with a cool temperature or drafts may cause the development of gray rot or mildew. A sign of the first of the diseases - mocking spots with a dark raid on the leaves, stems. Puffy dew, as is clear from the name, manifests like flour slightly sticky raid on the trunk and foliage. In both cases for treatment and flower, and the soil is treated with fungicides.

Methods of breeding

The kalandis is breeding in a vegetative way (cuttings and leaves) and seeds.


The first option is very simple and fast performed. Since the plant itself has a small size, then the cuttings of it in length are small. It is preferable to root them in wet sand than in water. Previously processed by any root formation stimulator and placed in the sand cutting sliced low part Plastic bottle or glass jar, once a day raising them and spraying young calangean. After the start of rooting cuttings, the guy is removed.

After the Kalandon mixes the root, it needs to be transplanting for further cultivation on permanent place And pinch the top so that active branch began.

Breeding leaves

The technology of breeding by leaves is exactly the same, except that the leafy plates are recommended to withstand in the shaded place before immersion in the wet sand.

For breeding flower best time - From April to July, the temperature is from 16 to 20 ° C.


The seed method of reproduction of calangean kalandiv is possible, but it is inappropriate - not only because it is spent on time and employment. Calandiv is a hybrid plant, and therefore, with seed reproduction, the varieties are not saved.

Terms and Technology Transplant

The peculiarity of the cultivation of the flower is due to the small size of both the ground and root part, it needs a planned transplant no more than once every 2-3 years. Be sure to transplant the calangea after the purchase (about a week later, giving the time the time to adapt to new conditions), transferring it to the "correct", nutrient soil, and in the event that the procedure is needed as part of the plant treatment.

Usually the root system is neatly washed with slightly warm running water to wash off the residues of the depleted shop peat soil (or infected with pathogens).

In any case - and when the Calandon's planned transplant is a new, slightly larger pot, and when transplanting as part of the healing process, a flower container is disinfected with boiling water. You can additionally place it in a strong potassium permanganate solution.

In the pot lays drainage so that he occupies a quarter of his height. Some flower products are immediately added to the soil for calangean superphosphate at the rate of 15 g of fertilizer per kilogram of the substrate.

Fuck a small layer of soils, forming a tubercle from it, to which the plant is installed, and the empty spaces of the earth are falling asleep. The neck of the root should remain at the level of the top layer of the Earth. The distance from the edge of the root coma to the walls of the pot - 1-3 cm. The soil is sealing the peg.

When flowing, the transplant procedure is not carried out, wait for the completion of this process.

Possible difficulties in growing

The unpretentiousness of the calangean of Kalandis sometimes is overvalued by novice flowers, and gross violations in care for it lead to the absence of bloom, for which the flower is bred. The following reasons are likely, why not blooms kalandium over two years old:

  • excessive moisturizing, it causes the root rotting and the general painful state of the plant, which lacks the strength for flowering;
  • incorrect lighting mode - the lack of light provokes the stretching of the stems, their thinning, in the shade of inflorescences are not formed;
  • scotty soilthat does not provide a flower with the necessary nutritional elements - if after buying the kalandum did not transplanted into good sad;
  • excess nitrogen in helpful mixtures. This is the reason for the extension of the green mass with a flower.

Correction of these errors will make Kush Kalanchoe Mix to throw off buds (perhaps already next season).

Small decorative bushes Calanete Calandian Mix takes a completely few space on the windowsill or desktop, but invariably please the bright colors of fresh colors for more than six months. It is only necessary to pay the attention to this unassuming, but very cute plant.

The Calanchoe plant, which came to us from Madagascar, attracts the attention of many of our compatriots, because it has not only healing properties, but also a beautiful appearance. Among the numerous species of this plant, a mini mixer variety should be allocated, which is different, as well as abundant thick blossoms. Today Kalanchoe can be bought in specialized flower shops, and choose a plant for yourself with those flowers that are suitable for the owner well.

Botanical features of a flower

Latin name Calanchoe Mini Mix is \u200b\u200bwritten as Kalanhoe Mini Mix, and the plant is good at home, regardless of the climatic belt. Quite often, this plant attracts people by the fact that its flowers can be red, yellow, white, pink and even orange, allowing indescribable beauty on the windowsill. In order for the plant to grow well, not only the temperature regime, but also the desired moisture level should be observed. The composition of the soil must include the following components:

  • Shet land.
  • Sand.
  • Turf.
  • Humus.

The data ratio of the ingredients should be 1: 1: 1: 1, and at the bottom of the pot must be made drainage, the thickness of which should be not lower than 2 cm.

Proper landing and watering plants

Most often kalanchoe decorative Mini mix multiplied with cuttings that have a pretty good rooting. Due to this, after separation from the main bush, the cutting and after a year it can start blossoming. As for transplantation, for young plants it should be performed annually, feeding the soil useful fertilizers. When Calanchoe is already 4 years old, then the plant can be transplanted 1 time in 3 years, using a pot of suitable sizes. No difficulties with how to transplant Calanchoe after purchase does not occur, since it is simply plugged on the level of the horse neck in the ground is not very deep.

Given the tropical origin of this flower, watering should be not very frequent, since otherwise there is a risk of disease damage, as well as planting the plant. Usually, watering is produced 1 time in 12-14 days, when the soil becomes really very dry, but in the summer period of watering can be performed 1 time in 7-8 days. The leaves here are a good indicator, and when they strongly understood - this is the first sign of excess watering.

Where to locate a pot with a flower?

Correct Cabinsky Care Mini Mix at home allows you to effectively manage the abundance of its flowering, since the kidneys and flowers are very actively reacting to intensive sunlight. In the summer time, the pot with a flower is best to keep away from the midday sun, and in winter - closer to daylight or provide The best way The window sill is suitable in the room overlooking the windows to the south, however, it is not necessary to forget that Calanechoe mini mix is \u200b\u200bbest increasing in the case when the day day for it is about 10 hours. For this reason, in the summer period of time, it sometimes falls for several hours artificially diagnosed. In winter, it is not necessary to do this, because a short daylight perfectly contributes to the intensive blossom of the plant, especially from December to February.

Typically, the plant is pulled out by 15-18 cm for the season, and therefore after a few months after landing the hosts will be able to see its intensive development. The flowering period is about 4 weeks, throughout which Calanchoe pleases its owners with beautiful terry flowers small size. The leaves of the plant are fleshy, fixed on thick stems, and flowers are umbrella inflorescences of tubular type, with a diameter of 1 cm.

Humidity and Temperature Conditions of Growing

In the summer, the maximum permissible temperature for the calangean of this type is 27-28 ° C, and in winter - from 10 to 15 ° C, and the pot with a flower should be located at a distance from open sources of fire, as well as intensive heat (radiators, batteries). Very positively reacts the plant on liquid fertilizers and feeders, which are best to make in the period of growth and stormy flowering of calangean.

It is interesting to note that this tropical plant is better than others adapted to dry air, and therefore, in the winter period, it is not necessary to spray plants from the spray from the sprayer. The only one, if you wish, you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every 15 days, which will allow you to contain calangean clean. Some owners note that the plant also grows very well and blooms if the pot put in another pot of larger size filled with a wet peat.

Video on Care and Breeding Calanete