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Is it possible to fertilize plants with sugar. Fertilizers for indoor plants. What are useful sweet fertilizers

Houseplants bring invaluable benefit to man. They perfectly clean the air from dust and harmful substances, normalize the microclimate, soothing effect on the psyche. So that the flowers are rarely pleased with their beauty and benefit them need to feed it in time. Special fertilizers are not suiced, but the usual sugar is found in every home. He will perform an excellent feeding for any cultures, having a beneficial effect on growth and development, and also enrich the soil with nutritional elements. On the features of the use of sugar as fertilizers for colors, we will later tire later.

The benefits of sugar feeding for plants

Water with sugar is extremely useful for colors. Value has long been confirmed by numerous studies. The composition supports the livelihood of colors during the winter period, when there is particularly lacking sunlight and the photo seating process slows down.

Finding into the soil, the crystals instantly disintegrate into two components - fructose and glucose. Fructose for plants The element is useless (practically not absorbed and is not at all used for good), but glucose - on the contrary, the substance is vital. It is a first-class energy source for the correct flow of such processes as breathing, nutrition, the formation of new cells, the absorption of trace elements from the soil. In addition, glucose acts as a universal building material, from which lipids, starch, cellulose, proteins, nucleic acids are formed.

For a good absorption of the substance, carbon dioxide requires. That is why it is recommended to enter with sugar EM-preparations, for example, "or" East Em-1 ". Their composition contains special bacteria that contribute to the decomposition of the organics and the formation of carbon dioxide. Such a symbiosis will make it possible to achieve maximum absorption of elements and an excellent end result. If you do not use drugs, then the likelihood of mold and root rot.
In the soil, which is notpiced by glucose, plants are actively developing, become stronger and healthy, intensely flower, more often they give shoots. With a lack of element, the roots do not absorb useful substances from the soil.

Indications for the use of glucose feeding

Each gardener at its summer cottage uses fertilizers, be it chemistry or organic. About the feeding of indoor flowers most often forget everything, and it is categorically impossible to do it. Potted flowers develop on a limited area and the soil over time depletes its reserves of nutrient elements. From time to time, plants require a transplant in a fresh substrate and feeding mineral substances at least once every 1.5-2 months. In the period of active vegetation and flowering, the contribution is carried out even more often.

Feeding housewood with sugar is produced if:

  • growth and development slowed down;
  • leaves are faded color;
  • the stalk is very pulled and thinned;
  • too small volume of deciduous mass;
  • collectienne comes for a long time;
  • the foliage turns yellow, black, dries or crept;
  • spots or divorces are observed on the leaves;
  • fungal and viral diseases appear;
  • butons do not develop and instantly fall;
  • still strongly dries.

Sugar will be able to help only if the root system is alive. When the root finally dries or rotates, the plant will not succeed.

Sugar for concrete plants

Sugar as fertilizer is suitable for any kind of indoor plants, but especially useful for flowering crops. It significantly prolongs the period of bootonization and flowering, increases the saturation of the color of foliage.

The benefits for each specific type can be significantly varied.


All cacti is big sweet tooth. They spoke perfectly on such a feeder: they become stronger and acquire a saturated color. One teaspoon of sand is evenly poured into a pot before irrigated. You can prepare a nutrient solution, soluble 2 teaspoons in 1 cup of water. Watering spend once a week.

House Roses

Rose stems at home are often susceptible to freezing water in them, which leads to damage or complete death of the plant. Sugar increases the viscosity of protoplasm and reduces the amount of fluid in the stems, thereby saving the flower.

Useful feeding is prepared as follows: 5 grams of dry yeast are mixed with 1 tablespoon of sugar and diluted in 5 liters of warm water.


Many gardeners celebrate the excellent effect from the fertilizer of drasens sugar.
For watering, a solution is prepared from 1 tablespoon of sugar-sand by 0.5 liters of water. During spraying, it is used in the chitrus peel and 2 tablespoons of sugar on 1 liter of water. This composition is preparing for 20 days in a dark place.


The marrants often dry and yellow leaves, after which they are twisted into a dense tube and die away. The reason for this may be insufficient watering or the presence of root rot. In this case can glucose. 1 teaspoon of sugar is bred in 1 liter of water. Watering is carried out 3 times at intervals per week.

Crasusla ("Fastest" or "Money Tree")

This plant often has problems due to lack of moisture in the air. Sugar attracts moisture. Do not watered, but spray with sweet water from the sprayer. The solution is prepared from 1 teaspoon of sugar by 0.5 liters of water.

Methods of cooking fertilizer

There are several ways with which you can use a sweet cocktail for plants.

  1. Scattering on the surface of the earth in the pot. This is the easiest option to fake flowers sugar. After that, the solar is watered in water, in which yeast or uh preparation are dissolved.
  2. Using a sugar solution for watering. Sugar and yeast watering is carried out one time in winter, in spring and summer. More frequent use can harm, causing reproduction of mold and fungi. Often, such elements like calcium and potassium add to the watering water. They are as part of wood ash.
  3. Spraying foliage sweet water. Choose for breeding pure glucose in tablets, which is sold in all pharmacies. It is more effective in this case. One or two tablets are dissolved in a liter of water, after which the leaves are treated or make special compresses, applying moistened napkins.
  4. Glucose injections in the barrel. In rare struck cases, a weak solution of glucose is allowed to introduce directly into the barrel of the plant.

One of the universal feeding, which can be used not only for indoor plants, but also to increase the yield of garden crops, is Biogrow's biotrification. This is a drug that has proven itself as a highly efficient supporting agent, as a result of the use of plants, the plants begin to develop markedly faster, the green part is strengthened, the flower resistance to fungal lesions increases. Learn more information and purchase universal biotrobriation "BIOGROW" can.

The frequency of creation of sweet feeding depends on such factors as:

  • kind of plant;
  • flower condition;
  • earth nutrition in a vase.

Additional organic additives

In order to maximize the nutrition of glucose feeding, it is allowed to mix it with other useful components.

  • Wood ash. Known for a long time. It will enrich the soil with calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, it helps to reduce the size of the acidity of the soil in the pot with flowers. The ash does not contain nitrogen, therefore it is added only to increase the deciduous mass. It also protects roots from diseases and pests, improves the structure of the Earth and disinfects it.
  • Coffee grounds. It acts as a mulch, allowing moisture longer to stay in the ground.
  • and citrus. They are dried, crushed and used to prepare info for watering. Pieces of fruit crusts are overloaded in the ground, drinking its valuable elements.
  • For active growth, as well as feed the substrate with vitamins of the group B, phytohormones, auxins, cytokinins.

Also, the crushed onion husks and egg shell, which contain many useful trace elements, are also very often added.

Precautions and basic mistakes

During the use of fertilizer, novice flowerflowers may allow some errors:

  1. Too frequent watering. Excessive volume of water flushes nutritious trace elements from the soil and can cause the root system.
  2. Irregular feeding. Sugar gives a temporary result, so you need to make it regularly.
  3. Non-compliance with proportions. It is necessary to always follow the recommendations on the number of fertilizer made to achieve benefits for plants.

Sugar feeder has advantages over purchased mineral fertilizers. But it is worth abiding precautions to not harm green plantings:

  • for the first time to make fertilizer in the soil is permissible only after two months after plant landing;
  • during the day before the feeding, you need to spill the soil well to protect it from the possible negative impact of the sweet environment;
  • for watering weak and sore colors, use low solution concentration;
  • apply fertilizer is repeated not more often than 1 time per month.

Let's sum up

Sweet food can both improve plant growth and harm them, becoming an excellent medium for breeding mold and fungi. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances during watering and feeding domestic flowers, comply with proportions and precautions. Only the correct use of natural fertilizer will become the key to long-term flowering and the correct development of room greenery.

You can bring part of nature into the house with the help of indoor plants. What could be better for cleaning air indoors than using all sorts of bright colors. They can be placed on windowsill, suspend or install on special racks. However, all representatives of the flora need proper care. First of all, it is worth taking care of nutrients. For harmonious growth and long flowering, they should receive them in abundant quantities.

As gardeners fertilize plants on the site, they also have to act as feeding and for indoor plants. And it is not necessary to do this with the help of chemical products from the store. You can always use simple natural agents, among which is more efficacy has simple sugar.

Why do you need feeding sugar room flowers

Especially indoor pets need feeding in winter. At this time, it becomes cool and the number of sunny days is reduced. Plants on the window sills cease to obtain a sufficient amount of light for full growth and development. Sunlight plays an important role in photosynthesis. If this process begins to slowly leak due to lack of light, the use of hidden resources begins. First of all begin to consume sugar. For this reason, feeding of indoor plants with sugar, more precisely glucose.

In the autumn-winter period, due to lack of light, plants require sugar feeding.

Using this tool can be combined with the installation of additional lighting. Practice has shown that flowers growing on the basis of constant addition to the soil of sugar additives begin to activate their growth and each day they become stronger and healthier. They preserve the buds with revealed longer and give more new shoots.

Video: feeding seedlings yeast and sugar. Myth or reality?

Biological substantiation of the use of sweet additives

Accelerated growth is explained at the molecular level. Superflower feeding with sugar helps the origin of certain chemical reactions, which we are well known since school. The fact is that it has the opportunity to decay into two components:

  • fructose;
  • glucose.

If fructose plays a minor role and practically not absorbed by tissues, then the second component is a vital basis.

When the flowers drink their glucose structure, they receive universal building material capable of forming various organic compounds, such as:

  • lipids;
  • starch;
  • nucleic acid;
  • cellulose;
  • proteins.

Glucose is a valuable source of energy that is spent on maintaining food processes, fabric formation, as well as the assimilation of useful components from the Earth.

The absorption of glucose passes properly only in the presence of carbon dioxide. Therefore, together with a sweet component in the soil, add preparations containing bacteria for the rapid decomposition of organic substances (yeast). During their decay, the necessary carbon dioxide will be released.

Method of cooking feeding

To dissolve sugar, it can be poured onto the surface and pour on top with clean water. One rone is used one teaspoon.

To feed the plants with sugar more efficiently, it is better to make a liquid solution at the rate of each liter of water 1 tbsp. Sugar sand.

Unfortunately, many differ in view of how often such a solution can be used. In some results show that it is desirable once a week. Others argue that it is necessary to make a sweet life for them not more than once every two months. This is exactly the type of food that simultaneously with benefit can cause and harm - the excess will lead to mold and the appearance of annoying midges.


The addition to the natural matter soil is an explicit advantage compared to the use of minerals. However, feeding flowers with sugar can also bring a negative effect if not adhere to all necessary recommendations. It is necessary to know that various plants will respond differently to the presence of this component in the ground. If the ficuses and cacti can be more like a sweet substrate, others can respond negatively to the overabundance of a sweet substance. Therefore, for each specific case, it is necessary to observe certain proportions and make this natural feeding with the correct intensity.

The most important thing is not to overdo the sweet fertilizer, otherwise the roots will begin to rot, and the flower will die

During the saturation of the sugar of room plants, you need to not forget about the timely watering. With heavy irrigation, all useful trace elements can be washed out of the soil. Too wet land can cause the rotation of the root system and the appearance of various diseases. Stems and leaves can quickly ship and lose their strength.

Excess water and a frequent feeding of sugar can lead to the appearance of unwanted spots. Therefore, in everything it is desirable to observe the measure and, when adding various substances, intently observe the state of the plant.

It should also be remembered that a disposable filler of flowers sugar will not give any effect. It is repeated with regular frequency. If, after entering into the ground fertilizer, the plant began to acquit a healthy look, then you do everything right. Do not forget that it is better to initially give less sugar than in the future to look for ways, how to eliminate the consequences after excessive fertilizer. After all, after oversaturation, the buds begin to die or later pass the flowering process.

When plants need additional trace elements

Determine when it is better to make additional substances for indoor plants in the soil, their appearance will help you. The lack of useful trace elements will appear in the following symptoms:

  • slow rising stalks and leaves;
  • rapid growth of stalks with a reduction in thickness;
  • the leaves lost natural color and looked slightly;
  • plants cease to bloom;
  • spots are formed on the leaves, which indicates a low immunite and the appearance of diseases.

It is desirable not to bring representatives of the flora to such a state. Therefore, in the soil natural feeding for your favorites is better at once in moderate quantities.

Video: Spectacular feeding for indoor flowers

Key Rules for Making Natural Fertilizers

To feed the indoor plants to give a positive, and not a negative result should be heard to the following rules:

  1. Everything should be in moderation.
  2. The first additive is carried out only after two months from the date of landing in the ground. As a rule, the landing is carried out in the already fertilized land and the introduction of natural drugs will lead to an excess of beneficial substances, which will negatively affect the state of the plant.
  3. Before adding various means to the ground, you need to shed it well with water. This precaution will allow to protect the root system from the negative impact of the solution with too large concentration.
  4. Feed sick and young flowers need a solution with a smaller concentration.
  5. In winter, add fertilizers is preferably less likely. The frequency of their use can be reduced by 3-4 times.

The following types of plants are best perceived by sweet feeding:

  • succulents;
  • ficuses;
  • palm trees and drazes;
  • roses.

In general, all plants willingly take such nutrition, but the above must be pumped monthly.

Many doubt as sugar, thereby fearing to harm room colors. It is possible to replace refiner or glucose sugar with the same success (sold on any pharmacy).

The concentration of glucose should not exceed 1 tsp. On liter of water room temperature. If you spray the leaves, the proportion is reduced twice.

For sugar there is a certain recipe - 1 teaspoon on a liter of water or scumped potted pots with a diameter of 10 cm. If less - no more than half of the spoon also on a liter or dry. With a larger diameter, each additional 10 cm add a quarter of sugar spoons.

Without carbon dioxide, sweet fertilizer will in any case lead to shockting. To replenish the lack of land in a pot well loose - at least 1 time per week.

Do not confuse loosening and watering. The soil should not be overwhelmed, and even more so it should not be overwhelmed. Once poured - loose after 2 days. In this case, a sufficient influx of carbon dioxide is ensured and glucose will be perfectly absorbed.

Choosing this type of feeding, remember that syrup is poison for plants. The weakest concentration is not more than 1 tsp. per liter of water. In this case, the iron rule is valid - the smaller the better.

How to deal with moshkara

Often, after sweet feeding in pots, Moshcar is started. Sciarides (midges) are not dangerous for a person, although they are very annoying, but the roots of colors can cause significant harm.

In order to get rid of you can prepare garlic solution - 3-4 heads and pour cool boiling water liter. After 5 hours, when it is imagined, strain, pour into the spray and process all the colors (soil and leaves). It is enough 2-3 times to make midges forever disappeared.

Organic natural additives

Among other natural means with high efficiency, it is necessary to allocate:

  • ash;
  • coffee grouse;
  • crusts from bananas and citrus
  • yeast;
  • onion husk;
  • egg shell;
  • aloe.


The ash is a classic option, the benefits of which everyone is well known. Safety of ash floor residents will enrich them with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and other components. The first two components are very easily absorbed. It makes ash great fertilizer.

Excess in calcium ashes leads to a decrease in the level of acidity in the soil. Therefore, it is impossible to feed Calla, Tuy, Azalia, Gardenia and other flowers that prefer to grow in acidic soils.

It is especially important to add this component during the tabs of the buds and their flowering. The ash does not contain nitrogen. It contributes to the appearance of a green mass. Therefore, this component is filled with other means. It is desirable to add substances filled with nitrogen after a short time after applying ash.

Among all the positive moments of the ash should also be noted:

  • additional protection of the root system from pests and diseases;
  • improves the composition of the soil;
  • makes the soil structure as best for free penetration of air and water;
  • perfect soil disinfection.

You can add it during the transplantation. To do this, it is mixed with the landing ground. As a result, you will receive a nutrient substrate of disinfective action. Pretchka ash can be carried out in liquid form. For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary in one liter of water to thoroughly dilute one tablespoon of ash.

Coffee grounds

This is a recommended option for most plants. It does not need special cooking. Just do not need to pour the coffee thickness, but use it as a fertilizer. It is evenly laid out on the surface layer of the soil. When driving, it will create a mulching effect.

During irrigation, water passes through the surface of such a mulch and supplies all useful trace elements to the ground. The layer you created will further preserve moisture in the ground. This will allow you to rapidly water, and the land in the vazon will become light and loose.

It is not worth using coffee thick for flowers that do not like acidic soil.

Corks from bananas and citrus

Usually cleaning from mandarins or oranges immediately emit. However, if you like to eat brought fruit, then with their help you can get trace elements not only for yourself, but also for indoor plants.

For the preparation of fertilizer you need:

  • cut off the skin of fruit skirt;
  • shallow
  • pumped over the third part of the liter bank;
  • pour boiling water and insist.

An approximate time of insteading is a day. Then the infusion is fastened and fresh water fills in the resulting volume so that it turns out exactly one liter of fluid. The solution is ready for use.

In the same way, the principle is preparing infusion from banana skins. The only difference is that to fill the bank with a crushed side of the banana you need half. The second distinction of banana skins from citrus crust is the possibility of their use directly into the ground substrate during the transplant period to a new pot. Before this, the skins of bananas need to grind and dry well. In the ground they will gradually overline and provide valuable nutrition.


You can perform feeding of indoor colors using yeast. This is a natural component that is not inferior to anything else. While staying in Earth, they will highlight a rich complex of minerals:

  • group vitamins in;
  • auxins;
  • phytohormones;
  • cytokinines.

The latter contribute to healthy cell division. In general, the yeast help to create an optimal microflora in the soil for active growth. Those who are not sure of the benefits of this component can read the conclusions of numerous scientists. Unlike other natural funds, yeast did not once become an object of research. All of them argued that the nutritional value of the yeast solution corresponds to the same that mineral fertilizers carry.

For cooking, you will need not only the main component, but also sugar. One tablespoon of sugar and 10g conventional yeast should be diluted in 1 liter slightly heated water. To dissolve a dry product, you need to take:

  • dry yeast - 1g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 10 liters.

The resulting mixture is insteaded for two hours and diluted in water in the ratio - 1: 5.

Long husk

With it, you can create a lively fluid that is suitable for all representatives of home flora. Indeed, in the onion husk contains a whole range of useful substances. To prepare infusion, you need 50 g of husks to pour heated water in a volume of 2 liters. In this form, the liquid is boiled for 5 minutes. After that, it insists for 3-4 hours. After the decoction completely cools, it needs to be strain and use for its intended purpose. It takes it immediately, as it is stored a short period of time.


On the basis of the shell do not prepare solutions. It in crushed form is added to the ground while planting in a new pot. It should be borne in mind that this component is very oversaturated with calcium, which is not recommended in large quantities.


A good way to significantly increase immunity. Therefore, Aloe means is well watering weakened or young plants. This component can be purchased in pharmacies, where it is sold in 1ml ampoules. One ampoule is divorced in 1 liter of water. If aloe is growing at home, then it can be squeezing with 5 ml of juice and dilute by 1 liter of water. It will also allow efficient liquid solution.

Video: 6 natural fertilizers for indoor flowers and not only

Sugar can not be used for a direct purpose, but as an effective feeding, which can restore the fading plant. When can I do this? If the plant is growing poorly, but does not disappear, then this subcorter is easy to need. Use two options: finished glucose in ampoules, powder or conventional traditional sugar. One liter of water is one teaspoon.

  • Glucose in ampoules 40% we divorce 1 ml per liter of water.
  • If the glucose is a pharmacy in a bottle of 5%, then dissolve 8 ml per liter of water.

It is important to exceed the specified dose will lead to the opposite effect.

How does sugar act?

Sugar decays on glucose and fructose. Glucose source of energy of all processes of a plant that helps in the construction of complex molecules (respiration, nutrition, absorption). Glucose will benefit, provided that it is well learned, carbon dioxide is needed for this process. If this is not, then hitting the roots of sugar will be a source for powering mold and root rot.

What kind flowers feed sugar and how?

All colors love sugar feeding. Two feeders for weak plants will be enough to restore. If the plant was for a long time without watering, the leaves loose and hung, it should also be powered by sugar. Before watering the soil necessarily moisten it. You always need to fertilize only in wet soil.

For strong, strong plants, such a feeding is not needed, but it does not bring harm and one time can be filled. Orchids are better not to water this solution. For all other plants, the sugar solution is used both for watering and for spraying in foliage.

Sugar like a fertilizer for the garden

Sugar can be applied in the garden or garden.

Fertilizers for the development of the root system of plants:

  • On two liters of hot water, some yeast and 1 stan sugar, then mix. Land in a warm place for a week, whatever the solution. A week later, it is possible to use a drug dissolving 200 ml per 10 liters of water. Falker for plants in the garden is ready.

Sugar is a popular modern fertilizer. Use feeding no more than once a month.

You can bring part of nature into the house with the help of indoor plants. What could be better for cleaning air indoors than using all sorts of bright colors. They can be placed on windowsill, suspend or install on special racks. However, all representatives of the flora need proper care. First of all, it is worth taking care of nutrients. For harmonious growth and long flowering, they should receive them in abundant quantities.

As gardeners fertilize plants on the site, they also have to act as feeding and for indoor plants. And it is not necessary to do this with the help of chemical products from the store. You can always use simple natural agents, among which is more efficacy has simple sugar.

Especially indoor pets need feeding in winter. At this time, it becomes cool and the number of sunny days is reduced. Plants on the window sills cease to obtain a sufficient amount of light for full growth and development. Sunlight plays an important role in photosynthesis. If this process begins to slowly leak due to lack of light, the use of hidden resources begins. First of all begin to consume sugar. For this reason, feeding of indoor plants with sugar, more precisely glucose.

In the autumn-winter period, due to lack of light, plants require sugar feeding.

Using this tool can be combined with the installation of additional lighting. Practice has shown that flowers growing on the basis of constant addition to the soil of sugar additives begin to activate their growth and each day they become stronger and healthier. They preserve the buds with revealed longer and give more new shoots.

Video: feeding seedlings yeast and sugar. Myth or reality?

Biological substantiation of the use of sweet additives

Accelerated growth is explained at the molecular level. Superflower feeding with sugar helps the origin of certain chemical reactions, which we are well known since school. The fact is that it has the opportunity to decay into two components:

  • fructose;
  • glucose.

If fructose plays a minor role and practically not absorbed by tissues, then the second component is a vital basis.

Glucose solution d / inf 10%

When the flowers drink their glucose structure, they receive universal building material capable of forming various organic compounds, such as:

  • lipids;
  • starch;
  • nucleic acid;
  • cellulose;
  • proteins.

Glucose is a valuable source of energy that is spent on maintaining food processes, fabric formation, as well as the assimilation of useful components from the Earth.

The absorption of glucose passes properly only in the presence of carbon dioxide. Therefore, together with a sweet component in the soil, add preparations containing bacteria for the rapid decomposition of organic substances (yeast). During their decay, the necessary carbon dioxide will be released.

This article read: yeast feeding of plants - recipes and timing

Method of cooking feeding

To dissolve sugar, it can be poured onto the surface and pour on top with clean water. One rone is used one teaspoon.

To feed the plants with sugar more efficiently, it is better to make a liquid solution at the rate of each liter of water 1 tbsp. Sugar sand.

The concentration should not exceed 1 tbsp. on liter

Unfortunately, many differ in view of how often such a solution can be used. In some results show that it is desirable once a week. Others argue that it is necessary to make a sweet life for them not more than once every two months. This is exactly the type of food that simultaneously with benefit can cause and harm - the excess will lead to mold and the appearance of annoying midges.


The addition to the natural matter soil is an explicit advantage compared to the use of minerals. However, feeding flowers with sugar can also bring a negative effect if not adhere to all necessary recommendations. It is necessary to know that various plants will respond differently to the presence of this component in the ground. If the ficuses and cacti can be more like a sweet substrate, others can respond negatively to the overabundance of a sweet substance. Therefore, for each specific case, it is necessary to observe certain proportions and make this natural feeding with the correct intensity.

The most important thing is not to overdo the sweet fertilizer, otherwise the roots will begin to rot, and the flower will die

During the saturation of the sugar of room plants, you need to not forget about the timely watering. With heavy irrigation, all useful trace elements can be washed out of the soil. Too wet land can cause the rotation of the root system and the appearance of various diseases. Stems and leaves can quickly ship and lose their strength.

Excess water and a frequent feeding of sugar can lead to the appearance of unwanted spots. Therefore, in everything it is desirable to observe the measure and, when adding various substances, intently observe the state of the plant.

It should also be remembered that a disposable filler of flowers sugar will not give any effect. It is repeated with regular frequency. If, after entering into the ground fertilizer, the plant began to acquit a healthy look, then you do everything right. Do not forget that it is better to initially give less sugar than in the future to look for ways, how to eliminate the consequences after excessive fertilizer. After all, after oversaturation, the buds begin to die or later pass the flowering process.

When plants need additional trace elements

Determine when it is better to make additional substances for indoor plants in the soil, their appearance will help you. The lack of useful trace elements will appear in the following symptoms:

  • slow rising stalks and leaves;
  • rapid growth of stalks with a reduction in thickness;
  • the leaves lost natural color and looked slightly;
  • plants cease to bloom;
  • spots are formed on the leaves, which indicates a low immunite and the appearance of diseases.

It is desirable not to bring representatives of the flora to such a state. Therefore, in the soil natural feeding for your favorites is better at once in moderate quantities.

Video: Spectacular feeding for indoor flowers

Key Rules for Making Natural Fertilizers

To feed the indoor plants to give a positive, and not a negative result should be heard to the following rules:

  1. Everything should be in moderation.
  2. The first additive is carried out only after two months from the date of landing in the ground. As a rule, the landing is carried out in the already fertilized land and the introduction of natural drugs will lead to an excess of beneficial substances, which will negatively affect the state of the plant.
  3. Before adding various means to the ground, you need to shed it well with water. This precaution will allow to protect the root system from the negative impact of the solution with too large concentration.
  4. Feed sick and young flowers need a solution with a smaller concentration.
  5. In winter, add fertilizers is preferably less likely. The frequency of their use can be reduced by 3-4 times.

The following types of plants are best perceived by sweet feeding:

  • succulents;
  • ficuses;
  • palm trees and drazes;
  • roses.

In general, all plants willingly take such nutrition, but the above must be pumped monthly.

Many doubt as sugar, thereby fearing to harm room colors. It is possible to replace refiner or glucose sugar with the same success (sold on any pharmacy).

The concentration of glucose should not exceed 1 tsp. On liter of water room temperature. If you spray the leaves, the proportion is reduced twice.

Tolstanka, succulents and ficuses are watered mainly by sweet water

For sugar there is a certain recipe - 1 teaspoon on a liter of water or scumped potted pots with a diameter of 10 cm. If less - no more than half of the spoon also on a liter or dry. With a larger diameter, each additional 10 cm add a quarter of sugar spoons.

Without carbon dioxide, sweet fertilizer will in any case lead to shockting. To replenish the lack of land in a pot well loose - at least 1 time per week.

Do not confuse loosening and watering. The soil should not be overwhelmed, and even more so it should not be overwhelmed. Once poured - loose after 2 days. In this case, a sufficient influx of carbon dioxide is ensured and glucose will be perfectly absorbed.

Choosing this type of feeding, remember that syrup is poison for plants. The weakest concentration is not more than 1 tsp. per liter of water. In this case, the iron rule is valid - the smaller the better.

How to deal with moshkara

Often, after sweet feeding in pots, Moshcar is started. Sciarides (midges) are not dangerous for a person, although they are very annoying, but the roots of colors can cause significant harm.

Sciarides are safe, but deliver a lot of concern

In order to get rid of you can prepare garlic solution - 3-4 heads and pour cool boiling water liter. After 5 hours, when it is imagined, strain, pour into the spray and process all the colors (soil and leaves). It is enough 2-3 times to make midges forever disappeared.

Organic natural additives

Among other natural means with high efficiency, it is necessary to allocate:

  • ash;
  • coffee grouse;
  • crusts from bananas and citrus
  • yeast;
  • onion husk;
  • egg shell;
  • aloe.


The ash is a classic option, the benefits of which everyone is well known. Safety of ash floor residents will enrich them with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and other components. The first two components are very easily absorbed. It makes ash great fertilizer.

How to prepare a real ash

Excess in calcium ashes leads to a decrease in the level of acidity in the soil. Therefore, it is impossible to feed Calla, Tuy, Azalia, Gardenia and other flowers that prefer to grow in acidic soils.

It is especially important to add this component during the tabs of the buds and their flowering. The ash does not contain nitrogen. It contributes to the appearance of a green mass. Therefore, this component is filled with other means. It is desirable to add substances filled with nitrogen after a short time after applying ash.

Among all the positive moments of the ash should also be noted:

  • additional protection of the root system from pests and diseases;
  • improves the composition of the soil;
  • makes the soil structure as best for free penetration of air and water;
  • perfect soil disinfection.

You can add it during the transplantation. To do this, it is mixed with the landing ground. As a result, you will receive a nutrient substrate of disinfective action. Pretchka ash can be carried out in liquid form. For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary in one liter of water to thoroughly dilute one tablespoon of ash.

Coffee grounds

This is a recommended option for most plants. It does not need special cooking. Just do not need to pour the coffee thickness, but use it as a fertilizer. It is evenly laid out on the surface layer of the soil. When driving, it will create a mulching effect.

Coffee thickness from sleeping coffee is extremely useful for flavored plants.

During irrigation, water passes through the surface of such a mulch and supplies all useful trace elements to the ground. The layer you created will further preserve moisture in the ground. This will allow you to rapidly water, and the land in the vazon will become light and loose.

It is not worth using coffee thick for flowers that do not like acidic soil.

Corks from bananas and citrus

Usually cleaning from mandarins or oranges immediately emit. However, if you like to eat brought fruit, then with their help you can get trace elements not only for yourself, but also for indoor plants.

Citrus Cork Infusion can also be used as fertilizer and as a means for getting rid of midges

For the preparation of fertilizer you need:

  • cut off the skin of fruit skirt;
  • shallow
  • pumped over the third part of the liter bank;
  • pour boiling water and insist.

An approximate time of insteading is a day. Then the infusion is fastened and fresh water fills in the resulting volume so that it turns out exactly one liter of fluid. The solution is ready for use.

In the same way, the principle is preparing infusion from banana skins. The only difference is that to fill the bank with a crushed side of the banana you need half. The second distinction of banana skins from citrus crust is the possibility of their use directly into the ground substrate during the transplant period to a new pot. Before this, the skins of bananas need to grind and dry well. In the ground they will gradually overline and provide valuable nutrition.


You can perform feeding of indoor colors using yeast. This is a natural component that is not inferior to anything else. While staying in Earth, they will highlight a rich complex of minerals:

  • group vitamins in;
  • auxins;
  • phytohormones;
  • cytokinines.

The latter contribute to healthy cell division. In general, the yeast help to create an optimal microflora in the soil for active growth. Those who are not sure of the benefits of this component can read the conclusions of numerous scientists. Unlike other natural funds, yeast did not once become an object of research. All of them argued that the nutritional value of the yeast solution corresponds to the same that mineral fertilizers carry.

Yeast - a useful component that satisfies soil with carbon dioxide and simultaneously feeds the roots

For cooking, you will need not only the main component, but also sugar. One tablespoon of sugar and 10g conventional yeast should be diluted in 1 liter slightly heated water. To dissolve a dry product, you need to take:

  • dry yeast - 1g;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 10 liters.

The resulting mixture is insteaded for two hours and diluted in water in the ratio - 1: 5.

Long husk

With it, you can create a lively fluid that is suitable for all representatives of home flora. Indeed, in the onion husk contains a whole range of useful substances. To prepare infusion, you need 50 g of husks to pour heated water in a volume of 2 liters. In this form, the liquid is boiled for 5 minutes. After that, it insists for 3-4 hours. After the decoction completely cools, it needs to be strain and use for its intended purpose. It takes it immediately, as it is stored a short period of time.


The shell is useful and pushed, and as an infusion on the water

On the basis of the shell do not prepare solutions. It in crushed form is added to the ground while planting in a new pot. It should be borne in mind that this component is very oversaturated with calcium, which is not recommended in large quantities.


Aloe is useful not only for man, but also other plants

A good way to significantly increase immunity. Therefore, Aloe means is well watering weakened or young plants. This component can be purchased in pharmacies, where it is sold in 1ml ampoules. One ampoule is divorced in 1 liter of water. If aloe is growing at home, then it can be squeezing with 5 ml of juice and dilute by 1 liter of water. It will also allow efficient liquid solution.

Video: 6 natural fertilizers for indoor flowers and not only

Flowers - decoration of life. This is a bright element of the interior and a wonderful gift to a woman. Many do not imagine their lives without indoor plants. Water and feed these cute green plantings - a pleasant outlet after a working day or an interesting hobby. And they, in turn, thank their owners with beauty and pleasant aroma. Even when there is a blizzard and blizzard on your house, in your home can reign spring, swell the kidney and grow fresh shoots.

However, to care for indoor plants is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. Someone thinks that domestic flowers just watered regularly. But in pots for green spaces too little space, and, accordingly, characterized by the lack of nutrients that the greens sucks from the soil. So that the indoor plants were healthy, strong and gave the owners of flowers, they need to help.

The rare dacha is accounted for in his homeland sector without fertilizer, but at home they are often forgotten. And in vain. Due to the fact that the bushes in pots are a limited area of \u200b\u200bfood, they must be periodically transplanted into the fresh nutritious substrate and make feeding to the ground. Even if the pot is large and spacious, the plant over time depletes the soil resources. And after a couple of months, the plant is again needed. Organic and mineral fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores for impressive amounts of money, and you can make them yourself using only what is at hand.

Some domestic lovers believe that it is half a year to transplant or make fertilizer or even once a year, but they are seriously mistaken. Mineral substances from the soil are depleted in just two months, after which the next feeding is necessary. Especially acute lack of vitamins is observed in room plants during rapid growth or flowering. And in a warm apartment it happens not only in the spring. Kidney or buds with proper care can appear in any season.

If you see that the flowers slowly grow, become weak, the leaves are small, colorless, covered with stains, began to dry, or just do not want to bloom, things are bad. Better to such a state of the plant, of course, do not bring, but if it still happened, it is necessary to help your green wards and treat them with something sweet. And this is not a joke, sugar is one of the most popular fertilizers for indoor plants and other colors. In many ways, this is due to the fact that white fertilizers will have in any house, there is in the kitchen of every good mistress. But the benefits of sugar is irreversible and has long been confirmed by numerous studies and experiments.

The history of the use of natural and useful sweet dishes in crop production

Who the first came up with feeding flowers with sugar, the story is silent. It is only known that many families have passed this advice from generation to generation.

And in the twentieth century, this folk remedy received a scientific substantiation and recognition in the most authoritative circles of biologists.

In 1907, Dominenko investigated the possibility of the root system to absorb sugar on its own, without the influence of any microorganisms. The world-famous scientist Michurin entered sugar directly in the fabric of green experimental. Other experimenters have successfully grown green plantings, including ferns and algae, in general, without falling on them with sun rays, only thanks to the fertilizer sugar. Thus, it was proved that it was a sweet solution that is capable of determined to compensate for the lack of light.

Use of sweets

It is believed that the most necessary feeding of flowers in winter with sugar, because at this time the sun does not often and the plants lack ultraviolet. The same applies to the greens in dark rooms or planted in the shade. Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis, if it is not very active, the plants begin to spend their hidden reserves. The first thing is in the course of sugar. That is why sweet fertilizers in winter are so necessary. Some amateurs combine homemade plants with sugar also with a luminous lamp lighting.

There are experiments that argue that plants that receive sugar supplements in spring are growing faster, become stronger and healthy. Such instances are more often blooming or delivering.

Chemical laws

Such an effect is a rapid growth, flowering and fruiting is explained by what is happening chemical reactions. From school bench, it is known that sugar falls on fructose and glucose. If the first plant for plants is practically useless, her tissue of green plantings is not able to absorb and use themselves for good, then glucose is a vital substance.

Glucose is a universal building material, from which complex organic molecules - cellulose, starch, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are formed. On its basis, flowers are developing and breeding. Moreover, glucose is an energy source for most important processes of the plant's vital activity - the formation of tissues, respiration, food, absorption of useful trace elements from the soil and so on.

However, so that glucose is well absorbed, carbon dioxide requires.

Therefore, experts are recommended when subcording plants with sugar to use and one of the uh-preparations, for example, "Baikal - Em1". They contain bacteria that contribute to the decomposition of the organicists. In this process, carbon dioxide is formed. This will make it possible to achieve maximum suction and, accordingly, the result. Otherwise, the sugar was not used for the appointment will be feed for mold or rot.

Sweet cocktail

Sugar can be covered in a pot with flowers on one teaspoon, after which we water clean water, or make a special fluid. In order to make a sweet and useful solution, you need to take one tablespoon of sugar and dilute it in half liters of water.

How often use such feeding - there is no consensus among scientists. Some lead studies in which white natural fertilizer was made every week and achieved excellent results. Others argue that the plant's life should be fastened not more often than once a couple of months. Therefore, it is necessary to solve this issue to each lover of room colors independently. The main thing is not to overdo it and prevent the formation of rot or mold.

Pure glucose can also be used to feed indoor plants. This substance is even more effective, it is true that it is not in every house. It needs to be bought in a pharmacy. One or two such pills follow the divorce in a liter of water, after which it is to pour the plant with the resulting solution or spray it.

The benefits of sugar-based fertilizers for indoor and not only indoor plants have been proven for a long time in theory, and in practice. Now we can only enjoy the recommendations of specialists. But it is necessary to consider that the effect for various plant species may differ. Especially sweet love prickly cacti and ficuses. But it is important not to overdo it with feeding, because it is possible to harm the plant with excessive additives.

When used to feed the houseplants of sugar or other fertilizers, it should be paid special attention to watering. Excessive volumes of water may contribute to the washing of useful substances from the soil. Also, because of this, the root system may begin to rot and signs of the disease, such as weakened stem and leaves, yellowed or coated with strange spots. In everything you need to know the measure, and then the green wards, living on the windowsill, let's give you beautiful and fragrant flowers. It must be remembered about the system of approach and regular care of plants. One spoon of sugar will undoubtedly give the result, but only temporary. The procedure must be repeated regularly, as necessary, and not wait for unwanted crises.

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estimates, average:

Indoor plants are a bright element of the interior. So that they do not lose their well-groomed species, but pleased the mistress of violent foliage and beautiful bloom, they need to provide high-quality care. For this, flower products use fertilizers - ready-made solutions and home remedies. Sugar belongs to the number of popular funds of the last group of fertilizers.

Substurice sugar

In winter, when the air temperature decreases and the light day is reduced, indoor plants especially need nutrients. Ultraviolet performs an important role in photosynthesis, with a lack of natural lighting of plants, hidden resources are actively used. The plant's tissues spend their own sugars, which is why it is so important in the autumn-winter period to carry out the fertilizer with sugar, and rather, glucose.

This type of fertilizer can be combined using artificial lighting. The practice of flowerflowers shows that putting into the soil of sugar feeders to favorably affects houseplants - they are actively growing, blooming, look healthy and strong.

Use for plants

Accelerated growth of plants when making sugar into the ground can be explained at the molecular level. With this form, certain chemical reactions occur in the soil. Sugar has a property to decay into two substances - fructose and glucose. The first component is not a special value, since it is not absorbed by tissues. However, the second is vital both for humans and for plants.

IMPORTANT: During admission to the tissue of glucose flowers, the lipids, starch, nucleic acid, cellulose, proteins occur in them.

Glucose is a rich source of energy, the necessary room plants for healthy growth and flowering. With its disadvantage, the flowers do not absorb useful substances that flower make in the soil.

For which plants fit

You can use feeding for any indoor plants, especially it is useful for flowering crops. With this care, the flowering period is significantly prolonging, the leaves become more saturated, significantly increase in size. Also, sugar feeding love large plants, in particular ficuses, but prefer them and cacti, roses, drasens.

Tip: To feed the glucose plants is possible not only in the autumn-winter period, but also any other time of the year, if they have a deficit of ultraviolet. These are flowers that are in a darkened area of \u200b\u200bthe house or apartment.

Sugar feeding is needed with such changes:

  • heavily slowed down growth;
  • leaves and stems lost the intensity of the color;
  • the stems stretched up and became thin;
  • the leaves decreased in size;
  • bloom is missing for a long time;
  • the foliage begins to shut and crumble.

Instead of sugar, flowers can be fed and glucose, which is sold in a pharmacy. 1-2 tablets must be dissolved in a liter of water.

When using glucose for feeding, a favorable environment is created for the development of fungus and rot. To avoid this, it is recommended to be made in the soil of any of the EM drugs. Flowers for this purpose are often used by Baikal Em-1 or East Em-1.

How to feed?

Conduct flowers in several ways.

Method number 1.. The easiest option looks like this: a spoonful of sugar to fall asleep right into the pot, and to pour the soil with water from above.

Method number 2. Sugar needs to be divorced in water. For the preparation of useful sweet fertilizer, you will need 1 tsp. Sahara on the floor of the liter of the wounded water.

A second way is considered to be more effective, since in the liquid form glucose falls on all the roots of the flower.

It should be known that the absorption of glucose tissues of plants properly happens only when carbon dioxide contact. Based on this, together with sugar feeding in the soil, it is necessary to introduce drugs based on bacteria that contribute to the rapid decomposition of organic substances. For this, the experimental flowers use yeast, since with their decay, carbon dioxide is formed.

Given this home care rule, you can prepare a sweet solution with the addition of yeast. For this it is necessary 1 g of dry yeast and 1 tsp. Sugar sand dissolve in a liter of a standing water. Solution consumption per 1 kg of soil - 100 ml.

Sugar-yeast feeding is recommended to spend one time in the summer, autumn and spring period. More frequent fertilizer will not benefit, because yeast fungis have the properties of absorbing the useful substances necessary for healthy colors - calcium and potassium. It is advisable together with yeast to introduce into the soil and these trace elements in the form of wood or furnace ash - only 5 - 10 g. You can also dissolve 1 g of potassium sulphate in a soft, saturated water.

The rules should be followed:

  1. The first time fertilizer can be made two months after landing in the ground.
  2. Before making feeding, you need to pour a plant well. Such actions will help protect the root system from the negative effect of the substance, if it is used at a large concentration.
  3. Patients and weakened plants should be pulled by a less concentrated solution - ½ tablespoon per liter of water.
  4. Fertilizer can be made no more than 1 time per month.

Sugar water can be used not only for watering, but also for spraying leaves. For phalaenopsis make sugar compresses:

  • the tablespoon of sugar sand is dissolved in a liter of water;
  • wet dry napkins in solution and applied to leaves;
  • after half an hour, the compress is removed.

You can also wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in such a solution.

Basic mistakes

When using sugar fertilizers for room colors, many novice flower products allow some errors. The most common ones are:

  1. Too frequent watering. Abundant watering of plants wash nutrients from the soil. It may also cause the root system and death of the culture.
  2. Irregular fertilizer application. The sugar gives a good sugar, but the temporary result, improving the health of houseplants only for a while. That is why it is important to regularly carry out such care.


According to some flower flowers, the fertilizer sugar can bring not only the benefit, but also harm. Excess glucose in the soil causes the appearance of mold and midges or causes formation on the surface of dark spots. Only the correct use of this natural fertilizer will have a beneficial effect on houseplants.

Flowers - unique gifts of nature, adorning human life. They have long been turned into an integral attribute of the residential interior, a gift business card for women. Many people do not represent their lives without a cute heart of houseplants. But only units are known, feeding flowers with sugar, subject to the correct proportions, will allow you to enjoy this beauty for a very long time.

And if for you the usual home-made care for you has turned into a hobby, carefully examine this article, and you will learn how even in winter fill the house with notes of spring mood and heat.

Despite the seeming simplicity, it is quite difficult to care for indoor plants. Some it seems that domestic colors require only a regular fitting with water. But the lion's share of home plantations is in pots with a limited amount of nutrient medium. Obviously, they are sharply feel the shortage of useful trace elements in the soil. Home plants require a certain help from the owners.

To date, feeding with sugar colors is one of the most effective ways to raise a strong and healthy decorative culture.

Feeding room flowers sugar: tribute to fashion or necessity

In the country area, almost every gardener uses fertilizers, but at home they forget about them. Perfectly in vain. The bushes in the pots are developing on a limited area, which is significantly reduced by their "diet" of nutrition. Periodic it requires a transplant in a fresh substrate with nutrients, regular soil feeding.

Holders of spacious and large pots know, over time, the resource reserve of the soil is depleted. After 2-2.5 months, it is necessary to make a portion of nutritional trace elements. In specialized stores you can buy mineral and organic fertilizers, taking into account the fact that their cost is quite high. And you can both personally make up the flowers with sugar, proportions and recipes at the same time must be respected extremely accurately.

Some flowerflowers believe - home colors requires a transplantation or fertilizer's making in more often than 6 months, and in this a big mistake. From the soil, minerals go literally for 1.5-2 months, after which additional elements are required. The situation is exacerbated during active growth and flowering. And if we are talking about a warm apartment, then this period can occur several times during the year.

Buds and kidneys can be formed regardless of the season outside the window.

If you notice signs of slow-down growth, colorlessness and the smallness of the leaves, the absence of color, then the situation requires immediate intervention. The ideal case is not to bring the plant to such a crying state. But if it has already happened, you need to feed domestic flowers with sugar - one of the most popular "folk" funds. The benefits of the crumbly white composition is irrefutable and confirmed by hundreds of studies.

History of feeding of indoor flowers Sugar in crop production

It is difficult to name the exact date when the first people began to make sugar as fertilizer. Over time, this tradition passed from generation to generation and successfully reached the 21st century.

The scientific substantiation of the folk remedy received only in the 20th century, when the tool was actively used by gardeners.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the student's scientist conducted practical studies on the ability of the root system of the plant to absorb sugar, without additional addition of foreign microorganisms. The famous scientific actor Michurin became famous for practicing the introduction of sweet consistency directly into green tissues of plants (algae, ferns). I managed to install - it is sugar that eliminates the shortage of sunlight. Reviews about filtering flowers Sugar This fact is confirmed.

What are useful sweet fertilizers

Sweet fertilizer is most useful in winter, when the lack of ultraviolet rays is acute. The question is the same with the greens, which has long been in the shade and closed rooms for a long time. Without sunlight, the photosynthesis process is not running, plants have to consume hidden reserves. Sugar is more actively consumed. In the context of which feeding of indoor flowers sugar is required in the winter. Experts strongly recommend supplementing such care with luminescent lighting.

In practice, it was possible to prove that the plants grow more actively in sugar soil. They are more likely to shoot, bloom intensively.

Forming flowers sugar. Under the dictation of the laws of chemistry

The effect is obvious - the active development of culture accompanied by flowering. It occurs due to chemical reactions. In the process of the decomposition of sugar, glucose and fructose is formed. And if the last element for the living plant is actually useless, the greens are simply not able to absorb her. As for glucose, it is a vital substance.

Specialists are known - glucose - universal building material in living organisms, due to which molecules on an organic basis are formed - nucleic acids, proteins, starch and cellulose. Thanks to the listed substances, the development and reproduction of colors occurs. In the vital activity of the plant can not do without glucose.

To absorb glucose plant requires the presence of carbon dioxide.

Experienced gardeners are recommended to feed the plants with sugar, it is possible to use the means called "Baikal - Em1". It contains bacteria, thanks to which the organic breeding is actively multiplied. Due to this, carbon dioxide is released. Its presence determines the maximum absorption of glucose by the plant.

Cocktail Sweets and Energy

You can simply pour sugar into a pot with flowers (sufficiently one teaspoon), and then supplement it with clean water. The solution is obtained not only as sweet, but also useful.

As for the frequency of making such a feeding, there are no clear recipes, prescriptions or recommendations. Some recommend using fertilizers before reaching positive results, others advise to be limited to making one Dara within 2-3 months. The main rule is not to overdo it, as this can provoke the formation of mold and even rot.

The importance of glucose for flowers

Magnificent means of feeding flowers - pure glucose. It is more effective, in comparison with ordinary sugar, only in its pure form there is not in all houses. You can purchase a tool at the pharmacy. On 1 liter of water, 1-2 tablets are divorced, and after a solution there are plants, it is possible to use it for spraying leaves.

Flower fertilizers with sugar is a proven fact, both in the theoretical plane and practical. In this process, it is necessary to trust specialists. Immediately it should be noted that the real benefits for each type of plants can differ significantly. Adorable the sweet composition of ficuses and even cacti.

Flower feeding with sugar must be complemented and regular irrigated. If the water is too much, the part of the nutrients will simply be back. The root system can start posting, aggravate the disease, the leaves will become yellow, and the stem will weaken. Each feed should feel a sense of measure. Obviously, the result will even give a sugar spoon, but it will be only temporary. The procedure should be repeated regularly, not expecting seasonal crises.

April 6, 2016

Flowers - decoration of life. This is a bright element of the interior and a wonderful gift to a woman. Many do not imagine their lives without indoor plants. Water and feed these cute green plantings - a pleasant outlet after a working day or an interesting hobby. And they, in turn, thank their owners with beauty and pleasant aroma. Even when there is a blizzard and blizzard on your house, in your home can reign spring, swell the kidney and grow fresh shoots.

However, to care for indoor plants is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. Someone thinks that domestic flowers just watered regularly. But in pots for green spaces too little space, and, accordingly, characterized by the lack of nutrients that the greens sucks from the soil. So that the indoor plants were healthy, strong and gave the owners of flowers, they need to help.

The rare dacha is accounted for in his homeland sector without fertilizer, but at home they are often forgotten. And in vain. Due to the fact that the bushes in pots are a limited area of \u200b\u200bfood, they must be periodically transplanted into the fresh nutritious substrate and make feeding to the ground. Even if the pot is large and spacious, the plant over time depletes the soil resources. And after a couple of months, the plant is again needed. Organic and mineral fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores for impressive amounts of money, and you can make them yourself using only what is at hand.

Some domestic lovers believe that it is half a year to transplant or make fertilizer or even once a year, but they are seriously mistaken. Mineral substances from the soil are depleted in just two months, after which the next feeding is necessary. Especially acute lack of vitamins is observed in room plants during rapid growth or flowering. And in a warm apartment it happens not only in the spring. Kidney or buds with proper care can appear in any season.

If you see that the flowers slowly grow, become weak, the leaves are small, colorless, covered with stains, began to dry, or just do not want to bloom, things are bad. Better to such a state of the plant, of course, do not bring, but if it still happened, it is necessary to help your green wards and treat them with something sweet. And this is not a joke, sugar is one of the most popular fertilizers for indoor plants and other colors. In many ways, this is due to the fact that white fertilizers will have in any house, there is in the kitchen of every good mistress. But the benefits of sugar is irreversible and has long been confirmed by numerous studies and experiments.

The history of the use of natural and useful sweet dishes in crop production

Who the first came up with feeding flowers with sugar, the story is silent. It is only known that many families have passed this advice from generation to generation.

And in the twentieth century, this folk remedy received a scientific substantiation and recognition in the most authoritative circles of biologists.

In 1907, Dominenko investigated the possibility of the root system to absorb sugar on its own, without the influence of any microorganisms. The world-famous scientist Michurin entered sugar directly in the fabric of green experimental. Other experimenters have successfully grown green plantings, including ferns and algae, in general, without falling on them with sun rays, only thanks to the fertilizer sugar. Thus, it was proved that it was a sweet solution that is capable of determined to compensate for the lack of light.

Use of sweets

It is believed that the most necessary feeding of flowers in winter with sugar, because at this time the sun does not often and the plants lack ultraviolet. The same applies to the greens in dark rooms or planted in the shade. Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis, if it is not very active, the plants begin to spend their hidden reserves. The first thing is in the course of sugar. That is why sweet fertilizers in winter are so necessary. Some amateurs combine homemade plants with sugar also with a luminous lamp lighting.

There are experiments that argue that plants that receive sugar supplements in spring are growing faster, become stronger and healthy. Such instances are more often blooming or delivering.

Chemical laws

Such an effect is a rapid growth, flowering and fruiting is explained by what is happening chemical reactions. From school bench, it is known that sugar falls on fructose and glucose. If the first plant for plants is practically useless, her tissue of green plantings is not able to absorb and use themselves for good, then glucose is a vital substance.

Glucose is a universal building material, from which complex organic molecules - cellulose, starch, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are formed. On its basis, flowers are developing and breeding. Moreover, glucose is an energy source for most important processes of the plant's vital activity - the formation of tissues, respiration, food, absorption of useful trace elements from the soil and so on.

However, so that glucose is well absorbed, carbon dioxide requires.

Therefore, experts are recommended when subcording plants with sugar to use and one of the uh-preparations, for example, "Baikal - Em1". They contain bacteria that contribute to the decomposition of the organicists. In this process, carbon dioxide is formed. This will make it possible to achieve maximum suction and, accordingly, the result. Otherwise, the sugar was not used for the appointment will be feed for mold or rot.

Sweet cocktail

Sugar can be covered in a pot with flowers on one teaspoon, after which we water clean water, or make a special fluid. In order to make a sweet and useful solution, you need to take one tablespoon of sugar and dilute it in half liters of water.

How often use such feeding - there is no consensus among scientists. Some lead studies in which white natural fertilizer was made every week and achieved excellent results. Others argue that the plant's life should be fastened not more often than once a couple of months. Therefore, it is necessary to solve this issue to each lover of room colors independently. The main thing is not to overdo it and prevent the formation of rot or mold.


Pure glucose can also be used to feed indoor plants. This substance is even more effective, it is true that it is not in every house. It needs to be bought in a pharmacy. One or two such pills follow the divorce in a liter of water, after which it is to pour the plant with the resulting solution or spray it.

The benefits of sugar-based fertilizers for indoor and not only indoor plants have been proven for a long time in theory, and in practice. Now we can only enjoy the recommendations of specialists. But it is necessary to consider that the effect for various plant species may differ. Especially sweet love prickly cacti and ficuses. But it is important not to overdo it with feeding, because it is possible to harm the plant with excessive additives.

When used to feed the houseplants of sugar or other fertilizers, it should be paid special attention to watering. Excessive volumes of water may contribute to the washing of useful substances from the soil. Also, because of this, the root system may begin to rot and signs of the disease, such as weakened stem and leaves, yellowed or coated with strange spots. In everything you need to know the measure, and then the green wards, living on the windowsill, let's give you beautiful and fragrant flowers. It must be remembered about the system of approach and regular care of plants. One spoon of sugar will undoubtedly give the result, but only temporary. The procedure must be repeated regularly, as necessary, and not wait for unwanted crises.