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Kalanchoe plant care. Decorative Kalanchoe - home care. Caring for blooming Kalanchoe in winter

Kalanchoe has become one of the most common flowering plants for the home. Its inflorescences resemble panicles, and the leaves have mild teeth at the edges. How to care for the Kalanchoe so that the flower is comfortable and more often indulges in bright flowering?

It's great when a lot of people grow on the windowsill at home indoor plants... They all year round delight the eye with green leaves and flowers, if properly cared for. No matter how valuable is the love for the flower and the positive emotions, they will not replace watering and replanting in due time.

It is easier to understand what kind of care a flower needs, knowing where its homeland is. There are more than 200 species of Kalanchoe in nature. It grows in India, Australia, southeast Asia, Madagascar, tropical regions of Africa and America, and the islands of New Guinea. According to legend, its leaves were saved from a fever by a Russian sailor left by his comrades on the shore. He chewed the shoots and recovered, after which he named the plant "Kalanch", which means "health" in the language of the local tribe. Travelers brought the flower to Europe, and they gladly began to plant it as a houseplant.

Kalanchoe is a perennial plant of the fatty family. V wildlife its height reaches from 1.5 m to 4 m, but at home it is much lower - usually 30-40 cm.

In flower shops, the following are most common Kalanchoe species.

  1. Rosalina mix. It is distinguished by small size and a vigorous bloom lasting up to 10 weeks.
  2. Blossfeld. The plant has dark green leaves with a reddish border. Mostly flowering occurs in early spring.
  3. Flaming. Kalanchoe got its name from the orange-red flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences.
  4. Terry. The oval leaves of this plant are slightly fleecy to the touch, and its flowers are bright pink.
  5. Bryophyllum. The flower with fleshy multi-colored leaves in a speck blooms with dull inflorescences in the form of a panicle. However, its unusual colors the leaves themselves are very elegant.
  6. Don Sergio. This hybrid variety does not possess medicinal properties, but can bloom up to six months. Kalanchoe Don Sergio requires the same care as other species.

Plant features

Many believe that Kalanchoe is able not only to purify the air in the room where it grows, but also to improve relations between family members. In the house where this flower is, there are practically no conflicts and scandals.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe juice have long been used in medicine. It is added to various ointments and tinctures. Vitamin C, iron, manganese and other trace elements contained in the juice heal wounds well and relieve inflammation.

The overwhelming majority of Kalanchoe species grow in tropical climates. In the apartment, it is necessary to create similar conditions for the flower for its growth and flowering.

Lighting requirements

In nature, Kalanchoe prefer open spaces in order to receive as much light as possible. For this reason, in the apartment, you should choose a window facing south or south-west, that is, well lit during the day. You do not need to block it with tulle, since the sun's rays will not harm either the leaves or the flowers of the plant.

There is one secret that allows you to get buds from the Kalanchoe. As a short day plant, it prepares to bloom under 10-12 hours of daily light. By isolating it for 1-1.5 months from the sun for the rest of the time, it will be possible to wait for the buds to appear.

Air temperature and humidity

The plant is suitable for a summer temperature in the region of +22 ° С, and winter, if possible, should be lowered to + 15-17 ° С. The Kalanchoe gets approximately the same regime in its habitat. If the temperature rises above +25 ° C, the leaves will begin to wither and crumble. Frequent watering will not save the situation.

You should not spray a flower from a spray bottle, except sometimes in winter, when the air is too dry due to heating, or in extreme heat.


Like all indoor plants, it is better to water Kalanchoe with filtered water at room temperature. Ideal option will melt water. Juicy fleshy leaves accumulate moisture well, so in summer the flower should be watered 2-3 times a week.

The signal for action is the dried out upper layer soil. In winter, subject to the temperature regime of +15 ° C, watering the plant is rare.

Soil requirements

When preparing the soil for this flower, special attention must be paid to drainage. Stagnant water will cause root rot and plant death. In hot weather, the soil should be well moistened, but daily watering should be avoided. It is permissible to lightly fill the pan of the pot with water to be sure enough moisture.

Loose soil, consisting of turf, peat, leafy soil and humus, will give the flower everything it needs to grow well. A slightly acidic soil is perfect.

Fertilizing and fertilizing

When a Kalanchoe house appears, an important question arises of how to properly care for it in terms of adding fertilizers. Problems with houseplants due to a lack of nutrients:

  • cessation of growth;
  • yellowness of the lower leaves;
  • brown spots on the leaves;
  • lack of peduncle.

Each case has a corresponding deficiency of a certain trace element. By applying fertilizer, you can quickly restore a healthy look to the plant. Kalanchoe is unpretentious in terms of feeding. More often the flower is much worse with its excess than without it.

It is better to choose the dose of fertilizer in accordance with the instructions so that the result is satisfactory.

Fertilization calendar (every 2 weeks):

  • in spring, with active growth, the flower needs nitrogen;
  • during the formation of buds and flowering, you need to add potassium and phosphorus.

After the end of flowering, top dressing is reduced to 1 time per month. In winter, it is not required at all. Fertilizers for succulents are available in flower shops. They need to be diluted in plenty of water to avoid scalding the root system.

The simplest, but most effective top dressing is granulated sugar, poured in a thin layer on the soil in a pot. When watered, it will dissolve and support the flower as it grows and blooms.


Both the leaves and roots of the Kalanchoe grow very quickly. During the season, the plant can reach a height of 40 cm. Thanks to this feature, the flower will have to be transplanted annually. The best time for transplanting Kalanchoe - early spring, except for the flowering period. Otherwise, the buds will fall off, and the plant will hurt.

Before transplanting, the soil in the pot must be generously moistened so that it softens and does not damage the roots. The flower should be removed along with a lump of earth and gently shaken off.

If rot is visible on the roots or the lower leaves are darkened and twisted, the damaged parts should be cut off. If you wish, you can divide the Kalanchoe into several plants, since there are always "children" under the main flower.

Next, transplant into a new pot with soil poured over the drainage. Having placed the flower, the soil should be compacted and, if necessary, add more. After transplanting, the surface of the soil should be covered with mulch or shells with pebbles.

Thus, the plant will grow more slowly due to new shoots.

At the end of flowering in Kalanchoe, it is necessary to cut off the peduncle, since it will still gradually dry out. With sufficient light, the flower gives off many new shoots that grow unevenly and violate the integral appearance of the plant. It is also better to cut off the most strongly knocked out shoots.

Some growers, to preserve the bulk of the flower, pinch the tops of slightly regrown shoots. If a "wound" forms after this procedure, you can sprinkle it with charcoal crumbs. Typically, each cut produces a few more shoots over time, and the flower becomes fluffy.

Breeding methods of Kalanchoe

Succulents reproduce in many ways and take root well. A new flower can be obtained by planting seeds, "babies" or buds and offspring in the ground. It is better to put cuttings and leaves in water first and wait for the roots to appear. The part of the plant transplanted into the ground should be covered with a glass or jar to keep the soil moist for fixing the roots in it.

The plant is so adapted to reproduction that even old fallen leaves often take root until they are dry. When placed on a sufficiently moist soil, they are able to take root and sprout.

Pest and disease control

The small white discharge found on the leaves is most likely due to a mealybug infection of the plant. It feeds on Kalanchoe sap and quickly attacks the flower. All stains should be carefully removed, and then the leaves should be sprayed with mineral oil. The most affected shoots and leaf areas are best removed.

In summer, ticks and aphids fly into the room through an open window and take root on the leaves of the Kalanchoe. Mites thrive in warm and dry conditions on the back of the leaf, while aphids thrive in generously fertilized soil.

When water stagnates in the ground or excess groundbait, brown bloom and spots may appear on the leaves. They demonstrate improper care that should be changed immediately. The plant needs a transplant for more loose soil with good drainage. The spoiled leaves must be removed, as well as parts of the roots rotted from excess moisture. Having corrected the mistakes made, no additional measures are required. The plant will quickly bounce back.

An unpleasant problem for all indoor plants is created by powdery mildew when Kalanchoe leaves are affected. It arises from too warm and dry air and can spread to other flowers standing next to the patient. Spraying the plant with fungicides and rearranging it to a cooler place, it is easy to defeat the disease.

If the Kalanchoe is frozen, brown spots will appear on its stem and the plant will dry out. It is very important to observe the correct temperature regime and do not overcool or dry it out.

How to "make" Kalanchoe bloom?

In the store, Kalanchoe are sold in blooming or with many inflorescences. This is due to the use of artificial flower growth enhancers in greenhouses. Usually the plant fades away and it is impossible to wait for new inflorescences next year even with proper care... How to make Kalanchoe bloom at home?

Kalanchoe blooms in spring, but for the buds to appear, it needs to create an artificial winter, as in its native tropics. The flower pot can be placed between the frames or on an insulated loggia, where the temperature does not drop below +10 ° C. It costs very little to water it, so that the leaves do not wilted, and the sunny day can be reduced to 10 hours a day.

Having pinched new shoots so that the Kalanchoe forces do not go into their growth, one can expect the formation of peduncles in late February-early March. When they appear, the plant needs to return to comfortable living conditions and enjoy vigorous flowering.


Houseplants require care and meticulous care. One needs sunlight, for others he burns the leaves. When purchasing a flower, you should analyze the location of the apartment windows in order to choose the appropriate variety.

Properly fertilized and watered, plants growing in beautiful pots will decorate the room at any time of the year. Their juicy greens and bright flowers create a joyful mood. No wonder noblemen and rich people first of all built greenhouses on estates and hunted for rare species of exotic plants. People have always been touched by their natural and fragile beauty.

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Growing Kalanchoe at home. Feng Shui signs and recommendations.

Plants play different roles in human life. They are medicine, weeds, and pets. Among the latter, the Kalanchoe occupies a worthy place among the hostesses.

It thrives and produces long-lasting blooms in response to reasonable care and attention. Although it is recognized as an unpretentious plant in terms of watering, fertilizing and replanting.

Is this really so - to understand the article.

What is Kalanchoe blooming, what it looks like, how it blooms: description

blooming Kalanchoe in pots

Kalanchoe in our latitudes are plant hybrids from Madagascar. It belongs to the succulents, the bastard family. More than 200 of its species are known in total.

The blooming Kalanchoe has gained the maximum distribution and popularity of such varieties as:

  • Blossfeld
  • pinnate
  • Daygremont
  • one-flowered

External parameters of the plant:

  • low up to 30 cm
  • leaves are large, fleshy, elastic, oval with a serrated edge
  • flowers are small, connected in inflorescences
  • flower shape - tube with 4 petals
  • during the flowering period, cover the surface of the plant with a dense carpet
  • gamma - from white to deep red

Kalanchoe - is it possible to keep at home: the meaning of a flower, signs and superstitions

blooming Kalanchoe in an eco-bag - great gift for all occasions

Kalanchoe has medicinal qualities, it is useful for humans. Therefore, be sure to get yourself this plant. She is patient enough and takes minimal personal care with gratitude.

As for the signs, they all have a positive meaning. Kalanchoe is not a magnet for dark forces, outbreaks of quarrels and abuse, diseases and troubles.

Vice versa:

  • Kalanchoe absorbs heavy energy accumulated at the end of your working day
  • clears the aura of the house, takes away negativity from space
  • promotes harmonization of family relations
  • encourages the change of negative thoughts to positive
  • brings the family together for pleasant conversations
  • if your Kalanchoe has bloomed, then harmony, peace and harmony reign in the house

However, consider if:

  • your green pet suddenly began to fade and died, which means he took on an external dark attack aimed at destroying the harmony of your family,
  • he lives with you for many years and does not bloom, which means that sincerity, depth of relationship, harmony are absent in your family.

How to water Kalanchoe in winter and summer at home?

watering can near pots with Kalanchoe

Since the Kalanchoe is not a picky plant, it is not difficult to take care of it.

On the other hand, like any other green inhabitant of your home, he is sensitive to excess moisture, cold, complete lack of sunlight.

In the summer, water the Kalanchoe moderately once a week.

  • Choose water that has stood in the room for a day.
  • Avoid pouring cold tap water under the roots of the Kalanchoe.
  • Leave the stem of the plant without drops of moisture so that it does not provoke diseases.
  • Saturate the soil with moisture so that water does not remain on the surface and in the pan of the pot. In the second case, pour it out immediately.
  • Remember that Kalanchoe is native to the tropics, therefore it tolerates a short period of drought more easily than an excessive amount of water in the soil. After all, he tends to accumulate moisture in his leaves and stems, which he uses during dry periods.

V winter time reduce the frequency of watering to once every 1.5-2 weeks.

  • Raise the leaves gently before watering. Avoid the accumulation of water on them to avoid starting the processes of decay and disease.
  • Cut the amount of water for one irrigation by half. It is better to wait until the soil is completely dry in the Kalanchoe pot and then water than adding liquid to wet soil. This will reduce the chances of plant freezing and stress from the watering procedure.
  • The water temperature should not be lower than room temperature, in which the Kalanchoe lives.

The general principle for watering at any time of the year is a good impregnation of an earthen coma, but without a bay.

How to transplant a blooming Kalanchoe?

young Kalanchoe seedlings in pots after transplanting

Consider a number of parameters before transplanting:

  • choose the diameter of the new pot a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one
  • schedule the procedure for late March to mid-April and repeat every year
  • preserve soil composition to accelerate plant adaptation


  • fill the new pot with drainage and soil 50%
  • carefully remove the Kalanchoe from the old pot. Leave its roots with an earthy clod
  • install in a new flowerpot and add soil
  • lightly tamp the soil around the stem
  • water the plant moderately in a new pot
  • feed him for a week until he fully adapts

What kind of land is needed for Kalanchoe?

a mixture of soil in the hands of the girl before falling asleep in the pots for transplanting Kalanchoe

The ideal composition of the soil for transplanting and growing Kalanchoe at home is a combination of elements from equal whole and half parts. Namely:

  • leaf humus, sod land and coarse sand, taken in equal whole shares
  • charcoal and brick chips - in halves

Use bone meal as a fertilizer. It is enough for 1 g per 1 liter of soil mixture.

  • Observe the acidity index of the soil for the Kalanchoe. The first is capable of varying between 5.0-6.5 pH.
  • You can either buy the ready-made mixture at specialty stores, or prepare it yourself. In the second case, additional sterilization is needed.

How does blooming Kalanchoe reproduce?

healthy Kalanchoe seedlings on a plate before planting

Blooming Kalanchoe is able to reproduce in 2 ways:

  • vegetative, that is, cuttings, leaves
  • seeds

In the first case, choose:

  • healthy material,
  • warm season, when the duration of the bright part of the day is at least 12 hours and the temperature does not drop below + 24 ℃,
  • well lit place, but no direct sun rays.

In the second:

  • different soil composition. It should be made of peat and sand, taken in equal parts,
  • regularly ventilated room with a temperature not lower than + 18 ℃,
  • warming the pot with cellophane before seed germination. This usually happens 7-10 days after sowing.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering?

a trimmed peduncle of the Kalanchoe after all the flowers have wither
  • Make sure all flowers are wilted.
  • With a garden scissors, remove the peduncle as low as possible to the roots. Then no fungi and mold are afraid of him.
  • And also cut off the outermost 2 leaves on each branch of the plant. In this way, you will stimulate the growth of Kalanchoe of the correct oval shape.

Kalanchoe should be pruned not only after flowering, but after purchase and for preventive purposes.

Why do Kalanchoe leaves turn yellow, curl, dry and fall off?

Kalanchoe leaves tips dry

There are several reasons for this phenomenon, depending on the nature and location of the affected leaves.

  • If these are only the upper ones, then the plant lacks the light of the sun.
  • If only the lower ones, you allowed the soil to dry out and have not watered the Kalanchoe for a long time. And also, perhaps, there is a too hot battery under his pot. Therefore, change the place to a cooler one.

A few more reasons:

  • tightness of the pot,
  • aging of the plant, which means it's time to pinch off its healthy shoots / leaves and take measures to rejuvenate,
  • the defeat of aphids, if a similar situation manifests itself in the summer, and the plant itself lives on the balcony or in your garden.

Kalanchoe does not bloom and stretches up: what to do?

Kalanchoe stretched up and without flowers

First, identify the possible cause. This is either:

  • lack of sunlight, for which the plant reaches
  • too long daylight hours, which is 12 or more hours

There are also 2 ways out of this situation:

  • rearrange the pot with Kalanchoe on the windowsill without the presence of neighbors, except for succulents,
  • monitor the length of the day for the plant, cover it with opaque polyethylene in the evening until morning.

Kalanchoe begins to form peduncles when:

  • he has enough strength, that is, watering and feeding is normal
  • he sees sunlight for no more than 10 hours in a row

Top dressing Kalanchoe

Choose ready-made fertilizers for succulents and halve the recommended dose on the pack. So you feed the Kalanchoe without harm to its health.

The frequency of fertilization is once a month.

Another option is special complex nutritional mixtures for flowering plants. They are good for Kalanchoe, which delight the owners with bright colors.

Where should the Kalanchoe flower stand according to Feng Shui?

blooming Kalanchoe are located in the southern part of the house, therefore they bloom profusely

According to Feng Shui, the best Kalanchoe locations are:

  • window sills on the southern part of the house,
  • the extreme left corner of the dwelling - to attract abundance and wealth to the owners,
  • the left corner of the computer monitor for those who work in the dark. The plant absorbs fatigue and replenishes the strength of the worker.

So, we examined the main stages of caring for a blooming Kalanchoe, the reasons for its drying and pulling up. We learned about the benefits and favorable omens from having a plant in the house.

Get yourself a Kalanchoe, if you haven't already, and check in practice the power of its healing effects.

Video: how to care for blooming Kalanchoe at home?

Culture is undemanding, but when exposed unfavorable factors does not bloom, loses its decorative properties, is capable of perishing. Caring for the Kalanchoe is simple, the plant gets sick faster from its excess than its deficiency. Depending on the variety, there are some cultivation features.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

The Latin name of the genus is Kalanchoe. The natural area of ​​distribution of culture - Africa, Asia, the tropics of South America. In Russia, Kalanchoe is grown as a houseplant. By selection, many hybrid forms of the original species have been bred, differing in external description and characteristics.

A succulent plant can be a tree, a shrub, an epiphyte or a liana, the height of an adult specimen, depending on the variety, varies from a few centimeters to 3-4 m. The aboveground part is covered with a dense skin with a waxy coating or pubescent. This feature allows the culture to retain moisture in the fleshy leaf plates, and also makes small differences in the care of the Kalanchoe. For example, pubescent varieties cannot be washed in the shower and sprayed with a spray bottle. Along the edges of the leaves, in the inflorescences, some species form brood buds intended for reproduction.

The shape and color of the leaf plates vary depending on the species and variety. They grow opposite each other or are collected in whorls of 3 pieces, some of them are arranged alternately. Often there is a stalky petiole or base, the edges are solid or serrated. The peduncle can be completely covered with leaves. The inflorescence is paniculate, like an umbrella.

The Kalanchoe flower is often large, has a tube, erect or drooping, four-membered. The color is red, pink, white, purple, yellow, orange, greenish. The fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet.

Necessary conditions for growing

When cultivating a succulent in a pot, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate, then minimal care is required. In order for the plant to be comfortable in the home environment, it is important to follow the rules of maintenance:

  • suitable location in the room;
  • adequate lighting;
  • optimal air humidity;
  • pick up a pot from suitable material, the correct size;
  • use loose, drained soil.

At home, Kalanchoe can be grown from seeds or parts of an adult plant. If you create a favorable environment, the bush develops quickly and blooms regularly. In some cases, it is possible to cause the formation of inflorescences after hours. A properly created microclimate will facilitate subsequent care.

Location and lighting

Kalanchoe, like a houseplant, needs to find a place in the apartment. Depending on the growing season, you need different conditions for growing. Good lighting is provided in spring and summer, but some species cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Variegated varieties, on the contrary, need them. To lay the buds, daylight hours should be reduced to 10 hours. At home, this can be achieved artificially by putting the plant in a closet or blocking it with thick paper a few hours before dark.

Summer optimum temperature for Kalanchoe content is + 20 ... + 25 ° C. Night drops are not terrible, so it is recommended to endure flower pots outside to provide fresh air. To set flower buds in autumn, lower the temperature to + 12 ... + 15 ° C. In this case, the lighting must remain sufficient.

In the absence of such premises experienced florists it is recommended to make a kind of screen from an old aquarium, leaning the open side against the window glass.

This will keep the plant in the same place, get enough light and keep it at a lower temperature.

Air humidity

In its natural environment, the culture grows in moist climatic zones... Pubescent varieties trap moisture from precipitation in leafy plates - often the only way to get the water they need for growth and development. But at home this is not required, since regular watering is carried out.

The air humidity for the Kalanchoe in the apartment is optimal, no additional humidifiers are needed. Species with a smooth leaf surface must be periodically sprayed from a spray bottle when leaving in the summer; it is permissible to occasionally arrange a shower to wash off the accumulated dust and dirt.

Soil and pot requirements

If you want to collect the soil mixture yourself, you should mix sheet earth and sand, add a little charcoal. It is undesirable to add fertilizers, since the crop grows in poor soil. It is recommended to pre-disinfect natural materials.

When purchasing a Kalanchoe, you should carefully study the description, the structure of the root system, in order to ensure proper care in the future. It is important to choose a growing container that meets the characteristics of this variety. For young specimens, it is permissible to use plastic containers, for adults - clay containers. Choose a round shape of the pot so that water and air penetrate evenly from all sides, there is no stagnation, moldy areas. The size of the container should be large enough to accommodate the roots, 2-3 cm of soil and a drainage layer with a thickness of 2 cm or more.

Care features

The basic manipulations for all varieties of succulents are the same. You should take care of the flower constantly, but follow agrotechnical recommendations, since excessive attention can only harm.

The culture is unpretentious, many species are distinguished by high vitality, regardless of the conditions of detention. But an unsuitable environment leads to a loss of decorative qualities and a lack of flowering.

Caring for Kalanchoe at home includes:

  • maintaining the required microclimate;
  • moderate watering;
  • rare top dressing;
  • timely pruning;
  • providing a rest period;
  • transplant as needed;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

The need for watering

Per indoor flower it is necessary to properly care for. For the procedure, use settled water at room temperature. Water according to the growing season and the substrate used. The main thing is not to overmoisten the Kalanchoe and to prevent prolonged drought at high temperatures in the room. The soil should dry in most of the pot before watering is required.

In the spring-summer period, the recommended frequency of procedures is 1-2 per week. If the succulent is grown in a substrate from garden soil, it is important to take into account that this material retains liquid, so you will have to water less often. Care in autumn and winter differs in that at first the procedure is carried out 1 in 2 weeks, then the soil is not moistened for a whole month. The fleshy leaves of the Kalanchoe are filled with moisture, so the plant will not die.

Top dressing

Additional power is provided by adding a universal solution together with irrigation complex composition for succulents and cacti. During the active growing season, it should be fed 1 time per month.

For Kalanchoe, it is advisable to dilute the fertilizer less concentrated than recommended in the instructions for the selected preparation. From an excess of nutrients, the plant is capable of getting sick, shedding leaves, and deforming the stems. Feeding the plant immediately before flowering is undesirable, since in this case it is possible to build up the aboveground mass, and not to lay buds. In addition, some species bloom immediately after winter; during the rest period, the operation is prohibited.


This procedure is included in the care of all varieties of culture, but some are allowed to remove only peduncles, others require cutting large deformed leaves, and still others need full pruning. When growing Kalanchoe, from the very beginning, the formation of the crown is carried out so that the plant grows in the form of a lush bush, and not a tall tree with a bare stem.

It is enough to pinch bushy varieties, which will increase the density of the aerial part. Long shoots on adult specimens are recommended to be removed in order to provoke the growth of young shoots.

It is advisable not to touch the flowering Kalanchoe, but in the presence of large, yellowish, dried leaves, they must be removed so that the plant sends nutrients to the inflorescences. When the flowers wither, immediately cut off the entire peduncle. In this case, it is possible to re-lay the buds after artificially created winter dormancy.

Flowering period

At this time, you should be especially careful to take care of the Kalanchoe at home so that the bush does not shed flowers. It is allowed to feed moderately, water only as needed, try to avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts. Flowering can last (depending on the species) 1-2 months if maintained optimal microclimate with good lighting... Before this, a dormant period is required, otherwise the flower buds will not be tied. After flowering, cut off the peduncles, prune long shoots. The plant should be given the opportunity to recover, build up the root system and young lush foliage.

Pests and diseases

Caring for ornamental Kalanchoe involves protecting the bush from insect colonization and infection. Succulents are grown at home in a slightly different from their natural environment, so immunity is often reduced. An improperly created microclimate and care aggravate the situation. In this case, the appearance of spots, deformation of leaf plates and stems is possible. If symptoms of fungal infection occur, severely damaged shoots should be removed. When trimming, you need to constantly treat the instrument with a disinfectant solution. Then spray the tree with a suitable fungicide.

Of the pests of Kalanchoe, aphids are inhabited, mealybug, spider mite, felt maker. In the case of a smooth surface, insect leaves can be washed off with soapy water. Brush off the pubescent leaf plates with a stiff brush. It is permissible to cut off damaged branches. If necessary, transplant into a new soil substrate. When taking care at home, not all insecticides are allowed, so it is recommended to check with a garden store for which indoor plants this drug is suitable.

Reproduction methods

Breeding Kalanchoe is possible with seeds, cuttings and children. The first method is rarely used, since an adult specimen will have to grow longer. When sowing, it is required to use a mixture of a special soil mixture with sand. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds, but greenhouse conditions should be created. Seeds germinate well at + 25 ° C.

Cutting allows you to get a full-fledged plant in more short time, does not require special care. It is enough to cut a stalk 7-10 cm high, dry the cut a little. Root in damp substrate or water. In the latter case, you should use dishes made of opaque material so that the liquid does not turn green.

The easiest way to reproduce is babies. Some varieties of Kalanchoe form them in large quantities along the edges of the leaves. Over time, the shoots fall off and take root in the same pot as the parent plant. Other species form at the ends of the shoots or from the root system.

Regardless of the method of breeding, it is advisable to carry out the operation in the spring or in the summer, so that the succulent is in the phase of active growth. Care for young seedlings is similar to adult specimens.

Transplant timing and technology

The first time the procedure is carried out immediately after purchase. If the plant is blooming, it is advisable to wait until the end of the process or carefully transplant it using the transshipment method. The store substrate often consists of peat, which is supplied with various additives to maintain decorative look Kalanchoe. Such soil is not suitable for long-term maintenance of an indoor flower.

The pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. For planting, use a special substrate, be sure to pour drainage onto the bottom. Leave about 2-3 cm to the edges of the container. Do not deepen the root collar. After transplantation, Kalanchoe is allowed to feed no earlier than 2 months later, so that root system fully recovered. The rest of the care remains the same.

The procedure for young specimens is carried out every year in the spring; it is enough for adults to transfer to a new container once every 2-3 years. It is permissible not to replant large bushes, just replace the top soil layer. An exception is the appearance of roots in the drainage holes.

Possible growing difficulties

When creating the necessary microclimate at home, the culture retains its decorative effect for a long time, blooms regularly. Problems begin with non-compliance with the rules of care and exposure to adverse factors.

Common difficulties with Kalanchoe:

  • the absence of re-flowering occurs in the absence of a dormant period;
  • shoots are stretched, and the leaves become smaller in winter with excessive moisture and lack of lighting;
  • slow development after transplantation, foliage discharge occurs during the procedure during flowering;
  • stem rot is observed with excessive watering during the dormant period;
  • light spots on the leaves - spraying with hard tap water;
  • exposing the stems - incorrect pruning;
  • dry brownish specks on the leaf plates - a lack of moisture, if weeping brown ones - a bacterial or viral lesion.

Caring for indoor Kalanchoe is simple, but the slightest violation general recommendations can significantly harm a succulent. When a favorable microclimate is created, the home flower grows and develops rapidly, retains its decorative effect, and blooms regularly.

Kalanchoe- a bright representative of the Tolstyanka family, it can be both decorative (Blossfeld) and medicinal (Degremona). Blooming Kalanchoe unpretentious in care and rare beauty.

Let's take a closer look: care for blooming Kalanchoe at home, transplant, reproduction, correct watering and feeding for abundant flowering... Kalanchoe care after flowering.

Decorative flowering Kalanchoe has dense, fleshy leaves, with beautiful caps of inflorescences of various shades. With proper care, up to 8 months pleases with a beautiful flowering. The leaves are wavy at the edges.

Kalanchoe tolerates high humidity and arid conditions. In favorable periods, the leaves of the plant accumulate moisture, which is later used for survival.

Blooming Kalanchoe resistant to various diseases and pests, easily multiplies.

Kalanchoe - home care


For normal growth, any place in the house is suitable, where even a little sunlight falls. The plant grows well in partial shade or when exposed to diffused sunlight.

When exposed to direct sunlight, the color of the leaves at the edges will change, they become reddish.

The ideal place in the house would be east or west window, with not very intense lighting. Blooming Kalanchoe prefers an east or southeast window.

During flowering Kalanchoe in spring and autumn period additional lighting will be needed.

Not enough light leads to stretching of plants, the upper leaves turn pale and the lower ones die off.


The plant tolerates temperature changes calmly. Therefore, already starting from 10 degrees, it can be taken out to Fresh air... In the summer-autumn period, the plant can be left on the balcony.

The plant tolerates the heat in the summer months well, but it is necessary to increase the frequency of watering.

The following temperature is considered optimal: in summer 23-25 ​​degrees, in winter 12-16 degrees.


Kalanchoe accumulates moisture in the leaves, and tolerates drought or, for example, your absence. Plants are afraid of stagnant water.

Watering must be done abundantly in order to wet the entire clod of earth, but the remaining moisture must be drained.

For yourself, decide on the correct frequency of watering, the earthen lump should dry out between waterings.

Most often, watering is carried out in the summer heat, in winter the interval between waterings is 10-14 days.

If you pour the plants, the roots will begin to rot, various rot and fungi will appear.


At home, Kalanchoe does not need to be sprayed. It is especially dangerous to spray in winter. If the leaves are covered with dust, the best way to get rid of it is to wipe with a damp cloth or, alternatively, wash in the shower.


In order for the plants to bloom, it is necessary to cut off radically. Cut the peduncles as low as possible so that the remaining parts do not rot.

Any bad looking and old parts of the plant must be removed. Young and strong shoots, after pruning, are suitable for reproduction.

In summer, pinch the tops to form lateral shoots and protect the plant from overgrowing.

Video - Pinching decorative Kalanchoe

Top dressing

About 1 time per month, Kalanchoe needs to be fed using fertilizers for succulents.

For flowering Kalanchoe, use complex fertilizers otherwise the plant will not bloom.

Attention: an excess of fertilizers is dangerous for the Kalanchoe.

It is better to dilute half the dose or a third when carrying out feeding according to the instructions of the drug used. Do not feed in winter.


Kalanchoe refers to fast growing plants, therefore it multiplies easily.

For breeding suitable young shoots that remain after pruning or cut specifically for reproduction.

Shoots are approximately 10-12 cm long. 4-6 lower leaves are removed on them and planted to such a depth in a pot with loose, fertile soil.

Roots will appear from the sinuses of the torn off lower leaves in the ground. After planting, compact the soil around the shoot and water along the edges of the pot (so that the shoot withers a little in the ground, all other watering should be done as usual, over the entire surface).

There is no need to cover the plant during reproduction. Place the pot in a warm place with partial shade.

Many novice growers, knowing about the medicinal properties of the clanchoe flower, buy a plant they like and try to use its juice for medicinal purposes, and then wonder why no results are visible. The thing is that only two types of Kalanchoe indoor flowers are used for medicinal purposes - Degreion and pinnate. About what is useful Kalanchoe flower, and how to grow it, you will learn in this material.

Indoor flowers Kalanchoe: photo and description

Home flower Kalanchoe is one of the most popular indoor plants. Provides wonderful results with minimal maintenance.

Kalanchoe- a plant belonging to the genus succulent of the Tolstyankovye family. It grows in South Africa and East Asia, has about two hundred species. Depending on the species, it can be of different heights from a few centimeters to 2-3 meters in height. When describing the Kalanchoe plant, special attention should be paid to the leaves: they are fleshy leaves, they can be covered with hairs or absolutely smooth, of various shapes and sizes, with jagged or even edges, on which rooted buds are often found. As these buds mature, new plants are formed.

Look at the photo - flowers homemade Kalanchoe large, formed on a high peduncle, can have a color from pale pink to burgundy:

The species of Kalanchoe are quite numerous - there are more than 200 of them in nature. The most common in cultivation are Kalanchoe Degremona, as well as Kalanchoe pinnate. It is these types of Kalanchoe that have healing properties.

In Madagascar Kalanchoe Mangina spreads along the ground. On its short shoots, a peduncle sometimes appears with drooping bell-shaped flowers. At the ends of other shoots, small daughter plants are formed and thus a whole carpet of Kalanchoe is gradually formed. The cultivar 'Tessa' originated from the wild and has now become a popular plant for bright spaces in living quarters and patios. In summer, you can only admire the foliage, because flowers do not appear until the daylight hours are longer than 12 hours. This “short day” plant does not flower until fall, winter or early spring.

Kalanchoe pinnate - evergreen, with a height of 60 to 120 cm.Despite the fact that chemical composition plants have not yet been fully studied, it is reliably known that it contains a lot of tannins, vitamins P and C, aluminum, copper, iron, manganese and calcium, as well as polysaccharides and organic acids and other organic substances of protein origin, which have a positive effect on human immunity, improving metabolism, and accelerating biochemical processes in the human body.

Here you can see a photo of the Kalanchoe, the description of the species of which is given above:

Flowering Kalanchoe at home, care and plant transplant

Even with minimal home care flowering Kalanchoe will last for a very long time, because these plants are extremely unpretentious. Place the pots on a light warm window allowing short exposure to direct sunlight. requires regular as the soil dries, completely moistening the clod of earth, but avoiding overflow. During the winter months, the plant needs to provide a dormant period by reducing watering to a minimum and placing the flower pot in a dark place for one month. Transplanting Kalanchoe with home care is carried out every year into a new nutrient soil. The substrate must be loose, breathable and drained. Kalanchoe reproduce by seeds, cuttings or brood buds.

Seeds should be sown in spring, not sprinkled with earth and covered with glass, building something like a greenhouse. Air and water twice a day. After germination, the sprouts should be transplanted into a regular pot. When propagating by brood buds, everything happens by itself. The buds fall on the ground in a pot, where they germinate on their own, after which the sprouts that appear are also transplanted separately into the pot.

When caring for Kalanchoe at home, as soon as flowering ends, the plant is pruned, the bush is given the desired shape. When it blooms, hang the pot in the room. Later, he needs a dormant period: the pot is placed in a cool, bright place and watering is limited. After a few months, you can "revive" the plant again by giving it more water and heat.

Kalanchoe has the ability to reproduce vegetatively. This can be done with cuttings, and fragments of leaves, and children. It is for this that some species of Kalanchoe are called "pseudoviviparous".

Growing Kalanchoe at home is easier than ever, because this plant is self-sowing. On the leaves of the Kalanchoe, small plant seeds with roots are formed, which, after ripening, fall off and quickly germinate into the ground. So a new plant is born - without special care and conditions, only in the presence of soil. For this reason, flower growers do not put other flower pots near the Kalanchoe, as sprouts germinate very quickly and in some cases can drown out another plant.

When caring for Kalanchoe at home, you need to water the flowers abundantly, as the soil dries.

Blooming specimens can be found on sale at any time of the year. The culture includes hybrids 35-40 cm high with flowers of white, red, purple, yellow, orange and pink colors.

There are also miniature forms of red color up to 15 cm high. Most of the plants are used as annuals and thrown away.

What is useful and what helps Kalanchoe: medicinal properties and the meaning of the flower in the house

Once the Kalanchoe was sold as a gift flower for Christmas, now flowering plant can be purchased at any time of the year.

Kalanchoe creates beautiful, pleasant energy. Refines the atmosphere.

Home doctor on the windowsill. The leader among healing plants is Kalanchoe, which is found in almost every home, but the healing properties of which are not known to everyone.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe are quite extensive. Kalanchoe juice is very useful, as it is an excellent antiseptic and contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Before using Kalanchoe juice as a medicine, the plant must first be prepared. The cut sheets must be kept in the refrigerator for a week and only after that the juice must be squeezed out.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe are used in folk medicine not only for the treatment of a runny nose and colds (by instilling juice into the sinuses). What else does the Kalanchoe flower grown at home help from? It is used to treat viral infections, fungal and inflammatory diseases. Kalanchoe juice perfectly helps to heal wounds, bedsores, relieves inflammation. The plant sap is also used for long-term healing ulcers, purulent inflammations, skin rashes, burns and gingivitis, for periodontal disease and even for tuberculosis.

No self-medication! This is only information, not recipes or methods of administration. In this regard, you need to consult a doctor for advice.

The meaning of the Kalanchoe flower in the Feng Shui house is the relief of a difficult emotional state. Helps when the soul is hard (for the elderly). Develops healthy lightheadedness. Helps to find simple solutions difficulties. Develops creativity, a sense of proportion and taste (for fashionistas), is useful for grumpy and disgruntled people.

Develops diligence and a calm, confident attitude towards their capabilities.