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How to form a calangeon at home. Cracking calanchoe after flowering. Care after shopping

Calanechoe is famous not only notionative appearance and unpretentiousness, but also used in therapeutic purposes. Any flower model is familiar with this plant. Our article will tell you about the important "ritual", giving your green friend the final refined appearance - on how to add calangean. Step-by-step instruction at your service.

The heroes of our article belong to plants, since therapeutic purposes used

The heroes of our article refer to plants, ancient times used in therapeutic purposes. From their leaves squeezed out juice with an anti-inflammatory effect, used on wounds, burns, and even from the "Beach of Mankind" - a runny nose of an ordinary (from which, so far, almost no drugs are more efficient). Especially after the segments, Kalanchoë grows quickly,

Although almost all varieties of Kalanchoë need piping, there are certain types that do not need to be quenched - they are without round year They have a completed form, without shoots, periodically dried at the ends in other species. One of those - the most famous of all, among scientists and gardeners is referred to in Degremona, and in the people he received the honorable name "Doctor" (or "Surgeon"), for exceptional medical properties. And also - "crocodile", for the growing pairs of fleshy gear leafs, between which the "growing generation" is expressing. Although this calanechoe pinching Withstands steadfastly, and if you wish, you can do this, side shoots after this procedure makes no special zeal.

Video about Kalanchoe

  1. Let's start with the observation. We see that any Kalanchoë feels great even in a bank, and grows not by day, but by the hour. The main thing is that it gets more light, therefore it will be a bad idea to put a vase with him in a poorly illuminated corner of the room. Over time, most varieties can see the thinning of the upper shoots. In parallel with this, the leaves are becoming all the smallest. This is a sign that insufficient juices do in these areas. Such shoots can not only be bloated, but also shook entirely. Seeing this, it is time to join the spitting off of weakened shoots.
  2. Restressing the top of the plant can be without any preparation of a green pet to the procedure. It can be done with scissors, and just nails, without fear of the formation of a wound. Occasionally the last, yet, appear. It happens if you overtaken a stick with pinching, redisted on the needed. However, the wounds are treated very simple. It is enough to sprinkle them as ashes, and better - wood coal. After a while, the liberated place takes two side escapes.
  3. By the formation of new shoots, continue to observe their growth. Compact flower shape can still persist for a long time After this operation, but in some cases you can again notice signs of drying already new branches. Then it should be done with them the same manipulations that we considered in the second paragraph.

To tear the top of the plant without any preparation of a green pet to the procedure

What is also useful to know about pinching

There is one more thing when it is very desirable to pinch a calanchoe - if he should bloom, but still will not give buds. Note that standing on the northern windowsill, the flower grows with noticeable efforts and may not be bloated. If he is in the south - it follows this until the onset of December, and if it looks at the West or East - on any convenient day. Caring for Kalanchoë in this way, you will undoubtedly wait for gratitude from him.

Video Pro Care for Calando

Often, gardeners ask a question specifically about Kalanchoe Kalandiv, how to pinch this flower. The main thing is that it is necessary to take into account - the plant must be thoroughly cut immediately after flowering. Otherwise - the same instructions.

It is necessary to pinch a calangean - everyone decides for himself and its green pet, without this operation the plant will not die. However, we recall that the procedure can help the process of healthy lush growth, as well as improve the aesthetics of the appearance.

Calanchoe is a succulent that can be found much more often at home. Such popularity gives him not only excellent aesthetic characteristics, but also healing properties His juice. In addition, Calanechoe is rather unpretentious and, subject to simple rules Care, well develops and blooms beautiful, bright inflorescences.

One of the most important conditions for the full development of the flower is its correct trimming and the sepillary, without which it is unlikely to get a beautiful, lush cron plants. This will be discussed below.

What you need to know about pruning and pinching

First of all, it is worth saying that some kind of qualanchoe qualanchka is not needed. They independently support the neat, compact crown. The most popular of such varieties is Calanchoe Degremona or "Doctor." This species, quite steadfastly postponing, but it does not need it completely, because after the sepure, the side branch is not activated. This calangean will shoot between couples of their leaves, which thus supports the flower shape.

Calanechoe varieties that bloom with yellow and white inflorescences are more worst. When they trimmed it, it is necessary to observe moderation, since the excessive removal of the leaves causes a painful flower reaction - it is very braked in growth and can even die.

And yet, most varieties require regular and timely crown care. If this is not done, the flower is pulled out and becomes untidy, and also loses incentive to development and can even stop blossoming. At the same time, for example, Calanchoe Blossfeld's grade is experiencing almost any trimming - it can be shortened to the base, and soon it will be restored, and it becomes more active and decorative than before.

Simple rules trimming and quinting

If the plant is provided optimal conditionsIt develops very quickly. Young shoots start stretching, and the leaves are minced and, if not take action, eventually begin to push the tips. In such a situation, the plant lacks forces on the normal development of all its green mass, which means that blooms can not be expected. Such a flower behavior unequivocally suggests that intervention is required:

  • Weakened, elongated shoots are subject to pinch, and yellowing, you need to trim completely;
  • Rapidly growing top if it is a young flower you need to pinch, if the plant is an adult, it is cut off sharp knife. It is not necessary to be afraid to traumatize the plant - calangean easily transfers such a procedure, soon restored and gives side shoots. If a large plot is cut, it will be better to process the sections of the powder cuts wood coal Or ashes. This will greatly alleviate the recovery plant;
  • After trimming the tops, patients of shoots, and the segments of young people, they need to constantly monitor their growth, squeezing tips from time to time.

As a rule, if the procedures described correctly are carried out correctly, the bush retains the neat, compact form long enough, but still, it is necessary to constantly inspect it and, if necessary, to carry out corrective trimming.

How to add calangean for the first time

Kalanchoe, regardless of his variety, you need to pinch immediately after it is landing. The september is subject to all, without exception, shoots - on each of them there are no more pairs of extreme leaves, the rest are removed.

The next september is carried out as young shoots grow, on which the leaves are formed. The principle of its as the same as at the first chipboard. This procedure is very important for forming. proper form Flower crowns, so the young plant requires a particularly careful care. The september is carried out regularly, up to the moment you get the right, branched flower shape.

Sanitary trimming of calangean after flowering

After the flowering is over, it is necessary to remove the bluerons with faded leaves. They are completely removed, and the leaves, as with normal trimming. It will save the flower of power and will allow developing more fully and quickly.

When removing the flowers, you need to pay attention to them to be cut from their very reason, otherwise they can start to rot.

Immediately after such trimming, Kalanchoe requires a rest period - rest. It is placed in the shaded place and strongly reduce watering. In such conditions, the flower should be at least 25 - 40 days, otherwise the next flowering you are unlikely to wait.

The best time to trim the flower is the first half of the day.

IN winter timeFrom December of the month, the pruning is extremely undesirable, it is better to wait for spring.

If you need to form Clanchoe crown, you can pick up and even delete, without waiting for their development.

With primary trimming, for a while, it is worth providing a plative moderate lighting, otherwise it will very actively increase the green mass and the sepure will have to be carried out almost constantly.

The last spring tailor is allowed not later than March of the month and only, provided that the flower has not yet formed the floweros, otherwise you risk interrupting the formation of buds.

Preparation for flowering

In order for the calangean abundantly and blooms intensively, in addition to trimming and quickens, it is necessary to ensure it proper lighting During the laying of flower buds. It happens in winter when the light day is short - the usual plant. The calculation is taken and artificial light The premises, therefore, so that the buds are normally formed, the vase from the calanchoe after 17.00 needs to shade. It is best to just cover it with a plastic bucket. If this is not done, Kalanchoe is unlikely to bloom.

Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation: almost all of its varieties are unpretentious and able to have a healing effect on the body. However, even the most uncompressive flower needs. It is fertilizer, soil explosion, pruning. Pruning the process is simple, but in order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to trim the calangean, namely the sequence of the procedure and the best time for this.

What is Calanechoe trim at home and why is it needed?

Pruning calanchoe - This is the removal of unnecessary leaves or floweros. It is necessary to give the flower with a neat round shape. Growing in the form of a small bush, the plant looks more original than stretching up the long thin stem with chaotic branches.

In addition to the decorative goal of pruning calangean at home, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions For the life of the plant. The accumulated juice inside the flower is distributed evenly by processes, filling the sheets. The plant becomes juicy and more resistant to drying and fading.

Cranechoe trim there are three types:

  1. initial;
  2. prophylactic;
  3. after flowering.

To trim the flower it is better to use a sharp table knife or stationery blade. Leaves breaking manually can harm the plant, and it will be fading.

How to trim Calanechoe depending on the variety of a flower

Depending on the difference between the rules of trimming. To date, more than 200 varieties of the plant are known, however, a few may grow at home. The most common is the variety of Blossfeld, which blooms with flowers of bright red. Pruning its extra leaves can be carried out in limitless quantities. Even to crop all the apparent branches and leaves, leaving only the "Penc", this flower will cover with thick leaves again.

It is more difficult to deal with Calanete varieties, blooming white and yellow flowers. Such kinds of its varieties are rather rare and whimsical. Excessive removal of leaves can lead the consequences destroying for the plant. Before adding Calanechoe rare species, it is necessary to accurately determine its variety.

As a rule, the competent crust of the calangean occurs for the flower is painless. However, in the case of the formation of a wound on the stem in the form of disagreement, it is necessary to sprinkle this place with a small amount of wood ash.

Initial and prophylactic trimming

The young plant must be discharged almost immediately as soon as it has taken root and began to grow. On each of the shoots of Calanchoe, it is necessary to cut one by one - two top leaf. This is the initial flower trim. Further, as needed, preventive trimming will already happen: new shoots will appear on the sprawling site, on which leaves will be formed. This procedure must be repeated as long as the plant does not take a neat round or whined form.

In case of issues, you can see the video how to trim the calangean at any stage of its growth.

In winter, in particular, after November, pruning is desirable to stop. You can resume the procedure late springHowever, at this time the flower can bloom, and then the pruning will be contraindicated.

Preventive trimming can be carried out immediately in the formation of new leaves on shoots. It is not necessary to wait when they grow up.

During the initial formation of the flower, it should not be kept in a highly illuminated room. In bright light, the plant quickly gives into growth, as a result of which its overrost occurs.

Cutting Calanete after flowering

After flowering, the calanchoe trimming is made not only to remove extra leaves, but also in order to free the flower from the flowers. The leaves are removed, as with normal trimming: one or two extreme on the stems. This procedure stimulates the new growth of stalks ready for flowering. Upon completion of the trimming of calangean, after flowering, the plant requires a period of rest. This is the time when watering should be cut and ensure the lack of direct sunlight. The time for which the flower will come again about 20 to 40 days.

Protecting the leaves and floweros is better to produce in the morning, preferably before noon.

Timely pruning calangean will provide a lush and rich bush with regular blossoms. Competent trimming is a flower health.

Video about Kalanchoe

In general, the plant is rather unpretentious, to care for it is not very difficult, so it is well suited to buy it as a gift. At home, calangean, as a rule, does not grow more than half a meter in height. How to care for Kalanchoe so that he bloom, you can find out.

The plant is pretty easy to transfer the non-blocking period of droughtBut excessive watering is dangerous for him. When watering, it is necessary to ensure that the earth is damped to the whole depth, but there should be no extra moisture. It is worth choosing such frequency of watering so that the soil time to dry. In the summer, watering should be frequent in winter - every two weeks.

Reference! Kalanchoe loves bright light and in winter She needs additional source Sveta. Kalanchoe is better to keep at a temperature not higher than +25 and not lower than +12 degrees, and in the heat of Kalanchoe it is necessary to water daily.

What is this procedure?

The "trimming" is called the removal of the sworded buds and unnecessary leaves. Pruning is necessary for making a plating a beautiful shape, juiciness of leaves and creating favorable conditions for the life of the plant. As a result, cropping the juice accumulated inside the calangean is more evenly distributed on the plant and the flower acquires drying and fading.

Rules trim depend on the type of plant:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfelda, Plant, blooming with red flowers, very calmly carry the process of trimming.
  • With different types (most often - with plants having white and yellow flowers) You need to be extremely careful: if it improperly cut or remove too many leaves, it will be destructive for these types of calangean.

If during trimming you damaged the stem, you need to immediately pour cut wood ashes.

Tip! To trim the calangean, it is better to use scissors with a sharp blade to avoid unnecessary damage.

How and when?

In winter (more precisely, after November), the calanchoe is categorically not recommended, since the plant is at rest. You can start late in the spring, but at this time the plant can already bloom. Trim flowering plant It is impossible! If Calanechoe blooms, the procedure must be moved to the end of bloom (?).

Crop the plant is better in the morning (before lunch). After trimming, it is necessary to give the plant to rest, it is not recommended to water it after the procedure.

There are several types of trimming:

  • As soon as the plant fell to you into the house, you need to make a pinch to form a crown and set the right growth direction. To do this, it is necessary to remove two or three extreme leaves on each branch. After that, new shoots will begin to grow.

    While you do not achieve the desired result, you can not allow the contact of Kalanchoe with straight solar rays. Sunlight will contribute to the rapid growth of the plant, and therefore the flower can be too pulled out.

  • From this point on, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive trimming to create a beautiful form, and it is necessary to do it until the desired result is reached. Wait for young shoots to grow, do not. You can start pruning (trim branches) and form a calangean, as soon as new leaves have appeared.

How to do it after flowering?

Cranechoe trimming after flowering is also called cleansing trimming. Before producing cleansing trimming, it is necessary to make sure that the plant completely finished blooming.

  1. The leaves in this case are trimmed in the same way as during the preventive trimming: two or three extreme leaves on the stems.
  2. After that, delete the Blowonons (Drawton). Buds are removed from the very foundation. It is necessary to remove everything to the single color pains so that the plant does not start to rotate.

Important! Improving after flowering is necessary not only for the return of the plant beautiful viewBut in order to "free it" from dried buds.

How to care for further?

At the end of the trimming plant, you need to rest. At this time it is necessary to reduce watering and remove the plant away from direct sunlight, that is, not to keep in the most sunny time The day on the window is much better fit the table near the window, especially if the window is curtained with transparent tulle. The time for which the plant should fully recover after the pruning procedure is about a month (from 20 to 40 days).

So, if you follow all the rules (it is also desirable to consult with more experienced flowerfish), You can grow a beautiful flower in your house and ensure comfortable conditions for further reproduction.

Video on the topic

Kalanchoe - incredible beautiful plantwhich can be found in almost every home. The flower takes great popularity among flowerflowers, not only for amazing blossom, but also calangean has useful properties. It is quite simple to care for this amazing plant, as it is demanding about the conditions of content, but still some rules of care must be observed. Competent care at home includes: cropping, watering mode, feeding. Cutting calangeo is uncomplicated process, however, exist various nuanceswhich you should know.

Why do you need to trim?

Thanks to the pruning, you can give the plant a beautiful shape of a bush. Also pruning stimulates a good growth and development of a flower.

There are 3 types of trimming:

  1. Initial;
  2. In preventive purposes;
  3. After flowering.

How to pinch a calangean? To carry out Calanechoe trimming at home for this you need to use the sharp blade. It is not recommended to climb the leaves with your hands, as you can harm the flower, and it will start fading. Thanks to the trimming, you will form a beautiful and lush bush.

Pruning depending on the type

Today there are about 200 varieties of calangean, but at home only a few of them are grown. Almost all varieties of Calanechoe are circumcised equally, but for some varieties there are certain rules.

The most popular view is Calanchoe Blossfeld. This variety is often grown at home, it blooms with red flowers. Kalanchoe Blossfeld can be trimmed almost completely under the root, and leave only a "pencil", nothing terrible with the plant will happen. It, on the contrary, begins to develop more intense, and build up a green mass. His bush will become lush and beautiful.

But the varieties that bloom with yellow and white flower, it is necessary to cut differently. It is still worth mentioning that such species can be quite rarely found at home, as well as they are very capricious. Chopping the bush should be competent, since with excessive removal of foliage you can harm the plant. Before pinching a flower, you should accurately install its variety.

Pruning needs to be performed correctly. Basically, this process occurs for the plant is painless. But if in the places of the sections you noticed bothering, then damaged areas must be immediately treated with charcoal.

Step-by-step instruction of the initial and preventive trimming

In order for the bush to have a magnificent and rounded shape, it is necessary to trigger. Most novice florists are interested in how to pinch a calanchoe correctly that the plant develops well? A young copy needs to be quenched almost immediately as soon as he adapt to new conditions and starts to grow. To do this, cut on each stage of the plant 1 - 2 leafs. This is considered the initial trimming.

Then, as needed prophylactic trimming. In places of sections, after some time it will be possible to see new stems, and on them young leaves. Professionals are recommended to make such a procedure at home several times while the plant does not form a lush bush.

With the onset of winter, pruning is best stopped. But in the middle of spring, the procedure can be resumed. But usually, at this time of the year, Calanchoe begins bloom, then in this case the cropping is not recommended.
Pruning B. preventive measures Can be performed immediately when new leaves will appear on the stems. You can not wait for that time until they grow up.

When forming a plant at the initial stage, it is not desirable to keep it indoors where very bright light. This can be explained by the fact that good lighting Gives a flower very rapid growth, as a result of which the flower simply develops.

Competent trimming after flowering

How to trim a calanche right after flowering? Always after flowering required to carry out. Thus, you will not only save your handsome leaves from extra leaves, but also free your handsome from the flowers. After flowering, the cropping process is performed in the same way as at the initial stage.

Before starting to trigger a domestic handsome after flowering, you need to completely make sure that it really completely plowed. Flowerines can be removed almost under the root to prevent the plant. After each flowering, it is recommended to get rid of all the flowers.

Thanks to this procedure, there will be an excellent formation of a bush, and will give the plant to get new shoots. At the end of the trimming after flowering, you need to give a flower to relax. He comes a rest period. During this period of time, the frequency of irrigation is reduced to a minimum, and protect the flower from direct sun ray. Usually Kalanchoe restores its forces for about a month.

Leaves and flowers are best trimmed in the morning.

In order to form a magnificent Custochoe bush, it is necessary to perform trimming timely. Proper trimming is an successful keyword Flower development.


Care for calangean at home needs to be right to get abundant blossom. In addition to trimming, the plant should also be properly watered, fertilized and observed the optimal temperature.

Watering mode and humidity

Calanchoe is a plant that keeps moisture in leaves. Therefore, the flower normally transfers some time without moisturizing the soil. However, Calanechoe is extremely negative about the bay, it may be adversely affected by the plant.

Watering Calanechoe at home should be correctly correct that the flower exceeds and develops. When watering, water should be good to impregnate earthen com. Do not allow excessive moisture in the ground. The best plant to water in the summer 1 time every 3 days. In winter, watering is carried out as the soil drying.

Kalanchoe in principle does not need spraying. In the cold season, it is not advisable to spend a spraying. To eliminate dust on the leaves, Calanechoe sometimes should be bathed under the shower. And with the help of a wet cloth wipe the leaves, with the result that you protect the flower from different pests.


Kalanchoe for good height We must fertilize - about once every 3-4 weeks. In order for the plant abundantly blooming, integrated feeding should be used, but half a dose should be made than indicated on the package. Just feed the plant carefully, otherwise it can adversely affect the calangean. In winter, the flower should not be fed.

Temperature mode

Kalanchoe perfectly tolerates heat, but in order to avoid drying the soil, the frequency of irrigation should be increased. In warm weather, the pot with a flower is put on fresh air Or put on the balcony, in these places calangean feels wonderful. In summer, the temperature should be about 25 degrees, and in winter - 13-15 ° C.