Repairs Design Furniture

New windows or warm windowsill? Growing and care for violets on the windowsill how to properly place a violet on the window: Signs

I think this problem is facing many of us. For more than a year, hobbies, I did not exception. I could not stand the soul and I bought myself myrtle, the beackers, got the royal pelargonia.
And in the apartment double-glazed windows, roasting in winter batteries, there is no insulated balcony.
Therefore, I had to include fantasy and open the "crazy handles" circle.

Instead of the shelves, you can take advantage of the same foam, but I am for stability and strength, because From above, two barbells put another cardboard on which rooting and rooted pelargonium settled.

If earlier even in frost nights (up to -3 while) the temperature on the windowsill (its far from the battery angle) did not fall below +17 and +16 at the glass itself, then now at the rear wall design temperature +15, taking into account the fact that at night was 0, and the day of plus temperature. So, I think that the design justifies itself. Its disadvantage in addition to wishing a lot of greater aesthetics is that it is opaque, but, I think that you will not forget about the tenants will not work anyway))

Already almost forgotten by us, frosts forcing indoor plants lovers to take urgent measures to save their pets.

On cold days at the window, the air temperature even keeps about plus 5 ° C, and on the bottom edge of the glass, closer to the windowsill, ice is formed. Such Spartan conditions are suitable only to cactuses, and then they harm them the neighborhood with the early window. What do you need to do?

First of all, ensure that plants are insulated from the cold windowsill and ice window glass, but so that there is enough light. At the time of severe frosts, hang on the window frame of the curtain made of polyethylene film, so that it became warmer (the edges of the film is easy to fasten with scotch).

Under the scene itself, you can put the steamer paper twisted into a roll in several layers or a roller from the foam rubber wrapped in a polyethylene film.

For insulation, it is best to put an insulating plate of foam plates on the windowsill, And it would be nice to profile - with a direct angle to protect from the cold and from the frame, and from the windowsill. Now you can put flower pots in pallets. The foam itself is a very good insulator, protects potted plants from extreme cold and retains them life.

If possible, move the pots with flowers away from the window glass, and heat the heat-loving plants are removed from the windowsill and move to a warm and bright place (table, coasters for colors, shelfs, and the like).

Very afraid of the cold of Begonias, balsamines, violets Uzambar, Krai, Gloxinia, Streptocarpas and all plants with thin grassy leaves. Farns with delicate Viyami, Aloe, Mokhodi, better place from window glass. Geranium and chrysanthemum lay down with a decrease in temperature to 5 ° C. But if the frosts are strong and the windowsill are very cold, and to remove the flowers of nowhere (except for the floor, for a short time), you can cover them on the night, with a newspaper or tight paper, a polyethylene film. You need to bend paper in the day that the light penetrates the leaves, and the roots were protected.

So that in the room was warmer, everything is cleaned with a central heating battery, and the curtains are lifted.

Another technique of gaining heat transfer from batteries is to place reflective plates from a special foil, which is sold in business stores, or simply put the mirror.

Fortochka and flowers in winter, and even in frost, - a problem combination. The ventilation is necessary for everyone - both people and plants. It is only necessary to try to distribute plants like this in the window so that they were not directly under the window. On the side of the window of the room flowers can be winter enough, if with each ventilation to close them with a paper curtain or polyethylene film. Create such a device can be a pair of small carnations in the window frame. This simple shelter will reliably protect your favorites.

If still some plant could not save, and it was frozen, water with cold water out of the soul, with a crown. And those parts of the plant, which is irreversibly suffered, will have to trim. Such simple ways you will help your green pets to survive the cold winter time.

Every year I have, like many, there is a problem of arrangement of the window sill for seedlings. I have 5 window sills, but the problem of all alone is very cold on them with small plants. I have a private house, wooden window sills, old, despite the plastic windows in the corners anyway "siphonite", especially if the windy.

I tried a lot: put books and magazines, lit up warm rags ... But it all did not bring the desired results. To help me came a construction store. I bought a silver coating insulation.

For insulation, we will need it:

  • insulation;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors.

Heat process

The temperature on the windowsill is about + 14ºC. Thermometer I have an old, shabby. I hope no one the aesthetic side does not endure.

Warm window sill for seedlings

Having measured the windowsill, I added from all sides of 10-20 cm, the insulation was cut on the corners so that you can wrap.

Warm window sill for seedlings

We put the seedlings. I took the hardest boxes so that the insulation lay down.

Warm window sill for seedlings

The edge I bent for the heating pipe so that the heat at least a little bit on the windowsill.

Warm window sill for seedlings

The temperature on the windowsill became +18. + 19ºC.

Warm window sill for seedlings

I am satisfied with the result. My peppers will be much more comfortable in a warmed "house". The rest of the windowsills in the same way. I am 1 meter of insulation width 120 cm, with a thickness of about 1.5-2 cm bypassed 64 rubles, enough for 2 windowsill.

Home • Tips • How to insulate the windowsill, protect indoor flowers from cold in winter

How to insulate the windowsill, protect indoor flowers from cold in winter

Elena Verova, Kaluga: "Last year I lost several plants only because I have cold window sills. I'm trying to pretend newspapers or fabric, but it helps it bad. Even unpretentious parsley turns out to be sickly. Maybe there is some exit, except for the windows Boxes and window sills? "

Indeed, in many old panel houses windows require special preparation for winter. But if you can not invest significant financial resources in transformation, you can conduct not too costly insulating measures. Of course, the window is not the place that the hostess is permitted by sloppy newspapers and rags. In addition, ordinary paper and fabric are not so well kept warm. Therefore, it is better to use modern thermal insulation aesthetic materials. First of all, it is necessary to carefully measure the parameters of the window sill, add 10 cm on each side to ensure that the material is enough to the bottom of the glass and that there is a small supply to window openings.

Then in the construction market or in the store buy a foofol, who has one side shiny foil, And the other is white foam. Penofol is different thickness, It is better to take a 3-millimeter. It is inexpensive. With a width of 1.1-1.2 m. Also, two-sided tape will need.

At home, reveal the material with a reserve of 10 cm. With the help of the tape, glue it with a foil side down. This will perfectly protect the roots of plants from supercooling.

There is another little trick. Do not throw away pallets from foamIn which today is often sold today a wide variety of foods of nuts and dried fruits, vegetables. These drivers are very suitable as warm coils for coil vegetables. Particularly comfortable square, white. It is in them that containers and a pot are wonderful.

On the one hand, the foam foam reliably protects the roots from the cold, on the other hand does not pass water. So you can water vegetables and flowers directly into the pallet, and not under the root neck of the plant, which is harmful. Snow-white pallets look perfectly on foam, successfully contrasting color and texture with black plastic containers, in which vegetables and seedlings are green.

In January, in January a lot of snow in the yard.

And on our window, blooming flowers are slightly.

So October flew. Not far from the mountains. On the street it was cold, and the light day decreased noticeably. How to properly prepare our beauties by winter, protect them from unpleasant winter "gifts" and create them all the conditions for the prosperous overcoming of this time of the year?

Since the conditions of plant content are all different, then the methods will be slightly different.
So, for a start, we understand where our violets are contained.
Consider 3 the most common options.

1. On the windowsill with natural light.

If your violets live on the windowsill and are not additionally shoved, then winter is resting for them. I would recommend to transplant them. But if the room temperature is below 18 ° C.The transplant is better to postpone until spring. Do not deal with transplants if the apartment is very cold! As you know, after transplantation, the plant is required to be well rooted. At this time, bloom usually stops. Because The light day is becoming shorter and shorter, then all the powers will not go to the tabs of the buds, but to build a good root system. And good korea, it is the key to future abundant flowering.

Be sure to insulate the windowsill. It is very convenient for this purpose to use a building insulation (on one side a thin foam, with another foil). The insulation must be kept with one edge to the window glass, then cold air will not come from the window. If there is no insulation, you can use the usual polyethylene. Very good if you put pots with flowers on wooden speckters or foam plates.

So, transfer the violet in the fresh earthen substrate thoroughly blocking the old soil (transplantation with a complete substitute for the Earth). If you use clayzit - I advise you to replace it with a foam crumb, such a foam "pillow" will not allow moisture to linger in a pot and protect the roots from the cold window sill. Pour quite a bit under the root of warm water and put the plant under the package. This will create a special microclimate and protect the violet from drafts. Keep track that the condensate does not accumulate under the package. After a couple of weeks, if the leaves have a good tour, remove the package.
Make one feeding with a comprehensive fertilizer in November, one in December and one in January. Starting from February, when the light day is already enough enough, feed the violet once a week alternating complex fertilizer with Kalia monophosphate. All sorts of fertilizers for flowering plants are now on sale. Pay attention to the composition of the fertilizer and decide whether to include it in .
In winter, water the violet gradually. It is desirable that water is not colder than 20-22 degrees. Do not leave water in mydocks. It should be remembered that wet cold ground will lead to reinforcement of the roots.
If you open the window or fraamuga to ventilate, then the violets must be covered, or completely remove from the window at the time of ventilation. Cold air streams will leave ugly spots on the leaves, the tips of the leaves can conquer. Do not allow the leaves to touch the cold glass.
Hot air from heating radiators is no less dangerous for violet. The earth quickly dries in a pot, the edges of the leaves can be dying, the sheet is deformed. If you do not have a special humidifier, cover the batteries with a wet towel. By the way, very dry air harms not only violets, but also to people.

2. On the window with additional backlit

If your violets have an additional backlight, then you can feed them in the same way as in the summer. It is necessary, of course, to take into account that if the violet just blew up, it must be transplant and give it a period for recovery. Otherwise, the content does not differ from the above described. I have all the violets on the windows in the summer of the world turn on on cloudy days, and in the winter the lamps are shine from 7 am to 8 o'clock. Evening constantly. In order to reduce the consumption of electricity and improved illumination, they switched to. In such conditions, bloom does not stop in winter. So that the plants are not depleted, you have to remove the flowerons and give the violels forced rest.

3. On racks or shelves with additional backlit .

And finally, if your violets grow on a rack under the lamps, then the short day for them does not have the values, and the drafts from the open window do not come. The temperature is more or less permanent. If the rack is located not next to the heating radiator, then the humidity is usually sufficient. Therefore, problems here arise less than when the content on the cold window sills.

In the fall, the heating is not yet incorporated, and on the street (and in the apartment) it becomes cold, violet diseases can be activated, especially weakened plants. With high humidity and low temperatures, malievable dew appears. On the leaves, colors and blooms appear rash of the milded look. The disease is not terrible, it is easily treated with the drug "Topaz". But if you start hard, the disease quickly reaches the adjacent plants, and the violet can die.

Autumn for me a period of mass transplantation of adult plants. 2 weeks after the transplant, I start feeding violets. If I plan to get an exhibition blossom to spring holidays, then feeding a proven no longer on one pair of violets this method gives very good results. I spend the children, sit down from the sheet and sit down the leaf cuttings throughout the year. Feed the kids less often than adult plants, once every 10-14 days with a complex fertilizer. I water moderately, necessarily warm water. If the room is cool, the violets do not bathe and do not feed on the sheet! The violets can only be arranged if there is warm enough in the house. The temperature on the lower shelves of racks is always lower, it must be remembered and not to put there the rapid young.

Any resident of an apartment or private residential building is ultimately asked: Is it possible to make warm windowsills independently? Usually, the windowsill is not isolated, but performs on top of any insulating layer. If we look from the inside of the room, then from such a window will be cold air, because isolation between the lid itself, the window block and slab is missing. Outside, the situation is similar, but here also water can be poured during the rain, and simply moisture to leak under the inner layers of outdoor insulation.

Films must talking out of the wall So that the water can flow normally, and not gather under the window frame. Without it, rainwater will be drained along the walls, soaking the whole design and the foundation foundation. Ultimately, it will cause certain problems.

Initially, the materials under the window frame look as follows: a concrete or brick plate - plastic or metal - frame of the window block. As a rule, many make a mistake and leave everything in this order. As a result - the owners of the dwelling receive explicit disadvantages of the design with this installation:

  • Wet isolation (inside and outside).
  • Growing mold.
  • Poor air quality indoors.
  • Cold air infiltration.
  • Cold floors.
  • Low energy efficiency for the whole house.
  • Additional cooling of heating devices (radiators).
  • Reducing the efficiency of window openings.
  • Premature rotting of a wooden frame.

Warming of the windowsill start at the stage of replacing old wooden windows, Before installing new plastic profiles.

Initially, it is worth selecting an element of the installation with the right length and hollow base so that any insulation can be placed directly under it.

This is the perfect solution, since the thermal insulation of plastic windows is carried out at the stage of their installation. In this case, the work will go stages, as they are installed, ranging from the founding of the window turnout to plastering internal and external slopes.

The main method is the use of liquid foam to fill emptiness and formations in the floor under the window. Before it is necessary move all the slots from the inside and outside the waterproof solution. Additionally lay out the waterproofing film in one layer. Immediately reinforce on a moistened surface (You can use primer instead of water, it will increase clutch strength).

In our case, if you already have good windows that you do not plan to replace, you will need to organize work on insulation, one of several ways. Absolutely all methods converge either to the use of additional thermal insulation materials, or replacing the windowsill and increasing thresholds for outdoor use.

How to insulate the windowsill of a modern plastic window?

The easiest and most common method is to add a new insulating layer over the existing, with a greater width, and how to glue it and insulate under the window opening. For such purposes, the PVC plate made from a modern polymer of different density is ideal. Additional pad will not look cumbersome and allocate from the overall interior. Plastic thresholds are very cheap and easy to install.

Another option will be a solid piece of stone or concrete - along the entire length of the window. In this case, the monolithic plate will be installed on the concrete basis throughout its width. For such installation use waterproofing mixtures or cement with adding liquid glass. Visible sections of cement masonry are processed by a starting or finishing coating to give the window of aesthetic species.

If there is no desire to mess with plastic or stone, there is another option - a bulk base from liquid XPS powder. This technology offers ultimately an innovative and stylish finish capable of imitate any surfaces (stone, wood, plastic and even sand).

How does it look in practice? Waterproof extruded high density polystyrene (XPS) essentially wrapped around the existing window sill or the web replacing it. Then add a mesh and cement layer to strengthen, support and waterproofing. Finally, the final stage is colored visualization or silicon paint.


There are quite a lot of ways to insulate the windowsill. It all depends on the type of window, the depth of its landing, the material of the wall, the initial surface treatment and intermediate insulation materials. We offer to get acquainted in more detail with all the methods and materials used by the example of this video.

They are far from the truth. They are much larger. Tens of thousands.

Even specialists have disagreements in their exact classification:

Just sENPOLIA Most of all can be found in apartments and houses Fumbling lovers:

  • Her unpretentiousness in and allowed specialists and flowers to grow many varieties;
  • Unthinkable, difficult imaginable and surprisingly beautiful combinations of colors forms. Both flowers and leaves.

Violets on the windowsill - pros and cons

Window sills, as it were, are specifically created for growing colors. And violets especially:

What windows? Yes, any:

  • Western and oriental sides are more suitable. Less worries in summer with the sun;
  • And if you have everything looks south? There are also curtains, curtains, and blinds. To protect them from the sun. And in the evening and in the morning even to open.

How to grow at home on the window of indoor SENPOLIA?

Many flower water window sills are favorite places for. They create the desired microclimate for their colors:

  • Regulate illumination;
  • Support and humidity;
  • Organize the right and. Different ways;
  • Carry out preventive measures to combat pests and diseases;
  • Periodically transplanted and completely replace the developed;
  • Liked varieties.

And the results please. And many acquaintances - admire! And this is despite the fact that in the summer and winter conditions on the windowsill themselves are not the same.

Features of summer and winter care

Depending on the time of year, the microclimate in the apartment also changes. Talk about how to care for winter and summer behind Satpolias on the windowsill:

  • Regularly inspect Your plants;
  • Conduct preventive processing Plants from diseases and pests SENPOLIA. Restore from treatments by chemicals. Especially directly on the windowsill;
  • Remember the regular shift change And violets. About one year. They are so important!

Protection against drafts and freezing

About violet on cold winter window sills can not be speech. Only warm or insulated (in winter). Experiment with the survival rate of violets are not worth:

Ways to protect against direct sunlight

Senpairma is contraindicated direct sunlight. With their love for long-term lighting (and this is about 12 hours a day). This does not apply to the gentle and caressing the morning and evening sun:

  • Turn plants. If the lighting is uneven.

Features of watering

Stick to the principle - It is necessary only when the soil dried. And do not pour sensipolia:

  • In summer, violets watered every day. Or every other day. Like weather outside the window and apartment;
  • And in the winter and two irons a week is quite enough:
    • this allows;
    • Like watering into the pallet. Some flowerflowers after 15-20 minutes of excess water from the pallet are removed. In winter. So the humidity of the soil is supported in the required quantity.

  • Watch out the water temperature in winter. On the cold windowsill and water of the same temperature;
  • Watering with warm water is very favorable by the plant. With the help of a fringe or watering can with a narrow and long neck. You will avoid moisture from entering the leaves and the point of growth;
  • Do not rush to return after watering and spraying in the bathroom flowers on the windowsill. Let stand and dry out for 15-20 minutes. Remove wrappers moisture from the leaves. It is in summer and winter;
  • For watering use stale water. Slightly warmer room.

Attention! The highest leaves on the plant suggest the need for watering. With your tilt down.

Organization of additional lighting in winter

Violets themselves give signals. If they lack light:

  • First of all, leaves. Alone and hang on the sides. And Nizhny yellow and fall;
  • The growth of the plant itself is slowed down;
  • Much there is less inflorescences;
  • Yes, and the flowers are not those. Their color is not as bright. Worse when they. For this reason.

How do flower flowers with experience. They are extra highlighting. Especially in winter. Light day a few months less than 10 hours. And the violet is not enough.

Important! For varieties with dark leaves of light requires more. Than with light tones.

What can be applied to backlight:

  • Table lamps. Better with LED lamps;
  • Shelves with shelves. Each shelf is illuminated by a separate lamp. Their length is on the entire shelf;
  • Fluorescent lamps;
  • Phytolamby.

Important! The distance between the light source and colors should not be less than 25-35 cm.

Principles of feeding

Care and feeding of violets on the window they do not differ in principle. Do not get fucked by feeders. But without them can not do. The landing charge is enough for two months. And the plant must be helped. But there are important points:

    • During the growing season and bookmarks, such fertilizers should have more nitrogen;
    • When forming buds and blossoms - the advantage of feeding with potassium and phosphorus;
    • For novice flowerflowers, like a life jacket, comprehensive fertilizers with a complete set. Including trace elements;
    • The frequency of feeding is combined with watering. In 8-10 days. In summer. In winter less often.
  • Successfully apply flower with experience and what is at hand and not expensive. Garlic. Onion.

Tip! Observe dosage. No "better more"! On the contrary, "accurately less"! For young plants every 5 less recommendations in the instructions.

Using stands and racks

There would be violets - how to place decide. Even 2-3 window sills. Such an opinion in most flower flowers. It is convenient for violets and very beautiful.

The main thing to create comfortable conditions. And not just instruct the pots. You can buy them ready, order something individually. And even make themselves. Of the materials available:

Made these devices from:

  • Plastic;
  • Glass;
  • Metal;
  • Tree.

Glass shelves.

Forest stands.

Handed chest.

Useful videos

Look at the video on how to grow violets on the windowsill:

This video is devoted to care for violets on the winter window:

The following video shows how the violets feel on the window in the summer:

Video lesson for creating a windowsill stand:


Many flower do not even think about the place of violets at home. They prepare windowsill for them in advance. Taking into account their location to the Sun. And they will show you what beautiful violets are bright and long.

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