Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a cuisine in a modern style (real photos). Modern design kitchen interiors kitchens in ordinary apartment

The interior of the apartment can be absolutely different. It depends on the number of rooms, the presence of a balcony, the type of bathroom (combined or separate) and other factors. However, absolutely all apartments have one common line - the kitchen, and she should pay special attention.

The kitchen is a place around which the whole life is rotated in the apartment, because here not only prepare food or store food, but also take food. Moreover, it is the kitchen that becomes a place of crewing, communicating relatives and loved ones with one large table. It is for this reason that the kitchen must combine such qualities as practicality, cozy and, of course, a modern style.

In 2018, functional cuisines with style diversity will be particularly interesting. The main advantage will be originality and ergonomics capable of reflecting the identity of households.

Fashion trends

The main slogan of 2018 is a combination of eco-friendly, natural elements of a restrained style. The kitchen is especially interesting if it is spacious, preference is better to give conciseness. Massive furniture and many decor here are inappropriate.

Finishing materials, topical in 2018: ceramics, natural stone and wood, glass and metal. The only thing you do not need to save is household appliances: you can use the oven, integrated surfaces, refrigerator, microwave, and other elements, which are relevant now and meet modern specifications.

Also, attention should be paid to the lighting - it should be as much as possible, you can zonate the kitchen, play with flowers. At the same time, the main thing is that the lamps are approaching the style of the kitchen as a whole.


The main condition - the kitchen should not be overloaded with furniture. For equipping enough pair of cabinets, work surface and dining table with chairs. On this series of necessary furniture accessories, it is best to finish, the main thing is that the present furniture is functional.

All furniture should be made only from natural materials, plastic is recognized only if the kitchen is performed in the style of Hi-tech. For small kitchens, you can use modular furniture, transformer tables. In 2018, glass facades and shelves of an open type will be especially fashionable.

Color solutions

Since 2018 is obsessed with naturalness, then the colors will be relevant in the same direction. Particularly attractive wood tones: oak, ash, alder and nut. Also perfectly suitable dairy, chocolate or olive color. Gray - always relevant and always in fashion. No less attractive for designers remains black and white kitchen.

If preferences fall into bright colors, you should pay attention to red, yellow and blue that can refresh the kitchen interior and make it more rainbow. However, it should be remembered that the bright color should not prevail over others, otherwise it will quickly start taking households.

When choosing a suitable palette, you need to take into account not only your taste and kitchen design, but also the peculiarity of the room itself. Bright colors will help visually increase the volume of the kitchen, it is better to use warm shades for comfort, but the cold will give rigor.

Basic kitchenware styles in 2018

Here, first of all, it is necessary to rely on fashion and your personal taste, besides this, it is important to take into account the size of the kitchen and the overall style of the apartment.

The most sought-after styles in 2018 will be: modern, oriental and high-tech.

High-tech - mining furniture, maximum technology. The decor is practically absent here, modern materials are used for decoration, and the kitchen itself is filled with modern appliances.

Eastern style is the opposite of high-tech. He loves the combination of textiles and decor, but it should be moderately and thoroughly thought out.

Modern is a combination of simplicity and originality. Here you should give your preference to asymmetric forms, smooth lines, various decorative elements and bold color solutions.

People who prefer the comfort, more about Provence. It is best to use ancient and antique furniture, ceramic tiles, linen curtains, plaster and brickwork. Ideal if the dishes in such a kitchen will be clay.

If the kitchen is big and the owner loves luxury, then it is suitable for a classic style. It uses expensive wooden furniture with manual carvings or forging, soft dining chairs. Also well here will fit a huge chandelier, vases, paintings and other elements, emphasizing the luxury and material well-being of the owners.

Fashionable small kitchen

Almost every hostess dreams of a large kitchen, a huge dining area and free space, however, reality is often worse, and have to put up with modest-sized kitchens. However, even such a small kitchen can be originally issued, making a fashionable fabrication for households during meals.

First of all, you need to choose the appropriate style, it is better to pay attention to the options for minimalism. Secondly, you need to do visual expansion of the kitchen due to lighting, light tones, mirrors.

Furniture in such a kitchen should be the most ergonomic and thoughtful, it is best to deliver a small corner cabinet here, you can also use folding furniture (transformer table, quickly unfolded chairs).

By choosing a technique, you need to give preference to the most functional things, because one combine is much easier to accommodate than Turku, blender, mixer and other attributes, which are easily replaced by one.

Cuisine - Studio

The owners of small housing can try to abandon traditional cuisine, which is a separate room, and make a studio apartment, which is especially welcome in 2018. You can significantly increase the kitchen space, erasely clear boundaries between functional zones.

For visual separation, combined and multi-tiered ceilings, small lifts and podiums, or color differences between zones can be used.

For lighting it is best to use spotlights, as working and dining areas should have individual lighting.

In general, it is worth noting that creating a cozy and fashionable kitchen in 2018 is not so difficult, for this it is enough to choose the optimal style and create a kitchen according to it.

2017-11-12 14:55:06 Modern kitchen design

The kitchen is a special space that, by virtue of its mission, should be functional, practical, comfortable and aesthetic. How to combine all these qualities and create a non-trivial interior design? To achieve the task, you should consider a lot of nuances: style, colors, layout, finishing, lighting, textiles - Let us dwell on each point and consider the real options for the design of the kitchen in the apartment, which will become for you the reference points in the arrangement of your square meters.

The starting point of the organization of the kitchen space is the choice of the general style of the interior design direction. There is a lot of clean and mixed styles, but we will consider the top five most popular solutions for ordinary cuisine and will deal with what they are notable.

Rational minimalism

Minimalism in all its variekteric manifestations - tribute to practicality, ergonomics and conciseness. There is no place for excess details, color rages and complex forms. From here we have the following characteristic features of the design:

  • Dominance of two colors - no more than two main colors are present in the interior. But their muted derivative shades are used without restrictions.
  • Built-in equipment - large kitchen appliances are hiding under the facades with steel shiny or frosted surfaces.
  • The elongated facades - long facades are dominated in the kitchen with hidden or the same elongated but intimidated handles.
  • Minimum decor - style welcomes just simple and even strict accessories that do not stand out on a general background.

Strict concise minimalism - not a single detail

Actual classic

Classic style does not leave fashion, although there is some changes. Today, the classic is no longer pregnant and pompous luxury, but elegance and elegant good quality. Visually evaluate the classic design of the kitchen in standard apartments. Interior photos will help:

Distinctive features of classics:

  • The verified proportions - the basis of the design always lies symmetry: the center of the composition is the working area, and the rest of the interior items are remotely diverged from it.
  • Natural materials - even a modest classic does not tolerate cheap solutions, so furniture, decoration, textiles and decor are performed from good-quality natural materials.
  • An indicated dining area - in the classic kitchen there is always a clearly defined dining area: Even if it is a small corner, it does not merge with the workspace.
  • Accent textiles - curtains, towels, napkins, tacks and other textile parts are performed from dense tissues and have an elegant look, therefore perform the main decor of the space.

Classic design on a new way

Warm Provence

Provence kitchen is a reminder of the Mediterranean spirit with its serenity and originality. Despite the obvious rustic notes, this style decision is appropriate not only in the house, but also in the standard urban apartment - here it finds the following expression:

  • Pastel palette - dominated warm soft shades, returning to nature: peach, olive, lavender, milk, heavenly. And dilute their bright paints of lilac, yellow, honey, turquoise.
  • Natural materials - Provence Do not accept the use of a large number of artificial parts, so natural materials are dominated here: wood, stone, plaster, brick.
  • Compiled furniture items - To create an authentic interior design, furniture "bestow" with roughness, patina, small cracks and other manifestations of age.
  • Symbolic little things - Provence style design does not work without a characteristic decor: forged animal statuettes, painted ceramic plates, baskets with dried flowers.

Cozy Provence with Mediterranean notes

Functional High Tech

In the era of innovation, high-tech as a style based on the active involvement of high technologies, more than relevant. It meets the time requests in all respects, which is confirmed by its characteristic features:

  • Progressive technique - High-tech unthinkable without a large number of modern polyfunctional techniques: starting from smart coffee makers and ending with multitasking refrigerators.
  • Ascetic furniture - all workers furniture items are strict geometric forms with smooth facades without a hint of a pronounced relief or decor. If you see photos of real interiors, it becomes clear that the upholstered furniture also has a laconic streamlined or rectangular shape.
  • Brilliant Materials - High-Tech Touch materials with equally glossy texture: plastic, polypropylene, acrylic panels, glass, stainless steel, metal with chromed or silver surface.
  • The abundance of light is a hi-tech kitchen in an apartment literally flooded with light: point spotlights and seeds with directional light are mounted in all functional areas of the room.

Practical and ergonomic design in the style of high-tech

Daring Loft.

Brave, extraordinary, but realistic - so we know the modern loft. This industrial style throws a challenge to traditional design destinations and perfectly verified space design. For those who want to know how much the necrivial kitchen design looks like in the apartment, real photos will reveal all business cards of the style:

  • Brick masonry - at least one wall in the industrial kitchen should be lined with a brick with natural texture.
  • Metal surfaces - matte and even a bit of aged metal is no less important for the loft, rather than brick: Furniture, and lamps can be made from this material, and decor.
  • Experiments with furniture - In industrial design, solid headsets will rarely meet, as all cabinets, shelves, tables, chairs and other furniture items here are often performed from different materials and are combined in an arbitrary order.
  • Original lighting - in the photo Loft-kitchens in apartments instead of standard chandeliers and sconce painted extravagant lamps: lamps on long cords and metal farms, spotlights, lights.

Loft in the apartment - an environment of the industrial character

Color palette

There is no right or incorrect colors for the kitchen in a standard apartment, but there are certain subtleties of the choice of palette concerning the dimensions of the designated space and the influence of shades on the human psyche. The marked moments are directly determined how the design will be perceived in one or another color solution, therefore, conventionally dividing the tones to pastel and bright, analyze them on both points.

Psychophysics flower

Pastel shades - dairy, cream, blue, peach, light yellow, ivory, pale mint - have a peaceful effect on households. Pastel soothes the excited nervous system, does not annoy and does not distract. But it is important that the color palette is not pale-cold, otherwise its effect will be completely opposite.

Bright colors have a special energy that can affect a person both life-affirming and depressing. It all depends on the saturation of the tones. Juicy red, salad, tangerine, turquoise, yellow, indigo, chocolate - these colors stimulate appetite and raise the mood. But the overaction of cobalt, blueberry, cherry, purple, burgundy and different variations of acid shades due to its sharpness can create an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Juicy yellow palette in the kitchen interior

Kitchen adjustment color

For a large kitchen, any color scheme is suitable - here you can navigate only on your own tastes and a harmonious combination of shades. If you have a small kitchen in a regular apartment, to choose the color palette, you should get as much as possible. Your task is to find shades that will visually increase the modest space and in height, and in width.

The optimal formula for a small kitchen in a standard apartment: 75% of pastel colors and 25% of the dark dark. In this case, you get a double positive effect: a light background that makes a room of visually more spacious, and juicy splashes that do not allow the interior to be boring. Light colors are desirable to focus on the top level, and darker - on the bottom.

Cozy Provence in pastel colors

Organization of space kitchen

One of the most acute questions when creating a kitchen project in the apartment: How to fit all the necessary items in the same room and do it stylish? Especially if the standard room or, more complicated, is small. What are the types of layouts, how to organize the interior of the kitchen with a balcony or in the studio apartment - we understand further.

Types of planning

There are four types of standard kitchen planning in the apartment:

  1. Linear. Three working areas - storage, cooking and washing - are located in one or two rows along one wall. Opposite the working triangle - dining room. The option is suitable for narrow elongated rooms.
  2. Corner. The sink is located in the corner, and on the left and left of it with two rows departs storage and cooking zones. Opposite the corner zone - the dining table. Due to its ergonomic, the option is suitable for both small and spacious kitchens.
  3. P-shaped. Zones are located in three walls: by narrow - washing with a working table, on a wide parallel - storage and cooking zones. The dining room is placed at the free wall. The layout is suitable for rectangular and square rooms with a width of at least 2.4 m.
  4. Parallel. Work zones are located on two long parallel walls. The dining area is a narrow wall. Option is suitable for wide and passing rooms.

Note! For any layout between the hob and the sink, a distance of at least 60 cm should be held.

Traditional linear layout

Zoning kitchen-living room

For the interior design of the kitchen in the studio apartment, the island and peninsular layout is best suited. In the first case, the central place in the united space is the island, which performs several functions at once: worktop, dining table, storage area with numerous boxes and shelves, and most importantly - the delimiter between the kitchen and the living room.

Island layout is suitable only for spacious premises, but for ordinary combined spaces with a total area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 sq.m. It is better to choose a compromise version of the peninsula. It is an island table with modules and shelves, but not separately from the kitchen headset, but as its continuation. Thus, you get an equally effective zoning tool, like a full-fledged island, but more ergonomic and compact.

Photo Example Zoning Kitchen-Studio with the help of the Peninsula

Kitchen with balcony

The presence of a balcony in the kitchen is a good opportunity to unload the main space and increase its useful area. You can do this in two ways: to remove only the window and the door, and the remaining partition is used as a podstoly for a working or dining table, or remove the entire wall, if it is not bearing, and combine the kitchen with a balcony into a single room.

Important! It is forbidden to demolish the wall between the kitchen and the balcony forbidden - before starting repair, you need to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment with BTI and get permission.

The new kitchen-balcony space is rationally use or as a working storeroom, or as a dining area. In the first case, there will be a convenient such scheme: near narrow walls - cabinets or racks for large dishes, and near the wall adjacent to the kitchen, is a worktop. In the second case, a full-fledged dining table with a mini-sofa or puffs and a buffet for dishes can be placed on the balcony.

Photo Idea: a dining group has been made on a former loggia

Kitchen finishing options in the apartment

The decoration of the kitchen in the apartment must meet the three basic criteria: practicality, aesthetics and durability. Taking into service these factors, it is much easier to deal with a wide range of materials for walls, gender, ceiling and apron and pick up really standing for each surface.


The most rational options for floor finish:

  • Tile. Tile and ceramic facing have long become a classic - on each second photo of the kitchen interior in the ordinary apartment you can see the tile. This is due to a number of benefits of material: practicality, convenience of operation, a large price range and a variety of design. But there is a tile and cons - it is cold and prone to abrasion.
  • Porcelain stoneware. The main advantage of this artificial material is a high hardness that provides him with resistance to any physical effects. According to aesthetics and practicalness, the porcelain stoneware is not inferior to the tile, but the price of it is several times higher.
  • Parquet. Finishing attracts its ecology, static, lack of slip, durability and a good appearance. Choosing a parquet, you need to be ready for extensive costs - for the kitchen you need to buy a solid tree finish with moisture proof.
  • Laminate. For kitchen coatings, a special laminate with a high coefficient moisture resistance is durable - it is durable, durable, resistant to scratches and aggressive environments. The most important plus finishes - the ability to imitate almost any natural materials. The main minus is relatively low environmental friendliness.

Classic Chess Laying Outdoor Tile

Ceiling design

Considering the high humidity of the kitchen, such finishers will be most relevant here:

  • Painting. Standard type of ceiling finishes, which does not lose popularity at the expense of three advantages: available cost, ease of operation and the possibility of local restoration.
  • Stretch canvas. A modern solution, bribing designer variability and the ability to create harmonious combinations with any other finishing materials.
  • Hinged structures. Include plasterboard, plastic and rush ceilings. All three options have an indisputable advantage - make it possible to effectively hide engineering communications and black ceiling defects.

Stretch ceiling with LED backlight

Wall decoration

For the design of walls of kitchens in standard apartments, most often use:

  • Wallpapers - flieslinic, vinyl and glassy. They are not afraid of moisture, temperature differences and sunlight, and also succumb to wet cleaning.
  • Paint is an antibacterial water-level or acrylic. Finishing is convenient for maintenance, financially available, but most importantly - presented in a wide palette of colors and textures. In the photo you can see how bright the interior with painted walls is even in a standard apartment.
  • Tile - ceramics and tile. Facing attracts not only with its practicality and ease of care, but also decorative - due to the variety of forms, textures and colors, the tile can be laid not only in the traditional way, but also in the form of art mosaics and panel.
  • Texture plaster - mineral fine-grained or Venetian. Popular due to environmental friendliness and ability to take a variestic embossed outline: from the tree bark to flaxseed textiles.
  • Decorative stone - granite, marble, brick. The finishing is famous for its strength, resistance to moisture, noise and thermal insulation, as well as an extraordinary design - it is non-triviality "causes widespread use of stone in the design of the walls of modern kitchens.
  • PVC sheets - PVC lining or wall panels. Materials based on polyvinyl chloride are budget, easy to leaving, moisture resistant and hygienic. But their main plus is the ease of processing: the surface of the sheets can be decorated with any pattern, cover with varnish and handle impregnations to give the necessary texture.

Bright interior with painted walls

Protective apron

Apron - Wall-mounted coating along the working area, designed to protect kitchen walls from fat, steam, soot, heat, water and detergents. Considering the specifics of the coating, its material should be resistant to moisture, temperature drops, alkaline and acid environments - four types of finishes correspond to these qualities:

  • Ceramic tile is smooth with a glossy surface.
  • Stone - granite, marble or basalt plates with a thickness of at least 2 cm.
  • Metal - sheets of structural matte stainless steel.
  • Glass - cloth of the tempered triplex.

Comprehensive lighting

The main principle of organizing the coverage of any kitchen, whether it is an ordinary, combined with a living room or with a balcony, is an integrated approach: it is important to choose lighting devices for all functional zones. First of all, you should think about the overall top lighting. It should be uniform, soft and scattering, therefore it is better to use two or three ceiling lamps with lamps of the same intensity generating neutral white light.

The second group is work lighting. In each zone - cooking, storage and washing - there must be point devices with directional light. The working backlight function copes: LED ribbons, built-in seeds, mobile lamps on "clothespins". Those, the design of a large kitchen in the apartment, interior photos can tell another option of working light - suspended lamps, "descending" from the ceiling. But in small rooms, such a solution is inappropriate, as the effect of the lamps of the lamp will be created.

And the third group is the lighting of the dining area. Its function is to provide high-quality, but unobtrusive illumination of the dining table and space around it. For this purpose, it can be used: sconium on long brackets, tire systems of mobile lamps, suspension systems with miniature beams, wall turntable lamps.

Stock Foto Example of a successful combination of general and working lighting

Curtain selection rules

Curtains are one of the final strokes in the design of the kitchen interior in the apartment. There is a mass of textile selection criteria: material, color, length, decor. But the most important parameter is a combination of curtains with a common design of the kitchen space: textiles can complement the interior, contrast with it or act as an independent art accent.

If, according to the project, the curtains should not go to the fore, select textiles to tone the main color of the kitchen, with an unlikely print and without coupling decor. If the task is to play contrasts, make a bet on color - it must be the opposite basic interior design palette. An even more interesting option is the use of curtains as an art facility: a complex texture, large drawings, multi-layered and original decorative elements - all this will make the curtains with an independent player in the kitchen.

So, you have six cuisine reference points: general style, color palette, layout, finishing materials, lighting and textiles. Thoroughly thinking every of these components, you can count on the creation of a delicious design of the interior of the kitchen space, even in the most ordinary apartment, so do not miss any nuance.

Modern style most often choose people who keep up with the times, love order and practicality. Despite the seeming coldness, the kitchen in a modern style can be very comfortable and even cozy. The main thing is to choose the right furniture, consider where it is better to install household appliances, and take into account many other details.

Modern kitchen style

The main features of the modern kitchen, regardless of the selected style: the presence of wide working surfaces, clear lines, non-standard decor decisions, minimalism, unexpected combinations of colors and textures, original stylistic solutions and disregard for templates. Such requirements are responsible at once a few modern styles. Each of them deserves a separate description.

High-Tech style - Perhaps the most modern of all existing styles. Its main characteristics: the predominance of metal glossy surfaces, the use of the most advanced household appliances, which becomes part of the interior, strict clear lines, bright lighting. The advantages of the style are that it is ideal for the design of kitchens of all sizes, and large, and small.

Style "Minimalism" - This name speaks for itself. The kitchen with such an interior is equipped only the most necessary. Decorative elements that do not perform practical functions are simply absent. The predominance of monochrome muted tones is welcomed.

Loft style - This solution is best suited for placing spacious cuisine in a modern studio apartment. Basic Style Principles: Maximum open space, which is filled with light and air, the presence of large windows, no partitions, the use of natural textures in the wall decoration (brickwork, coarse plaster, concrete).

With the help of which materials are the interiors of modern kitchens

Preference is given to synthetic materials harmoniously adjacent to natural trim. The basic principles of decorating the premises should be considered on the example of its main elements.

Walls - They are subject to special requirements. The walls in modern cuisine should have a high resistance to moisture, a pair, pollution, temperature drops and other aggressive external influences.

The room made in the style of "High Tech" or "minimalism" can be simply painted with special mud and water-repellent paint. Separate areas can be decorated with ceramic tiles or brick masonry.

It will be appropriate to look like a small panel of natural wood, adjacent to the coarse plaster. To decorate some surfaces, you can use natural or synthetic stone, glass, metal.

Ceiling - In this case, several options can be used. Harmoniously in modern interiors look stretch ceilings with glossy surfaces, as well as plastic finish.

The ceiling can be white, if the room is quite spacious and high, and other color solutions are suitable - the main thing is that they are harmonized with the interior as a whole.

Floor - The ideal option for the floor finish in modern kitchen is such a material as a porcelain stoneware. It has high resistance to temperature drops, does not absorb dirt and moisture, it is easy to care for it.

If such an option seems too expensive, you can use the usual laminate, picking up its corresponding color. The ceramic tile will become a good flooring material, in modern interiors, bulk floors also look good.

Select facades

The facades of the headrooms call their facial part, that is, the doors of the cabinets. This part of the headset is extremely important, since it creates the appearance of the kitchen itself. For the manufacture of modern facades, materials are used:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • an array of wood (more suitable for Loft style);
  • a combination of several materials.

In modern interiors, facades made of light synthetic materials will be the most harmonious. For the upper lockers, you can use the glass, preferably matte translucent.

As for the color scheme, it can be contrasting to the main tone of the room, or to go with it.

An excellent solution will be the use of brilliant glossy facades without pens, with a special mechanism that opens the doors with a simple click. From what should be refused: from the texture and unnecessary decor.

Choice of household appliances

When arranging modern interiors of the kitchen, be it "High-tech", "minimalism" or "loft", preference is given to modern models of household appliances, which becomes a full part of the design of the room. Preference should be given to technique with a "metallic" color surface, with chromed and glossy parts.

If the room is small and you have to save each meter, it is better to use the built-in household appliances, thanks to which the kitchen will become more spacious and functional. From what should be completely abandoned: from retro-models of household appliances, as well as from all sorts of vintage options. In modern kitchens should reign chrome and bright glossy surfaces.

To emphasize the unusual design of the kitchen with the help of an exhaust of the original design, which may well become a central element of the interior.

Choosing a sink, you should give preference to a modern model, which you do not have to hide behind the facade of the headset.

Stylish and technologically, all devices used in the kitchen should look: a microwave, a food processor and even a toaster.

Selection of color gamma

Modern kitchen interiors provide for a combination of a wide variety of materials and textures - the same applies to the color palette. The first, from which it is necessary to repel, choosing the main shades for the decoration of the room are the taste preferences of the hosts of the dwelling.

Basic Color Color Selection Rules for Modern Kitchen Interior:

  • You should not use several bright shades immediately, the necessary accents can be placed using one contrast and saturated tone.
  • Monochrome muted gamma with chromium and glass enclosures will be the key to create a super modern interior.
  • If you want to make the kitchen more "alive" and give it brightness, you can use neon tones in the facade finish.
  • When arranging a small kitchen from bright and saturated shades will have to be abandoned, giving preference to light tones and white color.
  • The main color of the interior may be present in the form of several catchy details - dishes, blinds, door structures, refrigerator, kitchen apron.
  • The most popular colors used in modern interiors: black, white, yellow, metallic, gray, red, blue, purple.

Regardless of which color gamma was chosen, special attention should be paid to the organization in the kitchen of the right light. Modern interiors imply the use of numerous point lamps, due to which no surface in the room will remain in the shade.

The basic principles of creating a modern interior on a small kitchen

Modern interiors, such as High Tech or Minimalism, is the perfect solution for arranging small kitchens. The absence of the jet of furniture and the minimum use of the decor contributes to the fact that even the most tiny room looks more spacious.

Light shades, prevailing in the furnace and floor decoration, and those present in the facades of furniture will also be expanded. Large savings are promoted by built-in household appliances.

So that the kitchen in the modern style does not look too cold or sterile, you can decorate it without overloading with decorative elements. A transparent glass vase with live flowers will look excellent in such a room, you can set the blinds of yellow, silver or orange.

Walls will decorate a large clock with a concise dial. An unusual design chandelier made of glass and metal may become a separate decorative element.

You may also be interested

The kitchen for many is a favorite place in a house where you can create exquisite culinary masterpieces, taste them or just spend time in a circle of loved ones. To do this, you need to create the most comfortable atmosphere, having thought that not only the decorative, but also the practical component of the interior. The main trends, rules and advice on the design of the design of the kitchen - all this in our article!

Choose interior style

The first step in the design of the kitchen is the choice of the main stylist. Even if you wish to create a unique, not similar to other project, it is necessary to adhere to the patterns of a certain design direction. Otherwise, the interior will look ridiculous, ill-conceived and disharmoniously. But each style offers a wide field for creativity, the main thing is to follow the main recommendations.

The key principle of the style lies in the title: High-Tech is high technologies, the use of which is necessarily in the modern interior. That is why High Tech is an excellent option for the kitchen, where comfort and convenience in the use of household appliances are in the first place.

For decoration and furniture take modern materials, such as plastic, glass or metal. Glossy smooth surfaces give the room a little futuristic appearance. The color palette is discreet, often built on the contrast of dark and light.

It is difficult to introduce the design of the kitchen in the style of high-tech without "smart" accessories: all kinds of lifts, drawers, separators that simplify life and rationalize space.

Buying household appliances can "fly to a penny", as preference is given to the built-in, most modern models with sensory control and LED screens. However, this is not meaningless acquisition, but the contribution to comfort and durability.

Despite the development of technologies and the tendency to rationalization of space, the classic style is still not losing popularity. Of course, we are not talking about traditional pompous aristocratic interiors filled with a beautiful but useless decor. The classic is adjusted for the needs of our time, due to which it looks quite modern.

Designed in this style better kitchen with medium and large area, where he will look most appropriate. You can take a dark or light palette, only shades should be the most natural possible. The same rule refers to finishing materials. Wooden furniture with deep texture, a small number of patterned elements, facades with frames and glass doors - these components are sufficient for the artistic filling of the classic interior.

The style of French villages in the space of urban apartments is rarely found in the "pure" form. It is usually combined with modern classics, and the kitchen itself is striving to combine with a dining room and living room. This is associated with the first rule of Provence - as much spaces as possible.

The second thing that rushes into the eyes - light pastel shades, as if burnt out on the hot Mediterranean sun. Preference is given to white, creamy, blue - the most natural and unobtrusive colors.

Furniture should have an antique view, which is achieved using an artificial effect effect. In priority, natural materials or high-quality substitutes that are not able to spoil the authentic atmosphere.

The kitchen headset includes a large number of open shelves showing dishes, pots and napkins that enhance olive charm. But the household technique is better to hide from prying eyes, with which the built-in models will be perfect.

Unlike the previous solution, minimalism can be entered both in spacious apartments and in small apartment-Khrushchev. This style is able to transform any space by doing focus on functionality.

Clean lines and clear forms of laconic furniture with built-in home appliances seem to form a monolithic plane - this is how minimalism creates a feeling of order and purity, which is important in the kitchen interior. The focus is on non-decorative elements, but a functionality that allows you to competently organize the area.

It uses no more than 2-3 shades, one of which can be bright. It should be mainly given preference to neutral colors or aesthetic texture of natural materials.

An excellent solution for the kitchens in which the sun has become too frequent by the guests due to the windows outside of the windows. Scandinavian frosty, but at the same time very cozy, this style is suitable for interiors of any size.

As in the case of minimalism, here the design is seconded - practicality comes to first place. Such kitchens like white color, natural materials, especially wood, as well as strict forms. If someone Scandinavian style seems too simple, it will appropriate to add a few bright details that dilute a little sterile atmosphere.

Color solutions

Whatever style you do not adhere to the room to look modern, it is recommended to use a color gamut with 2-3 shades that are well harmonized with each other, or to stay on a monophonic design.

White kitchen

Perhaps the most optimal option for kitchen design, which can serve as a basic color or neutral background for others. It is the opinion that the light interior is rapidly contaminated, but it also depends on the surface material. On the other hand, it looks the most spacious, cozy, and also positively affects the psyche.

Gray kitchen

Do not think that the kitchen interior in gray tones looks boring or gloomy, on the contrary - it is very stylish and modern. To avoid a negative effect, it is enough to come up with a successful color combination, for example - with white, black, blue shades.

Beige cuisine

Natural options, like cream, nut or shades of light wood, are perfectly suitable for classic, olive, as well as minimalistic design of the kitchen. Monochrome design will help create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Blue kitchen

The defiant association with the sky and the sea blue color is ideal for a pacifying interior. It is better to use when designing facades of kitchen furniture, combining with white or brown.

Green kitchen

If you follow modern trends, then be sure to find the place for the most fashionable shade of 2017 according to Pantone in your kitchen. He will make you a little closer to nature, even in the conditions of the urban environment.

Cuisine Finish

Finishing any room is like a frame that carefully stores "filling" and emphasizes its beauty. In the case of the kitchen, the choice of materials plays a key role, especially if you want it to serve as longer as possible.


Outdoor coating for the kitchen should not be afraid of a drop of fat, pieces of food and moisture. It is precisely from this that first should be repelled when selecting materials.

Excellent solution - a coating combination in different zones. For example, in the workspace, it is possible to put ceramic tiles, which is resistant to external influence, and in the dining room - parquet or laminate.


In the kitchen interiors, ceramic tiles are most often found in the apron zone, as well as painted or wall-colored walls. In addition, cladding with wall panels and decorative plaster, for example, imitating marble is used.

The combination of finishing materials allows not only to diversify the design, but also to arrange it on the principle of functionality. The priority remains monophonic surfaces.


The choice of materials for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen depends on the style or height of the room. If the last indicator is quite low, then the smooth white coating will be output from the position. Moreover, it looks stylish and suitable for any space.

In the modern interior with high walls, you can install stretch ceilings. They also help organize a complex lighting system.

How to choose furniture and household appliances

This choice directly depends on your needs: someone spends most of his life in the kitchen, preparing for a large family breakfast, lunches and dinners; And someone comes once a day to warm up the purchased products in the microwave.

Modern kitchens often include not only the workspace and storage space, but also a dining area - which can be both a bar counter, separating space and a large full-fledged dining room.

In addition, kitchen headsets differ in planning, which depends on the geometry and size of the room. There are angular models, p- and g-shaped, straight, as well as island. The latter is recommended to take in the room of medium or large sizes.

Regardless of the selected stylistics, the kitchen furniture is increasingly manufactured on the principle of ergonomics, practicality and functionality. For example, pull-out drawers, shelves or modular lockers.

Huge popularity today has built-in household appliances, which makes it easy to save the area, but also to create aesthetic appearance.

As for the electrical appliances, without any modern kitchen, it varyes the list here. Some owners can add a washing machine to a mandatory set or even a TV. Another will have to use the entire useful area, including lockers and drawers to express only basic objects. In any case, the place for every detail needs to be thought out in advance!

Decor and lighting

In the decoration of any interior, the main rule is always valid - not harm. The same applies to kitchens. For example, putting too many porcelain statuettes, you risk in the most climaxing moment of cooking to stain or knock off the fragile detail. Of course, the cozy atmosphere is very necessary here, but it can be created with other expressive means.

Glass facades are aesthetically looking, through the doors of which are visible sets of dishes, towels or cutlery. Do not forget about traditional napkins, aprons and other textile details - they can become a bright detail in the restrained kitchen design.

Even some boxers for napkins or cute salt plots are able to decorate the room beyond recognition, and the flowers in the pot refresh the high-tech interior.

Each functional area in the kitchen should be fully illuminated: work surface, stove, washing, bar stand or island, over which you can install suspended lamps.

Good solution - LED built-in light sources along the kitchen apron. Exhaust can also be used as a support for additional lamps.

In addition to local illumination, it is necessary to think about the overall lighting. For this, traditional chandeliers or point lighting devices are suitable.

Little kitchen: interior design

The above tips will perfectly fit into a large space, but what to do the owners of small-sized kitchens, which most in our country? We will have to try a little more, but it is possible to solve this problem. And for this you just need to follow several rules!

First, it is recommended to resort to changing the planning, combining the kitchen zone with the living room. The lack of borders will create a feeling of freedom and space, even in a small room, and visually divided housing will help various types of partitions.

Secondly, choose bright shades and mirror surfaces. It is desirable that the color headset is not very different from the finish.

Thirdly, pay attention to direct or g-shaped layouts that will leave some free square meters for movement. The last option will allow you to use a often inactive zone in the corner of the room.

The design of the kitchen in the apartment and its development is a multi-stage process, which includes design, selection of materials to embody the plan, decoration, its design and decorative "grinding". The front works is impressive, but with a competent approach, the result will be appropriate. The kitchen is a special room in the house. It is equipped in such a way that cooking from daily durability turns into a pleasant process, and a culinary inspiration hosted the hostess from the room atmosphere. Most modern kitchens are combined with dining rooms. Previously, this designer move was a necessity to save space, but recently it became a fashionable and stylish decision. Absolutely all family members attend the kitchen at least three times a day, it is excluding unscheduled midnight and evening tea drinking. Guests in addition to the gatherings in the living room, will also come to this room for treats or a festive dinner. The kitchen is made in two ways:

  • Create a decoration in style that is selected for the design of the entire apartment as the main one;
  • Arrange a separate room outside the overall design concept, which will "live" in their laws.

The kitchen at the subconscious level causes an association with a homemade hearth. This is a kind of "memory of ancestors", because before in this room, the oven was melted, which warmed the whole house, allowed to prepare and created a sense of unique comfort. Now the placement is not that the furnaces, even the fireplace in the kitchen is not considered appropriate, and the feeling of comfort is achieved by other methods.

Top styles for kitchen

The cuisine in the style of Loft is a combination of "old with new". It successfully combines brick or plastered walls with a modern "stuffing" of the room. Communication pipes are exhibited at the bottom, and in the materials they use a stone, wood and metal. Loft is suitable for spacious premises with high ceilings, as if they were intended for industrial use. But in small kitchers, the flavor of the style will be lost and "eating" extra square meters.

Provence kitchen interior is characterized as imitation of adorable antiquity. The style has a raid romanticism and naivety. It uses an abundance of wooden furniture and natural light. Usually, the kitchens with the flavor of the French depthint are designed in private country houses, as there are spacious windows during construction in the room. This style can be safely attributed to the budget, as it uses "Babushkina" furniture. It is enough just to slightly reflect it and decorated with vases with field flowers compositions, the motley curtains, a tablecloth with an ornament. The design of the finish is also characterized by simplicity. In Provence, natural materials are used (tree in priority) with coarse texture. Wallpaper tender color in a cute flower is suitable for wall decoration. From the shades give preferences with warm gamme.

The cuisine in the style of minimalism is drawn up according to the principle of "nothing superfluous." Only the necessary items that often perform several functions immediately. In minimalism there is no place for trifles and decor. The dishes, pan and other kitchenware hides behind the closets closed doors, and large forms come out on the foreground. The color gamut is chosen by the concept of contrasts. Usually in minimalistic kitchen there are white, black and gray colors. The palette is the most restrained and strict.

The classic kitchen seems to breathe luxury and elegance. It uses a large amount of stucco, decorative elements, crystal and reflective surfaces. The classic room is tuned to symmetry, which should be considered when choosing a furniture headset. From colors, preference is given to light shades. It is allowed to use bright accents only on the background of white furniture. By the way, thanks to such a color neutrality, the classic kitchen does not comic and for many years will delight the eye of the owners, without requiring repair. Materials choose a natural tree.

Kitchen in the style of Hi Tech combines a simple, but expensive finish, with high technologies. The direction gives preference to artificial light, the abundance of which is provided on several levels at once. In the room, only one color prevails, which shall be laid out by several calm tones. Gray, black and white symbolize the practicality and "complex simplicity."

AR Nouveau or new art in the design of the kitchen is embodied with the help of wavy lines. Sharp corners in this style fall under the taboo. Smoothness can be traced everywhere: in decor, elements of structures and even finishing the premises. Also in the style there are floral ornaments, mosaic patterns, painting. Restantly AR nouveau reminds the classics that beat the "new way".

Color palette

When choosing a color scheme, you resort to four classic shades combination options:

  • Contrast. It choose two main colors that are located on the spectral circle in different "temperature" sections. They are complemented by one or two shades;
  • Single. The main color is shared by its closest neighbors in the spectrum. The tone picture is very calm. This concept is also called monochrome. Choose either cold or warm shades;
  • The principle of the similarity. With it, the main color and two shades are chosen, which are from it at an angle of about 15-20 degrees on the spectrum. It is important that they both be equidistant from the main tone;
  • Accent combination. It features four colors: the main, two shade and a bright tone. The latter is chosen on the basis of contrast with the main "hero" of the composition.

Any of the presented color concepts is universal and suitable for all types of premises, and the kitchen does not become an exception.

A priori cuisine must be "warm." Even in elegant or strict apartments, it is necessary to keep home comfort, not a museum "coldness". For this reason, it is not recommended to abuse shades with a "low temperature". Cold tones will affect the culinary mood of the hostess and on the appetite of households.

Psychology of flowers

Psychology of color is a complex "science", which has spent a lot of efforts psychologists, marketers, sociologists. The color imperceptibly and gently affects the human brain. He may at the level of the subconscious to encourage him to something, raise the mood, cause apathy, provoke an excited state or aggression. The Taoist practice of organizing the space and selection of the color scheme for specific premises is engaged in an in-depth study of the impact of shades on the human psyche. Fengshui helps to equip residential premises in such a way that people living in it felt harmony. White color is associated with innocence. A blank sheet of paper is a symbolic "door" into the world of new features. To impress the white shirts, and festive tables are covered with the same tablecloths. This color prevails in medical institutions, and the "guests" hospitals are known to be needed. His most irreconcilable opponent is black. People have a controversial association. He symbolizes the night, twilight, evil, death and negative. Although there is no one person who in the wardrobe would not have dark things. They always look stylish and elegant. A similar plaque brings black color and in the interior. It perfectly copes with the task of the background, on which the other components of the palette of the paint palette "play".

Red symbolizes action, activity, passion, challenge, and even aggression. This color always attracts attention and excuses the mind. For this reason, it cannot be used in the premises that must be configured on a calm way. Green is considered to be the color of nature, youth, freshness, health, peace, grass and wood crowns. Its natural shades will help create a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. Blue refers to cold colors, nevertheless, most residents have a favorite. Best of all, this tone creates a liberated atmosphere that has to communicate. How many were thinking about why most social networks are blue logos? Because he acts as a guarantor of "talking on souls." For the kitchen of blue and its nearest shade - blue are rarely suitable. They do not contribute to appetite and set up unnecessary relaxation. As the main motive of the maritime theme, the blue is associated with rest, so it is added to sleeping compositions.

Yellow acts as the symbol of the Sun, optimism, joy and activity. It refers to warm shades, so for the kitchen is suitable ideal. Yellow walls or headsets will not only look beautiful, but also tune in positive way. Purple is associated with religious mystery, luxury and even easy "alien". The fact is that in nature this color is very rare. In the interior of the kitchen purple looks only as an accent. Pink means youth, tenderness and lightness (in this one is similar to white). This color is preferred to create "soft", romantic interiors. Brown many unconsciously associate with spring mud, ugliness and something outdated, survived from fashion. In fact, this color is simply underestimated, because it is also a symbol of foliage, trees and fertile land. Brown is able to create a warm, cozy room in which anyone can feel comfortable. Gray is the result of a combination of two spectral opponents: white and black. It belongs to neutral colors that are suitable for those who love simplicity and modesty. Orange - intermediate option between yellow and red. It is considered a form of extravagance and energy. Many things that we call red are actually an orange color: fire fire, sunset.

Unpleasant associations arise with "dirty" shades of yellow. These tones symbolize betrayal, lies, madness. Choose "clean", juicy tone.

Kitchen adjustment color

In typical shuttlers, usually small kitchens. Many believe that space deficiency allows only an economy option in the design. Room sizes can be played using color. This is a real way to hide its shortcomings and multiply the dignity. As a result, the room will seem greater than there is actually. Use warm shades in wall decoration:

  • Pink;
  • Light yellow;
  • Peach;
  • Beige.

The floor can be arranged under the natural color of light wood, and the top is left white. This will allow you to pull out the space if the ceilings are too low. To expand the kitchen on bright wallpaper, horizontal stripes are allowed. They can act as a decorative element, the separation zone between two different types of finishing from the bottom and on top. In spacious kitchens and features more. They can be safely issued on the principle of contrasts and not be afraid of cold shades or dark tones.

Finishing options

The specificity of the kitchen microclimate causes the selection of special finishing materials. They must withstand temperature differences and high humidity. In addition, the coating will definitely be often subjected to cleansing, because as it were, the exhaust does not work well, and the "fat" falls over time everything is equal to. To obtain a combination of decorative and performance qualities, the types of finishing materials are combined with each other in different conventional areas of the kitchen. With improper selection of coating, it will quickly come into disrepair and will have to re-repair the room.


Flooring is chosen from the materials presented below:

  • Linoleum. Unpretentious in care, imitates any texture and at the price refers to the most budget materials;
  • Cork coating. Hypoallergenic, natural material. It's nicely "spring" under your feet, which allows you to walk by barefoot. Repels dust and easily clean;
  • Laminate. Mimics any breeds of wood, easy to care;
  • Parquet board. Sensitive to moisture and temperature difference. The kitchen uses mainly for the decoration of the dining area;
  • Bulk floor. Durable, durable and has a seamless structure. Allows you to place the floor with bulk drawings or panoramas;
  • Ceramic tile. It is considered a traditional flooring. It is easy to clean, not sensitive to household chemicals, with success withstands all the whims of the kitchen microclimate, but can crack from strong blows;
  • Porcelain stoneware. Unlike the tile shockproof, it easily transfers the increased humidity and changes in the temperature regime. Differs high cost.

Ceiling design

When designing the ceiling orient to the budget and stylistics of the room. Finishing materials are chosen from the standard list:

  • Whitewash. Simple and accessible to each way of finishing the ceiling. Unfortunately, the whits do not tolerate humidity, so it will require frequent coating updates;
  • Wallpaper. An unconventional version that is complicated in the implementation. Heavy wallpaper with difficulty will hold on the ceiling until the glue drying. Glit rolls are smoothly difficult, so the assistant will need, which will lead the process, watching him from the side;
  • Painting. The traditional method that was actively used in the design of the kitchens in the past century. The paint is easy to clean, but over time cracks and lose the "commodity" appearance, it will have to be updated once a couple of years;
  • Plastic. It is related to economical options. Material is easy in installation and withstand even flooding from the neighbors from above. With a damage of a separate part of the coating, local repairs are allowed;
  • Plasterboard. Its installation is sometimes associated with difficulties, but the material allows you to implement the most courageous design fantasies. Multi-level ceilings from drywall;
  • Warm material. For the kitchen, models with closed seams are used, since otherwise the dirt will accumulate in the "gutters". Its installation is akin to build a designer;
  • Stretch ceiling. Finishing will be carried out with the involvement of the wizard, which is associated with additional costs. The material does not have seams, hides the defects of the surface, easy to care.

Wall decoration

The following materials are used to finish the walls:

  • PVC panels. They are easy to care, easily wash, but may not withstand too high temperatures. Sensitivity to mechanical damage pays for their low cost;
  • Tile (artificial and natural). Universal, durable material that is withstanding all the tests of the atmosphere of the kitchen. Panel decoration easily adapts to different stylistic solutions;
  • Brick. Impact resistant, provides high-quality sound and thermal insulation. It is characterized cheap, but without additional finishes only for a narrow group of styles is suitable;
  • Wallpaper. For the kitchen you can use only special, heavy-duty options (vinyl). Allow to embody any designer fantasies;
  • Wooden lining. Simple in installation, relatively inexpensive. The material must be treated with special substances that will increase resistance to rotting processes;
  • Decorative plaster. Allows you to hide flaws and wall defects. With it, you can repeat any texture;
  • A rock. Durable, does not contribute to the reproduction of bacteria, it is easy to clean. Of the disadvantages, only the high cost of natural material is noted.

Recently, cork panels become fashionable. They are safe for human health, absorb noise and hold warm.

There is another option of decorative wall decoration - mosaic. She will give the room a kind of highlight. And the type of registration under all styles is suitable, because its variations are mass. Even for solid high, the type uses mirror pieces in the shape of squares.

Protective apron

The protective apron is usually made as an accent. It differs from the rest of the walls of the walls with material, color and pattern. For registration of kitchen apron apply the following materials:

  • Ceramic tile. Classic material that is used both in one color and with drawings;
  • A rock. Spectacular and stylish design;
  • Glass. Used hardening material. Such aprons are usually manufactured to order;
  • Mosaic. Allows you to create complex compositions;
  • Porcelain stoneware. Superproof material, which includes coloring pigments, silicates, quartz sand and two types of clay. Can imitate any texture. Differs high cost;
  • Wooden panels. Gradually go into the past, since this material in the kitchen is displacing a longer analogues;
  • Mirror apron. It is performed in three guys: panels, mosaic and tile. Such material is not scary either moisture, no temperature, nor fungus;
  • Steel. Ideal for kitchens in the style of Hi Tech. It is observed its strength and durability. Seamless metal sheet will become a stylish design element. It is especially impressive with illumination;
  • Brick. Suitable for the line of "industrial" styles. A successful combination is considered a ceramic tile imitating brickwork. It has many color variations.