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What hand wearing a lens watch. What hand to wear the Women's Watches correctly

Reed Khasanova May 29, 2018, 09:38

Wristwatches - a familiar accessory that needs not only choose correctly, but also know how to wear and with what to combine. If the rules for men are quite a bit, then for girls there are a little more: you need to take into account the shape of the hands, wrists, common style clothes and occupation. It is also not necessary to bypass the side and challenges associated with the clock.

Women's clock with pendant leather belt, SL (price for reference)

A little stories about wristwatches

The question of what hand should we carry the clock to girls, worries them for many years. there is several assumptionswhich girls can be guided during the choice, what hand to wear a watch.

Initially, the clock was only mechanical, they needed to constantly start manually, rotating the head, which is on the right side of the dial. Since many people have a working hand right, then the clock was most convenient to wear on your left hand. In addition, Lefters then retired, so everyone was accustomed that the clock is accepted to wear on the left wrist.

Appearance electronic hours Practically did not change the situation. You do not need to start, but the habit of putting the accessory on left firmly fixed

Now not only traditions are taken into account, but also practical parties. After all, if put one's hand, they will create inconvenience during a letter or any work. Yes, and the clock themselves may suffer: glass will cover scratches or breaks.

Women's Watch, SL (Link price)

How to choose the clock for a girl?

What kind of hand the girl did not have a clock, first of all, you need to know how to choose them. There are several nuances with which you can do high-quality purchasewhich will delight for many years.

How to choose a clock for a girl:

  • the case should not be too cumbersome or too small compared to the wrist;
  • the strap must sit on the hand tightly, but it does not only look like an aesthetic skin, but it can harm health;
  • girls with a thin wrist are suitable clock with a thin strap made of ribbons or chain;
  • the clock extravagant, unusual forms will suit the owners of long fingers;
  • for girls with a large wrist, a clock is suitable for a strict, clear shape.

Women's Watch with Mineral Glass, SL (price for reference)

If a girl leads an active lifestyleThe clock is recommended to choose on a metal strap or rubber. Natural leather will absorb sweat and unpleasantly smelling.

What hand wearing a clock with a girl on etiquette?

If the men wear a clock on their hands to emphasize their status, then women wear wrist watch, as an accessory that helps complement the stylish image. Even now there are no clear rules how to wear watch. But there is several tips related to etiquettewho preferably stick to.

At important meetings and negotiations should not wear a sports watch or with extravagant details - they are not combined with the official way. In this case, it is better to give preference to classic models with a simple design of the dial, the strap must be made of genuine leather.

It should be noted that during the conversation on etiquette it is not recommended to look at the clock, otherwise a person will decide that he wishes as soon as possible to finish the conversation

Horsicika non-standard form Girls are allowed to wear over long gloves. It is important that the wrist accessory is combined with a way, because it will be strange to look a light summer dress with a clock reminder commander.

As a girl wearing a clock with a shirt - you need to repel from the length of the sleeve. If he fits the wrist tightly, then it is allowed to wear a clock over the cuff. The same rule concerns and dresses with long sleeves.

In an effort to look fashionable and modern, some girls put on one handle several different hours. Such a reception is not always appropriate, so it can issue a lack of taste.

Modern etiquette allows you to wear a clock on that hand, on which a lady is more convenient to carry them, because there is no certain rules. They can sit tight on the wrist, rise to the elbow or hang out like a bracelet.

Sports men's Watch On a metal bracelet, Okami (price for reference)

Opinion of doctors about how to wear a watch

If we take into account the medical point of view, then it has my own considerations, how to wear a wrist watch. In medicine of ancient China it was believed that on the wrists of a person there are energy pointswho are responsible for the heart.

The clock can be shot down by the rhythm of energy points, and the heart will work regularly only with their synchronous ripple. So what is the womens watch for women, following this statement? Since the girls have the most active point on the right, then the watch it is recommended to wear on the left hand. The accessory will attach a faster rhythm of the passive point of the left wrist and its rhythm coincides with the right point.

Optional to listen to K. theories of Chinese wise men. But many researchers marked mystical communicationsbetween the clock on the hands and their permanent owner. Therefore, it is impossible to immediately note the version that their wearing somehow affects the work of the heart.

There are no cases when the wristwatch stops exactly at the moment when their carrier went away from life

This can confirm the fact that the clock is not easy accessory, and a thing that is tightly interrelated with the human body.

Psychologists have long noted that girls do not pay attention to the dominant hand, and wear hours, regardless of this fact. After research, this feature made some conclusions.

This does not mean that such a girl has problems in other areas of life. This indicates only what active Hand Clock wears a man with high vital energy and activities. More about this, the psychologists have nothing to add.

But still many experts recommend to wear a clock on the right wrist, regardless of which hand is a working: right or left. This statement is explained by the fact that any person at the subconscious level Associate the right side with the future time, and the left - with the past.

From the point of view of psychology, a lady that carries a clock on its working handbelongs to people purposeful and active

She confidently builds her career and puts clear goals to which it seeks to pass, in spite of any difficulties.

From here we can conclude that:

  • when a girl often turns his head to right to left, it concentrates his attention on the fact that there is little time left, and it will be impossible to change something;
  • when the girl's glance is often drawn to the right side, she directs its consciousness into the future, and involuntarily makes efforts to do everything to do and increases activity.

This psychological theory leads to the conclusion that the perception of reality and the attitude to the success of the girl to some extent depends on what kind of hand she puts on the clock. Therefore it follows that this accessory is better to wear on right hand.

Unisex Clock, Okami (price for reference)

Signs and meanings

A set of and superstitions are associated with wristpers, which appeared in ancient times, but to this day, people are trying to listen to them. Hours have long become a mandatory part everyday life, symbolizing her frequency.

It is believed that the clock absorb the energy of a person who constantly wears them. therefore you can not put on yourself Found wristwatches, because it is unknown by which the person was their previous owner.

But if the clock gives close personwho has no bad intent, then such a gift can be taken and needed, and wearing them with love and pleasure . Inheritance watchesi can be strong guardBut only if they are obtained by goodwill.

What to do with broken or broken hours:

  1. Watches that crashedare carriers negative energy, so they can not only be worn, but even stored in their home. Otherwise, they can attract different troubles and failure.
  2. Broken hours need to repair urgently or throw away because they take vitality A person - he disappears the desire to move forward, there is little energy and there is not enough time.

If the clock is picking up a girl, she should give preference to the dial of a rounded form.

By accepting, it will bring a calm, carefree life of your hostess, and will also contribute to success in personal matters

A girl who chooses the wristwatch of a square shape for himself, subconsciously sets himself to heavier labor and male duties. She will be quickly tired, as it takes over the wrongty for the girl I wear.

Women's watches with a mother of pearl at Milan bracelet, SL (price for reference)

Choice watchmakers For a girl - not the simplest task. After all, they should be not only high quality and comfortable, but also stylish and beautiful. In these amazing mechanisms there is something magical and inexplicable, because the arrows on the dial as if they make people move forward with them. But if the choice is made true, but the clock will regularly serve and bring good luck to the owner, regardless of what hand she wears them.

Time is fleeting and to live with him in unison, people need a clock. We have become more active, and therefore we want to control every minute of their time. For this, you need a wrist watch.

They allow everyone not only to keep his hand on the pulse of their lives, but also help to emphasize the individuality of their owner.

The history of the appearance of wristwatches

The concept of "wristwatch" entered the use of not so long ago. Their predecessors were pocket watch. But in 1868, the watches with a bracelet were created for the first time. True, they were more like jewelry for women. Therefore, among men, this chronometer was not widespread. And only for the First World War, they received their recognition among the male population, due to the fact that all officers began to wear a clock on their hands, as it was more convenient optionrather than wearing a clock in your pocket.

Now the wrist watch has become not so much need, but more stylish accessory and a sign of respectableness of its owner. And more and more people are wondering, and what hand wearing a clock is more correct? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. there is a large number of Reflections and theories on this topic. Let us dwell on them.

Interesting models

What are theories exist

1. Utilitarian. She considers this question from the point of view of the convenience of wearing watches. According to this theory, the clock must be worn on the "auxiliary" hand so that they do not interfere with the person in work. Especially if we have a clock on the "working" hand, that is, a big risk of damaging them. Accordingly, the "right-handed" must wear a clock on the left, and the "left-handers" on the right hand.

For a long time, Levshi was outlawed. In the Middle Ages, they were considered by the generation of the devil, and during the existence of the Soviet Union of schoolchildren who were written with his left hand, were necessarily reappearing on another hand any available methods. Therefore, the manufacturers of mechanical clocks have always focused on the "right-hand" population, placing the head of the plant on the clock on the right side.

But at the moment, according to modern statistics, the "left-hander" was at least 35 percent of the country's total population. And the mechanical watches on inertia are carried out by right-hand. But now there are hours that do not require the plant, and therefore are convenient in wearing for all people.

2. Mystical.It is based on the teachings of Fukuri, according to which three significant energy points are located on the wrists of both hands: Guan, Tsun and Chi. They are directly responsible for human health. They are under the thumb on the wrist for each other. The impact on them can be controlled by the condition of the liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys, bladder, human heart. Incorrect stimulation of points can lead to a deterioration in health. The Tsun point is directly related to the work of the heart and it is located in men on the left, and in women on the right hand. This is due to the fact that alleged blood in men from the heart flows to the left side, and in women they are right. Therefore, the last, for example, wristwood wearing better on your left hand.

In support of this theory, it should be noted that criminologists recognize the frequent mystical coincidences of the time of departure from the owner's life and stop working hours.

3. Psychological.From the point of view of psychologists, those people who wear wristwatches on their right hand are purposeful, have an active life position, ready for various life obstacles. Still love to wear watches on the right hand. People of creative professions: musicians, artists, poets, designers.

It fills the other psychological theory "Left-right," when the concept of "left" is associated with the past, and the "right" - with the future. If a person carries a clock on his left hand, he subconsciously thinks about the lost time, about how much time has passed. And those who wear on the right, he thinks about how much time it remains, which means he has more chances to have time to do business on time. This is well enjoyed by specialists in advertising, placing significant elements on the right side.

In addition to theories there is a legend on the topic of watches born after the war. According to her, the real thieves wear the clock solely on the right hand. Therefore, if we have a clock on this hand, you can be sure that they are not sacred, as they will not steal them, "Zaplast".

What hand wearing the clock to men?

Men are usually very conservative and more prone to order. For them, the clock is not a piece of decoration, but the indicator of how serious a man is. A PO business etiquette Wristwatch must be worn only on your left hand.

But if a man has a fairly high status, it is active and asserts, trying to repaint the world under his standards, then he will be more comfortable to wear a clock on his right hand.

If you get involved in the mystical theory of wearing watches, it is more correct for a man also to wear a clock on your right hand, as this eliminates the incorrect stimulation of the tsun point.

Popular men's hours up to 10,000 rubles.

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What hand wearing a clock woman?

This question for women is not principled. She can wear a clock on such a hand as she wants. Only those women supporting strictly conservative are the only exception. business style Or in case it occupies a "male" position.

Wristwatches for a woman - her style attribute, a decoration element that carries a lot of information about its owner.

Wristwatches talk a lot about man. For example, if the clock of classical shape, the dial is white or black, then it says that their owner is - business manwho knows what he wants from his life. On the incomplete rules, hours successful man must cost twice as much as its income or wage per month.

Large watch S. unusual design Prefer people extraordinary, creative, possessing artistic taste. Young people still prefer wristwrites with bright interchangeable dials, they help their owner constantly change, stand out from the crowd.

Popular women's watches up to 10,000 rubles.

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How to use your wrist watch?

    Wristwatches have long become a stylish accessory that complements the image of a person. Therefore, choosing a model of the clock must take into account how they will harmonize with the wardrobe, will not be eaten out of the style of clothing?

    If the wardrobe is present various styles clothes, then it is better to purchase several different models Watchmakers corresponding to the selected image.

    To make a business meeting it is better to wear hours in classic designAnd on a friendly party you can afford a brighter and creative design.

    The housing of the wrist watch should not be more wrist. On a thin hand big clock It looks ridiculous, and on a large clock with a small dial.

    The clock must be changed every five years.

    Very expensive wristwatches are better to wear on any official or solemn events. Buying such things in the store, you need to be absolutely sure that this watch is not a fake to a well-known brand.


Summing up, it can be noted that despite what watches you wear and on what hand, the main thing is that it was comfortable for you and did not cut the eyes around. The clock must bear the right information about your owner, helping him to take his place in society.

And if suddenly wants to change something sharply in his life, then maybe start with the hands on which you wear a wrist watch?

We always try to adhere to certain rules. How to keep in society, how to keep a dialogue and, of course, how to look in the corresponding moment. Therefore, there are hundreds and thousands of norms and standards in fashion and etiquette. How to tie a scarf or tie? What to wear to the official meeting? How to wear a jacket? All this applies to the clock. This accessory firmly entered our life and is no longer a traditional time indicator. Today, the clock is an addition to the image that is capable of almost everything about its owner. How to wear a wrist watch correctly? What hand? Are there any rules? Maybe even eat interesting signs... We will talk about this today and talk.

Clock on your right hand: symbols and signs

Why do people choose different if you can say your hands to wear hours? All this is an explanation.

It is believed that the clock on the right hand can Wear only left-handers. In fact, everything is different. The fact is that it is right hand we produce large quantity movements. Accordingly, the clock on the right hand will be most noticeable to others. It is logical to assume that in order to at least stand out from the crowd, you select the right hand for your accessory, even if you are right-handed. That is why, most often the clock on his right hand prefers to wear young people who are typically deviated from the generally accepted norms and the usual obstacles. If you prefer to wear a clock on your right hand, you can say here, most likely, about philosophical preference, rather than on the practical side.

According to psychologists For the left side, negative shades are characterized, and for the right - positive, left - past, right is the future. And this can all be attributed to the wrist clock. If you are a purposeful man, try to go ahead, without looking back for past mistakes - choose your right hand.

In favor of carrying hours on the right hand, the ancient Chinese philosophy says. According to her theory, on the left wrist, just in the place where the strap from the clock should be located, there are energy points. Including the point that responds to the work of the heart. If you wear a clock on your left hand, you can involuntinate at this point, which can even lead to a heart stop (again, it's all ancient Chinese philosophy). That is why, in China, the clock is recommended to wear on the right hand.

Why should we wear a clock on his right hand?

There is another pretty interesting version, The fact is that in this way you can save the accessory from theft - in the criminal circles the clock on the right hand is a sign of "your", and they do not steal their pockets.

Do you agree that this watch will ideally look at your right hand? ;-)

There is no defined etiquette in the wearing watches. There are rules recognized in the business environment, even if you wear a clock on your right hand. It concerns the size and design of the clock (they should not distract your interlocutor from the conversation).

With a clock, a large number will take and believes. Probably the most common thing, it is impossible to give a watches on the wedding, you can not give a clock and for your birthday. Although according to psychics, you need to give a donor in return to the coin to all negative sides To be reduced. But the watches that you inherit are inherited are powerful talisman Attracting good luck and protection. Such hours keep all the energy of your ancestors and protect you from the evil eye and damage.

Clock on the left hand: etiquette and meaning

If you trace the history of wristwatchesWe will see that they received the greatest popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, this accessory most often decorated the wrists of officers. And since the majority were right-handers, the clock was put on the left hand to not damage dear thing. Over time, watch production has been established, even the model for the left-hander came on sale, but the habit of the one hundred and years remained. Agree, because to bring the mechanism and fasten the strap is much more convenient.


Due to the fact that more than 80% of our planet's inhabitants are right-handers, it is customary to wear the clock on his left hand. And the matter here is more due to practicality. After all, in this way, we, first of all, we get the opportunity to protect the accessory from unexpected damage, because we carry out most of the work exactly hand.

As for etiquette, That in the business environment the clock must be on your left hand, whether it is a man or a woman. The choice of this part will indicate the elegance and education of the business person. It is also worth paying attention to the watches not much to look out from under the shirt cuffs, they were not strongly causing (so that the interlocutor was not distracted) and corresponded to the business style.

Why people choose left hand to wear watches:

It's just convenient, because you put the clock on your left hand and help yourself with my right hand much more practical.

The clock can be started, without even removing them with your hands.

On the left hand, the clock is less susceptible to damage and any other effects. Indeed, according to one, the damaged clock is promised to its owner of the problem, therefore, it should be treated as careful as possible.

If you believe the esoteric version, the wristwatch for the left hand choose those who can not accept their past, constantly experiencing events that are no longer possible to change.

The watches on the left hand say that their owner is creative in kind.

At present, time clocks are surrounded everywhere and everywhere: in cell phones, computers, laptops, buildings and on the street, in the running lines of advertising. The need for them is becoming less and less. However, they do not become less popular, on the contrary, they acquire other useful and aesthetic functions. Therefore, many are wondering what hand do the clock wear? What does the clock wearing lats require?

Wristwatch one of always fashionable and classic accessories. They were and are not so much the determinant of time, how many classic decoration, creating style and image, prosperity and social status. Men they attach masculinity and businesslikeness, women beauty and grace, are often an old family relic, one of popular, expensive and useful gifts. It is with them a lot of superstitions are connected and will accept.

A bit of history

The first wrist watches were made in the 17th century as a gift from the son of Napoleon Bonaparte. And although they were very beautiful and expensive, the proper recognition did not receive. Interest in them is renewed in the early 20th century - during the First World War. At this time, a pocket watch on a chain, which, by the way, also demonstrated the well-being of people of that time.

Men on the advanced, once, and uncomfortable to constantly climb into pockets for the clock, so the strap was attached to pocket watch and tritely tied on the wrist. Over time, the wrist watch received their special vocation and became an integral part of each self-respecting man.

Why on the left?

As a rule, the clock is worn on the left hand, which is due to the fact that most people are right-handers. To be right-handed - norm, as well as a stereotype since the times of the Soviet past.

Why was it important to be right in Soviet times?

- It was believed that writing the right disciplines the child and adjusts it to the interests of the team, so the children were forcibly returned to write with their right hand, also to be levorigant delivered many inconveniences as Leftche himself and others;

- There were times when schoolchildren wrote in ink and written by his left hand, did not have time to dry, immediately smeared by writing themselves;

- In the Soviet Union, all manufacturing equipment was created for the right hand;

- Kalashnikov machine is also designed for right-handed, and Soviet Union survived the Great Patriotic War and for a long time was in the state of the Cold War. Held the machine should have been almost every USSR citizen.

Now the first place is put by the interests of the person and to solve it: there is a right-hander or left-hander and how to wear a clock. In a word, on which hand wearing the clock now it is not so basically, but the habit remains - most wears them on the left hand.

Wearing hours on the left hand, first of all, is associated with convenience and functionality. As a rule, the clock is an object with a fragile mechanism to which it is necessary to relate carefully. Therefore, it is advisable to wear them on the hand that is less exposed to oscillations and various physical actions. The priority here is the safety of the clock. Also, the head for the clock is located on the right side, so, being on your left hand, there is no need to shoot them to start. Also very convenient.

Is the right mean "correct"?

According to statistics, many successful men wear clock on their right hand.

What is this related and is it possible, contrary to standards, wearing them on the right?

- The wrist in people are located biologically active points, the impact on which affects the work of vital organs. Dot proper work Hearts in men are on the left wrist, and wearing hours can lead to incorrect stimulation and, as a result, to violation of the heart.

- As, most people wear a clock on the left, then we carry them on their right hand give them some originality, isolated from the crowd. They are associated with people active, purposeful, confidently overcoming any life obstacles.

- The clock on the right hand is worn by people associated with creative activities, as a rule, artists, designers, musicians, that is, also special.

- There is a notion that on the right hand, the clock was worn by pockets - it was their distinctive sign to recognize "their".

- Another of the interesting theories is the attitude to the words "right" and "left". The right side of many people in the subconscious level are associated with positive feelings, with a confident look in the future: "right", "right", "Orthodox", "Justice". Accordingly, the "left" side causes negative emotions ("Go to the left", a group of people against the majority)

Features of wearing hours in women

For women, all of the above criteria are also suitable. However, women are more than men, belong to the clock as a decoration and choose them in a combination and harmony in style and design with rings and bracelets.

For example, if there is a lot of rings on the right hand, then not to clutch it, the clock can be put on the left. And vice versa. The same with the bracelet. It happens that the design bracelet, quality and price combines with the clock, it means that they can be put on one hand, if not, then on different.

Of course, there are many conventions in this matter. And all this is not so fundamentally. Each itself decides which to wear a clock and on what hand, based on the amenities, their needs and preferences.

Video on the topic:

Wristwatch ... What hand are wearing? Speaking about them, I want to mention that for the first time they began to make in the 19th century. But then they were not perceived as we perceive them now. The mass of the manufacture of wristwatches was associated with the First World War.


Modern fashion dictates its rules. Now they use them not to follow the time. They became a stylish and expensive accessory emphasizing the special status of the carrier.

The theory reads - they must be worn on the wrist of that hand that works less. The left-hander is the right hand, right-handed - left. For many years, men, women and girls could not accept the fact that in addition to the right hand, there are left-handers in the world. In the Soviet Union writing his left hand in obligatory reappeared using everything available methods. For this reason, the manufacturer remained to focus on those rules that existed in society, that is, they produced for the right hand.

Currently, it can be noted that Left has become much more, and they amount to 35 percent of the population of our country.

By asking the question regarding which hand to wear a clock properly, some turn to psychological theory. Psychologists believe that those wearing them on the right wrist are purposeful, which have an active position in life, ready for any obstacles and life rapidations. You can meet them in creative personalities - artists, designers, poets.

Psychologists also speak their other theory that those who wear them on his left hand often think about the past, about lost years. And wearing on his right hand, think that they still have time and opportunity to implement their needs and desires. This theory is well known to advertising professionals, placing many significant elements on the right.

What hand are men?

Many men prefer to wear on the left. Still right-handed in the world more. Quality accessories today will cost anything. Therefore, it is necessary to relate to them gently. If you have an accessory with a mechanical mechanism, then you probably know how sharp fluctuations act on them. To warn it from this and save them longer in a great condition, we carry them on the left. And besides, this hand does not have to work at the right hand.

And what hand do the clock of a man dress? I ask for such a question, you probably want to learn not only the direction, but also the reason for this wearing. It is necessary to focus on the design of the accessory. They come to the left of the dial. What is good right mechanism? Wearing an accessory on the right wrist, we warned from the drops of water during the rain. And many men are simply accustomed to wearing them, and there is nothing unusual.

Soviet times - the period of equalizing everyone. And then it went to the etiquette to wear them on the left. Even left-handeds were retracted, more precisely, they were forced to this so that they were the same as the prevailing right-handers.Wearing them on the left hand due to the laid habit. Decent people were worn so as to be different from those who were engaged in theft of hours and their subsequent sale. Such thieves wore accessories on the right hand. So in the crowd they learned each other.

What is this due?

Choosing a hand on which you need to wear a wrist watch, women stick to another, for them it is a decoration. And on what they will depend on what they will think about it. Women choose a clock relative to their style. They must keep in mind that there are a lot of decorations on one hand - this does not mean beautiful. Beautiful - this is when all the decorations are harmonized with each other.

What hand is worn by a womens watcher of a fair floor, not difficult to find out at all. Everything will depend on the number of rings and bracelets on hand. If on the left - there are exquisite rings, then it will be better to wear a clock on the right wrist. The ultimate goal in creating an image for a woman should be harmony of clothes and decorations.When choosing a clock for women and girls, it is necessary to observe a simple rule:

  1. The ratio of their size and shirina wrist

If you have a widespread wrist owner, then we recommend adhere to massive models. With such models, you will try to make your hand not getting lost from too elegant decoration. If the wrist is narrow, then choosing a wrist watch, stick to small in size. In addition, you can make your hand with the help of neat watch.

The clock can be different depending on whether the owner of which form of the brush is their carrier:

  • If it has a small size and short-lived fingers, the watches are perfectly suitable, small in size. If the hand is narrow, and the fingers are elongated, then stop on the clock small sizehaving an incorrect
  • With a large brush, the choice of watches should be more prudent. In order to visually reduce the size of a large brush, it is necessary to stop on the clocks that have a proper geometric shape.

Stylish accessory

Many girls, choosing hours, are not guided by beauty and convenience, but the full conformity of the wristwatches is their style. For example, a business style provides wearing neat, small hours.

Most often people living in business sphere, choose the wristwatch of dark shades. Youth style dictates their rules regarding the topic we have discussed. In this style, you can often meet the presence of large watches of various colors.Details are always important, we pay attention to everything. But special is given:

  1. Dial and belt
  2. The selection of the mount is very important. In practice, it was possible to find out what to use the fastening attached to the clock as a component. It is good because in the event of a breakdown, will not be difficult to find a worthy replacement. Choosing mount offers you two options - bracelet or belt. Belt is peculiar to classic style
  3. Depending on the variety of the mechanism, the clock is mechanical, quartz and electronic. Mechanical are characterized by a periodic plant of the mechanism. They are more vulnerable to external influence. If you have often faced vibration or various blows, it is better to choose quartz or electronic
  4. In such hours there is a battery, so they do not need in the plant. Displaying time on quartz clock is carried out by arrows, and the digital scoreboard is displayed on electronic

What hand carry the clock on the etiquette is known to unknown. But many people say that the etiquette assumes wearing them on the left wrist due to all the factors listed above.

Choosing hours, prefer the topics that you felt something pleasant. Noodles for fitting on the wrist, you can immediately understand, you need them or not. If you feel comfort and confidence, then buy without thinking, because you can feel it in those situations when you do what you like. Do not run for fashion! Appreciate the convenience and uniqueness!

If you have problems with finance, then choose universal, which are suitable for any style. Let the clock you bought will become the most beautiful accessory for you, causing a smile on your face and happiness in the bins of the soul! We wish you enjoy the shopping and wonderful mood.