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The formation of the psychological theory of L.S. Vygotsky. Vygotsky Lev Semenovich

Lion Simhovich Bezdansky (in 1917 and 1924 changed the middle name and surname) Born 5 (17) of November 1896 in the city of Orsha, the second of eight children in the family of Deputy Governor of the Gomel Branch of the United Bank, a graduate of the Kharkov Commercial Institute, a merchant of simph (Semen) Yakovlevich (1869-1931) and his wife Cilie (Cecilia) Moses profitable (1874-1935). His education was engaged in private teacher Sholom (Solomon) Mordukovich Ashpiz (ASPIF, 1876-?), Known to use the so-called method of reduced dialogue and participation in revolutionary activities as part of the Gomel Social Democratic Organization. A significant impact on the future psychologist in orphanage also provided his cousin, subsequently a well-known literary critic and translator David Isaakovich Benevial \u200b\u200b(1893-1943). L. S. Profitable changed one letter in his surname to differ from the already acquired fame D. I. Bhehodsky.

In 1917, Lev Vygotsky graduated from the Faculty of Law, Moscow University and at the same time - the Historical and Philosophical Faculty of University. Shanyavsky. At the end of study in Moscow returned to Gomel. In 1924 he moved to Moscow, where she lived the last decade of his short life. Worked B.

  • Moscow State Institute of Experimental Psychology (1924-1928),
  • State Institute of Scientific Pedagogy (GIPP) with LGPI and in LGPI. A. I. Herzen (both in 1927-1934),
  • Academy of Communist Education (ACV) (1929-1931),
  • 2nd Moscow State University (1927-1930), and after the reorganization of the 2nd MSU - in the IGPI. A. S. Bubnova (1930-1934),
  • The State Scientific Institute for the Protection of Health of Children and Adolescents named after the October 10th anniversary of the October Revolution (from the beginning of 1931 in the post of deputy director of the Institute for Scientific Part), as well as in its active participation
  • Experimental Defectorative Institute (1929-1934);
  • there was also a lecture courses in a number of educational institutions and research organizations of Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov and Tashkent, for example, in the Central Asian State University (Saga) (in 1929).

Family and relatives

Parents - Simha (Semyon) Yakovlevich Beneficial (1869-1931) and Ciel (Cecilia) Moiseevna Beginskaya (1874-1935).

Wife - Rosa Naevna Smekhova.

  • Gita Lvovna Prof. (1925-2010) - Soviet psychologist and a defectologist, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, co-author of biography "L. S. Vygotsky. Strokes to the portrait "(1996); Her daughter - Elena Evgenievna Kravtsova, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Psychology. L. S. Vygotsky RGGU
  • Asya Lvovna Prof. (born 1930).

Other relatives:

  • Claudia Semenovna Professional (sister) - Linguist, author of Russian-French and French-Russian dictionaries.
  • Zinaida Semenovna Professional (sister) - Linguist, author of Russian-English and English-Russian dictionaries.
  • David Isaakovich Professional (1893-1943) (cousin) - a prominent poet, literary critic, translator (his wife - Children's writer Emma Josephovna Prof.).

Chronology of the most important events of life

  • 1924 - Report on the psychoneurological congress, moving from Gomel to Moscow
  • 1925 - Protecting the thesis Psychology of art (November 5, 1925. Vygotsky was awarded for illness without defense Awarded the title of Senior Researcher, an equivalent degree of candidate of science, an agreement for the publication of the psychology of art was signed on November 9, 1925, but the book was never published when Life Vygotsky)
  • 1925 - the first and only foreign trip: Commanded to London to the Defectological Conference; On the way to England drove Germany, France, where he met with local psychologists
  • 1925-1930 - Member of the Russian Psychoanalytic Society (RSSAO)
  • 1927 - An employee of the Institute of Psychology in Moscow, works with such prominent scientists as Luria, Bernstein, Artemov, Dobrynin, Leontiev
  • 1929 - International Psychological Congress at the University of Yale; Luria presented two reports, one of which is in collaboration with Vygotsky; Vygotsky himself did not go to the congress
  • 1929, Spring - Vygotsky reads lectures in Tashkent
  • 1931 - he entered the medical faculty of the Ukrainian Psychoneurological Academy in Kharkov, where he studied in absentia along with Luria
  • 1931 - Death of Father
  • 1932, December - Report of consciousness, formal discrepancy with Leontiev group in Kharkov
  • 1933, February-May - Kurt Levin stops in Moscow passing from the United States (through Japan), meetings with Vygotsky
  • 1934, May 9 - Vygotsky translated into bed
  • 1934, June 11 - death

Scientific contribution

The formation of Vygotsky as a scientist coincided with a period of restructuring of Soviet psychology based on the methodology of Marxism, in which he took an active part. In search of methods of objective study of complex forms of mental activity and behavior of the personality, a number of philosophical and most of the modern psychological concepts are critical analysis ("the meaning of the psychological crisis", manuscript, 1926), showing the infertility of attempts to explain the behavior of a person, bring up the highest forms of behavior to the lower elements .

Exploring speech thinking, Vygotsky in a new way solves the problem of localization of higher mental functions as structural units of brain activity. Studying the development and decomposition of the highest mental functions on the material of children's psychology, defectology and psychiatry, Vygotsky comes to the conclusion that the structure of consciousness is a dynamic meaning system in the unity of affective volitional and intellectual processes.

Cultural and historical theory

In the book "The history of the development of higher mental functions" (1931, publ. 1960) Danched the presentation of the cultural and historical theory of the development of the psyche: according to Vygotsky, it is necessary to distinguish the lower and higher mental functions, and, accordingly, two behavioral plan - natural, natural (the result of biological evolution Animal world) and cultural, social and historical (the result of the historical development of society), fused in the development of the psyche.

The hypothesis put forward by Vygotsky offered a new solution to the problem of the ratio of lower (elementary) and higher mental functions. The main difference between them consists in the level of arbitrariness, that is, natural mental processes are not amenable to regulation from a person, and people can consciously manage the highest mental functions. Vygotsky came to the conclusion that conscious regulation is associated with the indirect character of higher mental functions. There is an additional connection between the impact stimulus and the reaction of a person (both behavioral and thought) through an indirect link - a stimulus-means, or a sign.

The difference between the marks from the guns, also mediating the highest mental functions, cultural behavior is that the guns are directed "outside" to the transformation of reality, and the signs "insight", first to transform other people, then - to manage their own behavior. The word is a means of arbitrary direction of attention, abstraction of properties and synthesis of them in value (formation of concepts), arbitrary control of their own mental operations.

The most convincing model of mediated activity, which characterizes the manifestation and implementation of higher mental functions, is the "Situation of the Buridanov of the Donkey". This classical situation of uncertainty, or a problem situation (the choice between two equal opportunities), is interested in voiced primarily from the point of view of funds that allow us to transform (solve). Throwing lot, man "artificially introduces a situation, changing it, not related to her new auxiliary stimuli." Thus, the thrown lot becomes, according to a magnitude, a means of converting and resolving the situation.

Thinking and speech

In the last years of life, Vygotsky focused on learning the relationship of thought and words in the structure of consciousness. His work "Thinking and speech" (1934), devoted to the study of this problem, is fundamental to domestic psycholinguistics.

According to Vygotsky, the genetic roots of thinking and speeches are different.

For example, the experiments of Köler, who reveal the abilities of chimpanzees to solve complex tasks, showed that human-like intelligence and expressive speech (missing monkeys) function independently.

The ratio of thinking and speech both in the philo and in ontogenesis - the variable value. There is a pre-emergered stage in the development of intellect and pre-deplexual - in the development of speech. Only then thinking and speech intersect and merge.

The speech thinking arising from such a merger is not a natural, but a socio-historical form of behavior. It has specific (compared to natural forms of thinking and speech) properties. With the occurrence of speech thinking, the biological type of development is replaced by socially historical.

An adequate method of studying the relationship of thought and words, "says Vygotsky," there should be an analysis, the dissection of the studied object - speech thinking - not on the elements, but by units. The unit is the minimum part of the whole, having all its main properties. Such a unit of speech thinking is the meaning of the word.

The ratio of thought to the Word is volatile; This is a process, movement from thought to the word and back, the formation of thought in the word. Vygotsky describes the "complex structure of every real thought process and its associated difficult course of the first, the most intentional moment of the origin of thought before its final completion in the verbal wording", allocating the following levels:

  1. Motivation of thought
  2. Think
  3. Inner speech
  4. Semantic plan (i.e. external words)
  5. Exterior speech.

Vygotsky came to the conclusion that egocentric is not an expression of intellectual egocentrism, as stated by Piaget, but a transitional stage from external to internal speech. Egocentric speech initially accompanies practical activities.

In a classic experimental study, Vygotsky and his employee L. S. Sakharov, using his own methodology, which is a modification of N. Aha's technique, established types (they are the age stages of development) of concepts.

Exploring the development of concepts in childhood, L. S. Vygotsky wrote about everyday (spontaneous) and scientific concepts ("Thinking and speech", Ch. 6).

Lights concepts - purchased and used in everyday life, in everyday communication of the word like the "table", "Cat", "House". Scientific concepts are words that the child will learn at school, the terms built into the knowledge system associated with other terms.

When using the spontaneous concepts of the child for a long time (up to 11-12 years old) aware of only the subject to which they indicate, but not the concepts themselves, not their meaning. This is expressed in the absence of the ability "to the verbal definition of the concept, to the possibility in other words to give it verbal wording, to the random use of this concept when establishing complex logical relations between concepts."

Vygotsky suggested that the development of spontaneous and scientific concepts goes in opposite directions: spontaneous - to gradual awareness of their value, scientific - in the opposite direction, for "just in the sphere where the concept of" brother "turns out to be a strong concept, that is, in spontaneous sphere Use, applying it to countless specific situations, wealth of its empirical content and communications with personal experience, the scientific concept of a schoolboy reveals its weakness. Analysis of the spontaneous concept of a child convinces us that the child in a much larger extent aware of the subject than the concept itself. An analysis of the scientific concept convinces us that the child at the very beginning is much better aware of the concept of itself than the subject presented in it. "

The awareness of the values \u200b\u200bcoming to age is deeply associated with the born systematic concepts, that is, with the appearance, with the awake of the logical relations between them. Spontaneous concept is connected only with the subject that indicates. On the contrary, the mature concept is immersed in the hierarchical system, where logical relationships associate it (already as a carrier of value) with many other concepts of different - in relation to this - level of generalization. This completely changes the possibilities of the word as a cognitive tool. Outside the system, he writes Vothesky, in concepts (in sentences) only empirical ties can be expressed, that is, relations between objects. "Together with the system, the concepts of concepts appear to the concepts, the mediated attitude of concepts to objects through their attitude to other concepts, there is a different attitude of concepts to the object: there are possible supermpary relations in the concepts." This is an expression, in particular, in the fact that the concept is determined no longer through the relationship of the subject of the subject with other objects ("the dog protects the house"), and through the attitude of the determined concept to other concepts ("The dog is an animal").

Well, as well as scientific concepts that the child assimilates in the learning process, they are fundamentally different from everyday concepts that, by their very nature, they must be organized into the system, then it believes voiced - their meanings and are realized first. The awareness of the same values \u200b\u200bof scientific concepts gradually applies to everyday.

Age and pedagogical psychology

In the works of Vygotsky, the problem of the relationship between the role of ripening and learning in the development of the higher mental functions of the child is considered in detail. So, he formulated the most important principle, according to which the preservation and timely maturation of the brain structures is the necessary, but insufficient condition for the development of higher mental functions. The main source for this development is the changing social environment, for the description of which the term's social situation is introduced by Vygotsky, defined as "peculiar, specific agents, an exceptional, one and unique relationship between the child and the surrounding reality, primarily social. This attitude determines the course of the development of the psyche of the child at a certain age stage.

Vygotsky proposed new periodization of the human life cycle, which was based on the alternation of stable development periods and crises. Crises are characterized by revolutionary changes, the criterion of which is the appearance of neoplasms. The reason for the psychological crisis, according to Vygotsky, lies in the growing discrepancy between the developing psyche of the child and the unchanged social situation of development, and it is precisely to restructure this situation a normal crisis is directed.

Thus, each stage of life opens with a crisis (accompanied by the emergence of certain nebulances), followed by a period of stable development, when neoplasms are developing.

  • Newborn crisis (0-2 months)
  • Infancy (2 months - 1 year)
  • Crisis one year
  • Early childhood (1-3 years)
  • Crisis of three years
  • Preschool age (3-7 years)
  • Crisis of seven years
  • School age (8-12 years old)
  • Crisis of thirteen years
  • Teenage (puberty) period (14-17 years old)
  • Crisis of seventeen years old
  • Youth period (17-21 years)

Later, a slightly different version of this periodization was appeared, developed as part of a student of Vygotsky D. B. Elkonin. It was based on the concept of leading activities and the idea of \u200b\u200bchanging the leading activity during the transition to a new age stage. At the same time, Elkonin was distinguished the same periods and crises as in the periodization of Vygotsky, but with a more detailed consideration of the mechanisms operating at each stage.

Vygotsky, apparently, the first in psychology approached the consideration of the psychological crisis as the necessary stage of human psyche development, the discontinuity of his positive meaning.

A significant contribution to the pedagogical psychology is the concept of the nearest development zone. The zone of the nearest development is the "region of not matured, but ripening processes", the comprehensive task with which the child at a given level of development can not cope with itself, but which is capable of solving with an adult; This is the level achieved by the child so far only during collaborative activities with adults.

Impact Vygotsky

Cultural and historical theory of Vygotsky spawned the largest school in Soviet psychology, from which came out

Outstanding scientist Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, the main works of which are included in the Golden Fund of World Psychology, has managed much for their short life. He laid the base of many subsequent directions in pedagogy and psychology, some of his ideas are still waiting for their development. The psychologist Lion Vygotsky belonged to the pleiad of outstanding Russian scientists, which combined the erudition, brilliant rhetorical abilities and deep scientific knowledge.

Family and childhood

Lion Vygotsky, whose biography began in a prosperous Jewish family in Orshe, was born on November 17, 1896. His birth at birth was profitable, he changed the letter in 1923. The father was named sim cry, but the Russian manner called Semen. Lion's parents were educated and secured people. Mom worked as a teacher, his father was a merchant. In the family Lev was the second of eight children.

In 1897, profitable moved to Gomel, where the father becomes the Deputy Manager by the Bank. The childhood of Leo was quite prosperous, Mom devoted all his time to children. The house also grew the children's brother's brother and senior brother, in particular Brother David, who had a strong influence on the lion. The house of profitable was a kind of cultural center where the local intelligentsia was collected, cultural news and events in the world were discussed. Father was the founder of the first public library in the city, children from childhood got used to reading good books. Subsequently, several outstanding philologists came out of the family, and in order to differ from their cousin, a representative of Russian formalism, Lion and will change the letter in the last name.


For children in the family of profitable, private teacher Solomon Markovich Ashpiz was invited, famous for his unusual pedagogical method based on "dialogues" of Socrates. In addition, he adhered to progressive political views and consisted in the Social Democratic Party.

The lion was formed under the influence of the teacher, as well as Brother David. He from childhood was fond of literature and philosophy. His favorite philosopher became Benedict Spinosa, and this is a passion for a scientist jested throughout his life. Lion Vygotsky studied at home, but later she successfully passed the external exam for the fifth grade of the gymnasium and went to the 6th grade of the Jewish male gymnasium, where he received secondary education. Litu learned well, but continued to receive private lessons in Latin, Greek, Hebrew and English at home.

In 1913, he successfully withstand entrance exams at Moscow University for the Medical Faculty. But it is rather soon it is translated to the legal. In 1916, he wrote a lot of reviews on the books of modern writers, articles on culture and history, reflections on the "Jewish" question. In 1917, he decides to leave jurisprudence and translates to the University of Historical and Philology. Shanyavsky, who ends in a year.


After graduating from the university, Lion Vygotsky faced the problem of employment. He and his mother and younger brother first goes to Samara in search of a place, then travels to Kiev, but in 1918 it returns to Gomel. Here it connects to the construction of a new school, which begins to teach with the elder brother David. From 1919 to 1923, he works in several educational institutions of Gomel, also heads the Department of National Education. This pedagogical experience has become the basis for its first scientific research in the field of impact methods to the younger generation.

It is organically included in the progressive pedology direction, which united psychology and pedagogy. Vygotsky creates an experimental laboratory in the Gomel Technical School, in which his pedagogical psychology is formed. Vygotsky Lev Semenovich actively acts at conferences and becomes a notable scientist in the new sphere. Already after the death of scientists, devoted to the problems of the formation of skills and teaching children will be combined in the book called "Pedagogical Psychology". It will contain articles about attention, aesthetic education, forms of studying the identity of the child and psychology of the teacher.

First steps in science

While studying at the university, Lev Vygotsky is fond of literary criticism, publishes several points on the poetics. His work on the analysis of "Hamlet" W. Shakespeare was a new word in literary analysis. However, the systematic scientific activity of Vygotsky begins to engage in another sphere - at the junction of pedagogy and psychology. His experimental laboratory led works, which became a new word in pedology. Already then, Lev Semenovich occupied mental processes and issues of the influence of psychology on the activities of the teacher. His works, presented at several scientific conferences, were bright and peculiar, which allowed the Vygotsky to become a psychologist.

Path in psychology

The first works of Vygotsky are associated with the problems of learning abnormal children, these studies not only laid the beginning of the formation of defectology, but also became a serious contribution to the study of higher mental functions and mental laws. In 1923, a fateful meeting with an outstanding psychologist A. R. Luria occurs at the congress of psychoneurology. He was literally conquered by a Vygotsky's presentation and became the initiator of the movement of Leo Semenovich to Moscow. In 1924, Vygotsky receives an invitation to work at the Moscow Institute of Psychology. So began the brightest, but a short period of his life.

The interests of the scientist were very diverse. He was engaged in problems relevant at the time of reflexology, made a significant contribution to the study of higher mental functions, and also did not forget about his first attachment - about pedagogy. Already after the death of the scientist there will be a book that unites his perennial research, "Psychology of human development." Vygotsky Lev Semenovich was a psychology methodologist, and its fundamental reflections on the methods of psychology and diagnosis were collected in this book. Particularly important is part dedicated to the psychological crisis, extreme interests are 6 lectures of the scientist, in which it stops on the main issues of general psychology. Vygotsky did not have time to reveal his ideas deeply, but became the founder of a number of directions in science.

Cultural and historical theory

A special place in the psychological concept of Vygotsky is occupied by the cultural and historical theory of the development of the psyche. In 1928, he makes a bold statement of the statement that the social environment is the main source of personality development. Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, whose pedology works were distinguished by a special approach, rightly considered that the child undergoes the stage of the formation of the psyche not only as a result of the implementation of biological programs, but also in the process of mastering "psychological guns": culture, language, account systems. Consciousness develops in collaboration and communication, so the role of culture in the formation of a person is impossible to overestimate. A person, according to a psychologist, is an absolutely social, and out of society, many mental functions cannot be formed.

"Psychology of Art"

Another important, point book, which was famous for Vygotsky Lion, - "Psychology of Art". She went to the world after many years after the death of the author, but even then made a huge impression on the scientist world. Its influence experienced researchers from different areas: psychology, linguistics, ethnology, artificiality, sociology. The main thought of Vygotsky was that art is an important area of \u200b\u200bthe development of many mental functions, and its emergence is due to the natural course of the evolution of man. Art is an essential factor in the survival of the human population, it performs many important functions in the society and the lives of individual individuals.

"Thinking and speech"

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, whose books are still extremely popular all over the world, did not have time to publish his main work. The book "Thinking and speech" was a real revolution in the psychology of his time. In it, the scientist was able to express many ideas that were much more formulated and developed in cognivistism, psycholingestics, social psychology. Vygotsky experimentally proved that human thinking is formed and develops exclusively in speech activity. At the same time, language and speech are also means of stimulating mental activity. He discovered the stadium nature of the formation of thinking and introduced the concept of "crisis", which today is applied everywhere.

Contribution of scientist in science

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, the books of which today are mandatory to read each psychologist, for their very short scientific life was able to make a considerable contribution to the development of several sciences. His work has become, among other studies, the impetus to the formation of psychoneurology, psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology. His cultural and historical concept of development of the psyche lies on the basis of a whole scientific school in psychology, which is most actively developing in the 21st century.

It is impossible to understand the contribution of Vogets to the development of domestic defectology, age and pedagogical psychology. Many of his work only today receive their true assessment and development, in the history of domestic psychology now the honorable place occupies such a name as Lev Vygotsky. The books of the scientist today are constantly reprinted, its drafts and sketches are published, the analysis of which shows how powerful and original its ideas and ideas were published.

Pupils Vygotsky are proud of domestic psychology, fruitfully developing it and their own ideas. In 2002, the book of a scientist "Psychology" was published, in which his fundamental studies were combined in the basic sections of science, such as the total, social, clinical, age psychology, as well as the psychology of development. Today, this textbook is basic for all universities of the country.

Personal life

Like any scientist, Vygotsky Lev Semenovich, the psychology for which became a matter of life, most of his time gave work. But in Gomel, he had a like-mindedness, bride, and later his wife - Rosa Naevna Mstochova. The couple lived a brief life - only 10 years, but it was a happy marriage. A couple had two daughters: Gita and Asya. Both became scientists, Gita Lvivna - a psychologist and a defectologist, Asya Lvovna - a biologist. He continued the psychological dynasty and the granddaughter of the scientist - Elena Evgenievna Kravtsov, who today is headed by the Institute of Psychology named after his grandfather.

End of the Path

Even in the early 1920s, Lev Vygotsky fell ill with tuberculosis. He caused his death in 1934. The scientist continued to work until the end of the days and the last day of his life said: "I am ready." The last years of the psychologist's life was complicated by the thickest clouds around his work. Repressions and persecution came, so death allowed him to avoid arrest, and his relatives were removed from the massacre.

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich (1896-1934 Orsha, Russian Empire) - famous in the world psychology of owls. psychologist.

The greatest fame brought V. The cultural and historical concept of the development of higher mental functions, the theoretical and empirical potential of which is not yet exhausted (which can be said almost about all other aspects of creativity V.).

In the early period of creativity (until 1925), Vygotsky developed problems of psychology of art, considering that the objective structure of the work of art causes at least 2 against the subject. Affect, the contradiction between which is permitted in catharsis underlying the aesthetic reactions. A little later, V. Develops the problems of the methodology and theory of psychology ("the historical meaning of the psychological crisis"), outlines the program for constructing a specific scientific methodology of psychology based on the philosophy of Marxism (see causal-dynamic analysis).

For 10 years, Vygotsky L.S. He was engaged in a defectology, creating the psychology of the abnormal childhood in M. the laboratory (1925-1926), which later became an integral part of the experimental defectological Institute (EDI), and developing a qualitatively new theory of the development of an anomalous child. At the last stage, his creativity took up the problems of the ratio of thinking and speech, the development of values \u200b\u200bin ontogenesis, problems of egocentric speech, etc. (" Thinking and speech ", 1934). In addition, the problems of the systemic and semantic structure of consciousness and self-consciousness, the unity of affect and intelligence, various problems of child psychology (see The zone of the nearest development , Education and development), the problems of the development of the psyche in philo and sociogenesis, the problem of the brainalization of higher mental functions and many others.

He had a significant impact on the domestic and world psychology and others. Related to the psychology of science (pedology, pedagogy, defectology, linguistics, art history, philosophy, semiotics, neuroscience, cognitive science, cultural anthropology, systemic approach, etc.). The first and closest students V. were A.R. Luria and A.N. Leontyev (Troika), afterwards them were joined by L.I. Bozovic, A.V. Zaporozhets, R.E. Levina, N.G. Morozova, L.S. Slavina ("Five"), created their original psychological concepts. Ideas V. are developed by his followers in many countries of the world. (E.E. Sokolova)

Psychological dictionary. A.V. Petrovsky MG Yaroshevsky

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich (1896-1934) - Russian psychologist. Developed, focusing on the methodology of Marxism, the doctrine on the development of mental functions in the process of mediated by the publication of the Individual of the values \u200b\u200bof culture.

Cultural signs (first of all the signs of the language) serve as a kind of tools, operating with which the subject, affecting the other, forms its own inner world, the main units of k-ryo are values \u200b\u200b(generalizations, cognitive components of consciousness) and meanings (affective motivational components).

Mental functions, data from nature ("natural") are converted into the functions of the highest level of development ("cultural"). So, the mechanical memory becomes logical, associative (see Association) Presentations of representations - targeted thinking or creative imagination, impulsive effect - arbitrary, etc. All these internal processes are an interiorization product. "Any function in the cultural development of the child appears on the scene twice, in two plans, - at first social, then - psychological. First between people as a category interpsychic, then inside the child as a category intraxichetic. " Burnt in direct social contacts of the child with adults, the highest functions then "rotate" into his consciousness. "The history of the development of higher mental functions", 1931).

On the basis of this idea V., a new direction was created in children's psychology, including a provision on the "zone of the nearest development", which had a great influence on modern domestic and foreign experimental studies of the development of the child's behavior. The principle of development was combined in the concept of V. with the principle of systemicity. He developed the concept of "psychological systems", under K-fish understood holistic education in the form of various forms of interfunctional bonds (for example, ties between thinking and memory, thinking and speech). In the construction of these systems, the main role was dodged initially a sign, and then the value of both the "cell", from which the tissue of the human psyche brings, in contrast to the animal psyche.

Reading mode

Defectology in the scientific biography of L.S. Vygotsky *

In the work and in the work of Lev Semenovich, the problems of defectology occupied a significant place. The whole Moscow period of life, all ten years Lev Semenovich in parallel with psychological studies was led theoretical and experimental work in the field of defectology. The proportion of research performed on this problem is very great ...

Lev Semenovich began his scientific and practical activities in the field of defectology back in 1924, when he was appointed head of the submarine of abnormal childhood in the drug addict. About his bright and turning for the development of the report on the second congress we have already written. I would like to note that interest in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge turned out to be persistent, he increased in subsequent years. L.S. Vygotsky led not only intensive scientific, but also did a great practical and organizational work in this area.

In 1926, they organized a laboratory on the psychology of abnormal childhood at the medical and pedagogical station (in Moscow, on Pokhodinskaya st., House 8). For three years of its existence, employees of this laboratory have accumulated interesting research material and have done important pedagogical work. About a year Lev Semenovich was the director of the entire stationAnd then became its scientific consultant.

In 1929, on the basis of the laboratory named above, the Experimental Defectological Institute of People's Commissariat (EDI) is created. The director of the institute was appointed I.I. Dannyushevsky. Since the creation of Eddi and until the last days of his life, L.S. Vigotsky was his scientific supervisor and consultant.

Gradually increased the staff of scientists, the base for research was expanded. An abnormal child was examined at the Institute, diagnosing and planning for further correctional work with deaf and mentally retarded children.

Until now, many flaws remember how scientific and practical workers flocked from different parts of Moscow to observe how L.S. Vygotsky examined children, and then analyzed in detail each individual case, opening the structure of the defect and giving practical recommendations to parents and teachers.

EDI existed a commune school for children with behavior deviations, auxiliary school (for mentally retarded children), a school of deaf and clinical and diagnostic separation. In 1933 L.S. Vygotsky together with the director of the Institute I.I. Dannyushevsky decided to study children with violations of speech.

Conducted by L.S. Vygotsky in this institute of research is still fundamental to productive development of problems of defectology. Created by hp The discharge scientific system in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge has not only historiographic importance, but also significantly affects the development of the theory and practice of modern defectology.

It is difficult to call the work of recent years in the field of psychology and pedagogy of an anomalous child, which would not have experienced the influence of the ideas of Leo Semenovich and directly or indirectly would not appeal to his scientific heritage. His teaching still does not lose its relevance and significance.

In the sphere of scientific interests L.S. Vygotsky was a large range of issues relating to the study, development, training and education of abnormal children. In our opinion, the most significant are the problems that help understand the essence and nature of the defect, the possibilities and features of its compensation and the right organization of study, training and education of an anomalous child. Briefly characterize some of them.

Understanding the nature of the nature and essence of abnormal development was distinguished from the widespread biological approach to the defect. L.S. Vygotsky considered a defect as "social dislocation", caused by the change in the relationship of the child with the environment, which leads to a violation of the social parties. It comes to the conclusion that in understanding the essence of anomalous development, it is necessary to allocate and take into account the primary defect, secondary, tertiary and subsequent layers above it. Distribution of primary and subsequent symptoms L.S. Vygotsky considered extremely important when studying children with various pathologies. He wrote that elementary functions, being a primary drawback arising from the nucleus of a defect and being directly related to him, are less corrected.

The problem of compensation of the defect was reflected in most works by L.S. Vygotsky dedicated to the problems of defectology.

The desired compensation theory was organically entered into the problem of the development and decay of higher mental functions under investigators. Already in the 20s. L.S. Vygotsky put forward and substantiated the need for social compensation of a defect as a task of paramount importance: "Probably, humanity will win before or later and blindness, and deafness, and dementia, but much earlier it will defeat their socially and pedagogically than medical and biologically."

In subsequent years, Lev Semenovich deepened and concretized the theory of compensation. Unusually important for improving the theory of compensation and problems of learning abnormal children was extended by L. Vygotsky Regulations on the creation of bypass routes of development of a pathologically developing child. In their later works by L.S. Vygotsky has repeatedly returned to the question of the workaround of development, noting their greater importance for the compensation process. "In the process of cultural development, he writes," the child has a replacement of some functions by others, launching bypass pathways, and this opens up completely new opportunities in the development of an abnormal child. If this child can not achieve something directly, the development of workarounds becomes the basis of its compensation. "

L.S. Vygotsky in the light of the compensation problem developed by him indicated that all defectological pedagogical practice consists of creating workarounds of the abnormal child. This, according to L.S. Vygotsky, "Alpha and Omega" special pedagogy.

So, in the works of the 20s. L.S. Vygotsky only in the most general form put forward the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing biological compensation to social. In his subsequent writings, this idea acquires a specific form: the path of compensation of a defect is in the formation of workarounds of the development of an anomalous child.

Lev Semenovich argued that the normal and abnormal child develops according to the same laws. But along with general patterns, he also noted the originality of the development of an anomalous child. And as the main feature of the anomalous psyche allocated the discrepancy between the biological and cultural development processes.

It is known that each of the categories of abnormal children for various reasons and in different degrees is detained the accumulation of life experience, so the role of training in their development is becoming particularly significance. The mentally retarded, deaf and blind child early started, properly organized training and education is necessary to a greater extent than a normally developing, capable of independently draw knowledge from the surrounding world.

Describing deflectivity as "social dislocation", Lev Semenovich does not deny that organic defects (with deafness, blindness, dementia) - biological facts. But since the educator falls in practice to deal not so much with the biological facts themselves, as with their social consequences, with conflicts arising from "entering an anomalous child to life", L.S. Vygotsky had a sufficient basis to argue that the child's education with a defect is based on social character. Incorrect or later initiated education of an anomalous child leads to the fact that deviations in the development of his personality are aggravated, violations of behavior appear.

Press the anomalous child from the state of isolation, to open up in front of him the opportunities for a truly human life, to introduce it to socially useful work, to bring up an active conscious member of society from him - here's the tasks that, according to L.S. Vygotsky, should first of all solve a special school.

By refuting the false opinion about the reduced "public impulses" in an anomalous child, Lev Semenovich puts the question of the need for its upbringing not as a dependent-dependent or socio-neutral creature, but as an active conscious personality.

In the process of pedagogical work with children having sensory or intelligent deviations, hp Vygotsky considers it necessary to focus not on the "sickness spools" of the child, but on the "phones of health".

At that time, the essence of the correctional work of special schools, which reduced to training the processes of memory, attention, observation, senses, was a system of formal insulated exercises. L.S. Vygotsky one of the first drew attention to the characteristic nature of these training. He did not consider the right allocation of a system of such exercises into separate classes, to turn them into an end in itself, and ratified such a principle of correctional and educational work, in which the correction of the shortcomings of the cognitive activity of abnormal children would be part of the overall educational work, would dissolve in the entire process of learning and Education was carried out during gaming, educational and work activities.

Working out in children's psychology, the problem of learning and development relationships, L.S. Vygotsky came to the conclusion that training should precede, run forward and tightening, leading to the development of the child.

Such an understanding of the ratio of these processes led it to the need to take into account both cash ("current") level of the child's development and its potential capabilities (the "zone of the nearest development"). Under the "zone of the nearest development" L.S. Vygotsky understood the functions, "In the process of ripening, functions that mature tomorrow, which are now still in the infancy, the functions that can be called not the fruits of development, but by the kidneys of development, development colors, i.e. by just matures. "

Thus, in the process of developing the concept of "zone of the nearest development", Lev Semenovich was put forward to the important thesis that, in determining the mental development of the child, it is impossible to focus only on what they have achieved, i.e. For completed stages, and it is necessary to take into account the "dynamic state of its development", "those processes that are currently in the state of formation."

According to Vygotsky, the "zone of the nearest development" is determined during the decision of the child difficult for its age tasks in the presence of an adult assistance. Thus, the assessment of the mental development of the child should be based on two indicators: susceptibility to assistance provided and to the ability to solve similar problems independently.

In his daily work, faced not only with normally developing children, but also by conducting a survey of children with development deviations, Lev Semenovich was convinced that ideas about development zones are very productive in the appendix to all categories of abnormal children.

The leading method of examining children with pedwalls was the use of psychometric tests. In some cases, interesting in themselves, they, nevertheless, did not give the ideas about the structure of the defect, the real possibilities of the child. Pedassians believed that the abilities could be quantitatively measured in order to subsequent distribution of children in different schools depending on the results of this measurement. The formal assessment of children's abilities, conducted by test tests, led to errors, as a result of which normal children were sent to auxiliary schools.

In his writings L.S. Vygotsky criticized the methodological failure of a quantitative approach to the study of the psyche using test tests. By figuratively expressing a scientist, with such surveys, "kilometers was summed up with kilograms."

After one of the voiced reports made (December 23, 1933) He was asked to express their opinion about tests. Vygotsky answered it like this: "We have known the smartest scientists at the congresses - what better method is: laboratory or experimental. It's like arguing what is better: a knife or hammer. The method is always a tool, the method is always the way. Is it possible to say that the best way is it from Moscow to Leningrad? If you want to go to Leningrad, then, of course, it is so, and if in Pskov, it is a bad way. It cannot be said that the tests are always a bad or good tool, but one can say one general rule that the tests themselves are not an objective indicator of mental development. Tests always detect signs, and the signs do not indicate the development process directly, and always need addition to other signs. "

Answering the question of whether tests can serve as a criterion of current development, L.S. Vygotsky said: "It seems to me that the question is which tests and how to use them. This question can be answered in the same way as if I asked - can a knife be a good tool for a surgical operation. Depending on which? A knife from the Narpitovskaya dining room, of course, will be a bad tool, and surgical - it will be good. "

"Studying a hard-advisable child," L.S. wrote Vygotsky, - more than any other child type, should be based on long-term observation of it in the process of education, on a pedagogical experiment, on the study of the products of creativity, games and all sides of the child's behavior. "

"Tests for the research of will, emotional side, fantasy, character, etc. can be used as auxiliary and indicative means."

From the above statements by hp Vygotsky is visible: he believed that the tests themselves could not be an objective indicator of mental development. However, he did not deny the admissibility of their limited use along with other methods of studying the child. In fact, Vygotsky's view on tests is similar to those whose psychologists and defectologists are held at this time.

Much attention in their works L.S. Vygotsky paid the problem to study the abnormal children and their proper selection into special institutions. Modern selection principles (comprehensive, holistic, dynamic, systemic and comprehensive study) children leave their roots in the concept of HP. Vygotsky.

Ideas hp Vygotsky on the peculiarities of the psychic development of the child, about the areas of the current and nearest development, the leading role of training and education, the need for a dynamic and systemic approach to the implementation of the correctional impact, taking into account the integrity of the personality development and a number of others, reflected and developed in theoretical and experimental studies of domestic scientists, and Also in the practice of different types of schools for abnormal children.

At the beginning of the 30s. L.S. Vygotsky worked fruitfully in the field of pathopsychology. One of the leading provisions of this science contributing to the proper understanding of the abnormal development of mental activity, according to famous specialists, is the provision on the unity of intelligence and affect. L.S. Vygotsky calls it the cornerstone in the development of a child with the preserved intelligence and mentally retard. The value of this idea goes far beyond the scope of those problems, in connection with which it was expressed. Lev Semenovich believed that "The unity of intelligence and affect provides the regulation process and the mediating of our behavior (in the terminology of Vygotsky -" changes our actions ")."

L.S. Vygotsky in a new way approached the experimental study of the main processes of thinking and to the study of how the highest mental functions are formed and how the highest mental functions are disintegrated by the pathological states of the brain. Thanks to the work carried out by Vygotsky and its employees, the decay processes received their new scientific explanation ...

The problems of the pathology of speech, who were interested in Lev Semenovich, began to be studied under his leadership at the School clinic of Edi. In particular, from 1933-1934. One of the students of Lev Semenovich, Rosa Evgenievna Levin, was engaged in issues of studying Alalik children.

Lero Semenovich attaches attempts to a thorough psychological analysis of changes in speech and thinking, which occur during aphasia. (These ideas were subsequently developed and developed by A.R. Luria).

Theoretical and methodological concept, developed by L.S. Vygotsky, provided the transition of defectology with empirical, descriptive positions on a truly scientific basis, contributing to the formation of defectology as science.

Such well-known defectologists like E.S. Bain, TA Vlasova, R.E. Levina, N.G. Morozova, J.I. Shif, who was lucky to work with Lvom Semenovich, as evidenced by his contribution to the development of theory and practice: "His works served as a scientific basis for building special schools and the theoretical substantiation of the principles and methods for studying the diagnosis of difficult (abnormal) children. Vygotsky left the inheritance of incredit scientific importance, which was included in the treasury of Soviet and world psychology, defectology, psycho-erectology and other related sciences. "

Fragments of the book of G.L. Profitable and som. Lifanova "Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. A life. Activity. Strokes to the portrait. " - M.: Meaning, 1996. - P. 114-126 (in abbreviation). *

Years of life: 1896 - 1934

Motherland: Orsha (Russian Empire)

Vygotsky Lev Semenovich was born in 1896. He was an outstanding domestic psychologist, the creator of the concept of the development of higher mental functions. Lev Semenovich was born in the Belarusian town of Orshe, but after a year the benefits moved to Gomel and settled out there. His father, Semyon Lvovich profitable finished the commercial institute in Kharkov and was a bank employee and insurance agent. Mother, Cecilia Moiseevna, almost all his life devoted to the upbringing of her eight children (Lev was a second child). The family was considered a kind of cultural center of the city. For example, there is information that a profitable father founded a public library in the city. In the house they loved and knew literature, it was not by chance that there were so many famous philologists from the family of profitable. In addition to Lion Semenovich, this is his sisters Zinaida and Claudia; The cousin David Isaakovich, one of the prominent representatives of the "Russian formalism" (somewhere in the early 20s he began to be published, and since both they were engaged in the poetic, naturally the desire to "squeeze" so that they were not confused, and therefore Lion Semenovich is profitable The letter "D" was replaced in his surname to "T"). Young Lev Semenovich was fascinated by literature and philosophy. His favorite philosopher became and remained until the end of the life of Benedict Spinoza. Young Vygotsky studied mainly at home. Only the last two grades, he studied in the private Gomel Gymnasium Ratger. In all subjects, he showed outstanding abilities. In the gymnasium he studied German, French, Latin, at home, in addition, English, ancient Greek and Hebrew. After graduating from the gymnasium, L.S.vugotsky entered Moscow University, where he studied at the Faculty of Law during the First World War (1914-1917). At the same time he became interested in literary criticism, and in several magazines his reviews appeared on the books of symbolist writers - the lords of the shower of the then intelligentsia: A. Belogo, V. Ivanov, D. Mezhkovsky. In these student years, he writes his first work - the tragedy "tragedy about the Gamlet Danish U. Waxpiera." After the victory of the revolution, Vothesky returned to Gomel and took an active part in the construction of a new school. During this period, his scientific career falls as a psychologist, since in 1917 he began to study research and organized a psychological office at a pedhechnik, where the research was led. In 1922-1923 He spent five studies, three of whom he later reported on the II All-Russian Congress on Psychoneurology. These were: "The method of reflexological research in applied to the study of the psyche", "How it is necessary to teach psychology" and "the results of the questionnaire about the sentiments of students in the graduation classes of Gomel schools in 1923 "In the Gomel period, it was presented in the Gomel period that the future of psychology - in the annex to the causal explanation of the consciousness of reflexological methods, the advantage of which in their objectivity and naturally scientific rigor. The content and style of speeches of Vygotsky, as well as his personality literally shocked one of the participants of the congress - A. R. Luria. The new director of the Moscow Institute of Psychology N.K. Kornilov adopted the offer of Luria about the invitation of Vygotsky to Moscow. So in 1924, a ten-year-old Moscow stage of Creativity, Vygotsky, began. This decade can be divided into three periods. First period (1924-1927 ). Only arriving in Moscow and passing the exams for the title of scientific employee of the 2nd category, Vygotsky performed for six months with three reports. In terms of the further development of the new psychological concept, he builds a behavior model, which was based on the concept of speech Reactions. The term "reaction" was introduced in order to deliver the psychological approach from FI Ziologic. He contributes signs to it, allowing to relate the behavior of the body with consciousness with consciousness with the form of culture - language and art. With the move to Moscow, it is attracted by a special scope of practice - work with children suffering from various mental and physical defects. Essentially, his entire first Moscow year can be called "defectological". Classes at the Institute of Psychology, he combines with active activities in the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment. Showing brilliant organizational abilities, he laid the foundations of the defectological service, and later became the supervisor of the existing Special Scientific and Practical Institute. The most important direction of Vygotsky research in the early years of the Moscow period was the analysis of the situation in world psychology. He writes the preface to Russian translations of the leaders of psychoanalysis, biheviorism, gestaltyism, seeking to determine the importance of each of the directions to develop a new picture of mental regulation. Back in 1920, Vygotsky fell ill with tuberculosis, and since then there was no outbreak of the disease with the "borderline" between life and death. One of the most severe outbreaks hit him at the end of 1926, then he, hitting the hospital, began for one of his main studies, which gave the name "meaning of the psychological crisis." The epigraph to the treatise was biblical words: "The stone, which the builders contemplated, became head of the corner." By this stone, he called practices and philosophy. The second period of creativity of Vygotsky (1927-1931) to its Moscow decade is instrumental psychology. He introduces the concept of a sign speaking by a special psychological instrument, the use of which, without changing the substance of nature, serves as a powerful means of turning the psyche from natural (biological) to cultural (historical). Thus, the didactic scheme "Stimulus-reaction" was rejected by both a subjective and objective psychology. It was replaced by a triadic - "stimulus - stimulus - reaction", where, as an intermediary between an external object (stimulus) and the response action of the body (mental reaction), a special incentive is a sign. This sign is a kind of tool, when operating with an individual from its primary natural mental processes (memory, attention, associated thinking), there is a special, inherent in human system of functions of the second sociocultural order. Vygotsky called them higher mental functions. The most significant of the magnitude achieved during this period and its group was reduced to the extensive manuscript "The history of the development of higher mental functions." Among the publications, which made the specified generalizing manuscript, we note the "instrumental method in pedology" (1928), "the problem of cultural development of the child" (1928), "Instrumental method in psychology" (1930), "gun and a sign in the development of a child" ( 1931). In all cases, the Center was the problem of the development of a children's psyche, interpreted under the same alphabet: the creation of its biopsychic "material" of new cultural forms. Vygotsky becomes one of the main pedigurges of the country. Coming from the press "School Pedology" (1928), "Pedology of Youth Age" (1929), "Pedology of a Teenager" (1930-1931). Vygotsky strive to recreate the overall picture of the development of the mental world. He moved from the study of signs as determinant instrumental acts to study the evolution of the values \u200b\u200bof these signs, primarily the speech, in the mental life of the child. The new research program has become the main one in its third, the last Moscow period (1931-1934). The results of its development captured the monograph "Thinking and Speech". Waking up global questions about the relationship between training and education, Vygotsky gave him an innovative interpretation in the concept of the "zone of the nearest development" in the concept of the "zone of the nearest development", according to which only learning is effective that "runs forward". In the last period of creativity, the leitmotifs of the Vygotsky quest, binding to the general node, the various branches of his work (the history of the teachings on affects, the study of the age dynamics of consciousness, the semantic understone of the word) was the problem of the relationship of motivation and cognitive processes. Vygotsky worked at the limit of human capabilities. From dawn, its days were oversaturated with endless lectures, clinical and laboratory work. He performed with many reports at various meetings and conferences, wrote theses, articles, introducing materials collected by his employees. When Vygotsky was taken to the hospital, he took with him the beloved "Hamlet". In one of the records about the Shakespeare tragedy, it was labeled that the main state of Hamlet is willingness. "I am ready" - such, according to the testimony of the medical sister, were the last words of Vygotsky. Although early death did not allow Vygotsky to realize many promising programs, his ideas, discontinuous mechanisms and laws of cultural development of the individual, developing its mental functions (attention, speech, thinking, affects), outlined a fundamentally new approach to indigenous issues of personality formation. Bibliography of L. L. Vygotsky has 191 work. The ideas of Vygotsky received a wide resonance in all sciences exploring a person, including in linguistics, psychiatry, ethnography, sociology. They identified a whole stage in the development of humanitarian knowledge in Russia and today retain their heuristic potential.
