Repairs Design Furniture

The pond in the country is your own hands: Consider how to make a decorative pond step by step with a photo. Pond in the garden: typical mistakes of lovers to make a reservoir in the country with their own hands

Have a beautiful pond in the garden - the dream of any summer house. In order for the reservoir differ in originality and was easy to care, it is necessary to think over all the details: choose the location, pick materials, choose residents and plants, and then start building.

Pond in the garden: how to choose a plot and not mistaken with form and size

On the initial stage, Often because of your inexperience and ignorance, gardeners allow mistakes that may be the cause of many problems in the future. Only correctly selected area, size and shape, ideally suitable for the plot area - the key to successful construction. That is why, before carrying out such work, the scheme is drawn up and planning objects of landscape design and buildings in the garden.

Selection of site

  • The open area is best under the pond, since tall trees and shrubs will constantly clog water. Alternatively, you can cover the surface with a grid for a period of leaf fall, but in summer, protection will have to be removed, and the debris from the surrounding plants will still be at the bottom of the reservoir. The pond, placed in the shade, will warm up long, especially in early spring.
  • It is very important that the selected plot is under the action sun ray Either in the first half of the day or in the second.
  • The surface of the construction site should be perfectly smooth. Even a slight height difference can spoil the entire appearance, for example, it does not quite aesthetically look like a waterproofing, protruding from high banks.

The form

Landscape design laws say that for a small paleside in natural style optimal solution - winding, intricate form. As practice shows, it is quite problematic in such a pond in a small area, and it will look comically.

But this is not a reason to abandon the reservoir, you can make a waterfall with a drop of heights or a small container semi-fountain. With proper decoration, even the simplest geometric model will fit into all sorts of landings, without violating the landscape.

If the parisade is designed in a certain stylist, then the reservoir must match it. So, for english style A round pond is suitable for classic - with strictly outlined angles, and the eastern design will allow you to choose an absolutely arbitrary form.

Size and depth

The pond in the garden does not necessarily do big, even if the area allows. Properly placed small size The reservoir will look much more effectively than the lake in the middle of the lawn. Although much easier to care for, it is easier to decorate and can be used for bathing or fishing.

The optimal depth of the pond is from 30 to 50 cm, under such a thickness water will be comfortable that vegetation, that live life. But it should be borne in mind that such a reservoir will be freezing, and fish and plants will have to relocate for the winter. Mount and arrange a small reservoir with gentle shores much easier.

Pond in the garden with their own hands

Garden reservoirs are mounted from a wide variety of materials: plastic, concrete, stone, films, geotextiles. You can also buy a ready-made basis - it is relatively easy to install, it is suitable for wintering aquatic plants and has a sufficiently long service life.

Pond appointment can be different:

  • mini-reservoir from cast iron bath or garden trolley;
  • decorative swamp, with which you can dry the problem area;
  • resident for local flora and fauna;
  • necking for exotic fish and plants;
  • pool with iridescent water.

Arrangement of the pond from the finished form

With the help of a specially intended container of polyethylene or fiberglass, create a small mini-pond with standing water is quite simple. They are a variety of forms and species and sold in specialized stores and on thematic exhibitions of landscape designs.

  1. At a certain place in advance, place the two-level basis and outline its contours on the surface of the earth, adding 15 cm for seams. Drop the pit for one level, and then, after re-fitting, for the other, but 15-20 cm deeper than the bathroom itself
  2. Carefully clean the deepening from stones and plant residues and wipe well. Next, make a layer of dry sand, 10 cm thick, scatter. Using the level and rail, make sure that the container is installed correctly.
  3. The resulting airspace fill with sand, moisturizing it until he stops seeping down. At the same time, fill the pond with water and follow its level. If you need, screw until the position is leveling.
  4. After 24 hours, check, did not suit the reservoir. If it happened, split sand and confuse. Then free the container, wash and pour clean water.
  5. Everything, the pond is ready for decoration. Put the pebbles around it or make a color gravel paths, plant plants in containers.

Original reservoir in the garden with their own hands

Often the main determining factor when choosing one of the variants of the decorative pond is the financial party. We offer several very original and relatively inexpensive ways to build a cherished water structure.

Second Life

Old barrels in a secluded place will serve an excellent habitat for aquatic plants. The principle of bookmarking such a mini-pond, the same as in the previous method. Wooden barrels It is better to use an oak, the main thing is that they are not concerned. But with metal tanks will have to be a little tinker: wash, the outer surface is covered with bitumen, and internal painting oil paint Black color to give visual depths.

Lake-up lake

What could be the adorable small lake next to the country house? It will take a polyethylene film that you can cover the pieces of cardboard and plywood 3 by 3 meters or similar pieces of plastics (5 pieces).

We have to work pretty:

  • dug a bit volume of 3 * 3 * 3 m;
  • secure land (using thin plywood or construction cardboard) if the plastic will not be installed, then pre-cover them polyethylene film;
  • ideally, set the plastic coating of the inner surface and the bottom.

As a result, your creation will delight the gaze not one year.

Raised pondric

If the household territory is very small, it is not a reason to deprive himself pleasure to admire the aqueous composition. The basis can serve as an ordinary old bath, whose flights successfully disguises a tree or stone. This design is not recommended to use for breeding fish, but for water plants and snails it will fit perfectly.

For ease of cleaning in the pond and disguise enamel white color Use the black film by fixing its edges decorative stones So that the bath is not visible at all.

Pond in the garden with your own hands Photo: Selection of plants for compositions

Without a doubt, the pond, made personally, is a great achievement, but so that the reservoir looked around and placed to rest, the vegetation should be successfully selected.

Floating cultures

A key place in each garden pond is the well-known waterwear or nymphya (lat. Nymphaea). A plurality of small-bedroom and large-color varieties allow you to beautifully arrange with a reservoir of any size.

For example, for a small pond, the most appropriate are dwarf pitfalls (Pygmaea Alba, N. Tetragona, Marliacea Rosea), as they can visually increase the area. It is not desirable to plant other floating plants next to the nifiah, as well as to upright a rocque or fountain (splashes can harm the leaves).

Very expressive will look on the water of Turcha Bolotnaya (Hottonia Palustris) and the butter (Ranunculus Aquatilis). These types of unpretentious, for their reproduction, a piece of escape is quite adapted to wintering under the thickness of ice, so during the cold plants should be transferred to the basement.

Plants for shallow water

The peculiarities of the root system of amphibians make them most suitable for landscaping ornamental swamps, water bodies placed at low sections, as well as shallow cats. This group includes: Iris, Bolotnaya Kaluzhnitsa, Mannicon, Rolls.

Reasters zone

Selection of a plant for framing a pond depends on the level of the drainage of the soil and the depth of the location groundwater. Geechara (Heuchara), Lilyika (Hemerocallis), Swalnica (Tróllius), Iris Siberian (Thalicrum), Vasilitnik (Thalicrum) will be taken on the canopy wet shore. The variety of varieties and the most unusual color gamuts make it profitable to combine these water plants.

The distinguished area framed by stony slides suggests disembarking of drought-resistant, light-affiliated plants, such as: Camery (SaxiFraga) and Molden (SemPervivum), as well as low-spirited bells and cereals, edels and phloxes. When planting crops, it is necessary to regulate the union landing: low-spirited perennials plant on top, in a kind of water plateau, and tall - several levels below.


Garden pond is not just a water structure - this is a real architectural building, to the exaltation and arrangement of which will need to spend a lot of time and effort. But thanks to our practical advice and instructions, the creative process of building and landscaping the reservoir will bring a lot of pleasure.

When arranging an artificial reservoir in the country area there is no need to hold its fantasy - here you can do a lot: both small thresholds and fountains, and large stones decorated with a variety of green plantings.

How to arrange a pond in the yard depends on how your site looks in general and in general, how do you imagine it. However, it is not necessary to be afraid to start fantasy, because even a simple mess may look like a designer idea.

The design of an artificial reservoir can be divided into two types:

  1. Relief, or one like natural
  2. Designer, or the one in which the color combinations are atypical for nature, but looks like a specially laid designer idea.

There are also swimming dacha ponds - this is such a pond, which, as a natural reservoir, however, in addition, it contains swimming.

How to make the pool in the country with your own hands (video)

Registration of a pond in the country with your own hands in the landscape style

If the overall picture of the site allows the creation of your pond approximate to natural, then in this case the shape of the water branch can be any, usually this is a curved coastline, which is accompanied by stones.

It will be better if the stones are either granite, or from the river pebbles, or from the decorative onyx.

Pretty beautiful will look at the sand of beige color, patterned tile and the like. The size of the stone should be determined depending on the size of the pond itself: if the pond is small, then the stones should be or small or medium sized; If the reservoir made is large - respectively large stones, but in harmony with small. In this way, general form Registration will be natural, in contrast, if the stones were the same.

The decoration can be based on a Japanese garden style. In the gardens of ancient Japan, the pond was built in a strict style, but with a scrupulously deliberate combination of stones. Bright plants should not be here. Due to the fact that in Japan a small territory, there was a culture of minimalism in it, as we see on the arrangement of water bodies.

Tradition requires all the elements in which water enters. It is usually a vessel of small sizes, near which the rods from the bamboo tubes take place. Trees of dwarf sizes are planted on the sides of such a stream.

Often, such a pond was constructed in the form of a rectangle, which also emphasized the rigorous style of Japan

It is possible to obtain a special effect if when the reservoir is arranged on its bottom to put stones. In this case, the depth of the artificial pond should be small so that the stones are visible through a small waters.

Elegant bridge over the pond

Also, in the reservoir, it is possible to lay out the bottom of the beautiful patterned tile in the reservoir. Beautifully decorated monolithic bridge over the pond is also very well fit into the overall picture.

Arrangement of a pond with green plantings

Combination of out beautiful stones It is necessary to complement well-selected plants so that our landscape look like in natural wildlife.

Before boarding, it is necessary to draw an approximate layout of plants. It is important to consider such factors as the level of the landscape, the combination of pond elements, free space, etc.

It is very important not to overdo the number of plantations. Sweatshirts on the surface of water and ferns on the shore will fit very well in the overall picture

There are a variety of plant cultures that differ in form and dimensions. It is important to carefully select them to avoid large accumulation of objects and, if possible, clean the outgrowths.

When the pond is a depth of more than 0.5 m, the algae needs to be put in the basket, and only then place in the pond itself. Such vegetation grows well where the shadow and quite effectively clean the water, if planted at the desired depth.

If your pond is small, it is necessary to approach more seriously, so that the general landscape is not overloaded various elements. It is recommended to use simple plants. Here you can plant juniper or bushes, whose shoots, herbs or wild vegetation, which can be found in the water.

With home reservoir, vegetation in a small reservoir, it is recommended to start a frog or snails there, which will create the desired fauna

A frog usually eats midges that live in ponds, and snail eats garbage on the bottom of the reservoir, which will be quite useful for you.

Design of artificial reservoir with their own hands

If your reservoir is quite large volumes, it is recommended to divide it into several main zones:

  • Plant zone on the shore
  • Plant zone on shallow depth
  • Plant zone at great depth

At sufficient depth you can settle fish that will fit well into the overall picture of the landscape reservoir. In case the pond is a small depth, then in order for the fish to be overwhelmed, you can dig up a recess one and a half meters.

The home pond can also be decorate with an artificial stream that will be drained with steps. The coast and the path to the pond is important to make from one material to be made in a single style.

Do it yourself a pond can also be created from several levels, thanks to which the water in it will be pleasantly rushing

Also nearby the reservoir can be located a gazebo from which the entire planned picture will be visible.

When choosing a style solution for home reservoir, it is important to take into account the ready-made architectural, plant and designer ideas, however if you have your own landscape, you do not commit any crime.

Decorative reservoir design in design style

The forms of the design style of the reservoir differ from the natural and its design more strict. Often he absorbs some one concept and is decorated in the same way as the entire country area.

If you do not have enough fantasy in the design of the pond, we recommend to make water in a free landscape style.

The form of the designer reservoir is usually done proper form or in the form of some drawing, but necessarily with the maintenance of the geometry of the lines.

Very stylish and minimalist looks a pond with straight edges in the courtyard, and when the flower beds are cleared around such a pond

Material can be used all sorts - from reinforced concrete rings to rubber Tires. In turn, this kind of materials need quality refrigeration.

Plants for the arrangement of the reservoir can be used any, even the most rare - which lifestyle and brightly blooms or deciduous with an unusual shape. Clay pots with plants planted in them also look beautiful.

Water styles

You can also do japanese style reservoir. It is impossible to use a lot of colors. If you perform with reservoir in chinese style Then the magnificent vegetation is welcome, and the dwarf trees need to make an emphasis.

In the ancient England Gardens reminded Chinese, because they had the same strict geometry, but did not make up lush plants.

For the garden decorated french style A distinct breakdown is characterized, smooth geometry on flower beds, shrub fences that rise above the ground. The atmosphere in the garden resembles the days of medieval palaces.

Very ascetic looks like a pond in celtic style. It uses only stones, and a combination of stones is welcomed. different sizes.

Water lanterns in the country

Additionally, the pond can also be lanterns of small size. It is like special decorations for your reservoir. Also, the backlit fountain looks very effectively. How to build such fountains is described in other articles.


Alienation to the ownership of the pond you can only with the simultaneous design of property rights to the land plot on which this water object is located. But there are some restrictions. So, according to paragraph 4, Art. 8 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, such a section cannot be separated and cannot be in equity ownership. You will not be able to make the right to this area and in the case when it is located within the borders of the common areas (paragraph 8, Art. 27 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation).

State authorities and local governments must also be developed and adopted by regulations that establish procedures and criteria for providing such land plots, as well as the procedure for consideration of applications. The procedure for the provision of such sites must correspond to Art. 37 Land Code of the Russian Federation.

If you want to get in the property of the site, within which there is a pond, apply to the executive body of public authority or local government. Reflect in it, for what purposes you ask in the property, specify its size, give a location scheme. The decision on this issue municipal authorities are obliged to take within two weeks.

Before the decision is made, local authorities will prepare requests and establish the existing ownership of this water object. Request for availability water object The relevant property register is sent to the territorial authority for the management of federal property, to the Department of State Property Management and to the Water Resources Department of the Territorial Basin Water Management.

In case of confirmation of the fact that this pond is not a federal property, the head of the municipality is preparing a decree on the inclusion of this water object (part 2 of Art. 8 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 40 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation).

You must register your own ownership of this water object in accordance with the Federal Law "On state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it "(paragraph 1, Art. 25 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation). From the moment of registration, you become the owner of the pond.


  • Water Code of the Russian Federation
  • ownership of the pond
  • The tenant dropped the water from the pond to catch the fish

Rent a pond can be the beginning profitable business: Fans of afraid of fish have always been a lot. You can rent a natural reservoir from the state or create your own, artificial pond. Both options require serious investments, but the first can still be less costly. The main thing that you will need to rent a pond is a land plot on which the pond is located.


The first step towards the pond is the choice of a pond located in the most good condition. Do not forget that for most objectives of using the pond will need to be cleaned and ennoble that it will require certain investments. The cleaner of the pond, the less, accordingly, you will have to have events for cleaning it, refining and maintaining in due state. In addition, if you plan to rent a pond for organizing fishing, then you should look for it in the most affordable areas, otherwise you will not have enough customers.

For the rental of the pond, it is necessary to apply to the executive body of state power or local self-government with a statement on the provision of land on which the pond is located. According to the law it is impossible to rent a pond without, in the boundaries of which it is located. The application must be specified for what purposes will be used, its size and location will be used. In a month, the authorized body issues the applicant the location of the land plot on the territory in the territory of the territory, and the applicant at its own expense conducts cadastral work. After that, within two weeks, it is decided to provide a land plot for rent and the lease agreement is concluded. If the lease agreement is for a period of more than one year, it is subject to registration in the Rosreestra bodies.

According to the water codes, no permits and approvals for the provision of a pond for rent for fishing or fish farming is not required. However, in many other cases (withdrawal of water resources, the use of a pond for recreational purposes, etc.) It is required to obtain a decision on the provision of a pond for use from authorities and conclude a water use agreement with an authorized body. To obtain a decision, it is necessary to apply to the executive body of state power or local self-government with a justification for the purpose of using the pond. Under the Treaty, water use for the use of the pond will need to pay in accordance with the rates adopted by the relevant authorities.

According to the water codes, physical and legal entities It is entitled to lease reservoirs on the basis of water use agreements or decisions on the provision of a water facility for use. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose a reservoir to rent a reservoir and conclude such an agreement or solve the decision to provide it. Rent of water bodies is carried out on a fee basis.

You will need

  • Water Code of the Russian Federation


Decide with the goal for which you reservoir. Depending on it, you will need to either conclude a water use agreement with the state or the municipality, or to make a decision on granting you in the selected reservoir. The list of objectives for which the decision or conclusion of the contract is required, enshrined in Part 1 and 2 of Article 11 of the Water Code. In some cases, it will not be necessary to obtain any (for example, if you need a reservoir for the shipping of small vessels, the implementation of one-time landing of aircraft).

If you need to conclude a water use agreement, refer to this in the executive body of the state authority, which is responsible in your region for the conclusion of such contracts. Remember that the water use agreement must contain the following:
1) information about the reservoir, including the description, within which water use is expected, i.e. Description of the part of the reservoir if you rented it part;
2) goal, types and conditions of water use;
3) the term of the contract;
4) the size of the board, conditions and timing of its introduction;
5) the procedure for the termination of the use of the reservoir;
6) responsibility for violation of the terms of the contract.
You can also agree on other conditions. Apply to the contract graphic scheme With a part of the reservoir you rent, hydraulic structures on it.

Register the water use agreement in the State Water Registry. After registration, it will come into force, and you can become a full tenant of the reservoir.

To obtain a decision on providing you with a reservoir for use, make an application for its provision, indicating the purpose of the provision, type and terms of water use. Apply to executive or municipal authorities. The authority must decide on the provision of a reservoir or a refusal of this within 30 days. The decision, as well as the water use agreement, is also subject to registration in the State Water Registry and enters into force from the date of registration.

Video on the topic

The presence of a reservoir has always been considered a big plus, regardless of which it was purchased for what purpose it was acquired - for economic breeding and catching fish or for the aesthetic decoration of a residential complex. Wide space for operations with water resources Provided the editorial office of the Water Code, which secured 5% of all water bodies of the Russian Federation in private ownership.

When making a pond in the country, you should not restrain the flight of your fantasy - everything is permissible here: both frivolous cascades and, and heavy boulders covered with mossy vegetation.

It all depends on how you imagine your countrywater, and in what style are surrounded.

But here everything relatively - even a frank dissonance can be represented as a special idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.

There are two main styles for the design of the pond in the country with their own hands: Landscape (as close as possible to nature) and designer (deliberately artificial and more fantasy).

There are also landscape swimming reservoirs - these are ponds decorated in a landscape style, but they can also be swimming. They will tell you more on another page of the site. In general, decorative decoration The pond must match it and sizes.

How to arrange a pond in the country with your own hands in a landscape style

How to arrange a pond with your own hands in a landscape style, if the existing environment on the site allows free style of design, close to natural? In this case, there is an arbitrary shape with a curved coastline, which can then be issued by natural stones.

Of the existing species of natural and artificial stones for the design of ponds in the countryside in landscape style, preference should be given to crushed granite, river pebbles, decorative onyx.

Beige sandstone is also suitable, decorative tile and that similar materials. The size of the stones should depend on the size of the reservoir: For a small pond, it is necessary to use medium-sized stones and small, and for large - stones more, in combination with medium and small, then the coastline will look more naturally than if the use of stones are the same values.

Look at the photo of the design of the ponds with their own hands - each of them is beautiful in its own way:

Photo Gallery

As the basis of the landscape style you can take. In the ancient Japanese garden, the pond was performed by strict forms, but with a carefully thought out composition of stones. No bright plants were used here. In Japan, due to the limited territory, the desire for minimalism was always present, which was reflected on the device of the reservoir.

By tradition, all the elements, including water, must be present in such a garden, so there existed in the form of a tsukbai, a small vessel with water. True, it was mandatory to be made a stylized stream, arising from hollow bamboo tubes, as well as dwarf trees on the shores of this stream.

Sometimes the garden pond acquired the shape of a square or rectangle, which should also emphasize the asceticism of the Japanese.

Here you can see the execution of the pond in the country area in japanese style:

Photo Gallery

When designing a dacha pond, it is possible to achieve a special effect, if you lay out small pebbles and bottom of the reservoir. Especially if the pond will be shallow, then the stones, beautifully laid out throughout the bottom surface, will be visible through the water layer.

Such a reservoir, besides the stone, you can lay out a decorative strict tile by making the pond track from it. Another idea how to make an artificial pond is to make a walkway passing above the surface of the reservoir: either in the form of a monolithic bridge from concrete, or by installing separately towering stones or plates that create a single line of movement.

Registration of a pond on the country area by plants (with photos)

Composition from natural stones It should be complemented carefully selected plants so that the general picture creates the illusion of natural natural beauty.

When placing a pond by plants in front of their disembarkation, it is necessary to make an approximate placement scheme, distributing cultures by view on different levels and steps. Coastal plants can be placed in the free space between the stones.

The main thing at the same time does not land too many plants. Perfectly fit into the coastal landscape Fern, and on the surface of the water you can put the pita.

So that the composition looks beautiful and fully, it is necessary to use different culture in its appearance. Strongly broken water cultures should be partially altered so that there are no strong journeys and thickets.

On these photos of the pond, the dacha is shown in the country, what plants can be planted in a garden reservoir:

Photo Gallery

If the pond's depth is more than 50 cm, then water cultures need to be put in pots, and then placed on the bottom of the reservoir. The deep plants grow perfectly in the shade, and at sufficient depth they will clean the water well.

And how to arrange a decorative pond in the country, if the reservoir has modest sizes? For a small pond, careful decoration is also required, it is important not to overload it too much of the elements.

Plants in this case are recommended to select easier. It is possible to use deciduous: perennial herbaceous or shrubs with hanging shoots, high decorative cereals, as well as wild species that are always growing in nature in water.

It can be a creamy-white or pink labar, Aquaille, Vasilisnik and Lily.

Also, along the edge of the reservoir, it is good to plant member and forget-me-not-good, Siberian and coin - they perfectly make the border of the pond.

As can be seen in the photo, when making a dacha pond by plants in a small water branch, you can settle the frog or snails to help maintain the natural balance of the ecosystem:

Photo Gallery

The frogs will eat moshkaru and mosquitoes, which are usually fit in reservoirs, and snails, as you know, feed on underwater litter, and therefore they will use.

How to make an artificial pond do it yourself

When designing an artificial pond of large sizes, water can be divided into three main zones: for coastal plants, for shallow plants (pita), for deep-water plants.

At high depths can dwell fish that perfectly complement the style of the landscaped pool. If the reservoir is not very deep, then specifically for wintering fish you need to dug a hole with a depth of 1.5 m.

You can add a landscaped with a decorative stream, a waterfall, a cascade, to build a range of mountaineering, arrange a coastline and a walkway to the water reservoir in one style, using the same tiled material that will also disclose the concept of the entire garden plot.

You can create multi-level reservoirs with cascades, then an unusual reservoir will not only decorate the landscape, but also fill the garden with a pleasant and pacifying murmion of water.

Before issuing a pond in the country, consider where the garden is located in the garden. Landscape reservoir with natural outlines can be placed near the terrace of the house or in the depths of the garden near the gazebo (which also contains all the necessary communication for the reservoir).

It is conveniently located in a gazebo or on the terrace of the house, it will be possible to comfortably and gladly watch the water stroy and listen to the water splash.

Choosing style solution For registration of a garden pond, you need to focus on already existing architectural, vegetable and designer decoration cottage plotBut you can also take these rules by creating a bright oasis on a strict area.

How to arrange a decorative pond at the cottage in the designer style

Another idea how to make a pond in the country with your own hands is to decorate in the designer style.

Designer reservoir is distinguished by the correctness of the forms and the severity of the design. Usually he embodies in himself general concept (for example, a Japanese style pond with kindergarten) or made in the same style as country house and plot.

If there is no definite style solution at all, it is better to choose a free landscaped style and for the design of the reservoir.

The design of the pond can be a strict classic form or, for example, in the form of a flower or butterfly - but in compliance with the geometry of lines.

The most concise on-form is a formal pond with rectangular outlines - it will be quite well combined with the patio or patio, especially if straight or round flower beds are broken nearby, linear tracks are laid, etc.

Round reservoirs also refer to the category of formal ponds. They can be decorated with lawn or open lawn, they can be added pergola or positioned near the picturesque group of trees.

Many dackets do not stop at the arrangement of the club, flower beds and mixtures on panstones. The water-made pond in the garden is the crown of original design art. It is important not only to know how to make a pond in the garden, a decorative swamp or a stream. It is very important to represent how it is correct to arrange it so that your reservoir does not become a banal refuge for the headastrics, but was the pride of the site.

Design of artificial decorative water bodies in the garden

Before making water in the garden with your own hands, determine which style of the water device is most suitable for your garden. If an explicit geometry is traced in the architecture of the house and the organization of the surrounding space, and the finish uses a stone for facing facades, appropriate from it and organize a formal reservoir. It can be a lake with a fountain, a channel is suitable, effectively cutting a beautiful pavement, as well as a wall fountain of the Maskaron type.

If the house is closer to the style of the country, the design of garden reservoirs can be made in the form of a quiet stream or pond, similar to natural. But it is suitable for both a small reservoir of simple geometric outlines.

The design of the reservoir in the garden of the correct geometric shape can be not only part of the composition made in the classic spirit, but also in the fragment of the landscape ventilation. A successful mixing of styles sometimes gives amazing results, such as magnificent vegetation, softens the strict impression from the reservoir of the correct geometric shape. A beautiful sculpture on the shore of a decorative reservoir in the garden will give this place a special mood.

Device and decoration of water bodies in the garden

When arranging a water branch in the garden, the water can perform in two qualities - standing, forming a horizontal surface and creating an atmosphere of relaxation and peace, or moving, murmuring, maybe even noisy, these are streams, waterfalls, fountains, giving not only visual, But the sound effects.

How to make in your garden with water and what is the arrangement of all these garden mini-arteries? From a technical point of view, all arrows with moving water are closed cycles in which water moves in a circle. Most of it is kept in a cumulative tank, the role of which can play a pond, a fountain bowl, even the barrel dug in the ground, disguised with stones laid on the lattice, and the movement she gives the pump, delivering it to the hose in the required place on the desired height, from where the water flow It flows and again falls into the cumulative capacity.

The fountain in the garden, made with his own hands, is an element of regular planning, in nature the fountains does not happen, but the fountain in the form of a beating key or bells in a tiny reservoir looks charmingly. The smaller the fountain, the closer to the house or to the place of rest, it should be, near the big fountain should not be plants.

The waterfall or stream in the garden is logical to log in, if there is at least a small height difference. Water movement can be arranged on an absolutely flat plot, organizing a small slope.

Artificial water bodies in the garden not only decorate the site, but also bind various garden compositions among themselves, they are able to revive any landscape, amazing to the place they are near the recreation area.

Look at the photo of garden reservoirs:delivering the smooth surface of the pond, the murmur of the stream or fountain, the rustle of the Miscounts near the pond, the game dragonfly and water meters, the movement of the flock of goldfish - stay in such a place will allow you to relax, to think calmly, let all the problems forget for a long time.

Optimal pond sizes in the garden plot

Are there ideal sizes of a pond on a plot and a reservoir form? Definitely - no. Water artery, wonderfully looking in the same garden, can ridiculously look in another environment, next to another house. Do you have enough space to fit with water minimum size 3 m2, because only with such an area in the pond will be able to establish a biodynamic equilibrium, that is, water can be cleaned herself? When the reservoir device in the garden, the place of its location and the size should be thought out very carefully. In what place the garden plan to plan it? If you arrange a pond in an outdoor sunny place, there will begin to bravely evolve algae. In a deaf shade, the nymphs will not bloom, which should be lit by the sun at least 5 hours per day. It is important to design a pond in aesthetically winning place. Trees hanging over the water is very picturesque, but in the summer you will have to regularly remove the leaves falling in the reservoir, which are littered, and in the fall weave with a petty grid.

Before you make a pond in the garden with your own hands, you should think about which side will the approach to the reservoir, because to care for it, the whole coastal zone should be available. When designing water bodies in the garden, it is necessary to take into account that this is the garden decoration, well, if he is visible from the house. Near the reservoir should be a place to rest, at least the bench, sitting on which you can admire what is happening in the pond life, dragonflies, fish, aquatic plants. To the bench should drive, with the bench should open best view On the pond.

The optimal size of the pond in the garden should be such that its area is proportional to the garden and at home, not too big and not too small. If the reservoir turned out to be too small, there is a reception with which you can try to correct the situation - to attach another one to the pond, having routed the bridge on the border between them so that two ponds look like one. At the same time, it is very convenient to swim in one, and in another, for example, to breed the nymphy.

How beautiful to make an artificial pond on the cottage in plastic form

The beginners seem to make a pond from the finished plastic form is easier than reservoir using flexible waterproofing. This is an illusion. At first, in the form store it seems huge, but after their installation in the ground they look about two times less, and the water filled with water is completely tiny. Such tanks are good for raised reservoirs of clear geometric forms, for installation on the slopes.

The most durable plastic forms for the pond are the designs of fiberglass, they are not inferior by the strength of the container of reinforced plastic, but the edges of the latter can be deformed if it is not for the structures of a reliable external support to the soil. These forms are imported and fairly expensive. Capacities from ordinary plastics are cheaper, but they are not sufficiently hard, often have deformed edges, and the dimensions are small. For reservoirs, only black forms are suitable.

Often plastic forms for a pond in the country. After filling with water, it is deformed, this is due to the incorrect filling of the gap between the pit wall and the shape wall.

Purpose 5-7 cm of sand to the horizontal base of the bottom, tightly tumble it and install a plastic form, further pour 10-15 cm of water into it, then in the gap between the walls of the pool and the pit to the height of about 20 cm, you need to fall asleep sand, Waving it with water from the hose, or pour a bolt in the gap from the ground, sand and water and wait until the liquid mass solidifies. Then pour another 10-15 cm of water, and in the slot - sand with water or a chatter, repeating so far until the pool filling the pool, and the slit - sand or soil. As a result of these actions, the form will rigidly stand in the ground, and its coastline will be in a horizontal plane.

Water from plastic forms for an artificial pond for winter is never merged, this is an extra and even harmful operation, in the spring, an empty bowl will be squeezed and fed.

The best way to make a pond in the garden, made in plastic form - It is to decorate it with a rocker or a flowering retaining wall. IN modern gardens Most often a pond is arranged in which aquatic plants grow, fish and frogs live. The form of a natural pond should be as smooth. The pond is less, the less should be all sorts of bends, so the reservoirs in hard forms, the "shores" of which are excessively cut and resemble a figurine cookie, which is more unnaturally. If it turned out to be precisely such a water, to improve the situation will be able to fit plants, which have been conserved the unnaturalness of the shores in plastic form. Do not forget that an excessive amount of coastal plants, especially large, visually significantly reduces the size of the reservoir.

Another difficult task is to design the shores of garden reservoirs: a lawn can be approached here, in some places of the coastal zone you can plant coastal plants such as Derbennik, Verbakeniki, irises of marsh and Siberian, Lilynikov, etc. Selection of coastal plants inexhaustible, your taste, refined The study of nature and best samples is your judge.

In the process of how to decorate the pond in the garden, remember that there should be many vegetation around the reservoir of the geometric shape, just one large plant of the architectural form, for example, the curtain of an iris of a marsh or high host.

Look at the photo how beautiful to issue a pond in the garden in a regular style: Strong shrubs and plants in containers are quite logical around it, if there is no fountain, you can plant nymph.

How to make and decorate the pond in the garden with your own hands

To create the island, you must first take out the soil, as when creating a conventional reservoir, but in the estimated location of the island you need to take out less or not even removed at all. The edges of the island can be strengthened by stones, if necessary, a concrete solution can be used to secure them.

The island may not lead a bridge, but a step-by-step track from stones. In the place where it is assumed to be laid, the depth should not exceed 30cm. The track should not be straight, but winding, but not excessive, it will be smooth and comfortable, so the stones for it are selected large and flat thickness of 10-15 cm. The surface of the stones should be higher than the water level at least 10 cm, they are laid on the stands ( Foundation) from concrete blocks or bricks. For each stone "built" its individual stand, to which it is attached with concrete, the stand should not be noticeable, everything should look natural.

A successful example of creating a large reservoir with a charming island is in the suburbs. The artificial pond from butyl rubber rubber occupies most of the garden, the area of \u200b\u200bthe aqueous mirror is about 250 square meters. m. It is made on a plot of about 15 acres located in the middle of a dense birch forest, with a spacious one-story wooden house for permanent residence. On the island you can get, passing through a pretty bridge. With the garden, extra trees were removed, a lot of birch and alder was left.

As can be seen in the photo, the shores of the reservoir in the garden, made with their own hands, covers the plane pebble of white and different shades of gray. From the same pebbles there is a scene of the house. It is perfectly combined with a power of gray and gray-pink paving stoves and cladding of the house of the house.

The diagonal of the area in relation to the house is supplied by a bath, built from the same materials and in the same style as the house. Near the baths were built by the walkways so that it was possible to plunge into the water after the steam room, in this place the pond is deeply deep (1.6 m). Thanks to the pump, the water here never freezes, although on the opposite side of the reservoir in the winter ice skating.

Around the pond you can move freely, you can admire it, not only walking along the path, but also contemplating the landscape from the closed veranda of the house and large windows of the rest room in the bath.

Pay attention to the photo how to issue a pond in the garden:a calm peaceful situation can be emphasized by a few plants with foliage of interesting form and texture, except Berez. It can also be deciduous shrubs (spirits, barbaris), coniferous, decorative and deciduous perennials (hosts, ferns). White trunks birchly lit up the plot, make it elegant. Water, paving and stones occupy a large area, embedded shrubs and decorative perennials dominate among plants, so care for such a garden is not complicated and does not require much time. Under the carriages, two pumps are installed, which makes the water quietly move, skimmers collecting falling foliage are located nearby. Approximately once every two years, water descends, the bottom and stones are cleaned from the sludge and the seighted garbage.

Such a project is good for those who love to sit quietly, enjoying the impressions of the garden or some of his details.

Design of garden reservoirs with photos: decorative swamp

The soil in a swampy place is constantly overwhelmed. A decorative swamp can be an independent ventilation, and it may be adjacent to the reservoir of landscaped outlines. A swampy garden does not require abundant irrigation, and a small drainage will provide oxygen access to plant roots. Macolate plants surface root systemSo his depth is small.

After the place for the swamp is selected, remove the soil to the depth of 30-40 cm. Close the resulting pitted piece of durable polyethylene of this size so that over the edges turned out to be overwhelmed. Plug polyethylene at the bottom of the villas, holes should not be too much, the water should be seamless, and not to go too fast. Over polyethylene pour a small layer of gravel or small pebblesTop to put the hose and output it above the surface of the soil. Put several holes every 10-15 cm along its part located in gravel. The end of the hose located in the ground, plug the plug. On top Pull the hose gravel with a thickness of 5-8 cm. In drought you will include the hose weekly until upper layer The soil is not soaked in moisture.

Over the gravel, put back the soil back, removing the weeds from it and adding compost or other organic fertilizer. After that, sink and crush the soil, cut the protruding edges of the film and proceed to planting moisture-loving plants. After landing, paint them from above, then with the help of a buried hose, heal the soil moisture. When decorating the swamps, use not only stones, gravel, but also snag, suede stumps, easy mess and neglence are quite appropriate.

How to make a stream in the garden with your own hands (with a photo)

The stream in the garden looks cute, but you need to carefully plan, think about not only the arrangement of the stream and the shape of its shores, but also its design. If for a while you forget about poetry, then the stream is a water "strip", which flows between its beginning and the end (source and mouth). Artificial streams can "flow" from under a large boulder or cracks in it, piles of stones, and a picturesque shrub is suitable, it is also a waterfall, technically it is just a masking of the hose in order to create the impression of a natural source. The end of the stream most often serves as a pond, it can disappear under a large stone or a group of stones under which the tank is located with the pump. You can arrange one or both of the end so that they are "lost" in the garden. Of course, the stream is man made, but it is quite possible to make it "natural", natural look.

Before making a stream, purchase all the necessary materials:

  • pVC film with a thickness of 0.5 mm or 0.8 mm black color or much more durable and reliable, although more expensive butyl rubber rubber (EPDM membrane), can be glued together and repairing them with special tapes and adhesives;
  • sand or geotextile as the underlying and shock-absorbing material;
  • submersible pump, which will be placed in the lower storage tank than the longer the stream, the more loud it is planned its sound, the greater power you need a pump;
  • hose;
  • stones for decorating shores and beds;
  • plants for landing near the stream and in the track itself.

At the heart of the construction artificial stream The same principle always lies: the pump pumped the water from the pond-tank located in the lowest point of the water structure, to the highest place, from where the water in accordance with the world's law and the slope of the plot flows down. In order for the pump to function, electricity must be brought to it, that is, to make a street outlet nearby.

See how perfectly looks in the garden in the garden, made by your own hands - here you can show all your fantasy:

How to make a waterfall in the garden with your own hands (with a photo)

Any waterfall in the garden is satisfied with their own hands on the shore of a waterball pond, in which water will fall, the submersible pump is installed on the bottom of the same pond.

Before making a waterfall in the garden, you need to perform at 15-30 cm from the water level of the coastal zone in which they will be laid large stones. They must lie very steadily if it does not work without a mortar, you can cement them. To increase the strength of the entire structure, it is possible to pre-lay a layer of a building solution between the underlying material and the earth wall, and then lay the BC rubber, then again the solution and the foundation stones of the waterfall.

Then again partially unwind the underlying material and lay the flat stone on top of the foundation stones, from which water will fall, so that its edge spoke over them, and the water merged into the lower reservoir. This stone needs to be cemented and check with watering can, whether everything is done correctly.

Now, in the process of how to make a waterfall in the garden with your own hands, you can build a waterfall environment, laying stones around the water-watering, if necessary (to increase stability) attaching them to the lining material construction solid. In order for the water to be seeping under the stones, the fold should be laying out of the lining material to the height of the water-feling stone and fix it. The shores of the pond-water collector decorated with stones.

After the construction of the waterfall you need to install the submersible pump, bury flexible hose.Moving from the pump, to a small depth, setting a crane in the hose if it is supposed to adjust the water pressure and to react it. After that, you need to turn on the pump and test the waterfall, if everything suits, you can cut the excess underlying material and disguise its edges with low coastal plants or stones and pebbles.

You can build a "crying" waterfall on the retaining wall of the tumor, folded without the use of the solution, having paved the hose behind it, at the end of the hose, the jet of it is divided into as many parts, how many waterfall pips. At the bottom of the retaining wall make the tank for water from the film or set a small finished shape. Turning on the pump, closer the system, here is a waterfall and earned.

For the structure of the waterfall, ready-made form of fiberglass can be used, the appearance of which is close to natural stone, it is important to disguise their edges, scoring into the garden environment.

Below are the photos of waterfalls in the garden made by their own hands - ordinary and "crying":

Registration of garden reservoirs with photos: how to make a fountain with your own hands

Fountain in the garden with their own hands is simple enough. It consists of a pump and sprinkler, through which water is ejected under pressure. The easiest sprayer is similar to the nozzle for watering. Other nozzles are capable of creating jets of water, foam, spherical dome, etc. You can connect the submersible pump and to the statues, for example, to a metal pole with a hole in the beak or other jewelry of the jug type or a huge boulder (natural or natural) with a drilled hole, and the old one Melnichny railway. Water under pressure will splash or quietly flush from them into the tank. Before making a fountain in the garden, it is enough to insert a small container for water to the ground, to reapperate it and connect the pump, "chasing" water along a closed cycle.

It is interesting to the Garden Mascaron, a decorative relief in the form of a human face or an animal head with a hole for the release of a jet of water. The jet of water from Maskaron falls into a small tank and with the help of the pump back falls into the "open mouth". Water structures built into the wall rationally use space, attractive, publish a pacifying murder. They are organic not only for Italian gardens, but for gardens of any size of any country.

In addition to the purely decorative effect, the fountain enriches water with oxygen, and also increases the humidity of the air in close proximity to it, which makes it more comfortable staying around.

The autonomous pump, which will turn the water only in the fountain, include only as needed, shutting down overnight or upon departure.

As can be seen in the photo, for the fountain in the garden with their own hands, the pump is better to lift a little over the bottom of the reservoir, setting it on bricks. If the submersible pump is not completely in the water, it can fail. Not only the appearance of the fountain and its sound is important. The water pressure and, accordingly, its melody can be adjusted.

Now that you have an idea how to make your own fountain in the garden, you can try to apply your knowledge in practice.