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Technology production of rubber tile. Mini Business: Production Tiles from Rubber Crumb Production of rubber tire tire tires

Production of tiles from rubber crumbs can be viewed as a profitable business. This is due to the profitability of this product and the low competitive environment. The high demand for this product is due to a long service life, compared with other materials. Unlike other types of paving coatings, rubber tiles are distinguished by their non-slip surface and frost resistance. This quality allows them to find a wide range of applications.

Modern equipment allows you to produce high quality tiles that will not crack from the temperature drop and sharpen. Proper tile installation Allows natural precipitates to pass through it, which is an indisputable advantage. Such a coating will remain clean and dry during the rain or spring melting of snow.

A wide range of products and its color gamma allows you to choose the coating necessary in size and color. To improve the territory of the playground, you can apply a tile with a variety of drawings. The release of such products at home can be considered as a trial option. Creating a tile in a similar way takes a lot of time and allows you to produce a minimum amount of products.

Most often, such a coating is used:

You can implement products through private companies, construction trading networks, construction organizations. In addition, the laying of the coating can be carried out with their own hands.

Features of production

The price of finished products is taken at the rate Credited materials. The more the ingredients were used in the production of tiles, the more expensive it will be more expensive. The average retail price of the finished color tile can be approximately 1500 rubles per square meter.

When producing rubber crumb products, it is necessary to strictly observe the production technology:

The use of a cold pressing method allows to obtain high-quality products with good resistance to the effects of the external environment. Products get high density, fortress and flexibility.

Equipment and price

Despite the type of production , whether it is a private business or industrial output of products will certainly need equipment for the manufacture of rubber tiles.

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles typically includes:

As an additional equipment for rubber tile, the thermoshkafa, a platform for a mixer, molding table, stands for fixing tiles will be purchased.

The acquisition of all equipment for medium production, taking into account its delivery and setting up to work, will cost about 2,000,000 rubles. But the production will not be launched in the absence of raw materials. D. la produced Rubber crumb, dyes and glue.

The average cost of tons of rubber crumb is 19,000 rubles. Depending on the choice of pressing (cold or hot method), the cost of glue will be from 140-200 rubles per kilogram. For the release of multi-colored tiles, the acquisition of dyes will need. The price for 1 kg of dye varies within 80-190 rubles.

Select room

Open full production will not work without the premises of the room. Its size is caused by the scale of products. According to environmental safety requirements, the facility for the manufacture of such products must be in the suburban zone. Near its location should not be a living area.

The cost of the rent must be acceptable. It should be taken into account when renting an object not only its area, but also height. These parameters are necessary To accommodate equipment. It is recommended to choose a room with office cabinets so that all employees can accommodate on one territory and control the process of manufacturing tiles. It is advisable to choose an object located near the transport highways.

Delegated production

When opening a new business, you can encounter some risks:

Before opening your case, you should collect all the necessary documents and obtain a certificate for manufactured products. It is also recommended to find a proven supplier of equipment and raw materials in advance. In this case, you can hope for warranty maintenance of technology, which will avoid long downtime. In advance, it is necessary to outline and possible markets for the sale of finished material. It is also necessary to rent the territory of sufficient area for the release and storage of products. After that, you can start buying equipment and raw materials, search for personnel and start work.

In the domestic market of building materials, such a phenomenon appeared as a rubber tile, the sale of which is rapidly gaining momentum and is already a rather promising type of entrepreneurial activity.

This type of coating, as a tile of rubber waste, is universal, moreover, it is characterized by high safety operation. This makes it possible to apply the material for laying children's and sports fields, sidewalks and other places.

Rubber paving slabs have a long service life and beautiful appearance, which makes them attractive for most buyers. Today, niche for the production of this building material is practically not occupied, therefore it is low-competitive and able to bring considerable, and most importantly, stable income.

Production of rubber tiles - dignity and disadvantages

Regardless of whether the development is planned or a crowded metropolis, novice entrepreneurs should be remembered that the company will successfully develop only when, in addition to profit, it will benefit people.

A small shop on the manufacture of rubber crumb tiles is an example: the absence of a large number of competitors makes it possible to steadily earn a lot of money. In addition, for the production of this building material, old automotive tires, items and waste from rubber are used, therefore the company will assist in the settlement in their disposal.

Raw materials for the production of paving coating is a durable and durable material, and finished products are easily mounted and differ in high wear resistance. Rubber tiles in comparison with similar products made of cement-concrete mixtures has a number of undeniable advantages. These include:

  • durability;
  • great consumer demand;
  • high degree of security;
  • unpretentious care;
  • ease of laying coating;
  • beautiful view of lined areas.

The rubber tile is characterized by excellent resistance to atmospheric precipitation, as well as low and high temperatures. The material does not crumble over time and retains the original shape. In addition, the tile is not subject to deformations in mechanical influences, so it prefers a large number of buyers.

As for the duration of the operational period, the rubber plates may be served at least 25 years. Special attention deserves a high degree of security of this building material, since when a person falls on such a coating, the risk of injury is minimal. In addition, the surface of the slabs has an anti-slip effect, which is why they are widely used when equipping platforms for children's games.

The material is unpretentious in care, so it will be enough to clean the surface from the accumulated mud. Please note that rubber plates willingly acquire car service and maintenance stations. In contrast to concrete surfaces, rubber is characterized by high resistance to the effects of chemicals and oils.

There is water between the seams of facing products, therefore puddles are never formed on the tiles (after the rain, on the sinks). There is also no need to prepare the area under the laying of slabs from rubber, as they are easily mounted on sand, soil, wooden and other bases. If you need to replace the damaged element, it can be done, without disassembling all the coating masonry. Rubber slabs retain an attractive appearance, their shape and saturation of the color.

In addition to the above advantages, rubber coating is in demand for laying warehouse and basement, gyms, car parking, courtyards, paving parts of streets, parks and adjacent territories of public institutions.

Thanks to its characteristics, the material becomes every year more and more popular and is in demand from buyers. But, despite such an extensive number of positive qualities of rubber plates, their production still has some disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting the combustibility of finished products, so when arranging various objects should ensure the proper level of fire safety. Another disadvantage of rubber crumb tiles is quite high price. Nevertheless, despite these moments, investments in the development of the enterprise (in contrast to such areas, such as, for example,) for the production of rubber crumb products pay off quite quickly.

Rubber Crumb Tile - Business Opening Options

Beginner businessmen who have decided to open their own enterprise for the manufacture of paving slabs from rubber, should know which existing options for production. Their scope depends on the amount of initial investment in business development, as well as from the alleged volumes of manufacturing finished products:

  1. Production of rubber tiles at home. This type of development of its own enterprise does not require large financial investments from the entrepreneur, besides, a person can work in primary pores independently, which will save at the costs of wages to hired employees. If the tile is made by yourself, it will not be necessary to buy expensive, while the finished products are quite high quality. The significant minus of the manufacture of tiles is high time costs, nevertheless, you can quickly earn money for scaling the enterprise and purchasing production equipment. In parallel, it will not hurt to open a small at home, which will significantly expand the range of building materials. In most cases, entrepreneurs with such a model of doing business take work to order and by agreement produce a certain amount of tiles from the finished compositions of rubber crumbs with their own hands.
  2. Mini factory. The optimal option for conducting your own business is the opening of a mini-plant for the production of rubber tile. For its equipment, you can easily purchase the necessary equipment, which will make a business cost-effective and quick-up. Such an enterprise can be placed on an area of \u200b\u200b100 m², which will be enough for storing raw materials and finished products. A mini-plant worries in one change of only a few people who fully provide a continuous working cycle. Equipment of a small manufacturing enterprise consumes the order of 13-15 kW of electricity for 1 hour of work. In addition, it is possible to make a rubber tile of any complexity and perform quite large amounts of orders.
  3. Cooperation on franchise. If there is a certain amount of investment, entrepreneurs may begin work on the franchise. On average, the start of the business on this model will require about 2 million rubles, so the franchisee must appreciate its capabilities. The franchisor company assists novice entrepreneurs in organizing marketing enterprises, creating their own website and its promotion (social networks, targeted and, other traffic channels). Also at the franchisee plant, a technologist from a franchisor can work for some time, which will tell about all the intricacies of the production of tiles and traine the staff. Moreover, firms offering work in businessmen under this scheme place information about enterprises with which work on the relevant contract, on their own information resources and represent them as partners. This makes it possible to potential buyers directly contact the franchisee and make an order. Entrepreneurs are subject to significant assistance in equipping the enterprise, the accumulated client base is transferred, and training is being conducted, during which businessmen beginners will learn how to always be in a good plus. The patron company provides uninterrupted supply of high-class raw materials and provides experienced professionals for repair and setting up technological equipment. Work on this scheme is guaranteed to bring businessmen to a stable large income, which does not depend on the economic situation in the country. The largest Russian franchisors who offer cooperation in this area on favorable terms are the company Filebr, Ecostep and Art Prime.
  4. Industrial production. From the name of the option it becomes clear that it suits exclusively to entrepreneurs who own solid capital, because without large investments, large-scale production is almost impossible to organize. To create this model, a detailed business plan is developed, the product line is thought out, sales channels are sought in advance. It is assumed that a large number of employees will work at a full-fledged manufacturing plant.

Rubber Paving Tile Production Technology

Since the emergence of small industries in Russia, almost all enterprises used the method of manufacturing rubber tiles by hot pressing. Thanks to him, it is possible to quickly get ready-made products at minimal costs, besides, it is quite easy to learn. However, hot pressing has strong toxicity, which, of course, affects the health status of the company's personnel, besides, the technology is not able to provide high quality finished products. Products have a small shelf life and quickly fall apart, losing attractiveness and physical properties.

Important: Due to the low quality of the products received, it is not recommended to use hot pressing technology for tile production. The coating obtained in this way is unlikely to endure longer than 1 winter season. For this reason, since 2013, most Russian enterprises have been closed, specializing in the production of rubber tiles.

According to the "hot" technology, the crumb of rubber is placed in a special reservoir of the press machine, where its baking occurs, and the particles gluing the special composition is minimal. If the "hot" tile is used in regions with a temperate climate, then it can last long enough. Nevertheless, such products are not able to withstand heavy loads.

But today the "cold" technology is popular for the production of paving slabs from rubber. The cost of manufacturing products in this case is significantly higher in comparison with the previous method, and much more time is required. But the pressing of rubber crumbs impregnated with a special adhesive composition guarantees high quality products and a long operational period. Cold pressing technology is divided into several basic stages, which should include:

  • preparation of raw materials to the production process;
  • mixing rubber crumb with adhesive composition;
  • evacuation of the finished mass of the mixer in the mold;
  • plate formation by pressing;
  • drying products;
  • check the quality of rubber plates.

First, the crumb of rubber is unloaded into the tank of the industrial mixer, after which glue is added to the raw materials. The components are then thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous mass.

After that, the molds are prepared, where the finished raw material is loaded. Under high pressure, rubber with glue is pressed, as a result of which a durable coating is obtained at the outlet, capable of withstanding a larger load. Raw slabs are sent to special drying chambers, where they are dried for 4-6 hours at 60 ° C. At the end of the production process, the finished tile is placed on the warehouse, where it is stored until the customers are sent.

How to open the production of tiles from rubber crumb?

Consider the main stages of the opening of the business.

Business registration

To open a business tile manufacturing from rubber, an entrepreneur is recommended to contact the tax service, issue an IP and choose a simplified tax system. If cooperation with legal entities is planned, it is advisable to register LLC.

Also, the entrepreneur needs to choose OKVED codes that will be required for reporting. For the production of tiles will fit:

  • "Production of other rubber products" - 25.13;
  • "Production of rubber products not included in other groupings; Production of emissions and products from it "- 25.13.2.

After registration of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, it should be proceeding to obtain the necessary permits in Rospojnezor and SanEpidstation. This can be done after the room for production activities will be selected, which must be put in order in accordance with the requirements of controlling organizations, after which they invite their representatives to obtain permits. It will also be necessary to issue a certificate confirming the compliance of the finished products of the GOST standards.

Important: The design of the documentation from the entrepreneur will take about 2 weeks. The cost of registration and obtaining permits ranges from 15 thousand rubles.

Search for premises

For the production of rubber paving slabs, an entrepreneur needs to find suitable rooms. It is not very profitable to rent a square in the city draw, since the fee for them is very high. It is better to find them in suburban areas or industrial zone.

It is also important to take into account when searching for areas for production, the presence of high-quality transport junction. This moment is one of the key in business, as it is directly related to the raw material delivery speed and finished products to customers.

If the mini-plant is planned, it is necessary to choose the premises with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 100 m² and the height of the ceilings at least 3.5 m. Among the mandatory premises in the enterprise should be a production shop, a place of storage and cooking of raw materials, the area for storing finished products, a bathroom and a room personnel. It is also necessary to check the serviceability:

  • water supply and sewage;
  • electrical strokes (380 in for the possibility of connecting equipment);
  • lighting;
  • exhaust and ventilation systems;
  • heating.

If the repair of industrial premises is to be repaired, it is mandatory to fulfill all the requirements of the SES and fire protection, otherwise it will be sufficiently problematic to obtain permits for entrepreneurial activities.

Acquisition of raw materials

As a rule, there are no difficulties with finding suppliers of raw materials, since there are enough of them in the market. In the bulk of the tile is made of old auto strokes.

The cost of 1 ton of crushed tires ranges around 20 thousand rubles. Well, if you manage to find suppliers who resort to. This will be saved on their purchase. This can be achieved if you purchase a black crumb and various dyes for rubber, since the finished colored raw material is somewhat more expensive. In procurement, babber from polyurethane for the cold press will cost 17-21 thousand rubles. If you use a hot method of manufacturing tiles, raw materials will cost a little cheaper - 14-18 thousand rubles for the same volume.

Important: Most of the entrepreneurs in order to save money prefers dyes instead of the finished color crumb to create a beautiful tile (its price can reach 35 thousand rubles per 1 ton). The cost of the dye varies within 90-200 rubles per 1 kg.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of glue, which will be used in production. From this directly depends on the quality of the paving slabs and its strength. You can buy it at a price of 200 rubles per 1 kg.

Purchase of equipment

Beginners Entrepreneurs should be aware that the prices for equipment needed to work on cold pressing technology are higher than tooling to work with a hot way. If the entrepreneur wants to install an automatic line for the production of tiles from rubber, he will have to pay much more expensive. So, it will take:

  • mixer industrial - 150 thousand rubles;
  • press volcanic (with a capacity of up to 100 m² tiles per day) - 400 thousand rubles;
  • thermoshkaf (drying chamber) - 120 thousand rubles;
  • a mold - 300 thousand rubles (for 10 pieces);
  • equipment auxiliary - 60 thousand rubles.

As a result, the purchase of equipment for the production of rubber tiles will have to spend 1,030,000 rubles. Costs can be reduced slightly if you purchase a smaller number of molds, but this will affect the volume of production.

If the entrepreneur wants to buy a finished tile production line, he will need to pay about 4 million rubles (incomplete lines for 2 million rubles). Almost all equipment that is available in the domestic market, Chinese production. More high-quality equipment can be purchased much more expensive.

Buying an automatic line is a beneficial investment that will pay off very quickly. For example, the equipment allows to receive up to 3 thousand m² of finished products for 1 month. If you use the usual equipment, for the manufacture of the same amount of products, 8 workers will be required (on their content can be saved).

Attracting personnel

The company should work with a personnel under the supervision of a technologist who owns all secrets of producing high-quality paving slabs. A qualified specialist find enough hard. To attract his attention, the salary should be at least 40 thousand rubles.

The change should be 1 production master and 3 workers who will make tiles. In the summer, the number of customers increase significantly, so you can organize a round-the-clock work of the enterprise. In the warehouse of finished products you need 1 storage room. As for the sales manager, this person needs to be taken to the state from the first days of work, since the search for sales channels must be kept constantly.

Where to sell ready-made products?

The issue of sales of finished products is extremely important for the stable operation of the enterprise. It can be offered a large number of people. For example, you need to notify the inhabitants of cottage settlements about the product, and applications will not wait long for a long time.

It will not hurt to advertise on television and on other media channels. You should create a commercial offer for wholesale buyers and personally visit them. To do this, it is necessary to go to the markets and in the supermarkets of building materials, firms to arrange the territory and landscape design, as well as construction companies.

Important: Please note that shops prefer to work with a tile of universal sizes and a standard form, while design companies acquire exclusive products.

It is advantageous to have a brigade of professionals who will engage the laying tiles for customers. Thus, the company is taken for the integrated provision of services, increasing its income.

Rubber Tile Production - Financial Plan

Consider an exemplary business plan for the manufacture of rubber tiles.


Imagine that the company operates in a day shift, and 4 people work in the state. Their salary is 100 thousand rubles per month. In addition, the monthly rental of the premises will be about 15 thousand rubles, utility payments - 10 thousand rubles.

To make 1 m² of rubber tiles (40 mm thick), the necessary materials will be required in the amount of 865 rubles. If the tiles are manufactured 1 thousand m², the company will spend 865 thousand rubles for this. But it is important to still take into account single spending on the purchase of equipment, business registration, obtaining permits and other expenses.


Tile 40 mm thickness costs about 1600 rubles per "square". So, for 1000 m² buyers will pay 1.6 million rubles. Of these, about 600 thousand rubles will be a net profit of the company. Suppose equipment was purchased at a price of 2 million rubles. So, the return on the enterprise will come in 3-4 months.

Questions from businessmen-newcomers

Consider frequently asked questions on the topic.

What else can you make a rubber crumb?

Rubber is considered a universal material that is widely used for the manufacture of various products. It is based on a high-class roofing material. Another polyurethane or rubber crumb is fed mannequins, as well as boxing pears and bags. In addition, the material is widely used for:

  • making traps;
  • road surfaces;
  • facing bridges.

In addition, the rubber crumb is used in the manufacture of fibrobeton. It is popular in regions with cold climatic conditions.

Rubber babe do it yourself - is it possible?

Yes, perhaps. To do this, you need to purchase special equipment that allows you to grind automotive tires. But they first put in the freezer, in which the temperature reaches minus 80 ° C. In such conditions, rubber begins to collapse, and it is easy to reck out. The crumb can be prepared at home without much effort, for which it is necessary to armarate the hatchery and a sharp knife. First, the tire is cut along, and then the ax is screwed across.

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As can be seen, the business at the production of rubber tile is a promising type of entrepreneurial activity, it is able to bring considerable profit and quickly pays off. Production technology is easy to master. In addition, the absence of a large number of competitors will allow many entrepreneurs to stay afloat for a long time.

In contact with

With a rapid increase in demand for rubber tiles, a low number of its manufacturers is marked on the market. This means that your business for the production of rubber tile will develop at low competition, and therefore has a chance for fast success.

Where rubber tile is used

Initially, the production of rubber tiles was organized in order to close the playgrounds with non-massive coating. Then they began to use it on other sports grounds, halls and even in the pools. Today, the use of tiles has expanded significantly.

The main advantages of this coverage can be called:

  • non-slip surface;
  • demonstrates high orthopedic and sound insulation properties;
  • rack to temperature drops, frost-resistant;
  • does not lose aesthetic properties with long use;
  • stacked easily, uncomplicated care;
  • does not break, it does not crumble, durable;
  • life - minimum of 10 years;
  • changes in coloring and form.

Premises for production

To launch the production of tiles from rubber crumb, it is necessary to choose the right room. The basic requirements for it are as follows:

  • the height of the forces is from 3 m;
  • heating so that the temperature indoors is from 15 ° C;
  • industrial power grid (from 20 kW);
  • smooth equipment for installing equipment;
  • total area - from 80 m square.
  • the workshop is located at least 300 meters from the residential buildings.

Raw materials for production

Production of rubber tile will require the purchase of such materials:

  • dyes (7 rubles / kg);
  • polyurethane glue (140 rubles / kg);
  • rubber crumb: Color - 23-35 thousand rubles / ton, black - 17 thousand rubles. / ton.

The main raw material is a rubber crumb. Today, the production of rubber crumb uses for the most part spent auto strokes. Sometimes other spent rubber products are used. The production of rubber crumb is as follows. On a special platform near the place where the manufacture of rubber crumbs occurs, all waste rubber products are folded. From there, they are delivered to the workshop to the workshop and are loaded into special equipment for rubber processing. There is a manufacture of rubber crumbling of the installed fraction, which is packaged in bags and the same automobile loader is turned away to warehouses. At this stage, the press is not needed.

Production of rubber crumbs can be organized independently. This will significantly reduce your business, focused on the production of rubber coatings. But at first, contractors can be found on the production of rubber crumb.

Rubber Tile Production Technology

Depending on which coatings are planned to be produced, a crumb is used a certain fraction. For example, if a two-layer tile is produced, the top layer is prepared from colored rubber shallow fraction. Nizhny, main and dense - from black large (2-10 mm). For each of the layers there is a separate production of rubber crumbs. In this case, the top layer is softer and clean. The composition of the lower may include metal elements, textile inclusions and so on.

The first stage of production provides for the preparation of the mixture. A glue and pigment is added to the raw material, and all this is well mixed. To make the right tiles, raw materials should be pouring into molds. They have the appropriate shape and size. Then the special press makes the formation of products. After that, the product must be taken out of the molds and inspect how efficiently the work has been done. High-quality tile is packaged and sent to the warehouse.

Rubber Tile Production Equipment

If your business plan provides for the production of raw materials, you will need equipment for the production of rubber crumb. It can be manufactured in two ways: classic mechanical or new, shock-wave. For mechanical equipment for the production of rubber crumb will be cheaper. It can be installed in any shop. Under the second method, it is necessary to re-equip the room, but it will take less area for the equipment, and the performance will be higher.

Be sure to include the purchase of equipment for the production of rubber tile. It includes such components:

  • drying chamber (from 100 thousand rubles);
  • two faucets of raw materials (100-200 thousand rubles);
  • molds (30 thousand rubles / pc.);
  • press volcanic, which produces up to 100 m² tiles per day (350 thousand rubles).

This should be your equipment procurement plan. But today companies offer ready-made production lines where you can work in one or two shifts. Their performance can be at least a thousand or a maximum of 3 thousand m² per month. The cost of such a line is from 2 million rubles. It consists of:

  • fixing stand;
  • press forms;
  • molding table;
  • thermoshkaf;
  • hydraulic Press;
  • vibrationtol;
  • screw conveyor;
  • cutting machine;
  • cyclone;
  • borer wheels;
  • chipSupping machine;
  • ribbon conveyor;
  • grinding machine.

The main advantage of the line is the savings on labor workers. It can serve 3-4 operators.

Also in the cost plan should be included in the purchase of additional equipment:

  • trolley for the transport of raw materials;
  • trolley for transporting glue;
  • electronic balance;
  • trunks, scoops, mugs;
  • drill with nozzles.


Separately, the business plan provides for the formation of staff. It directly depends on the number of shifts to which production is calculated. When you can continuously work in three shifts all week. Then 8 workers should be involved in production.

Financial plan

The expense plan includes:

  • rental of premises - 3-6 thousand rubles;
  • delivery and installation of equipment - from 2 thousand rubles;
  • equipment - 70-150 thousand dollars;
  • salary - 5 thousand dollars (including accounting and sales department);
  • purchase of crumbs (black - 17 thousand rubles. / ton, color - 23-25 \u200b\u200bthousand rubles).

The revenue plan consists of tile sales by about $ 500 per ton. A month for three shifts you can make 72 tons of products. In addition, the revenue plan can include the sale of metal, which is collected when processing tires. This is another 3.6 thousand dollars (per month about 18 tons). Total revenue part of about $ 36 thousand

As statistics shows, investments can pay off for half a year, but on average - for the year.

Rubber tires managed to establish themselves from the best side, as a material with a wide range of properties. The production of rubber tiles gradually becomes a profitable business, because its use is justified in many areas of life. For example, it is when it is assisted asphalt on playgrounds. It is often used as a finishing coverage of houses, apartments and shopping centers. The tile has a large margin of strength, due to which the use of use can reach several decades. And not a complex and cheap production technology makes it possible to provide low cost of production.

What are they producing?

In order to make the manufacture of tiles at home, you need to use a special crumb.

Rubber tile manufacturing process

On an industrial scale, the production technology remains the same. Most often, tires from cars shredded in crushers are used to obtain.

The tile includes:

  • rubber crumb;
  • glue from polymers;
  • dyes;
  • fillers.

Glue is used as an element to create the required shape and consistency. The main filler is a rubber crumb. It is very important that the rubber is high quality, only this can provide strength and temporal characteristics.

Obtaining rubber crumb

The production of tiles made of rubber crumb does not cost without using the latter, but its getting sometimes causes some questions to which the answers will now be given. There are two methods for recycling secondary raw materials:

  • Mechanical crushing. Special equipment - cutters - grinding tires. The technique is very popular. Low cost of finished products achieved due to the available equipment.
  • Shock-wave crushing. The essence of the method is that the tires are placed in the chamber, where the consequence of shock-wave effects, they are crushed to the state of rubber crumb. The way more expensive in comparison with the first, but unlike it, can be performed by only one person - the operator that regulates all processes.

Manufacturing mechanically occurs due to the work of several people. First, they are going to serve, after that they are sorted in quality and depart in the workshop. Special installation processes tires to a state of rubber crumb. Products are sorted, packaged by bags and is preparing for sale.

Business relevance

Finished products will definitely find their consumer due to a wide range of areas in which it can be applied. Coating for a country house, garden plot, industrial facilities and a variety of public buildings.

Products will be equally in demand for both a private buyer and for wholesale. It is enough to make a coating material and sell it into a construction store, which will continue to sell rubber tiles. As you know, the demand gives rise to a sentence, and customers wishing to buy a lot of tiles. But it should be borne in mind that for the production of products, it is necessary to take care in advance about the supply issues.

Advertising in local prints, as well as newspapers, which are available in those places where cottage villages exist are very well suited for the supply of finished material in small quantities.

To create a large production, it is required to find wholesale buyers before business itself is created. An open plant must recoup himself at the planning stage.

Necessary equipment

Equipment for the production of rubber tile is, then what you need to worry in the first place. The amount and quality of the equipment will influence the amount of initial financial resources. The modern market can offer a large number of options.

But first, it is necessary to deal with what you should first.

  • Mixers will be needed for mixing different ingredients. Their number varies depending on the scale of production.
  • Raw materials should be thermally processed, it is necessary to purchase thermoshkaphs for these purposes.
  • Mandatory to acquisition will be stands for tiles and forms.
  • The hydraulic press will be needed to give shape products.
  • Molds for the press. The product will find the right form.
  • Conductor for the formation of holes that create a connection between the elements.

This set of equipment for the production of rubber tile is the minimum required in order to start production. With its help, it is possible to produce products that will differ in thickness and density. For the production of rubber paving slabs you can buy different equipment sets.

Rubber tile

Important moments in the manufacture

The process of manufacturing rubber tile has some nuances associated with the choice of processing method. For the manufacture of rubber tiles, two main ways are used: cold and hot processing.

When cold processing, the temperature of the tire processing ranges from 70-80 degrees Celsius. A rubber crumb is placed in the thermoshkaf, which sins into one solid mass. This method has two essential minuses and one plus:

  • material processing occupies a significant time;
  • the cost of such a procedure is obtained quite high due to the large energy consumption of thermoshkaf;
  • plates obtained by cold processing have excellent quality.

With hot processing, the temperature can reach 140 degrees. This manufacturing technology of rubber tile is used much more often. Possesses the following advantages:

  • for the processing of one tile, very little time is spent;
  • recycling recycling has a low cost, respectively, the final product becomes more accessible to the consumer;
  • you can easily increase the volume of production by purchasing multiple molds.

Prices for the purchase of raw materials

The main material for the production of tiles of rubber crumb tiles is, as it is not difficult to guess, rubber crumb. But it will also be necessary to buy polyurethane adhesive, which varies depending on the processing method (hot, cold).

The cost of crumbs per ton fluctuates within 19 thousand rubles. Glue for hot processing is sold in kilograms and its cost is about 150 rubles per one kilogram. Glue designed for cold processing will come out a little more expensive, about 180 rubles. Special attention should be paid to the quality of glue, because it will be a significant impact on the strength of the final product.

You will need to buy dyes that use the product of the desired appearance to give the product. Prices for dyes vary depending on the rarity and quality of color, they begin with 90 and ends at a mark of 200 rubles.

Production of rubber tiles at home

Equipment for the production of rubber tile has a secondary importance, as it can be rented or acquired the minimum set, which will include a mixer, press, thermoshkaf and forms.

It is much more important to take care of the presence of old tires, places for the manufacture and technology of production.

In order to proceed with the manufacture of rubber tiles, you must perform the following steps:

  • Finding automotive tires in an amount of 8 kg per square meter.
  • Remove metal parts.
  • Cut the material on the stripes.
  • Grind the resulting bands of rubber. As a result, small rubber particles are obtained, no more than 4 mm.
  • Next you need to make the mixing of rubber crumbs with polymer glue and a mixture of polyurethane.
  • The resulting substance is placed in the thermoshkaf and then prepare in it.
  • It is enough to wait for the cooling of finished products, after which you can remove tiles from the closet.

On this, the manufacture of tiles with their own hands came to an end.

Video: Technology and rubber tile production