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Graduation in kindergarten. The script is modern and interesting. Graduation Script - Graduation Ball

Organization and key points the solemn part of the event. We offer a developed script for a prom in the style of finding the treasure of the lost island.

Choosing the right theme for the prom largely determines the success of the entire event. We suggest paying attention to the main points and, if it comes up, feel free to take ideas and bring them to life.

There is everything here - a joyful moment from the life of children, their parents and teachers.

Leading. Good evening! Good evening! We have been looking forward to this meeting!
Leading. It seems that just recently the last bell rang out with a sad trill, leaving behind the state final certification, and now - the farewell evening, to which, for eleven years, as if by steps, our graduates had to climb.
Leading. Our school can be compared to an island, and all knowledge is a treasure that our graduates had to accumulate during all this time.
Leading. So what is it, all the knowledge is collected, stored in a safe place for our already grown-up children, and they automatically become a treasure for those around ?! Interesting!
Leading. Well, we invite everyone to get acquainted with the treasures of 2018 - our graduates !!!
Leading. Attention! Attention! The crucial moment has come. We invite the heroes of today's celebration - the treasure hunters of 2018!
Solemn fanfare sounds, to the sounds of which graduates come out and go down to the hall.
Leading. School years! How quickly they swept, and tomorrow our adult boys and girls will need to pass the first test of maturity.
Leading... The cheerful wind is calling on the road
Into the stormy, uneasy ocean.
There is joy and painful anxiety in my heart
We set sail - and into battle!
A lyrical melody sounds, against its background the presenters say the words.

Childhood of graduates and congratulations from parents

Leading... A man grows ... his life begins with the dawn of his soul - childhood. It remains in the memory as intimate and light. And no matter how many years have passed, the shore of Childhood attracts to itself, returns to the most distant corners of human memory.

Leading. Childhood ... This is really the best time in a person's life and it takes place at school. There is a place on the planet dear to the heart - a native school. Gray poplars bow down to the very roof, the fluff of memories quietly swirls. Every morning, like tiny noisy streams, merging into a single stormy stream, children rush here. And so many years. Faces ... faces ... But you, the school, remember everyone.
Leading. Tousled and neat; brawlers and shy; funny and sad!
Leading. You are the beginning of all beginnings. So be always blessed. Let the memories of you brighten the faces, smoothen the wrinkles. Let the words: "Hello, school!"
Leading. How many years have been lived in these walls,
And changes, classes and calls,
And finally, the long-awaited summer
The school sees off its graduates.
A song about the school is being performed.

School years, congratulations from teachers

Leading: Throughout your life you will carry the memory of your native school. In moments of joy and sorrow, let these words come to life in your souls.
Leading. In the morning silence the school of the bell gives the last callsigns ... And the heart is tart as never before. You are still a student and at the same time you are not.
And this Tanya, Tanechka, Tatiana,
Who the whole class was in love with
I came up to you and suddenly
She invited me to a farewell waltz.
Leading. Goodbye, squeaky school desk, -
Schooner to the land of good knowledge!
It's too early to regret and, in general, not worth it,
Because there are a thousand desires in the heart.
Leading. No matter how I thought, not a word was found.
Perhaps words are useless?
A girl's hand touched my hands,
And the head grew drunk in the dance ...
Leading. Will dawn call where now?
Where will he take you tomorrow?
Soon we will all know the answer
And now a farewell waltz awaits us.
Graduates are dancing the waltz.

Leading. Such guests came to share the joy of our holiday ... They have a word for parting words ...
Speech by the guests.
Leading: Childhood passes ... And only sounds remain of it, which bring the teacher's steps closer to the class, the creak of chalk, the sound of rain, and the scent, scent of flowers to teachers at parting. Dawn will come, the doors of the school will open, there will be a happy flock of graduates and everyone will go home. Forever and ever.
Leading: But at some point, everyone will understand what wonderful people have studied next to you for eleven years, received grades, sat at the same desk, you will not find such people ...
Leading. Everyone knows that the director is the main guardian of our treasure island.
Leading. Waiting, every heart beats
Hope is burning in my eyes now
And by the way we invite the director,
Let him congratulate you from the bottom of his heart!
Leading. The word for congratulations is given to the chief keeper of the treasures of our island ... .. (full name of the director).
Director's speech. Presentation of flowers.

Leading. The wonderful school time is coming to an end. Time rushes by, counting seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years ...
The word for reading out the order for the issuance of the accumulated treasures - certificates of maturity is given to the deputy director for educational work.

Presentation of certificates

Leading. School. You are like a small state.
You are proud of your new release.
And those who did not study "excellently" for years,
We will certainly reward today.
Leading. The right to be the first to receive certificates and medals for special academic success is given to the best graduates of the school ...
The director presents the certificates.

The floor is given to the graduates - medalists.
Graduate. The bell flew off, school childhood circling,
Maybe I didn't want to, but it's time to grow up already.
Received certificates - adult life will begin.
You and I, guys, would be happy to live it.

Graduate. Now it's time to say goodbye
And we are a little sad.
For our training and education,
We thank the teachers of course.

Graduate. We received a lot of knowledge.
Everyone needs these treasures.
If applied correctly
Many truths can be realized.

Graduate. It used to be that the blackboard was "numb"
Forgetting the theorem and verses.
Thank you teachers for being skillful,
They helped us find a way out!
Graduates leave the stage.

Fun Prom Night - Script

Leading. A solemn moment is coming!
It should be as quiet as ever.
To hand over the certificates to you,
We invite the director here.

Leading. Stop a moment, you are beautiful.
Time don't go so fast.
Because they will hand over a certificate, -
What then? Goodbye childhood!
Presentation of certificates of maturity.
Amateur performance number.

Leading. Well, that seems to be all. You can draw the line. There will never be any more lessons ...
Leading. The word "never" is surprising after all. After all, there will be something different: study in higher education, home, children, favorite profession, but school will go into oblivion - and there will be no childhood either.
Leading. The childishness is gone. It departed slowly, unhurriedly, silently and inconspicuously, with the first syllables in the primer, with a short dress, with piercing bells that are more valuable than any theorem in the world, with the pleasant and familiar voice of the first teacher. After all, it was she who gave you the very first treasures. And also showed the way to the rest of the secrets of our island, unknown to you hitherto.
Leading... Remember her always. She, like mom and dad, is the one and only, because she is the first. This is to you, dear ... ... now the grateful glances of your children are addressed. See how beautiful and completely grown-up they are.

The floor is given to the first teacher.
The first teacher goes up to the stage, the presenter says the words, a lyrical melody sounds quietly.
Leading. It happened suddenly: to the sounds of the well-known and beloved song "Twice two - four" she "took" you away from your parents. I brought you to the first grade, but the most amazing thing is that your hands are still in the hands of your teacher. The pages of textbooks are getting old, and you are her kids - first graders then, now and forever.
Speech by the first teacher.
Presenting flowers to the first teacher.
Words of gratitude from alumni.
Graduate. School years rushed away quickly,
As if we were called babies yesterday.
For understanding and loving us
Please accept words of gratitude from us.
Graduate... And every year with a confident step,
We moved with you from class to class.
For your caress and for us anxiety
We love you dearly and sincerely.

Graduate. For the fact that you were for a father and for a mother,
They taught me to live honestly on this land.
That they were in no hurry to instruct the twos,
Thank you, from all your kids.
Leading. Sounds are in the past last call... You have passed the hard way in search of treasures around our island since the day when your “cool mom” confidently and boldly took you by the hand for the first time.
Leading. Do you remember that moment? You were then funny fifth-graders who tightly held the hands of their mothers. And now seven years have passed ...
Leading.“A teacher is a sower who sows a good field,” - this is how the outstanding teacher Oleksa Dukhnovich said about the tireless sower of the good, reasonable and eternal. He said it many years ago, but the passage of time does not control the wisdom and liveliness of thought, so tirelessly and generously the teachers of our school sow the educational field. They understand that everything they clung to baby heart at the dawn of life - good, justice, conscience, honor - will remain in him forever.
Leading. Strict always used to be near classroom teacher… In warm palms he cherished chicks, not hoping for gratitude. The children have grown up to the delight of their parents, sincerely today they thank you!
Speech of graduates and words of gratitude to the class teacher.

Graduate... I want to say a lot of good words
The main thing is to wish for patience.
So that your optimism is enough for everyone,
After all, our success depended on him.
Graduate... Well, if it's simple: thank you for your care, patience, work. For the fact that thanks to you, we have learned to win and accept defeat, be friends and support each other, that we have learned what a team spirit is.
Presentation of flowers to class teachers.

Leading. Farewell evening ... How many memories, dreams and hopes, fun and sadness, ... nagging - tender feelings overwhelm the soul! Today, the school, in the shining of flowers and the festive attire of graduates, seemed to have quieted down to say goodbye to you, to take you on a long journey, which is called "adulthood."
Speech by class teachers.
Amateur performance number.
Leading. Seventeen, eighteen or twenty years ago he and she met, joined their destinies, and today their children have become graduates ... Your every day began with a gentle kiss from your mother and a warm fatherly look. Every day you discovered more and more new treasures for yourself.
Leading. It's so good that they met so in the sea of ​​life, finding behind the dark fogs the coast of their love with waves of anxiety ...
Leading. For the wise upbringing of children, for all the treasures that they received thanks to the most dear people, the headmaster presents gratitude to the parents.
A word to parents.
When the parents go up on stage, the presenter says the words.
Leading. The most precious thing we have is our parents. It is thanks to them that you became so beautiful, full of strength and energy, adults. Be silent - mom will say a word,
Her words bloom quietly.
They are from colorful moments
From the love that is alive in the soul.
You're still at school today,
Where is bread, like fate, on the table ...
Keep quiet: mom will say
With the lips of heaven and earth!
Parents go up to the stage with a congratulatory word.

Leading. An exciting moment has come, the time for the goodbye of the culprits of tonight to the teachers, the school ...
Well, that's all they wanted to perform,
The parting word was said ...
Graduates, now you've grown up
You asked for a response.
Alumni concert for teachers. Congratulatory words and songs.
Concluding remarks from the hosts.
Leading. Having overcome all adversities, we want to wish you: to be strong - if there are difficulties, not to cry - if it is bitter, not to bend - if there is wind, avoid failures, always look ahead!
Leading. Leaving our "treasure island", do not forget that true treasures are the treasures of your soul: sincerity, openness, honesty. You all have your innermost dream. Take care of it, make every effort to make it come true, and only then will your life be filled with meaning, only then will you become the master of your destiny. After all, nothing happens in life by accident. Remember this! And accept these congratulations, dear graduates, as a talisman of good luck.
Leading. Thanks to everyone who came to share with us the joy of this wonderful evening, who believe that youth is the most wonderful time in a person's life! Until next time!
Graduates perform the final song.
Music, firecrackers, fireworks sound.

Perhaps the most touching event in the life of a student is the graduation party. We decided to publish the scenario of one of such important events on our website.

This graduation was successfully held in 2013 at our school. There are still photographs, video frames, and most importantly - for life ...

So, prom.

Scenario "City of Childhood Departing"

Under the blue sky

There is a golden city

With transparent sunrises

And with a pink dawn.

And there is a garden in the city,

Trees and flowers.

There our sonorous childhood ...

And bright dreams.

But you won't get to the city of childhood

You won't find him on the world map,

This city on a distant planet

In the blue clouds of memories

(Background music - the curtain opens - the presenters come out.)

VED. Good evening, dear friends!

So that solemn moment has come when we want to announce to you, dear parents, that your children have already grown up.

VED. And from today a new, unknown path opens in front of them, new road into an as yet unknown adult, life.

VED. Human life ... What's this? Long road in the dunes? .. The eternal call? .. Or the irony of fate? .. I don't know. But one thing I am sure for sure: life is an interesting journey from childhood to adolescence, from youth to maturity, from the past to the future.

VED. Another minute and we will all find ourselves on the main square of the city of “Departing Childhood”, where our already adult children are preparing to take their first steps into adulthood!

VED. And we suggest that now, together with you, look into the city of passing childhood, remember the years of study of our graduates, their first steps towards knowledge, their first victories and defeats, their first true love ...

VED. I invite you to the main square of the city of the outgoing childhood!

(presenters leave)

The cloth rises - graduates are on the stage.


We dreamed of graduation, shyly,

Plunging into study headlong,

But the hour has come, we stand on this stage,

Girlfriends are here, but where is the hero?


Now the hour has come and we came in costumes,

Tying a tie around his neck.

I do not intend to wait and half a minute,

Our time has come!


"What's the use of these young gentlemen?"

Shall I tell myself alone?

We unlearned together with them whole

A hundred years already.


- Why did we buy a suit for ourselves,

Tying a tie around my neck,

We propose to live in peace today.

Viva is our ball!

In chorus: Our vivat ball !!!

VED. We are starting the gala evening of the Zheleznogorsk school No. 9 named after Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky, dedicated to the 2013 graduation!

(Russian anthem)

VED. Meet the 2013 graduates!

(To the music, graduates take seats in the hall)

VED. speaks words about each of the graduates:

Livintsov Alexander - the sporting pride of class, school and city. Sasha responsible and judicious young man, a person with an active life position... He is able to lead his comrades and enjoyed great authority in the class. Integrity and leadership skills Alexandra is admirable. Someday he will become a just boss and an excellent family man.

Shepertitsky Maxim - conquered hearts female half class - and not by chance: external attractiveness is combined in him with kindness and responsiveness. Maxim will always come to the rescue in difficult times, understand and support. At the same time, he is strong and decisive - this is proved by his victories in the boxing ring.

Ageeva Karina- charming, sociable and cheerful girl, activist, sportswoman. Karina highly values ​​friendship and, you can be sure, will never betray her friends. Karina will become the soul of any team and will conquer more than one male heart.

Azartsova Victoria- a talented, hardworking and very decent person. Throughout her school years, Vika is wonderful. In her certificate in all subjects, only excellent marks. And this charming and fragile, at first glance, girl achieved particular success in studying such a difficult subject as chemistry.

Evstratikova Yana. Distinctive feature this sweet, charming girl - an innate sense of justice. Yana is an honest, noble person and very strong personality... She has her own opinion and will not change her principles under any circumstances.

Elagina Anastasia... Nastya is one of those people who don't go into their pockets for words. He will put anyone in their place. Perhaps that is why she enjoys authority among her classmates. Plus she is smart and beautiful. And also - she sings beautifully. Nastya knows exactly what she needs from life. And there is no peak that will not surrender to it.

Demkin Vladislav... Vlad is an amazing person. In any situation, he is able to remain calm, at least externally. Admires his prudence and erudition. Someday he will become the favorite history teacher of our school students.

Kuzovchikova Julia- our pride: clever and beautiful, excellent student throughout the years of school. Julia will achieve everything she wants from life thanks to her dedication and talent. Among other things, Julia is a very decent, modest and principled person. For this she is respected by both classmates and teachers. Today Yulia will receive a silver medal "For Special Achievements in Teaching."

Lepeshkina Alexandra... Now I can't even believe that Sasha came to our school only at the beginning of the 11th grade - she so perfectly joined our friendly team. Nature endowed Sasha with an attractive appearance and a kind heart. Thanks to these advantages, she will achieve success in any field.

Sazonov Mikhailwonderful person... He has his own point of view on all issues and at the same time never comes into conflict. Misha has a truly masculine trait - seriousness. He does not throw words to the wind. Therefore, everyone listens to his opinion.

Smirnova Irina- a charming girl, sophisticated and romantic nature. Charmingly modest and shy. Writes poems. Feels poetry very well. Loves to read. However, this does not prevent her from successfully mastering the subjects of the physics and mathematics cycle. Today Ira will receive a commendation certificate "For special achievements in the study of the academic subject - physics".

Sumatokhina Tatiana- this girl was born to shine in all fields. A very bright personality, stunningly beautiful and smart. Doesn't know how to lie. Kind and responsible. Without further ado, he will carry out any assignment. After graduating from university, Tanya will definitely return to her native school as a history teacher and take a worthy place among our teachers.

Tsikolaev Boris- born to be successful. Boris will not be stopped by any obstacles on life path... He will achieve a lot from life and will not be lost anywhere. Joyfulness and optimism came to our cool team together with Boris. His charming smile will melt any ice. It is simply impossible to be angry with such a person. Awesome youth!

Applause to our graduates!

VED. Opens festive evening Head teacher Galina Vasilievna ZVEREVA.

(word of the director, handing flowers to the director)

(background music)

VED. Dear residents of the city of childhood! Yes Yes. We appeal to you - graduates of 2013. Now you are still full-fledged residents of this wonderful town.

VED. But only a few moments will pass, and you will go to distant lands along the road of not a toy life at all.

VED. The books are closed, the parting words have been said ...

The year passed by a string of days

Dolgikh - for those who are associated with the school,

Brief - for those who say goodbye to her.

VED. Who will commensurate existence with the unknown?

This task is difficult, but for now

Your lucky ticket to the future

You will be awarded the title of graduate.

VED. Today home, family, school, escort you to a distant, unknown, but interesting world good and evil, a world of romantic dreams and disappointments, a world of hopes and falls.

VED. And confirmation that you have successfully passed all the exams will be your high school diploma.

VED. Today comes full-fledged,

And the key and joyful moment

When you get your main,

Your very important document in your life!

VED. The Director of the School is invited to read the order and present certificates to the stage Galina Vasilievna Zvereva and the deputy director of the school for teaching and educational work Nina I. BREKHOVA.

(reading the order, presenting flowers to the head teacher)

Presentation of certificates to medalists (1 person).

VED. Friends! With the guests of the prom ball,

Without preamble, this very hour

Let me introduce you!

The word of the guests.

1. ROOM - VERNISSAGE - ballroom dance ensemble "Grace"

Presentation of certificates and Ministerial certificates (4 persons)

VED. There will be many in this hall

Bright faces and kind words,

Everyone wants to congratulate now

Dear graduates!

Guests' words

2. ROOM - SIGHT OUT THE FIRE - soloists of the vocal ensemble "Nocturne" Alexander Nefyodov and Ilya Lozikov

Presentation of certificates (8 persons)

VED. Graduates have been waiting for this date for so long

And they waited for a happy moment!

In honor of everyone who received their certificates today,

The applause sounds incessantly again!

3. ROOM - ADAGIO - Alla Basenko

(background music)

VED. My friends! Birthday today

Happy new days, moments, meetings,

But the main beautiful moments

Together we will cherish in memory!

(Fanfare sounds)

VED. Future schoolchildren send you greetings from the city of childhood.

(Background music sounds. Performance by children from kindergarten).

Greeting children:
Of course, you are adults, well, just very simple adults.
Leave the school somewhere beyond the threshold.
Notebooks, books thrown, no more in the fall
Hurry to school again, although the bell rings.

I'd like to wear a ball gown too.
But we still have to wait 10 years
More recently, football was played gloriously
And sometimes they pulled the girls' braids.

Played a joke and now you are uncles
And you will always be great forever.
Every day you were together, like in one big family.
Friendly, noisy, interesting - to school together and home.
But suddenly the hour of parting came - parting, a sad hour.
Stand in a circle, shake hands - maybe for the last time.
This word is not easy ... you cannot part at all.
We wish you to meet and meet again many times.

My mom told me - there is no barrier for friends ..
Life begins with friendship, and I really believe in it.
We are also curious - who you dream of becoming.
Who you want to be in life - if only we could find out now.

Suddenly, well, at least one of you will become a businessman.
Immediately, by all means, you will come to our class.
Although you will be important, we need you very much.
Sponsor care - there is no better honor.

4. ROOM - HEART, DO NOT CRY - soloists of the vocal ensemble "Nocturne" Alexander Nefyodov and Ilya Lozikov

(background music)

VED. The city of passing childhood is not only the city of our today's graduates, it is also our city with you, it is very a good city where we all lived.

VED. Because we were all children once. But, unfortunately, time is rapidly moving forward, and not a single scientist has yet figured out how to slow it down.

VED. Yes, time flies, children grow up and, already near the mirror, not your 5-year-old daughter flaunts, but a beautiful young lady who has already become an adult.

VED. And not a six-year-old boy in torn jeans comes running from football ... But what can I say, our children have grown up!

VED. And now the moment has come when it is necessary to say words about those who, from the very first minutes of the life of the heroes of today's celebration, were there, cared and protected, did not sleep at night, took their first steps together and discovered the secrets of the vast world, studied together, passed exams together and walked together to the finish line.

VED. These are the parents of our graduates, to whom we now provide a place on the stage. On behalf of the parents, the floor is given ...

Parents' speech.

VIDEO - photos of graduates with their parents

VED. And now, I think, the time has come for the graduates to say words of gratitude to the parents who care about them more than they do.

(music - graduates leave)

Graduate 1. Parents are our support in all endeavors! We can safely say that they graduated from school with us, completing the program of each class and participating in extracurricular activities.

Graduate 2. Together with us, they wrote essays and drew a school newspaper, participated in sports events and subbotniks, understood English and geometry theorems. Dear Parents! We put you strong ...
Together... Five!
Graduate 3. The day before birth, the Child asked God:

Graduate 1. I am very afraid! I have absolutely no idea what should I do in this world?

Graduate 3. God answered:

Graduate 2. I will give you an Angel, he will always be by your side. He will protect you from all troubles.

Graduate 1. What is his name?

Graduate 2. It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him "MAMA"!

Graduate 3. And now, finishing school, we would like from the bottom of our hearts, from the bottom of our heart, to thank our mothers and fathers, our parents, who have always stood behind our backs, supporting us in difficult times. Thank you, our relatives, dear, dear, for everything that you have done for us, are doing and will continue to do.
5. ROOM - CHA-CHA-CHA - "Grace" ensemble

(Musical background.)

VED. To understand what is for centuries, what is perishable,

School helped you in life,

But what do you do in these walls

Without wisdom and without warmth,

VED. Without those people that have been taught

Go, not being afraid of obstacles,

Without their talent, their efforts,

Their boundless faith in you!

VED. It's no secret that being a homeroom teacher is a big responsibility. After all, in addition to your own children, you have at least 13 more children of your own ...

VED. And they have only one thing in common - they are all the same age, but they are completely different in character, they have different interests and habits, different abilities, different problems, and many, many different things.

VED. And the task of the class teacher is not to ignore any problem, not to pass by, lend a helping hand, support, find the right words at the right moment.

VED. We invite to the square of the city of childhood the class teacher of our graduates, who on this gala evening finally decided to express to the graduates everything that had been accumulating in her heart all these years.

VIDEO - school photos of graduates

VED. And now I give the floor to our graduates, who certainly have something to say to those who have led them along the path of knowledge all these years - to their teachers.

(music - graduates take the stage)

Graduate 4. Today is an amazing evening - sad and at the same time exciting, joyful and touching.

Graduate 5. Time flew by so quickly that we did not even notice how we grew up big, smart, beautiful, I hope, real people.

Graduate 6. And in all this, your merit, dear teachers. It was you who taught us to love and forgive, it was you who hammered knowledge into our bright heads, with titanic patience.

Graduate 4. Honestly, only recently we realized that you do not deserve the insults that we inflicted on you, we wounded your hearts with our rigidity and selfishness, but you still loved us.

Graduate 5. Sometimes you could not hold back your tears, and we laughed at your weakness.

Graduate 6. But fortunately, life always gives you a chance to correct your mistakes, and this moment has come right now, and today, from this scene, we say to you sincerely "Sorry!"

Graduate 5. And "thank you" for your knowledge, patience, love, reliability and unlimited loyalty to your great cause!

Graduate 7. The lessons are already over for us,

And the wind moves a bouquet of roses

Flying life handwriting writes lines

Those girls with whom I grew up!

Graduate 8. Yes, in our classes you did not know the calm.

We were all dizzy

But believe us, we truly loved you,

You will always be with us in our hearts!

Graduate 9. And you no longer need to frown.

Educate, teach again.

Admit that you are looking with love

To the absurd and perky,

Cheerful, friendly, controversial

Our unique release!

Graduate 10. How you want to raise your hands high, fly up!

High, high! Embrace your house with your gaze, fly over the streets that are very dear to you. Flap your wings and scream for everyone to hear - Thank you,

School! Where it was cozy and warm

Where it was fun and interesting

Where you were greeted with understanding and patience.

School gave me wings to fly

Feeling the strength and strength of knowledge!

Graduate 11. Dear teachers!
I want to wish you happiness
Health, smiles, kindness,
To make you more beautiful tomorrow
Than a week ago than yesterday.

Graduate 12. So that the warmth in the soul does not fade away,
To pound and pound my heart
And such great happiness
So as not to hug him with your hands!

Graduate 13. Here for everything, than willingly and unwillingly,
My teacher, have made you sad
We ask for forgiveness today.
We love you. Remember us!

VED. We want to invite teachers to the stage: ...

Let's hear what they say goodbye to you.


VED. At this hour, at this minute, school №9 of the city of Zheleznogorsk is saying goodbye to you, our eleventh graders.

VED. And goodbye, we, your teachers, give you the heart of the school, which will remind you of your school friendship and warm you with the warmth of these years that you spent together. (stage lights are dimmed)

A large "heart of the school" is brought in to the music, on which are attached burning lanterns in the form of small hearts.

(Graduates are called by name, take turns approaching the class teacher, who takes off a small heart and hangs on the graduate's neck. Graduates go to their places, occupying the entire stage.)

VED. Well, that's all, the holiday ends in the city of Childhood. So the school clock, which has been counting down your school time for eleven years, has stopped its course for you.


1. As soon as the night lowers the veil

And sleep on tiptoe creeps into the headboard

Leafing through the memory, remembering what happened

What you want to return to with love.

2. As waves of the sea of ​​thought flow smoothly

And a childishly cute image is born in them:

Teacher, school ... everyone laughs,

I want to be with them regardless of my age.

3. My childhood city, good night and

Covered in a mysterious mist.

I grew up here and it's clear without a clue

Forever eternal we are connected with you.

4. And tomorrow again with dawn rays

My city will wake up to live a good life,

Here children will wake up without sorrow,

To sing, laugh, create miracles !!!

Final song "GORODOK" - Alla Basenko and all graduates

Tatiana Vedeneeva
Graduation script kindergarten

High school graduation






Poems - read Graduates.

Waltz dance graduates.

Congratulations from the kids

Song "Miracle Garden"

The game "Collect a portfolio"

Song "Great grandfather"

Dance "Yablochko"

Dance "Katyusha"

Parents oath

Dance "Top-top in parquet"

Song "Walkers with the cuckoo"


Congratulations to the manager, guests, parents, presenting gifts, diplomas to children and gratitude to parents.

Final song "Our boat is sailing away"


Development of aesthetic education of a preschooler.

Formation of musical culture in older preschool children.

Creation of a positive emotional background for the future first grader.


b) colorful design hall: balloons, poster "Goodbye, Kindergarten!"

c) diplomas kindergarten graduate, present.

The course of the event.


Leading: We invite everyone to the holiday

Kind, bright, mischievous

The holiday is sad and cheerful

Our preschool high school graduation.

May, ___ is a glorious date.

Our guys say goodbye to the garden.

The party hall is already full of guests

We welcome our children.

Come on, friends, welcome them!

The most perky! The most charming!

The most restless! The most talented!

Applause from the audience. Children one after another go to their places.

Into the hall to the music «___» are included Graduates.

Children sit on high chairs

Leading: Dear guests! An unusual, exciting celebration awaits you today! Our children say goodbye to children's garden and are preparing for a new stage of life - entering school. I really want this day to be remembered by both children and adults. We spent 4 whole years together. But sure that you guys will never forget yours Kindergarten!

Soon you have an important day - you will go to first grade! Today we need to make sure that you are ready for this day, and maybe even rehearse how this will all happen. Now I will read a poem, and you show everything that I will talk about. So!

When the leaves swirl in garden,

I'll go to school soon.

I will wave my hand to the kids

I will not take them with me,

We will carry our backpack ourselves,

And we will find friends for ourselves,

Mom and Dad are so happy.

It will be so cool at school!


Leading: And now the word is ours graduates!

Children read poetry.

Leading: Years flew by, flashed by,

That's how big you have become.

We look at you with tender sadness,

So dance your farewell waltz!

Children are dancing the waltz.

Leading: Dear Guys - Graduates, and now your younger friends want to congratulate you!

Congratulations are the mandate of younger children

Children hand gifts for graduates.

Leading: Like these ones good wishes for you guys! Now prepare your palms, applaud in unison, After all, on stage graduates!

Children sing a song "Miracle garden!".

Leading: Friends, let's play!

We will be with you, brothers,

We train.

The game is called "Collect a portfolio"

You need to keep up

And quickly collect the portfolio!

Game "Collect a portfolio".

Leading: Dear children, guests, parents! I think that today graduation, we cannot but touch upon the theme of the Motherland, Victory, Patriotism. Patriotism is not a valor or a profession, it is a natural human feeling. This is love for the Motherland, for its culture, for its people, for everything that is absorbed with mother's milk. Patriotic education continues in kindergarten!

Children are the joy of the state,

Real wealth.

They must be brought up

As hope for the country.

Now welcome - ___, song "Great grandfather"

Performed by ___ dance "Yablochko"

Performing ___ - dance "Katyusha"

Leading: The game is an oath to graduation"Affectionate parent".

Leading: Guys, do you promise your parents to get what grades at school?

Children (in chorus): "4" and "5"

Leading: Now the guys parents will also take an oath to you promises:

I swear! Whether I am a mother or whether I am a father

Baby always talk: "Well done"!

I swear!

I swear to the child's studies "Do not build"

I swear to master all the sciences with him!

I swear! (all parents pronounce together)

For deuces, I swear I don't scold him

And do homework to help him!

I swear! (all parents pronounce together)

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my last tooth!

Then my, I promise, child,

Feed boiled condensed milk every day!

I swear! (all parents pronounce together)

Then I will be the perfect parent

And I will never forget my oath!

I swear! I swear! I swear! (all parents pronounce together)

Leading: Meet the dance group "Beads" with a fiery dance "Top-top in parquet"

Dance "Top-top in parquet"



So time passed quickly, no one noticed.

And now it’s impossible to return these wonderful moments.

At the holiday, we want to talk about the most glorious.

And sing with you about the most important thing!

Graduates and the staff of the d / s perform a song "Walkers with the cuckoo"

Leading: Attention! We begin the ceremonial presentation of diplomas. The head is invited to present the diplomas.

Children are given memorable gifts and diplomas.

Thanks to the parents.

Congratulations from the guests

I give the floor to ___

The answer from the parents.

Leading: For all the time spent in kindergarten, the guys made many friends, they learned to be friends and help each other. Share their dreams and desires. And today is your preschool boat childhood chose a course and embarks on an exciting journey into the world of knowledge. And in conclusion of our graduation the ball, the guys will perform the song “Our boat is sailing away!

Children sing a song "Our boat is sailing away"

Leading: To make your wishes come true and your dreams come true ... Let the colorful balls fly straight to the sun! And now we will go out into the street, make wishes, and release our balloons high into the sky!

Go outside release balloons.

Chant "Magic ball childhood»

VED: We are launching a ball childhood?


VED: Let it fly high?


VED: Are we going to cry and be sad?


VED: Let the ball fly into the sky?

CHILDREN: Yes! (don't let go of the balls)

VED: Let's have a wonderful summer?


VED: Will we go to first grade in the fall?


VED: Now consider:

CHILDREN: Once! Two! Three! Magic ball childhood

Fly! Fly! Fly! (Let the balls go to the sky)

Music sounds. Photos for memory.

The graduation party in kindergarten is a significant and exciting event for children, their parents and educators. On this day, the kids say goodbye to their beloved educators and nannies forever, leaving the walls of the kindergarten that has become native. Traditionally, for graduation, they learn in advance poems and touching lines in prose, dances, thematic scenes and funny songs-alterations to well-known motives. Such entertaining numbers are the answer words of parents at the graduation in kindergarten for all teachers and employees. Indeed, over the course of several years, educators, nannies, music director and other kindergarten workers spent a significant part of the day with the child, cared for, invested work and mental strength. Therefore, when drawing up the graduation script, it is customary to include different variations of such congratulations and gratitude from the parents of little pupils. With the help of our ideas and videos, you can easily prepare interesting and unusual response words - we are sure that the educators will be moved by the attention shown and will remember such a wonderful graduation party for a long time.

For parents, a response speech at the graduation is an excellent opportunity to express gratitude to educators for their invaluable contribution to the physical and moral development of their wards. Preparing a response word requires a certain amount of time and effort, so it is better to approach this part of the script with full responsibility. In addition, the selected texts need to be properly rehearsed in order to graduation performance passed clearly, beautifully and harmoniously. As a rule, for the matinee, little graduates learn children's poems and songs, prepare dance numbers. Parents can also show enthusiasm and prepare an unusual response - with the help of our original ideas and options.

Options for an unusual response to the prom in kindergarten - from parents:

A word of reply from parents to educators at graduation has long been a good tradition in many kindergartens. As a rule, these are poems and solemn speeches of gratitude in prose, dedicated not only to educators, but also to all employees. preschool... However, if you wish, you can "break stereotypes" and prepare an unusual response word - as an option, put on an original dance or funny scene with the participation of parents. Educators and children will be delighted with the colorful wall newspaper with funny photographs "from the life of the group", as well as touching words of congratulations and wishes.

Parents' answer to the prom in kindergarten - remake song, text and video

Today many festive events in kindergartens and schools, you can hear funny songs-alterations - to the works of famous performers. The original response speech at the graduation in kindergarten will be an original remake song performed by the parents. For such a performance, you can choose the accompaniment on the piano or just turn on the "minus" recording on the music center. We bring to your attention the lyrics and video of the remake song - such a response from the parents will cheer up everyone present at the graduation party.

Lyrics and video of the song-alteration at the prom in kindergarten (to music by S. Zverev "Districts, quarters"):

We are leaving light, our kindergarten, goodbye.

Kindergarten teachers, we thank you all!

You have not tried in vain, children are our common success!

- 2 times

For the guys, everything will be "class", the clouds will be closer.

But we are leaving now, educators, bye!

Girls, boys, we will master it all together,

It's time to leave, we will leave beautifully.

Nothing more to say, breaking up is painful.

But it's time for us to leave, the school period is ahead.

This door has opened for our children, the path is clear!

We are parting now, and they are, and we are leaving.

Girls, boys, we will master it all together,

It's time to leave, we will leave beautifully.

We will say "thank you" to our native kindergarten,

It's time to leave, we will leave beautifully!

A touching response from parents at the prom in kindergarten - a scene on the video

Each kindergarten graduation scenario features fun sketches and mini-productions from children. However, parents look much more fun as actors! An unforgettable impression on educators and children will make funny scene"from school life"With the participation of parents - in uniform, with white bows and backpacks. For musical accompaniment for the scene, you can use a "cut" from popular children's songs and cartoons. Such a touching response from parents will remind everyone that time is fleeting and childhood years fly by quickly - let's appreciate every moment! The video shows a funny scene with the participation of parents, who again turned into naughty "schoolchildren", disrupting the lesson of their strict "teacher".

Scene for the graduation in kindergarten - "Parents go to school", video:

A beautiful answer word from parents in prose at the graduation in kindergarten - to the head and educators

Graduation in kindergarten is the very first "adult" holiday for every child. Therefore, it is so important that this event leaves only bright good impressions in the memory of the kids. As a rule, the parents' answer at the graduation ceremony is pronounced in the final part of the event, after all the performances and creative numbers. Of course, it is better to choose short texts for the response word, with simple content and capacious phrases. One person can act as a "speaker" - most often it is someone from the parent committee. With the help of such a reciprocal speech in prose, one can express gratitude to the head, educators and staff of the kindergarten for the warmth and care that their pupils were surrounded by. In our selection you will find examples of beautiful reply words in prose - from grateful parents.

A selection of beautiful response words from parents at the graduation of kindergarten - prose texts:

Dear educators! Today is a wonderful day - today is our children's graduation day. We are sincerely happy about this event, because we have been waiting for it for many years. At this exciting and solemn moment, I would like to say thank you so much for your work done. You didn’t just do your job, you did it with heart and desire. The best reward for all of us will be the success in the lives of our children and your pupils.

I am very pleased that on such a joyful and solemn day it was me who was entrusted with giving a speech of gratitude to the workers of the kindergarten. And immediately I would like to thank all the educators who worked day after day, helped to educate and raise our children. You have been with them for over four years, and during that time you have taught them a lot. You taught them to respect adults, be independent, share with others and just live. Thank you for this and for everything else. We also thank the nannies who ran after our children, nursed them. You could even say wiped their noses and changed pots. Thank you for your hard work. The fish rots from the head - this was not invented by me or anyone else. This is indeed the case. But in our kindergarten, there is simply a great head - this is our head. It is thanks to her sensitive guidance that there is always order and mutual understanding in our kindergarten. Thank you for your hard work. I would also like to say thank you to everyone, to all the workers: the cooks, the cleaners, the security guards, the janitor, the doctors, and everyone who wasn’t named. You, too, have contributed to the upbringing and development of children. I hope I have not forgotten anyone and have not offended anyone. Thank you again and bow to you.

Raising one child is a lot of work, and you are raising hundreds of children every year. You are true professionals in your field. For your work, you should be awarded medals and orders, but this is not about that now. Now we, parents, want to thank all the staff of the kindergarten for the fact that you were able to raise our children. You were able to bring them to graduation, and not just bring them, but at the same time, teaching how to live, teaching necessary things... So many children already know how to read, write and even count and multiply. And someone already knows how to do interesting crafts on one's own. Many children have found hobbies, found interesting activities for themselves. You have discovered hidden talents in them that could have remained buried somewhere within them. Kindergarten is a school for every child. This is a school where they learn to live in this world, learn to communicate, find new friends. Educators are the first teachers, they are mothers who help them in everything. Thank you for your work, for our children. We will never forget what you did for us. And we will try to ensure that your pupils do not let you down in later life.

The response word of parents at the graduation in kindergarten - in verse

For every kid, the kindergarten becomes a "second" home, because within the walls of their own group, children spend most of the day. While parents are at work, educators take care of the little fidgets - they play with them funny Games, read fairy tales, draw, put to bed in a "quiet" hour. And now it’s time to say goodbye to the caregivers, and give up your favorite toys and cribs to the kids. At the graduation matinee in honor of the end of the kindergarten, parents say a response word to the educators in poetry and prose - such beautiful texts will touch the most delicate strings of the soul and create a unique joyful and touching holiday atmosphere. On our pages are collected best examples verses for the parent's response, which can be read from a postcard or memorized for the graduation matinee in kindergarten.

Examples of words from parents to graduation in kindergarten - poems to educators:

You became the second mothers to our children.

And honestly, let's not be honest:

No better educators in the world,

Than those that stand before me here.

Low bow to you, our teachers,

For all the love, patience, warmth,

For the fact that they were both soft and strict with children,

For giving them kindness.

Because they are all ready for school,

For learning to be friends here,

For the fact that you were with us both in joy and in sorrow,

We are ready to thank you a hundred times.

So let your powers grow

And also work will be fruitful.

After all, new kids are growing up

And they are looking forward to meeting you!

Your golden hands are priceless

And amazes with the breadth of the soul.

All the children in the group have become relatives to you,

Taking care of them was important to you.

Like a mother, like a grandmother, they warmed me with their warmth,

They were taught to help adults.

You always looked after everyone on time,

To be fed, to remove the bed.

Many thanks from all the parents,

We appreciate your hard work

For being so beautiful in the group

That here in the garden you have created comfort!

11th grade prom script. Scenario travel from the station Childhood (beginning of schooling) to the station Yunost (finish). Script for prom organizers.

Scenario of the ceremonial presentation of certificates to graduates

1st presenter.

The most memorable evening -

School evening with us -

Invites you to a waltz

For a farewell meeting.

2nd leader.

The day has come

Last day, farewell, -

The most memorable one

And a little sad ...

1st presenter. Good evening!

2nd leader. Good evening to all who are gathered in this beautiful hall.

1st presenter. Greetings honorable teachers.

2nd leader. Crazy freaking moms, dads, grandparents!

1st presenter. Today our school has a wonderful holiday - a holiday that graduates were looking forward to. And not because studying at school ends with him, but because there is no more exciting moment in school life than the last time you enter the walls of your native school as a student, but leave as an independent, adult person who already belongs to another life.

2nd leader. This holiday is dear to everyone who is in this hall today. He is dear to parents who for ten years worried about their children and experienced victories and defeats with them.

1st presenter. He is dear to teachers, because no one spent more time with us than they.

2nd leader. And we are sure that now in the heart of any teacher there are notes of pride for each of today's graduates.

1st presenter. And, of course, he is dear to the heroes of this holiday themselves. We say “heroes”, not “culprits”, since they have overcome the very first stage at long way called - Life. Everything that meets on this path will be tomorrow, and today is a wonderful holiday, a triumph of youth and beauty, friendship and fidelity!

2nd leader. A celebration of music and songs, love and hopes, an evening of ballroom dancing and elegant costumes ...

Leading (together). Graduation Party!

1st presenter. Attention! Attention! School train No. 200_, following the route "Childhood - Youth", departs from the second track of the station "Comprehensive school No. _", the numbering of the carriages from the tail of the train. Request: passengers to take their seats.

2nd leader. Attention! Attention! Passengers of the school train of exit cars No. 11 "A" and 11 "B" get ready for passport control and receipt of a document certifying the maturity of passengers leaving for adulthood!

1st presenter. To the applause of the mourners, there are young, beautiful, smart ones, those whom you called your students until recently. The guys climbed the school stairs to the heights of knowledge together with their class teachers, wise mentors.

2nd leader. Meet: Grade 11 "A" graduates and class teacher (full name).

1st presenter. Meet: Graduates of 11 "B" grade and class teacher (full name).

The Anthem of Russia is played.


As a moment, eleven years flew by!

And here we are at the station

We already take a ticket at the box office for the train,

Leaving into adulthood.


But before embarking on this journey,

Let's try to look into the past.


Let's try to remember

Your first call

We will visit interesting worlds with you,

Let's take a look at your favorite lesson with you.

This only happens once in life!


Train at the platform

Waiting for us with you

On the rails of school life

He will carry us!

2nd leader.

Our train started.

Lanterns flash.

And so soon the platform was behind.

At the station "The world's best helmsman"

We won't have to get off for a long time.

Station 1. "The world's best helmsman"

Graduate. Tell me, without which our train cannot move?

2nd leader.

And the first to say the word

A great honor has been entrusted to the director.

I know for sure,

There is a speech about the certificates.

1st presenter. The school director is invited to the solemn stage.

Presentation of certificates.

Congratulations from the director.

The reciprocal word of the medalists.


We used to be proud of the school,

We are sure that nowhere

Better than ours, honestly,

There is no school in the mainland!


We used to be proud of you

Dear teachers,

Every day of your life is an exam

And you passed it at "5"!


Thank you for your patience, for the science.

For being around for so many years.

For a friendly outstretched hand.

For keeping us safe from harm!

The song of the medalists is being performed (everyone is singing).

And today it's evening at school.

In the hall - balls, fireworks.

Summer hugs the shoulders -

The minutes of happiness are approaching.

Maybe on a school site

Our names will be written

Mom will say, dad will say:

"Our kids are getting older."

Our graduation,

Our project is virtual -

So real and real:

In the hands of a certificate -

A beautiful world ahead!

First class ... Autumn wind ...

Both the bell and the new satchel ...

Never anywhere in the world

Let's not forget our school!

And nowhere and not at any time

Let's not forget this evening.

On a planet on a huge

We will wait for a meeting with you.

Let's hold hands tightly with each other -

We will never go back to our childhood.

In the hands of a certificate - there is a wonderful world ahead!

Thanks for all! Wish us happiness!

Station 2. "A world of strict but fair"

1st presenter.

And our train is on its way again.

We have a new meeting ahead.

2nd leader.

Into the world of strict but fair

The train is taking us.

Knows them and loves them

School people!


There are head teachers in our school -

Children's love for them is innumerable.

Smart, truthful, caring,

Loved by all.

You can't do without them

Not a single meeting.

They will skillfully draw up a schedule.

Cheat sheets will reveal a difficult secret

And they will smile at us with an open mind.

1st presenter. For the fact that everything was arguing, there were no overlaps and missing lessons and our intellectual level grew, we thank our head teachers.

2nd leader. Deputy director for teaching and educational work (full name).

1st presenter. Deputy director for educational work (full name).

Congratulations from the head teacher.

2nd leader. Our train is on its way again.

What lies ahead of us?

Station 3. "World of childhood"

1st presenter. (Introduced by elementary school teachers.)


Do you recognize us? Look ...

Your first graders are standing here!

We wore big knapsacks,

Rulers, pens, blotting paper.


We remember you with love,

So dear, so familiar.

Like mothers you treated us,

And with you we were like at home.


Thank you bow to earth

Accept from all graduates,

And just as carefully, loving

Teach your disciples.

Congratulations to the teachers.

2nd leader. The floor is given to our first teachers.

Speech by the first teachers.

Station 4. "The world of the artistic word"

1st presenter. Road, road, you know so much about life so difficult. And our train is racing, and now it stops at the station "World of the artistic word". Teachers who passed on their knowledge and put a piece of their heart into each of you are seeing off their graduates at this station.

2nd leader. (Teacher introduction.)


Into the world of the Russian language, literature -

Into the world of beauty

We are now arriving.

This is clear to everyone!

The song of the graduates to the tune of the song "Unfinished novel".

It's a great time.

A naive wonderful childhood.

And always in memory

There will be a trace of the school:

Like leaves in September

Circled in the yard

AND school evenings welcome light.

The hours of lessons were quickly melting

While we were reading the textbooks.

And we answered in the lessons

Aloud vying.

But it all ends someday

And we cannot escape fate now.

The novel remained unfinished

Graduation holiday.

There is a lot about school

Happy memories.

About the first time they came

With you to primary school

And the lesson began

And the bell rang

What worries us 10 years later.

Congratulations to the teachers.

Station 5. "The World of Exact Sciences"

1st presenter.

And the train rushes forward again

We are lucky to get to the exact sciences!

2nd leader. Into the world of the exact! Obvious! Incredible!

1st presenter. At the station "World of exact sciences" graduates are greeted by teachers of mathematics and physics (names of teachers).

The answer word of the graduates of the station "World of exact sciences".

Song of graduates at the station "World of exact sciences" (to the tune of Natalie's song "Counting")

The teacher explains the logarithms,

The tenth time, and I don't understand everything.

It is difficult to solve problems in algebra,

But at the same time it is excruciatingly pleasant.

I'll come to algebra, and it will become easier

We are trying to find out everything, to get to know better:

Where is the electron, where is the isotope, where is the atom.

And we ... (the name and patronymic of the teacher) teaches us,

Sweat trickles down from the tension.

And I count the days until we meet:

One, two, three, four, five, a week ...

I will come to physics, and it will become easier

In the empty, short twilight of April.

Congratulations to the teachers.

Station 6. World of Witchcraft

2nd leader. Our train is on its way to the station "World of Witchcraft", the world of experiments and discoveries. At this station, amazing sorcerers, teachers of biology and chemistry see off our graduates.

1st moderator introduces teachers.

A response word from the graduates of the World of Witchcraft station.


Biology and chemistry are the most important class spiders,

Since they require courageous experiences.

How to cross? Whom and with whom?

Now we know ourselves,

But we studied this for a long time, together with you.

How fragile nature is, we must not forget

Fish, birds, animals have become our friends,

Posters and layouts dream at night

We are thinking about the best way to answer you.

2nd leader. Thought, thought and came up with. Graduates of the World of Witchcraft station perform a song.

See you soon

(from the repertoire of the "Beasts" group)

The last evening -

And we're from school

We're leaving soon

And a hundred dear to us

One hundred directions

Will open the city.

Congratulations to us,

Escorts us

June evening.

And our third

Native school.

See you soon!

See you soon!

See you soon!

Our love for you is forever!

See you soon!

See you soon!

Stamen, pistil -

All this in life

It will come in handy for us.

And to be honest:

We were great

Everyone is here to study.

And let us know

That we are all together

The last evening,

Our relatives,

We tell you:

"See you soon!"

See you soon!

See you soon!

Our love for you all forever!

See you soon!

See you soon!

Congratulations to the teachers.

Station 7. "Wandering World"

1st presenter. Attention passengers! Request: to board the express train of the future, next to adulthood, to pass those who are attracted by the world of wanderings, events, miracles. The teachers of geography and history (full name) helped you navigate this diverse world.

Answer words of graduates at the station "World of wanderings".


A world of wanderings!


Events, sensations, surnames, years -

We are all without exception

(Or at least a few)

Let's remember forever!


Your lessons are always interesting!

We give you this song as a gift!

They perform a song to the melody of "Orange Tie" (from the repertoire of V. Syutkin).

How Genghis Khan ruled the world

Who Brest Peace concluded -

Favorite teacher at school

He told us everything.

How man became himself

How can we love and be friends -

All this is a sweet teacher

He managed to explain to all of us.

Even though I have never met

It's dawn in Turkey

And did not see how it burned

Rome in the darkness of the night

But I know for sure -

There is only one subject at school

Where will tell about everything

My teacher is mine.

Only he will tell me

He is my teacher.

Geography tomorrow

The school bell will ring.

Feet on the wings of hope

My heart will lead.

Any student here knows -

How many seas are there in the world

How many depressions at the bottom of the sea.

How many people live here.

Even though I have never met

It's dawn in Africa

And I did not see the fire

In the jungle at night,

But I know for sure

About any continent in the world

Only he will tell me

He is my teacher.

Congratulations to the teachers.

Station 8. "Polyglotia"

2nd leader: Those who firmly understand that without knowledge of languages ​​are ready to go into adulthood today. We can easily get into the world of polyglots. At this station, graduates are seen off by foreign language teachers.

1st presenter. (Teacher introduction.)

A response from the graduates of the Polyglotia station.

Young woman. Believe it or not, we have a foreign guest as our guest. However, do not worry, we have received such knowledge that it will not be difficult for us to translate what he tells us. A foreign guest appears.

The guest. Oh, uno-jun, graduation teacher!

Young man. Oh, our dear teacher!

The guest. Emancipation made you a hard worker!

Young man. You are as beautiful as a tea rose on the southern coast of Crimea!

The guest. Tongue on the shoulder: a cook, a styra, work without heat, a nurse, a meeting husband, in short - a goner.

Young man. Your hands are snow-white, like the wings of a bird of paradise. Your camp is thin, like a mountain path. The guest. Oh, uno-jun, graduation teacher! Yun o sh a. Oh, our dear teacher! The guest. Uno-June once a year.

Young man. For a whole year, graduates gave you flowers, idolized you.

The guest. Emerald, diamond, rubino, bambino are robbers.

Young man. Your disciples are obedient like angels.

The guest. A courtyard, a fountain, two rooms, a bath.

Young man. Your house is huge, spacious, full of abundance.

The guest. Eniki-beniki, no dumplings, lunch, potatoes, noodles delicacies.

Young man. The dishes on your table are wonderful: fruits, strawberries in champagne.

The guest. Carino, sarino, bus, buttons. Young man. A luxurious car is waiting for you near the house. The guest. Uno-Jun, release teacher! Young man. Oh, our dear teacher!

The guest. Secretly, fantaste, how is it wise to be a beauty ?! Young man. How not to be beautiful while living like that ?! The guest. Zhelanto! Young man. What to wish you?

The guest. The salary is paid, it is huge, it is patient, the students are grateful, the man to help, health, happiness, good luck! Thank you for your attention!

Young man. Without translation.

Dedication to foreign language teachers.


You are perfect and beautiful

Not only in foreign languages,

In spiritual qualities

And in passionate

Desires - to live in students!

We can understand a thing or two in French

We can perform songs in English,

Life itself will offer us to finish teaching everything,

And today we can thank you.

Graduate and Graduate give flowers to teachers of foreign languages.

Station 9. "World of Health and Labor"

2nd leader. Our trains are rushing to the world of health and work. Teachers accompany our graduates to this sports world of patience and hard work on oneself, a world where the will to win is strong physical culture(FULL NAME.).

A response song at the Mir zdorov'ya i truda station. Sports medley.

Congratulations to the teachers.

Station 10. "World of worries and troubles"

And here we are in the world of those who take care of us!

Graduate. In your library, for us, at the right time, there was always a necessary book on the shelf, and an "excellent" grade was guaranteed.


Thanks to our doctors and our chefs,

Thanks to all the technical staff of our school.

Health, peace, joy, good luck and love!

Let life smile at you.

We want it!


Station 11. "Carrot and Carrot World"

2nd leader. Our train picks up speed, wheels knock on the rails in time. Their knocking adds up to a lullaby. The melody that mom sings. We arrive in the world of our cool ladies, in the world of our educators, our second mothers.


We could not live a day without you,

After all, we are the second troubled family for you!


About us your thoughts both night and day.

For you and our parents

We will sing this song now.

Performance of the song "Strict Dads, Good Mothers". Speech, congratulations.


Strict dads, lovely mothers!

Together we mastered the school program,

It is difficult to say who it was harder for.

From the outside, this, in general, is better known ...


Well, the assessment of teamwork

You will find in our certificates.

It’s a pity that there’s only one per family

They give us a maturity certificate!

1st presenter. I give the floor to parents ...

Parents are speaking.

Station 12. "Final outlet"

2nd leader. Terminal station! Graduation!

1st presenter.

The Earth is spinning like a carousel in childhood.

And ten years have passed like ten days.

It's time for smiles and flowers

It's time for confessions and parting words.

It's time for us to tell, friends,

Thank you teachers!

2nd leader.

We will cherish in our hearts

Your smiles, your eyes and your speech.

God bless you and illuminate the school

With the warmth of love and tenderness of the soul.

The final song "The Light of Distant Planets" is played.