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The mixer with the thermostat is a smart thing needed to obtain comfortable water and its savings. Thermostatic mixer: principle of operation, its advantages, and independent installation Thermostatic mixer mechanical electronic touch

Those people are alive, in whose times the mixer with the thermostat was something from the area of \u200b\u200bthe fiction. What is there to talk! More recently, such a mixer was the subject of inaccessible luxury, whereas today such a device is available almost every family. However, given the essential difference in price (if you compare them with conventional mixers), the faucets with the thermostat still have not become wide popularity in the market. In our opinion, it is completely undeservedly, because in other countries (in Europe in particular) this kind of mixer has long gained great popularity.

The mixer with the thermostat is the next generation of mixers, which combines:

  • mixer
  • temperature measurement sensor

With the help of the sensor, it is possible to automatically adjust the water supply of the specified temperature.
As a rule, the mixer with the thermostat externally has the type of control panel with handles to turn on and off water and temperature control. The water temperature is installed by you at the very beginning. Subsequently, when the water is turned on, the crane supplies the water of a given temperature. This, no doubt, gives a number of advantages as you get water that temperature that you need. Adjustment is performed with an accuracy of degrees. This means that the risk will be awesome hot water Changed to a minimum.

Such a device may be especially relevant in two cases:

  • if there are small children in the house
  • if you regulate hot water difficult because of the pressure difference in pipes with hot and cold water

For parents, the optimal will also be the selection of the model in which the blocker from children is provided so that they cannot change the specified temperature. You to raise the temperature, you will have to remove the thermostat from the fuse.

The principle of operation of the mixer with a thermostat is the presence of a thermoelement that regulates the water supply automatically. In fact, it regulates the process of water mixing. In case the serve is cold or hot water Suddenly stops, the mixer with the thermostat instantly stops the flow of water at all. Allows you to perform this operation in a second fraction of a second.
After you set the degree you need the temperature, all you need to regulate is water pressure. The temperature is supported by the mixer independently. Adjustment can be carried out in two ways: manually or using the remote control (it will depend on the model).

The advantages of thermostatic mixers

Such mixers have a number of advantages, namely:

  • One of the main advantages of the mixer with a thermostat is its economy. If the house is installed electrical devices To heat the water, the ability to accurately adjust the temperature of the supplied water makes it possible to avoid increased consumption of hot water, and as a result - and energy consumption for water heating. In addition, water consumption is reduced, which occurs during temperature adjustment.
  • Another indisputable plus of these types of mixers is that you are not covered with boiling water and that you do not threaten the ice shower in case of turning off the hot water.
  • You will no longer depend on the neighbors, including and turning off the water in your apartment, because without a mixer with the function of regulating the water temperature, your comfort when making a shower, for example, dependent on them.
  • If you are using flowing water heatersYou probably have already faced the fact that the water heating temperature can "jump". With a thermostatic mixer, this will no longer have a problem for you.
  • If you use an autonomous water heating system (using a cumulative water heater, for example), which warms water to 70-80 degrees, then it is potential danger. Level risk will help you the mixer with a thermostat.

The disadvantages include the relative high cost of such mixers. However, financial costs are consequeled easily at the expense of the level of comfort and security that you get, acquiring the model of the mixer with the thermostat.

Currently, there can be mixers with a thermostat from different manufacturers on store shelves from different manufacturers, and both domestic and foreign ones. They differ in both the price and functionality. There are the following types of mixers:

  • Mixer for shell with thermostat;
  • Shower mixer with thermostat;
  • Mixer with a thermostat for the bathroom;
  • Mixer with thermostat for bidet;

Exist general principlesfor which thermostatic mixers work, however, different types Mixers differ in their intended purpose. For example, a mixer for a shell with a thermostat can be installed in the kitchen, in the toilet or on the sink in the bathroom.
At the same time, the mixer thermostatic for the shower is designed to ensure the maximum level of functionality and comfort when installing it in the shower.

The same applies to the thermostatic bathroom mixer. Its device is designed so that its functionality is completely revealed when installed on the bathroom. Although there are also hybrid models that provide maximum functionality.

As a rule, thermostatic faucets have the same settings for the installation and requirements for water supply highway as ordinary, standard mixers. This means that you can install it, just unscrewing the old mixer. It is possible to do it yourself. What should pay attention to when buying a thermostatic mixer?

  • First, the market shows the models of mixers with the temperature control system of the flow of water from foreign manufacturers, which are completed under the Russian order. This means that they are optimally suitable for operation in our country. You may need to prefer such models.
  • Please note the next requirement: such a mixer can be designed to be installed in such a highway, where the pipe hot water is on the left side, and the cold - right. Otherwise, we do not guarantee that the thermostatic sensor will work.
  • If there is a difference in pipes with hot and cold water in your plumbing highway, then hot water can fall in cold water pipes. That this does not happen, the model of the mixer with the thermostat may have special safety (reverse) valves. Thanks to them, the water will not be mixed. In addition, if suddenly you will turn off hot water, then cold water will not fall into the pipe with hot water. And it is this mechanism that will block the flow of water in general if the hot or cold water is turned off.

An important condition for the operation of such a mixer so that you do not have to implement

A few years ago, the mixer with the water temperature regulator was considered expensive product. Not every buyer I can afford to buy such a luxury for myself. Today, the online store "Plumbing Room" presents you thermostatic mixers with a price available for everyone. Now the crane consisting of two elements will appear in your home:

  • mixer;
  • thermostat.

You can easily set the desired temperature and enjoy comfortable water.

Mixer with thermostat - Profitable purchase for each house

In our catalog you can buy a mixer with a mechanical water temperature adjustment or with electronic equipment. The first option is controlled by the valves and levers. In this case, such a thermostatic mixer requires a mechanical task of the necessary parameters for its operation.

In turn, the electronic mixer works at the expense of the touch control. Some models are made with embedded buttons. You can adjust the water temperature with the desired accuracy. The liquid crystal screen will show the temperature and pressure of the aqueous stream. It is worth noting that our mechanical cranes work in offline mode, and electronic mixers require a network adapter or battery. But at the same time, they are much more functional than mechanical mixers with thermostators.

Thermostatic mixer will surprise each owner with its functionality

Buy a mixer with a thermostat - it means to purchase a unique plumbing device. Your home assistant will be able to maintain a constant water temperature, regardless of drops temperature mode in general System water supply. It is also worth considering that only we can buy a mixer with a thermostat that has its own memory. The device remembers which temperature you prefer, and provides you optimal option water. You no longer need to spend time on water adjustment, the mixer will solve this problem instead of owners.

Mixer with thermostat - Sensitive plumbing

Crane with water temperature adjustment will not allow empty spending water resources Own owners. You no longer have to wait until the water rides to the optimum temperature. The mixer immediately gives necessary water. Our plumbing is reliable. All products are made of durable materials. Buying faucets with thermostat with us, you accept profitable and the right decision for yourself.

In many modern household appliances There is a thermostat, however, in most bathrooms, classic mixers are still used, with which it is very difficult to adjust the required temperature. This feature will perfectly cope with such a plumbing device as a mixer with a thermostat for a bathroom with a shower, which is very convenient in operation. However, before purchasing this device, you need to get acquainted how the mixers with the thermostat work are working, what are the pros and cons.

It seems strange that the modern thermostatic mixer for the shower actually has a very simple design. The instrument housing is made in the form of a cylinder with two regulators: to adjust the water temperature and to control the water pressure, inside the unit also has a ceramic cartridge. Externally, the mixer with a thermostat is similar to a regular bath for a bath and a soul, but the principle of their action is distinguished.

The work of the apparatus under consideration is based on the use of laws of physics on thermal expansion of substances. The mixer for a bath with a thermostat performs its main task: instantly reacts with a special thermostatic cartridge inside the design to change the degree of fluid warming and brings the temperature and pressure to the specified parameters. At any time, these values \u200b\u200bcan be changed.

It is worth noting that the thermostat, as such, is absent in such structures, it does not heal of water. Its function performs the thermostat, which carries out the heat balance of the fluid incoming from the water supply system. As soon as the water pressure changes, the thermostat changes the settings for the specified parameters to restore the balance. If hot water stops coming, then cold water is turned off.

The cartridge consisting of a special substance, when expansion, pushes the piston, overlapping water flows when the hot flux is stopped and the temperature regulating during normal operation. And thanks to the ceramic cartridge inside the case, the water temperature setting is carried out by the installation by the installation by the installation. At the same time, in such a mixer, there is a limiter, which does not allow to expose water heating over 80 degrees Celsius so that a person does not accidentally be covered with boiling water.

Such a device is ideal for families with children, because you can set optimum temperature In 37-38 degrees and the "smart" device will maintain the specified parameters, which will make water procedures, comfortable and safe.

It is important to connect the mixer with the thermostat to the water supply system correctly. If you confuse the pipes with hot and cold water, then the temperature will not work out from the shower or spinning, then cold, then hot liquid. Therefore, connect the device correctly. In the future, it will be enough to replace filters in the form of metal meshes, which are placed between the thermostat and the eccentric.

Types of thermostatic mixers

These devices differ by the type of water supply adjustment:

  1. Mechanical. Economical option With buttons, handles or valves in the design. These controls are usually located along the edges on the cylindrical case: one lever is responsible for adjusting the pressure, and the other is per water temperature. The main advantages of mechanical models are simplicity in management, device reliability, variety design solutions, The presence of a display with a button or sensor control. And the disadvantage is the need for mechanical intervention when setting parameters.
  2. Electronic. More dear modelswhich are controlled by the sensor, buttons, or even remotely using the remote. These samples are equipped with an LCD display, which displays current parameters. Main advantages - comfortable management, adjustment accuracy and the ability to see the current parameters on the screen. The main minuses are a high price, the need for a power source (battery or network adapter).

Based on such a criterion, like a design type, all thermostatic bathroom faucets are divided into:

  • universal models are suitable for any purpose.
  • lockless samples: for shower, bathtubs, sinks, bidets, kitchens.

A thermostat mixer with a long spill for the bath is very comfortable.

Thermostat mixers also differ in the mounting type. He can be:

  • external (open) - when the whole design is installed directly on plumbing (bath, sink, washbasin, on the wall next to the shower);
  • hidden, when the mixer with a thermostat is mounted in a wall or a special box, and only the panel with controls remain on the wall outside the wall.

The model range of thermostatic mixers is very wide and diverse.

Pros and disadvantages of devices with thermostat

To maintain the purity of the body, we do not speak a couple of times a week in the bath and take a shower every day, and it is very annoying when a long time has to regulate the optimal temperature, and when the pressure drops from the crane, it starts to run boiling water or, on the contrary, ice water. The installation of a shower mixer and a bath with a thermostat will help to avoid these problems. However, choosing modern plumbing equipment with a thermostat, it is necessary to study all the advantages and cons of such a device in advance.

For thermostatic mixers, the following advantages are characterized:

  1. Ease of operation. Configuring all the parameters for subsequent inclusions, it is enough to simply press the button or turn the lever to water the water of the desired temperature.
  2. Safety. Thanks to temperature restrictions, you will never feel discomfort from too hot or cold water. And special blocks exclude the possibility of changing the temperature of the liquid by children.
  3. Efficiency. Mixers with thermostat make it possible not to waste time on adjusting the temperature of the fluid and do not allow unjustified drain of water during the adjustment process, which is very important if the meters are installed.
  4. Stability of the pressure and water temperature. Using a mixer with a thermostat during water procedures, you will not feel the pressure drop if someone from the family members will include water in the kitchen or in the toilet.

But this design still has drawbacks:

  1. High cost of equipment.
  2. With very weak pressure The mixer with the thermostat will not work.
  3. Completeness of repair.

However, these devices are in demand, since these minuses are completely compensated by the benefits of a mixer with a thermostat.

Installation and adjustment features

You can install a mixer with a thermostat for a bathroom with a shower with your own hands, without inviting a specialist, since the installation of this device is no different from installing a conventional mixer. However, when installing the thermostatic mixer, it is necessary to ensure the symmetry of hot and cold water.

It is important that the crane of the cold flow of water is located on the right, and the hot water feed lever was left, otherwise the thermostat simply will not work. On the market of sanitary devices, mono find right-sided and left-sided and right-sided models of these devices, which greatly facilitates the installation process of these structures.

Pressure in water networks in the house is often significantly different from the factory parameters of the device with the thermostat. The model of the mixer can be calculated on the water temperature of 55 degrees, and the flow flows with a temperature of 60 degrees from the crane. In this case, it is necessary to adjust the thermostat. To correctly calibrate the thermostat, you need to remove the protective cover, and manually, with the help of a handle and a conventional thermometer, adjust the water temperature values.

Manufacturers offer thermosomes with an open and closed installation type. With the installation of the first questions do not occur. But the second will require an adhesion of the walls or equipment of a special box of drywall, in which all communications and elements of the device hide. The out of all the panel and regulators are displayed. And if necessary, repair the mixer or plumbing in this place, it will be necessary to disassemble the wall.

It should also be noted that these mixers require the use of special water filters. They can also be installed independently, according to the installation instructions, which is attached to the device when buying, and from time to time to change the filter plates. If you do not install filters or not in time to change them, the mixer will quickly fail due to rigid water. And repair or buying a new device will cost much more.

What manufacturer can you trust?

Such reliable manufacturers of sanitary devices include the GROHE brand (mixers with a thermostat from 1,500 to 45 000 rubles). The company produces a wide range of models of open and closed type Installation. All the lineup It is divided into three main lines: authentic (retro), contemporary (modern), Cosmopolitan (ultra-modern, minimalist style).

A good reputation is also HansGrohe (9,000 - 15,000 rubles) mixers, Jacob Delafon (8,000 - 17,000 rubles), ORAS (10,000 - 18,000 rubles) and Roca (7,000 - 15,000 rubles).

In conclusion, we note that due to the high prices, the mixers with a thermostat in the bathrooms of our country are not as often as in Europe. However, many compatriots have already used these devices by opposing them exclusively in a positive key. Purchase funds pay off rather quickly due to reducing water consumption. The installation of thermosmers is especially recommended to families with the elderly and young children.

Also, it is also preferable to use them in apartments where regular large pressure drops are observed in a water supply line, which makes it difficult to mix the water mixing to the desired temperature. In the modern plumbing market, you can find mixers with a thermostat for the bathroom with any design design, installation methods and a variety of options to ensure comfort in the bathroom.

An ordinary mixer is capable of becoming a real hostess assistant if it is enhanced by a thermostatic device, which automatically supports the specified temperature.

This is no longer a novelty, but a convenient device in everyday life. Thermostat mixers come electronic and mechanical. Some models do contactWhat makes them even more comfortable.

What is the thermostat?

The European Community has long been accustomed to reasonable consumption of energy, heat and water. That is why European regulators and temperature sensors and more, including mixers with thermostats, entered the use of Europeans. All of them allow to save in high-quality use of civilization.

The temperature switches the regulator usually in a step of 4 ° C

It is noteworthy that in the mixer capable of always to give water the desired temperature, as such is no thermostat. But there is:

  • temperature scalewhere the desired indicator is exhibited
  • temperature limiter, it blocks its promotion and always keeps her not higher than the specified,
  • heat regulatorcapable of changing the ratio of cold and hot water so that the consumer gets water in a given temperature,
  • water pressure regulatorwhich turns on and turns off the water flow, making it as convenient as possible at the exit.

Before the start of the mixer, the water temperature is set, and then its pressure is adjusted. With high-quality functioning, the device can be:

  1. The flow of water of a comfortable temperature.
  2. Permanent pressure of water jet.

Practically, each manufacturer and kitchen has separate lines of mixers with thermostats. It may be simple, but functional models, and there may be designer masterpieces.

The principle of operation of mixers with a thermostat, which is in cheap, that in mega expensive devices, similar. The main task is to mix hot and cold water streams to the desired temperature.

The thermoelement is installed inside the case, which prepares water. The more powerful the device, the faster the thermoelement is able to adjust the flow streams, reducing one of them as needed by increasing the stream of another.

The principle of operation of the thermostatic mixer

Usually, the adjustment of water flows at the mixing stage is carried out in a couple of seconds, so the consumer does not notice any changes in temperature.

Nuances of the mixer with thermostat

Some mixers with a thermostat have a water blocker that fully terminates its submission in case of inconsistencies set temperature. Such a device will never allow the user to get a burn either on the contrary to ask him icewater. But in homes where water supply is carried out communal organizations With such a thermostat you can water and do not wait at all.

There is another moment that may be unpleasant. IN plumbing systemswhere there are quite large pressure jumps, it happens that from a pipe with cold water begins to go warm instead of her. The mixer with a thermostat will automatically start covering hot water, reducing the total temperature. Ultimately, the consumer will receive a weak pressure.

Water blocker will not allow chosen or bleed with cold water

The same thing happens when the flux of hot water is not enough. In both cases, you will have to set a new temperature, which is not entirely convenient. If the pressure in the system is always stable, and the temperature changes in water streams are insignificant, then the use of such a device will not deliver.

Varieties of devices

Devices that prepare water to a comfortable temperature and serve it to the consumer, differ, including for purpose. So, there are mixers with a thermostat for:

  • soul,
  • shells
  • bidet.
  • universal use.

It is customary to divide the device also according to the method of fastening. There are mixers with thermostats, both for open (visible) and closed mounting.

Building industry today produces mixers with thermostats of two types:

  • electronic
  • mechanical.

Electronic thermostat mixer

This device has a liquid crystal monitor, to which the temperature indicators of the given water are derived. Their control button or touch. In such devices, you can create a number of programs and include the desired time.

In electronic - the temperature is set by the buttons or regulator and appears on the screen.

There are devices that are programmed to withdraw additional readings, up to water analysis. The cost of such devices is several times higher than the usual electronic, not to mention the mechanical mixers with an electronic thermostat.

Electronic devices run from batteries or by means of a network adapter. The manufacturer can provide them with the ability to react to special sensors, including infrared. That remote control Can be carried out even from another room.

The disadvantages should include the fact that it is extremely difficult and far from every city.

Eternal as the world of mechanic

The mechanical models of the mixers with the thermostat have levers, valves and handles, with which the thermostat and the water regulator controls the water flow.

In the mechanical - the temperature is given by the rotary regulator

In some cases, they are much more reliable and more adapted for Russian realities. At the very least, temperature switching occurs here manually, and therefore sometimes faster.

Design of mixers S. mechanical thermostat More minimalized and more diverse in styles. Prices for company devices start from 4,000 rubles.

To date, most homes and apartments are equipped with classic one-loaded and two-fledged mixers. However, as it is known, when using them, it is quite difficult to adjust the water temperature before the water procedure and maintain the necessary heat balance in its implementation. But at present, more advanced plumbing devices appeared on the plumbing market, allowing you to solve these two tasks without any problems - these are self-regulating bathroom faucets with a shower with a thermostat.

Mixer assignment with thermostat

Externally, these mixers are similar to ordinary, and their work is based on the use of physical laws of substances. Their main task is to instantly respond to changes in the level of water heating and bring the temperature and pressure parameters to the specified values.

Mixer device with thermostat

Any mixer for the bath and soul with a thermostat consists of the following details:

  • Case. In shape, the body resembles a cylinder with two taps to which cold and hot water is connected.
  • Head regulator. This is the so-called crane-tank, which is mounted in the left end of the cylindrical case and has built-in ceramic discs.
  • Thermostatic cartridge. Its function is to maintain a given temperature mode, since it is here that contrast water flows are mixed and the temperature is adjusted. Due to the presence of a limiter, the water temperature will not be above 38 degrees. This option is very convenient and can be especially useful for a family with young children, because it will help to avoid burns.

Construction of thermostatic cartridge

Since the thermostatic cartridge is the most an important detail The mixer is worth staying on its device.

In its design, the cartridge is quite simply arranged and quite enough for a long time Services. It consists of a hull, rod with a spring and sleeve having small radial holes . The main element of the cartridge is a thermostatic element. It is a cylindrical capsule or a cartridge consisting of fixed and moving parts. As a fixed part, it can be:

  • bee wax (or other polymer with similar properties);
  • bimetallic rings or plates.

with thermostat: work principle

As mentioned above, the operation of the thermostatic mixer is based on physical Property Expansion bodies and is as follows.

Wax that is filled with a special cavity of the case, when the temperature changes, it is expanding or decreased in volume. This causes the movement of the rolling part of the capsule (rod) in the longitudinal direction. Then this movement is transmitted to the damper that is responsible for the arrival of hot and cold water. To eliminate damper transmission in the case of a high pressure difference in pipelines, the design is equipped with check valve Water current. Special protection, which will not give water temperature to rise above 80 degrees. It is a fuse installed on the adjusting screw. If the supply of cold or hot water stops sharply, the fuse blocks water, blocking the flow to the watering can. When the intake of cold water is restored, the mixing process will automatically continue. Thanks to such a device, the risk of burns is excluded.

Types of thermostat mixers

On the market plumbing equipment There are two types of thermostatic mixers:

  • mechanical
  • electronic.

Mechanical models are equipped with conventional regulators. It can be valves, handles or levers.

Automatic bathroom faucets with a thermostat shower are equipped with a liquid crystal screen, which shows the water temperature. Power supply This device receives from batteries or a network adapter, and it is controlled by buttons or sensors. Some, more advanced models, can work remotely, responding to infrared sensor signals.

The faucets with the thermostat can be released specifically for installation in the kitchen, in the bath, soul or bidet. There are universal models, but not much.

Equipment is mounted using both an open and hidden method, which depends on the preferences of each specific owner.

Pros and cons of thermostatic mixers

Anyone has a whole set of advantages.

First, the mixer with a thermostat for the bathroom with a shower is economically beneficial. The system of accurate adjustment of water supply makes it possible to make water spending more economical. Due to the absence of the need to pre-configure the flow temperature reduces water spending. This is especially important for those apartments where there are electric boilers.

Secondly, the mixer with a thermostat is safe. Water supply control does not allow cases when the stream of hot or cold water collapses on a person. Water supply in this case will turn off automatically. In addition, this advantage is especially important for those people who use accumulative water heaters, the temperature in which can reach up to 80 degrees. The mixer with the thermostat will reduce the risk of burns.

And, thirdly, the mixers for the bathroom with a shower with a thermostat and a long expulsion are convenient. A quick response allows the mixer to instantly adjust the change in temperature and pressure drops in general communications. Power and temperature controllers will save the specified parameters unchanged.

As for the shortcomings, then, perhaps, the main one is a high price. True, it does not repel many, since the thermostatic mixer pays off rapidly thanks to practicality, safety and convenience.

Bathroom faucets with a thermostat shower: reviews

Thermostatic mixers get a lot positive feedback from consumers. Owners of private houses with autonomous system Water supply notes the convenience of these devices. They say that it is still possible to adjust the temperature, and after it remains only to twist one handle.

For the owners of apartments, which also own the apparatus is important and the other factor. They write that due to the frequent fluctuations in pressure on the network, the pressure is weak or completely disconnected. And in the family with children, this device provides quite greater safety.


The production of thermostatic mixers in our country has not yet been established. From foreign manufacturers, the German companies GRONE and HANSGROHE can be distinguished finnish company ORAS. These bathroom faucets with a thermostat with a thermostat based on the results of independent studies are recognized as the best in their performance.


Bathroom faucets with a thermostat with a thermostat are designed for comfort and safety. Especially their installation is recommended to families with young children and older people. Also, they are also preferably used where there is a big difference in pipe pressures, which causes difficulties in adjusting the mixing of water to a comfortable temperature.

In the modern market of plumbing equipment, you can find products with any design design, various options and installation methods. Buying a thermostatic mixer will allow you to provide a pleasant pastime in the bathroom according to your needs.