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Safety valves. Spring check valve valve safety spring

Safety valves apply to industrial scale and are installed on the highway with the goal of reset from the extension pipeline of the working medium to reduce the pressure level (a type of household safety valve is a crane of Maevsky, watering air from heating systems).

Device and types of safety valves

The main element of the safety valve is the valve, rod, adjustment elements, tuning springs. By design, safety valves are lever-cargo (the working medium presses the spool, and this pressure is counteracting the power of the cargo) and magneto-spring (driven by electromagnetic drive).

Types of safety valves:

  • direct action. Triggered when the pressure is exceeded above;
  • indirect action. Work when exposed to an extraneous pulse (for example, from electrical, used for remote control);
  • proportional action. Used in incompressible environments;
  • two-position action.

Video operation valve safety

Also, safety valves are low lifting (lifting the locking part - 1/20 of the saddled diameter), full-dimensional (1/4 beds, are designed on high bandwidth highways), medium-lining. Check valves are a variety safety reinforcement. Also, safety valves are divided into shut-off and regulating. Setting the limit pressure is carried out at the time of installation by changing the position of the adjusting screw, compressing the clamping spring.

  • Recommend Spring Safety Valves! Unlike the membrane, they are equipped additional devices, preventing the scholars to the saddle preventing.

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Check valve is an element of a pipeline system, which provides for the movement of the working medium in only one direction. Its use is required for autonomous pumping stations and other equipment that can fail when the fluid flow moves in the opposite direction.

Reverse spring valve is one of the varieties of locking elements. It belongs to the category of fittings of direct action and works automatically on the energy of the working environment, which prevents the output of the equipment when the power supply is turned off and other faults.

Constructive features

The spring valve constructively consists of three elements:

  1. The housing is usually made of brass and equipped with elements for fastening to the pipeline (coupling, thread). The housing is also made of steel, cast iron and polypropylene. The selection of the material is determined by the parameters of the working medium, the diameter of the pipeline.
  2. The working element representing the movable spool includes two plates with a special hermetic gasket between them and the rod.
  3. The executive body representing the spring located between the plates of the working element and the saddle. Provides automatic overlap of fluid current when a pressure decreases or a change in its direction. The minimum pressure of the working medium depends on the spring rigidity, at which the valve automatically opens.

Advantages of sprocket check valves:

  • the possibility of mounting in any position;
  • simplicity of design;
  • universality.

At the same time, the valve is sensitive to pollution in water, which lead to wear of sealing plates, so it is desirable to install a filter before it. It is also recommended to mount the valve in easily accessible places to simplify it. maintenance and replacement.

It is desirable to install the valve in a vertical position so that the blocking force of the spring coincides with the action of gravity. For right mounting It is necessary to navigate the arrow applied to the valve body, which shows the transmitted direction of the current of the working medium.

Scope of application

Reverse sprocket valves are widely used in autonomous water supply systems, outdoor networks of multi-apartment buildings. They are installed on the suction lines of pumps, in front of capacitive water heaters, boilers, water meters and other equipment.

Safety valve is a pipe fittings that protects equipment and pipelines high pressure from mechanical damage and various kinds of destruction as a result of emergency situations. This is achieved by producing an excessive amount of fluid, gas or steam from the system, as well as the vessel in which excessive pressure is formed. In addition, this valve prevents the working medium to reset when the nominal pressure is restored.

The valve is a safety - this is a mechanism that is functioning in direct contact with the working medium along with other structures that perform the function of protective reinforcement, including pressure regulators.

Main types of valves and their purpose

All safety products may differ among themselves on a variety of parameters, depending on structural features, namely:

  1. By type of closing valve:
    • proportional;
    • two-position.
  2. In the height of the climbing organ:
    • low lifting;
    • mid-lining;
    • full-dimensional.
  3. Depending on the type of load on the spool:
    • spring;
    • lever;
    • lever-spring;
    • magnetic-spring.

Also, safety valves may differ in the nature of the work and be a direct or indirect device. The first are considered classic safety mechanisms, and the second refer to the class of pulse instruments. The most frequently used industry modification is an angular safety choke type.

High pressure (or rather its excess) may occur in the system for various reasons caused by physical internal processes or other external factors, such as:

  • malfunctions in the work of the equipment;
  • unwanted heat flow from outside;
  • errors when collecting a thermal mechanical scheme. The safety valve is often installed in those places where there is a possibility of such complications. These devices are compatible with almost any equipment, but they are most in demand when used with household or industrial reservoirs operating under high pressure.

    Spring Type of Safety Valve

    Spring safety valves protect the equipment, and thereby prevent its destruction, as a result of exceeding the pressure above the norm. They are used on boilers, various tanks, containers, pipelines and perform the function of resetting the working medium. Surplus can be thrown out simply into the atmosphere or in a special discharge pipeline system. After the pressure is normalized, the valve closes. The main characteristics of the preservative spring valve are its bandwidth, as well as the trigger pressure value. Last customize on special equipment In factory conditions, and to test the device, or removing the dirt accumulating in the operation of operation, the valves have a device that allows manually to open this device, although some modifications can do without it. For effective I. reliable operation The valve in the gaseous medium, in its design there may be a compulsory blowing device. In the spring valves, the pressure of the medium on the gate is opposed to the degree of compression of the spring. It is it that determines the strength of the triggering, and the adjustment range depends on the elasticity of the spring. This reinforcement has received wide popularity due to its simple design, light settings and a wide range of this product. All this allows you to select the most appropriate model for operation in specific conditions. Safety choke is mounted vertically. An element of locking in a spring valve device is a disk shutter. Special device, along with the spring, sets the clamping force and in case of occurrence overpressureThe declared clamping force is not enough to hold the medium. As a result, the process of removing its excess from the system occurs until the pressure level is normalized to the initial level. Learn more about the device and features of the design of a particular spring valve, you can study his passport. Its main components are a shut-off body consisting of shutter and saddle, as well as a master. The depositter allows you to customize the valve. It is very important that the spool close to the saddle and prevent leaks. Such settings are carried out using the screw. The shutter is usually closed when a pressure occurs, which is less than the working 10%.

    Lever Safety Valves

    The lever valve is called a device in which the shut-off organ is sealed with a spring or cargo. The purpose of such valves is invariably - reset the excess volume of the working medium in the event of an excessive increase in pressure. Customize the lever valve so that with normal pressure indicators, the position of the shutter has always remained closed. The valve spool feels pressures at once of two forces - it can be a load or spring, as well as a working substance directly. The cargo is fixed on the arm of the lever and its weight is transmitted to the valve stem. With in advance defined parameters Pressure, the force of pressing the shutter to the saddle should be higher than the pressure force of the working medium and, accordingly, the valve is held in the closed position. With the increase in pressure, at a certain point, the pressure force becomes equivalent to it and it is at this point that the valve opens. In the period when the valve is open, a fence is made of an excess work environment, as a result of which the pressure in the system is reduced. After that, the shutter presses again to the saddle and the valve closes. The overwhelming majority of the lever valves are made in the form of an angular housing (the angle of the fittings is 90 degrees). But there are such structures in which the fittings are located on the same axis. This housing is called passing. The main purpose of the lever valves is to protect against all sorts of emergency situations. Concerning this species Armatures are considered a particularly important responsible node. Like any other product, lever valves must correspond certain requirements:
    • the triggering in the occurrence of overpressure should be carried out quickly and without any complications, and with a decrease in its indicators to normal, the valve must return to the closed position;
    • the bandwidth of the individual valve must be sufficient and equal to the amount of the supplied working medium.
  • For resetting overpressure in the atmosphere, valves are used for safety springs, which are special pipe fittings providing reliable protection Pipeline from malfunctions and mechanical damage. The device is responsible for automatic reset of excess fluids, steam and gas from vessels and systems until the pressure is normalized.

    Purpose of spring valve

    Hazardous exceeding pressure in the system arises as a result of external and internal factors. In addition, it leads to the incorrect collection of heat-mechanical schemes, causing failures in the functioning of equipment, heat in the system from extraneous sources and intrasystems of physical processes that are not provided for by standard operating conditions periodically arising in the system.

    Safety products - a mandatory part of any household or industrial system operating under pressure. Installation of safety mechanisms is carried out on pipelines in compressor stations, on autoclaves, in boiler rooms. Valves perform protective functions on pipelines for which not only gaseous, but also liquid substances are transported.

    Device and principle of spring valves

    The valve consists of a steel housing, the lower fitting of which is used as a connecting element between it and the pipeline. If the system increases pressure, the reset of the medium occurs through the side fitting. Adjected depending on the pressure in the spring system ensures the pressing of the spool to the saddle. The spring adjustment occurs by means of a special sleeve, which is screwed into the upper cover located on the device case. The hollows placed in the upper part is designed to protect the sleeve from destruction as a result of mechanical effects. The presence of a special ears for sealing allows you to protect the system from foreign intervention.

    For valves, in which the spring, the spring is performed, the effort of the worker is selected. If the parameters are selected correctly, at the normal state of the system, the spool that is responsible for the release of excessive pressure from the pipeline must be pressed to the saddle. When the performance indicators increases to a critical level depending on the type spring device The spool moves up at a certain height.

    Safety spring valve, providing a timely discharge of pressure, is made from different materials:

    • Carbon steel. Such devices are suitable for systems, the pressure in which dwells in the range of 0.1-70 MPa.
    • Stainless steel. Valves out of stainless steel Designed for systems, the pressure in which does not exceed 0.25-2.3 MPa.

    Classification and characteristics of spring valves

    The valve safety spring is available in three versions:

    • Lightweight devices Suitable for gas pipelines and steam pipelines, the pressure in which does not exceed 0.6 MPa. The height of the lift of such a valve does not reach more than 1/20 diameter of the seat
    • Mid-lining devices, in which the height of the lifting of the spool is from 1/6 to 1/10 from the nozzle dimer.
    • Full-dimensional devicesin which the lifting height of the valve reaches up to ¼ from the saddle diameter.

    Known classification of valves based on the method of their opening:

    • Reverse spring valve. To control inverse spring valves, an indirect foreign source of pressure is involved. Reverse spring valves that are called pulsed safety devices can operate by exposure to electricity.
    • Direct valve. In devices direct type The operating pressure of the medium has a direct effect on a spool, which rises with the increase in pressure.

    Highlight valves open and closed type . In the case of using a direct type device when the valve is opened, the medium is reset directly into the atmosphere. Closed-type valves remain completely sealed with respect to environmentdropping pressure into a special pipeline.


    Highlight different kinds Equipment for resetting overpressure from the system, but safety sprocket valves are popular due to the presence of important advantages:

    • Simplicity and reliability of the design.
    • Easy to configure operating parameters and ease of installation.
    • A variety of sizes, types and constructive versions.
    • Installation of the safety product is possible both in horizontal and vertical position.
    • Relatively small overall dimensions.
    • A large passage section.

    By the cons of safety valves include the presence of restrictions in the height of the lifting of the spool, increased requirements for the quality of the manufacture of spring for safety valves, which may fail when working under the aggressive medium or constant exposure to high temperatures.

    How to choose a spring valve?

    When choosing a fuse should be based on several important principles, on which the uninterrupted operation of the system and the ability to execute the necessary functions are depends on:

    • Safety spring valves have the smallest dimensions compared to other types of fuse valves of waste, so they should be chosen in cases where free space is not enough.
    • The features of the application of valves are associated with the presence of increased vibrations that adversely affect performance features Devices and can quickly lead it into disrepair. For example, lever-cargo type devices are more susceptible to breakdowns due to the effects of vibrations due to the presence in the design of a long lever with weight and hinges. Therefore, for systems in which significant vibrational impacts are observed, it is worth choosing a safety spring valve.
    • Depending on the design features of the device, the spring can change the pressure force over time. This is due to the fact that the constant rise of the spool causes changes in the structure of the metal.

    Nuances of Montaja

    Spring-type safety valve is installed at any point of the system that is exposed. increased pressure And it is threatened to obtain mechanical damage. The device does not require the presence of a large free space, which is a significant advantage compared to other types. safety devices.

    In order to avoid troubleshooting before the safety valve, you should not install any locking reinforcement. To reset the gaseous medium, special devices are installed or the discharge occurs directly into the atmosphere. To alert personnel, together with spring valves, a special whistle is assembled, which is placed on a dumping nozzle. When the valve is triggered, the whistle signal will flow, meaning that the system has increased pressure and the valve opened to reset the medium.

    Possible causes of safety valve breakdowns

    Safety valves are strong and reliable devices that provide constant protection of systems from exceeding pressure. Direct or reverse spring valve fail for several reasons:

    • The presence of increased vibrations;
    • Continuous impact of the aggressive environment on a safety choke.
    • Incorrect installation of a safety spring choke or valve.

    In order to avoid accidents and malfunctions in the operation of systems, safety valves pass periodic verification for problems. Valves are tested for strength and density before commissioning. Periodic checks are carried out in order to determine the tightness of the sealing surfaces and the sloping compounds.

    For proper choice Safety devices based on system parameters, conducting periodic inspections and timely troubleshooting safety sprocket valves will ensure reliable operation of the system and trouble-free protection against excess pressure over a long time.

    The company "Nemen" sells safety valves designed to work in various environments. We offer, which can be installed vertically on the pipeline area or boiler aggregates.

    Appointment of safety reinforcement

    The safety valve is a form of fittings that is designed to automatically protect pipelines and equipment from exceeding pressure over a certain, predetermined value by resetting overweight working media. The valve also provides a discharge stop when restoring normal operating pressure. Safety valve is a direct valve fittings directly from the energy of the working medium.

    Principle of operation of the safety valve

    When the safety valve is in a closed state, the power pressure of the reinforcement is affected by the power pressure in the pipeline, which seeks to open the valve, as well as preventing the discovery force from the deposit. In the event of an occurrence in the system of perturbations provoking the increase in pressure of the medium over the worker, the prulchery force of the spool to the saddle decreases. When its value is zero, there is an equilibrium of active forces from the valve and the pressure of the medium simultaneously affecting the valve. If the pressure in the system continues to increase, the locking body opens and reset the excess medium through the valve. Reducing the volume of the medium leads to normalization of pressure in the system and disappearing of perturbing effects. When the pressure level falls below the maximum permissible, the locking body returns to its original position under the influence of force from the depositter.

    Safety spring valves

    Such safety valves As a counteraction of the pressure of the working medium, the springs compression force is used. Due to the installation of various springs, the same safety spring valve can be used for several limits setting the maximum allowable pressure. In spring valves there is no seal on the stock. If the valve is installed in systems with an aggressive working medium, the spring is isolated using the glands, an elastic membrane or a bellows. The bellows seal is used in cases when the leakage of the working medium from the pipeline is unacceptable.