Repair Design Furniture

Who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building. Periodic inspection of flue and ventilation ducts How often should the management company clean the ventilation

It is not difficult to clean the ventilation ducts of an apartment in an apartment building. The main thing is to know what, how and where it is necessary to look for the place of blockage.

The ventilation scheme of residential and utility rooms in a building is a complex and branched system of channels. You can do the cleaning of simple blockages yourself. To break through a large plug, special tools and equipment are required, therefore, the work should be entrusted to specialists.

What is the ventilation scheme of an apartment building, you will get the answer to this question by reading the next chapter.

Features of the device of the home ventilation system

A ventilation system is an extensive and complex layout of ventilation shafts. The design of the ventilation circuit is influenced by many factors. The basis influencing the developed project is the number of floors in the building.

For the arrangement of the premises of an apartment building, 2 basic schemes are used:

  • Each room of the apartment has its own exhaust ventilation duct. It runs directly to the roof and ventilation stack. Such a scheme has been established before. In a multi-storey building, it is not used. This is influenced by a large area of ​​intra-house cubic capacity for arranging the installation of ventilation of premises.

For this reason, in the conditions of modern construction, the arrangement of this type of air ventilation system is not performed.

  • Ventilation is carried out using exhaust openings from each room, which are connected to a common horizontal duct. Here, all air flows are connected and discharged to the attic using a common channel. Air from each exhaust system, for one entrance, enters the common ventilation duct and is discharged into the atmosphere.

This scheme began to be used in the Khrushchev buildings, and it is also used in modern construction. Such a ventilation scheme for apartments is considered the most inexpensive and reliable.

How the ventilation system works

The installation of the system is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30494 - 11. According to the standards, the quality level of air masses in the room should not exceed the level of carbon dioxide content and the humidity of the living quarters should not exceed 60%, at an air speed of less than 0.2 m / s.

Previously, a natural ventilation system was used. Above the doors of the rooms, special gaps were made for the flow of air masses, wooden windows let in a sufficient amount, even when closed. Windows were installed on the windows for the supply of clean air.

New buildings, when installing plastic windows, are equipped with a forced ventilation system. Supply and exhaust circuits with the installation of fans are being equipped. These devices allow you to maintain a normal level of humidity and carbon dioxide content in the apartment.

But the principle of operation of the main ventilation system remains unchanged. The main thing is to carry out routine maintenance on time and remove blockages.

Important. Ventilation check in apartment buildings should be carried out at least 2 times a year. It is usually held in summer and winter. But when the first signs of blockages appear, you need to call the specialists of the management company.

Signs of a faulty ventilation system in the apartment

Many homeowners do not take this problem seriously, considering this situation to be harmless to health. It is in vain to believe that the dust and clogging of the mine or channel will "dissolve" on its own and you will get nothing for it. There will be a fire due to oily dust, which ignites instantly and the gas, when burning, will injure the respiratory organs. And even without a fire, no one wants to live in a damp room and breathe the stale air.

Important. It is required to clean the ventilation channels efficiently, responsibly, and most importantly - regularly.

The main work of the flow ducts is to remove invisible fungal spores, various allergens and microbes from living quarters. Accumulating on a litter of dust, they, with reverse draft, penetrate into nearby premises, people inhale a dangerous air mixture.

The following "symptoms" indicate channel cleansing:

  • a large layer of dust and cobwebs on and next to the ventilation grill;
  • stuffy and humid indoor atmosphere in summer;
  • on the floor and furniture, after wet cleaning, a layer of dust settles in a day;
  • condensation forms on the windows;

If one of the listed items arises in an apartment, you urgently need to deal with the elimination of a critical blockage of the ventilation duct or repair of forced ventilation equipment. Checking the ventilation in the apartment by the management company includes measuring the air quality and conducting an audit of the duct system. Preventive examinations should be carried out at least once a quarter.

Who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building - there is no single answer to this question. If the ventilation grill is overgrown with dust, you can perform simple repairs yourself. But serious problems with the channels of the system can be eliminated only by specialists with professional tools and equipment.

Work carried out by professionals

Using a special tool, professionals of the management company or a specialized company will quickly and reliably eliminate a malfunction and severe blockage of the ventilation system. Diagnostics is carried out using a video camera that will show the place of a garbage jam or a section of a destroyed channel.

After the examination, using a pneumatic brushing machine, dirt accumulation or debris is removed from the canal. The brush is launched into the air duct. Under the action of air pressure, it passes through the pipe and destroys the plug. The brush cleans the duct and, in parallel, using a special liquid, disinfects the ventilation duct system.

By using any source of open fire, you can detect the problem without the use of technology. Bring a burning candle or lighter to the ventilation grill. Pay attention to the position of the fire. If the light deviates towards the channel, this means that the draft is good and there is no blockage. With a vertical position of the fire - it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction.

Do-it-yourself air duct cleaning

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment building on your own is very simple. Such work involves the implementation of simple techniques:

  • remove and clean the ventilation grill, then rinse it in a disinfectant;
  • in case of blockage, near the channel opening, it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

Advice! Remember the safety rules before starting work. Be sure to wear safety goggles, gloves and a respirator.

There are situations when the system works properly, and humidity and dust interfere with normal life. In such cases, you need to think about purchasing and installing supply valves and exhaust fans. These devices will eliminate the nuisance, and it is quite easy and simple to install them. The main thing is to know how and where.

In conclusion, a few tips from experts.

Old houses and overgrown ventilation ducts do not always allow for troubleshooting with simple mechanical cleaning. There are several easy ways to handle this situation.

When replacing windows, choose metal-plastic products with double-glazed windows equipped with micro-ventilation. If the windows are already installed, they can be equipped with these devices additionally and for not very big money. In addition, you can install them yourself. The simplest ventilation valve will allow fresh air from the street to enter the apartment.

Check the ventilation at least once every 3 months, and the grate should be cleaned immediately after the formation of a small dust deposit on it. Monitor the humidity in the room. If it rises sharply, it is necessary to call specialists to carry out repair work.

Many residents of multi-storey buildings, especially old buildings, can tell about what culinary preferences their neighbors have, what they indulged themselves with for dinner and what they served for lunch. However, we are not talking about telepathy, the neighbor's menu can be recognized simply by the smell that is felt in the apartment.

If this happens all the time, then it is necessary to clean the ventilation, which has ceased to cope with the functions assigned to it. Our recommendations will help to restore normal air exchange in the apartment. Minor blockages can be eliminated on their own, and to solve more complex problems, you will have to call specialists.

We will tell you how the ventilation system at home works, what are the causes and symptoms of its failure. Here you will learn how to arrange the exhaust air removal and the supply of fresh air. For visual perception, photo collections, diagrams, videos are attached to the article.

The air we breathe in the apartment only seems clean. In fact, it absorbs all the smells coming from the kitchen, carbon monoxide from the stove. It gets dust particles, lint from clothes, carpets, pet hair.

Harmful microorganisms and bacteria accumulate in the air, which contribute to the development of serious diseases, moisture and steam coming from the bathroom, cause the formation of fungus and captivity. All this negatively affects the microclimate of the room, contributes to the appearance of lung diseases, allergies and other ailments.

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If they did not lead to the desired result, and the draft in the channel remained at the same level, then there is a blockage in the common shaft. This is the work of special services that can be called through the UK.

Licensed companies use professional equipment and special cleaning technologies, which are selected after a thorough examination of the canal and taking into account its current state

System upgrades to improve performance

In old houses, mechanical cleaning of the ventilation shaft, even by specialized services, does not always bring the desired effect. However, it is possible to increase air circulation in the apartment. There are several quite affordable ways to improve ventilation.

If you decide to replace old wooden windows with modern metal-plastic structures, choose double-glazed windows equipped with a micro-ventilation function. If ordinary plastic windows are purchased, additional devices can be installed on them to provide fresh air from the street.

Question :

How should the periodic inspection of the smoke and ventilation ducts of an apartment building be carried out? Do you need to walk around apartments and check the presence of draft, or is it enough to check the draft in the ventilation shafts? Provided that only a gas stove is installed in the apartment, how often should the ventilation ducts be checked? Should the management organization check the presence of traction in the apartment or is it the owner's responsibility? And in the bathroom, the frequency of checking the ventilation ducts is the same as in the kitchen?

Answer :

Smoke and ventilation ducts belong to the common property of an apartment building.

The managing organization itself can carry out inspections of the state and functioning of the smoke and ventilation ducts, if necessary, cleaning and (or) repairing them by persons responsible for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building if they have a license, or by concluding an agreement on their verification, as well as the need for cleaning and (or) repair with a specialized organization.

The frequency of checks of smoke and ventilation ducts in an apartment building is carried out at least 3 times a year, if there are only gas stoves in apartments, such checks are carried out 2 times a year, the terms must be reflected in the contract.

Checking the presence of traction in the channels is carried out directly in the apartments by the management organization or a specialized organization.

The frequency of checking the draft in the sanitary facilities is determined by the contract.

By virtue of clause 5. of the Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety when using and maintaining indoor and indoor gas equipment when providing utility services for gas supply (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/14/2013 N 410) (hereinafter referred to as Rules 410), a prerequisite for the safe use of indoor and indoor gas equipment is the proper maintenance of smoke and ventilation ducts of residential premises and apartment buildings.

According to clause 14. of Rules 410, an agreement on inspection, as well as, if necessary, on cleaning and (or) repairing smoke and ventilation ducts, is concluded with an organization admitted to perform the relevant work on the basis of a license issued in the manner prescribed by the Regulation on licensing activities for installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 1225, and performed in the manner prescribed by Art. 730-739 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with clause 12 (Rules 410), the condition of the smoke and ventilation ducts is checked and, if necessary, they are cleaned:

When accepting smoke and ventilation ducts into operation when gasifying a building and (or) connecting new gas-using equipment;

When rebuilding and repairing smoke and ventilation ducts;

During the operation of smoke and ventilation ducts (periodic check) - at least 3 times a year (no later than 7 calendar days before the start of the heating season, in the middle of the heating season and no later than 7 days after the end of the heating season);

In the absence of traction detected during operation, during maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment, diagnostics of in-house and (or) in-house gas equipment and emergency dispatch support.

Housing maintenance organizations are responsible for the technical condition of the ventilation ducts.

In the process of maintenance of the housing stock, they must ensure periodic checks of the suitability of ventilation ducts and chimneys for operation in the following terms (clause 4.3.12 MDK 2-04.2004):

a) chimneys:

Brick - once every three months;

Asbestos-cement, pottery and heat-resistant concrete - once a year;

Heating and cooking stoves - three times a year (before and during the heating season, as well as in spring);

Heating stoves and boilers - once a year (before the heating season);

b) ventilation ducts of rooms in which gas appliances are installed - at least twice a year (in winter and summer).

In accordance with clause 5.5.6. "Rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock" (Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 27, 2003 N 170), the organization for maintenance of the housing stock must:

In apartment buildings, especially in Khrushchev, the ventilation system is often clogged. This is indicated by the deposition of steam on the surface of glass and furniture, as well as the appearance of foreign odors in the room. When this happens, cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building is urgently needed, because it does not fulfill its functions.

Who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building

If there are odors coming from the ventilation, then it's time to clean it.

The ventilation system is a common property. Responsibility for its maintenance and safe operation lies with the management company, which is guided by the rules for checking and cleaning indoor ventilation ducts prescribed in Government Decree No. 410.

In accordance with these rules, companies with special licenses are required to check and clean chimneys and ventilation systems. Control is carried out during rebuilding, after repairs or when a lack of traction is detected.

Scheduled inspections are carried out at intervals of three times throughout the year - before the start of the heating season, in the middle and at the end of it. At the same time, a special journal of technical inspection and repair of ventilation systems is kept.

The performance of the ventilation system is checked by technicians using special equipment. The canals are cleaned with a pneumatic brushing machine. Along with this, they are disinfected.

How to clean ventilation in an apartment

You can clean the walls of the ventilation inside with a special brush.

Often, management companies ignore the existing rules and do not monitor the performance of the ventilation system for years. For this reason, residents of apartment buildings are often themselves engaged in diagnostics and cleaning of exhaust ducts.

You can clean the ventilation in the apartment yourself only if it is slightly clogged. To remove dirt that has accumulated for decades, it is better to invite qualified specialists.

To carry out self-cleaning you need:

  1. Remove the protective grid and clean it from dust and dirt, rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Clean the ventilation walls with a brush.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect trash.

If self-cleaning of the ventilation duct has not led to the desired result and the draft has not improved, this means that the common shaft is clogged. It should be cleaned by a special service. You can call a specialist through the management company.

How to clean a range hood in a bathroom

To clean the hood in the bathroom, it must be removed.

The low efficiency of air exchange in the bathroom is indicated by the deposition of steam on all surfaces. This produces water droplets. An unpleasant odor may also appear, which gets into the bathroom from the ventilation when the air flow changes its direction. If the ventilation system is not functioning correctly, the extractor hood in the bathroom must be cleaned.

When a strong contamination of the canal is detected, you need to call specialists, because it is problematic to cope with the pollution on your own.

Before removing the hood in the bathroom for cleaning, do not forget to protect the wall under the ventilation hole with paper, old wallpaper or plastic. This will protect it from contamination.

The panels covering the exhaust ducts must be dismantled, providing direct access to them.

If a forced draft fan is installed inside the duct, it is also necessary to remove it and thoroughly clean the blades from dirt, and then rinse them under a stream of warm water. Remove small debris and dust accumulated inside the air duct with a vacuum cleaner.

After completing the cleaning, put everything in the reverse order in its place.

Check for traction. If it is absent, you should contact the management company by writing a written statement about the need to clean the ventilation system of the entire house.

Timely cleaning in ventilation systems ensures correct air movement in the apartment. Forced ventilation reduces the frequency of cleaning, but does not completely cancel it.

Ventilation cleaners

Any dishwashing detergent will help you to clean the ventilation system, protective grids and ducts. The grease layer will dissolve better if you use a thick cooker hood cleaner.

In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the air duct, which will make it possible to better clean the channel from contamination. At the same time, problem areas need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide - this will kill pathogenic microorganisms living inside the exhaust system.

Cleaning the branched ventilation system will require the use of chemicals and special equipment.

Folk remedies

If the ventilation grill does not have a strong grease deposit, it will not be difficult to clean it using an ordinary dish detergent.

In case of significant contamination, you can use a soda solution. To prepare it, take 3 liters of water into a saucepan and add half a glass of baking soda. Place a wire rack in the resulting solution and boil for a few minutes.

Liquid ammonia will help get rid of old dirt. Add half a glass of alcohol to 3.5 liters of hot water. The procedure should be carried out only in a mask or respirator and an open window for ventilation. This will prevent ammonia from burning the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx. Soak the dirty wire rack in the resulting product for 60-90 minutes, then rinse it under running water.

Acetic acid will also help cleanse the grease from the ventilation grill. When working with it, you should open the window, because the acid has a pungent smell. Soak a sponge in vinegar and grate the wire rack, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse under running water.


The ventilation is cleaned with a special brush on a steel cable

Efficiency is provided by special equipment for cleaning ventilation ducts. It is divided into household and professional.

The household equipment for cleaning the exhaust ducts includes various brushes, filtering units and replaceable filters.

In the professional solution of problems associated with dysfunction of ventilation, a thorough examination and study of the degree of contamination of the system using special devices is used. This helps to identify the most problematic areas.

The professional equipment includes a video camera mounted on a small moving platform. It helps to see the internal state of the exhaust duct and assess the degree of its contamination.

Prevention of ventilation pollution in an apartment building

Prophylactic inspections of ventilation are carried out 1 time in 3 months, that is, on a quarterly basis. At the same time, all fasteners, bending elements, and the integrity of the engine insulation are visually inspected.

The inspection is carried out in the following order:

  1. Moving parts are checked for extraneous noise, especially bearings, and overheating of more than 700 C.
  2. Belts are examined. The tensile force and correct positioning are assessed.
  3. The electrical wiring is subject to control, and with it the wire connections.
  4. The heaters of the ventilation system are carefully checked to identify malfunctions and remove air from the circuit.
  5. Air filters are inspected and replaced.
  6. The condition of the dampers is checked, if necessary, they are repaired and cleaned of dust.
  7. The degree of wear and tear of electrical mechanisms is assessed, they are repaired or replaced, depending on their condition.
  8. During seasonal maintenance of the supply and exhaust systems, they are inspected once every 6 months.

    If preventive work is carried out in a timely manner, ventilation problems will appear much less often.