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Scenario Speech graduates at graduation party. Graduation evening for nine-graders "It all depends on ourselves"

Design: Hall festively decorated. Photo exhibition chronicles of school years graduates. Exhibition "Our successes", "Our Victory". Phonograms of musical episodes.
The course of the evening
I. Solemn discovery.
Leading. Good evening, dear parents, teachers, graduates, guests of our celebration!
Today we do not have an ordinary evening, but graduation. Pupils of the ninth classes receive a certificate of secondary education that will allow them to enter the secondary special educational institution Or continue learning in the 10th grade in any school of the city.
Behind the exciting time for exams - your first school exams. And now you are going to mark this event.
I propose to start the evening the song "Ninth Class".
1. In the sleeping city, the wind is spinning,
The light in the windows have long trades.
Give me a hand, the ninth grade.
Here at night we are in front of algebra
Not closed with tired eyes
Here were shared with you "spurs",
Our comrade, the ninth grade.
2. We will not soon understand how it should
What in the world you were for us.
Believe in friendship and argue with troubles
You taught us, the ninth grade.
About you I think more and more
In this sad forgive hour.
All insults, all our miss
You forgte us, the ninth grade.
3. In the sleeping city, the wind is spinning,
The light in the windows have long trades.
Talk to me in a friendly,
Give me a hand, the ninth grade.
Late or in the morning, early
On one of the distant trails
I designate you a date
Our youth is the ninth grade.
II. Thank you Teachers.
Leading. Prom - A big event in your life, many of you leave school to continue learning in vocational schools, lyceums, technical schools or just go to work.
But each of you will remain in memory September 1 _____ of the year, when you are so small and clumsy crushed the threshold of the school, and your first teachers led you by the hand. I am pleased to call you your first teachers ...
1st reader.
My first teacher,
Do not have the right to forget about you never.
You will pass through the year.
You I have to all clean, all light,
What is on earth.
Leading. After the elementary school, you switched to the middle link, and many teachers were surrounded by you. For five years, they taught you not only school, but also many life sciences.
1st reader.
We will remember every moment,
Our best friend - native language!
It is impossible to become cultural
Without native literature.
We dedicated these poems ... (called teachers, give them flowers and gifts).
2nd readers.
Mathematics - Queen of Science!
Ships do not swim without it
Without it, you will not share the ank earth,
Even the bread you can not buy, you do not feel rubles,
What you do not know how much, and, having learned, you will not understand.
We were led by mathematics ... (called teachers, give them flowers and gifts).
3rd readers
How would this chain assemble,
To not closed?
Acceleration calculate
Gravity to know?
Physics will help us
Which teach us ... (call teachers, hand
they are flowers and gifts).
4th readers.
Not on all-terrain vehicles, and for the old one
Seas and countries are long-distance from ... (called
Teachers handing them flowers and gifts).
From Antarctica to Africa
Fearlessly surrender.
5th Reader.
Your subject is terribly important -
It understands everyone
We study in a row of man and kittens,
And flowers, and blades,
Stems, pestles, stamens.
Everyone will tell us ... (Call teachers, hand
they are flowers and gifts).
6th readers.
And we are all moving and moving forward,
And in the lessons everyone learns a lot,
After all, we learn the story,
That very, which is not a word,
Nor Pollov is not suitable.
No wonder it is so cool teach ... ((called teachers,
give them flowers and gifts).
7th readers.
Red smoke clubs goes
Flame licks the ceiling,
Acid "River" is poured -
In experiments there is a lesson.
On the way to the Great Target
Not terrible suffering
Mendeleev would approve
Our research.
Create chemistry teachers, give them flowers and gifts.
8th readers.
We "Spike Inglish, Sprukhen Doych"
Forget no power
They even didn't listen to blood,
That in our veins.
And now we are easily
"Snickers" read,
Where he is made and when
Only then eat.
Call foreign language teachers, give them flowers and gifts.
9th readers.
From these meetings in the shower traces
Stay for a long time
Reliably heart like motor
Runs - faster wolf.
With that health, like us,
We move the mountain.
We sincerely thank
Physical education lessons!
Give flowers and gifts to physical education teachers.
10th readers.
From Obzh lessons
The feeling of incomparable
Adorable subject
Over customs.
Available flowers and gift teacher Obzh.
11th Reader.
We will be scientists
We will be engineers,
We will master
Secular manners.
Monkey in man
Only work could turn.
We will To better live!
Available flowers and gifts to teachers technology.
12th readers.
Pencils and ruler -
Our faithful friends
They were feeding respect
Emperors, princes.
We learned to study us
Strict accuracy.
This in life will save us
From many troubles.
Hand flowers and a gift to the draw teacher.
13th readers.
We recognize that we are a little bit
You delivered trouble,
But the teachings can not
Completely without worries.
Promise ready friendly -
Though the whole class come to you,
Dear you are our director,
You will not let you down!
Hand flowers and a gift to the school director.
Leading. It is true that every teacher of the roads to his students in their own way. But let no other teachers take offense, no one in school is not at school for a student!
Class leader is not easy. But they coped with classes well ... (call class managers, give them gifts).
You are thank to your mature children and their parents.
Guys, all 9 years have learned your parents with you. And we are very nice to see them here today. They are worried now, worry and rejoice. I think that the time has come to say words of gratitude to parents.
On behalf of nine-graders, one student addresses to parents.
III. Memo graduates.
Leading. Time! We want this or do not want, regardless of our advantages and disadvantages, regardless of our age or our aspirations, is divided into three parts: the past, present, future.
Past - 8 years of study at school, classes in sports, musical and art schools, in various circles.
Present - here it is - the first certificate: who from "5" and "4", who has "4" and "3", who has one troops, that is, everyone - according to abilities.
The future is a maturity certificate that can be obtained at school, technical school, school, and you can not get at all. From everyone - by the abilities and power of will.
This is useful to know:
Who did not taste yesterday, he is not ready for the future.
It is possible to expand the horizons if you will "go out more often."
Adults prohibit children what they do not know how to do themselves.
Do not be afraid to talk about disadvantages if they are strangers, and about the successes, if they are their own.
School is your home. Mostly "the roof of your home", even if it proceeds.
Say what you know, do what you can.
Remember: friends can be fake, and enemies are real.
And we finish our performance of a song on the music of R. Pauls, as many of the main educators in the family are the grandmother and grandfather.
Students sing on the motive of the song "Golden Wedding".
1. Grandfather with grandmother morning
Together rush to shops
And buy the whole gastry -
The grandchild is needed vitamins!
Grandma with grandfather in the evening
Made grandson lessons,
And he is not familiar with sciences -
Only "breaks" da "Rocky" dances.
La la la la la la...
2. Grandfather with grandmother next
Grandson in all opened.
And, guarding his peace
Soaps, cooked, washed.
Grandpa with a grandmother next -
This is a great strength.
Just can not cope with the granddaughter -
Grown mighty versil.
La la la la la la...
3. Today, grandfather and grandmother
His dad with her mother became.
And even a beads with a beard,
Help is waiting for him stubbornly.
And again, how many years ago,
Holding him and cherish.
Can anyone tell them
Soon the child matures.
La la la la la la...
IV. Game program.
1. To about n to r with "Who is Corresponding."
It is conducted in the form of an exam, which gives a team of teachers.
In o p r o s s and z and d and n i:
Where do careless students come from?
Where does childhood go?
Are there vitamins in the enlightenment fruits?
H and T E M T E M A T and K and: Remember the theorem or axiom, which the students invented in the lesson of mathematics.
At h and t e l y b and about l about g and and: what are boys and girls made from? How is it manifested in the lessons?
At h and t e l, f and h and to and: from the point of view of physics, give a characteristic classes: energy-intensive - 9 b, insulating - 9 V, heat-conducting - 9 a.
H and T E L YU R S C C C O G O S I C O: Remember the new words you took into your vocabulary from your students.
At h and t e l y and m and and: remember the "chemical reactions" of students in the lessons during laboratory and control.
At h and t e l u f and z k u l t u r s: Spend with teachers and parents of cheerful aerobics.
2. And r and "Canopy".
Leading. Who will be faster than words from the book name letters:
Capital Waltz. (Vein.)
River in France. (Hay.)
The finest time of the year. (Spring.)
Type of agricultural work. (Sev.)
Measure gravity. (Weight.)
Female name. (Eve.)
Shelter from bad weather. (Shed.)
Lake in Armenia. (Sevan.)
The river on which St. Petersburg is located. (Neva.)
3. L and T E R A T U R N A I C I K T O P I N A.
Leading. Continues our competitive program Literary quiz.
In o p r about with s:
- What are the playing cards that were mentioned in the story of A. S. Pushkin. (Peak lady, Troika, Seven, Ace.)
- What fairy tale says that numbness appears from the head on the head? ("Tale of the Pop and about the employee of his Bald" A. S. Pushkin.)
- What fairy tale says how the Baba exploits the grandfather? ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".)
V. Final part.
Leading. So you coped with contests. The most solemn minute comes - the presentation of certificates of incomplete secondary education.
The word is provided to the school director ______________.
Further on the program: youth cafe "Merry mood"; Farewell disco.

MBOU "SOSH S. Star Boulen

Bazarno-Karabulak municipal district

Saratov region "

Graduation Scenario

for nine-graders

2016 year

Good evening, dear guests, deep pedagogues, moms and dads, all those who came to congratulate our graduates.

Today in our school holiday graduation evening, and he is an anniversary. On the twenties, our pupils, students go to the greater lives of this building.

Dear colleagues, parents, guests! And in the teacher, and in parental life, another exciting moment came: today the guys are the first document on the formation of a certificate of basic general education.

Let's meet our graduates ...


1. Yudin Alexander - Energetic, punctual, with a well-developed sense of self-esteem, a person who knows the price, has a sense of humor,

2. Chernyshova Anastasia - Calm, kind, modest, well draws, loves animals, fond of reading, writes poems.

3. Naumov Vadim - modest, hardworking, diligent, conscientious, demanding to yourself good friend, caring son.

4. Naumova Julia - Executive, hardworking, is always interested in the results of its labor, non-conflict, arising problems in communication solves on the basis of a compromise.

5. Burzenidze Roman - calm, friendly, with a developed sense of humor, is fond of history, respectfully applies to information technologies, loves computer games.

6. Aliyeva Karina _- inquisitive, smart, cheerful, friendly, very kind, responsible, independent; Active participant of school events

7. Stepanishchev Andrey- honest, principled, persistent; An balanced, smart, real friend is fond of history, loves fishing.

8. Samoilova Irina - Cheerful, sociable, independent, open, economic, took an active part in public Life class and schools

9. Ladygin Vladimir -kind, respectful, executive, with a developed fantasy,

10. Potapenko Tatyana - calm, neat, friendly, independent; persistent in achieving the goal, showed enviable perseverance when learning a guitar game.

11. Bresenko Alexey - Sociable, smart, fond of sports, loves football, repeatedly as part of the school team participated in sports competitions

12. Natalya Natalya – diligent, thoughtful, valid, friendly, hardworking; The participant of all kinds of competitions, reviews, thematic evenings, loves music and dancing, plays the guitar.

Before you grade 9. Everyone is individual, but all together - whose motto of which school Life It was the expression "We are different but we together"

Song ("We were class here" on the motive of the song "100 days before order")


Attention! Solemn ceremony of awarding certificates about the main general education graduates of the municipal budgetary general education institution "Secondary school with. Old browsing, declared open.


For certificate ceremony, the school director is invited


Ceremony of awarding certificates

Dear Parents! Dear moms and dads! Your, our children today received the first education document - certificate.

But I want to remind you: it's just the beginning of the path to the formation that some of you have to go outside the walls of this school.

You have a word for congratulations to children!

Mom speech

Congratulations and gratitude to teachers from parents

Song on the motive "Alexander" Appendix No. 1

Taking a little palm from my mother's hands to the sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge to the conquest of peaks and overcoming the difficulties of inquisitive children led the first teacher

The word first teacher


Scene Appendix No. 2.


These are so naive, some funny and touching were children in the first grade.

But in the ninth other problems appeared

Song wise books ...

And there was always a teacher nearby!

Teacher! How many meaning in this word for each student! Friend, wise mentor, example - these are synonyms I want to pick up a great word to this! You keep knowledge and life valuesYou put a part of your soul into each lesson, you give a part of your heart to each student.

Poems under the music

Today we say goodbye to the school,
And speak, tears are not taia:
We will miss you new,
Favorite forever teachers!

You were given our reduction,
Taught to live, forgive, do not lie, love,
We were dedicated to us without a rest
The lessons of your us do not forget!

Thank you for everything today, say,
For knowledge, patience, kindness!
Who we will become, in the future, life will show ...
You gave us the main thing - purity!

And this purity is only more expensive
In it, the meaning of life will find
We leave from you, but still, yet,
Klyatsya often go to visit.

I talked a long ring fun

Exams are handed over. And now

It goes forever from the cute school,

You leaving our ninth grade.

We remember everything you told us,

Although easier to be disobedient.

For all that these nine years worked,

Forgiveness we will ask now.

I was distracted in the lessons, I know

Mobilo under the desk was busy

And only now I understand with sadness:

Suddenly I missed something important?

I am classmates for pigtails

Teased and anywhere called

And now solemn and strictly

I apologize for everyone, the hour has come.

Lessons I worked - yes, I know

What in this moment I could get into trouble!

Today I will calculate

And they will come to work in the summer.

I tried in the morning at the mornings,

And everything solved what I wear,

And now only realized,

What had to decide the algebra!

And I just adore shooters

And often on the computer played,

Today - honestly honestly, I understand,

That little time lessons paid.

And honestly you confess to today

That we were unsteady sometimes

What a pity that in September not everyone will come back

There will be no pores such.

Teachers, thank you for your knowledge

For everything you taught us

And for patience and for understanding,

Bow your entire ninth grade.

Let, expensive in your life will be,
Merry lessons a series,
And let the disciples do not forget you,
No matter how waiting for the evening graduation!

Graduates DairetFlowers Teachers (Music)

Vedas: Ancient beautiful tradition -


And in this moment you are aware of:

Your work was, of course, not in vain,
And sometimes happened hard to you

But how it is all beautiful

Give out to pupils

Let your hearts remain healthy for a long time, the love of loved ones warms, and children are just happy.

Take a musical gift

The one who will always be for you who will always support, always subjected, will always comfort ... what happiness that mom is given to everyone! Lucky everyone who was clusted maternal love and care!


1 To you, moms, dad, turning,

We want thank you to say

We were upset to you so many times,
But you always forgot us.
For gray, for all sorry

We are hard - you love you tightly.

2. All love not to express words,

Wishes all do not count.
I want to say: "Parents! Relatives!
Well, that you are in the world! "

Parable Appendix No. 3.


There are big in this world
So many words of important most
But among all important words
There is the first, most importantly - Mom
Among many other people
Let not seem strange
I always need it everywhere
My best mom!
The best mom's mother
The most kind, bright is the most
I'm so proud of. what exactly are you
You are my mom
Thanks for your hands
For making care of me surrounded
And the light of their kindness
And all this world gave me


Forgive us for the fact that sometimes
It happens offended
Thank you for having a soul
Always worry for me.
You feel better than others
Light of joy, bitterness of deception
And there are no more in the world
You are the best mom!

Dance with parents.

Let the fire of maternal love as long as possible warms your hearts.

Poems for the class teacher.

Cool mom

Become But our cool mom

With a smile, anxiety and kind heart.
From many adversity burned us stubborn

She taught to be honest, open, not in low.
In this solemn evening

Without a wave, I can not say:
You gave us a soul and heart

And we are all before you in debt.
In the fifth grade we were taken by hands
With us in the ball you were playing

Opened five us for long years,
And for twins you did not scold us

And inspired: doctrine - light!
For misconduct you are not Craned,
Anger Parental Prostromaziv,

For souls with us you said
In a joke, thumb, while threatening.

Before last day We taenuli
Preparation to all evenings -

Well, you instilled confidence in us

What Victory will get to us!

On this summer solemn evening

We finally become adults!
And let you, my mother, will warm

Heat of grateful hearts. adults re

When they want to say about the current fate they say it was a song. Guys a song about his school life in their own way

Popourry Appendix No. 4.

Everyone who remains at school, everyone who is listening now and hears wishes from grade 9


That is the time of school waltz

Appendix No. 2.

1.An the first teacher appeared before our eyes

2. Good, intelligent, beautiful, fair.

3.Instive to our pans and errors.

4. And she made a miracle! She made us disciples!.

Teacher : Hello, children, I have your first teacher. I will learn you to write, read, count. And on every lessons we will make a small discovery. Raise your hands, who already knows the letters?

Student 1. : I know as many as three mathematical letters ....

Teacher : So, children, and who already knows how to count?

Pupil 1 : And I can consider candy ...

Teacher : Oh, and who is this all the globes have written the numbers?

Student 1. : It's me! I can count only on a global scale!

Teacher: What discoveries did you do today?

Pupil 2. : I opened a new star ...

Student 1: I opened the law world full gravity... children to knowledge ...

Pupil 1 : I opened the harmony of numbers ...

Student 2. : And I opened _____________ Portfolio and put a brick there!

Teacher: And I opened your diary and put a twice on behavior!

All: And for the lesson?

Teacher: And for the lesson, all 5 points!

so Thank you, my first teacher,
For work and endless patience.
For the fact that you are to work - with your head
And every day in a good mood.

You led us a direct path
To victories and great achievements.
And in gratitude on this day
Take sincere congratulations!

well for many years

Appendix number 3.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- They say, tomorrow they are sent to Earth. How will I live there, because I'm so small and defenseless?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
The child thought, then said again:
- Here in the heavens, I just sing and laugh, this is enough for me for happiness.

God replied:
"Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel His love and you will be happy."

Then the child asked:
- I heard that there is evil on earth. Who will protect me?
- Your angel will protect you, even risking his own life.
At that moment, the voices were made from the ground; And the child in a hurry asked:
"God, tell me, what is your name for my angel?"
- His name does not matter. You will just call his mom.

Appendix No. 4.

Our school life was different:

With first discoveries and disadvantages,

with the first fives

And the first two

She was cheerful and sad,

naughty and instructive

She was???

Of course it will remain in memory as the best it's time childhood.

Let's remember how it was?

  1. The first calm of the September day

Robko came under light vaults

First textbook and first lesson

So start school years

And what happened then?

2. If a friend went down

If a friend went down

Veleering road

Without friends I'm a little bit

Without friends I'm a little bit

And with friends a lot

That I feel snow that I am angry

That I am rained pouring

When my friends are with me

Joyfully and knew the years of primary school. And now almost

unlike my mother's hand, not kinuly and not crying without fear of father

Belts, or almost without fear, we moved to high school. Here more

Teachers will save us.

3. And we have grown trouble -
Writing again.
Lion Tolstoy in my years
Did not write this.
I do not go anywhere
I do not breathe ozone.
Engaged in work

It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
It's only the beginning,
Oh oh oh!

Teachers more and objects are more, which means more bobs. Plus first


4. Eh, get up at dawn,

Remove the notebook in the table,

Those who are responsible for us

It's time to understand

Those who are responsible for us

It's time to understand

We are small children

We want to walk!

And we are told, Athens

War went to Sparta.

And I say - leave

I want as soon as the party.

And here in the hope that all chagrins are already behind as a formidable, dangerous,

cold Ghost Oghe hostile swirl swamped over us.

Song under the guitar

Exams handed over, Ogue survived, it's time to the will

What we knew

What will find out

But it is a pity that the school has ended.

1. We came here with mixed babies
And today suddenly leave forever.
Wish us native teachers,
So that the happy star shine.
2. I swear: our school will not forget,
Cute heart of expensive teachers,
And a minute this long We will be messenger
Open the world's beautiful, school, door!

Call signs sound. Before the beginning solemn rulers In the graduation scenario for the 9th grade, music sounds.

Leading. Dear teachers, parents, guests! Today, there is a summer on the street in the street, the coming day carries a new and unknown life.

Leading. Time changes all that surrounds us. Long life Path The person is not easy and changing. But everyone will certainly shine a distant light shrouded with a sweet, compressive heart with a memoir - childhood and youth.

We today gathered with you
Keep your childhood.
Flies in dreamy further
Present yours and mine.

All boils, blooms and buffs,
June hangs flowers in the garden.
9 years of school passes,
I am going to meet with youth.

Leading. Here they are our nine-graders.

Leading. 9th class. Cool leader (Full name).
This woman is in our school
It has good power Will.
Her class extraordinary
It is believed that elitarian.
Artistic and beautiful
Not lazy to work.
In the hands, they keep them well,
He does not burn to them.

Leading. 9-b class. Cool leader (Full name).
In the morning already on the phone
And to his students calls.
Wakes up learning calls
There are always troubles with them.
With her peace, about
All live in 9-b!

Graduates coming to the music.

Flashed summer
Like clouds for the horizon of distant,
And to school path
Protoptan is already completely.
You gathered into the key all as storks,
And our hearts are full of hope.

The leading graduation scenario for the 9th grade.
Summer evening. Stars scattered.
Each calls you flickering.
You fly in life are called
You live under the stars to live.

Get ready for departure from the native nest,
In which you studied and grew
Where are the good and reason you taught,
Where you met the youth of gold.

Youth gently hugs by shoulders
And whispers to you
Do not be afraid to leave the nest a stork,
Fly, subordinate to travel.

Expectation every heart beats,
Hopes of lights still in the eyes did not go out
The Word Director is provided.
He gladly welcomes you today!

Word for greetings is provided to the school director (FI.).

Speech by director. The state anthem of Ukraine sounds.

Leading. A certificate of incomplete school is the name of this document.
So came to you the solemn minute of receipt of documentation and incomplete secondary education.

Leading. The word for the recovery of the order at a secondary school number ... is provided by the Deputy Director of the School on Educational Work (P. and P.).

Presenting certificates.

Spring rushed, ninth spring,
Ninth Spring in the walls of the native school.
About light spring and sophisticated friendship
You can never forget.

The leading graduation scenario for the 9th grade. Friends! Today you are entering a new life.
But no matter how much years you have, wherever you have lived, your heart will always be stronger at the mention of his native school. And now the word is provided with students of 9th grade.

First graduate.
My heart is not afraid of my heart,
In it, sadness settled.
Crystal tear sounded in the eyes,
Therefore, I say goodbye to those who grew and studied.

The second graduate.
How many years we are together
Lived, studied, rejoiced, grew.
We are with you strangers, unfamiliar
The kids came to school.
Then we were friends with each other
The joy was alone and trouble.

Third graduate.
We lived with training and school
But it's time for goodbye.
Classmate, cute, cute,
I love you with all my heart.
Be frank and sincere
Our friendship in life is saved.

Fourth graduate.
Summer ... Summer ...
What, do not stop, fly.
And long days carry in oblivion.
Nothing forever - and my first teacher,
My first teacher in my soul
Lives all my life.
Cute, relatives
Our star is dating.
Of all you are the most
And you our word.

The leading graduation scenario for the 9th grade. The first teachers of our nine-graders were (list of teachers).

Fifth graduate. For us a sustain and other
Always been classroom teacher.
When we were given something tight,
Getting used to the aid.

Sixth graduate.
Thank you for science,
Per good word and solid hand.
Well, and grateful to you -
Teachers leaders.

Seventh graduate.
Good people taught us the mind,
By class, we ended the class.
Many thanks today because
Who did not regret the forces for us!

The eighth graduate.
Thank you for loved us,
Suwors to your face.
For what you think we taught us.
Thanks for all you have done for us.

Ninth graduate.
Who was the initiator of interesting cases?
Who always helped us?
Who to encourage the minds?
Who defended us always all?
Who loves jokes, humor, laughter?
Of course, our cool leader!

Leading. All the years of school life with you have always been older friends - your cool leaders. And today, going on an adult life on the road, take with you their parting word. The word for congratulations is provided (full name).

Leading. Dear graduates! For the first time, opening the door of the cozy parental home, you step on the thorny path of independent life. Life - not a fairy tale. It is strict and sometimes painful for us. But still life is beautiful. Let you meet your ship with purple sails faith, hopes and love.

Love life, respect every day,
Do it valuable gifts
From the grove of gold and with the song,
With the inspiration of creative, with painted thoughts.

From friendship, not lost in years,
From love, burning like a bonfire,
Keep the future B. sturdy hands.
You have no immortality, our tomorrow!

Closing a solemn ruler. Anthem.

Verka Serdiuchka.
Nanny Vika.
English teacher.
Chemistry teacher.
Mathematic teacher.
Physics teacher.
Boyle and Mariott.
Joule and Lenz.
Petrov and Sidorov.
Pupils and student.

Alterations of songs: "Dan an order to him to the West"; "Where does the homeland begins?"; "Farewell to Moscow" ("Goodbye, my tender Misha"); "Tu-TU" (Cabarean Duet "Academy"); "Morning Charging" (V. Vysotsky); "Let's exclaim" (B. Okudzhava); "Cruiser Aurora""; "Country, my native country"; "Alexander" (Nikitin); "Your Honor, Mrs. Luck"; "Or maybe a crow" (from m / f); "Soldier" (group "Lube").

Sound fanfares. Nine-graders are built in a semicircle on stage.

Leading. Dear guests.
Leading. Parents.
Leading. Teachers. Leading. Graduates.
Leading. Today we have a joyful and solemn day.
Leading. Presentation of the first education document in the life.
Together. Certificates of the end of nine classes.
Performed by choir introductory song on the melody "DANGED TO HIS TO WEST":
Finally our director
The main signed order
That it's time from Schco-Ly
Release the ninth grade!
Someone wants to linger
Here for a couple of years,
Well, someone send-ah
School flame hello.

Leading. Yes, the ninth class is an intersection. Someone boldly step over the school threshold.
Leading. And it will continue to education in vocational school, technical school, lyceum.
Leading. Well, someone will return to school, will continue to study in the tenth grade.
Leading. But this will be another story.
Leading. And another class.
Leading. And today we will make a short stop at the intersection,
Leading. Let's see each other in the eyes,
Leading. Recall the years spent in the same class.

Performed by the choir on the melody "Dan an order to him to the West":
We will come to the track
And tears secretly cleaned
And each other for a goodbye-ah
Tightly hand we will be.

Leading. Nine years ago, thirty boys and girls were miracle at the same time ...
Leading. In the same place.
Leading. Outside of the 1st class of the school (specify the number).

Graduates fold hands in front of the breasts, as if they sit at the desks.

Leading. Everything in life was once the first.
Leading. First call.
Leading. And the first lesson.
Leading. And all of us in the first grade, too, would like only the first.
Leading. Then, however, many became fifteen, twentieth.
Leading. Well, the first teacher, he will always remain first!
The choir turns the song to the first teacher on the melody "Where does the Motherland begins?"
How do knowledge begin?
From the pictures in your letter,
From primary education
And from the first calls in September.
From school they start
At the first step of the porch,
And at school they continue
And then it is not visible to the end ...
Leading. So, nine years ago thirty boys and girls sat down in an express called ...
Rear rises drawn carriages, as if forming a train.
Choir. "School (specify number)"!
Leading. And they went to a fascinating journey through the country of Knowledge!
Leading. And worn stations.
Leading. Mathematics, chemistry, physics.
Leading. Biology, literature, history, geography.
Leading. Dark, unknown territories.
Leading. We had to wander in the close labies of science.
Leading. Gallopa rushing through the expanses of knowledge.
Leading. Climb on top of discoveries.
Leading. And fall into the abyss of delusions.
Leading. Slow in the sea of \u200b\u200berrors.
Leading. And go out of water.
Leading. And every minute on this a thorny path Next to us were our teachers.
Leading. They like the navigations pointed to us the route in the country of Knowledge.
Leading. And as the conductors walked us so that we would not travel our stop.
Leading. The first station is "Russian"!
Leading. Someone from the Great said: To learn one foreign language, two years old.
Leading. To learn another foreign language, one year is enough.
Leading. And to learn your native language, you need a whole life!
Leading. But we coped with this task in just a few lessons.
Leading. And now we not only think, but we speak freely, read and write in Russian!
The leading diverge and become on the edges of the scene.
The song is fulfilled by the song of the Russian language teacher on the melody "Farewell to Moscow" ("Goodbye, my tender Misha").
At the lesson, it becomes Ti-She
Orphograms hunt learning.
We write any dictates
And with grammar we will be friends.

And virtually no voltage,
If suddenly ask us home,
Ninety volumes of Sochin-Esi
We will write, almost like Tolstoy.

Because you are us
Patiently taught
How to love and protect
Our Russian speech.

Verka Serduchka comes out, sings on the melody of the song "Our locomotive, forward fly".

Our locomotive, forward fly,
In the ninth stop.
Today, children teach
It is impossible to us without a rifle.

Conditions, Mitrofan, Nanny Vika and Lamb of the scene are published.
Mitrofan adds palms at the cheek, as if he sleeps.

Serdyuchka. Hello, dear viewers. On the air again our brilliant SV-Show! Our elite sv-wagon was raised before the expression of high school (indicate the number), and we rapidly pass on the rails of knowledge. Together with our only elite passenger.
Nanny Vika. Star of classical Russian literature Mitrofanushka!
All shouts express their delight.
Serdyuchka. And with my beautiful nanny ... Oh, with his beautiful nanny Vika !!!
Graduates screams express their delight.
Serduchka (screaming in the ear). Mitrofa-An! Climb! Your favorite station is "English". Parking 45 minutes!
Nanny Vika. Oh, well, you sho you baby so rude. This is the shortguide!
Serdyuchka. Remember: The main pedagogical principle does not leave bruises on the body! And we do not violate this principle! It's time to wake up to our educational! We arrived! Soon the final station is the ninth grade!
Nanny Vika. From there and wake!
Serdyuchka. So he will not be released from the train without a ticket, oh, without a testimony about the end of nine classes.
Nanny Vika. Well, sho?
Serdyuchka. Well, he will remain with us with unfinished lower education! Again on the rails until the ninth grade, I will notice until all the stations, oh, the items will not pass!
Nanny Vika. Well, so they said! You won't be wrong! Mitrofanushka, Baby, Lifting, Your favorite item!
Mitrofan (sipped). Beer?
Serdyuchka. Oh, from this is too superfluous!
Mitrofan. All unnecessary to children!
Nanny Vika. No, in the sense of school item!
Mitrofan. Ah, Pupies?
Nanny in and k a. No!
Mitrofan. Change!
Nanny Vika. That is not, guess, whose production.
Serdyuchka. From my hat, shoes, blouse ... Maid in ...
Mitrofan. And understood! (He reads shortcuts on a jacket, shorts, cap, sneakers.) Addidas, Reebok, Unaited States of America, Ok, Yes, Fifty-Fifty.
With E P D H K a. Well, shipary, well, shit !!!
Nanny Vika. From see, I told you, the child is practically fluent in English, and why did Dita worry, they woke up in such a year?
Serdyuchka. Early stand up - you will sleep more!
Mitrofan. And what you do not need, you will buy!
Nanny Vika. From see, I told you, we have the level of development below the subsistence minimum!
"Various" go.
The graduate leaves the English Language Teacher (on the chest plate with the name of the teacher).
The song is performed by the English teacher on the Ty-My Melody (Cabaret Duet "Academy").
FROM english language
Nowhere will not disappear
And in every corner of the world
We can widely
Free and easy
Use Shakespeare language.

In English in the journal.
Seen, twos a year
We do not avail.
Need "Hamlet" to all
Read in the original.
Choir. And English
To learn five!
Girls. About england for five
I can dream,
To me, London became so close!
Boys. I have mastered the year
Simultaneous translation
And I began to think in English.
Teacher. Tu-Tu, two, two, two
In English in the journal.
Choir. Seen, twos a year
We do not avail.
Teacher. Need "Hamlet" to all
Read in the original
Choir. And English
To learn five!
Teacher leaves. Leading.
Leading. Do you know what the educated person differs from uneducated?
Leading. Educated person - This is the one who knows where to find what he does not know.
Leading. And the uneducated does not know where to find even what he knows!
Leading. But if he knows something, it means that he is also educated!
Leading. Do you know what are the educated disciples?
Leading. Well, yes, students are weak, very weak.
Leading. And nine-graders!
Leading. And nine-graders are negligent, lazy.
Leading. And very lazy!
Leading. And the best medicine from laziness is love!
Leading. And love is a great strength!
Leading. Especially if it is love for mathematics.
Leading. We prove mathematically!
(Leading go to the edge of the scene.)

Mathematics teacher overlook, three student.
Mathematic teacher. So, children, remember: As Great Einstein said, genius is one percentage of talent and ninety-nine percent of hard work.
Pupil 1. And hardworking is one percentage of labor and ninety-nine percent of the love of work.
Student 2. So without love at school ...
Choir. Nowhere!
Mathematic teacher. I am writing on the board an example. (Shows a sign: 2: 2 \u003d?) Who will say the answer?
Choir. Draw!
Mathematic teacher. Ivanov, why did the grandmother solved the equation again for you?
Pupil 3. Yes, because the parents were busy: Mom wrote an essay, and dad dad's drawing!
Mathematic teacher. Petrov, the task. You had two candy. Grandma gave you four more. How many sweets ...
Pupil 1. I have left? Ten! And I still have four candy from Natasha!
Student 2 (pulls hand). Mary Ivanna, we have a very difficult task here.
Mathematic teacher. Well, let's
Pupil 3. Dasha loves Sasha.
Student 1. Sasha loves Olya.
Student 2. Olya loves Kohl.
Student 3 (tragically). And Kolya loves mathematics!
Choir. What to do?
Mathematic teacher. What to do? All love mathematics!
The song is performed by the song to the Mathematics Teacher on the melody of the song V. Vysotsky "Morning Charging". During the execution of the song on the front edge of the scene, four student comes out, make squats in a checker order: they are sitting on one and get up, raise and lower hands.
One two three four,
No subject in the whole world
For children, more important than mathematics.
Develops patience in us
And abstract thinking -
For the mind, charging and gymnastics!
We are simple fractions to lay down,
All divide, variable,
I will delete everything in the mind without anything, no
Count at leisure
Even quadrature of the circle,
Roots in Biquetratic equal-ni-and!

Gymnasts are leaving. Serdyuchka, Nanny Vika, Mitrofan.

Serdyuchka. No, Mitrofan, we did not agree so much! Only one lesson in mathematics passed, and you immediately: "I do not want to learn, but I want to marry."
Nanny Vika. Well, sho is, let's get him marriage! Family is a school cell!
Serdyuchka. Yes, only in this cell it is necessary to plant each lobotreas on an excellent. And where do we have so much excellent?
Mitrofan. And we do not need a lot, we are also enough!
Serdyuchka. That who will take it? He has a disabled national education!
Nanny Vika. And even truth: on mathematics lame.
Serdyuchka. In physics stumbles.
Nanny in and k a. On stories stutter.
Serdyuchka. In chemistry, his head flops.
Nanny Vika. On the anatomy - the eyes on the forehead climb.
Mitrofan. Yeah, and the head hurts!
Serdyuchka. If the head hurts - it means that you have it!
Mitrofan. And also nerves are not in order - three times in lesson smoking running!
Serdyuchka. Nothing, from nerves there is a good drug pedagogical agent - belt. In addition, this fund has side effect - stimulates mental activity.
Nanny Vika. Well, sho you want: the child studied for so long - so behind in mental development. (Go)
Music loss. Leading.
Leading. There is one subject in school with which all modern children are familiar with the diaper.
Leading. Made the first breath, and in the atmosphere ...
Choir. One chemistry!
Leading. Water swallowed, and there ...
Choir. One chemistry!
Leading. Cut off sausages, and in it ...
Choir. Solid chemistry!
Leading. Well yes! You can say the entire table of Mendeleev!
Leading. With all radioactive elements!
Leading. Put on pants ...
Choir. And there is chemistry!
Leading. Opened a tutorial, and there again ...
Choir. Chemistry!!!
Leading. So there is nothing to learn in the lessons of chemistry.
Leading. We are engaged only by repetition.
Leading. And practical work.
Chemistry teacher overlook, two student.
Chemistry teacher. Hello, children, write in a notebook: practical work # 1. Topic: "Obtaining salt". Equipment.
Pupil 1. One hundred rubles.

Pupil 1. And buy salt!
The teacher automatically nods into the tact head.
Chemistry teacher. Practical work number 2. Topic: "Getting acid". Equipment.
Pupil 1. One hundred rubles.
Student 2. Proceedings: take a hundred rubles, go to the store.
Pupil 1. and buy vinegar!
Chemistry teacher. Practical work number 3. Topic: "Getting gold." Equipment.
Student 1. One hundred rubles and a black mask.
Pupil 2. Proceedings: take a hundred rubles.
Pupil 1. Go to the store and all ...
The teacher was fixed and revived.
Student 2. Buy philosophical stones!
(Shows cobblestone.)
Student 1. With the help of these stones and a black mask, get gold.
Student 2. In a blind alley under the cover of darkness!
Chemistry teacher (determined). Well, write: Practical work number 4. Topic: "Getting a triple in chemistry"! Equipment: Tutorial, Notebook, Party, Mendeleev Table. Proceedings: sitting at the desk, take a tutorial, notebook and learn at least something !!!
The song is fulfilled by the song to the teacher of chemistry on the melody of the song B. Okudzhava "Let's exclaim".
Let's study
Let's get carried away

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{!LANG-6d698aeb7afaae558f262f7b85990fb5!} {!LANG-039ae6ee6147e851b95d2dd00c765673!}{!LANG-b903a8ae30564808be59d760b44355e6!}



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