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Dust king. The world history of garbage. Kings and mafia. Seagull and son

Lavra Owner of the Polygon Nucleus Under Volokolamsk Russian media and bloggers hurried to sense to the son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Gull. This is true only in part.
In fact, there is no one conquer. The honor of being counted for the host of Russian children's poisoners, he is rightfully divided by another four at least monsters.
The independent press does not sleep, a very competent investigation, which for obvious reasons, could not hold the Russian Prosecutor General's Office:

"Mustard business of Moscow shared large officials and oligarchs a few years ago. It happened quietly and unnoticed, after the arrival of the mayor of Sobyanin.

He decided to streamline the collection and removal of garbage from Moscow. Each district was assigned to one operator to whom the city promised to pay decent money. They caused the interest of large players.

Superior decided to remove - the governor of the Moscow region Vorobiev wrote a letter to Putin with a proposal of half the landfill closure. Putin signed an order, and the number of landfills began to decrease sharply. Moreover, even the polygons that had all the necessary documents had come to the List of Sparroweva, there were far from settlements and could work quietly. Well, the decree is a decree.

In 2012-2014, Moscow City Hall held nine tenders. For some reason, none of the previous players took part in them, but five newcomers appeared. As a result, they were shaking the garbagean market of Moscow. And with him - nine 15-year contracts worth more than 145 billion rubles.

The two largest in the amount of lot is 42.6 billion rubles. In 2015.
(one two) won registered in 2012, the company "Charter" with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles.

Officially, the director of the "Charter" was always someone Alexander Tsurcan, unofficially-company controlled the son of the Prosecutor General of Russia Igor Gull. Legal relations with the "Charter", he was placed only at the end of 2017 - closed the transaction for the purchase of 60% of the company's shares.

40 billion rubles. for export and disposal The garbage in 2015 received the company "MKM-Logistics". 100% of the company's shares were divided between the three I offshore: two Cypriot and one with the British Virgin Islands. The beneficiary of one of the Cypriot offshore is Roman Abramovich.

In two tenders (one two) totaling 25.6 billion rubles. The company "Ecoline" won. According to the "Fund of Combating Corruption", it is associated with the Arks group of the Son of the former Transport Minister Sergey Frank and the son-in-law Gennady Timchenko - Gleb Frank.

Another 12.4 billion "Spetstrans. ". Her sole owner is Elena Moochalov, who heads the company directly related to the head of the corporation" Rostech "and other Putin Sergei Chezzov.

end of quotes.

So, Igor Chaika, Roman Abramovich, and other less well-known near boyars know who.

There were no idea about the specifics of storage and disposal of MSO.

I note that they also have no idea that they will make ordinary Russian people with them when the time comes.

And, by the way, the governor Vorobyov is just a small tower, six on these sannisters.

But I am against all sorts of bloody Right. Revolutions, Maidanov and other lights.

I am speaking for a legitimate open court. And he has, as you know, the most humane in the world. Uranium mines for the entire GOP company, in my opinion, is quite enough. And they will be tormented there will be long.

We are not extremists, isn't you who comrade Beria?





In his blog, a lawyer of the fight against corruption. RBC went on the footsteps of the company that received the state contract.

Trash "Charter"

In 2012-2014, Moscow City Hall held nine tenders for the right to conclude 15-year-old debris on garbage removal for a total of more than 142 billion rubles. The city pays for the services for the export and disposal of garbage, and the winners of tenders are obliged to buy new garbage trucks, waste collection containers and build sorting plants and waste disposal polygons.

The two largest in the amount of lot (42.6 billion rubles) - garbage collection in the North-Eastern and Eastern Districts of Moscow - Took the Charter's registered in 2012 with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. The latest data on its financial indicators is dated 2013. Then the company was unprofitable: the revenue was 1.8 million rubles, net loss - 9.5 million rubles. But in 2014 everything changed.

Winning the right to collecting garbage in Swao and WA, "Charter" provided themselves with a multi-billion dollar turnover 15 years ahead.

Shortly after the victory at the competition "Charter" bought at the Bank of Moscow for 267 million rubles. Complex for the sorting of garbage on Altufyevsky highway and the company "Dominanta", which owns a park of old garbage trucks. The source of investments - the bank of the Bank of Moscow, said RBC, the CEO of Charteria Alexander Nikolsky. In addition, according to him, the company has already purchased about 50 new garbage trucks and other techniques, set 8.5 thousand garbage collection containers (totaling 13 thousand) is to be installed. By 2018, Nikolsky plans (this requires the terms of the contract) to build a private landfill for the disposal of solid household waste and the waste sorting station. He also considers the possibility of renting a garbage incorporation plant No. 4 in the area of \u200b\u200bNekrasovka owned by the city.

To submit an application, it was necessary to make provision of 1 billion rubles, 2.2 billion rubles. The winner must make equal shares for 15 years. How did an unknown company be able to fulfill the conditions of the tender and break into the market of trash dwargoes?

Seagull and son

According to the EGRUL, Alexander Tsurcan is the only owner of the Charter. The CEO of the Charteria Alexander Nikolsky said RBC, which does not know how to contact Tsurykan, as he "saw him twice." On the question of why Moscow trust the garbage collection of the company, which is not known about, the press service of the Moscow government did not respond. The source close to the City Hall told RBC that the "Charter" controls the son of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Seagulls Igor, it confirmed the interlocutor in one of the departments of the Moscow Government. About interest Igor Chayki. In the garbage business of the capital heard another Moscow official and another familiar businessman. The representative of the mayor's office promised to comment on the situation in the morning on Thursday.
Igor Chaika
Igor Chaika is the younger son of the Prosecutor General Yuri Seagulls. About his biography knows little. He was 26 years old, in 2001 he graduated from the Kutafine Law Academy. In February 2014, he began working in the Administration of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyeva advisor at the public basis on sports, culture, tourism and young people. In the interview with the "poster" in the summer of 2014, he said that in this post deals with the updates of the urban environment of the towns of the city. Without worrying at Vorobyev and the year, the seagull left the post, explaining that all this time did not cease to engage in entrepreneurial activities and "these projects require daily operational support".

The documentary relationship between the business of the seagull and the "chartium" is not traced, there are only indirect intersections. In an interview with Izvestia, the seagull said that the business he was engaged in, from the second course, was associated with the production of food, improvement, the development of public spaces and the creation of the architectural appearance of cities. In 2010, according to Spark, he registered the company "Innovation of Light", which for three years took almost 700 million rubles in almost 700 million. In particular, this company made New Year's illuminations in the Central and Southern Districts of Moscow, the artistic illumination of the Novospassky and Crimean bridges and the artificial lighting of the Adler's track - Red Polyana on the eve of the 2014 Olympics. Also, "Innovation of Light" participated in tenders of the divisions of the complex of urban economy of the Government of Moscow, but several times inferior to the victory of the Kaliningrad "Sitstrocervis" and St. Petersburg "BalticstroyCompany".

In 2013, the relationship between the three listed companies attracted the attention of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). The service suspected them in a cartel collusion when carrying out one of the tenders for the improvement of the Park "Ostankino" worth 686 million rubles. The list of companies that attracted the attention of the FAS is also a Moscow "urban environment" (engaged in the development of outdoor navigation elements). According to Spark-Interfax, the only owner of the "urban environment" - the owner of the "Charter" Alexander Tsurg. FAS brought to think about the fact that applications from these four companies were sent in one day and from one IP address. However, representatives of the companies convinced the FAS that there were no collusion on their part, they simply all used the services of the company "Tender-Inform", which provides intermediary services with participation in public procurement. This company refused to comment on their "customer relations". The representative of the FAS in response to clarifying issues of RBC stated only that "the results of the investigation are set out in the decision of the FAS Commission, which no one, including the applicant, has not appealed." The applicant advocated LLC Management Company of the St. Petersburg Stone Processing Company.


Four companies that appear in the investigation of the FAS are associated if not property relations, then at least projects. The press service of "Innovation of Light" distributes press releases about the projects performed by Sitstrocervis and BalticSyompany. In particular, the contacts of PR managers of "Innovation of Light" were listed in the press release on the completion of the company "Ostankino", the tender, to which FAS claims presented. Two employees in these companies call these structures "Holding", and "Innovation of Light" - a management company. "From communication with the companies" Innovation of Light "," Citterservice "and" BaltiStroyompany "it was clear that this is a single holding," the architect Boris Axents, who carried out a number of projects on the order of companies, shall be divisible. This was told another contractor of the company on anonymity conditions: "Professionals in the market know that this is one company."

Over the past three years, Sitstrocervis has fulfilled the work on the request of the Moscow City Economy Complex by more than 5 billion rubles. At the same time, in an office building, where the company's "Innovation of Light" is located, the RBC correspondent was reported that Sit Terystroesvis is here. Sitstrocervis from time to time wins tenders for construction work on projects developed by another incoming "in the holding" of Balticstroyompany company: for example, the improvement of 16 squares in the Garden Ring area worth 1.4 billion rubles. The same situation has developed during the reconstruction of the Ostankino Park. Construction was engaged in Sit Terystroesservis (the issue price of 2.1 billion rubles, of which 209 million rubles were spent on the construction of the Skate Park largest in Europe), and designed for 22.8 million rubles. BaltiStroyCompany. A scandal was connected with this in a row: the construction of a skate park was delayed more than a year, the mayor of Moscow was opened in the fall of 2014 Sergey Sobyanin. However, two days later, after a series of skate drill injuries due to improper design, the work of the object was suspended. Holding company managed to detect both projects that oversees the Governor Advisor's rank of Governor Governor. Thus, the "urban environment" developed a navigation system for Tchaikovsky museums to the wedge, in the Museum of Pushkin in large Vyazims, in the reserve "New Jerusalem". In addition, the specialists of the "urban environment" were part of the Working Group on the Updating Wedge, which was headed by Igor Gull.

To trace the connection of four companies with "Chartia", which won a trash tender, is also possible only by indirect signs. In addition to Alexander Tsurkana, they are united by appearance - sites of these companies are fulfilled by one designer Oksana Korshunova, which placed these works in its portfolio. He refused to talk with RBC. Domain "Charter", according to the service WHO-IS domain registrar RU-CENTER, serves the administrator Artem Meyerle, which works in "Innovation of Light". True, by phone he said that the rights to the Domain "Charter" handed over to another administrator.

Within a few days, the head of the marketing department of the Urban Environment Irina Levakova could not contact Alexander Tsurkan's owner. At the request of an interview with Igor Seull, she stated: "I do not understand what you are talking about" - and threw the phone. Soon the RBC correspondent received SMS from it: "And talk to Vladimir Putin. I ask me no longer disturb. " The company "Innovation of Light" was not surprised by the request of the RBC correspondent to connect with Alexander Tsurykan, however, they offered to call back to another office, where he had no longer heard. The general director of the "Innovation of Light" Ivan Vaverny refused to answer RBC questions.

Original of this material
© sobollubov, 08/26/2015, illustrations: Via Sobollubov

Abramovich, Timchenko and Son of the Prosecutor General Seagulls. Who is connected by Moscow business for garbage disposal

With the arrival of Sobyanin for the post of mayor of Moscow, most of the business development business was monopolized in the hands of several companies. 9 fifteen-year-old contracts broken down at the administrative districts of Moscow, totaling more than 145 billion rubles, were distributed between five firms. Formally, contracts were obtained at the auction, but there were actually no competition: none of the previous private companies who worked for many years in Moscow did not apply for any of the five contests.

It was very interesting for me to see who is behind these firms, which ousting everyone, took a large share of the disposal of household waste disposal. It turned out that traces of nominal owners lead to major officials and oligarchs.

Who utilizes garbage

Gennady Timchenko and Vladimir Lavitsev
The company, in a row: LLC Ecoline
Territory of the destruction of garbage: CAO (State Contract), CAO (State Contract)
Cost for the budget: 25.6 billion rubles for 15 years
Communication: Director of LLC Ecoline Debolov Dmitry Gennadevich is also a vice-president of IFSC ARKS (hereinafter referred to as ARKS), the founder of Ecoline LLC Bakiyev Arsen Eduardovich - Financial Director of the same company. ARKS is one of the largest construction organizations in Moscow. According to the media, the founder and owner of the company is Alexander Lavitsev, his son Vladimir worked as a depositor of the deposit of Moscow and the vice-governor of St. Petersburg on housing and communal services. At the time of receiving contracts for garbage disposal, the blocking stake (25%) of the ARKS company belonged to Gennady Timchenko.

Igor Chaika
The company that has received in a row: LLC "Charter"
Territory of the destruction of garbage: Svao (StateContract), VAO (State Contract)
Cost for the budget: 42.9 billion rubles for 15 years
Communication: At the time of receipt of the contract, the founder and the general director of the "Charter" LLC was Alexander Tsurkan. Tsurcan is also the general director and the only founder of the Urban Wednesday LLC (another company name: Navigation Solutions LLC). When placing their vacancies, this company indicates the logo of the company "Innovation of Light", and the applications for the same state tender, both companies filed from one IP address, which is established by the decision of the antimonopoly service. At the same time, "Innovation of Light" LLC belongs to Igor Gull, the youngest son of the Prosecutor General Yuri Seagulls. The company "Innovation of Light" is registered in the house 12 p.1 on the street. Rochedel. At the same address, the company "Meadow to a couple" is located, the general director of which is all the same Tsurban.

Roman Abramovich
The company that was in a row: LLC "MKM Logistics"
Territory of the destruction of garbage: CJSC (State Contract), Yuzao (StateContract)
Cost for the budget: 40 billion rubles for 15 years
Communication: The company's institutions are indicated by three offshore. The final beneficiary of one of them is Ervington Investments- is Roman Abramovich, the owners of the remaining offshore are hidden in the jurisdiction of BVI.

Sergey Chezovov
The company, in a row: LLC "Spetstrans"
Territory of debris: SZAO (State Contract)
Cost for the budget: 12.4 billion rubles for 15 years
Communication: The only founder of Spetstrans - Mochalova Elena Evgenievna. Moochalova is also the general director of RT-Invest Finance LLC, the only founder of which is RT-Invest LLC. The company "RT-Invest" in turn owns the state corporation "Rostech". Since the foundation of the State Corporation, Putin Sergey Chezov is from the basis of the state corporation. Back in 2011, the media wrote about the desire of Rostech to gain access to the market for the export of household waste, including in June 2011, Kommersant reported that "Rostechnology" and the United Russia party agreed to create a national trash operator.

The company, in a row: MSK-NT LLC
Territory of the destruction of garbage: Yuvao (State Contract), Zelo (StateContract)
Cost for the budget: 21.4 billion rubles for 15 years
Communication: The company was formed in April 2013, and in November 2013 received its first multi-billion dollar contract for the export of Moscow garbage. During the receipt of the contract, the founder and general director of the company was the Cheremskaya Igor Mikhailovich. This is a little well-known businessman, it was possible to find out only the following.
Before receiving this contract, the Cheremskaya owned 50% of Practice-Service LLC, the company won small contracts with the Ferry Housing and communal services, often competing with the company "Clean City" of a certain courtyard Alexander Mayevich. After receiving a contract for garbage collection, the company "Practice-Service" was no longer participating at the auction.
In 2012, the Cheremskaya and the courtyard participated in one arbitral case along with the producer Igor Matvienko. In the Arbitration Court of Moscow, the case was considered illegally derived from the company MOSEELEFONSTROY real estate in the Nizhny Municipals, Matvienko and the courtyard were applements, the Cheremskaya - 3rd face. Judging by the materials of the case, the real estate was brought to the company CJSC MOSTELEFONBAZ, the director of which was the manager of the production center Igor Matvienko. Currently, an arrest was even pressed as part of the consideration of the case, Igor Matvienko was located. Matvienko and Cheremsky in the trial represented one principal - some Breeva E.V.
According to the two sources, the company's beneficiary is still Peter Biryukov, Vice-Mayor of Sobyanin on housing and communal services, but there is no official confirmation. [...]

How to utilize garbage

The conclusion of long-term contracts with major players in the market could be justified by attracting investments, establishing technology and investments in the construction of new prediction of recycling of waste. But from the beginning of the action of the first contract for three years, and the Moscow garbage was burned and buried, and continue to do it.

Contracts are very scarcely establish the duties of modernizing existing places of processing and disposal of garbage, the main emphasis is placed on its export. Position of the Moscow authorities: export garbage from the courtyards, and that you will do next with it - no more than our business. Though throughout Russia, thin layer smear. But it is incomprehensible why then 5 companies are engaged in the removal of waste, and not hundreds, and why the consolidation of contracts and the creation of artificial monopolies occurred if there is still no investment. Obviously, the competition of many companies for garbage disposal will reduce the price of services and would increase their quality for the population.

Contracts were concluded with the main purpose of mastering budget money, and the development of technology and the improvement of urban ecology will remain only on paper. This is evidenced by the outstanding conditions for state contracts for the processing of garbage. The established norms for collecting recyclable from the population are impartially impracticable:

That is, at the moment, a third of the garbage from the population must meet the second. But even if in each third Moscow court, separate containers will be installed on garbage collection (which is currently no), to recycle it in such quantities still there is no place yet - there is no infrastructure.

The authorities of the Moscow region (Moscow and the Moscow region) were to announce an open concoction for the development of the entire waste management system, choose the best plan, start building infrastructure under it and recently redo the market for garbage removal (the most uncomfortable in essence). But this did not happen: the concept of development of the utilization system has never been voiced by the Moscow authorities.

Therefore, if domestic waste is sorted in Europe, recycled, in terms of producing electricity, and there are golf courses on garbage dumps, then in Russia it is possible to dream about it. Now they are responsible for this Sobyanin and all this thieves of the Chinoka Shaka, tightly sitting on budget money.

In the artist of the garbage there is a place and american dream and crime. Only extremely naive people can assume that garbage is worth nothing. Worth it. And very expensive. It can be a considerable state on it. If, of course, it will be possible to avoid conflicts with mafia

Neighborhood. Garbage and wealth are much closer to each other than you can assume. Photo

According to the New York Times newspaper, about 82 thousand rural migrants in Beijing are engaged in the extraction of useful waste from landfills and selling them processing factories in neighboring provinces. From the environment of these people, "garbage kings", organized by recycling enterprises, were moved. According to estimates, a quarter of all solid municipal waste (MSW - Municipal Solid Waste) Beijing goes into the hands of these Deltsi, on three-wheeled cycling cartons exported from landfills, tin, boilers with pigs and remnants of vegetable oils from restaurants waste - they are recycled to soap .

One such person - Du Maosan arrived in the capital without a yuan in his pocket. Two years later, held in the garbage piles, he bought a pedal trolley, took over the resale of useful waste and began to hire countrymen from Sichuan province. Now he has unofficial agreements with employees, paying large hotels and restaurants for accessing resellers and food waste. Du gets income due to its position at the top of the trash chain: it resells materials to small private processing factories in the province of Hebei (Beijing is on its territory).

Sketches. In Naples, the garbage canoe is completely under the control of the mafia. If the mafia has some internal or external problems, then it immediately becomes noticeable for eyes and for the nose

Last year, the Beijing Dust King registered the company and now signed official contracts for the collection of waste 40 (out of 762) urban garbage collectors - this is only part of the informal activity that its people are engaged. A similar situation is characteristic of all large cities in China, except in Beijing the most "rich" trash.

The state of affairs in the United States does not differ, where the mafia historically controlled the promotion of garbage from black bags and tanks on processing production. Thus, the report of the US Congress of 1986 "Involvement of organized crime into the garbage processing industry" states: "Briberying officials and threatening competitors, the Syndicate practically achieved a monopoly in the movement of garbage. Rackets were climbed by huge prices for getting rid of toxic and dangerous waste, and then combined them with usual and simply discarded them. "

Back in the late 1950s - early 1960s, Mafiosi Carlo Gambino and his family used control over truck drivers to gain influence in waste carrying companies. For Cosa Nostra, the garbage has become a legal business, in which dirty money received from gambling, frauds with loans and other traditional mafia activities with ease of lamb.

Image. It is in the cinema, role and computer games Gangsters "cleaned" exclusively by their own competitors. In reality, they may well clean (already without quotes) garbage and landfill

In Italy, there is even a special word for mafiosi controlling a garbage business, - an ecathia. "Legambiente" (Legambiente) - the main Italian "watchdoggy dog" of ecology - reported that 13.1 million toxic waste was "disappeared" in the hands of Yuzhnoyetalian mafia only in 2003, and the income of Italian Enemifia over the past ten years amounted to 159 billion dollars. One mafia with the speaker "name" King Midas stated in the police: "I turn garbage in gold."

In Russia, things are not better, if not worse. Modern Russian history knows not only ribbons, but also the raider seizures of garbage processing enterprises, as well as registered murders. As expected, no loud exposures and indicative processes for these loud affairs followed. In early 2010, garbage mafia revenues in Moscow were estimated at $ 3-5 million every month.

Nine fifteen-year-old contracts for removal from the capital of household waste totaling more than 145 billion rubles Sergey Sobyanin were distributed between five firms related to major Russian officials and oligarchs

With the arrival of Sobyanin for the post of mayor of Moscow, most of the business development business was monopolized in the hands of several companies. 9 fifteen-year-old contracts broken down at the administrative districts of Moscow, totaling more than 145 billion rubles, were distributed between five firms. Formally, contracts were obtained at the auction, but there were actually no competition: none of the previous private companies who worked for many years in Moscow did not apply for any of the five contests.

It was very interesting for me to see who is behind these firms, which ousting everyone, took a large share of the disposal of household waste disposal. It turned out that traces of nominal owners lead to major officials and oligarchs.

Who utilizes garbage

Gennady Timchenko and Vladimir Lavitsev

The company that has received in a row:LLC Ecoline

Territory of the destruction of garbage: Cao (State Contract), SAO (State Contract)

Cost for the budget: 25.6 billion rubles for 15 years

Communication: Director of Ecoline Debologi Dmitry Gennadyevich is also a vice-president of IFSC ARKS (hereinafter referred to as ARKS), the founder of Ecoline LLC Bakiyev Arsen Eduardovich - Financial Director of the same company. ARKS is one of the largest construction organizations in Moscow. According to the media, the founder and owner of the company is Alexander Lavitsev, his son Vladimir worked as a depositor of the deposit of Moscow and the vice-governor of St. Petersburg on housing and communal services. At the time of receiving contracts for garbage disposal, the blocking stake (25%) of the ARKS company belonged to Gennadia Timchenko.

Igor Chaika

The company that has received in a row: LLC "Charteri"

Territory of the destruction of garbage: Svao (StateContract), VAO (State Contract)

Cost for the budget: 42.9 billion rubles for 15 years

Communication:at the time of receipt of the contract, the founder and the general director of the "Charter" LLC was Alexander Tsurg. Tsurcan is also the general director and the only founder of the Urban Wednesday LLC (another company name: Navigation Solutions LLC). When placing their vacancies, this company indicates the logo of the company "Innovation of Light", and the applications for the same state tender, both companies filed from one IP address, which is established by the decision of the antimonopoly service. At the same time, "Innovation of Light" LLC belongs to Igor Gull, the youngest son of the Prosecutor General Yuri Seagulls. The company "Innovation of Light" is registered in the house 12 p.1 on the street. Rochedel. At the same address, the company "Meadow to a couple" is located, the general director of which is all the same Tsurban.

Roman Abramovich

The company that has received in a row: LLC "MKM Logistics"

Territory of the destruction of garbage: CJSC (State Contract), UNUSAA (State Contract)

Cost for the budget: 40 billion rubles for 15 years

Communication: The company's institutions are indicated by three offshore. The final beneficiary of one of them is Ervington Investments- is Roman Abramovich, the owners of the remaining offshore are hidden in the jurisdiction of BVI.

Sergey Chezovov

The company that has received in a row: Spetstrans LLC

Territory of the destruction of garbage: SZAO (State Contract)

Cost for the budget: 12.4 billion rubles for 15 years

Communication: The only founder of Spetstrans is Mochalova Elena Evgenievna. Moochalova is also the general director of RT-Invest Finance LLC, the only founder of which is RT-Invest LLC. The company "RT-Invest" in turn owns the state corporation "Rostech". Since the foundation of the State Corporation, Putin Sergey Chezov is from the basis of the state corporation. Back in 2011, the media wrote about the desire of Rostech to gain access to the market for the export of household waste, including in June 2011, Kommersant reported that "Rostechnology" and the United Russia party agreed to create a national trash operator.

The company that has received in a row: MSK-NT LLC

Territory of the destruction of garbage: Yuvao (StateContract), Zelo (StateContract)

Cost for the budget: 21.4 billion rubles for 15 years

Communication: The company was formed in April 2013, and in November 2013 received its first multi-billion dollar contract for the export of Moscow garbage. During the receipt of the contract, the founder and general director of the company was the Cheremskaya Igor Mikhailovich. This is a little well-known businessman, it was possible to find out only the following.

Before receiving this contract, the Cheremskaya owned 50% of Practice-Service LLC, the company won small contracts with the Ferry Housing and communal services, often competing with the company "Clean City" of a certain courtyard Alexander Mayevich. After receiving a contract for garbage collection, the company "Practice-Service" was no longer participating at the auction.

In 2012, the Cheremskaya and the courtyard participated in one arbitral case along with the producer Igor Matvienko. In the Arbitration Court of Moscow, the case was considered illegally derived from the company MOSEELEFONSTROY real estate in the Nizhny Municipals, Matvienko and the courtyard were applements, the Cheremskaya - 3rd face. Judging by the materials of the case, the real estate was brought to the company CJSC MOSTELEFONBAZ, the director of which was the manager of the production center Igor Matvienko. Currently, an arrest was even pressed as part of the consideration of the case, Igor Matvienko was located. Matvienko and Cheremsky in the trial represented one principal - some Breeva E.V.

According to two of my sources, the beneficiary of the contract is still Peter Biryukov, the Vice-Mayor of Sobyanin on housing and communal services, but there is no official confirmation. If someone has information on this contract, write to the anonymous mail of the fight against corruption:

How to utilize garbage

The conclusion of long-term contracts with major players in the market could be justified by attracting investments, establishing technology and investments in the construction of new prediction of recycling of waste. But from the beginning of the action of the first contract for three years, and the Moscow garbage was burned and buried, and continue to do it.

Contracts are very scarcely establish the duties of modernizing existing places of processing and disposal of garbage, the main emphasis is placed on its export. Position of the Moscow authorities: export garbage from the courtyards, and that you will do next with it - no more than our business. Though throughout Russia, thin layer smear. But it is incomprehensible why then 5 companies are engaged in the removal of waste, and not hundreds, and why the consolidation of contracts and the creation of artificial monopolies occurred if there is still no investment. Obviously, the competition of many companies for garbage disposal will reduce the price of services and would increase their quality for the population.

Contracts were concluded with the main purpose of mastering budget money, and the development of technology and the improvement of urban ecology will remain only on paper. This is evidenced by the outstanding conditions for state contracts for the processing of garbage. The established norms for collecting recyclable from the population are impartially impracticable:

That is, at the moment, a third of the garbage from the population must meet the second. But even if in each third Moscow court, separate containers will be installed on garbage collection (which is currently no), to recycle it in such quantities still there is no place yet - there is no infrastructure.

The authorities of the Moscow region (Moscow and the Moscow region) were to announce an open concoction for the development of the entire waste management system, choose the best plan, start building infrastructure under it and recently redo the market for garbage removal (the most uncomfortable in essence). But this did not happen: the concept of development of the utilization system has never been voiced by the Moscow authorities.

Therefore, if domestic waste is sorted in Europe, recycled, in terms of producing electricity, and there are golf courses on garbage dumps, then in Russia it is possible to dream about it. Now they are responsible for this Sobyanin and all this thieves of the Chinoka Shaka, tightly sitting on budget money.

On the territory of the rural settlement, the Kuznetsovskoye Ramensky Municipal District of the Moscow Region, in the countryside, in close surroundings, the villages and garden partners in the near future it is planned to build an ecologically dangerous object on garbage disposal. Concerned residents are trying to resist, turning to help in all sorts of instances and media.

I received a letter in a personal: "Not so long ago, an appeal was sent to the public chamber of Russia, which was signed by more than a thousand residents of the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. These people united in a social movement "Little Motherland"And united them all the sense of danger and a sense of responsibility for the land on which they live and on which their children and grandchildren would live. The essence of the question: On the territory of a rural settlement, the Kuznetsovskoye Ramensky Municipal District of the Moscow Region, in the countryside, in close environment, the villages and garden partners are planned to build an environmentally-dangerous facility. In various official documents, it is referred to as the "TWW polygon with a waste-sorting plant", the "waste sorting plant with a tailing tower", "Complex for sorting, pressing, briquetting and storing waste", etc. "

That is, listen: if any name is planned to create a huge landfill! And even according to the most preliminary estimates, this landfill promises to become ... the biggest landfill in the Moscow region! Praise Rospotrebnadzor, who came up behind ordinary people, and the Public Chamber, which initiated public hearings, which will be held on March 22 in the OPPF building on the Mius Square!

Comrades Journalists, Support Ramchan!

This story began a few years ago.

Moreover, from the very beginning, hot supporters of creating this "garbage business" appeared in this story and its as much as hot opponents. Supporters are the administration of the district and local entrepreneurs, and opponents are the entire local population.

Dumps around Moscow are also overcrowded, the garbage begin to carry in the neighboring areas by rail. And what are the inhabitants of those neighboring areas to know that Moscow continues to live, and scatters their waste by neighbors? Now it is proposed to be a decision - to build several new incineration plants in Moscow. Ecologists are alarming: the construction of garbage burning factories around the world is recognized in an ineffective. Recently, such factories have closed in France, Holland, England. The reason is the poisoning of the environment (in France, the milk of cows were measured, which grave not far from the plant, and the amount of dioxin in milk was three times higher than the norm

It is impossible here, of course, to go on the feelings and emotions. It is impossible to abandon the reasonable project only because the locals do not agree with this project. The problem of recycling and disposal of MSW is a truly serious problem, the problem is state, it is necessary to solve it. But it is necessary to solve so that the norms of sanitary and environmental legislation are carried out.

In 2004, the Government of the Moscow Region adopted the program "Disposal and processing of household waste in the Moscow region for the period 2004-2010." In this program, it was planned to create a landing ground with a waste-sorting complex in the Ramensky district, for which investments in the amount of 98.5 million rubles were planned for investments. (Resolution No. 232/15 of 04/22/2004). Specific place - where this polygon will be - it was not indicated.

However, for several years, the project initiators have been constantly referring to this program, arguing that it is spelled out the creation of a waste-sorting plant that is near the village of Yurovo, although there is a word about Yurovo in this program.

Why is this program so interpreted? Who and at what point did this decision take? Where does it come from, what in the Grand Ramensky district field in the village of Yurovo is the only one? From the point of view of merchants, whose smell of money can not spoil any dump - this place is perfect. Transport accessibility promotes ambulance payback and huge profits. What about people?

The timing of this program has long expired. She does not work. Planned multimillion "trash" investments in the Ramensky district did not take place. It is time to stop referring to this archive document.

This program was assumed to implement activities aimed at creating complexes for the sorting of household waste, improving the environmental situation in the Moscow region and improving the quality of solid waste management.

It would be interesting to know how successful the regional government has implemented this program? Have all planned waste sorting and processing enterprises appear? (It would be nice to give a texture, I don't have it). Probably, the government of the metropolitan region now has new promising work plans for household waste. Was it found in these plans a place for the TBE polygon with a waste-sorting complex specifically near the village of Yurovo? Why then these new, existing plans not to make public?

Year after year, talk about the project of the garbage sorting plant near the village of Yurovo. But no technical project has never appeared. The initiator of creating this landfill is Ekoresource LLC - only makes foggy assurances that it is planned to create the most modern and environmentally friendly enterprise.

"... Tail!"

Budget terminology is used - there will be a landing plant at a waste-sorting plant, i.e. Not dump, but some "tailing storage". The term "tailing storage" is not in any regulatory document of our sanitary and environmental legislation relating to the problem of processing and storage of MSW. What does it mean? Dumps will not? Where does the garbage go? If the organizers of the landfill are smoking and noting something, it is alarming. Let's not give in to emotions. It is necessary to delete the garbage somewhere, and if by law the landfill on the field at the village of Yurovo is permissible, then you will have to suffer this dump.

But the locals who have long and in the subject of what is happening, argue that the field for these purposes is organized by the TWW polygon and the waste sorting plant is completely unacceptable precisely according to the requirements of our sanitary and environmental legislation.


Under the purpose of creating this landfill, a land plot with cadastral number 50: 23: 0020396: 25. The administration of the Moscow region a year ago has already changed the appointment of these lands - they became lands of industry, energy, transport, communications, etc. from land of destination.

Embedded by the territorial department of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the cities of Bronnitsy and Zhukovsky, Ramensky district, a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on a non-existent project dated 04.02.2008.

Now the advocates of the creation of the Yurov landfill are constantly referring to this sanitary conclusion - they say, everything is checked and the case is done legal. But if you read this conclusion, at least some carefully, it becomes clear that the conclusion is extremely strange and gives rise to more questions than gives any answers.

In this conclusion, documents are named, on the basis of which it is issued. This is a technical report on the engineering and geological conditions of the garbage sorting plant and the tailings near the village of Yurovo Ramensky district of the Moscow region from CJSC "GEOPOLIS" CJSC, as well as the conclusion of FSUE "Moscow Scientific and Production Center for Geological and Environment Research and the Use of Subsoi" dated December 27, 2007 .

It seems that in the sense of geology, everything here is safely, the soil is thoroughly investigated and the place for the landfill from a geological point of view is quite suitable. Is it so? Information on the results of the previously conducted engineering and geological surveys on the field chosen for the landfill is closed to the public. Inquiries in various instances, including the prosecutor's office, which sent an initiative group of local residents, did not give results.

So what results received these CJSC "GEOPOLIS" and FSUE "Moscow Scientific and Industrial Center for Geological and Environmental Research and Use of Nedra"? What are the soils on this future landfill field?

It seems that these engineering and geological surveys were not conducted at all, or gave such results that these results were inconvenient to show the public.

Explain what is meant:

In a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of 04.02.2008, it is indicated: "Soils - to determine the research; relief - smooth; The depth of groundwater is to determine the surveys. " So were the survey or not? In what neat the foundation was issued this amazing positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion? Why is the relief named smooth? Were there any additional surveys? There were no other documents from the public until recently.

Rates away from the topic, it must be said that in this case there is really a lot of mysterious. Here, for example, such a detail. Distributed area with cadastral number 50: 23: 0020396: 25 Recently, it was easily easily found on a duty cadastral map on the Internet. But passions are glowing, and in what type of the plot from the map disappeared. Completely disappeared. It does not think that he was removed from cadastral accounting, rather, someone patted to create new technical difficulties for fighters with a landfill. Let them run, will visit the coordinates and exact location of the plot ...

Gogaj and Dorka got hostage ...

This plot with cadastral number 50: 23: 0020396: 25 with an area of \u200b\u200b20 hectares is the central part of the sand field (the total area of \u200b\u200bthe field is over 50 hectares). The site is located 300 meters from the Goga and Dorka rivers entering the pool p. Moscow, (at the same time, the r. Dorka is included in the water-cutting objects of the Moscow region) and has a visible bias towards these rivers.

And yet the city authorities continue to insist: the incineration plants will not damage the ecology and this is the only possible solution to the problem of waste disposal.
Here we can only say one thing: according to MPR of Russia, three Moscow MSZ throw out 161.15 grams of dioxins and furans per year. If you recalculate emissions from all MSZ of Moscow into permissible doses for a person, it turns out that every year about 500 million annual permissible doses of dioxins fall as a result of burning garbage in the air. And it is twice the emission of the dioxins of all Germany! Think: Three objects of the city of Moscow are twice the entire Industry of the FRG!

Until November 2010, this site was in the category of agricultural land and previously under it were laid drainage pipes, derived in the river bed, to reduce groundwater levels, since during the period of severe floods this site is regularly flooded.

At the request of local residents of the Soil Institute. V.V. Dokuchaev Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Russia conducted soil surveys on the site chosen for the landfill. The findings of this respected institute do not leave doubts that the prospects for poisoning with the dumping waste of the Goga and Dorka rivers are obvious.

Sanitary rules of the joint venture "Hygienic requirements for the device and maintenance of polygons for solid household waste" stipulate that the test site must be placed on an even territory that excludes the possibility of flusher precipitated part of the waste and contamination by them adjacent land areas and open reservoirs. Perspective according to the named sanitary rules are places where clay or heavy loams are revealed.

In violation of these sanitary rules, the field chosen for the landfill, as established by the study by the Institute of Soil Studies, is characterized by a fairly uneven surface (the height difference is over 2 m) and the presence of conditions for the flow of surface waters towards the Goga and Dorka rivers. The formation of this flow contributes and the remains of the old drainage system remained in the Earth. The field is dominated by sandy and sampling soils.

And how to now trust the named positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from 2008? Let's compare the results of an independent survey conducted by the Institute of Soil Studies with the Complete Respects of the Exquisites of CJSC "GEOPOLIS" and FSUE "Moscow Scientific and Industrial Center for Geological and Environmental Research and the Use of Subsoices".

Let these organizations show the materials of their surveys. We will show the public and show the soil institute. V.V. Dokuchaev Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Russia - Probably, the competent Institute of the country in this matter. Then everything will become clear - whether these exquisites were actually carried out as they were held that they showed.

And today we believe the institution of soil science.

It should be?

According to the sanitary rules and norms of SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Sanitary and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects" Garbage processing plants with a capacity of over 40 thousand tons / year and improved dumps of MSW are enterprises of the first hazard class and They require a sanitary and protective zone of 1000 m. That is, in the sanitary and protective zone, the named SanPiN does not allow the placement of objects to accommodate people, as well as country and gardeners!

The field selected for the landfill is less than 1000 meters from the outskirts of the village of Yurovo. Moreover, the nearest designed residential building in this village is 500 meters, as the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Management of the Moscow Region informed us (it was reported to the Ministry not as an alarming fact, but simply for information).

The plot planned for the construction of a landfill is less than 1000 meters from the territory of the Horticultural partnership "Dorka" (a land plot forms a cadastral quarter 50: 23: 0020243, a significant part of which enters the sanitary protection zone of the landfill).

The land plot of 20 hectares of the "Dorka" partnership was highlighted in 1989 by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Ramensky City Council (No. 1015/28-1) on the basis of the decision of the Mosobl Council Executive Committee of November 24, 1988 (No. 1608/35).

A partnership "Dorka" is gasified, there are capital homes, people live there. Why are the initiators of the "garbage business" in the Ramensky district do not see this? Why are the decisions about the construction of such an object are not agreed with people who will be in dangerous zone?

At a distance of about 500 meters from this site there are hostels and production complex OJSC Capital-Prok (production of drugs and food supplements for animals). Polygon MBO is an object of 1 hazard class. With the declared amount of waste of 100 thousand tons per year, the factory will also be an object I of a hazard class, i.e. The sanitary protection zone (1000 m) will be obviously broken.

It is essential that the main part of the landfill area falls into the zone is redundant to create a CCAD. At the same time, the storage of garbage will be carried out practically on the side of this promising highway, in the construction of which we are objectively interested. According to the plans, the CCAD is presented as a modern comfortable highway with a developed infrastructure. Does the huge mountain of garbage fit into this plan?

In this case, the sanitary-epidemiological rules and the standards of SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Sanitary and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects" are directly violated.

Glow of the people!

During the public hearings in the village of Yurovo 06/23/2011 to establish the type of permitted use of this land plot, and then on the discussion of the draft master plan for a rural settlement Kuznetsovskoe in all 13 settlements of the settlement 01-08.07.2011 citizens expressed categorical disagreement with environmentally friendly plans An dangerous object in the specified location.

How did the hearing 13.06.2011 in the village of Yurovo, you can see here:

Despite this, the head of the Ramensky district gave his positive "conclusion about the results of public hearings." Like a lot in this business, the title "conclusion" is worn out. Judge for yourself:

"Setting the type of permitted use of the land plot Cadastral number 50: 23: 0020396: 25" Under the construction of a waste-sorting plant "is possible only with the strict observance of all current rules and norms of sanitary and epidemiological, environmental and urban planning legislation."

It would be generally strange if the admissibility of violation of legislation was established in this conclusion.

First, in this conclusion, only a waste-sorting plant is named, there is no landfill in it. What does it mean? Polygon Tbo canceled? Dumps will not? Where does the garbage go?

Secondly, violations of the requirements of sanitary rules and the norms of Sanpin 2.2.1 / "Sanitary and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other facilities" and sanitary rules of the joint venture "Hygienic requirements for Device and content of polygons for solid household waste. "

And one more moment causes bewilderment in this case with the "conclusion" of the head of the Ramensky district. The considerations "for" two officials and two businessmen, and dozens of votes of local residents "against" as if they did not sound - about them one short phrase.

Amazingly and the fact that after a few days, the local newspaper "Rodnik", the official authority of the administration of the Ramensky district, described the course of hearings as "rally extremes and rudeness." Is it possible to have to insult the feelings of hundreds of people?

Officials of the speakers did not hear and did not listen, and after all, people were guided not only by emotions, what they were trying to blame them, among those who oppose the landfill, there were specialists who understand what the dump carries for residents.

In the nearest villages of Yurovo, Plaskinino, Biserovo, Nadezhdino, as well as in SNT and DNT there is no centralized water supply. Residents drink water and watered their gardens from superficial wells. After the opening of the TBW polygon, the wells in the shortest possible time will be poisoned with a landfill filtrate, the entire district will become dangerous to accommodate. The irreparable damage will be applied and nature, and almost forever, since, according to ecologists, even the closed polygons of MSW will poison the soil, groundwater and air centuries.

The planned object should, at a minimum, replaced by the current TWW polygon and Safonovo, which is located within the city of Ramenskoye (!!!), covers an area over 20 hectares, operates more than 30 years, has repeatedly expanded and crowded. Safonovo polygon functions with a gross violation of the sanitary protection zone.

The distance from the "Safonovo" landfill to the nearest residential buildings does not exceed 40 m. And this is an object I class I, with a sanitary and protective zone of 1000 m, since the volume of imported garbage is there now up to 800 tons per day, that is, about 300 thousand tons per year (data of the newspaper "Rodnik", No. 30 dated 07.27.2011).

Impression is the hair on my head on your head. After such an already none sanitary and environmental news from the Ramensky district will not be surprised. But its construction also began with the assurances of the district leadership, which sanitary standards will not be violated. By the way, the operating organization of the Safonovo polygon - Landoring LLC.

He is headed by all the same Mr. N.I. Mandrovsky, which is the general director of Ekoresource LLC, the future operating organization of the landfill in the village of Yurovo. On public hearings N.I. Mandrovsky reported that at a new object 17 hectares from 20 will be used for waste disposal. At the same time, in the case of the closure of the Safonovo polygon, the garbage accumulated there (4-6 million tons) is not going anywhere, but will continue to poison people and nature.

Once again, we note that the total area of \u200b\u200bthe field on which the site is isolated under the landfill, over 50 hectares. There is no doubt that a new polygon will sooner or later take the entire field area. And taking into account the fact that the garbage is planning to press to reduce its volume 5 times, then the same garbage will fit on this field as it would fit in the area of \u200b\u200b250 hectares.

In terms of imported garbage, it will be the largest landfill in the Moscow region. For comparison, the MO landfill in the Dmitrovsky district of MO covers an area of \u200b\u200b100 hectares and has a negative impact within a radius noticeably more than 10 km.

On the scale of the future ecological catastrophe in the Ramensky district, you can only guess. The stronger I want to ask the same question of the administration of the Ramensky district - why does she not say a word about the admissibility of creating this huge landfill of MSW? Is it a misunderstanding or the next case of covering information from the public? Let the district representatives tell about it directly.

"It is clear that household waste should be somewhere, it is necessary, this is an objective necessity, but is it really 2500 km2 of the territory of the Ramensky district (about the whole area and do not say) for this there is really a suitable place? We are talking in words that there is no other place, there is no other place, But why should we believe this words? " - Local residents are perplexed.

And the most important thing is to build a TWW polygon in the place where it is planned - in the village of Yurovo - it is impossible to law.

Therefore, specialists, and representatives of the local community propose to appeal to the positive experience of developed countries in Europe, Japan and the United States and to build an eco-friendly garbage processing complex with a capacity exceeding the daily demand of the area on the body of the Safonovo Polygon Body. garbage. This will solve the problem of two landfills at once - Safonovskaya and scheduled for the landfill.

Polygon payback MBC 1-2 days, profitability, comparable with drug trafficking (yes, and on behaviorable health - the same). Therefore, such cynical violations of environmental legislation and sanitary standards and rules that are ready to admit the initiators of the "garbage business" in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. You need to resist this! "