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Plants native. Research work "Medicinal plants of the native land"

Project Stage:

Project in the implementation stage

Objective of the project:

Creating conditions for familiarization of children with the world of medicinal plants of the native village, form the ideas about the value of plants in the improvement and conservation of human health. Examine the opportunity to use plants instead of chemicals. Education in children of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Activate in children initiative, attention, memory, enrichment of the vocabulary stock.

Project tasks:

Educational tasks. Clarify and expand the knowledge of children about the names of medicinal plants, about their history and health values, rules for use. To acquaint with a variety of healing plants, their significance for everything alive on the planet, as well as with fiction to create a holistic image of the object being studied. Find out which medicinal plants are located in the near surrounding: on the territory of the kindergarten and native village. Involve preschoolers in environmental activities.
Developing tasks: develop inquisition from preschoolers, inquisition, observation, speech, as well as the ability to compare and analyze. Develop the vocabulary of children and their knowledge of medicinal plants. Develop the feelings and emotions of preschoolers, obtained in the process of cognition through the organization of productive activities.
Educational challenges: to bring up communicative skills, independence, diligence of preschoolers, as well as careful attitude towards nature.

The results achieved over the past year:

Request the right attitude of children to plants that helps human health.

Children developed cognitive interest, the ideas about nature were expanded.

Formed knowledge of medicinal plants.

The experience of children in the field of environmental education has enriched.

A good attitude towards the native nature and the relationship to it is formed.

The rules of behavior in the forest were studied.

The interest in nature is developed.

Social significance of the project:

Usually we do not think about where medicines come from. Everything is simple: if a person got sick - we go to the pharmacy and buy. It is known that there are special plants that produce various drugs. But it turns out that plants can also be used as a pharmacy. Medicinal plants were known to human practically from the moment of his appearance on Earth. Ancient people knew about the healing properties of many plants and skillfully used them for the treatment of various diseases. Treatment of herbs was known in Russia for a long time, it was so popular that even kings paid great attention to the cultivation of medicinal plants. Peter I ordered the creation of pharmacy schools and "pharmaceutical gardens" - the first plantations of medicinal plants in Russia. Much has changed since that time in Russia, but interest in healing herbs is not ugas, on the contrary, now it is especially great.
With the onset of winter, we began to hurt more often: coughing, runny nose, throat pain. Do not drink medications. And we had an idea: medicinal plants will help us. We realized that we need additional theoretical information, and decided to search for the necessary information. There are many types of plant species on our planet: wild, cultural, useful and poisonous, herbaceous and tree. We want to tell about the plants that are called useful, medicinal. These plants growing most often wildly in nature, they are useful for humans, because they have healing properties, so they are called medicinal herbs or shrubs. Thanks to its healing properties, these plants are widely used in folk medicine, for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, many of the plants are used even in the pharmaceutical industry, for making medicines. The child's health is currently occupied by priority positions in preschool education. One of the means to preserve and strengthen health is the wellness forces of nature.
Watching and considering plants in the group, on the street, and learning that ordinary plants of the nearest environment can help human health, we decided to learn about their significance in the lives of people, their healing properties. Therefore, together with pupils, the environmental project "Medicinal plants of a native village" was developed.

Events conducted within the project:

Events held from October 2017-March 2018 (participated educator and children prepared to school group):
- conversations about medicinal plants: "What did mother and-stepmother flower told about?", "Fascinous mint is pleasant from all diseases!", "Plainnient - a great traveler!", "Ordinary calendula", "modest dandelion", "Helpful nettle "," Chamomile - "White Shirt", "How good is our bundle today!".
- Node "Plants around us. Medicinal plants "," Pharmacy on the windowsill: medicinal plants. " - Didactic games: "What does this plant treat?", "What is the healing plant?", "Mathematical puzzles", "Green Pharmacy", Lotto "Plants", "Frameproke", "Find out the description", "Guess, What plant you are.
- Reading fiction: mysteries, poems, proverbs, works - T.Kryukov "Forest Pharmacy", M.A. Kuznetsova, A.S. Prenikova "Tale of medicinal plants", M.M. Svienne "Golden Luga";
N. Pavlova "Sly Dandelion";
G. V. Lebedeva "Dandelion";
"Legends about dandelion"; V.Bianki "About herbs"; A.Rezhov "Garden on the edge". - - Revolutionary for medicinal plants.
- Growing and disembarking seedlings to a kindergarten section, care for her. - Maintaining a diary of plants observation.
- Drawing medicinal plants.
- Applique "Dandelion", "Chamomile field"
Activities held in April 2018 (participated in the educator, children prepared to school group and their parents):
- creation of the album of medicinal plants compiled from children's drawings, "Health in Lukoshka".
- Card file "Pharmacy on the windowsill: medicinal plants".
- Baby-baby "Medicinal Plants" made by parents with children.
- Quiz "Experts of medicinal plants".
- Theatrical presentation "Journey to the fairy forest."

Project coverage:

The project is aimed at the children of senior preschool age, age 6-7 years

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Signatures for slides:

Madow Kindergarten of the Outressive View with the Priority Implementation on the Artistic and Aesthetic Direction of the Development of Pupils No. 12 "Happy Island" Plants of the Native Territory

Air Bolotnaya AIR grows along the shores of rivers and water bodies on or sandy. The root is essential oil resembling spicy smell. In the leaves there is vitamin C. Roots are used in the production of lycles, bitter vodka, fruit essences, syrups (as a substitute for ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg). Used in perfumery and soap. From the bases of leafy plates, fragrant jam is boiled. Aira decoction is used to excite the appetite both in humans and animals.

Lingonberry is not a fir and not fir, but in my native forest edge, I do not recognize the cold for a year round. (Lingonberry)

Birch birch is very high. White trunks with black dots. Spring trees are reset the top layer of Berest. On White Berré, dark dishes and strips are clearly distinguished, through which Birza breathes: in the heat they open and pass the air to the roots of the trees. Very loves sunlight, space, not afraid of frosts. Lives for a very long 150-180 years. Beasts and poultry with pleasure drink birch juice (bear, ants, butterflies, finches, raspberries, tithes, woods). Thebess bark and young branches like to be touched by hare. From the Birch Beresto, Lapty, Luki, Tuesci for berries and mushrooms, made beretian horns on which shepherds played. In the distant times, people wrote letters on Bester.

Voroniye Eye breeched breeze, stood with blades, and as if she looked at you from the grass, a black attentive bird eye. This is a berry. Just take it in the mouth can not, very dangerous - she is poisonous.

Vasilki look into the sky of cornflowers with blue eyes. Golden spikelets. There is a painful waves. The Ukrainian legend says: loved the Blue-eyed peasant guy Vasily Beauty Mermaid, began to call him into the river. But no matter how I loved her Vasileuk, and I could not, I did not want to leave my field, the earth. "Ah, so," Mermaid became angry, "well, you are forever in your field!". And turned it into a blue flower. But from time to time it rises over a blue wave, peering in the field. To see the blue eyes of Vasilka.

Oak assigger clouds head gray, Oak stands mighty with the twentieth century. A storm of a bird black suddenly will sense the crown. Oak stands calm, like the king in the crown. Looks in the lifestyle of everyone in the district above! Song knows a lot, a lot of fairy tales hears.

Oregano medicinal plant.

Wood What is this maiden: not seamstress, not a craftswoman, nothing herself sews, but in needles all year round? (spruce) Spoused wood goes to the best grade paper, artificial silk, wool, skin, alcohols, glycerin, plastics. White, slightly brilliant Wood firness indispensable in the manufacture of musical instruments.

Strawberries on Earth in the grass blushes sweeter, spill tasty, but the laptop of the berry is ... (strawberry) is pleasant, very fragrant. You're under the bunch of climb, there blushes - ... (strawberry)

Wava still in the forest foggy, deaf, but above the river, dressed up with a golden fluff and dissolved Kudri Iva. As if the cloud went down from heaven to small kidneys, grown, turned into lively lumps. Willow have a smooth silver barrel, narrow oblong leaves. Flowers (willow) are covered with fluffy hair, IVA loves wet soil and grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, and streams, on the slopes of ravines. WWI appreciate for the early Yvesh honey, for flowers from which medicines are preparing for the treatment of wounds and injections. A person uses youwing branches for weaving baskets, boxes, furniture.

Nuts of the leaves and stalks are covered with a plurality of burning hairs, they have cutting cells containing caustic liquid. Her shoots and leaves are edible, they are rich in vitamins A, C, K. Nuts stops bleeding.

Klyon skidded autumn red sweatshirts, golden leaves with kleov flew. The leaves of the Pierce dance closed, the first slim ice slant on the puddles.

Bell Din-Don, Din-Don! A gentle chime begins, so rings in the wilderness of the forest bell meadow.

Lipa Lipa is a medium tool. They know everything about that everywhere. Although there is no linden color, but there is no useful tea, with angins and colds drink healing limes tea.

Lily of the Lily of Ancient Legend, Tsarevna Volkhov loved the young man Sadko, while Sadko gave his heart to the girl of the fields and forests Lyubava. Heatless Volkhov came ashore and began to cry. And where the tears of the princesses fell out, the valley rose - a symbol of purity, love and pain of a gentle maiden heart. Fairy tales argue that Lilyesh is sprouted beads with a scattering snow-white necklace and happy silver laugh Mermaid Maja, pearls swinging through the forest when she first felt the joy of love.

Raspberry from a cold for everybody grew into the garden ... (Raspberry)

Mother and stepmother blooms before all herbs. The low stalk covered with a soft flush that protects the flower from the cold, to the stem is tightly pressed similar to the scales brown sharp leaves. Flowers are collected in a major inflorescence, because each flower is separately too small and fragile to resist bad weather. Grows on solar clay ravines, in the garden. I wokeered after a long winter bees and bumblebees fly to mother-and-stepmother flowers for honey. The leaves attached to the chest attract heat. It is useful to drink infusion (tea) for cleansing lungs.

Dandelion dropped the sun Lucky Golden grew dandelion first young he had green. Golden color of a large sun portrait.

Plague Zaporin grew by the road - he treats feet. (Plantain) Perennial herbaceous plant. We called it for the fact that it settled on different roads is not afraid of heat. Plase of the plantain is used in the form of a mission for wound healing.

Rowan barrel with light gray smooth bark. Openwork leaves, round, with gear edges. Flowers in May. The fruits are bright red, with a juicy flesh. Svetigubiv. Ryabina berries eat Drozda, Tits, Skvorts, Smasheli, Crows, Jersies, Losi, Bears. From Ryabina prepared jam, juice. Rowan blooms - it's time to sow flax. Rowan flowers in a row - there will be a lot of oats. Late beabine flourishing - to a long autumn. If rowan is erupted - rye will be good.

Chamomile stand in a sister field, yellow eyes, white cilia. (Chamomile) a perennial plant. Propagated by seeds and division of rhizomes. In nature, grows on solar forest edges, glades, cutting, in the meadows and fields. A man grows on the flower beds. Bees, butterflies, bumblebees see the chamomile from afar and fly to her for honey.

Pine what is this maiden: not seamstress, not master, nothing herself sews, but in needles all year round. (Pine)

Poplar poplar is a high slender tree with greenish - gray smooth trunks and a thick green crown. At the end of May, sorry inflorescences appear on the trees. Then they ripen and burst, and the poplar blizzard will notice the street. Poplar is unpretentious and growing very rapidly. From the wood of the poplar make paper, and the kidney of the poplar is used to produce creams, spirits and colognes.

Horsetail prefers sandy, rather rich, moderately wet soils. Plant has a hemostatic effect. Powder of the pastry sprinkle wounds and ulcers in pets. Shoots edible. Coloring wool in yellow and green color.

Cherryukha flowers of the cherry green, bloom! Like a princess in a fabulous outfit, in the wind, by placing the inflorescences of strands, fragrant chalks of the rustle! And let nobody bring an ax, you will not fire you and does not creek, and your wedding session will not doubt - the spring-printed tanning treatment. The trunk is covered with dark rough crust, oblong leaves. Flowers in May and stands like a bride in a white lace dress. The smell of the cushion is strong and dumb, pulls away from the flies of flies, mosquitoes, kills many harmful microbes. From berries boiled jam, kislie.

Rosehip I look like a rose so much, except that it is not so good, but my fruits are suitable for me to eat. Shrub with sharp spines. Flowers white or pink flowers. Grows in the forest, and can also be grown by a person. Fruits of red color, very vitamins. Rosehip oil is used to treat wounds and burns.

The world surrounding the "plants of the native edge" 3 class 1. Which plant has fruits with hooks and bars? but). Burning b). goose bow B). Sleep grass d). Mother - and - stepmother 2. This shrub is often found in our spruce. It is often transplanted from the forest to urban parks and stems for beauty: the leaves oval, are located on dark gray branches opposedly, top-green - green, and the bottom is green. When it blooms, it seems that the whole bush is sleeping with stars. but). Blueberry b). Blueberry B). honeysuckle d). Barbaris 3. Guess the riddle about the most common tree of our edge: the Green Beauty is famous for the district. Sarafan as a bell, on the ground and the wolf. Cap - with the extrusion, with a sharp pain. but). pine b). larch B). Birch d). Spruce 4. An amazing plant of fir forest. It would be possible to call the flowers - seven specials. but). Blueberry b). Majik B). Sedmichnik d). 5. This is a tender herbaceous plant of a spruce forest does not tolerate sharp light, shock, loud cry. Flowers in May - June. And when the fruits are formed in the place of flowers - the boxes are formed - boxes, and they are very small, almost like dust, seeds.

but). oxych b). Sedmichnik B). Majik d). Blueberries 6. The plant with dark-green leaves in shape resembles hoof. but). Anemone b). Reading in). Medicarian d). Goose bow 7. Guess the riddle of the plant listed in the Red Book. We smell freshness of the forest brings late spring flower fragrant, gentle of the brush of snow-white. but). Bathing b). Introduce in). valley g). Occule 8. This plant is never green, most often grayish - white, grayish - greenish, and sometimes yellow. It grows very slowly. This plant has no stems, leaves, roots. but). Feline paws b). Heather B). thyme g). Lichen 9. This plant is also called a shot. His flowers are very beautiful. Each plant has only one - a large brightly lilac bell with bright yellow stamens. The flower appears before the leaves. but). Feline paws b). thyme c). Sleep grass d). Lichen 10. This plant looks at the most ordinary, and you will take it - that's so Divo: one side in the leaves is warm and covered with a soft flush, and the other is smooth and therefore cold. but). Feline paws b). goose bow B). Son grass

d). Mother - and - stepmother 11.The, where this plant is much, it seems that it lies on the ground curly, in large curls, a skin. Hence the other name - the rams. but). primrose b). goose bow B). Sleep grass d). Mother - and - stepmother 12. Guess the riddle about the most common plants of the edge: Sleepy beauty is famous for all countries: white clothes, gold - earrings, with a constituent oblique dew. The wind strands will move - they do not tell them. but). Maple b). Birch B). Iva d). Aspen 13. Evergreen shrub. but). Blueberry b). Lamber B). honeysuckle d). Blueberry 14. This plant is beautiful, but poisonous. but). Goose bow b). Bashley B). Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Test Keys: 1 - a, 2 - in, 3 - g, 4 in, 5 - a, 6 - b, 7 - in, 8 - g, 9 - in, 10 - g, 11 - a, 12 - b, 13 - b, 14 - b.

Organization: GBOU LNR "Preschool educational institution" Ivushka "

Locality: Lugansk People's Republic, Rovenki

Abstract integrated classes for the children of the middle group.

Medicinal plants of the native edge. Kalina.

Software content classes: deepen the knowledge of children about Kalina, and its healing properties.

Introduce preschoolers with traditions of the people. Enrich the vocabulary of children with new words and expressions. Develop observation and desire to know the world. Educating the careful attitude towards your health, love for your native nature. Develop creative abilities and accuracy during work - stagnation of material (viburnum twigs) on landscape sheets of paper.

Material and equipment for the lesson: Bunny toy, viburnum twig with berries, illustration with image of viburnum bush, vibain jam, tea tableware, napkins, gouache, landscape sheets of paper.

Travel course:

Educator: Children, today I have invited a bunny to visit us, but for some reason it is not. Apparently, something happened to him ... Maybe he fell ill? Need to go to visit him, suddenly he needs help?

And where does a little bunny live, what do you think?

(Supporting children's responses).

Educator: Let's be expensive to sing about it.

Oh, you're small, bunny!

Where do you live? Where is your house?

And my house for the hill

Next to the Christmas tree and Dubcom.

(Children go to search for a bunny and find it. He fell ill and lies in the crib.)

Educator: So we got to visit the bunny. And here is our bunny-jump. Children, what needs to be done when we come to visit?

Children: Say hello!

Educator: Right. Let's say hello to the bunny. Hello, bunny! What good day today! We waited for you to visit! Why didn't you come? What happened to you?

Bunny: Good afternoon friends! I feel very bad. Yesterday, I saw snow on a walk. It was so white and fluffy, as if sweet wool. And the icicles are so beautiful and transparent, like lollipops. I really wanted to try them. I tried snow and icicles tasted. And this morning I realized what I got sick. My head hurts, sore throat, I cough and sneeze.

(Bunny sneezes, closes his nose.)

Educator: (kids) Children, look, bunny closes the nose with a paw.

(to the bunny) Bunny, do you have a handkerchief?

Bunny: Not.

Educator: It is very bad, because when you sneeze and cough - you need to use your handkerchief. This is an object that is needed for personal hygiene. It should always be in your pocket. And it can be stretched as helping his neighbor. Our children have nasal handkerchiefs, and everyone has its own. Understood, bunny?

Bunny: And what should I do?

Educator: And we will give you handkerchiefs. Here you are (give the handkerchief bunny). Now and you have your own handkerchief.

(Bunny takes handkerchief, thanks, and continues to sneeze and cough.)

Educator: Yes, bunny, really you caught up. You need to treat you.

Educator: Guys, why start treatment? How do you treat moms when you sick what they do?

Children's responses: give medicines;

Cause a doctor;

Measure temperature;

Saw hot tea;

Mustard pile;

Make compresses.

Educator: Okay! First, we will put a thermometer and measure the temperature, but for now the bunny will lie, brewing therapeutic tea, and cover the table. Children, and let's remember how to serve the table?

(Children cover the table with a tablecloth, put a tea service)

Educator: And now, let's remember how the items are called that we will put on the table to drink a habit of tea?

(Children serve the table, specifying the names of objects and tea dishes.)




Educator: So, the table is ready. Come on, hare, let's see if you have a high temperature? Temperature is normal. You can do without a doctor.

Time has come to tell you, children, and you, bunny, something interesting. When I was small and often sick, my mother treated me with unusual medicines that nature gives us. There are a lot of them. But today I will tell you about one of them - these are berries of Kalina. Here I took it today to the bunny, because I guessed that he was sick.

Here see how Kalina looks like. Its beautiful bushes can be found everywhere: along the rivers, lakes, on the edges, in ravines. Let's remember where we could already see a similar bush of viburnum?

Children: In the garden. In the yard of kindergarten.

Educator:Right. Kush Kalina grows in the yard of our kindergarten. Kalina clean the air from dust well.

And I know the riddle about her. Listen to:

Who does not know these berries?

From the cold help.

On the bushes they hang

And like poppies color, burn.

Only it is not raspberry.

What kind of berry?

Children: Kalina!

Educator: Guys, let's consider carefully bush viburnum. See what it is bright, lush, beautiful. Kalina blooms in spring. She is crowned with white inflorescences. And when the first snow begins to fall, red berries appear on the bush of viburnum. Do you think who can eat these berries?

Children: Birds eat berries in winter.


Kuste Kalina is very beautiful.

Which bush Kalina? (lush, beautiful)

What color leaves? (green)

What leaves Kalina (wide)

See how the berries gathered in a bunch. What are they like? (on small beads, on the bunches of Ryabina)

People are very much appreciated and love Kalina not only for being beautiful, and also for the fact that it has healing properties and has a special taste. Try viburnum berries. What are they tasteful?

And what did you find in the middle of the berry?

What is the similar grain?

Let's collect the granks of viburnum on the saucer and drown them. What do you think for what they can come in handy?

(Presumageous answers of children: make an applique, decorate the picture frame, etc.)

Educator: And more of them you can make beads for your moms.

In ancient times, each hostess prepared medicines from Valina for a long winter:

Dried her color, berries, leaves;

Pershed with honey and sugar.

Valin tea is the first helper with a cold. Fresh berries are used when coughing. Kalina is a medicinal plant, because it contains a lot of vitamins.

Now you know that Kalina can cure anything from a cold. And let's bunny will treat Kalinov tea. Brewing therapeutic tea. Take berries of viburnum and put in this kettle. And I will take another kettle with hot water, and Nalu water to where you put berries. I will cover the napkin - let it insist.

In the meantime, our Kalinic tea is insisted, let's make a bunny gift - we draw a branch of viburnum for him.

(Children are drawing viburnum berries on landscape sheets using non-standard drawing techniques).

Educator: Look, what lush and beautiful clusters of viburnum you drew. They say in the people: "As was young - there was Bela, and how he matured - and blushed."

(The tutor offers children to learn this proverb).

Educator: These Kalin Breasts, who tried so hard to draw children, we will give you, bunny. Be healthy always! (Give your drawings, bunny thanks each child by name.)

Educator:And here and our healing Kalin tea is ready. Sit down to the table.

(Children are searched at the table)

Educator:Guys, but want to know how many delicious sweets can be prepared from viburnum berries? From viburnum boiled juice, kissel, prepare marmalade, jam, bake pies with viburnum berries. (Takes jam). Try Kalinovaya. It is very tasty and useful. What a jam taste?

(Children treat tea and kalin jam).

Bunny: Thank you, my friends, for the help! I am much better. The head does not hurt, the throat also does not hurt. I feel so good that I want to play with you.

Educator:Bunny, we will win with you. Our children love the game "Zainka Gray is washed".

The course of the game.

Children are in a circle, one child has a bunny. He is "bunny" and becomes in the middle of the circle. Children who stand in a circle, together with the educator, pronounce:

Gray bunny washed,

Seen on the guests going

Woven the spout, washed the tail,

Washed her ear, wiped dry!

"Bunny" imitates movements in accordance with the text (washes and wipes his nose, ears, tail). Then jumps on both legs - goes to visit any of the children, and he becomes a "bunny", takes the toy and the game is repeated.

Educator:Well done guys played well with a bunny. Let's get fun with him?

Educator:Well, a bunny-bunch, I see that you are already much better. And remember that it is impossible to eat snow and icicles, and you can get sick. Wear a warm coat. And if you suddenly get sick, now you know what you need to be treated.

And you guys remember what you need to treat a cold?

Children: Yes! Kalinov tea, jam.

Educator: How quickly flew time. We really liked you, bunny, but the guys need to return to kindergarten. And you lie down in a warm bed and rest. And when you are healthy, come to visit us, we will be very waiting for you. Bye!

(Children say goodbye to the bunny and go).

Abstract Collective Claim on Fine Activity

for children of the middle group. Lrack.

Subject: Breaks of Valina.

Software content: Fasten the skill of children to transmit the shape of the objects of the round shape and of different values. Learn to betray the impression of the surrounding (keen vibrations). Develop imagination. Relieve the right attitude to the results.

Materials and equipment for the lesson: Breaks with closes of viburnum for viewing, plasticine, boards for modeling.

Travel course:

Educator:Guys, let's remember who we have helped to be treated yesterday?

Children: Bunny!

Educator:And how did we do it? What did we help him be treated? Medicines?

Children: Not! We treated him Kalinov tea!

Educator: And who remembers where Kalina is growing?

Children: It can be found everywhere: along the rivers, lakes, on the edges, in ravines. And she grows in the yard of our kindergarten.

Educator: Look, I brought you a twig of Vote today. Let's look at it. What is her berries in the bunches?

Children: Small, red, rounded shape.

Educator: What are they like?

Children:On small beads.

Educator: And on the berries of what tree are they like?

Children: On rowan berries.


Beauty Forest in a ravine:

Bush thick, wide sheet

And bunches of berry beads as if

Red rain beam hook.

Kalina young from the forest brought

And at home at the window with love I will put

Let in winter Kalina beads blushing,

And the blizzard in winter is angry and sad.

Educator: Let's now arrange a competition for the best job. Today we will sculpt the borders of Kalina. Share two teams. And whose team will win - the job and send to our friend's bunny.

Consider once again attentively cluster viburnum. What are they?

(Children's responses)

What techniques will you enjoy doing work?

(Children's responses)

Get started. We will work vigorously without distracting.

(Children are proceeded)

Educator: And now, let's post your work on the stand and consider how the first team and the second copied with the task.

(Discussion is carried out alone and emotionally. It is important to find shaped, bright words for characteristics, emphasize expressiveness. For example: lush borders viburnum, juicy berries, etc.)

Educator:Well done boys. Both teams coped with the task. I do not even know whose work is better. Let's send in the sending to our friend Bunny bunch of viburnum, who diligently looked both teams.


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Topic Research: Medicinal Plants Native Edge Object Region: Medicine Object Research: Medicinal plants growing in the Kaliningrad region. Research Subject: The value of medicinal plants for a healthy lifestyle. The problem is in our industrial age, with the strongest pollution of the environment, it is simply impossible to remain completely healthy. We are constantly under threat to get a whole "bouquet" of diseases. Often medicine is powerless, therefore medicinal plants can come to the aid. Knowledge in this area was not enough, and we decided to replenish them, exploring the medicinal plants of our region.

Relevance and novelty This topic is now very relevant, as the disease is easier to prevent than then, to try to get rid of it. It's not easier to just look around and see what nature gives us. Our good and all-grade doctor "Nature" provided everything, and everything prepared, you just need this medicine to take and use it, but not everyone knows about this medicine. Hypothesis If you study different types of medicinal plants, learn them to properly harvest and apply, then you can prevent and cure a lot of diseases and look great without the use of chemical tablets.

Objective: Collect the necessary information about the benefits of medicinal plants in the treatment of different diseases. Tasks: 1) Development of ability to work with additional literature. 2) Acquaintance with the history of medicinal plants, with their correct workpiece. 3) Determination of the role of medicinal plants of our locality in a healthy lifestyle. 4) Raising interest in a healthy lifestyle. Research methods Studying and using encyclopedias, scientific publicist publications, dictionaries, comparison method, comparison. Practical significance: each schoolboy can open work and find the right medicinal plant from different diseases and how to treat at home.

On Russia for the treatment of many diseases, leaves, bark, plants flowers were used. With the Tsar Ivan Grozny in Russia, pharmacaric heats were opened in Russia, and medicinal plants were brought from different countries by weight of gold, he ordered not only the royal courtyard with medicinal plants, but also the army.

Rules for collecting medicinal plants. Plants are collected in dry weather, when the dew has already disappeared. It is necessary to ensure that there are no dust and dirt on the plants. It is impossible to collect medicinal plants along the roads, on the streets of cities, in the squares. In these plants, harmful substances are accumulated, which emit cars into the air. Flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering; leaves - before flowering or at the beginning of it; roots and rhizomes - in spring and autumn; Corre - in the spring, at the beginning of the Softness, when it is well separated.

Black Buzina Malin and in folk medicine fruits of raspberries are considered an antipyretic agent with influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, expectorant when coughing. In folk medicine, the decoction made from the flowers and fruits of ferrous elderly, applied as antipyretic, sweeter, diuretic

Nettle in folk medicine is used as a wound-healing, diuretic, a slighter, laxative, vitamin, expectorant. It is used for various bleeding, heart disease, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergies. Outwardly - with wounds, bleeding, skin diseases, to strengthen hair.

Conclusion in our industrial age, with the strongest pollution of the environment, it is simply impossible to remain absolutely healthy. We are constantly under threat to get a whole "bouquet" of diseases. Often medicine is powerless. But why do we forget that we have the millennial experience of our ancestors behind our backs who have been in the piggy bank of traditional medicine the recipes for the treatment of various ailments. The disease is easier to prevent than then, trying to try to get rid of it. It's not easier to just look around and see what nature gives us. Our good and all-grade doctor "Nature" provided everything, and everything prepared, you just need this medicine to take and use it, but not everyone knows about this medicine. Therefore, we studied the medicinal plants of our locality, their action and application.

Literature. D.Kach "Home Doctor" V.V. Petrov "Plant World of Our Motherland" A.F. Gammerman "Plants - Healers". Moskva, 1986 "Medicinal Plants and their application". Thelastovostok. MP "Exlimbries", 1992 Encyclopedia of Russia's nature. Reference edition. Publishing house "AVF". Moscow. V.I. Dal "Explanatory Dictionary"