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What DUA needs to be read to. Is it possible to read DUA in your native language? Why wishes are not executed

Source post Cassandra196
Prayer Dua "Tajnaam"

بســــــــــــــم الله الرحمان الرحيم
اللهُم يا صانع كل مصنوع و ياجابركل كسيرويامؤنس كل فقيروياصاحب كل غريب وياشافي كل مريض وياحاضركل خلائق ويارازق كل مرزوق وياخالق كل مخلوق ويا حافظ كل محفوظ ويافاتح كل مفتوح وياغالب كل مغلوب ويامالك كل مملوك وياشاهدكل مشهودوياكاشف كل كرب اجعل لى من امرى فرجا ومخرجااقذف قلبى لاارجو احدا سواك برحمتك ياارحم الرحمين

"Bismillahir-Rakhmanir Rahim. Allahuma ya Sani Skuli Masin Ya Jabiru Kully Klyasirin Ya Muccira Kully Fakyrin Ya Sahiba Kully Garbin Ya Schi Kully Maridin Ya Hadura Kully Hallcyne Ya Ski Kully Marzykin Ya Khalika Kully Makhlukin Ya Hafizu Kully Makhfusin ya Fatih Kully Maftukhin ya halibu Kully Maglubin ya Malik Kully Mamlukin ya Shahid Kully Mashhudin ya Kully Kully Karbin Idzhal-Lee Minanari, Farajan Ua Mahrajan Ikzif Calby Largeja Akhadan Siuak Costhimatika Ia Arhamar-Rakhimin "

About Allah, Creator of all creatures about the comforter of all the poor, about the satellite of all the wanderers, about the healer of all sick, about the giving benefits to those who have discovered everything discovered, about the winner of all the defeated, about the witness of everything visible, about delivering all suffering! About Allah, Give me a safe outcome in every case, to clean my heart! I do not hope anyone besides you and I hope for the mercy of yours, about the merciful of merciful!
This prayer has 30 advantages:
1. If someone will be among the enemies and will be afraid of their harm, he should, in a state of ablution, to sincerely read this prayer, and Allah will protect him, Insha Allah.
2. If someone will be in bend in a distressed position, then you need to fulfill in 2 rocket in the evening, in each Rakate after "Fatihya" to read the Sura "Iylas". After reading this prayer, to read this prayer and say: "About Allah, for respect for respect for "Tajnaam" Save me from poverty! " And then ask the desired and spend your palms on the face of Hischallah, soon Allah will satisfy the request.
3.Who will be defeated Sihar (spider), must read this prayer for water 7 times, then it is to drench this water, and part of it to drink. Insallah, get rid of Sikhra.
4.If someone so they will reconnect that heartaches will appear, it is necessary to write this prayer with saffron on a white plate, wash off with water, drink it, wash her face and eyes.
5.If someone for a long time sick, and nothing helps him, you need to read this prayer 70 times and pour into rainwater and give a sick, Inshallah, soon he will receive relief.
6. If someone turns out to be in a big misfortune and suffering, you must sincerely in a state of ablution read this prayer 1000 times, Inshallah, Allah will give help.
7.Who wants to get a positive decision of his problems from the head, should read 7 times this prayer near him and, inshalarch, will achieve the desired one.
8. Therefore, who suffers with hearing loss, it is necessary to read this prayer on this prayer 3 times in the ear, will get rid of the disease.
9.Who on Friday, in the morning, I will read prayer 48 times, with that person everyone will be in friendship.
10. If the person got into trouble on injustice, he should, after every morning namaz, it was 40 times to read this prayer and blow on himself. Hischaallah, get rid of trouble.
11. If the man is lazy and loves to sleep long, he needs to read this prayer on Friday, after Juma Namaza-25 times.
12. There are no children, you need to read this prayer on Friday on Friday, then put it in the water and drinking it, Inshallah, there will be children.
13.Who wants to become rich, you need to read this prayer every day 15 times.
14.Who wants to make friends with his enemies, let it read this prayer 70 times.
15.Who wants to have a successful business (trade), let him read this prayer before leaving the house and wears it with him.
16. For a successful Dunya and Akhryt, you need to read 3 times daily and ask Allah.
17. If you write on a plate and give a sick, he recovers, Insha Allah.
18.This enemies stopped sliced, you need to read 11 times.
19. To safely return from the journey, you need to read this prayer 10 times.
20.If during sowing-10 times to read Dua Allah will save from any harm.
21.Who wants to get Safahat of the Prophet Muhammad, peace to him, let him read this prayer every day 100 times.
22. If there is no love and friendship between her husband and wife, let me write this prayer with saffron on white paper and put in bed. And the relationship will improve, Insha Allah, and they will not take any SiRR.
23.To allah opened the gate of happiness for a person, you need to read this prayer 15 times and ask Allah.
24.If this prayer to attach the child, it will be shown from the fear and harm of jinn.
25. The time of heavy gods must be read this prayer 11 times and pour from the back on the guinea, Inshallah, it is soon and easy to give birth.
26. If the girl wears this prayer with him, she will have a sympathy.
27. If this prayer is 5 times to read and pour onto the animal, it will keep them from diseases.
28. To get useful knowledge after the morning namaz you need to read this prayer 70 times.
29. To whom is a big debt, with the intention of paying debt, will read this prayer, Inshallah, Allah will give help.
30. The snakes or scorpion needed to read this prayer and pour into the ear. In the near time, the patient will be relieved, inshalarch.

Imam Ali, and there will be peace with him, said: "Strike to trade, truly, in it for you - the profit from what people, and Allah, truly love to make a honest exchange" (Vasail Ash-Shiya, t. 12, p. 4). Imam Sadyk, and there will be peace with him, also said: "Trade adds reason" (Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 148). As can be seen, Entrepreneurship in Islam is a good and encouraged. But, as in any case, in the business, sometimes an unfavorable period comes in business: unsuccessful transactions, lack of profit, conflicts with colleagues ... These and many other problems can be solved or prevented if you regularly read the ones of the Holy Quran Ayata.

Read every day the first two Ayata to strengthen your business and get more profit from the performed transactions, if there is the will of Allah:

The first dua

"Truly, those that are read by Scripture Allah, and make a prayer [ritual], and consume [on the path of it] from what we were given by, secretly and clearly hope to trade, [which] will not disappear" (35:29) .

Innallyzi on Yatlu on Kitaballa Hee Ua Aka Mus Salaya, and Nfaki MMA Razakna Hum Sirra at UA Alyaniaat y yardju on Tija Ratan Liang Tabu R

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَتْلُونَ كِتَابَ اللَّهِ وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَأَنفَقُوا مِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ سِرًّا وَعَلَانِيَةً يَرْجُونَ تِجَارَةً لَّن تَبُورَ

Dua second

"The love of passions were embarrassed for people [worldly who receive] from women, sons, and accumulated [jewelry and coins] from gold and silver, and horses marked, and livestock, and NIV. It [What is in the temporary] use in the life of the closest, and Allah - [they will find] His beautiful refuge "(3:14).

Zhina Linna Si Hu BBUs Shahava Ty Mina N-Nisai Wa l Bani Mina Rati Rile Flour Ntarati Mina Z-for Habi Ua Fi Dudati UA HAY YILL MUSA UVVATI Wae An'a Mi Uh Hars for Lika Mata Ul Heyia Tid do nya Walla Hu and Ndau Hu Snoul Maa b

زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ حُبُّ الشَّهَوَاتِ مِنَ النِّسَاء وَالْبَنِينَ وَالْقَنَاطِيرِ الْمُقَنطَرَةِ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ وَالْفِضَّةِ وَالْخَيْلِ الْمُسَوَّمَةِ وَالأَنْعَامِ وَالْحَرْثِ ذَلِكَ مَتَاعُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَاللّهُ عِندَهُ حُسْنُ الْمَآبِ

It was transferred that the merchant who keeps his goods should read the two following Ayata along with Ayatat « » In order to save their property from looting. Read them in the event that you have concerns for your business due to the presence of ill-wishers and unfair competitors:

Dua Third

"And we installed the barrier before them and behind them the barrier and covered them [the eyes of the cover], therefore they do not see [nothing]" (36: 9).

UA Jaa Laria Mime Ba Yini Iyi Chem Sadda Ua Min Ha Lfikhim Ca Ddan Faighshana Hum Fah Ma La Yubsiru N

If you cannot correctly pronounce Dua in Arabic, then there is no reason why you should not do DUA in your native language, provided that you will start learning Arabic. As for the DUA not on Arabic out of prayer, then there is nothing wrong with this, especially if it allows you to better focus.

Sheikh Ul-Islam Ibn Taymy said: "It is permitted to perform Dua in Arabic and not in Arabic. Allah knows about the intention of the aspecting and what he wants, no matter what language he says, because he hears all the voices in all the languages \u200b\u200bthat ask for anything "(Majmu al-Fatava, 22-488-489).

In whatever language you do not ask Allah, he understands everything, because the Almighty is known as our words and our thoughts. The most important thing when uttered Dua is your sincerity and god-fearing. You can contact the Creator with DUA using any words that are humility, humility and obedience to Almighty Allah, which can bring you closer to it.

5 years ago 292884 47

Assalam Aleikum! I send you a letter at the request of one person. I read in one newspaper that to attract profits you need to write "Moluba Corkai" on the 4th sheets of paper and hang them in the corners of the store so that no one can see, in one word you need to hide it in 4 store corners. Also, it must be learned by heart and pronounce in front of the entrance to the store. How valid are such trade stimulating measures, and what else do they have plenty (DUA) for this incident? What kind of mol be need to read for successful trading? Thank you. Aliya.

Waaleikum Assalem, Aliya! We have not met any information about the Molbe you requested (DUA). Although, reliable Hadiths are given, in which the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes), wishing prosperity in the trafficking in the residents of Medina, read the following Molub (DUA):

"Allahumma, Barik Lahum Fi Mikhalikhim. UA Barik Lahum Fi Sajheim Ua Muddichim »[ 1]

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَهُمْ فِي مِكْيَالِهِمْ ، وَبَارِكْ لَهُمْ فِي صَاعِهِمْ ، وَمُدِّهِمْ يَعْنِي أَهْلَ الْمَدِينَةِ

Value: "Oh, Allah! Odari gravity (grace) scales and things that were weighted on them. "

A person who wishes to someone gracious trade must say: "Allahumma, Barik Lahu Fi Mikliahi. UA Barik Lahu Fi Saihi UA Muddihi ,

And, the one who reads for graceful trade, pronounces the following:

"Allahumma, Barik Lee Fi Miklia. UA Barik Li Fi Saiyi Ua Muddy ,

The change in the text is due to the grammar of the Arabic language.

Another important point that should be noted, the plentability is pronounced orally, and there is no need to hide it in the corners of the store.

In addition, if you want trade to be gracious, then you need to remember the following requirements:

  1. Piousness. In other words, being faithful to religion's prescriptions, such as Namaz, post, stamps, etc. .
  2. Honesty. In trade, the main thing is honesty. If you are an honest person, then you will have many buyers and trade will gain prosperity.
  3. You need to teach yourself early in the morning. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) read the following Dua: "Oh, Allah, the blessing of my community in the morning". It is not advisable to do work late.
  4. To be submissive fate, every good perceive as God's gift, and be content with it. Almighty Allah says: "If you are grateful, then I am still big. And if you are ungrateful, then there are torment from me. "
  5. Give alms. If possible, submit to alms to those in need. Finger will increase prosperity. Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran says: "Allah destroys the Lychva and multiplies donations. Allah does not like any ungrateful (or unbelievers) sinners. "

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Sahah Bukhari, Kitabul Buij
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.
Sura Ibrahim, 7-ayat.
Sura Bakara - 276 Ayat.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desire in Islam (Du "a)

In the Qur'an, there are very many Ayatov, sent about reading Du "A (prayers) and if you read the suras to fulfill the desires, you can soon get the desired. Prayer to the Almighty to fulfill the desire - Dua is a worship, and Allah loves to ask him, and he will answer your prayer. The Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah) said: "Du" A is a worship ", that is, as the body does not exist without a brain, so there is no worship without a do" a. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and his family) spoke to Muslims: "Do not be careless about the first night on Friday in the month of Radzhab. Angels are called this night - at night Ragaib" or at night fulfillment of all wishes. It is at this time that it is best to read Sura and Ayati from the Quran to fulfill desires.

Observe the post at the first Thursday of the month of Rajab
- In the evening, from Thursday to Friday during the Namaz Magrib and Namaz, ISH make Namaz as follows:
12 Rakaatov (2 racks 6 times) with Ridge Ridge (per. Hope). In each Rakaate, read these suras for the fulfillment of desires:

sura al-Fatiha 1 time
suru al-frame 3 times
sura Al-Ihlas 12 times.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desire in Islam - to read Salavat 70 times:
Allahumma Solly Alya Muhamadinin-Nabiwil-Ummiyi Va Ala Aalii Va Salim

Then go down to Sudjud (Earth Bow) and pronounce 70 times (in judges) the following words:

Then raise your head and pronounce 70 times:
Rabbi HFIM Va Rham Va Tajaavaz Ma Ta "Lyam Fainaka Anta-Fen Azizul-A" Deputy

And finally, go down in the 2nd Sudzhud and pronounce 70 times prayer - Dua:
SubBuhun Kuludduun Rabbil-Malyaikati Va-R-Ruha

And after that, still being in the judge, ask Allah about the desired (i.e. personal Dua), and Inshallah, this Dua will catch up to the Most High and fulfill your desire.

It is read after the commission of two-meat namaz with the pure intention after reading "AlchiMadullyagi Rabbil Alya Mina", "Astagtirullah" and Salavat Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah):

"ALLAGIMMA I JAMIGIA Shatiiati Va Muhrizha Nabati Va Muhiiyal Giizami Rafati Va Majiba Dagiavati Va Kuazyel Hijati Va Mufare Kurubati Va I Samiyal Assati Min Favki Sabgii Sabgii Kaima Va I Fatiha Hazaina Karami Va I Malika Hiavaji Zhamigiil Mahlukati Va Moman Malaa Nouruh Alarza wa ssamavati wa I mana ahIatIa bikulli shayin gIilman wa ahIsa Kull shayin gIadadan wa gIaliman bimah MAZ wa ma guva Atin, asaluka allagumma bikudratika gIala kulli shayin wa bistignaika gIan zhamigIi halkika wa bihIamdika wa bimazhdika I IPAH kulli shayin en tazhuda gIalaya bikazai hIazhati innaka kadirun Gial Kully Shayin, I Rabbal Gialamin. "

After that, they express their desire and complete Du "and in the humility, reading Salavat Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah), and in the hope of his execution. This desire, Inshallah, will be. If not, then do" and repeats three times. It is impossible to read this Du "And for the fulfillment of desires in sinful affairs and in the affairs of Allah.

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