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Prayer from the damage to the evil eye of the witchcraft Cyprian. Getting rid of curses using the prayer of the Cyprian's priest. Long road to truth

Sometimes a person suspects that he has become a victim of some malicious witchcraft rite. This feeling occurs when life well-defined first suddenly turns into a continuous series of various large and small troubles.

He himself completely loses confidence in himself, begins to hurt, and sometimes even immersed in such a serious depression that he seriously thinks about death.

Such signs are evidence that it is damaged by a person. Usually the rite is carried out by a specialist in magic or his enemy independently.

such cases are the first thing to do people - turn to God. But it happens to know how to do that request be heard. Most reads ours "Father",

"The Mother of God, Delo, Rejoice" or just atigade is looking for an answer to the Bible.

Appointment of a request for damage to the Great Martyr Cyprian

Especially for these situations there is a prayer to Saint Cyprian. It is it that is considered truly a miraculous means. Such an appeal helps to get rid of malicious influences.

Anyone can become their victim. Therefore, how to ask the saint, you should know everything. Prayer is capable of protecting even from the powerful impact of the witchcraft forces.

She is appealing to the Lord with the simultaneous appeal to Cyprian. It is usually read when they ask for:

  • Removal of damage and evil eye;
  • protection against the impact of unclean strength;
  • assistance in various difficult situations;
  • complete recovery from severe diseases;
  • salvation;
  • defense from strong enemies, etc.

All these troubles may well arise from the effects of damage and witchcraft.

The prayer of Saint Cyprian is very good because it is allowed to pronounce, without leaving the house, which is especially important when a person is sick. Therefore, it should be at home to the icon. Contact it is required by stopping the knees.

With repeated repetition of prayer helps to get rid of the impact of negative impact.

Summer life

Special strength she attaches a feature of the life of the Cyprian himself. In his youth, he was interested in WarkNock and even sought to master the art of witchcraft.

It is believed that he entered into collusion with the pagan gods, which after the onset of Christianity found the image of the unclean strength.

It was rumored that he also concluded an agreement with unclean himself. Their help gave him such force that it did not exist from his spells.

Many evil people treated Cyprian to exercise witchcraft rituals. Glory about him spread throughout the world. And he willingly performed the rites, sat on people evil spells.

In one day, an unfamiliar man came to him, who was very attracted by the young nun Justigna.

But she did not meet him reciprocate, as I decided to completely devote my life to the Lord.

The cypher was created by various rites to help a person, but she did not succeed. The girl sincerely believed in God and prayed all the time. Therefore, the spells were not able to do nothing with her.

He was surprised and decided to understand that such a special is in Christian verbation, which gives people who profess it, such a powerful force.

Cyprian renounced his lifestyle and began to look for connections with a new religion. Gradually, he is so imbued with her, which repented, threw dark rituals and completely devoted himself to serving the church.

He became famous for his good deeds and was soon appointed Bishop. However, during the persecution of early Christians he was sentenced to death. Therefore, later he was ranked with the face of saints and was called the Sacred Martyr.

How prayer helps get rid of damage and evil eye

Appeal to Cypriana allows you to get rid of even from the strongest damage.

With it, you can:

  • Appeased to the saint when you like;
  • pray to him at any time of the day and night;
  • ask for intercession for young children;
  • allow them to participate in ritual;
  • to carry out prayer several times a day;
  • tan water;
  • use it subsequently as a holy for defense from unclean power.

Huge merits in front of the Christian Church and made a prayer to Cyprusan so effective that it is able to completely protect even from a very strong damage and the evil eye.

Before holding a rite, you need to observe the strictest three-day post. It should be cleaned your soul from any sins and unclean thoughts. It is also worth sticking to the prayer arrangement of the Spirit to protect yourself from damage.

It is necessary to implement it in a special way. Before contacting Cyprian, it is required to go to the temple and leave lit candles near the icons of Jesus Christ, Panteleimon Healer, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Saints of Patrons.

Text of prayer Cyprian from witchcraft and damage

After that, you need to say the following text:

In the afternoon, at night or at any time, starting to read the prayer to the priest Cyprian, I believe that all the forces of evil from the glory of the Most High will leave. This priest appeals to God with the words "Lord Holy and Strong, the king of the reigning, hear now the prayer facing your servant, Cyprian.
Bless the Lord, the heart of the slave of your lost (name) and eat it all your heavenly ministers: thousands of archangels and angels who serve you. Lord in front of you are open all the secrets of the head of your slave.
Lord Almighty, who ruling to all the world, who favorably suffers from all the sinners, to redeem our sins. Enlighten me the sinful, Lord, the merciful greatness of yours and take away from me any evil and a sorceress wishing to destroy me. Lord strong and great autumn me sinful with your light and hear me. Protect lost and let your decent servant. Approve me, Lord, in the faith of mine! Strengthen the spirit of my spirit! And I will be in despair, do not reject me, but by the emissions!
I bow to you, Lord, pray and appeal to your name: Protect my house from the sorcerence, witchcraft, anger, flattened and crap. Yes, this light prayer, read over his head, will get rid of him from envy, evil intents, jealousy, hatred, flattery, drunkenness, slander and murder of intentional. Yes, there will be a holy prayer for the fence for the servant of God and the rescue of his housing.
Lord Almighty, order the wicked forces to leave my house. Hear me the slave of yours and give a blessing of the house, in which this prayer is happening. Like as the wax melts from the fire, let all evil tricks, the sorceress and the devilish goats of the human race are melted. The pleasants of the lost, Lord, and call them to repentance, as you called me a slave of yours (name). I believe in you, Lord
Almighty, there is no other God and worship you. Slender me, protect and save, God, from any sorcery and ill-wishers. Whether I, my Chadam and home by a patron and assistant, Lord.
Similarly, it is impossible to stop the course of rivers, so can no evil magician withstand the words of this bright prayer. Yes, any demonic goats and evil strength directed toward your slave (name) will disappear.
Lord Almighty, multiply the power reading this prayer. I will pray for all the angels and the Holy Mother of God. I pray to Jesus Christ, cleansing from sins by a giving one, and all of his wonderful healings are sinful. The name of your holy and great spell and drive all the evil intent of the evil and evil people, all their sorcery and conspira, eye damage and their other demonic tricks. Disappear forever, the forces of evil, from me the slave of God and my Chad by the power of the life-giving honest cross of the Lord and all the forces of the Heavenly, who serve to Almighty. Multi-facing Lord, answering any unclean power from your servant (name) and his home.
Yes, I will save your God (name) on the way, in the sea, in the mountains, in the grass, from scorpions, snakes of poisonous and reptile creeps, when taking food and at the hands, from the loss of blood and other damage to the force of the life-giving honest Cross of the Lord.
In prayer I appeal to the holy prophets: Zharya, Ion, Osi, Ilya, Mikhai, Daniel, Malachi, Eremee, Isay, Amos, Elisha, Norma, Samuel and the Baptist of the Lord John. I pray and begone, John the Theologian, Matthew, Mark, as well as the Apostles of the Holy Rhinestone Peter and Paul.
And also appeal in prayer for righteous Akima, Anna, Iosifa-wrap, brother of the Lord Jekov, John the merciful, Ignatia-God, the Sacred Martyer Analyz, the singer Kondakov Roman, Sladkoreh Efrem Sirin, Vasilya Great, Grigory-Theologian, John Zlatoust, Nicholas Wonderworker. I pray and ask the Saints Metropolitans: Ion, Peter, Philip Alexy, and Hermogens. As well as St. Radonezh Wonderworkers Sergius and Nikon, the Kiev-Pechersk Wonderworkers Anthony, Feodosia and Athanasius, Solovetsky Wonderworkers Zosima and the Savatia, Kazan Wonderworkers Guria and Wrisonophia. In the name of all the saints, the Lord who pleased you Seraphim Sarovskago, Daniel Samson, Maxim Greek, Monk Afonov Mountain Milestia; Nikon Antiochkago Patriarch, Great Martyr Kiriak and Juliet, his mother, man of God's Alexy. In the name of all saints of St. Mironosuits: Magdalene, Mary, Ksenia, Euphrosynia, Evdokia, Anastasia and the Saints of the Great Martyr Fevronia, Paraskeva, Catherine, Marina, who have shed their blood for you.
I believe in the prayer of St. Cyprian, and I ask the Queen of Heaven, to preserve the slave of God from Navakhniya demonic. The power of the Holy Trinity and the lively Cross of the Lord will destroy all the evil and the debrisness of the unclean strength. May they save me, who pursukened by the Mother and Light Heavenly Force, the Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Satavil, Iguasil, Varakhail and my guardian angel.

If a person is seriously ill and is not able to reach the church, then before holding a rite, a cleansing prayer dedicated to the Lord and repeat it also after turning to St. Cyprian. Such actions will enable the soul from the influence of new spells.

Rules for prayer

Apply for intercession follows forty times in a row. Especially strong harm can be damaged, imposed by a professional black magician. Therefore, neither the time nor the strength to regret to eliminate it.

In no case cannot be carried out by any occult rituals on getting rid of the sorcery. The Lord and Orthodox Church do not approve the implementation of Witchcraft rites.

It is necessary to pray with a deep faith in the fact that the appeal to St. Cyprian will be heard and the deliverance from the evil power is sent.

The best way to pronounce it is reading by heart. But the text is long and complicated, so it is allowed to rewrite it on paper and say, looking into it.

It is necessary to pray very sincerely, not neglecting any details, as the appeal must change the whole life of a person. It will give protection against damage and protect from its influence in the future.

In front of the eyes, the icon must always be, and no thoughts must be distracted from reading the prayer.

It should be pronounced every day until the damage stops.

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Good afternoon or evening, dear readers! Probably, each of us in his life came across a negative, which sent evil or offended people. What is typical to curse a person, absolutely no matter how black magic worshpper or not.

Anger, envy, indignation around us - all this often happens, and then with difficulty give yourself to the good location of the Spirit

One evil word is enough to damage, and if you felt the evil eye, you will help you to get rid of him Prayer Cyprian. Appeal to the Lord and His Saints will help to protect yourself from witchcraft and sorcerence , reliable from damage, curse and evil eye.

Historical facts about the life of Cyprian

It is known that this priest at the beginning of his life path was not at all an exemplary Christian, his parents have brought up a boy in pagan traditions since childhood. With young nails, the child studied black magic, witchcraft, he studied at the school of warlocks.

Over time, he achieved great success in these sciences, walked as a skillful sorcerer, and people often appealed to him to solve their problems by paying for the help of gold.

One day, the sorcerer could not cope with the task entrusted to him, which was that the richest and most more realistic man asked for him to help him fall in love with an excellent devout girl named Justina.

Despite the fact that the sorcerer prepared and gave the young man with a strong potion, which he poured the doors of her house, the beauty did not surrender, her holy prayers helped her. The rich was angry at Cyprian for the fact that he could not get the desired and wanted to kill him, from the death of the sorcerer saved the glory sign, which he signed himself.

After this incident, the Winnapper became interested in the Christian faith, its strength and power, the ability to resist witchcraft. To understand her, he went to church. He devoted all his days to prayers and asked for the forgiveness of his sins.

Further life Cyprian dedicated to the service of the Lord, wrote many works about the Christian faith. He died tragically under torture. After death, was counted for the saints.

How to recognize witchcraft

People who for a long time feel bad and gradually fade, often do not understand what happened. Doctors in such situations are bred by their hands. Patch and evil eye can be recognized by the following features:

  • Fear and uncertainty in tomorrow.
  • Weakness and lethargy.
  • Permanent headaches.
  • Loss of interest in life.
  • Flashing of sudden anger and irritability.
  • Voices in the head that are pushing to the accomplishment of bad acts.
  • Constant fatigue.
  • Desire to use alcohol.
  • Permanent diseases.
  • Winning world in black.

Some warlocks are so strong that with the help of magic can send a person to death. Listening and talking about the strength of the sorcerers can be infinite, but it is worth checking if the curse of himself and their loved ones did not touch. Make it quite simple.

Patch or evil eye can be determined using a glass of pure water and a regular egg. A glass of water is put on his head and a raw egg is broken into it. Next, it takes into hand and the contents are closely studied.

If the yolk floats in transparent water, then the damage and the evil eye are absent. When water is muddy, yolk with protein is separated from each other and besides this, the threads are drawn in the water, that is, the evil eye.

If there are many filaments with bubbles in the water, then there is a damage, and quite serious. It is not necessary to get upset, but you need to fight with them with the help of prayers to the Sacred Cyprian.

Also very attentive should be in relation to children, as it is believed that the kids up to seven years are most often exposed to the charm of sorcerers. In order to protect the child from damage and the evil eye, the holy prayer words should be made by Mom, sister or grandmother every two weeks.

How to read Prayer Cyprian

There are some unwashed rules that keep all believers when contacting the Lord and His Holy. The prayer of the Sacred Cyprian can be read as follows:

  • You can prone text from the effects of dark power at any time of the day.
  • Read prayer words can be as many times a day as needed.
  • Having grabbed the child from the forces of darkness, and to provide him with strong protection from them, his parents should utter prayer words over his head.
  • You can also pray this saint on the water, as it attracts everything positive and eliminates the negative.

How to get rid of prayer from witchcraft char

If the degradation of well-being, constantly pursuing adversity, problems that do not end, then it is necessary to memorize the full version without abbreviations of Cyprian's prayer, and reading this text correctly, you can get rid of the evil eye, cure disease.

In order for the prayer to have a power, it is necessary to buy the image of the saint that was consecrated in the church, and standing in front of him, read sacred words. Prayer text should be pronounced before the forty time icon.

How to get rid of the evil spell in the church

The possibilities of some sorcerers are almost limitless and damage, which is created by their hands, very hard and gradually ruins the one who was subjected to her. You can get rid of it by contacting the church.

In order to deny evil spells from yourself, you need to go to the temple on Sunday. Buy a candle and light it, turn to the saint with a prayer, cross and bow. If the heart is filled with true faith and hope, then the holy will necessarily help.

If nevertheless, there is no possibility to go to the church, then you can read the strongest prayer of Cyprian and Iustia, which will protect against curse and evil char. Sacred words are read in the morning, looking at the sunrise seven times.

After accessing the holy, it is necessary to wash the face and pronounce the concomitant prayer words. Thus thus needed for fourteen days, and feeling getting rid of the negative, it is necessary to consolidate the result by reading the most important prayer "Father Our" for three days.

Today, damage and the evil eye are rather common, as people suffering from the envy and malice, are able to make many acts just to force the object of their hatred. Holy Martyr Cyprian, who should pray, having experienced black magic, will definitely help get rid of damage and the evil eye.

A special effect has a prayer that has been rewritten on a piece of paper with their own hands, during its reading it is also impossible to distract anything, each word must be pronounced, and its meaning must be realized completely.

Also, in addition to the sacred words addressed to Cyprian, there are prayers and other saints, which also help to eliminate evil spells, but you should not use them, as it fell, and in order to find the right text, you should contact the priest.

It is very important, reading prayer words, believing in them, then the help of higher strength will come immediately.

Prayer to the Sacred Cyprian in Russian

This priest appeals to God with the words "Lord Holy and Strong, the king of the reigning, hear now the prayer facing your servant, Cyprian.

Bless the Lord, the heart of the slave of your lost (name) and eat it all your heavenly ministers: thousands of archangels and angels who serve you. Lord in front of you are open all the secrets of the head of your slave.

Lord Almighty, who ruling to all the world, who favorably suffers from all the sinners, to redeem our sins. Enlighten me the sinful, Lord, the merciful greatness of yours and take away from me any evil and a sorceress wishing to destroy me.

Lord strong and great autumn me sinful with your light and hear me. Protect lost and let your decent servant. Approve me, Lord, in the faith of mine! Strengthen the spirit of my spirit! And I will be in despair, do not reject me, but by the emissions!

I bow to you, Lord, pray and appeal to your name: Protect my house from the sorcerence, witchcraft, anger, flattened and crap. Yes, this light prayer, read over his head, will get rid of him from envy, evil intents, jealousy, hatred, flattery, drunkenness, slander and murder of intentional.

Yes, there will be a holy prayer for the fence for the servant of God and the rescue of his housing.

Lord Almighty, order the wicked forces to leave my house. Hear me the slave of yours and give a blessing of the house, in which this prayer is happening.

Like as the wax melts from the fire, let all evil tricks, the sorceress and the devilish goats of the human race are melted. The pleasants of the lost, Lord, and call them to repentance, as you called me a slave of yours (name). I believe in you, Lord

Almighty, there is no other God and worship you. Slender me, protect and save, God, from any sorcery and ill-wishers. Whether I, my Chadam and home by a patron and assistant, Lord.

Similarly, it is impossible to stop the course of rivers, so can no evil magician withstand the words of this bright prayer. Yes, any demonic goats and evil strength directed toward your slave (name) will disappear.

Lord Almighty, multiply the power reading this prayer. I will pray for all the angels and the Holy Mother of God. I pray to Jesus Christ, cleansing from sins by a giving one, and all of his wonderful healings are sinful.

The name of your holy and great spell and drive all the evil intent of the evil and evil people, all their sorcery and conspira, eye damage and their other demonic tricks.

Disappear forever, the forces of evil, from me the slave of God and my Chad by the power of the life-giving honest cross of the Lord and all the forces of the Heavenly, who serve to Almighty. Multi-facing Lord, answering any unclean power from your servant (name) and his home.

Yes, I will save your God (name) on the way, in the sea, in the mountains, in the grass, from scorpions, snakes of poisonous and reptile creeps, when taking food and at the hands, from the loss of blood and other damage to the force of the life-giving honest Cross of the Lord.

In prayer I appeal to the holy prophets: Zharya, Ion, Osi, Ilya, Mikhai, Daniel, Malachi, Eremee, Isay, Amos, Elisha, Norma, Samuel and the Baptist of the Lord John. I pray and begone, John the Theologian, Matthew, Mark, as well as the Apostles of the Holy Rhinestone Peter and Paul.

And also appeal in prayer for righteous Akima, Anna, Iosifa-wrap, brother of the Lord Jekov, John the merciful, Ignatia-God, the Sacred Martyer Analyz, the singer Kondakov Roman, Sladkoreh Efrem Sirin, Vasilya Great, Grigory-Theologian, John Zlatoust, Nicholas Wonderworker.

I pray and ask the Saints Metropolitans: Ion, Peter, Philip Alexy, and Hermogens. As well as St. Radonezh Wonderworkers Sergius and Nikon, the Kiev-Pechersk Wonderworkers Anthony, Feodosia and Athanasius, Solovetsky Wonderworkers Zosima and the Savatia, Kazan Wonderworkers Guria and Wrisonophia.

In the name of all the saints, the Lord who pleased you Seraphim Sarovskago, Daniel Samson, Maxim Greek, Monk Afonov Mountain Milestia; Nikon Antiochkago Patriarch, Great Martyr Kiriak and Juliet, his mother, man of God's Alexy.

In the name of all saints of St. Mironosuits: Magdalene, Mary, Ksenia, Euphrosynia, Evdokia, Anastasia and the Saints of the Great Martyr Fevronia, Paraskeva, Catherine, Marina, who have shed their blood for you.

I believe in the prayer of St. Cyprian, and I ask the Queen of Heaven, to preserve the slave of God from Navakhniya demonic. The power of the Holy Trinity and the lively Cross of the Lord will destroy all the evil and the debrisness of the unclean strength.

May they save me, who pursukened by the Mother and Light Heavenly Force, the Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Satavil, Iguasil, Varakhail and my guardian angel.

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All about religion and faith - "prayer of St. Justina and Cyprian" with a detailed description and photographs.

Orthodox prayer of the Sacred Martyr of Kupriyan and Ustinyi from witchcraft and damage

Dark witchcraft will never be dreamed, they are trying to seduce any mortal, deceive and turn his earthly path into solid blood pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to defend yourself and their loved ones from their attacks. Prayer Cyprian and Ustine from witchcraft, their possessions about those who ask for Most High are the strongest protection against the devilish goat. Prayer to the priests has an incredible force and causes a thrill at the demonic forces.

Prayer of Prai and Ustina from unclean forces

Subtract prayers from witchcraft, damage and the evil eye is recommended after the sincere confession, the intersection of the Holy Tynents and the blessings of the priest on prayerful labor.

Before you start reading prayers, you should get rid of distractions of the attention of sounds in the apartment, eliminate reflections on everyday problems and assisted to help with heaven. The main thing in prayer is sincere and severe faith.

On the bias of the Sacred Cyprian and Martyr Justina! Make our humble moles. More than Bo Temporary Life Your martyrdoms for Christ fed up, but the Spirit of us does not retreat with us, confessed by the commandment of the Lord marching us learningly and the cross is patiently to carry us. CE, Consight of Christ and the Mother's Mother's Mother's Prechings. The same, wake prayers and guarantees about us, unworthy (names). Write us the intercession of the fastening, and you are preserved in unharmed from demons, the Magi and from the man of evil disstay, the Sovie is the Sacred Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen. Lord Iisyse Hpiste, Son of God, ogpadi on me thy saints angels and prayers Vseppechistyya Lady nasheja Bogopoditsy and Ppisnodevy Mapii, by the power of the Precious and Zhivotvopyaschago Kpesta, holy Aphistpatiga God Michael and ppochih Heavenly forces bezplotnyh, holy Ppopoka and Ppedtechi Kpestitelya Lord John, the holy Apostle and Evangelist John, svyaschennomychenika Kippiana and mychenitsy Iystiny, St. Nikolov aphiepiskopa the Mir Lycian chydotvoptsa, saint Leo bishop Katanskago, saint Joasaph Belgopodskago, St. Mitpofana Voponezhskago, ppepodobnago Sepgey igymena Radonezhskago, ppepodobnago Sepafima Sapovskago chydotvoptsa saints mychenits Vepy, Hadezhdy, Love and Matepi of Sofia , the saints and false Bogotets of Joacima and Anna and all the saints of yours, help me, unworthy of your experience (the name of the prayer), relieve me from all the brings, from all sorts of witchcraft, magic, steaming and from lying people, do not be a kindness of some kind of me Evil Maamin.

When to contact Cyprian and Justine

If there is the will and mercy of God, then prayer to the righteous can work wonders. An important condition: the concerning the one for which the prayers is asked should be baptized in Orthodoxy. Otherwise, Cyprian and Justina will not be able to give the mercy of healing to a person who did not accept Christ in his heart. Praying the priests about protection should be in cases where it is necessary:

  • examine body diseases obtained as a result of invisible damage or other magic rituals;
  • when the soul is tormented by a love spell or a tide (the sense of love seems disguised);
  • get rid of the evil eye, specifically or unwittingly induced;
  • to protect the child, family, at home, if they are subjected to attacks of demons;
  • for the sake of healing the victim of witchcraft, which has lost the ability of sanity.

How to recognize damage

To view the help of heavenly patrons is necessary if there are following signs:

  • the family has a complete break, constant swearing between loved ones;
  • misfortunes "fall" per person: he loses money, then the jewelry disappears, then there is a reduction in work, thieves ruin the apartment, there are margins in the house;
  • households often torment nightmares;
  • the apartment does not take root pets;
  • in the family, death often happens (especially due to the same illness or the people of one sex).

The priests of Cyprian and Justina will definitely be trapped behind the praying and their relatives, they are able to break the hellish demonic man.

Description of life path

Philosopher Cyprian lived in Antioch. From the past years, he was given by his parents for serving the pagan divine Appolon. Upon reaching 7 years, his mother gave him to the sorcerer so that they trained the boy of the wizard wisdom. At the age of 10, he was sent to Mount Olympus, where she was preparing for priestly ministry. There was a huge number of idols in which the demonship was inhabited. Here, the boy learned to impose bad weather, turn the wind to reverse, harming the fruit gardens, to send a few and sorrow to humanity, cause ghosts, lift the deceased from the graves and talk to them. By the age of 15, he suffered a lot of Besysky secrets and went to Argos, and by 30 years he was perfectly owned by various techniques of atrocities, learned from starburst, shine and became a faithful slave of Prince Hell. The king of darkness gave Cyprian to help the regiment of demons. The souls of many people ruined Cyprian, teaching a fatal mooring: they bathed through the air, walked along the water, cooked into the clouds on snow-white delicates. People treated him for help in hostility, melting, envy.

The Most High did not want the death of the Soul Cyprian and deigned to save the great sinner. And it was so ...

I lived in Antioch the girl of Justina, her ancestors were also pagans. Once a girl accidentally heard a conversation conversation with one of the parishioners about the salvation of the soul, the crown of Christ, about his birth from the Muslim Virgin and Ascension to Heaven after the terrible suffering for the sake of salvation of the human race. The heart of Justina squeezed, the soul was gradually clear. The girl wished to learn faith. She secretly came to God's abode and eventually believed in Christ. Soon she was convinced of his parents who dismisted the Christian bishop to baptize them in Orthodoxy. The father of Justina was appointed in Chin Presviter. A year and a half he lived in virtue, after which he peacefully completed his earthly path. Justina with the whole soul was loved by Christ - the bridegroom, he served him with nurse, fiery moles, by posting and strict abstinence. But the forces of darkness, seeing the virtues of the maiden, caused her great troubles.

In the same country, he lived in luxury and worldly bustle of the young man Aglaid. Having met Justina, he was struck by her beauty, then lustful intentions posted in his soul. He tried to seduce the maiden, persuaded to become his wife, said flighting speeches, pursued absolutely everywhere, where it would not pass her way. Chastian Justina answered only one thing: "My bridegroom is Christ." Aglaid decided to quickly kidnap the girl with the help of reckless friends and once a sheltered on the street and the scene dragged into his home. People fled to the desperate cries of the girl and freed the virgin from wicked. Aglaid has conceived a new atrocity: he came to Cyprian for help, walked in return for large amounts of zlata and silver. He promised to help and called to himself a spirit capable of placing a passion for a guy in the Justinist Heart. The demon quietly entered the house and tried to vulnery the flesh.

Justina, as usual, prayed at night and suddenly felt a storm of carnal lust. Immediately, she had sinful thoughts and she remembered the Raughty Aglaid. But it stopped, realizing that lust had happened in her chaste body from Besa. She learned Christ about help. The Lord helped the heart of the girl calmed down, and the devil returned to Cyprian with bad news.

Then the magician decided to send a stronger and evil demon. He fiercely attacked Justina, but she again praised the Almighty, refrained, stricter fasted and again defeated the devil.

For the third time Cyprian sent a skillful demonic prince, who accepted the female image. Divided into the ladies' clothes and entered the Justine. He tried his tricks to seduce the maiden, but she recognized the evil seduder and immediately painted himself with a cross, prayed to the Savior and the devil immediately disappeared.

Cooking Cyprian decided to take revenge on the Virgin and lowered the troubles on her house, in his relatives and close, neighbors and acquaintances, killed the cattle, hit the body with illness and ulcers. The whole city was embraced, people knew the reason for the great execution. They persuaded Justina to marry Aglaid and save the people. But the girl calmed them down, prayed to God and immediately people recovered, and the magic of Cyprian was very mad. In the rustling of anger, he attacked the demon, then the devil rushed to Cyprian and tried to kill him. The man remembered that the demons were terribly afraid of the godmond, he, barely alive, painted himself a cross. The devil buried, like a lion, and retired.

Then the magician went to the bishop and the sacrament of baptism over him. Cyprian confessed him his own atrocities and surrounded the magician Talmuda. Bishop Anfim taught his Orthodox faith and seeing the heart loyalty to Christ, immediately baptized.

Cyprian soon became a reader, and then ordained to the youngest San of Priesthood. In the future, he became a bishop and spent the remainder of life in holiness, taking care of believers. Justina he put in Diaconisses, and soon instructed her to be a magnificent monastery. Many pagans, thanks to Cyprian, adopted the Orthodox faith, thereby serving idols to stop.

In times of persecution of Christians, Cyprian and Justina were slander and imprisoned. The man was ordered to hang and harvest his body, and the virgin ordered to beat the face and eyes. After the hellish torment, they were thrown into the raging boiling water boiler, which, surprisingly, did not harm people. Then they were betrayed by the sword. The bodies of martyrs were taken to Rome and were buried with honor, and in the XIII century they were transported to Cyprus. With the coffins of the sacred, many healing of people happened, with faithful to them.

Their prayers will heal the Lord and our diseases bodily and spiritual! Amen.

Prayer to the priest Cyprian and Martyr Isustin.

Prayer to the priest Cyprian and Martyr Isustin

On the coupling of the Sacred Cyprian and Martyr Justina! Make our humble moles. More than Bo Temporary Life Your martyrdoms for Christ fed up, but the Spirit of us does not retreat with us, confessed by the commandment of the Lord marching us learningly and the cross is patiently to carry us. CE, who dares to Christ and the Mother's Mother's Prechings, was talked. To the dark and now wake prayers and messages about us unworthy. Write us the intercession of the fastening, and your intercession is saving, from demons, Magi and from the man of evil prestate, the Soviesty, the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Oh, the holy waters of God, the Sacred Cyprian, the speedy assistant and prayer about everyone who resorts to you.

We accept our unworthy praise from us, and we succeed in the Lord God in the dismpse, in the disease healing, in the cookie comfort and all the whole useful in our lives.

Ascending to the Lord a bobbed prayer, and we will protect us from the falls of our sinful, let us teach us true repentance, but will save us from the prisoner of Dolvolskago and all the actions of the spirits are unclean and relieve from offensive us.

We wake a strong advocate for all enemies visible and invisible.

In the temptations, I will pass patience and at the time of the end of the death of our people, we are interpreted from the tortures on our air nuclearities.

Yes, having gone to you reach the Minion of Jerusalem and will be advised in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints of Slaviti and the municipal name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

And the apostle forbid, the Vicar of the apostle former, and the victim of the apostle of the Apostle, the act of the sunrise: this is for the sake of the word of truth correcting, and faith for the sake of injured, even before the blood, the martyr Cyprian, the moths of Christ of God to be saved our souls.

From the arts of Magnago turns, Bogomudra, to the knowledge of the Divine, the doctor was seemed to be the world, healing, granting the honors, Cyprian with Justinia; With Neviy, pray to the peopleolyubtsu Vladyza save our souls.

Your intention, holy, giving me a nice prayer, and the impressive heart of Mouth with the sinful prayers of your heal, Yako, yes the word of singing from the sickness of myself, now I will bring your own and I will show your illness, Laja showed, the priestly, repentance of good and blessed and God approaching. To the way he retood his hand, headed by Esi, Yako according to the pallet, to heaven, in generally praying to save our souls.

Major, the Holy Sacred Cyprian, and the honor of your honest suffering, Yazz for Christ, was undergone.

Prayer to the priest Cyprian against the sorcerer.

Holy Affairs of God, the Sacred Cyprian, a speed assistant and a prayerman about all bories by the goat enemy! We succeed in the Lord God: in the unfortunate strengthening, in sorrowing - consolation and all useful for our life. Having ascended to the Lord a bugless prayer, let us protect us from falling sinful, let us teach us true repentance; Yes, it will save us from the prisoner of the Diavolsky, from all the naval of unclean spirits and tame their goats against us. Whether we are a strong advocate against all enemies visible and invisible and give us patience in temptations. At the same time, our death of Yavi we intercessiously from the tortures on air solarms; Yes, we driven by you, we have reached the mountain Jerusalem and there were encouraged in the heavenly kingdom together with all the saints to praise and sing the municipal name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer Sacred Cypriana

We offer you the most severe prayer from witchcraft and damage.

Always when you know that you and your family sang, read this prayer every day, calling the names of those for whom we ask. Behind the child can be read over his head. Adults read themselves. If the climate in the family or health has changed dramatically, it will not be superfluous to read this prayer.

You can read this prayer for water and give a "thowned".

We begin the verbati prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian, in the days or in Narchi, or in the hour exercises, all the strength of the resignation from the glory of God Livago will disappear.

This holy fellow, the whole soul praying to God verbers: "Lord God is strong and holy, the king of the reigning, now hear the prayer of your slave, Cyprian."

You will come to the thousand thousand and darkness of the darkness Angel and Archangel, you will be mystery, the heart of your slave (name), I will appear to him by Lord, Yako in the Uza Pavlu and in Fekle's fire. Taco, know me, you, Az Bo, my first creatures, my whole lawlessness.

You, holding a cloud, and the sky of the turret of Sadovnyago, and that the fruit is non-resident. Multiple wives of wave, and other conceptions. On the fence of Pertograd Tokmo vychira, and non-resident. Retigue does not blossom and class mounted; Vintage is unrelie, and the beasts are invalid. Fishes of marine default and birds of heavenly flying banks. Taco, you showed our power with a propheter or.

I pray, Lord my God; All sorcerers, and all the breathless demons to the sin of a person clones and on it the sin of the work, you, I will force, forbid! Now, Lord, my God, strong and great, favorably from unworthy, decent to me, and the pleasant holy flock, I pray, Lord my God, who is to have a prayer for this in the house or with him, coordinate it.

The Most Majesty of his, merciful on me and not to take a ruin of me with the lawlessness of myself; Taco of any prayer with a prayer prayer.

I am defiant in faith, approve! Unfulous spirit, strengthened! Desperate, Incentius and did not open a sacred sophisticated name.

Lodge, falling for you, I pray, and I ask the holy name yours: in every house and at all the Napache on an Orthodox Christian, I have a sorcerence of some kind of crap or demons, so reading the prayer of this man over the glaze of a person or in the house and may be resolved from Drawing with evil spirits in envy, flattery, jealousy, hatred, unfortunate, maliciousness, effective poisoning, from palancago, and from a spell and swallow.

Who recruiting the prayer of this in his house will be observed from all the tricks of the Diavolsky, the willow, the poison of evil and lucavid people, from spells and all slanding and magazine, and yes devils from him and will devour evil spirits. My God's God, having the power in the sky and on the earth, for the name of your saint and the sake of an unshakable goodness of your son, the god of our Jesus Christ, I hear at the time of this unworthy slave of yours (name), Yazu chtto the prayer of this and it will allow her all the diabol intrigues.

Yako melt wax from the face of the fire, so die all the communities and the spells of Lukavsky on the face of the person of the Prayer Prayer. Yako name, the lifestyle of the Trinity, us enlighten the essence, and do not know what you, I know God. Believe you, you worship you with molim; Protect, stand up and save us, God, from any Lucavago act and a sorceress of evil man.

Jaco, the same Moses sicks from Kamen's sweet water drained the water, Lord, God, God forces, put his hand on your slave (name), the full goodness of your goodness and to protect against all the goats.

Bless, Lord, the house in it and dies prayer Sia and all the memory of my memory, my mercy went to him, Lord, and defend him from all sledging. Assistant and patron Him Budi, Lord.

Four Rivers: Fison, Geon, Euphrates and Tiger: The Eden man can not hold, so can no matter of the case of the affairs or dreams of Besky showing before reading the prayer of this, I trigger with God alive! A demon will be crushed and all the opposite and evil strength, bruised from the evil man on the servant of God (name) bends.

Yako multiplied by the summer of Ezekius King, so smarter and summer, Intochu Prayer, I am so worked by Angel, Singing Serafimsky, the Annunciation of the Blending of the Virgin Mary from Archangel Gabriel and a neglected for the conception of the Herman, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, the glorious Christmas in Bethlym, a camp from Herod King Four The ten thousand of babies and saint baptism by his perceived in the Jordan River, the post and temptation of hedgehog from the devil, the terrible victory and the terrible trial of His, the most terrible wonders in the world of the former: healing and cleansing grant. Along the dead, the demons are expelled and in Jerusalem entrance to him, Jaco King is playing: - "Osaina Son Davidov - from the baby blatant, hear" Holy Passion, Crucifixion and burial suffering, and the same on the third day, the resurrection can be written on the heaven Climbing. The singing of Tamo numerous angel and Archangel, famous for him, illy, the sideways from the second coming of His judgment of the living and the dead.

The power was given by the Holy Pupil to your and the apostle, the rivers: "Keep and keep - decide and allowed," Tako and all this on the prayer of this, permiss any diabolian majority over your slave (name).

For the sake of Bie Svyataro Victim Name, I spell and drive the VSI Dusi judging and angry and the evil people and the sorcerer of their conspira, witchcraft, eye damage, magazine, and any tricks of Diavolskoye. I pray the lard, a multi-facing Lord, take away from your slave (name), and from the house of him, and from all sledging it.

Yako multiplied the wealth of righteous Iowu, Taco, Lord, smartly homemade lives in a prayer of the prayer: the creation of Adamov, the victim of the Aveleva, the innovation of Joseph, Hazy Enoch, the Fair, the appeal of Melhisidek, the faith of Abraham, Holyness Jacob, the prophecy of the Prophets, the Saint Patriarchs, the Blood of the Sacred , Petra and Paul, the childhood of Moses, the news of John theologian, the priesthood of Aaron, the action of Joshua Navina, Holy Self, the Two-Tanden Knee of Israel, the moles of the prophet Elisha, the post and leading of the Prophet Daniel, the sale of Joseph of the Beautiful, the wisdom of the prophet Solomon, the power of one hundred sixty angel, The horses of the Slavnago of the Prophet and the Baptist of John and a hundred for ten saints of the Second Cathedral, the Holy Confessors and Sparces of Strashnago, the Name of Your Sainry, the Allwall Allup of God, the Thousand and Darkness Angel and Archangel will also come to him. The prayers for the sake of praying and please the Lord, run and overcome all the evil and the lucavia from your servant (name), and yes it runs to Tartar.

This prayer for a single and invincible God, Yako, besides all the people of Orthodox salvation in the house, in it, there is a prayer of this, hedgehogs in seventy-two languages \u200b\u200band everyone will be resolved through it all the villas; or in Mori, or at the path, or in the source, or in the storage area; or in the upper porosis, or in the lower; or behind, or in front; Or in the wall, or in the blood, everywhere will be resolved!

Yes, all the Diavolism is permitted in the go, or in the mill; or in the mountains, or in the verteps, or in the pretans of the houses, or in the gluttony; or in the root of the tree, or plant leaves; or in the Niva, or in the gardens; Or in the grass, or in a bush, or in the pedeshes, or in the bath, may be resolved!

Yes, any Lukava act will be resolved; or in the skin of fishing, or in a carnal; or in the skin of the snake, or in the skin of the human; or in the decorations of the elegant, or in the poor heads; or in the eyes, or in the ears, or in the heads of the head, or in the eyebrows; or in bed, or in clothes; or in cutting nails of foot, or in hand cutting hand; Or in the blood is hot, or in the water of the student: yes will be resolved!

Every atrocity and magazine can be resolved; or in the brain, or under the brain, or in the shoulder, or between the shoulders; or in the muscles, or in Golenekh; or in the leg, or in hand; or in the womb, or under the womb, or in the costha, or in the veins; Or in the stomach, or in natural limits, may be resolved!

Yes, all the Diavolskiiiiii and Ottema will be allowed; or on the chant, or on Srebre; or on copper, or on the gland, or in tin, or in lead, or in honey, or in the wax; or in wine, or in beer, or in bread, or in the life; Everything will be resolved!

Yes, any evil diabolian mind against a person will be resolved; or in sea shoes, or in flying insects; or in animals, or in birds; or in the stars, or in the moon; or in beasts, or in reptiles; or in charters, or in ink; Everything will be resolved!

Through two dumbfound languor: Salamar and Remikara, pursuit; Elizdu and the devil from the slave of God (name), the power of the honest and the life-giving cross of the Lord with all the heavenly forces before the high and terrible throne of God, are creating servants of their lame so far. Cherubis and Seraphim; Power and priest; Domination and strength.

In one hour, the robber in the paradise of Prayer. Prayer Praying Josus Navin, the Sun of St and Moon. Well, praying the prophet Daniel and the magnitude of the mouth of Lviv. Three okras: Anania, Azaria and Misail Rogati Fire Piggy Fire Prayer. Little Lord, I pray, on the prayer of this guess everyone who purses her.

I pose and ask the Sainry Cathedral of the prophetic: Zechariah, Osi, Iason, Joeele, Micah, Isaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Amos, Samuel, Ilia, Elisha, Nauma and Prophet Forerich and the Baptist of the Lord John: - Pray and please four evangelists, Matthy, Mark , Luka and John the Theologian, and the Holy Rhine Apostles Peter and Paul, and the Saints and Righteous Bogotets of Joachim and Anna, and Joseph Wrap, and Jacob's Brother of the Lord in the flesh, Simeon, and Simeon, the Lord, and Andrei Christ for Jurodivago, and John Milostivago, and Ignatius the Godron, and the Sacred Cartignment of Anania, and the novel of the singer Kondakov, and the brand of Grecharkago, and Kirill Patriarch Jerusalemskago and Rev. Ephraim Sirin, and the brand of the Great Patcher, and the Treh of St. Saint, Vasily Velikago, Grigory, and Ioanna Zlataustago, and in Saints Father of our saint Nikolai Archbishop World of Lycian Wonderworker, and Saints Metropolitans: Peter, Alexy, Iona, Philip, Hermogen, Inogene and Kirill, Moscow Wonderviews: Reverend Anto , Feodosia and Athanasius, Kiev-Pechersk Wonderworkers: Rev. Sergius and Nikon, Radonezh Wonderviews; Rev. Zosima and the Savatia, Solovetsky Wonderworkers; Rev. Guria and Wormonophia, Kazan Wonderworkers; It is also in the saints of our father: Pakhomy, Anthony, Feotosia, Velikago Pimen, and in the holy Father of our Seraphim Sarovskago; Samson and Danel Statznikov; Maxim Grek, Monk Miletia Afonov Mountain; Nikon, Patriarch Antiochiskigo, Great Martyr Kiriaak and Mother of his Juliet; Alexy, man of God, and Saints Rev. Mironositz: Mary, Magdalene, Euphrosynia, Ksenia, Evdokia, Anastasia; The Saints of the Great Martyers of Paraskeva, Catherine, Fevronia, Marina Lodge the Blood sick of our God for you of our God and all the saints of you who pleased you, Lord, Homes and save your slave (name), will not touch him or the house of him no evil and svobavia Not in the evening, nor in the morning, nor in days, nor in novchah will not touch.

Save him, Lord, from aerial, tartar, water, forest, yard and all kinds of other demons and spirits.

I pray, Lord, Lord, I am writing a prayer for the prayer of the holy priest Cyprian, was approved and marked by the sip of the Trinity on the Earlings and the defendance of any evil, the enemy and the sacrifice of the demonic networks, who tracing the man's witchcraft and the sorcerence of Sadoka and Nafaila Nurifies Efil and the Dzcheli Samuel, skillful in Magnia.

In the word, the Lord is adjusted by the sky and the earth and the whole hedgehog in the subway, the power of the prayer of this hill, any enemy obsession and indulgence. I urge to help all the strength of the heavenly and chinonachalia of yours; Archangels: Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Uriel, Salafail, Ieguidila, Varachayl and the Angel of My Keeper: the power of the honest and life-giving your cross and all the strength and spirits of heavenly and will be observed by your slave, Lord (name), and the Dolvolskoe Allian Heavenly forceful to the glory to you, the Lord, the creator of my and in the glory of your son, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, is always still confessed and forever. Amen.

Lord! You are the omnipotent and almighty, save the prayer of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian's slave of yours (name). Throw it three times and go three times.

Lord Jesus Christ the Word and the Son of God, the prayer of the Mother of Mother and the Angel of My Keeper, a lot of sinful slave of yours (name). Throw it three times and go three times.

VSI of the Soviet and Righteousness, the pray of the Milostivago God about the slave (name), and will preserve and raises me from all the enemy and the sacrup. (Three times say it and go three times.)

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Yes, the prayer is very big, but also the benefit from it is huge.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fence the saints of your angels, the prayers of the All-Strain of the Mary, the Mary of the Virgin and the Saddle of the Cross, the Saint Arresting of God Mikhail and other celestial forces of the larger, the Saints of the Prophet, the Forerunner and the Baptist of the Lord of John, the Holy Apostle and the Baptist Evangelist John the Theologian, Sacred Piece of Cyprian and Martyrs of Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop World of Lycian, Wonderworker, Saint Lion, Bishop Kathanskago, St. Nikita Novgorodskago, St. Joasafa Belgorodskago, St. Mitrofan Voronezhskago, Rev. Sergius, Hegumen Radonezhkago, Rev. Zosimima and Savvatiya Solovetsky, Reovers Seraphim Sarovskago, Wonderworker, Holy Martyr Martyr Faith, Hope, Loves and Mothers of their Sofia, Saintsy Martyr Trifon, Saints and Righteous Bogoten Joachim and Anna and All Holy Your Holy, Pomopic to me, unworthy of your servant (the name of the prayer) , from all sland, witchcraft, magic, char Dominium and from the evil person, do not let them hurt me by evil. Lord, the light of your radiance is maintained by the souther and noon, and the evening, and at the dream of the coming and the power of gracefulness, you will turn and delete any evil dishonesty, a breathtaking on the baptism of the devil. Through something evil is found or predicted, returning his Paka to hell. Yako is your kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is also a cross of the cross, the enemy is opposed, not afraid of insidiousness and coupling: I can be proud to abolish and Pretched on the tree of Cruchatago Christ.

The cross is yours, Lord, consecrate: Moreover, there are healing the weak sin: this is for the sake of you in order to you, hind us.

Lord! The weapon on the cooler of your cross gave us to us: Bo and shakes her shakes, not tolerant of his strength, I can align the dead and the death of the abolition: this is for the sake of the sake of your burial and arct!

For fruitful work of prayer, it must be rewritten with his hand and when reading, not only through the mind, but through the heart! The presence of an image and a lit candle must!

Other Orthodox prayers, holy worships, miraculous icons:

Prayer to St. Reverend Galaktion Vologda Wonderworker Kozelschanskaya icon of the Mother of God Icon of the Mother of God is truly meet and Merciful Kafisma Psalms 8 Psalms 55-63 Archdeacon Martyr Laurence Icon Xenia of Petersburg Acathistus martyr Cyprian and Justina Martyr St. Joseph of Volokolamsk Rev. Herman Solovetsky Zosimus Wonderworker Savvaty suffering of the holy martyrs Cosmas And Damian Rimsky

Read more in the Orthodox section:

Church holidays in February. Orthodox church calendar of February. Church holidays in March. Orthodox church calendar of March.

Thank you for this prayer, I listen and I felt confidence, hope for improved health, left me obstacles in all my affairs and a desire for life appeared. Save you the Lord!

Prayer is really very effective. More than once proven on themselves and on those who needed the help of God.

Everything happens in life. But when a series of failures and problems is delayed, it is worth thinking whether the evil eye, damage or witchcraft? The reason for guiding damage can be envy, competition, disagreements, quarrels, enmity ...

Sometimes a person may not deliberately wish the evil. But so much that, without knowing it, will cause your problems. However, it is not always harmless, such actions can be conscious and greatly harm.

In any case, when there is a suspicion that witchcraft applied against you, it is necessary to escape from it. It is especially important to react in time if the failures are large, or the harm is caused by the child. Here it is impossible to slow.

How to protect yourself?

What to do? Also contact the magicians and sorcerers?

Believers people know well that prayer not only consults in a difficult moment, elevates and gives confidence. It is also a strong tool in protecting against black forces and strengthens the spirit of man. Even simple prayer has such a miraculous force if the belief is strong, and he prays sincerely.

Almost all of us know by heart the text of the prayer "Father Our", and repeat it more often than any other. But in order to protect other people from the unknowing thoughts, specially induced unchalves or deterioration can also be applied other, quite effective prayers. For example, pray to Saint Cyprian.

Why should I ask for help from St. Cyprian?

According to legends, Saint Cyprian for the owl of life managed to pass spiritual rebirth from a strong warlock and a sorcerer to a clergyman - bishop. Therefore, Prayer Cyprian is considered one of the strongest and effective for salvation from damage, the evil eye and witchcraft. This holy lived on the border of the third and fourth centuries. After a long study, he became the priest in Olympus. He was a very strong magician and sorcerer, caused unclean spirits. But one day a rich man, asked by passion for one woman, ordered Cyprian love spell. Enchanted it, and force to fall in love with the means of witchcraft, Cyprian failed - this girl belonged to the number of brides of Christ. For a sorceress, the power of her religion was so impressed that he became interested in the Christian faith, and later she believed himself. He handed his witchcraft books for cleansing burnership, prepared for baptism and was baptized. After the time he got a san bishop. When the persecution of Christians began (Diocletian's board), he was grabbed and cruelly killed - Cyprian became a great martyr.

Therefore, Saint Cyprian is considered a patron saint from damage and various witchcraft, a defender of Christians from magic. And his prayer is the strongest prayer in the fight against witchcraft.

On the text of this prayer

Within a long time, there was no version of the recorded text of this prayer, and the words of it were transferred to people from mouth to mouth. One of its last versions was found and recorded.

Therefore, there are many different variants of the text of the prayer, including on the Internet. In order to get the full text (in Staroslavlyansky, in the original form), it is worth contacting the church to have full confidence in the correctness of the prayer words. For better effect, it is better to rewrite words on paper with your hand, ask church blessing to read prayer. Strengthen the beneficial effect of the premises, where they read prayer, icons and sanctified candles. But with severe need, all these conditions can be considered optional. The main thing is sincere and severe faith in God, in support and intercession of St. Cyprian.

Text of prayer Cyprian, on understandable, modern language:

"In the afternoon, at night or at any time, starting to read the prayer to the priest Cyprian, I believe that all the forces of evil from the glory of the Most High will leave. This priest appeals to God with the words "Lord Holy and Strong, the king of the reigning, hear now the prayer facing your servant, Cyprian.
Bless the Lord, the heart of the slave of your lost (name) and eat it all your heavenly ministers: thousands of archangels and angels who serve you. Lord in front of you are open all the secrets of the head of your slave.
Lord Almighty, who ruling to all the world, who favorably suffers from all the sinners, to redeem our sins. Enlighten me the sinful, Lord, the merciful greatness of yours and take away from me any evil and a sorceress wishing to destroy me. Lord strong and great autumn me sinful with your light and hear me. Protect lost and let your decent servant. Approve me, Lord, in the faith of mine! Strengthen the spirit of my spirit! And I will be in despair, do not reject me, but by the emissions!
I bow to you, Lord, pray and appeal to your name: Protect my house from the sorcerence, witchcraft, anger, flattened and crap. Yes, this light prayer, read over his head, will get rid of him from envy, evil intents, jealousy, hatred, flattery, drunkenness, slander and murder of intentional. Yes, there will be a holy prayer for the fence for the servant of God and the rescue of his housing.
Lord Almighty, order the wicked forces to leave my house. Hear me the slave of yours and give a blessing of the house, in which this prayer is happening. Like as the wax melts from the fire, let all evil tricks, the sorceress and the devilish goats of the human race are melted. The pleasants of the lost, Lord, and call them to repentance, as you called me a slave of yours (name). I believe in you, Lord
Almighty, there is no other God and worship you. Slender me, protect and save, God, from any sorcery and ill-wishers. Whether I, my Chadam and home by a patron and assistant, Lord.
Similarly, it is impossible to stop the course of rivers, so can no evil magician withstand the words of this bright prayer. Yes, any demonic goats and evil strength directed toward your slave (name) will disappear.
Lord Almighty, multiply the power reading this prayer. I will pray for all the angels and the Holy Mother of God. I pray to Jesus Christ, cleansing from sins by a giving one, and all of his wonderful healings are sinful. The name of your holy and great spell and drive all the evil intent of the evil and evil people, all their sorcery and conspira, eye damage and their other demonic tricks. Disappear forever, the forces of evil, from me the slave of God and my Chad by the power of the life-giving honest cross of the Lord and all the forces of the Heavenly, who serve to Almighty. Multi-facing Lord, answering any unclean power from your servant (name) and his home.
Yes, I will save your God (name) on the way, in the sea, in the mountains, in the grass, from scorpions, snakes of poisonous and reptile creeps, when taking food and at the hands, from the loss of blood and other damage to the force of the life-giving honest Cross of the Lord.
In prayer I appeal to the holy prophets: Zharya, Ion, Osi, Ilya, Mikhai, Daniel, Malachi, Eremee, Isay, Amos, Elisha, Norma, Samuel and the Baptist of the Lord John. I pray and begone, John the Theologian, Matthew, Mark, as well as the Apostles of the Holy Rhinestone Peter and Paul.
And also appeal in prayer for righteous Akima, Anna, Iosifa-wrap, brother of the Lord Jekov, John the merciful, Ignatia-God, the Sacred Martyer Analyz, the singer Kondakov Roman, Sladkoreh Efrem Sirin, Vasilya Great, Grigory-Theologian, John Zlatoust, Nicholas Wonderworker. I pray and ask the Saints Metropolitans: Ion, Peter, Philip Alexy, and Hermogens. As well as St. Radonezh Wonderworkers Sergius and Nikon, the Kiev-Pechersk Wonderworkers Anthony, Feodosia and Athanasius, Solovetsky Wonderworkers Zosima and the Savatia, Kazan Wonderworkers Guria and Wrisonophia. In the name of all the saints, the Lord who pleased you Seraphim Sarovskago, Daniel Samson, Maxim Greek, Monk Afonov Mountain Milestia; Nikon Antiochkago Patriarch, Great Martyr Kiriak and Juliet, his mother, man of God's Alexy. In the name of all saints of St. Mironosuits: Magdalene, Mary, Ksenia, Euphrosynia, Evdokia, Anastasia and the Saints of the Great Martyr Fevronia, Paraskeva, Catherine, Marina, who have shed their blood for you.
I believe in the prayer of St. Cyprian, and I ask the Queen of Heaven, to preserve the slave of God from Navakhniya demonic. The power of the Holy Trinity and the lively Cross of the Lord will destroy all the evil and the debrisness of the unclean strength. May they save me, who pursukened by the Mother and Light Heavenly Force, the Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Satavil, Iguasil, Varakhail and my guardian angel.

Envy, malice and hatred are among the most terrible human vices. They generate damage and the evil eye, which take strength and vital energy. If you were a successful person earlier, and I will not recognize yourself lately, and everything literally rolls out of the hands, then you have become a victim of our detractors. Do not hurry to go to the signs and sorcerers to remove the curse. They either subtract you with the prayers that you yourself can read or apply black magic forces, which is extremely undesirable, and will not lead to anything good.

Envy, malice and hatred generate damage and evil eye

Signs of damage and evil

The damage is based on the desire of someone to cause you evil. It is guided by words of spell or black rituals. As a result, damage to the person who is directed, begins to fade in his eyes. The consequences of induced damage and witchcraft can be:

Permanent dizziness and feeling of weakness.

  1. A sharp loss of interest in life, indifference to hobbies and hobbies.
  2. Permanent feeling of fear and internal anxiety.
  3. Sudden flashes of anger that regularly participate.
  4. Troubles at work, misunderstanding in the family.
  5. Improving interest in detrimental habits, the desire to drink or smoke even if there were a man's healthy lifestyle.

If you notice the regular manifestation of these signs, you need to urgently take action. It is not about the usual cold or headache after a hard working day. It is about unmotivated illnesses, about poor well-being without good reason. The healing force of the Sacred Martyr Cyprian will come to the rescue. Another sign of the damage and witchcraft will be under the form of needles, hair, earth, sand, eggs, ropes with knots, etc. The appearance of such things in your home or yard is unequivocally saying that damage is hooked.

Trust but verify

Magic, like medicine, does not stand still and move forward every year. In the rustling of envy and anger for ill-wishers, all means are good. Services of magicians, psychics, sorcerers and signs today are popular more than ever. And this is no accident: these services really use. What just do not go to eliminate the opponent or rival in love relationships, a competitor in business. There are people who are for the sake of inheritance, the desired position or loved one are ready to follow someone with the light. They use the achievements of black magic, put candles for the rest, throw the cemetery land under the doors, etc. Such actions are tested alive by the personality. But no one is insured against them. The only way to protect against ill-wishers is faith and reading the Holy Scriptures. With plenty of protection, you can contact all saints, as they will help you will help. But, if you want to be confident in your security, take yourself a note of the prayer of Saint Cyprian.

If you want to be confident in your security, then learn the prayer to Saint Cyprian

You are doubtful if you have a evil eye on you, and maybe at all, damage to you? Only without sorcerers and additional expenses. You can check yourself for cleanliness yourself. All you need is an egg and a glass of water. For the purity of the experiment, the egg should be clean, and the water is cold. Break the egg into the glass and wait a few minutes. Ideally, water should remain clean, and yolk with a protein stay together. If the water has changed its color, and the contents of the egg broke into a glass, then you really have an enemy. In this case, pay attention to the fibers from the egg - one thread indicates a small evil eye, it can be unintentional. But if there are many such threads in a glass, and bubbles have been formed in the water, damage to you. This is not a reason for panic, this is a signal for action.

Cyprian: the path to God

The legend of Cyprian and Iiustina goes its roots in antiquity. Their life is dated 3-4 centuries, the birthplace of saints is called antioch. Today, everyone treated the priest Cyprian with a prayer for getting rid of evil spell. Few people know that he was not always holy, most of his life Cyprian lived as a Wizard-Warlock. He began to serve paganism, he began not in his will, the parents left the child, leaving him to serve the Appolon. From the age of 7, he was brought up by the sorcerers who taught him all the subtleties of black magic. After a time, Cyprian got on Olympus, where the priests were prepared for the service.

At 30, Cyprian was a successful black magician. He showed himself as a shower and terrible magician. He could die for any evil act: the Warlock could easily destroy the entire harvest in the fields and in the gardens, bring winds, thunderstorms and even endowed people with death. The sorcerer was familiar with the pagan gods and ghosts, repeatedly turned into a demon. At one time, Cyprian served as hers and Artemide, where he learned to cause the spirits of the dead and ask them the secrets of the other world. The warlock not only did not hide his skill, but also shared them with everyone who wanted, he gave the lessons of dark cases and evil acts.

One day to Cyprian, a young man Aglaid turned to Cyprian. His choices was Iiustina. The girl was born in the family, where he won paganism. She herself preferred to Christianity. Over time, he convinced her parents to change faith, the whole family went to the service of the Lord God. Iiustina was sinless, observed all posts and regularly visited church liturgies. When Cyprian agreed to help Aglaid and decided to send a witchcraft speech to Iistina, his perplexity was covered. He turned out to be powerless, the magic did not affect. The reason for this was a unlimited belief of the girl in God, the Most High protected it from dangers and evil deeds. One day, the Warlock visited the House of God, agreed to burn his books on witchcraft. The Most High forgave him and accepted under his patronage. In this example, the Lord showed that no evil to surpass his humanity. Good and mercy should always win.

Temple of the Martyr Iiustina and the Sacred Care

Representatives of the Dark Forces did not forgive Cyprian and the Iiustine of the Faith of God. During his lifetime, they experienced a lot of torment, in the consequence of their executed, the bodies of the saints were thrown right on the street. They found the wanderers and handed over to Ruthin, a woman who lived in the commandments of God. She buried saints.

Now the power of the saints are in the village of Menico (Cyprus). There is a temple of the Martyr Iiustina and the Sacred Cyprian. Pilgrims come to them from around the world. Holy worship helps to heal from mental ailments and even from death diseases.

Reading prayer

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Cyprian will remove evil acts from you and cleaned from damage. Prayer can be read at any time of the day, for its effectiveness, all the appeal to the saint need to read 40 times. Prayer is large in volume, but believe me, it is better to spend time on cleansing your soul and body than to live under the influence of damage. You can read the appeal to the priest you can not only for yourself, it is possible to ask for cleansing for your loved ones. Parents can pray for children cleansing. In this case, the words of prayer need to be pronounced over the head of one who is deducted. Buy in the church the icon of the priest, prayer is better to read directly in front of the saint. While reading the petitions about cleansing, you can also cast a candle, with smoke from your body and soul will leave the unclean force.

The text of the prayer of Saint Cyprian:

Lord God is strong and holy, the king of the reigning, now hear the prayer of your slave. "

You will come to the thousand thousand and darkness of the darkness Angel and Archangel, you will be mystery, the heart of your slave (name), I will appear to him by Lord, Yako in the Uza Pavlu and in Fekle's fire. Taco, know me, you, Az Bo, my first creatures, my whole lawlessness. You, holding a cloud, and the sky of the turret of Sadovnyago, and that the fruit is non-resident. Multiple wives of wave, and other conceptions. On the fence of the Vertograd Tokmo Chair, and Nevators. Retigue does not blossom and class mounted; Vintage is unrelie, and the beasts are invalid. Fishes of marine default and birds of heavenly flying banks. Taco, you showed our strength with a propheter or. "

Re-cross and speak such words:

I pray, Lord my God; All sorcerers, and all the breathless demons to the sin of a person clones and on it the sin of the work, you, I will force, forbid! Now, Lord, my God, strong and great, favorably from unworthy, decent to me, and the pleasant holy flock, I pray, Lord my God, who is to have a prayer for this in the house or with him, coordinate it. The Most Majesty of his, merciful on me and not to take a ruin of me with the lawlessness of myself; Taco of any prayer with a prayer prayer. I am defiant in faith, approve! Unfulous spirit, strengthened! Desperate, Incemakes and not a hole in any companion resorting to your holy name. "

It is best to rewrite a prayer from the evil eye on paper and read it from your sheet. The text of the appeal to the priest can be placed in a notebook, which is always with you. The sheet with prayer can be investigated in the book. If you are in society of unfriendliers, you can open the text to start reading Cyprian's appeal. So you definitely will not be an imprint of envy.

It is best to handle prayer from the evil eye on paper and read it from your sheet

Under the dome of God

If you or your loved ones became a victim of the Warlocks, the church and the will of God will come to the rescue. In addition to handling Cyprian, read prayers and akathist Nikolai Wonderworker. In the interaction of holy words will remove the spell with you and clear from envy. To secure the effect and put protection, go to the church on Sunday Liturgy. After worship, spend your own rite, which will save you from evil deeds and thoughts from the envious. Read in the temple of God "Our Father", holding a burning candle in the left hand. After each read prayer, say "Amen" and be baptized. After that, 12 times say prayer from the evil eye and damage:

"Health, happiness, cleanliness, well-being, love, good luck. Amen".

These words are among them the strongest, they discharge from you an unclean force, the evil eye and attract all the good. If a strong damage is induced, the relief can not come immediately. Repeat the rite next Sunday. Pray to God and Saints, they will definitely hear you and protect against witchcraft.