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Graduation party, scenario “City of outgoing childhood. Graduation Scenario "Farewell, school time!"

11th grade prom script

"Our childhood goodbye"

Beginning before the solemn part.

Film about Russia. (3-5 min.)

(Behind the scenes words and music) Graduates read the words.


What is Russia? It's a hot summer
When there are many flowers on a green meadow,
When the spray on the sea is pearly,
When the bread is ripe and the grass is mowed.

What is Russia? It's a wonderful autumn
When the cranes fly in the sky, chirping,
When ripe cones fall from the pines,
When the leaves turn to the ground.

What is Russia? It's a winter fairy tale
When silver snow lies on the ground,
When the boys rush from the mountain on a sleigh,
When you see the pattern on the window pane.

What is Russia? It's full of life
Happiness, cheerfulness, joy, spring light,
When cool rain suddenly splashes on the ground,

When the forest rustles, departed from sleep,
When the wind stirs the young grass,
When the birds sing again in our land.
I am my Russia, my native land,
Like a dear mother, very gently
I love!

The beauties of our country are fields, forests, rivers, mountains.

The pride of our country is its people.

The hope of the country is its children.

Our pride and hope are our graduates.

(On the screen is a photo of graduates against the backdrop of the school)

Vedas. And so the graduates of 2014 are invited to the hall!

(Graduates enter to the music)


Again June in white light.

On the school joyful planet

Nature comes alive again

Ringing, blooming, fragrant.

And it's a miracle in our hall

What kind of people we have gathered here!

Here is a sea of ​​​​smart, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us.

Here the souls are full of expectation,

Love by an unexpected confession.

Solemn excitement reigns

Sounds like a familiar intro

For everyone who has been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the ball break out, the farewell ball!

Official part. Presentation of certificates, diplomas, thank you letters parents.

Director's speech.

After the presentation of certificates. The light is turned off. One spotlight shines at one microphone. Parents take the stage.

Parents: Well, that's all! And it seemed that 11 years in school is so long. Like the rungs of a ladder. And so our children grew up. I remember the first words, the first steps, the first class. How the whole family cried when something didn’t work out at school, how they cried that they didn’t want to go to school. And now we cry that we no longer need to send children to school.

Our dear children, may everything be fine in your future life. Let everyone choose their favorite profession, let true friends surround you and let happiness find you and never leave. Good luck our dears.

Behind the year of your studies ...
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And tonight we wanted to
Do you remember every moment...
While you are together, in class, still nearby ...
And ahead is a long, difficult path.
But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look
Ask for forgiveness - for something!
Let this evening with you again
The first meeting flies by.
And the first friend, and the first love -
Everything was remembered on this farewell evening.

I would like to say a big thank you to the teachers. Everything our children know and can do is your merit. Low bow to you dear teachers.

The soffit goes off. Lights up for another microphone. Primary school teachers come out.

Primary school teachers:

I have been for many years, school years,
I hurt for everyone
And every year, I grow to follow you,
And I'm getting younger with you.
From each I keep a grain,
After all, you are unique
Life is stored in photographs,
Beloved students.
Believe me, I love everyone
And I'll help you when you need
I hope that my work is not in vain,
No wonder knocked on the soul.
And how I want now
Wish you good luck
So that everyone understands, in a difficult hour,
That school means a lot.
To find a profession
Happy to be at work
Cherish, love, dream on the way,
And always be honored.
You guys are all good
Everyone has thoughts
Hurry to develop talents
To do everything in life.
Have time to reach good heights,
Have time to help who asks
Have time to understand where the soul is calling,
Have time to forgive without anger!

Good luck our dear children!

The soffit turns off. Lights up for another microphone. The class teacher comes out.

Classroom teacher:

You remember? Of course you remember everything!
As kids in the 6th grade came.
We gradually got used to each other,
And time passed ... Hours flew, days ...
And it's been 6 years since we met.
Oh, how much we have experienced! Fear!
Victory in sports, in competitions. And defeat...
We used to drown together in tears.
Claims, accusations and doubts
We have always shared with you at all.
Team spirit is the main difference.
And with this, success was expected everywhere.
Guys, my God, when did you grow up?!
I thought we were together forever.
Today I realized that it's over
We will never be a class again.
And the emptiness, nothing to fill,
I don't know how I will be without you.
After all, you are my best, you are my irreplaceable,
After all, you are my coolest class!

Dear friends! Dear our graduates! This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those who have gathered.

It is important for us, teachers, for whom each graduation is a milestone. After all, we've been through so much together. Parting with you, we feel sadness, but at the same time pride for each of you.

This holiday is important for parents who for 11 years rejoiced at the successes of their children, worried about them, supported them in failures and who did a lot to make this evening truly festive.

And, of course, it is important for the heroes of this holiday. I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have overcome a very important stage on a long journey called "life".

A person paves his own way in life, even if he follows someone. You have been on the road for many years, and prom is like a crossroads. The meeting point, from where a new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adulthood.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you pave your own path, helped you in the search for knowledge, supported you in moments of difficult choice, and sometimes even laid straw to soften the blows.

We are confident that the knowledge you gained at school will be in demand. We hope that the thirst for knowledge, determination and the desire for self-improvement will help you become successful people.

May the path you have chosen lead you to success. Of course, you can take breaks along the way, because you are tired, cry because it is difficult. But success won't come any closer. Therefore, just go ahead! Don't deviate from the route!

And when you achieve success, do not forget to share it with your loved ones. After all, success is multiplied by division.

But all this is in the future, and today here, at the crossroads of our roads, a wonderful holiday is a graduation party. Holiday of friendship and fidelity, beauty and youth. May this evening remain in the heart of everyone present as a kind and bright memory.

Song surprise from the class teacher.

The song "The most important profession in life is to be a man."

Us from the very threshold

Life has laid out paths;

Choose your path

And boldly follow it.

May good luck come to you

To be honest, you lived.

Let fate appoint you

What you deserve!

Chorus: Just remember, just remember

In the rumble-rhythm of the century:

Being human.

Just remember, just remember

In the rumble-rhythm of the century:

The most important profession in life

Being human.

2. In the life of a lived road

Very cool sometimes.

We are strict with ourselves

We burn bridges behind us

We hate and we love

We destroy and create;

But in the heat and cold fierce

We talk to each other



3. May good luck come to you,

To be honest, you lived.

Let fate appoint you

What you deserve!


The film is a gift - wishes from teachers.

(Interviews with teachers.)

Questions for teachers.

1. Name the slang words that you borrowed from your students' vocabulary.

2. What do you remember about the 11th grade?

3. Who was the best in the class?

4. Which of the students can you name the biggest headache?

5. How much control works you spent in this class?

6. If you decide to order music for students in this class, what would you choose?

And now we invite us to the stage of our graduates.


The weather is overcast and optimistic.

That's all. Candles burn out.

Your and mine fire goes out.

This is our last meeting

This is our graduation ball.

Now you are all sitting together -

Look into each other's eyes

And say, but so that the song does not cry:

"How are you without me?"

"How can I be without you?"

Dear our teachers! We often stood on this stage. Participated in concerts, performances, evenings. And now we are on this stage for the last time.

And this short and farewell musical is for you, our dear teachers, parents, friends.

Now it's time to say goodbye
The bell rings…
We will say: "School, goodbye, -
Everything has its time, everything has its time.
We're in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times more miles now
We will become images and faces
Relatives of their teachers.
But the hour has come - we know it
And in this special hour
You are gratefully invited
To a school ball, to a school waltz! ..

Alumni Waltz.

(After the waltz, everyone remains on stage)


Today is finally the day we dreamed of long time, which was eagerly awaited, seen in a dream. This day sounds in our hearts as a solemn, joyful, bright melody. And notes of sadness and regret organically flow into this melody.


We leave school and understand that nothing can be returned, repeated, changed. Behind was a bright, eventful school life, where we were forgiven for misconduct and mistakes, where we were understood, tried to help, teach, support.


The school has become for us not only a place where knowledge is gained, but, indeed, a second home, no matter how trite it sounds. Here we were friends, helped each other in solving problems and life problems, won together and shared the bitterness of defeat, rejoiced at each other's successes and tried to comfort each other in trouble.

And you were always there, always ready to understand and help.


And we often did not understand this and were offended by you, and often offended you ourselves. Forgive us for this. After all, we were small and stupid.


You helped us grow and mature. You taught us not only to read and count, but also taught us to think and think, to answer - not only at the blackboard, but also for our actions, and never forget to work on mistakes.


We do not promise that we will not make mistakes in words and decisions, we do not promise that we will become famous and great, but we will always remember your lessons of kindness, justice, tolerance, honesty.


We will try to ensure that in the future you will never be ashamed of us. We will carefully keep school memories not only in photo albums, files and on disks, but also in our hearts.


The melody of today will remain in our souls, solemn, bright with notes of sadness and regret. Let's write it together. Each of us will add his own note to the melody: gratitude, love, fidelity, hope.

We dedicate this song to you...

Song "White Lilac"

The girls cry, the boys sigh
Mothers quietly wipe away tears.
Childhood is over. Like a bird fluttered
Adult life has looked into our eyes.

School desk, flowers and notebook.
A look at the neighbor, and if only furtively.
Here we studied, fell in love, made friends,
Laughed at something, sad about something

The white lilac is waving to us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch,
Let's take a childhood dream with us forever.

Here is our last lesson.
All that we have learned, we will take without a doubt.
In a new life, you and I are so simple ...
Childhood rushed off, and you became an adult.

The white lilac is waving to us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch,
Let's take a childhood dream with us forever.

The white lilac is waving to us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch,
Let's take a childhood dream with us forever.

The white lilac is waving to us like a bird.
The last day of school - he will rush into the past.
And now we'll get off the school porch,
Let's take a childhood dream with us forever.

Let's take a childhood dream with us forever...

Two graduates remain on the stage (a girl and a guy).


The unborn child said:
“I am afraid to come into this world...
There are so many unfriendly, evil
The eye of prickly, the smiles of strangers ...

I'll freeze, I'll get lost there,
I'll get wet in the heavy rain...
Well, to whom I quietly snuggle up?
With whom will I stay alone? ... "


The Lord answered him quietly:
"Don't be sad, baby, don't be sad...
Good angel, he will be with you
As you mature and grow...

He will undead you, pump you,
Bending down, lullabies sing.
It will be pressed tightly to the chest,
Will gently warm the wings.


The first tooth, the first step is to see yours.
And wipe away tears with the palm of your hand.
And in illness, bending over you,
Remove the heat from your forehead with your lips ...
And when, starting to grow up,
You will find your way.
The angel will only look after
Repeating your prayer...”
What is Angela's name? - Tell...
How can I recognize him among thousands?
It doesn't matter at all baby...
Mom will you call an angel ...

Graduate: Our dear mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers! Thank you for everything. For your sleepless nights, for your correct words for your love and kindness.

Graduate: We often do not notice that our words hurt you, that we do a lot of things wrong. We will definitely fix it. We'll hit the bumps, gain our experience, and then we'll know for sure how right you were. Thank you and forgive us.

Song about mother.

(A graduate and a graduate leave)

Graduate: I remember how I was afraid to go to school in the first grade. I was proud that I had become big and I was going to school, but I was terribly afraid. When in the morning my mother made ponytails for me and tied bows, it seemed to me that I myself was beautiful and I had the most beautiful bouquet, and when I came to school I saw that we were all equally beautiful.

Graduate: I wasn't afraid. And my grandmother brought me flowers, because my mother said that I would not bring them to school whole. I was waiting for everything to end faster so that I could go for a walk. Yes! How recently and how long ago all this was.


Once very small
They took us to school
Our bows turned white
The bouquets bloomed.
And awkward fingers
You taught to write
And what is motherland
We felt with you!

Who if gets into trouble
What else will happen
We run to you, as to a spring,
Drink living water...
You were an affectionate mother
With kindness, warmth and light,
We were happy in the class
Well, how to forget all this?

And the years are gray horses
Faster - faster rushed
teacher first,
How we missed you!

Thank you Nina Anatolyevna and Irina Valentinovna.

Song for the first teachers.

Graduates and graduates come out.


Do you remember when we started 5th grade?

Graduate: I remember that looking at Irina Anatolyevna when she saw off Classroom hour On September 1, I thought how good it is that she is so kind, cheerful. We will definitely get bored with her.

Graduate: And I thought, when we were given to Galina Valeryevna at the end of the 5th grade, now it certainly should be fun with such a creative nature in her face.

Graduate: And how surprised we were when we came to the 6th grade on September 1 that we had a different class teacher.

Graduate: And how glad we are that this happened. How long Svetlana Viktorovna had to go with us. Frustrated lessons, broken doors, damaged fire extinguishers, and it's impossible to list everything.


And only her calmness, strict and at the same time motherly kind eyes next time made us think before doing anything.

Graduate: And those words that she spoke to us for so many years. "You are my best!" And it gave us hope and gave us confidence.


We remember the school warmly,

And your main merit is

After all, we are very lucky in life:

You have become our teacher and friend!


And we always looked up only to you,

For sensitivity infinitely respected,

And the whole class admired you,

Although you kept us in strictness.


We are so grateful for that fate

It's hard to even put into words

And we envy ourselves

What happened to us to meet you!

Song for the class teacher.

All graduates leave.

Graduate: Our dear teachers! You made real people out of us. You gave us so much of your warmth, love and knowledge. We love you very much and thank you for everything.


Here it is June again, graduation class again,
As a particle of yourself, see you on your way.
Gratitude and low bow to you on earth,
Because the soul was not allowed to sleep!

There will be new classes and new days
The whirlwind of school everyday life will spin you around again.
But we know you will remember them
They have your soul, they have your love!


We wish you health for a thousand years,
Easy classes, more salaries and on time!
You have patience in everything, but less trouble,
We ask you from the bottom of our hearts - continue the lesson!

Song about teachers. Under the guitar.

Fifth graders run out onto the stage.

Student 1: Oh! We did. Guys! No need to be sad. We are also graduates. Primary school only. We will take your place and hopefully be a worthy replacement.

Student 2: Don't worry about the teachers. With us, their life will be no less interesting than with you.

Student 1: And your class teacher will not be bored. We take charge of her. And we will not let her offend.

Student 2: Be sure!

Student 1:

You are now called graduates,

What a pity to leave you today!

You have grown up, there is nothing to add here,

Congratulate everyone on graduation!

Student 2:

And I want to wish you so much:

May the path be bright, the road be easy!

May this holiday be a marvelous school evening -

Will give warmth and joy of meeting!


How I envy them. They have so many exciting things ahead of them.

And most importantly, what they have and we will no longer have is a carefree childhood.

The song "Where does childhood go"(You can sing to fifth graders)


Well that's all. We say goodbye to you beloved school. We say goodbye to you, our dear teachers. And from the bottom of our hearts and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank the school administration and the entire teaching staff. Thank you for everything.

Thanks to those who lead us to knowledge,

Who chose the hard way of the roads.

Thanks to those who proudly wear the title:

Teacher, educator, educator.

Thank you teachers

Because the earth is round

For Troy and for Carthage,

For benzochloropropylene,

For ZhI and SHI, for twice two,

for your kind words

Those that we now keep within ourselves,

We THANK YOU for everything!

What a proud calling

Giving education to others

Give away a piece of your heart

Forget empty quarrels

After all, it is difficult to explain to us,

Sometimes very boring

Repeat the same

Check notebooks at night.

Thank you for being

They've always been so right.

We would like to wish

So that you do not know troubles

Health, happiness for a hundred years!

For leading to knowledge

Ignoring the difficulties

Only thanks

We say goodbye to you.

We wish you well

And blue overhead

More joy, warmth,

Wins and fewer breakups.

And even if you suddenly cry

You want goodbye

Then know that the eleventh grade

He only says to you: "Goodbye!"

Soul beautiful and very kind,

You are strong in talent and generous in heart.

All your ideas, dreams of beauty,

Lessons, undertakings will not be in vain!

You managed to find the way to the children,

May you have success along the way!

With time, culture and art

We walked in step to significant roles -

And we bow with a kind, bright feeling

The wisest of people - teachers!

Oh, how fast people grow up!

Not noticeably time runs.

But we will never forget you!

We say this to you from the bottom of our hearts.

All the knowledge that you have

We are from you - save, save,

Let's multiply and let them be

The most valuable luggage for us!

You gave us your heart and soul

Learned almost everything!

Today we want to bow

YOU - your teacher!!!

Graduation Chorus: Thank you for everything!

Final song for teachers and dance.

After the final song to the music, graduates give flowers to teachers and administration.

Graduate: And goodbye movie - chronicle of school life. A film called Our Childhood Farewell (To the song classmates)

I won't be in the schoolyard anymore
With a briefcase to go in golden september
I will no longer sit at my desk
I give it to the younger guys.

The last school bell rang
He must have wanted to say something.

We're just leaving school...


Ah, dear school, forgive and farewell...

verse 2:
Years flew by in one minute
There was a first call, and now graduation
Here I will not hold back treacherous tears
Thank you for being serious.

The last school bell rang
He must have wanted to ask something.
We'll still stand at the door, and then
We just leave school altogether.


We are standing at the very threshold
And the teachers are sad. No need!
What was harder for them?
To teach us or to see us off...

Goodbye, school! I drink Coca-Cola for you
And I beg you to remember me.
I believe you won't close the doors for us

Ah, sweet childhood, forgive and farewell ...
Ah, sweet childhood, forgive and farewell

Thanks to our teachers

(to the melody of I. Krug's song "To Friends")

Thanks to our teachers

The time has come and we have so many words.

Teacher, like love, is always from God,

Sometimes in life there are no people closer.

Let sometimes you have to be angry,

But you showed stamina and pity,

Let us often get hit on the neck,

They approached souls and hearts.

We are grateful to all

What do we have you have!

You have invested your work in us.

And bow to the ground

You accept here

It’s not from evil that we were naughty!

Thank you for the peace in our souls,

For accepting us in any way,

And often spared in punishment,

Thank you for being with us!

But how we miss the fuss!

Ah, if everything were the same as before!

We are honestly grateful to you without falsehood

Believe me, our thoughts are pure.

We are grateful to all

What do we have you have!

You have invested your work in us.

And bow to the ground

You accept here

But your look is even more beautiful,

The sparkle in your eyes gave me hope.

You are like a caring mother

We wanted to become smart

Surrounded with warmth and care...

Your strict mind and kindness

We have always been a support

You helped us a lot

Our teacher, our beloved,

We thank you for everything

Your efforts and words

We will never forget.

All of our 11th grade

He says to you: Forgive us,

What unwittingly upset you,

What we did not always obey

And sometimes they were offended.

But you understood that too.

How they came to you for salvation,

You helped us with advice

And we learned a lot.

We've grown up, that's the point.

Alas, it's time to mourn

About irrevocable school days.

Our cool leader

We thank you for everything

We will keep the school in our hearts

And we will come to you again and again.

class teacher

(to the melody of the song by V. Dobrynin and L. Derbenev "Who told you")

Today we are in the eye

Let's look into your eyes

And remember all the words

And we will repeat again.

It's a pity not to return

All those days ago

It's a pity for us in life

Now go alone.


We every gesture

Every glance is yours

We keep in our hearts

It sounds ringing

And let us leave school soon

Let's go forever

But your sunny eyes

Keeping warm.

We do not want to believe

And we don't want to think

That separation will come

And you will forget us

your kindness

We keep in memory

But don't you forget

Your true class.


(M. Paykova )

Song "Farewell advice to teachers"

(to the melody of a song from m / f "Little Raccoon")

Our life is more beautiful from a smile!

Let your school work get on your nerves.

If a conflict is suddenly ripe, restrain yourself!

Smile, even if you want to scream at times.

Scenario of the prom in 11 classes "Graduation Express"

GZK: Attention! Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen! Let's consider graduation ball open!

WALTZ 4 classes

Vedas 1: Good evening!

Vedas 2: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! But it's true, today is really a wonderful evening, an evening of magic and wonderful transformations, an evening when the most cherished and innermost desires come true, an evening when fabulous transformations happen.

Vedas 1: An evening that both students and parents, who were worried about their child, for his victories and defeats, and teachers who know how these victories were given and how the failures ended, were waiting with impatience and spiritual awe for a long 11 years!

Vedas 2: An evening full of joyful excitement, happy moments! Leaves ___ June 20___. And on the threshold - ___ June - the day from which your adult independent life begins!

Vedas 1: Dear graduates! Exams sounded the final chord of the school symphony. You have completed the complex sentences of your childhood to the end - the time of happy discoveries, good and cheerful undertakings, the time with which the first friends, the first love and the first parting are associated. But much in your life is yet to come, and now ...

Vedas 2: And now - an amazing and unique, festive and starry night - your graduation party! Your holiday!

Together: Alumni Celebration 20___!

Vedas1: Under your thunderous applause, we present our heroes - graduates of the municipal educational institution - secondary school No. ______.

Vedas 2. Everyone is ready, everything is ready:
Flowers, smiles and words.
Meet me in this bright hall
The culprits of a great celebration!

Music sounds. Alumni exit. Defile. (passage with dance moves)

Alumni presentation.

Vedas 1: Everything became as you wanted,

And now the desired hour has come:

Prom dresses you put on

Flowers and music for you!

Vedas 2: Well, graduate, freeze for a moment!
That day has come, that hour!
School escorts you with excitement -
School childhood is leaving you!

The train whistle sounds, the noise of the station

Vedas 1: Ladies and gentlemen! Friends! Today we will go on an exciting journey on a magical, fast train called Graduation Express-20_____!

Vedas 2: Our graduates will go to adulthood from the school station, leaving behind long and still wonderful years of study,

Vedas 1: The first successes, the first five in the magazine ..

Vedas 2: And the first remark in the diary and a broken knee on football ..

Vedas 1: The first school love, the first appearance on the stage and the first clumsily drawn drawing ..

Vedas 2: look, on the platform, those leaving impatiently glance at the clock, shifting from foot to foot, politely keep up the conversation, but they are no longer with us in spirit .. The mourners, of course, understand their impatience: they look at future passengers with a wise smile, mentally , for the hundredth time, wishing them good luck and praying for them.

Vedas 1: So it's time for everyone to take seats on the train from childhood to leave this destination forever. New routes ahead. What each segment of life's distance will prepare for you is unknown.

Vedas 2: What is there, around the corner, where the rails shining in the rain run away. Will you be there, far away, as comfortable and calm as it was here, on our school platform?

Vedas 1: Tickets are sold out in each car,

There is no free place.

Here is the stage - your usual school platform,

Your cargo is school knowledge package.

Vedas 2: Let the unusual composition lead

Those who are dear to you, friends.

We know that the wagons will not leave the track,

The team consists of parents and teachers.

Vedas 1: For several years, the entire staff of specialists, school guides and machinists was preparing for the festive - graduation flight. They worked tirelessly, helping our little passengers, step by step to know the world around them and themselves in it.

Vedas 2: Today's route is accompanied by the best specialists:

Head of the Graduation Express - school principal _______,

Car conductor No. 11 letter B - class teacher 11 "B" ______

Vedas 1: Our esteemed guests see off our graduates at the school station (introduction of guests)

Vedas 2: And also on our platform teachers, parents, grandparents, friends and relatives of our graduates

The whistle of a train, the sound of wheels. MUS screen saver___________

A moving train on the screen

Vedas 2: So, dear passengers, our train arrived at the first station, Detskaya station. 1996 This year, a small miracle happened in every family of our esteemed passengers! Such a long-awaited, such a touchingly helpless, such a wonderful baby was born! Let's all look out the window of our car! (children's photos on the screen)


Hello! Is this a maternity hospital?


Yes... I'm listening to you.


Tell me, did my wife give birth?


Wait a minute (looks at notes). Comrade ___ (last name of the graduate's father)? Congratulations! You have a boy. 3500, healthy and very fast kicking legs.

____ (father's last name)? The girl jumps like on a trampoline. ___________? You have a boy. Already reaching for the microscope!

You have a daughter. She has already organized everyone into a detachment and is rehearsing.

You have a son. Currently studying the military regulations. Demands the Constitution and the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

presenter: And then, after a while, children's everyday life began. Every day at seven in the morning the alarm clock rang, and mothers woke you up to take you to kindergarten. Let's go back to this time...

Sounds _______________

Output kindergarten

Just like we are now

You went to kindergarten.

Did you go to kindergarten?

On the handles you were often worn.

They were often in wheelchairs.

You didn't want to go.

And if you didn't sleep

They rocked you on the handles.

Dimka often roared like that.

Ilyushka did not want to go to kindergarten

And looked out the window.

Artemka walked with a pacifier.

And someone wore diapers.

Poorly ate Sasha porridge

They spoon-fed him.

The bib saved everyone from curdled milk

soup, cabbage soup, yes from everything!

And Rita told everyone fairy tales

And Mishka made eyes at all the girls!

The Nagaevs loved to throw sand,

And Alyosha loved to hug.

They were such fools

They fought with their hands and feet.

Yes, you were all good.

Yes, what can I take from you - after all, kids!

You have become quite big:
Uncles, aunts - that's it!
And I am glad to congratulate you now
Our Kindergarten Team.

We will remember you at school

After all, the school is right next door!

Don't forget your favorite garden

He is the first step of childhood!

Sounds ______________ Kindergarten Care

Vedas 1: And our magic train arrives at the station ... FIRST-CLASS. Please look through the window of our express train. Yes, yes, it's you, first graders! Who among you, tell me then, could seriously imagine today's day?

A first-class photo cutting is projected on the screen.

Oh, how he was afraid of you!

They, barely visible from the ground,

You could have stepped over.

And now, hiding their excitement,

Congratulations have been prepared!

Vedas 2: Musical gift from the graduates of 2024!

Dance class 1 "Sailor"

Train whistle, station bell ringing.

Student photo on screen.

Vedas 1: And we continue our fascinating journey through the waves of our memory. And now, outside the windows of the school train, they are already flashing: the second and third ... seventh grade ... And here are the senior classes

Vedas 2: Our train is not listed as fast,

He is express - 11 years

He moved stubbornly uphill,

Crossing hundreds of different rivers

Valleys of chemical, tricky formulas

And important dates in the history of the native.

Vedas 1: And he rammed physics stubbornly,

Our line-up was running according to the “straight” schedule.

Sometimes the path curved like a parabola,

And exact solutions were required.

And finally, our train was

At the high aspiration station.

Vedas 2: Those who are awarded a certificate for a long, stubborn journey through the country of school knowledge land at the High Aspiration station.

Vedas 1: Attention! Passengers of the school train of graduation cars No. 11 "A" and 11 "B" serving their adult lives, get ready for passport control and receiving a document certifying maturity!

Vedas 2: Today comes full,
And the key and joyful moment,
When you receive your main,
Your very important document in life!

Vedas 1: And on the school platform we invite the best helmsman in the world - the director of our school _________________.


Vedas 2: We are at the Shining Versatility station, the best students of our school will get off at it - winners of school awards - gold and silver medals!

Vedas 1: Shine of gold and silver giants,
This is the wedding of minds and talents
Higher ranks - an honorary honor,
The best chosen ones are counted!

Vedas 2: And we are on the first platform - the Golden Placers platform.

Vedas 1: we invite _____________ and her parents ___________ to receive a certificate and a gold medal. After all, a certificate and a gold medal and their merit.

Presentation of certificates of medalists.


Vedas 1: And we ask everyone to take their seats in the hall, and students, owners of a silver medal, are invited to the Silver Shine platform!

Vedas 2: A musical gift for our medalists! _____________________

Vedas 1: Dear passengers! We are at the Umnikov and Umnits station! And future scientists, inventors and innovators, participants of Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences and competitions, the smartest and most intelligent are invited to the platform!


Vedas 1: No one ever has such a trip

Haven't known since the mighty Atlas.

Hours, weeks and years pass

But the most beautiful of all is the Talent Station.

Vedas 2: On the platform we invite those guys who improvise, compose. They worship art. They participate in theatrical holidays, sing and play musical instruments, read poetry wonderfully, are active participants in all school holidays and repeated winners of many competitions.


Vedas 1: Congratulations to our intellectual and talented graduates ______________________________________________________

Vedas 2: And we arrive at the platform of Restless and kind hearts. We invite to the platform active participants in labor school affairs, guys who are ready to help anyone. They are characterized by sensitivity, responsiveness, disinterestedness.


Vedas 2: Attention passengers! Request: to board the express train of the future, the next to adulthood, pass those who are attracted by the world of sports and strength. We are at the station "Sportivnaya!"

Vedas 1: Repeated winners of tournaments and competitions, our athletes, are invited to the platform. Over the years, they have shone in basketball, volleyball and power sports! And note that they are not deprived of other talents!

Vedas 2: Graduates have been waiting for this date for so long
And waiting for a happy moment!
In honor of all those who received certificates today,
Once again, the applause is incessant!

Vedas 1: And in colored lights it will not be forgotten

Your carefree life

The fairy tale will come true or it will not come true,

But today we believe in it!

ROOM _______________________________

Vedas 2: Oh, look, we are approaching the station of Congratulations and Wishes. Seeing off our graduates to adulthood, please get ready.

Vedas 1: There is a good tradition here - they give gifts here, fulfilling the most cherished desires, they say warm parting words.

Vedas 2: Let's follow this good old tradition.

Vedas 1: And we invite the head of the municipality __________ to the platform


Vedas 2: It's good to sit in the car

Listen to the soft rumble of the wheels.

Good, sweet little train

You carried us all in childhood!

Vedas 1: Graduates! Don't rush to the wagons. Wait, look around.. You still have a little time before you leave your childhood forever.. And we invite your first teachers to our school platform. Congratulations to you ______________________________________________________

Year after year 11 years flew by.

Childhood has departed from you forever,

Leaving a good mark in my memory.

Vedas 1: We are glad to inform you that the station attendants, your class teachers _______________________, were sensitively following the movement through the stations and the management of the school railway train. And we invite them to our school platform.

WORD of the class teacher _____________________________


Vedas 2: Oh, what kind of sobs are on the next platform. Oh yes, parents. Dear parents, they are waiting for you at the train number 20____, car number 11, letter A and B

I repeat! Dear parents! You are expected on the platform!

Vedas 1: To those who say goodbye to school,
To those about whom the rumor is buzzing
To the daughters and sons who stepped into youth
Relatives and relatives came to say parting words


Vedas 1: Our journey on the Graduation Express continues. Ahead is the most touching and sad station - the station of declarations of love.

Vedas 2: Declarations of love to whom?

Vedas 1: To everyone who helped our graduates grow up: teachers, class teachers, their own school. So, dear graduates! You have the floor!

Alumni response

It sounds _______________________ against the background of the song, first-graders (2 boys and 2 girls) run out onto the stage with satchels, balls, jump ropes.

4 graduates come out (2 boys and 2 girls).

Behind them, graduates slowly enter the stage and stand in random order.

Korobkina: Guys, this group of kids reminds me of something, somewhere I have already seen or read this ...

Gagin: Let's get closer. (Suitable for first graders).

Gagin: What's your name?

First grader: Oleg Gagin, 1st grade student.

Oleg Gagin: It's me 11 years ago... And who do you want to become?

First grader: I will study well and become a scientist. (Oleg takes his hand)

Korobkina: Who are you?

First grader: And I'm Korobkina Sveta, I'm in 1st grade and I really like to dance and read ...

Golyakov: What is your name?

First grader: Golyakov Dima.

DIMA: What are you dreaming about, Dima Golyakov?

First grader: I do not know yet. Probably, I will be a pilot or an astronaut!

GRADUATE: Are you, for sure, Yulia Gordeeva?

First grader: Yes, do you know me?

Gordeeva: And you really like flowers and toys?

First grader: Yes! What are we familiar with?

Graduates: Yes, it's WE!

(Graduates with children become in 1 row, all graduates are around them)

1: I can’t even believe that 11 years ago we were like this…

2 : Yes, our childhood train rushed by at the speed of light, we didn’t even notice how stations and stops rushed past. And here it is, the long-awaited station - in our hands - a certificate!

3: And now we are graduates. We had to go through 11 whole years before we understood what it means to finish school, pass exams, get a certificate.

4 : - To be honest, on September 1, 2003, we did not set ourselves such a goal - a certificate. It's just that we all really liked brand new briefcases, pencils and pens, textbooks that smelled of printing ink. And, of course, we were crazy about our teachers.

5 : Yes, and it’s absolutely certain that we couldn’t even imagine how in a few years we would forget pens and notebooks at home, paint textbooks, and instead of briefcases wear one - the only notebook for all occasions.

6 : What was, was, we do not refuse anything. And we will remember both the good, and the joyful, and the sad, that is, everything that we lived for for 11 years. - our school!

The first graders leave.

7: How does school start?

8: From the clean steps of the porch,

Who cleaned out the janitor

And may they never end!

9: Or maybe it starts

From the one who makes the calls

10: From the teacher, maybe that

Leads us to the goal with you.

11: How does school start?

12: From the medical card that the doctor started,

13: Or maybe from the library,

Where the book leads to knowledge.

14: Or maybe it begins

From the secretary's reception

Where from the personal file of each

Your destiny is born.

15: How school starts...

16: So how did it all start?

17: For us, it started from the Doroda Dobra station

18: Sunny festive morning on September 1, 2003. We are small children with large briefcases and knapsacks over our shoulders, with huge bouquets in our hands, excited and joyful, still not understanding anything, we crossed the threshold of secondary school No. 3. The school yard is filled with the scent of autumn flowers, the atmosphere of the holiday is in the air,

19: Do you remember how we first entered the office, and there she stood with a kind smile on her face. She looked at us with such kind eyes. I still remember those radiant eyes - lights ...

20: As soon as we crossed the threshold of the school, you, our first teachers, met us small and unintelligent why, you were the first who began to teach us not only the rules of grammar and arithmetic, you led us along the path of Good.

21. In the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
God knows what year, in what region -
We kind word don't forget to remember
Your first teacher!

22. That, like chickens, she carefully counted us,
When I took under my "wing",
When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
And solemnly led into the walls of the school.

23. Our dear __________ (name of the first teachers)

For the hard work of mastered basics,
For that call that foreshadowed separation,
For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart! ..

24: All our lives we will remember how, without melting a smile,
You returned us a notebook where there was no mistake
How grieved were you when, though rarely,
You owe us a bad mark

25: We were children and sometimes, alas, did not notice
In the look of your kind eyes of care and sadness
We thank you for everything, for us
You are always the FIRST!
We to you

All: Thank you!

26: We cannot but say a word of gratitude to the most important person at the Shkolnaya station - our director.

27: Dear_______________! You are the heart of school life, pulsing with such a frequency that its impulses are enough for the entire school body. Your refined perception of the world could not leave us indifferent! We bathed in the waves of your talent, tenderness, love and inspiration!

28. We considered you very strict,

And during the first years

We wanted our roads

They would go around your office.

29. But one day you are simpler, kinder

They began to resolve issues with us.

We just grew up and became

Responsible for your actions.

30. We understand, we see for ourselves,

How dear to you any of our class.

How difficult it is for you to be with us,

And even more difficult - without us!

Thank you for everything!

31: ____________, you are an extraordinary person in everything! You have as many as 4 hands, and all are right, without which it is impossible to imagine school life. Have you guessed who I'm talking about? Yes, of course, head teachers - right hand director. And we address the words of appreciation and gratitude to you, our dear deputy directors, L.A., E.K., E.M and R.Yu!

DANCE Break dance (young graduates)__

Song "Shards of Memory"

1: They say that everything in the world is bound to change.

2: Everything changes, of course, but in my memory the schoolyard where you and I grew up will remain unchanged. School corridors, gym...

3: School cafeteria and assembly hall…

4: Well yes, locker rooms…. Toilet…

5: (cuts him off) Yes, in general, the Shkolnaya stop was the most interesting and eventful!

6: Ah, what a time it was!

7: Hiking!

8: Contests!

9: Competition!

10: Lessons and changes.

11: First love!

12: Unforgettable time! And the train of childhood rushes and rushes ....

13. Like a moment, eleven years have flown by!

And here we are at the station

We already take a train ticket at the box office,

Leaving for adulthood.

14. We stand at the school threshold

And remember everything that happened.

How carefree childhood floated,

Everything was simple and easy.

15. Yes, yes, but something was not very easy for me with mathematics and physics ....

14: Why?

15: Yes, as long as I remember all these formulas, integrals, tangents, cotangents ... they act on me like sleeping pills, it doesn’t get to the tasks ...

16: Do you remember how we solved the control? I still can’t understand how Olga Anatolyevna guessed that we copied it from Katya ?!

15: How are you?! Katya in the fifth task wrote "I don't know!" And you wrote "Me too!"

17. Yes, it was easy to get lost in the labyrinths of knowledge! But here at this station we were met by real professionals, our teachers.
18. We traveled to the end of the world and revealed the secrets of living water. We read thick books and unraveled foreign letters. We searched for pistils and stamens scarlet flowers and sang magical songs.
19. And at every lesson, our teachers helped us to get grains of precious knowledge. In ordinary school lessons, they revealed to us the secrets of time, space and matter.
20. With them we uncovered the mysteries of the universe. And behind the window of the car from childhood, a huge world opened up, full of wonders and discoveries.

21. Thanks to you, our dear teachers, we can not only distinguish a verbal adjective from a participle, solve economic problems and translate from a foreign language. You gave us more: filled our hearts with Love for people, Faith in yourself, Hope that good always wins in life.

22. We now not only know hundreds of formulas, we also know the formula for success.

23. Thank you for the fascinating lessons - travel to the world of the Egyptian pyramids and knightly competitions, palace intrigues and popular revolutions. And not only…

24. We realized that only you can bring up future Darwins and Mechnikovs.

25. You taught us to see and feel the beauty of the world. And in the lessons of physical education and life safety, we realized that the beauty of the body is as important as the beauty of the soul.

26: And we all learned this at a special station - the Shkolnaya station! Each of our teachers is a special and unique person. If today we were entrusted with compiling the class schedule for the graduating class, then we would put in it not the names of the subjects, but the names of our teachers ...

27. The Earth is spinning like a carousel in childhood.

And so many years have passed, like ten days.

It's time for smiles and flowers

It's time for confessions and parting words.

The time has come for us to say, friends,

Thank you teachers!

Students list the NAMES of teachers and give everyone FLOWERS

Number ____________________________

Train whistle. The sound of wheels. Station noise.

1: Oh! And where are we?

2: Yes, look, some kind of stop flickers outside the windows ...

28. Our train slows down,

Wheels rattle less hard.

Our driver gives a beep,

And here we see the station

With the name "Friendship".

29. GRADUATE: School life… What is it? Long road in the dunes? Eternal Call? Or irony of fate? Do not know. But I am convinced of one thing for sure: our life was filled not only with lessons, fun hikes and holidays, but also with the warmth of school friendship, which we will carry through our whole lives.


I want to confess to you today

Now there is no more need to hide:

It was flattering to study in such a class,

Boys are better not to be found at school!


And the whole school envied us.

Especially her maiden army:

Beautiful, sporty, funny

And smart, well, in general, we are a match!


There are no better girls in the world.

Today looked - simply stunned!

All those Miss Universes, believe me

Compared to them, they are simply out of work!

33. Our boys were the strongest and most athletic ...

34. And our girls were the most beautiful and smartest ...

35. Our classes were the most friendly ...

36. The most responsive ...

1 The most understanding...

2. The very best ....

Yes, in general

ALL: we are always together! SONG "TOGETHER FOREVER"

Guys, don't go around this station!

Where? Yes, this is ours, dear ....

FAMILY ALBUM slide show


Dolls thrown, no braids

Tears of an unfortunate first love

I brushed off my thick lashes.

Dad, look how I've grown

Behind already 11 classes,

But to you for advice and help

I'm ready to go as a child.

Dad, look how I've grown

In the evenings I rush to a date,

But still, only you

For me - the most, most, most.


Mom, look how I've grown

I'm less and less with you

I send the first letters to the girl,

I sometimes forget about you.


Mom, look how I've grown

I am sharp and quick-tempered,

But in my heart I still

And we are vulnerable and very touchy.


Mom, look how I've grown

But I'm still attached to you

And all the best that is in my heart,

Only you, dear, I owe.


Yes, we have grown, we have become taller

And stronger, and even wiser.

But everything is also difficult in moments

In your help, parents, we believe.


We are sometimes careless

Unforgivably indifferent

We stand for independence

And we don't want to be obedient.


But believe me, it's all bravado.

There is no one more important to us than you.

We love you, we love you very much

And without you we can not even a minute.

1. Dear ours, thank you for us!!! (guys kneel, girls bow)

Music intro _________________

The sound of a train, the sound of wheels.

2 Oh, look, guys, there is another station outside the windows….

Guys, we are coming to the end ... ..


Let the stars light up

Let them burn until the morning.

Let it begin again for you

All lessons are good.


And let this night

It will be the most magical for us

After all, it is our life,

And in it is your last school waltz!

LEADER 1: There is only one summer between childhood and youth

Fate has given you as a keepsake

Joy swirls in the heart

Everything is open to you...

Life begins - an endless waltz ...

school waltz

3. The school life page slammed shut,

And childhood can not be returned,

It flew away like a blue bird.

Perhaps today we are a little sad.

4.More us today under school vaults

Collected this graduation ball,

And tomorrow a vague feeling of freedom

And life choices are great.

5. More thoughts beyond the school threshold

About my life and destiny

We'll have to walk on difficult roads

Towards a cherished dream.

6. And school years, like a bright feeling,

Will always stay with us.

What a pity that we all have to part,

My dear friends!

Song (sad) ____________________


HOST: Dear graduates! You feel how inexorably the dawn minutes are approaching. You are at the station "Last Confession" And you still have time to say the final word.

Graduate: As you want, raising your hands high, take off! High, high! Take a look at your favorite schoolyard, fly over the streets hometown which are very dear to me! Wave your arms - wings and scream so that everyone can hear: THANK YOU to everyone who has been with us these years. It was you who gave me wings so that I could take off, feeling in myself the strength and strength of knowledge, physical perfection and high spiritual impulses.

So let these hearts become a symbol of our love!

Graduates (in pairs) take turns walking out holding heart balloons and saying parting words.

1st and 2nd: We give these hearts to our childhood that will never return. My childhood, goodbye!

3 and 4: we give these hearts to the teachers of our school. Thank you for being there, thank you for your support and understanding! You brought up real people in us: honest, kind. All these years you have invested in us a piece of your heart and soul! We will try our best to meet your expectations!

5 and 6: We give our hearts to carefree school days. I am only now realizing that these years were the most carefree!

7 and 8: We give our hearts to our first teachers. Thank you for everything!

9 and 10: And we give our hearts to our administration. Without it, there would not be such a school, the best school in the world!

11 & 12: We give our hearts to our home school! School, dear, goodbye!

13 and 14: And we gratefully give our hearts to our class teacher! Dear Olga Mikhailovna, thank you for your warmth and wisdom!

15 and 16: Elena Vladimirovna, we give our heart to you! Thank you for always being there!

17 & 18: We give our hearts to our parents! Our dear ones, we love you very much! You gave to life, put on your feet, your days and nights were filled with care and love. Thank you!

19 & 20: We give our hearts to our school friends! The best, the most faithful, the most reliable!

21&22: We give our hearts to all who taught us to love this world! Our grandparents!

23 & 24: We give our hearts to this school staff. Thank you for your understanding and education!

25 & 26: We give our hearts to first romantic love!

27 & 28: We give our hearts to school life: so unforgettable!

29 and 30: We gratefully give our hearts to those who made our school life bright, festive! Thanks for the school activities!

31 & 32: We give our hearts to all of you who are standing on this stage right now! Let's make a promise that in a year we will definitely meet at the reunion of alumni!

33 and 34: We give our hearts to all who will study at this school after us: we envy you!

35 and 36: We give our hearts to our future, as yet unknown, even mysterious, but certainly interesting! Let it be light! I'm sure we're in for great things! We have everything ahead!



The sound of wheels. Train braking. The sound of a bell.

Host 1: So your eleven-year school trip has come to an end. Our graduation express at the Yunost station. Dear passengers! Please everyone get ready!

Music saver _____________________

Presenter 2: Sad candles are crying in separation ...

Drops, flowing, tremble on the eyelashes ...

And so this evening comes to an end

sadness blurred familiar faces

Vedas 1. In the last summer, not a line, not a sigh,
You can't get away from this.
The epoch burns out with a farewell fire
Gone of your school childhood.
Last summer, last school summer.

Vedas 2: Carousel of winds, children's fabulous dreams

A happy summer will swirl you.

Uncertainty is a sign and a desperate step ...

We will remember this with you.

Vedas 2: Now in front of you is the world of infinity.

We love you! We hope for everyone.

Bring kindness and humanity to the world.

May you be successful in life!

Vedas 1: A new path is calling you, it scares you a little,

Great things beckon

But let me remember the short track

That I took you to school every day.

Vedas 2: Remember your friends, teachers, your native school, because it is with it that much is connected in your life. Come, come, come back to your second home, whose name is School!

Graduates (in chorus): Farewell, school!

(graduates in random order in pairs or threes step forward with movements to the hall - “kiss to the hall”, “heart”, etc. At the end, everyone joined hands and shouted: “School, we love you!” The music is louder.

Used literature and resources:

Dick N.F. fascinating extracurricular work in grades 6-11./N.F.Dik, T.I.Dik. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007.

Scenarios of calendar holidays for senior classes: Toolkit/ ed. Z.U. Gabueva, E.V. Gavrina, U.D. Lukyanova; compiled by N.N. Dymov. - M: Iris-press, 2007.

Classroom teacher. Magazines different years.


Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! So the solemn moment has come when we, teachers of the school, want to announce to you, dear parents, that your children, and our students have become adults: they have graduated from a comprehensive full school.

So, the celebration dedicated to the end of school and farewell to childhood is declared open!

We invite 2014 graduates of the Komsomolskaya secondary school to the festive hall.

(Music sounds. Graduates enter the hall, pass and line up on stage)

For a long time with a computer on "YOU"Tsimerman Volodya ,

And Bill Gates will soon be able to outshine him.

He loves sports: a good volleyball player,

And he likes to go hiking with a backpack.

He always gets to the bottom of everything.

And he himself will come to the right decision -

Any such college would be happy

And he will definitely find his place in life.

Always ready to helpPiontkovskaya Irina,

And reflected in the eyes of her soul,

She is trusting, open and humane,

And she is very feminine and beautiful.

From delicacy a little shy,

He knows how to make friends and forgive for mistakes,

And in life I chose a difficult path -

She will protect the kids at school!

Always been humbleKarina,

And silent among all her friends,

The time has come, and it has become bright and open,

She blossomed and changed all of a sudden.

She wanted to be a school teacher

Must beBobaneva Tanya model,

With such a scythe and with legs "from the teeth",

But only Tanya set herself a different goal -

It has love for both physics and lyrics.

She is consistent in her actions

And she is able to convince her that she is right.

Himself, without making indulgences and concessions,

She decided to firmly enter Univer.

airKseniya, light, plastic

Figurine - what you need, with a blind eye,

She is so sublime and poetic,

But what is superficial, you can not say about it.

Behind this ephemeral appearance is beautiful

The character is solid hidden, striving forward,

She is always responsible, hardworking,

And having set a goal, it will always reach it!

Ours is always capable of jokingDanila ,

He is an optimist and a joker, and a merry fellow,

He goes through life with an open smile,

Rap loves very much, and a master of fiction -

He can dye his hair red for laughs,

But for Last year he became more serious

And he wants to go to Petropavlovsk to study,

To increase your knowledge capital.

No more charmingElnikova Zhenya -

He is red-haired and handsome as Apollo,

Maybe he'll be a good cook.

Or he will be a famous tractor driver.

He is artistic, loves to be in the center of attention

Always ready to please beautiful ladies,

And he has a very important talent -

Find a way out of difficult situations.

modestKudasova Natalia very,

Restrained, calm and even with everyone,

Not wordy, but her smile is for sure

Suddenly, from behind the clouds in the night, the moon shone.

Without hesitation, vigorously and forcefully

She chose her destination

I wanted to be a good mother

And everything will turn out, of course, with her.

young man : What is going on in the world? Vova

Young woman : And just June! Ira

Youth: Just June? Do you think? Zhenya

Girls A: Yes, I think so! Natasha

young man : Now it's time for the farewell ball, Daniel

Where are you and I spinning and singing until the morning!

Young woman : What's behind all this? Tanya

Youth: And it will be July. Zhenya

Young woman : Will it be July? Are you sure? Ksyusha

young man : Yes, I am sure! Vova

I have already heard, and this rumor has been verified by me:

Each university will open its door to graduates!

Young woman : What follows from this? Karina

young man : Should live! Daniel

Sew sundresses and light dresses from chintz!

This is for future exams, it will come in handy, Zhenya

To put more cheat sheets there!

Young woman : You should live even in spite of bad luck Tanya

And finally dance in the middle of this hall ...

young man : So let me talk about Vova's ball today

Hand to dance, ma'am, to offer you!

Waltz is being performed

Presenter: introduces those present, invites them to the presidium.

(They act with congratulations.)

Young woman: The director is a faithful guardian of order, Tanya

Guarantor, as they say now,

He has a strict eye for everything.

And devoted to school without a trace,

A thunderstorm of boobies and rake,

Damocles sword of immodest girls.

Does not notice the looks of languid,

He bears his cross with dignity.

We don't see any flaws in it.

But all the praises later

After the presentation of certificates.

Margarita Mikhailovna,

Time! We wait!

(congratulations from the director)

Youth: Human life... What is it? Long road in the dunes? Eternal Call? Or irony of fate? Do not know. But I am sure of one thing: life is an interesting journey from childhood to youth, from youth to maturity. Each journey begins from the station, and childhood from a fairy tale.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, Volodya

Good fellows

Yes to the red girls

Final school lesson.

Young woman: There were 3 sisters. Karina

Everyone loved to work hard.

In the family they are all given

Here is what is defined:

To be more literate in the district

And hold on to each other

For everyone to have children

And smarter than everyone in the world.

Yes, not one, but thirty, twenty,

To not be idle.

Youth: The first sister says: Vova

1st class leader: I have no time to go to bed.

Yes they are stress free

Can extract roots.

On the subject of my no claims to anyone.

Young woman: The second one replies to her: Karina

2nd class hands: And they read my poems,

Write well and cleanly

There may be medalists.

There are, of course, exceptions

They are always adventurous.

young man : The third bowed her head: Volodya

3rd class hands.: I loved mine so much ...

But athletes are power!

And nice and beautiful.

I'll sit down to check notebooks,

There is work in the garden.

They write - the devil does not understand,

Twos - a whole garden.

1st class leader: And mine!

2nd class hands: Mine!

3rd class hands: And ours!

Together: Every day smarter and more beautiful!

2nd class hands .: In the 5th grade, mischievous ...

3rd class hands: And now everyone is out!

1st class hand: What? Noticeably wiser?

2nd and 3rd (together) No, now they sat on the neck!

2nd: They overslept,

3rd: They fell in love

1st: Then they disappeared from the lessons.

2nd: Yes, behind them an eye and an eye.

Together: They tired us!

1st: And now do not sleep again.

2nd: Take exams at the university.

3rd: Eh, they ruined all their youth.

1st: Yes, why did we love them?

2nd: What's the question? We lived with them! Their troubles were divided! Heart, soul gave!

3rd: Day after day we were close,

1st: And now we must say goodbye ....

Presenter: A word for congratulations from class teachers is provided

class teacher... …..

I look at you and remember the days
When you first came to the fifth grade:
The bell rang. We were left alone...
And thirty pairs of watchful eyes.
And they showed interest in me:
What is she? And what are they?
Then it passed ... And the days rolled by,
Months and years have flown by
And now we are, as then, alone ...
Well, what can I tell you guys today?
Alas, the farewell hour has come for us,
And it's time to choose your paths...
We wish you strength, inspiration,
Fewer failures, worries and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams, and dreams!

So that you find a job to your liking!
To meet true love!
Forward, graduates, step boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again!

Answer word:

We would like to express special thanks to our class teachers. (Students read the quatrain)

We will say with love about our classmates, Ksyusha

About those who have been with us for so many years!

For us there are no women more beautiful

And they have no equal in the surrounding schools!

How much effort was spent on us, Zhenya

We also know how difficult it was with us.

For this, dear ones, we love you

We bow our heads before you!

Everything was both roads and hardships, Natasha

And the light of the sun, and the light of beloved eyes ...

I look back on the years

And I remember you fondly...

I took an example from you, Irina

Went to you for advice.

The reward was

The gaze of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

You give everything to great work, Daniel

You are in baby showers

Be a dream.

Thank you for being alive.

For your deeds and thoughts beauty.

Parents' speech : performance of the song "We wish you happiness"


Yes, our school life was full of surprises.


And we will keep memories of school days for the rest of our lives.

(graduate runs in)


1What did you find?

2Found a magic hat.

1What kind of hat

3 What did you come up with again?

Misha, bring her here.

(Misha takes out the cap.)

2 And what is the magic here?

You see, with its help you can find out the innermost thoughts of a person.


N It's simple. You wear a hat. You ask a question. Well, for example, what does Sergey think about 11 school years?

C Why me?

H For the purity of the experiment (puts on a hat)

C Okay, now your thoughts.

Music"In the head of my sawdust - it does not matter"

N Great! And let's see what our teachers think about us, about the school, and about themselves.

You can also eavesdrop on the thoughts of graduates.

1 What are you guys?

2 Why is that?

1 Do what you want, but we won't look at it.

You think, fu-you, well-you. Well, go ahead! Who do we start with?

From the director of course! (Goes down to the hall)

What does Margarita Misakovna think about today?

Music: Where did the circus go, it was yesterday...

H And how did Andrey Viktorovich gather his athletes for training?

Music: Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes.

What does Samal Serikovna think when our computer freezes?

Music: I shout, and in response, silence ...

What did Tatyana Nikolaevna teach our class?

Music: Two times two is four...

What does Elena Vitalievna think about the past attestation?

Music: Don't rub salt in my wound...

How is Askar Kudaibergenovich going on vacation?

Music: I will go out into the street, I will look at the village ...

And what did Galina Ivanovna see when she entered her class?

Music: Noses - snub noses sniffle.

Let's listen to the thoughts of the graduates, shall we?

Well, for example, what does Daniel think about Svetlana Alexandrovna?

Music: Oh, what a woman...

And here is Eugene. What does graduation mean to him?

Music: Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence ...

And again we return to our teachers,

How do they feel now, because today is our graduation.


Farewell, from all train stations ...

Boldly comrades in step

And you know, it still will.

I will set the table, invite guests

But seriously, we thank our teachers


Dear, our beloved teachers!

You have given us so much warmth and light!

That's enough to warm ten people.

We came to you for any advice

And saw the fire in the eyes of the living.


Thank you for your inspiration

For your sometimes thankless work.

So let these wonderful moments

They will give you the power of life in the future!


We will carry this knowledge through life -

Though they were naughty at times,

But all your efforts were not in vain,

We always stand by your cause


My teacher, forgetting everything in the world,

You taught to go where the light is,

For you, we are all talented children,

Girl: The director is invited to the pedagogical podium schools

We want to congratulate you on your new release. Tanya

Dear Margarita Misakovna!

The ship is sailing on the waves of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully

You are the entire crew of the ship.

Of course, sometimes it stormed,

But you could convince everyone

That the storm is just a breeze

That only two miles to the ground!

Young man: On behalf of all the graduates, we want to thank you.Volodya

For the mind! For the wisdom of leadership! For the power of experience and knowledge!

For kindness and nobility! For the fulfillment of promises!

We dedicate these lines to the head teacher.

Girl: The head teacher for academic work is invited to the podium.

Pyatkina Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Young woman : These words are dedicated to the head teacher for educational work

Olga Misakovna.

Young woman : I think these lines rightfully belong to all the teachers sitting in this room, but today we address them to the first teacher. Welcome to Primary School TeachersBarsukova Galina Ivanovna.

Youth: We send warm words of gratitude to the teachermathematician Yakovleva Tatyana Nikolaevna


The teacher is invited to the stageRussian language and literature Mukhametzhanov G.R.

Youth: We invite a teacher to the stageEnglish language Shovdin K.A.

Youth: The teacher of history and social studies is invited to the stageGavrikova A.S.

Young woman: Invited to the stage charming woman excellent educator, teacherGeography Shulepova S.A.

Young woman: We invite teachers of chemistry and biology to the stageStepanenko Tamara Sergeevna.

Young woman: A master of his craft, a talented teacher is invited to the stagePhysicists Nauruzbaev S.S.

Young woman: We invite to the stage the strongest and most courageous part of our teaching staff (physical education teacher)Kashina A.V.

Youth: On this solemn part of our graduation party came to an end, but the celebration continues.

Scenes: 1. Singing lesson

2. Exam in anatomy.

3. Student under the windows of the women's hostel.

4. Parent meeting.

5.Exam in physics

6. Dreams come true.

7. Memorable moments from school life.


All good things in life eventually come to an end. Our holiday is over. And to say goodbye, I ask all the graduates to come up to the stage.

Final dance.


Dear friends! Today we say goodbye to our native school! Many of us graduates think that we have already graduated, but tomorrow we will be on the threshold of a new school. What school is this, you ask? This is the school of life. That is why today, saying goodbye, we say: “Hello school! School of Life!"

(School waltz sounds loud. Teachers descend from the stage)

At the heart of the storyline Prom Scenario "Journey on the Magic Train" the theme of the guests' amazing journey from Detstvo station to Yunost station was laid down. designed for the banquet part of the evening, it has a lot of competitions and table entertainment, both for graduates and for parents and teachers.

The introductory part of the prom scenario.

Light instrumental music sounds. Parents and invited guests line up along the hall in a “corridor”. Each parent is holding a glass of champagne. In the center of the hall is a table with champagne for graduates.

Fanfare "Beginning" and immediately with the overlay backing track "School Romance".

Leading: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Hello dear parents, teachers, and friends of our graduates! Today for each of you is a little sad, but still a joyful day. Today, for your children, the last school bell rang with its fabulously magical trill. And today your children have turned the most important page in their lives, and this page is the beginning of a new, adult life.

Yesterday's guys come to life
Examinations humbled the ninth wave,
And your maturity is confirmed by certificates,
And adult non-school outfits,
And the right to the last school ball.
Here is a sea of ​​​​intelligent clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us.
Soaring solemn excitement,
Sounds like a familiar intro
For everyone who has been waiting for this moment.
Let the ball roll! Magic ball!
An exciting and solemn moment in the life of your children has come. So let's greet them, 2020 graduates!

To the solemn music, graduates enter the hall one by one. At the entrance to the hall, the graduate stops, and the Host announces the person who has entered. The graduate approaches the table, takes a glass of champagne, raises his glass in a welcoming gesture, bows with a nod of his head, and moves away to his parents.

After the entrance of the graduates, the first general toast from the Host

Dear friends! Our magical evening starts!
Behind your years of study
And the first rise, and the first fall ...
And tonight we wanted to
Do you remember every moment...
Let this evening with you again
The first meeting flies by.
And the first friend, and the first love -
Everything will be remembered on this farewell evening,
We wish you strength and inspiration.
Fewer failures and tears.
And in our difficult age - more patience!
And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams and dreams.
And with you today all this magic will be carried out by our creative team ....

The host invites guests and graduates to take their places at the festive table .

Background music plays. Feast 15-20 minutes. Background music

Leading: And so again. Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Kind, kind, kind ... But it’s true that today is really a wonderful evening, an evening of magic and wonderful transformations, an evening when the most cherished and innermost desires come true, an evening when fabulous transformations happen. When your children, as if by magic, turned from an ugly duckling into charming young men and beautiful girls.
An evening that both the students and you, dear parents, have been waiting for with impatience and spiritual awe for 11 long years... But what can I say, and you, dear teachers!
Today in the life of each of you the last school bell rang. BUT! This is not the end, this is just the beginning of your new, exciting, and now adult life.

The train whistle sounds, the noise of the station

Leading: Ladies and Gentlemen! Friends! Now we will go on an exciting journey on a magical, fast train called the "Childhood Train"!

Competitive part of the scenario "Journey on a magical passage".

The whistle of a train, the sound of wheels

Leading: Attention! Passenger train"Station Children - Station Yunost" arrives on the first track. Citizens meeting, be careful: a freight train with a load of knowledge passes along the third track, do not let it go off the rails, lost knowledge is not restored!
Citizens passengers! We ask everyone to take their places in your comfortable compartments. There is a buffet with champagne and other strong drinks on our train, so please do not forget to fill your glasses, feel as comfortable and cozy as possible, and do not forget to look out the window of our carriage! After all, there will be a lot of interesting things to see today !!!

And so, we depart from our first station, which is called just that, “Children's Station”!

The train whistle sounds. The sound of wheels. With the overlay comes the backing track "Island of Childhood". After the song, the creak of the brakes. The sound of the station bell (You can use a school bell).

Leading: And so, dear passengers, our train has arrived at the first station, we kindly ask you not to smoke at this station, because this station is unusual and very touching! ….. year! This year, a small miracle happened in every family of our esteemed passengers! Such a long-awaited, such a touchingly helpless, such a wonderful baby was born! Let's all look out the window of our car!

The host gestures to the screen of the "plasma", which is located in the restaurant. Children's photos of graduates are projected on the screen to the music. The host offers to guess today's graduate from these photographs, while the parents of the most guessed one are silent!

Leading: How can you not be touched! Such adorable babies have been born! And you, our dear passengers - just great! This once again proves that over these 11 years you all have become not just classmates, but one friendly family! After all, only the closest people can accurately guess our graduates in these photographs! Hooray! And, of course, applause to you, dear parents!
I propose to fill your glasses, and raise a glass to happy childhood our graduates! And our impromptu theater invites you to experience that happiness again when your children were small!

The phonogram “Top top, baby stomps” sounds. Scene “Screen”
The whistle of a train, the sound of wheels.

Leading: Our train is leaving again! Passengers are requested not to forget about the wonderful landscapes floating outside the windows of our train, and keep an eye on the contents of your glasses in time!

Sounds background music "Blue Wagon" (minus)

Leading: Attention - attention, citizens passengers! Our magic train arrives at the station... "FIRST-CLASS"!

The song "First Grader" sounds in the background. First-class video cutting is projected onto the plasma screen.

Leading: September 1st, 20.. little boy and a tiny girl with large white bows diligently cut the ribbon, opening the way to a new life. It rained, the sun came out from behind the clouds. And it was a little scary and fun for the first-graders (funny and smart) to go to this mysterious land of knowledge. Who then, 11 years ago, could seriously imagine today's day?

The song "The First Teacher" sounds in the background.

Leading: And on the threshold of a new, school life, your children were already waiting for their first teachers (names), which we applaud today, standing!

Our first teacher

How grateful we are for everything!

And for the first lines in a notebook,

And for maternal warmth.

Will be remembered forever

Everything you taught.

Today we call you cordially

Dear first school mother!

I am pleased to give the floor to congratulate your first school mothers, wonderful teachers

After the congratulatory words of the first teachers, the graduates give them flowers and gifts. The graduates perform a vocal number for the first teacher.

Leading: Let's raise our glasses to the first teacher! After all, she, like the first love, will forever remain in our memory!

During the toast, a clip from the movie "We'll Live Until Monday" is shown on the screen and "Crane" soundssong"

Leading: And now competition for teachers "Pantomime "

1) Musical Journey
2) Battle of the Ages (Old-young)
3) Fairy-tale movie heroes (Russian Block)
4) Pair dance on the newspaper. After each stage, the newspaper is folded in half.
5) Balloons between partners. Which pair will fall or burst are eliminated from the game.

Comic congratulations "Sending to graduates"

Background music, a short break for food.

Leading: Dear graduates! Not so long ago, or rather I can’t say, but it really happened, your parents were also children. And they did not live in distant kingdom, Thirtieth state, but in the country that can only be seen in the early issues of the Yeralash magazine. And this country was called, now they tell me, of course, the Soviet Union.

While the Pioneers are preparing, you can conduct an interactive "Guess your favorite TV show"

Leading: Now it's kind of hard to believe, but your parents were schoolchildren. They were also pioneers. And since our tonight is the night of magic and magical transformations, now, at the behest of the pike, at my will, turn back time, about 25 years! (Magic music plays in the background)
- More recently, or rather 25-odd years ago, your dads and moms were also graduates, and they also had a prom. We all believed then that the country in which we lived was the best, that the loaves grow on a tree, and Pepsi-Cola is an enemy drink developed by the CIA to enslave our minds and stomachs. And that as long as Brezhnev is alive, there will be no war. We were also pioneers. And today, on this night of magical transformations, your dads and moms again briefly returned to their childhood. Let's give them a round of applause! Meet the young pioneers of the 20th century!

Original congratulations "Pioneers at graduation"

The march of the “Young Pioneers” sounds, “pioneers” (parents in pioneer ties and caps) enter the impromptu stage with a bugle and a drum

We, the pioneers of our country's children!

There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today
We will congratulate our children!

Backing track sounds

Song of parents

(to the tune of "The Last Fight")
1. We have been so long, we have not rested for so long,
We were just not up to the rest with you!
We have been solving problems for you for so many years,
And finally tonight is graduation!
A little more, a little more
Graduation ball - it is the most important ...
And we would return five years ago,
For you to stay with us..

2. Let us sometimes have a hard time with you,
May you not always be obedient sometimes ..
How long have you been writing sticks in notebooks,
And now you have graduation today!
We'll sing a little more
Well, then we'll cry a little ..
And with you we will begin an adult life,
Almost from scratch ... but how else?

3. The last evening you are still like children,
And tomorrow they should become serious at all.
Together with you we will meet the sun at dawn,
We spend childhood, we wish happiness to everyone!
A little more, a little more
At your graduation, we are with you.
And we wish you: "good luck!"
You will achieve success yourself!

(Another version of costumed congratulations from the "Pioneers" parents can be viewed)

Board game. Composition: "We are graduates"

Leading: With the help of this table game, I propose to recall school days again and look at them with humor. The Russian language has not yet been forgotten, what is an adjective remember? Give me adjectives and I’ll write them funnier in my blank and in 5 minutes we will have an essay “We are a graduate”

When September 1 came 11 years ago, it was the most……………………………. Day in our life. We put on …………………….. uniform,…………………………………
……………………….. went to the first class with a bouquet of flowers for the first time. Hello ……………………………… school!
What are the………………………… classes, ………………………………
Desks and ………………………………. Teachers with ………………………
Smiles! We enjoyed learning the basics of science and dreamed of becoming………………………….and…………………………………….
Time flew by imperceptibly. We got a lot of……………………………friends and …………………………… school subjects. Every day we happily hurried to school. And then came…………………………………. The day of graduation. We came……………………………. With trembling in the soul and trembling in the knees. Everyone's faces were………………
Gait………………………………. But when we took this document in our hands, we immediately became………………………… all paths are open to us. Long live we………………………………..

The oath of the graduate.

"I, a graduate of school number ..., swear (or solemnly promise) to continue my education, to be honest and fair, not to tarnish the title of graduate of 2000. If I break this oath (or solemn promise), then let:
- my favorite jeans are torn,
- the batteries in my player will run out,
- the laces in my sneakers get tangled,
- the wheels of my roller skates will fall off,
- Pepsi will spill on my favorite suit,
- my favorite TV series will suddenly end,
- I'll never be lucky in lotteries!

The hall is festively decorated. There are songs about school.

The light is dimmed, the gentle melody of E. Morikone sounds.

A girl and a boy come out.

Young woman. Have you listened to the universal symphony of the starry sky, inhaled the aromas of dawns filled with dew as pure as crystal, have you spoken to the herbs that quietly whisper "glory, glory ...". Have you ever thought about the fact that we all live in a fairy tale, in a magical world of our dreams, hopes, aspirations. And today again a fairy tale, magical, exciting, exciting... After all, today a magical bridge between childhood and independent life will be passed. And our dear, beautiful, wonderful, best graduates will pass it.

young man. Graduation party is always a fairy tale that fascinates, embraces all those present with incomprehensible warmth and light, when hearts and souls unite in a single impulse to bless graduates on an independent life path, where faith, hope and love will always be their faithful companions.

The song "Daisies" by the group "Toys" is performed.

presenter. Good evening, dear parents, teachers, guests! It seems that only yesterday the last bell rang, behind is the busy time of exams, and now is the graduation ball, to which our graduates had to climb for eleven years, as if by stairs.

Leading. Eleven school years ... How unnoticed they flew by! .. And soon all of our former students will have to pass the first own examination for adulthood.

presenter. All those present in this hall are anxiously waiting for the solemn moment.

Leading. Hundreds of shades of human feelings are reflected in your eyes. They contain care and joy, embarrassment and excitement, sadness and hope. And there is only indifference in them.

presenter. After all, everyone who sits in this hall has made efforts to bring this holiday closer.

June day is fading
The clouds are melting.
Is everyone ready? Getting started
Graduate Ball.

presenter. Today in this hall is the vernissage of the stars.

Leading. We invite everyone to the graduation party "Star Olympus 201.".

presenter. ...boys and girls reached the top of our school Olympus, the top of science, creativity, daring.

Leading. They shone bright stars in the sky of childhood and youth.

Leading. And from today, their path will continue further - along the star road of independent life.

Friend, graduate, freeze for a moment!
That day has come, that hour!
The school escorts you with excitement -
School childhood is leaving you.

Leading. We greet with applause and invite the graduates of ........ of the year to the festive hall!

The melody of the song "Graduation" sounds.

Graduates going up to the stage stand at the microphones and perform the first verse of the song “Cool you got to our ball”.

1. Here we are again starting our farewell school ball.
We have graduation today and the hall is already full of friends.
It is painful to part with childhood - we will soon understand this.
Let's smile sadly at school and leave for a big life.
But for now we are together: the holiday is still - do not be sad!
There will also be songs and funny poems.
The hour we have all been waiting for has finally arrived.
We didn't get here in vain: I got in and you got in.
Cool you got to our ball.
So look, you look, come on, people, don't be sad.
Cool you got to our ball.
So look, you look, come on, people, come in
Come to our ball.

presenter. Friends! You have gathered here to be the first to hear the names of the graduates of the star Olympus - and you will hear them.

Leading. Meet, greet, remember them.

The characteristic for each graduate is read to the music.

You leave school and enter the wide road of independent living, but will forever remain in the hearts of teachers:

  1. Serious, responsible, nice, persistent, lover and expert in computer science, our school erudite is Vladik.
  2. An unsurpassed singer, talented, creatively gifted, beautiful, sweet, graceful, who did so much to make life at school interesting - Natalia.
  3. Clever, calm, friendly, delicate, conscientious, cheerful, creative nature - Yulia.
  4. Capable, sincere, tactful, affectionate, nice, kind - Ira.
  5. Chirping, cheerful, hardworking, fragile, a little mischievous - Olya.
  6. Attractive, sharp-tongued, skeptical, skilled, with golden hands, in an adult economic way - Vanya.
  7. Tall and slender, self-confident, a lover of a sharp word, hardworking, like a real master, a little stubborn - Sergey.
  8. Gentle, glorious, conscientious, responsible and punctual - Volodya.
  9. Fair, reliable, resourceful, a little grouchy - Maxim.
  10. Cheerful, comic, carefree, talkative, lively, that he will find a way out of any situation - Alexey.
  11. Unpredictable, inventive, businesslike, adventurous, with a sense of humor - Sasha, etc.

After the performance, the graduates continue to sing the song "Cool you got to our ball."

2. Very cool, we ended up in our school, in the 1st grade.
We were forced to study, the jokes were over for us.
We all crammed the alphabet, now we are all on “you” with it.
They wiped the “Pythagorean pants” for a very long time.
School life is hectic, school is always fun.
Interesting things happen here every day.
If you get a deuce, it doesn't matter at all.
All the stars will recognize you because you are a star.
3. Miracles happen in life and dreams come true.
We recently lit the lessons from the heart.
We are not yet stars, but we are no longer lanterns.
Cute on the outside but stubborn on the inside.
Soon I will be a student, everyone cheer for me,
Stars go out very quickly if they are not given fire.
We are now at the start, this is definitely not the final.
But so far everything is very cool, because you got it.
4. We now know so much, we have become a hundred times wiser,
It is very sad to leave, but the parents do not sleep.
We are no longer children, I am a star and you are a star,
So they make plans where to study and when.
If we are now laughing and happy to the fullest
It means that there is a high sense of ignition of new stars.
So, the beloved teaching staff did not teach in vain.
We did not get here in vain, I got here and you got it.

Graduate. Welcome to our parents' graduation.

Graduate. Our teachers.

Graduate. Our friends.

Graduate. Those who are not indifferent to our fate.

Graduate. Those who know us as themselves.

Graduate. Those who think they know us.

Graduate. For those who want to know who we are.

Graduate. Remember this day!

Graduate. Remember this hour!

Graduates sing the song “Graduation Ball Today” to the tune of “Demobilization” of the Gaza Strip.

1. Childhood is rushing to the finish line.
Soon I will fly like a bird.
I'll fly like a bird into the distance.
Life will start without lessons
Change and teachers -
Graduation ball today.

2. We part with the school,
Certificates will be handed out soon -
And I have become an adult.
I will press my cheek against you,
You wipe away a tear with your hand -
Graduation ball today.

3. And let's walk under the moon,
We will meet the sun with you.
Impressive carnival.
Let's sing songs and dance
And cry a little
Graduation ball today.

4. Childhood is rushing to the finish line.
Soon I will fly like a bird.
I'll fly like a bird into the distance.
Life will start without lessons
Change and teachers -
Graduation ball today.

Leading. This holiday is not in any calendar - it happens only once in the life of every person, each of us.

presenter. This holiday is dear to parents who have studied with their children for 11 years, worried about you and experienced your victories and defeats together with you.

Leading. This holiday is dear to teachers, because no one spent as much time with you as teachers.

presenter. And, of course, he is dear to the heroes of this festive action. You have passed your first milestone big way called Life. Today is your celebration of the triumph of youth, friendship and fidelity.

Leading. Dear parents, teachers, guests! Dear graduates. The gala evening dedicated to the presentation of certificates, I declare open.

An anthem sounds.

presenter. 11 school years, how quickly they flew by. Who recognizes in a slender, pretty girl that little girl-button with huge bows and slightly frightened eyes, who with such trepidation gave her little hand to the caring hand of the teacher.

Leading. And where is that little boy who hid behind his mother and did not want to go to school. Where is he?

presenter. And who in a high-minded young man recognizes a schoolboy-baby who was a little taller than his portfolio.

Leading. The current graduates grew up, matured at school, gained knowledge and skills, gnawed at the granite of science and every day walked along their path to school.

presenter. There was everything at school: defeats and victories, good and not very grades, omissions and lateness, jokes, laughter, funny and not so pranks, excursions, evenings and first love ... And finally, graduation ball.

Time, unfortunately, is fleeting,
Year after year many years have passed
And childhood has departed from us forever,
Leaving a good mark in my memory!

A song is performed to the motive "You understand" by the group "Roots"

You see, quietly childhood has gone away
You see, we can not find the right words.
You know we dreamed of growing up
And now I had to regret. Understand?
- You see, I took off my school bow
I understand that it can't be returned.
You know we can't repeat childhood
We will give free rein to feelings. Understand?

And outside the window (2p.), You understand, something else is not right.
And outside the window; and take away our cold sleep.
And we'll walk in the alleys of love
The stars are visible in the morning sky. Understand?

You see, I recently had a dream...
You see, in this dream, our school house.
Can you imagine? I catch bright stars
And I fly to my dream. Understand?
- Understand. Oh what a fool I was!
You know, I did a lot of things wrong.
You see, childhood soared up like a bird.
And you can't get to him. Understand?

The notes of the waltz have not yet ceased,
And a little flickering, the candles melt,
The hall is shrouded in magical mystery.
Farewell to childhood wonderful evening.
Farewell ball of memories
About childhood, school, hobbies.

About magical dreams, about desires,
Dreams unfulfilled, aspirations.
Let's open it up a little
The magical secret of dreams
Let's open a bright umbrella over childhood,
Tear off the mysterious cover.

Graduate. Our dear, sweet childhood, now you will come only in a dream.

Graduate. You left us with a bright, aching feeling of sadness and tenderness.

Graduate. You are the first step on the star Olympus.

Graduate. Now our younger brothers and sisters.

Graduate. How we envy them, but we will not be sad.

Graduate. Friends, meet our reduced copy.

(The sister of the graduate Anya comes out (as an example) ... Dasha).

Dasha. I came to congratulate my best sister Anya and her friends on finishing school. Although you are a little sad, smile at your moms and dads, your grandparents, your brothers and sisters, your teachers, friends, and you will immediately feel warm and comfortable, because a smile is the best medicine for pain and sadness. Smile at me too, and I'll sing a song for you.

Dasha performs the song "Smile".

We will remember more than once
That good planet
Where with rays of eyes
Dawns meet
Where are the sunny dreams
Where are the star trails
Where in the songs are heard
Laughs and sadness.
They walk through the streets
Mysterious fairies
And the knights carry
For the fairies briefcases.
And the calls are ringing
Crystal melody,
And the first verses
Warmed by the first secret.
They believe in magic here
Here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales are real
They come to visit.
Here the clouds are not visible,
Here from smiles closely
Under the sail of spring
The planet of childhood is flying.

Graduates sing a song to the tune "Clear Days" by Gazmanov.

How does it happen - that's childhood ends
And it will not be so fun to call calls here.
We say goodbye to school, we part from childhood.
Why is there no place in our souls for longing?
And we leave school days to ourselves,
And we return sad days to fate.

You, my school friends and cool friends,
You will never leave me, never.
How is it that our song ends
And our life goes on and boils like water.

Graduate. Today our class gathered together for the last time.

Graduate. We had to go through 11 whole years before we understood what it means to finish school, pass exams, get a certificate.

Graduate. To be honest, on September 1 ... we did not set ourselves such a goal - a certificate.

Graduate. We just really liked school uniforms, brand new briefcases, pencils and pens, textbooks that smelled so pleasantly of printing ink. And of course, we were delighted with our teachers.

Graduate. Yes, it was all. But what is absolutely certain is that we could not even imagine how in a few years we would fight against school uniforms ...

Graduate. Forget pens and notebooks at home...

Graduate. Color textbooks...

Graduate. And instead of briefcases, wear one single notebook for all occasions.

Graduate. Girls in a bag.

Graduate. And the guys in a plastic bag. Here it is - my dear bag, how much he learned, God forbid. And today I solemnly transfer this precious thing to the school museum.

Graduate. And we will remember our school, both good, and joyful, and sad, everything that we lived for 11 years.

Graduate. The Alumni Council decided to recommend the school administration to allocate premises for organizing a museum of school relics. The Alumni Council allocates the following exhibits for the museum:

  1. A knapsack with which we went to the 1st grade.
  2. A student backpack with which they went to middle school.
  3. Plastic bag - for students in grades 9-10.
  4. Notebook general, universal - for all subjects in grade 11.
  5. Weapons: cutting, piercing, shooting.
  6. The button that for 11 years the students tried to put on the teacher's chair.
  7. A universal cheat sheet - the biggest friend and enemy of students.
  8. A pen that passed all tests and laboratory tests.
  9. Shoe of the champion of the school in the run from the lessons.
  10. The student's personal airplane, which he played in the lessons, during all 11 years of study.
  11. Chalk, with which the first words were written on the board by an excellent student.
  12. An empty pack of cigarettes - smoked first, the first of the smokers.
  13. A bottle of tears that shed during the years of schooling.
  14. The log with which the students fought their way to knowledge.
  15. A bag of knowledge (it is better if 3 bags are taken out - the heavy and most filled one is taken out by an excellent student, the second, half-full, is taken out by students who have good knowledge, the third, lightest, is taken out on a tray by a student who did not pay enough attention to learning).

It's getting dark. And the evening is so good!
Wrapped the world in enchanting warmth!
Look at the sky - you can't take your eyes off!
Oh, how many new stars lit up on it!
In whose honor shall we name these stars?
Or have they already been given names?

They burn in honor of all graduates!
Success, achievements to the glory!
And the first step behind.
Today is a special day guys
And the hall froze, holding its breath.
It's time for the certificates!

Leading. Attention, friends! Finally, an exciting, solemn moment has come, for which the entire stellar composition of our school has lived and worked for 11 years!

presenter. And parents, and teachers, and, of course, graduates!

Leading. More ... bright stars flared up in our school sky!

presenter. And their first document - a patent for stardom - a certificate - gives ...

How excited everyone is at this meeting...
Joy, embarrassment - on every face ...
He came - farewell evening,
Our first step towards the cherished dream.
So let's make a promise
Do not forget this moment, this hour.
Our school at the time of parting
Let's say to everyone: "Thank you!" now.
For all meetings, for friendship, for knowledge -
We couldn't live without it.
Our school! goodbye to you
We say today: “Thank you!”

A song is performed to the motive "Smile" by the group "Networks"

The day, the day has come
Say goodbye to school, friends!
Year, this year
In our memory forever.
Sorry, believe me.
We're leaving school
Sadness in my heart.
Sorry, believe me.
We're leaving school
Sadness in my heart.
Hour, at this hour,
I am the happiest person in the world.
Here and now
My new life song.
School, goodbye!
As an adult, I will come here.
Moment, this moment
Will always be in our heart.

Graduate. Dear teachers! You have created for us a small magical land called "School". This country is kind and beautiful, therefore it is warmed by the warmth of your hearts. We do not want to leave her, she will always be with us. Because we all come from childhood, come from our school country.

Graduate. We just shone like little stars.

Graduate. We are just starting our journey into the future.

Graduate. But on our school Olympus there are much larger and brighter stars.

Graduate. They give us a piece of their inexhaustible energy, youthful enthusiasm, warmth and eternal teacher's burning.

Graduate. They are magicians, therefore they light new stars, do not let them go out.

Graduate. These stars are our dear teachers.

Graduate. Dear, lovely, beautiful, our best teachers. Today is your holiday. For 11 years, you have given us not only knowledge, but also your love, care, a piece of your heart, your soul.

Graduate. And wherever we are, no matter what we do, you will always be with us. Thank you for everything, forever our and only our teachers.

Graduate. So, all of us - obedient and not very, polite and not quite, diligent and not, purposeful, ambitious and shy, modest and self-confident, we wish you happiness without borders, kindness without edge, prosperity every day, health forever, harmony with everyone and everywhere, cheerful smiles at every turn, kind and affectionate leaders all the time, I would like the fulfillment of hopes and innermost desires, smart, disciplined and very, very respectful students always, all earthly blessings are a must.

Graduate. We bow low to you, our dear mentors.

For the work of the saint, which is akin to a feat,
What is eternal in our imperishable memory -
Teacher before your name
Let me humbly kneel

Graduates sing a song to the tune of Gazmanov's "Lord Officers".

Lord teachers, there are few of you left,
Those who believe in kindness to the end,
They didn’t grumble at fate, they always understood us,
Those to whom all the guys trusted their hearts.
Teachers, teachers, us from the school threshold,
Life beckons, and we must live it.
Teachers, teachers, reckless and strict,
We will remember you and cherish you forever.

Gentlemen teachers, we are taken away by roads
From a burning heart and caring eyes.
Only you do not get sick, pity yourself more,
All your children wish you good health.

Graduate. Dear teachers! We have prepared a little surprise for you. A special order at our request was fulfilled by the model house. Therefore, an exclusive show only today and only for you, dear teachers! Season - autumn-winter-spring 20..-20..
This season, models that ensure the successful survival of a teacher in the harsh conditions of the school environment are especially relevant. The first model, the only one, is multifunctional. The idea behind the model is... (Girls in short skirts enter the stage, then the “actual model” appears - a tall young man). The costume of the model includes a gas mask, a fire extinguisher, a baton, a bag with medicines, a spyglass, a clamshell, a helmet with a light bulb (motorcycle helmet), mobile phone and dark glasses.

Comments are read to slow music.

  • The model is especially stable in conditions of gassed school toilets with cigarette smoke.
  • Pay attention to the detail needed to create a working environment in the classroom and establish conscious discipline (baton).
  • Another piquant detail is a spyglass, which allows the teacher to see cheat sheets that are invisible to the naked eye.
  • Bag with medicines - multifunctional. It can be used by the teacher for himself or for his desperate students.
  • A folding wagon is necessary for a teacher to relax in conditions close to extreme.
  • The mobile phone will provide the teacher with information about the overflowing cup of patience of parents.
  • An optical night vision device will allow the teacher to examine the knowledge of students deeply sunk into the brain.
  • Dark glasses allow the teacher to imagine himself for a moment as a superman who performs especially responsible and super-heavy tasks behind enemy lines.
  • An elegant headdress completes the composition, philosophically reminding you of what can fall on your head from the windows of your favorite school.

Teacher. Dear graduates! We will definitely keep your relics and maybe, God forbid, of course, we will use such an impressive costume.
Yes, school time leaves you forever. From today, your school path will go down in the history of the life of each of you. But do not be sad, because today you are on the threshold of a new life, you are opening a new, no less significant stage in your destiny. I really want you, dear graduates, to be happy, good people have chosen the right path in life.
You can be brave, risky in life, but the most important thing, perhaps, is simply to be reliable and good. And so are 11th grade students. They have always been a reliable support in all school affairs, although it must be confessed, they loved to play pranks.
You are a part of every teacher's soul. May our faith and optimism always be with you, our hope for the realization of a dream, and dreams grow with a great all-encompassing love for life.

Happy holiday, dear ones!
Happy First Adult Day!
Leaving the walls of the school, do not forget that knowledge is a fire that disperses darkness.
In life, do not envy the rich and arrogant, because you have to pay for everything.
Know how to curb yourself, do not succumb to lies, keep patience and value the truth.
Be temperate, and humility will save you from trouble.
Fill your hearts to the brim with kindness, because there are no other heights.

Graduate. How many feelings today. How many emotions! It seems that my star friends will not withstand a flurry of feelings and emotions and burst into tears!

Graduate. My friends, don't, think about your parents! They are also sad that we have already grown up and are starting an independent life.

Graduate. They hope so much for us and believe in our lucky star!

Graduate. Therefore, let us not upset them and say everything that is in our hearts.

Graduate. Has it really been 11 years since the time when we, small, with funny pigtails and briefcases half our height, went to school, proudly turning up our noses and considering ourselves to be quite adults.

Graduate. But, despite this, they were afraid to lose their mother in this noisy world called school, and therefore held tightly to her hand.

Graduate. We still consider ourselves adults, only for some reason our hearts aches and our souls are sad.

Graduate. Our adult lives are different. Our successes and failures will be different. But we are sure of one thing...

Graduate. All our lives, our home will shine like an affectionate star. Our parents are always waiting for us here.

Graduate. We owe our lives, our present, our happiness to our parents, relatives and relatives.

Graduate. Say quietly: ma-ma, pa-pa. You will feel how something alive, warm, tender embraced your chest and your heart beat faster.

Graduate. At such moments, one believes in goodness and justice. Because there are great words "mom" and "dad" in the world.

Graduate. Because now they are kind, the best in the world. They gave us this sky, and these stars, and this heart, which is able to feel, rejoice and love.

Thank you dear parents!
Forgive us if we offended you in any way.
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement.
For youthful pride and impatience.
For the gray hair at the temples of the father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.
In the belt we will bow to you to the ground
Thank you, family, to you all from the bottom of my heart!

Leading. Today is an exciting day not only for our graduates. Their parents are no less worried. The heart beats so frantically, or even disappears somewhere ... Both dad and mom still remember themselves as young, their graduation. And then, as a surprise, the beautiful daughter on high heels(Well, when did she grow up?) And a serious son, taller than dad. More recently, helpless babies were held in their arms. And today they fly away from the parental nest.

presenter. Today we have once again seen how quickly time flies. It seems to be quite recently, as the child took the first step, filled the first bruise, how he cried because he did not want to go to kindergarten. And how happy I was when I put on my school uniform for the first time, and how I was worried when I passed the first exam. And together with them, which I have no doubt, you cried, rejoiced, studied and worried.

Parents come up to the microphone.

Father. Dear our children! Today you are standing on the threshold of an unknown future, saying goodbye to your childhood, school youth. Tomorrow, you will be on your way to independent living. So let fatherly instructions always accompany you and warm boundless motherly love.

Mother. Dear children! Please accept our parental blessing on yours. long years for good deeds and great accomplishments. And let this symbolic flame of your native home ignite the flame of inspiration, kindness and wisdom in your hearts and will burn all your life. And this light is the candles on the birthday cake. After all, today is your birthday. You start a new, adult life. Save these candles as a charm. Remember your parents, your home.

Father. Happiness and good luck to you on the thorny path of adulthood.

Mom sings the song "I will lay the sky under your feet."

I will lay the sky under your feet,
Become a bird, be free.
I will lay the sky under your feet,

Become the sun, burst into light.
I'll braid eternity in your hair
Just come back, come back to your mother.
Happiness is a heavy burden
Unfortunate role.
Light and joy time,
So why this pain.
You became an adult overnight
And before you a hundred roads.
But the brightest happiness -
At home, the threshold.

I'll tell you the secrets of the universe
I will be a guiding star.
I will tell you the secrets of the universe
Just come home again.

Graduate. Childhood has passed ... We are already adults, but still I want to feel the warmth of my mother's hands, cling to my father's shoulder and quietly say: "Forgive us ...".

Graduate. Forgive us, our dear mothers and fathers, for all the pain that we have caused you.

Graduate. Forgive us for our endless childish pranks (pampering), for those difficult 11 years when you escorted us to school every day, waited, and always with good grades.

Graduate. Dear, dear, good, our best parents! Forever ours, beloved, kind, sincere teachers! Don't worry and don't worry about us. We will be your glory and pride. We promise that you will never be ashamed of our actions.

Leading Dear graduates! We hope that everything you said was not in vain, and you will keep your word to parents and teachers.

presenter. And teachers also want to give you parting words and a song as an answer to the question: "How to live?"

The song-wish to graduates on the motive "My baby" Danko sounds.

1. You are leaving school now,
It's so sad, believe me
But you have a holiday, I will smile,
Let it be, let it be.
A little more, and at this festive hour,
Meet the dawn.
Dear good friends
I only wish you happiness
Naughty, kind always,

How beautiful, how good
2. A sea of ​​lights, smiles, flowers,
Joyful dreams.
It's a pity that childhood is already gone,
You can't bring back the past.
All friends, at this festive hour,
Sending you a big hello.
Dear good friends
I only wish you happiness
Naughty, kind always,
You won't be happier in the world
A little sad, but eat.
How beautiful, how good
May it always be in the velvet sky,
A bright star shines on you
Lovely and adults, graduates.
Sunny and generous will be the way,
But never forget about home
Here you are always loved, always waiting,
Dear good friends
I only wish you happiness
Mischievous, my good ones,
You won't be happier in the world
A little sad, but eat.
How beautiful, how good

Teacher. We, too, will not remain indebted to graduates. For them, a lottery is held to predict the future profession. Your younger friends - school singers - will predict the fate.
Graduates approach a student who holds a hat with lotteries-predictions. Having pulled out the lottery, the graduate, without unfolding it, passes it to the host. The lottery lists a specific profession or occupation. A well-known song is dedicated to them, which has a certain relation to the specified profession or occupation. First, the singers perform part of the song, and then the presenters name the graduate's "future" profession or occupation.

Sample songs and professions (occupations):

My joy lives on. - Banker.
Million Scarlet roses. - Artist - florist.
Pink Elephant. - Geneticist.
Black eyes. - Ophthalmologist.
A flight attendant named Jeanne. - Stewardess.
Chervona rue. - A sorceress.
Popandopulo couplets. - Top Model.

Palma de Mallorca. - Oligarch.
Salt on my wound for a rash. - Surgeon.
Kings of night Verona. - MP.
Black BMW. - Businessman.
Grass near the house. - Astronaut.
House rising sun. - Millionaire.

Graduate. Well, that seems to be all. School is over. There will never be more lessons.

Graduate. Surprising, after all, the word "never". Everything will be: institute, family, work, but there will be no school and there will be no childhood.

Graduate. Childhood has left us. It left drop by drop: quietly and imperceptibly, with the first letters: even, even, for the first time a teacher on the blackboard.

Graduate. With short dresses, with long-awaited calls - which are more expensive than all the theorems in the world.

Graduate. With the familiar, habitual voice of a literature teacher who demanded to prove that Pechorin was a hero of our time.

Graduate. And they proved, and everything became clear with Pechorin, and over time, too.

Graduate. And it was raining outside the window and the electricity was turned on in the classroom and, under Tatiana's declaration of love, they wrote off mathematics.

Graduate. They proved theorems that did not fit, attributed extra laws to Newton.

Graduate. And everything is fine.

Graduate. And childhood came from us.


The school bells rang. - Never, do you understand? Never
We don't have to stand at the blackboard. - And a school dress above the knees We no longer wear. - Don't expect change
You don't have to take lessons. - Now the bells will ring not for us, Our teacher will not come to us.
- And a list of another in the class magazine
With a calm hand will bring
- Forever, you understand? Forever
Let's leave these doors.
Sometimes, you understand? Sometimes
Let's go here now.

Two parents and a class teacher come out with candles.

To have enough strength on the road,
So that the path is lighter and easier,
At the moment of farewell on the school doorstep
Don't forget these candles.
Let these candles burn for nothing
Let us remember this hour
Let the warmth of parting and meeting
It will stay with you for a long time.

Teacher. Dear friends! The stars of human destiny burn in the sky. Before a long journey in life, each of you make a wish and light the stars of the Dream come true. I want the fire of their kindness to flare up with renewed vigor and not go out. So that tomorrow in the country of independent living where you are going, he will light up your path and warm your souls, so that there will always be the stars of Beauty, Love, Faith and Hope next to you.

The lights go out, the graduates light candles and wave them.

A song is performed to the motive "The candle burns out" by the group "Freestyle"

Prom night, dreams, dreams in the wee hours.
The lights of hope are given to you by a timid candle.
Sounds in silence are barely audible, shadows are not visible.
Childhood is already over for you, fabulous dreams.
The candle lit by you is burning
Sorrow will not replace our eternal love.
It is impossible to start the days lived again.
A candle blazes, you have a candle of youth.
The school, the class and the warmth of the hand remained in the memory,
A small fire on the bank of a small river.
Everyone wishes you happiness, friends, without saying: Farewell,
May the candle of youth always burn everywhere for you.

The ball is over and the candles go out
Failed to burn.
Graduation, farewell party -
To remember everything, to be in time!
These candles, these faces
This is graduation day.
Nothing will happen again
Never for you and me...
The fire is tired of burning
The candles go out, the ball is over ...
Slowly, little by little
Spilling light all around
We are on the steps of life
Let's run without your hands.
And in the quiet sky
A bright star of grief
We are not in vain, of course, we will break out -
The stars do not shine in vain.

Yes, the story of the school is coming to an end,
Chapters have been written, dreams have been examined,
Already, not relying on someone's clues,
We must solve all problems ourselves.
Not every path will be smooth
Not all trials will be easy
And life lies before us like a notebook,
In which there is not a single line yet.

At the end of the evening, the graduates sing a song to the tune of "Light Up" by the "People's Artist".

Here ended our cheerful, groovy graduation
You studied at the best school, you were so freaky.
And now the moment of glory, the heart beats in the chest
So, let's have fun, the night is still ahead.
These are not lessons, this is not a test
We have the right, we are now honored.

Have fun, tonight is ours
Have fun, there is no better holiday.
Rock out, you graduated from high school
And trust me, this is not a joke. (2 times)