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The conditions for signing the Brest world. Brest peace treaty

In the First World War, which began in the summer of 1914, Russia spoke on the side of the Entente and its allies - the United States, Belgium, Serbia, Italy, Japan and Romania. The central powers opposed this coalition - the military-political bloc, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Bulgarian kingdom and the Ottoman Empire.

The prolonged war has exhausted the economy of the Russian Empire. At the beginning of 1917, rumors of the hopeless hunger crawled around the capital, bread cards appeared. And on February 21, bobbies of bakery began. Local pogroms quickly turned into anti-war shares under the slogans "Down with War!", "Down with autocracy!", "Bread!". By February 25, at least 300 thousand people participated in rallies.

More destabilized the Society for enormous losses: according to various estimates, in the First World War, 300 thousand Russian military were killed in the First World War.

In the same february days of 1917, a riot began in the troops. By the spring, orders of officers were actually not performed, and the May Declaration of the Rights of the Soldier, which equalized the soldiers and civilians, has further undermined the discipline. The failure of the summer Riga operation, as a result of which Russia lost Riga and 18 thousand people killed and captive, led to the fact that the army finally lost the morale.

The Bolsheviks who considered the army as a threat to their power were played in this role. They skillfully warmed the pacifist moods in military circles.

And in the rear became the catalyst for two revolutions - February and October. The Bolsheviks got a morally broken army, which was not able to fight.

  • Queue for bread. Petrograd, 1917
  • RIA News

Meanwhile, the first world continued, and Germany had a real opportunity to take Petrograd. Then the Bolsheviks decided on a truce.

"The conclusion of the Brest world was inevitable, forced measure. The Bolsheviks themselves, fearing the suppression of their uprising, laid out the tsarist army and understood that she was not capable of full conduct of hostilities, "said Valery Korovin, director of the Center for Geopolitical Expertise, in a conversation with RT.

Decree on the world

A month after the October Revolution, November 8, 1917, the new government adopted decree on the world, the main thesis of which was the immediate truce without annexation and contribution. However, the proposal to start negotiations the powers of the "Friendly Agreement" was ignored, and the Council was forced to act independently.

Lenin sent a telegram in the division of the Russian army, which was at the front at the front.

"Let the shelves standing in positions, choose immediately authorized for the formal entry into negotiations on the armistice with the enemy," said it.

On December 22, 1917, Soviet Russia began negotiations with central powers. However, Germany and Austria-Hungary formula "No Annexes and Contribulations" did not suit. They suggested that Russia "take note of the statements, in which the will of the peoples inhabiting Poland, Lithuania, Kurland and part of Estland and Liflandia, about their desire for complete state independence and to allocate from the Russian Federation."

Of course, such requirements could not fulfill the Soviet side. In Petrograd decided: you need to win time to reorganize the army and prepare for the defense of the capital. To do this, Trotsky leaves Brest-Litovsk.

Mission "Tightening"

"To delay negotiations, you need a" delay ", as Lenin put it," he will later write Trotsky, who called his participation in the negotiations "visits to the chamber of torture."

At the same time, Trotsky led "subversive" propaganda activities among the workers and peasants of Germany and Austria-Hungary with an eye on a quick uprising.

Negotiations were extremely difficult. On January 4, 1918, the delegation of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR) was joined to them, who did not recognize the Soviet power. In Brest-Litovsk, UNR acted as a third party, putting forward claims to part of Polish and Austro-Hungarian territories.

Meanwhile, the economic shocks of wartime and to the central powers. Food cards for the population appeared in Germany and Austria-Hungary, strikes began with the requirement to conclude the world.

On January 18, 1918, the central powers presented their truce terms. According to them, Germany and Austria-Hungary received Poland, Lithuania, some territories of Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Monezund Islands, as well as the Riga Bay. The Delegation of Soviet Russia for which the requirements of the powers were extremely disadvantageous, took a pause in the negotiations.

The Russian delegation could not accept the weighted decision, because serious disagreements arose in the leadership of the country.

So, Bukharin urged to stop negotiations and declare Western Imperialists "Revolutionary War", believing that even the most Soviet government can be sacrificed for the sake of "interests of the international revolution". Trotsky adhered to the line "No war, nor the world": "The world does not sign, stop the war, and the army demobilizes."

  • Lion Trotsky (in the Center) as part of the Russian delegation arrives at negotiations in Brest-Litovsk, 1918
  • Berliner Verlag / Archiv

Lenin, in turn, wanted the world at all costs and insisted that the requirements of Germany should agree.

"For the revolutionary war, the army needs, and we have no army ... Undoubtedly, the world that we are forced to conclude now, the world is pokhabnny, but if the war becomes started, our government will be afraid and the world will be concluded by another government," he said.

As a result, we decided to tighten the negotiations even more. Trotsky again went to Brest Litovsk with the instructions from Lenin to sign a peace treaty under the conditions of Germany if it contains ultimatum.

Russian "capitulation"

In the days of negotiations in Kiev, the Bolshevik uprising occurred. The Soviet authorities were proclaimed in the Left Bank, and Trotsky at the end of January 1918 returned to Brest Litovsk with representatives of Soviet Ukraine. At the same time, the central powers stated that they recognize the sovereignty of UNR. Then Trotsky announced that, in turn, does not recognize the separation agreements between UNR and "partners".

Despite this, on February 9, the delegations of Germany and Austria-Hungary, with a loan for a difficult economic situation in their countries, signed a peace treaty with the Ukrainian People's Republic. According to the document, in exchange for military assistance against Soviet Russia, UNR was supposed to put "defenders" food, as well as hemp, manganese ore and a number of other goods.

Having learned about the contract with UNR, the emperor of Germany Wilhelm II ordered the German delegation to prevent Soviet Russia an ultimatum demanding to abandon the Baltic regions to the line of Narva - Pskov - Dvinsk. The formal reason for tightening the rhetoric was supposedly intercepted by the appeal of Trotsky to the German serviceman with the call "to kill the emperor and generals and shatter with the Soviet troops."

Contrary to the decision of Lenin, Trotsky refused to sign the world in German conditions and left the negotiations.

As a result, on February 13, Germany resumed the fighting, rapidly moving in the northern direction. Minsk, Kiev, Gomel, Chernigov, Mogilyov and Zhytomyr were taken.

  • Demonstrators burn the symbols of the old building on the Marsfield, 1918
  • RIA News

Lenin, given the low discipline and a complex psychological situation in russian army, I approved mass brotherings with an opponent and spontaneous truce.

"Desertion is progressively growing, whole shelves and artillery go to the rear, exposing the front at considerable stretches, the Germans go to the crowds on the abandoned position. The constant visits to the enemy soldiers of our positions, especially artillery, and the destruction of our fortifications, are undoubtedly organized, "the head of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander of General Mikhail Bonch-Burevich is referred to in the Council of Art.

As a result, on March 3, 1918, the delegation of Soviet Russia signed a peace treaty. According to the document, Russia went on a number of serious territorial concessions. Baltic Fleet Base in Finland and Baltic States.

Russia lost the Priviline provinces in which the Belarusian population, Estland, Kurneda and Liflyandic province, and the Grand Principality of Finland lived predominantly.

Partially these regions became protectors of Germany or included in its composition. Russia also lost territory in the Caucasus - Karsian and Batumian regions. In addition, Ukraine was rejected: the Soviet government was obliged to recognize the independence of UNR and stop the war with her.

Also, Soviet Russia was supposed to pay reparations in the amount of 6 billion grades. In addition, Germany demanded to compensate 500 million gold rubles of losses, which she supposedly suffered as a result of the Russian revolution.

"The fall of Petrograd was, in general, a matter if not a few days, then several weeks. And under these conditions, it is necessary to guess or it was impossible to sign this world, it does not make any sense. If we did not sign it, we would get the offensive of one of the most powerful armies Europe on the untrained, unarmed workers, "said Vladimir Kornilov, director of the Center for Eurasian Research.

Bolshevik plan

Assessments of the consequences of the Brest peaceful agreement, historians differ.

"We stopped being actors of European politics. However, there were no catastrophic consequences. In the future, all territories lost as a result of the Brest world were returned to Lenin first, then Stalin, "Korovin emphasized.

A similar point of view is adhered to roorilov. The expert draws attention to the fact that the political forces that considered the Brest of the world with betrayal, subsequently cooperated with the enemy.

"Lenin, who was accused of betrayal, then proved that he was right, returning the territory. At the same time, the right-wing esters and the Mensheviks who shouted louder than everyone, did not resist, they calmly cooperated with the German occupying troops in the south of Russia. And the Bolsheviks organized the return of these territories and returned in the end, "said Cornilov.

At the same time, some analysts believe that the Bolsheviks acted in Brest-Litovsk solely in favor of their own interests.

"They saved their power and consciously paid for these territories," said the president of the system of system analysis and forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko in an interview with RT.

  • Vladimir Lenin, 1918

According to the American historian Richard Pipes, the Brest world helped Lenin to conquer additional authority.

"I mowed to the humiliating world, which gave him to win the necessary time, and then hit under the action of my own severity, Lenin deserved widespread trust of the Bolsheviks. When on November 13, 1918, they broke up the Brest world, after the Germany capitulated in front of the Western Allies, Lenin's authority was ascended in the Bolshevik movement on an unprecedented height. Nothing better served his reputation of a person who does not make political mistakes, "Pipes writes in his research" Bolsheviks in the struggle for power ".

"In many ways, thanks to the Brest world, and more precisely, the German occupation, the future northern and eastern borders of Ukraine were formed," clarilov clarifies.

In addition, it was the Brest world that became one of the reasons for the appearance in the Soviet, and then in the Russian Constitution "Mina slow motion" - national republics.

"A lump sum loss of large areas led to relief and accelerating the process of self-determination of the population of some of them as sovereign political nations. Subsequently, in the formation of the USSR, it influenced the choice of Lenin for this model - national-administrative division on the so-called republics with the sovereignty and the right to exit the very first constitution with the sovereignty and the right to exit the USSR. "Noted Korovin.

At the same time, the events of 1918 were largely influenced by the presentation of the Bolsheviks on the role of the state.

"The loss of large territories forced the Bolsheviks in general to rethink the attitude towards the state. If until some moment for the state was not value in the light of the coming world revolution, the one-time loss of a large space sled even the most debris, forcing them to appreciate the territory, of which the state is developing, with their resources, population and industrial potential, "Corovin concluded .

Eve of negotiations in Brest Litovsk

100 years ago, on March 3, 1918, a peace treaty was signed in Brest-Litovsk, who was documented by the loss of Russia by the territory in which a third of its population lived. Since the time of Tatar-Mongolian yoke, Russia has not experienced a catastrophe comparable. Excelerate the territorial losses dictated by the enemy in Brest, our country managed only on the outcome of the 20th century. The Brest Lithuanian world was not surprising: Russia was doomed to a catastrophe of events, which were previously preceded by Brest, - the treason of the highest military leaders who have forced the Holy Emperor Nicholas II to renunciation, which in that ill-fated temper was the reason for all-class babysitting. With the fall of autocracy with the inevitability, the process of army decomposition began, and the country has lost the ability to self-defense.

With the fall of the autocracy began the process of decomposition of the army

And now, when the anemic temporary government and the authorities were intercepted by the Bolsheviks, October 26 (November 8) II All-Russian Congress of Soviets issued "Decree of the World" with a proposal addressed to all warring States, conclude a truce and start negotiations on the world without annexations and contributions. On November 8 (21) November, Sovnarka sent a telegram and. about. The Supreme Commander of the Russian Army General N. N. Dukhonin with the order to enter into negotiations with the command of the enemy's troops about the truce. The next day, the Glavkoverkh was a telephone conversation with V. I. Lenin, I. Stalin and a member of the Commissariat on the military and maritime cases of N. V. Krylandko on the same topic. Dukhonin replied to the refusal to demand immediately start negotiations, referring to the fact that the rate could not conduct similar negotiations that are within the competence of the central government, after which he was announced that he was fired from the post and. about. Glavkoverha and that the Proper of Krylenko is appointed to the position of commander-in-chief, but he, Dukhonin, must continue to fulfill his former duties before arriving at the rate of the new chief master.

N. V. Krylenko arrived in Mogilev, at the rate, with a retinue and armed detachment on November 20 (December 3). In the afternoon, General Duhonin ordered to release from the location of the Bykhovskaya prison located nearby from the rate of Bykhovskaya prison, by order A. F. Kerensky Generals L. G. Kornilova, A. I. Denikina, A. S. Lukomsky and their cousins. Kryglenko declared Dukhonin that he would be delivered to Petrograd, at the disposal of the government, after which the general was assigned to the wagon of the new chief master. But after the liberation of Bykhovsky prisoners among the soldiers who guarded the bid, rumor was rumored that L. G. Kornilov is already leading to the Mogilev faithful to him to grab the bid and continue the war. Princarnated by provocative rumors, the peeling soldiers broke into the wagon wagon, brought from there to his predecessor, while Kryngochko himself tried, or he didn't try to prevent them from, and they learned the brutal violence over his yesterday's masterkivochom: at the beginning he was shot, and then finished His bayonets are only a suspicion that attempts are made to keep the army from the collapse and continue the war, which brought a soldier into rage. Kryglenko reported to massacre over Dudinin Trotsky, and he found inappropriate to excite in connection with this incident, so as not to annoy the revolutionary soldiers and sailors.

11 days before the murder of General Dukhonin, 9 (22) of November, V. I. Lenin, catering the "pacifist" moods of the front-line mass, sent a telegram into troops: "Let the shelves standing in positions choose immediately authorized for the formal entry into negotiations on truce with the enemy. " It was an unparalleled case in the history of diplomacy - to negotiate the conclusion of the world was offered in the order of soldiers' amateurant. Parallel with this campaign was except only the order of another leader of the revolution - L. D. Trotsky - about the publication of secret treaties and the secret diplomatic correspondence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to compromise both Russian and other governments in the eyes of the public - Russian and foreign.

The head of the Trotsky, the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs sent a note to the embassies of neutral countries with a proposal for mediation in the world negotiations. In response, the Embassy of Norway, Sweden and Switzerland only reported receipt of the note, and the Spanish Ambassador informed the Soviet addict on the transfer of notes to Madrid. The proposal to start negotiations on the conclusion of the world was all the more ignored by the governments of the Allied Russia's governments of the countries of the Entente, who firmly counted on the victory and had previously shared the skin of the beast, whom they were going to finish, seems to be anticipating and section of the skins yesterday still allied by the bear. A positive response to the proposal on the start of the world's negotiations was followed, naturally, only from Berlin and from the Allies or Satellites of Germany. The corresponding telegram came to Petrograd 14 (27) of November. Governments of the countries of the Entente - France, Great Britain, Italy, the USA, Japan, China, Belgium, Serbia and Romania - Chairman of the Council of Sovnarkom on the same day, telegraphed about the beginning of the negotiations, offering to join them. Otherwise, it was said in the appropriate note, "we will lead some negotiations with the Germans." The answer to this note did not follow.

The first phase of negotiations in Brest

Separate negotiations began on the day of the murder of General N. N. Dukhonin. In Brest-Litovsk, where the German command was located on the Eastern Front, the Soviet delegation was arrived at the chapter A. A. Ioffe. It was part of L. B. Kamenev, the most influential political figure from the negotiation participants, as well as G. Ya. Sokolnikov, Left Esers A. A. Bitzhenko and S. D. Meslovsky-Mstislavsky and, as consultants, representatives of the army: General-Church General V. E. Scalin, Generals Yu. N. Danilov, A. I. Andogsky, A. A. Samojo, Council Admiral V. M. Altfater and another 3 officers, delegation secretary Bolshevik L. M. Karakhan, who was subordinate translators and technical staff. The original feature in the formation of this delegation was that they included representatives of the lower ranks - soldiers and sailors, as well as the peasant R. I. Stashkova and the worker P. A. Obukhov. The delegation of the allies of Germany was already located in Brest-Litovsk: Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. The German delegation was headed by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs R. von Kulman; Austria-Hungary - Foreign Minister Count O. Chernin; Bulgaria - Minister of Justice Popov; Turkey - Grand Vizier Talaat Bay.

At the beginning of the negotiations, the Soviet side proposed to conclude a truce for 6 months, so that the military actions were suspended on all fronts, the German troops are derived from Riga and from the Moonzund Islands, and that the German command, using a truce, did not move the troops to the West Front. These proposals were rejected. As a result of the negotiations, we agreed to conclude a truce for a short time, from November 24 (December 7) to 4 (17) December, with the possibility of its extension; During this period, the troops of the opposing parties were to remain on the positions occupied, so there was no longer anyone leaving Riga, but as for the ban on the transfer of troops to the West Front, then Germany agreed to stop only those transit that were not yet started . In view of the collapse of the Russian army, this transit has already been carried out, and the Soviet side did not have means to control the movement of parts and units of the enemy.

The truce was declared and entered into action. In the course of the continued talks, the parties agreed to extend it for 28 days, starting from 4 (17) December. Negotiations on the conclusion of a peace treaty were previously decided to lead in the capital of a neutral country - in Stockholm. But 5 (18) Dark Trotsky reported Glavkharhu Krylenko: "Lenin defends the following plan: During the first two or three days of negotiations, the annexionist claims of German imperialists on paper and break the negotiations for a week and renew their negotiations for a week and resume Russian soil in Pskov, or in a barrack on the neutral strip between the trenches. I join this opinion. There is no need to ride a neutral country. " Through the Glavkoverha, Krylenko Trotsky handed over to the chapter of the delegation A. A. Ioffe, the instruction: "The most convenient way would be not to transfer negotiations in Stockholm at all. It would remove a very delegation from the local base and extremely difficult to interchange, especially in view of the politician of the Finnish bourgeoisie. " Germany did not object to the continuation of negotiations on the territory of her bet in Brest.

The renewal of the negotiations was, however, was postponed due to the fact that on the return of the delegation to Brest on November 29 (December 12) during the private meeting of the Russian delegation, the main military consultant Major General V. E. Scalon, his mother's descendant of the Great Mathematics Euler, committed suicide . According to the characteristic of General M. D. Bonch-Bruhevich, the Bolshevik brother, who then occupied the position of administrations of Sovnarkom, "The Officer of the Life Guard Semenian regiment Scalon was known in the bet as an ardent monarchist. But he worked in intelligence management, he was a serious and well-known military case officer and from this point of view had an impeccable reputation. In addition, the restless attitude towards everything that even a little bit of the left of the absolute monarchy was to force him with a special sharpness to treat negotiations ... - in detail and carefully aware of the progress rate. "

General Scalon, being an extreme monarchist on her eyes, continued to serve in the General Staff, when he obeyed the Council. Characteristic and typical detail of that era: generals of liberal orientation, supporters of the constitutional monarchy or right of the republic, like Bykhovsky prisoners, then considered their duty to keep loyal to the allies that promoted the overthrow of the royal power, so the white struggle they headed, focused on the aid of the Entente, in while consecutive monarchists from military circles who did not want to attach importance to the differences in the political concepts of cadets, Serc, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks, subsequently either avoided participation in the Civil War, or continued to serve in the army, which became red, in the hope that Lenin and Trotsky , with all their commitment to utopian projects, the hand will be stronger than in any other temporary ministers, and that they will create a regime in which it will be possible to restore the controllability to the armed forces, or the monarchist generals fought with red, relying on support not annthate, but occupying German authorities like P. N . Krasnov.

General V. E. Scalon, having agreed to the role of consultant of the Soviet delegation, could not stand it until the end of this role and fired. Different judgments were expressed about the reasons for his suicide, the words said by a member of the German delegation by General Hoffmann, with whom he turned to the replaced clog of General Samoel: "A! So you are assigned to replace the poor clon, which your Bolsheviks left! Did not put, the poor fellow, the shame of his country! Bold and you! " This arrogant tirade does not contradict the version of the memoirs of General M. D. Bonch-Broyevich, who believed that the Scalon committed suicide, amazed by the internal requirements and the arrogance of German generals. The general of the scalon was fang in the St. Nicholas Garrison Cathedral of Brest. The German command ordered an honorary guard at the burial and produce a volley, like a warlord. Mourning speech said to the opening of the second phase of the negotiations of Prince Leopold Bavarian.

During the renewed negotiations, the Soviet delegation insisted on the conclusion of the world "without annexations and contributions." Representatives of Germany and its allies agreed with this formula, but provided that it made it impossible impossible - if the countries of the Entente will be ready to go for such a world, and they just warned the war for the sake of annecons and contributions and at the end of 1917. To win. The Soviet delegation suggested: "In complete agreement with the ... statement of both Contracting Parties on the lack of conquering plans and about the desire to conclude a world without annexations, Russia dismisses his troops from the parts of Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Persia, and the Power Union Power - from Poland, Lithuania, Kurland and other regions of Russia. " The Germanic side insisted that Russia would recognize the independence of the Poland, Lithuania and Kurland occupied by the German troops, where puppet governments were created, but also Liflandia, some of which were not yet occupied by the German army, as well as participation in the conclusion of peace negotiations Delegation of the separatist Kiev Central Rada.

At first, the demand for Russia's surrender to the Soviet delegation was rejected

At first, these requirements, essentially, the Soviet delegation were rejected about the surrender of Russia. 15 (28) December agreed to extend the truce. At the proposal of the Soviet delegation, a 10-day break was announced, under the pretext of attempts to sit at the negotiation table of the Entente's state, although both parties only demonstrated their peacefulness, understanding the futility of such hopes.

The Soviet delegation left Brest to Petrograd, and the question of the course of peace negotiations was considered there at the meeting of the Central Committee of the RSDDP (b). It was decided to delay negotiations per revolution in Germany. To continue negotiations was to have a delegation already in a new composition, headed by the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs L. D. Trotsky. Drawing, Trotsky subsequently called his participation in the negotiations "visits to the torture chamber". Diplomacy was not interested in diplomacy. He commented on his own activity in the post office of foreign affairs, as follows: "What will we have a diplomatic work? Here are many proclamations and closing a shop. " With this, his comment is quite consistent with the impression that he made on the chapter of the German delegation of Richard von Kulman: "Not very big, sharp and piercing eyes behind harsh glasses looked at him by the boring and critical look. The expression of his face clearly indicated that he ... it would be better to complete the negotiations of a couple of grenades, thumping them through a green table, if it was at least somehow agreed with the common political line ... Sometimes I asked myself whether He generally with the intention to conclude the world, or he needed a tribune with which he could promote Bolshevik views. "

The composition of the Soviet delegation was included by K. Radek, a leaving from the Austro-Hungarian Galicia, in the negotiations, he represented the Polish workers to which did not really have any relationship. According to Lenin and Trotsky, Radek was to support the revolutionary tone of the delegation, balancing the revolutionary tone of the delegation, balancing too calm and weathered, as he seemed to be Lenin and Trotsky, other negotiation participants - Kamenev and Ioffe.

In Trotsky, the renewed negotiations often acquired the nature of the verbal battles of the head of the Soviet delegation with General Hoffman, who was also not shunted in expressions, demonstrating partners to negotiate the powerlessness of the country they represent. According to Trotsky, "General Goffmann ... I will bring a fresh note to the conference. He showed that he was not pretty the backstage tricks of diplomacy, and several times put his soldier's boots on the negotiating table. We immediately understood that the only reality that should really be perceived seriously with these useless conversations, this is a hopmann boot. "

December 28, 1917 (January 10, 1918) from Kiev to Brest arrived, at the invitation of the German side, the delegation of the Central Rada, headed by V. A. Golubovich, who immediately stated that the power of the Council of Soviet Russia does not apply to Ukraine. Trotsky agreed to the participation of the Ukrainian delegation in the negotiations, saying that Ukraine is in fact in a state of war with Russia, although formally independence of UNR was proclaimed later, "Universal" from 9 (22) January 1918

The German side was interested in the speedy conclusion of the negotiations, because not without reason was afraid of the threat of decomposition of his own army, and even more - the troops of the Allied Austria-Hungary - the "Patchwork Empire" of the Habsburgs. In addition, the food supply of the population has sharply deteriorated in these two countries - both empires stood on the threshold of hunger. The mobilization potential of these powers was exhausted, while the warring countries with them had an antita in this regard with unlimited possibilities, due to the numerous population in their colonies. In both empires, anti-war moods were grew, strikes were arranged, in some cities, tips were formed, according to the model of Russian councils; And these advice demanded the earliest conclusion of the world with Russia, so that the Soviet delegation at the negotiations in Brest appeared a well-known resource for pressure on partners.

But after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly 6 (19), January 1918, the German delegation began to act more. The fact is that until then, still remained virtually, the possibility that the government formed by the Constituent Assembly will cease to negotiate peace and resume allied relations with the countries of the Entente, torn off by the Bolshevik Council. Therefore, the failure of the Constituent Assembly gave the German side confidence that in the end the Soviet delegation will go to the conclusion of the world at any cost.

The presentation of the German ultimatum and the reaction to it

The absence of Russia's combat-ready army was, as they are expressed, medical fact. To convince the soldiers who have turned if they have not yet fled from the front, it is absolutely impossible to stay in the trenches. Once, the sinking king, the conspirators hoped that the soldiers would fight for Russia a democratic and liberal, their calculations were bits. The Socialist Government A. F. Kerensky called on the soldiers to defend the revolution - the soldiers did not seduce this propaganda. The Bolsheviks were agitated from the very beginning of the war for the cessation of the people of the peoples, and their leaders understood that the soldiers did not keep the power of the Soviets on the front at the front. Head of the head of Glavkoverha General M. D. Bonch-Broyevich on January 18, 1918 sent a note in the Council of the following content: "Desertion is progressively growing ... whole shelves and artillery go to the rear, exposing the front at considerable stretches, the Germans are walking on the abandoned position ... permanent visits The enemy soldiers of our positions, especially artillery, and the destruction of our fortifications on abandoned positions are undoubtedly organized. "

After a formal ultimatum presented to the Soviet delegation in Brest General Hoffmann, demanding the consent to the German occupation of Ukraine, Poland, half of Belarus and the Baltic States, an intapartist struggle on the top of the Bolsheviks party was broken. At the meeting of the Central Committee of the RSDDP (b), held 11 (24) in January 1918, the block of "left communists" was formed led by N. I. Bukharin, who spoke against the capitulant position of Lenin. "Our only salvation," he said, "is that the masses will know on experience, in the process of the fight itself, what is the German invasion, when the peasants will take cows and boots when the workers will force to work at 14 o'clock when they are Consider them in Germany when the iron ring will be inserted into the nostrils, then believe me, comrades, then we will get a real sacred war. " The side of Bukharina was taken by other influential members of the Central Committee - F. E. Dzerzhinsky, who fell on Lenin with criticism for the betrayal of them - not the interests of Russia, but the German and Austro-Hungarian proletariat, which, as he feared, the peace treaty will hold away from the revolution. Objectives to his opponents, Lenin formulated his position like this: "For the revolutionary war, an army needs, and we have no army. Undoubtedly, the world, which we forced to conclude now, is a peaceful world, but if the war starts, our government will be afraid and the world will be concluded by another government. " In the Central Committee, Stalin, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov and Sergeev (Artem) were supported. A compromise proposal was put forward by Trotsky. It sounded like this: "neither peace or war." Its essence was that in response to the German ultimatum, the Soviet delegation in Brest declares that Russia stops the war, the army demobilizes, but the disgraceful, degradious peace treaty will not sign. This offer and received the support of most members of the Central Committee: 9 votes against 7.

Before returning the delegation to Brest for renewing the negotiations, the head of Trotsky received an indication of the negotiations from the chairman of the Council to delay, but in the event of an ultimatum to sign a peace treaty at any cost. On January 27 (February 9), 1918. Representatives of the Central Rada in Brest-Litovsk signed a peace treaty with Germany - its consequence became the occupation of Ukraine with the troops of Germany and Austria-Hungary, who, having occupied Kiev, eliminated Rada.

27 (February 9) the Soviet side in the negotiations in the Brest of the head of the German delegation R. von Kulimman was presented with ultimatum demanding immediate refusal of any impact on the political life of territories rejected from the Russian state, including Ukraine, part of Belarus and Baltic States. The signal to toughen tone during the negotiations was heard from the capital of Germany. Emperor Wilhelm II, then stated in Berlin: "Today, the Bolshevik government directly appealed to my open-informing troops calling for uprising and disobedience to their highest commander. Neither I nor Feldmarshal von Hindenburg can no longer tolerate such a state of things. Trotsky should at tomorrow evening ... sign the world with the return of the Baltic States to the line of Narva - Pleskau - Dunebogu inclusive ... The Supreme Commands of the Army of the Eastern Front should bring troops to the specified line. "

Trotsky at the negotiations in Brest rejected ultimatum: "Peoples are waiting with the results of peace negotiations in Brest-Litovsk. People are asked when it ends the unparalleled self-creating of humanity caused by self-supporting and the dominance of the ruling classes of all countries? If ever war and was carried out for self-defense, it has long ceased to be such for both camps. If the United Kingdom captives African colonies, Baghdad and Jerusalem, then this is not another defensive war; If Germany occupies Serbia, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania and Romania and captures the Moonzund Islands, then it is also not a defensive war. This is the struggle for the section of the world. Now it can be clearer than ever ... We leave the war. We know all the peoples and their governments about it. We give an order about the complete demobilization of our armies ... At the same time, we declare that the conditions proposed by our German governments and Austria-Hungary are radically contrary to the interests of all nations. " This statement was made a public opinion that all parties involved in hostilities were regarded as a propaganda action. From the side of the German delegation, the negotiations in Brest followed an explanation that the refusal to sign a peace treaty denotes a breakdown of the truce and entail the resumption of hostilities. The Soviet delegation left Brest.

Breaking the truce and resumption of hostilities

On February 18, German troops resumed battles along the entire line of their eastern front and began to grow rapidly in Russia. For several days, the opponent has advanced by about 300 kilometers, capturing Revel (Tallinn), Narva, Minsk, Polotsk, Mogilev, Gomel, Chernigov. Only under Pskov on February 23, the enemy was rendered real resistance. Together with officers and soldiers, the Red Guards who arrived from Petrograd, who arrived from Petrograd, were fought. In the battles of the city, the Germans lost a few hundred soldiers killed and wounded. February 23 and was subsequently celebrated as the birthday of the Red Army, and now as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Nevertheless, Pskov was taken by the Germans.

There was a real threat to the capture of the capital. On February 21, the Committee of Revolutionary Defense of Petrograd was formed. A siege position was announced in the city. But it was not possible to organize the effective protection of the capital. Only the shelves of Latvian shooters came to the defense line. Mobilization was carried out among St. Petersburg workers, but its results were meager. From hundreds of thousands of workers who voted for the most part of the Bolsheviks in elections to the councils and the Constituent Assembly, shedding blood was ready to be a little more than one percent: just over 10 thousand people signed up by volunteers. The fact is that the Bolsheviks voted because they promised immediate peace. Expand the propaganda towards the revolutionary defense, as the Mensheviks and Esers were made at one time, was a matter of hopeless. The head of the metropolitan partnership of Bolsheviks, G. E. Zinoviev, was already preparing to leave underground: he demanded to allocate funds from the party treasury for the content of the underground activities of the Bolshevik Parthouse in Petrograd. In view of the failure of negotiations in Brest on February 22, Trotsky resigned from the post of People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs. A few days later, G. V. Chicherin was appointed this position.

In the Central Committee of the RSDDP (b) these days were continuous sessions. Lenin insisted on the resumption of negotiations on the world and accepting the requirements of the German ultimatum. Most of the members of the Central Committee adhered to a different position, offering as an alternative to partisan war with an occupying regime in the hope of a revolution in Germany and Austria-Hungary. At a meeting of the Central Committee on February 23, 1918, Lenin demanded an agreement on the conclusion of the world on the conditions dictated by German ultimatum, otherwise threatening with resignation. In response to the ultimatum Lenin, Trotsky stated: "We cannot lead a revolutionary war in the parties in the party ... With the created conditions, our party cannot lead the war ... It would be necessary to maximize the unanimity; Since he is not, I will not take responsibility to vote for war. " This time, Lenin's proposal supported 7 members of the Central Committee, four headed by Bukharin voted against, Trotsky and three more abstained when voting. Bukharin then announced his exit from the Central Committee. Then the party decision on the adoption of the German ultimatum was carried out through the state body - the WTCIK. At the Central Executive Committee on February 24, the decision to enter into peace on Germanic conditions was taken by 126 votes against 85 at 26 abstained. Most of the left esices were voting, although their leader M. A. Spiridonov voted for peace; The voices of Mensheviki headed against the world headed by Yu. O. Martov and from Bolsheviks - N. I. Bukharin and D. B. Ryazanov. A number of "left communists", including F. E. Dzerzhinsky, in protest against the consent to German ultimatum at the meeting of the WTCIK did not appear.

Conclusion of a peace treaty and its content

On March 1, 1918, the Soviet delegation, this time, led by G. Ya. Sokolnikov, returned to negotiate Brest. The negotiation partners who represented the Governments of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria, categorically refused to discuss the project developed by the German side, insisting on his adoption as it was presented. On March 3, German ultimatum was adopted by the Soviet Party, and the peace treaty was signed.

In accordance with this Treaty, Russia took the obligation to stop the war with UNR and recognize the independence of Ukraine, actually transferring it to the Protectorate of Germany and Austria-Hungary, - the occupation of Kiev, the overthrow of the Government of the UNR and the establishment of a puppet regime headed by the heterophage . Russia recognized the independence of Poland, Finland, Estland, Kurland and Liflandia. Some of these territories were directly included in Germany, others passed under German or joint Protectorate with Austria-Hungary. Russia also passed the Ottoman Empire Kars, Ardagan and Batum with their regions. The territory-rejected from Russia in the Brest Agreement was about a million square kilometers, and up to 60 million people lived on it - a third of the population of the former Russian Empire. The Russian army and fleet were subject to a radical reduction. The Baltic Fleet left its bases located in Finland and the Ostzay region. In Russia, the contribution of 6, 5 billion gold rubles was entrusted to Russia. And the application to the contract was included in the provision that the property of German citizens and its allies is not subject to the action of Soviet laws on nationalization, the same of the citizens of these states who have lost at least part of their property, it should have been returned or compensated. The refusal of the Soviet government from the payment of external debts could not continue to treat Germany and its allies, and Russia was obliged to immediately resume payments on these debts. Citizens of these states were allowed to engage in the territory of the Russian Soviet Republic business activities. The Soviet government has committed itself to prohibit any subruptive anti-war propaganda against the States of the Quarter Union.

A peace treaty enclosed in Brest was ratified on March 15 Extraordinary IV All-Russian Congress of Soviets, despite the fact that a third of deputies, mainly from the party of the left Socialist Republic, voted against its ratification. On March 26, the contract ratified the emperor Wilhelm II, and then similar acts were adopted in the Allied Germans.

The consequences of a peace treaty and the reaction to it

The termination of the war on the Eastern Front allowed Germany to transfer to the Western Front about half a million of their soldiers and start an offensive against the Armies of the Entente, which, however, soon choked. For the occupation of Western territories from Russia, mostly Ukraine, it took 43 divisions, against which the partisan war was turned under different political slogans, which costing Germany and Austria-Hungary more than 20 thousand lives of soldiers and officers; The troops of the hetman of the Scopadan, who supported the German occupation regimen, lost more than 30 thousand people in this war.

After signing the Brest world in Russia, a full-scale civil war began

In response to the exit of Russia from the war, the Entente was taken by interventionist promotions: March 6, the British landing was landed in Murmansk. Then followed the landing of the Britons in Arkhangelsk. Japanese parts occupied Vladivostok. The dismemberment of Russia under the terms of the Brest civil contract provided the remarkable slogan for the organization of hostilities aimed at the overthrow of the Soviet power - the slogan of the struggle for the "single and indivisible Russia". So after signing the Brest world in Russia, a full-scale civil war began. The Lenal appeal to "turn the war of peoples in the civil war" was nominated at the beginning of the World War I was implemented, however, at the moment when the Bolsheviks least wanted it, because by that time they had already seized power in the country.

His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon could not remain an indifferent viewer of the tragic events. 5 (18) March 1918, he turned to the All-Russian Parology with the Message in which he gave an assessment of a civil contract concluded in Brest: "The world is blessed between nations, because all the brothers, everyone calls on the Lord peacefully to work on Earth, he prepared his innumerable benefits for everyone. . And the Holy Church continually assumes prayers about the world of all over the world ... The unfortunate Russian people involved in the fratricidal bloody war, Nesterpimibly eased the world, as the people of God eager for the waters of the wilderness. But we did not have Moses, who would have given its people with miraculous water, and not to the Lord, his benefactor, appealed the people of help - the people who renounce the faith, persecutors of the Church of God, and they gave the people the world. But is this the world that the church prays, whom the people are eager? The world prisonered by the world, in which whole areas are rejected by the Orthodox people, and are given to the will of the alien on the faith of the enemy, and tens of millions of Orthodox people fall into the conditions of the great spiritual temptation for their faith, the world for which even an enconitor of Orthodox Ukraine is separated from Bratsk Russia and Collar Grad Kiev, the mother of the cities of the Russians, the cradle of our baptism, the shrine of the shrine, ceases to be the city of Power of the Russian, the world, giving our people and Russian land in heavy Kabalu, - such a world will not give the people of the desired recreation and calm. The Church of the Orthodox will bring great damage and grief, and the Fatherland has incurred losses. Meanwhile, we still continue all the same rushing, sponging our fatherland ... Eliminate the declared world of these shining to the sky? Will he bring even big sorrow and misfortune? Alas, the words of the Prophet are justified: They say: the world, the world, and the world is not (Ier. 8, 11). Saint Orthodox Church, Intonately helped the Russian people to collect and exalt the Russian state, cannot remain indifferent at the sight of his death and decomposition ... on the debt of the successor of the ancient collectors and builders of the Land of Russian Peter, Alexy, Ions, Philip and Ermogen, we call ... Voice Its terrible days and loud to declare in front of the whole world that the church cannot bless the infirm world today on behalf of Russia. This world, forced to be signed on the face of the Russian people, will not lead to fraternal cohabitation of peoples. There are no collaborations of calm and reconciliation in it, seeds of Evil and Human Association are sown. In it, the embryos of new wars and angry for all mankind. Can the Russian people with their humiliation be reconciled? Can he forget the blood separated from him and the belief of the brothers? .. The Orthodox Church ... can't now otherwise, as with the deepest sorrow, look at this visibility of the world, which is not better than war ... Do not rejoice and triumph about the world We urge you, Orthodox people, but bitterly repent and pray before the Lord ... Brahria! It is time for repentance, the holy days of the Great Post appeared. Clear your sins, come home, stop looking at each other, like on enemies, and separate the native land on the warring mills. We are all - brothers, and we all have one mother - the native Russian land, and we are all the Chad of one of the Heavenly ... before the face of the terrible, the court of God, we will gather everything around Christ and the Holy Church. We will pray to the Lord to soften the hearts of our bride and strengthened them with courage, so that he himself gave us the husbands of the mind and the Council, faithful to the velares of God, who would have corrected the deed maliciously, returned the rejected and collected crushed. ... Please pray everyone to pray to the Lord, let him turn away his righteous anger, the sin of our for the sake of us driven, and it will strengthen our relaxed spirit and restores us from serious despondency and extreme fall. And the merciful Lord clears over the sinful Russian land ... ".

Germany could not avoid the fate of the victim of the Russian Empire

It was the first message of Patriarch Tikhon, dedicated to a political topic, while it did not affect the issues of domestic policy, there are no mention of political parties and politicians, but, the correct traditions of the patriotic ministry of Russian high grasses, the Holy Patriarch expressed his sorrow in this message about the experienced Russia of the catastrophe, called on a flock to repentance and stopping the detrimental fratricide strings and, essentially, predicted the course of further events in Russia and in the world. Anyone who carefully reads this message can make sure that, drawn up on the event of a century ago, it did not even lose its relevance in our day.

Meanwhile, Germany, who forced Russia to surrender in March 1918, could not avoid the focus of the victim of the Russian Empire. In April 1918, diplomatic relations were resumed between Russia and Germany. The Soviet ambassador A. A. Ioffe arrived in Berlin, and in Moscow, where the residence of the government was transferred, - german ambassador Count Wilhelm von Mirbach. Count Mirbach was killed in Moscow, and A. A. Ioffe and the Human Resources of the Soviet Embassy The peace treaty did not prevent the anti-war propaganda in the heart of Germany itself. Pacifist and revolutionary sentiment swung from Russia to the army and the peoples of its former opponents. And when the imperial thrones of the Habsburgs and Gogenzollerns were stunned, the Brest agreement turned into a piece of paper, no one who does not bind to anyone. November 13, 1918, he was officially denounced the RSFSR. But at that time Russia was already overthow in the bunch of a fratricide slaughter - civil war, the signal to the beginning of which was the conclusion of the Brest Treaty.

Signing the Brest Mira

The Brest World is a separate peace treaty between Germany and Soviet Russia, as a result of which the latter, in violating its own commitment to England and France, came out of the First World War. The Brest Mirny Agreement was signed in Brest-Litovsk

The Brest world was signed on March 3, 1918 by Soviet Russia on one side and Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey - on the other

The essence of the Brest Mira

The main thing driving power The October Revolution was soldiers who are terribly tired of the war, lasting the fourth year. The Bolsheviks promised to stop it in case of coming to power. Because the first decree of the Soviet government was the decree of the world, adopted on October 26 by the old style

"The working and peasant government, created on October 24-25 ... invites all warring nations and their governments to begin immediately negotiations on the fair democratic world. A fair or democratic world, ... The government considers the immediate world without annexation (that is, without the capture of foreign land, without the violent attachment of other people) and without contribution. Such a world offers the Russian government to conclude all warring nations immediately ... "

The desire of the Soviet government headed by Lenin to conclude peace with Germany; let the price of some concessions and territorial losses, on the one hand, the fulfillment of their "election" promises of the people, with the other concerns of the soldiers' rebound

"Throughout the fall, the delegates from the front were daily to the Petrogradsk council with a statement that if the world would not be concluded before November, the soldiers themselves move to the rear to produce the world with their means. It became the slogan of the front. The soldiers left the trenches of the masses. October coup to some extent suspended this movement, but, of course, not for long, "(Trotsky" My Life ")

Brest world. Briefly

At first there was a truce

  • 1914, September 5 - Agreement of Russia, France, England, prohibiting the conclusion of the allies of the Separation or truce with Germany
  • 1917, November 8 (Art.) - The Council of People's Commissars ordered the Army to General Dukhonin to offer the opponents of Premiria. Dukhonin refused.
  • 1917, November 8 - Trotsky, as the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, appealed to the states of the Entente and Central Empires (Germany and Austria-Hungary) with persistence to enclose the world. The answer has not followed
  • 1917, November 9 - General Dukhonin is dismissed. His place was taken by the ensign of Kryonko
  • 1917, November 14 - Germany answered the offer of Soviet power to start negotiations about the world
  • 1917, November 14 - Lenin unsuccessfully turned to the governments of France, Great Britain, Italy, USA, Belgium, Serbia, Romania, Japan and China with a proposal together with the Soviet government to proceed December 1 to peace negotiations

"The answer to these questions should be given now, and the answer is not in words, but in practice. The Russian army and the Russian people cannot and do not want to wait anymore. December 1, we proceed to peace negotiations. If the Allied Peoples do not send their representatives, we will lead the negotiations with the Germans "

  • 1917, November 20 - Kryglenko arrived at the commander-in-chief rate in Mogilev, context and arrested Dukhonin. On the same day, the general was killed by soldiers
  • 1917, November 20 - Negotiations of Russia and Germany began in Brest-Litovsk about a truce
  • 1917, November 21 - the Soviet delegation outlined its conditions: a truce is 6 months; Military actions are suspended on all fronts; The Germans purify the Moonzund Islands and Riga; Whealing any transit german troops PA Western Front. To which the representative of Germany, General Hoffman, stated that such conditions could offer only the winners and sufficiently look at the map to judge who is a defeated country
  • 1917, November 22 - the Soviet delegation demanded a break in the negotiations. Germany was forced to agree to Russia's suggestions. A truce was announced for 10 days
  • 1917, November 24 - the new appeal of Russia to the countries of the Entente with a proposal to join peace negotiations. No answer
  • 1917, December 2 - the second truce with the Germans. This time for 28 days

Peace talks

  • 1917, December 9 under Art. Art. - In the officer meeting of Brest-Litovsk, a conference on the world began. The delegation of Russia offered to take the following program
    1. No violent accession of the territories captured during the war are not allowed ...
    2. The political independence of those peoples, which during this War have been deprived of this independence
    3. National groups that did not use political independence before the war are guaranteed to freely solve the issue .... About his state independence ...
    4. In relation to the territories inhabited by several nationalities, the right of minority is protected by special laws ....
    5. None of the warring countries is obliged to pay other countries of the so-called military costs ...
    6. Colonial issues are solved under the observance of the principles set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  • 1917, December 12 - Germany and its allies adopted Soviet proposals as a basis, however with the principal reservation: "The proposals of the Russian delegation could be implemented only if all the powers involved in the war ... pledged to comply with common conditions for all peoples"
  • 1917, December 13 - the Soviet delegation suggested declare a ten-day break so that governments of states who did not join the negotiations could familiarize themselves with the developed principles
  • 1917, December 27 - after numerous diplomatic demarks, including the requirements of Lenin to postpone the negotiations in Stockholm, the discussion of the Ukrainian question, the peaceful conference earned again

At the second stage of negotiations, the Soviet delegation was headed by L. Trotsky

  • 1917, December 27 - the statement of the German delegation that once one of the most essential conditions that were represented by the Russian delegation on December 9 - the unanimous adoption of all the warring conditions that are obligatory for all are not accepted, it means that the document has become invalid
  • 1917, December 30 - After a few days of barren conversations, the German General Goffman said: "The Russian delegation spoke that it would be as if she was a winner who entered our country. I would like to indicate that the facts just contradict this: the victorious German troops are located in the Russian territory "
  • 1918, January 5 - Germany presented Russia to the signing of the world

"Having reached the card, General Hoffman said:" I leave a map on the table and I ask you to familiarize yourself with it ... The drawn line is dictated by military considerations; It will provide peoples living on the other side of the line, calm state construction and the realization of self-determination. " The Hoffmanine line cut off from the possessions of the former Russian Empire territory over 150 thousand square kilometers. Germany and Austria-Hungary occupied Poland, Lithuania, some part of Belarus and Ukraine, part of Estonia and Latvia, the Moonzund Islands, the Riga Bay. This passed them control over the sea routes to the Finnish and combat bays and allowed to develop offensive operations deep into the Gulf of Finland, against Petrograd. The Germans of the Baltic Sea ports moved to the Germans, through which 27% of the entire marine export came from Russia. Through the same ports, 20% of Russian imports went. The established border was extremely unprofitable for Russia in strategically. She threatened the occupation of all Latvia and Estonia, threatened Petrograd and to a certain extent in Moscow. In the event of a war with Germany, this border conceded Russia to the loss of territories at the very beginning of the war "(" History of Diplomacy ", Volume 2)

  • 1918, January 5 - At the request of the Russian delegation, the conference took 10 days out
  • 1918, January 17 - Conference resumed work
  • 1918, January 27 - Signed a peace treaty with Ukraine, which Germany and Austria-Hungary recognized on January 12
  • 1918, January 27 - Germany presented to Russia ultimatum

"Russia takes note of the following territorial changes that enter into force together with the ratification of this peace treaty: the areas between the borders of Germany and Austria-Hungary and the line, which passes ... will continue to be subject to territorial rule of Russia. From the fact of their belonging to the former Russian Empire, no obligations in relation to Russia will not flow towards them. Future fate These areas will be solved in harmony with these peoples, namely, on the basis of those agreements that Germany and Austria-Hungary conclude with them.

  • 1918, January 28 - In response to German Ultimatum, Trotsky announced that the War Soviet Russia ceases, but the world does not sign - "no war, nor peace." Peace conference ran out

Fighting in the party around the signing of the Brest World

"In the party dominated an irreconcilable attitude to the signing of the Brest conditions ... It has found the most vivid expression in the grouping of the left communism, which put forward the slogan of the revolutionary war. The first broad discussion of disagreements occurred on January 21 at a meeting of active party workers. Three points of view revealed. Lenin stood for trying to still tighten the negotiations, but, in the case of an ultimatum, immediately capitulate. I thought it was necessary to bring negotiations to the gap, even with the danger of the new onset of Germany, so that the capitulate had to ... already before the obvious use of force. Bukharin demanded war to expand the Arena revolution. 32 votes received supporters of the revolutionary war, Lenin collected 15 votes, I am 16 ... on the proposal of Sovnarkom local councils to express their opinion about the war and the world over two hundred councils responded. Only Petrogradsky and Sevastopolsky - spoke for peace. Moscow, Ekaterinburg, Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Kronstadt spoke in an overwhelming number of votes. Such was the mood and our party organizations. At the decisive meeting of the Central Committee on January 22, my proposal was held: delay negotiations; In the case of a German ultimatum, declare war terminated, but the world does not sign; In the future, act depending on the circumstances. On January 25, a meeting of the central committees of the Bolsheviks and Left Socialists, at which the same formula was overwhelmingly " (L. Trotsky "My Life")

In an indirect way, Trotsky's idea was to disavow stubborn rumors of the time that Lenin and his party - the German agents sent to Russia to rip it and withdraw from the First World War (Germany was no longer possible to lead the war on two fronts) . The submissive signing of the world with Germany would confirm these rumors. But under the influence of force, that is, the German offensive, the statement of the world would look a forced measure

Conclusion of a peace treaty

  • 1918, February 18 - Germany and Austria-Hungary began the offensive all over the front from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Trotsky offered to request the Germans, which they want. Lenin objected: "Now it is not possible to wait, it means to hand over a Russian revolution on the layer ... The card was put on the map that we, playing with the war, give the revolution to the Germans"
  • 1918, February 19 - Lenin Telegram Germans: "In view of the situation, the Council of People's Commissar sees himself forced to sign the conditions of the world proposed in Brest-Litovsk the delegations of the Quartary Union"
  • 1918, February 21 - Lenin announced "Socialist Fatherland in danger"
  • 1918, February 23 - the birth of the Red Army
  • 1918, February 23 - New German Ultimatum

"The first two points repeated the ultimatum of January 27. But in the rest of the ultimatum went incomparably further

  1. Clause 3 Immediate retreat of Russian troops from Liflandia and Estlandia.
  2. Item 4 Russia was obliged to conclude a world with the Ukrainian Central Rada. Ukraine and Finland were to be cleared of Russian troops.
  3. Item 5 Russia was supposed to return Turkey Anatolian provinces and recognize the abolition of Turkish capitulations
  4. Paragraph 6. The Russian army is immediately demobilized, including newly formed parts. Russian ships in the Black and Baltic Sea and in the Arctic Ocean should be disarmed.
  5. Paragraph 7. The German-Russian trade agreement is restored from 1904. The guarantees of free export, the right of the duty-free export of ore, the guarantee of the greatest faults to Germany at least until the end of 1925 ...
  6. Paragraphs 8 and 9. Russia undertakes to stop all agitation and propaganda against the countries of the German bloc both within the country and in the areas occupied by them.
  7. Paragraph 10. The conditions of the world must be taken within 48 hours. Commissioners from the Soviet side immediately go to Brest-Litovsk and there are obliged to sign a peace treaty within three days, which is subject to ratification no later than after two weeks "

  • 1918, February 24 - All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted German ultimatum
  • 1918, February 25 - the Soviet delegation stated a sharp protest against the continuation of hostilities. And yet the offensive continued
  • 1918, February 28 - Trotsky resigned from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • 1918, February 28 - the Soviet delegation was already in Brest
  • 1918, March 1 - the resumption of a peace conference
  • 1918, March 3 - signing a peace treaty between Russia and Germany
  • 1918, March 15 - the All-Russian Congress of Soviets by a majority vote ratified a peace treaty

Conditions of the Brest Mira

The peace treaty between Russia and the central powers consisted of 13 articles. The main articles caused that Russia, on the one hand, Germany and its allies, on the other, declare the termination of the war.
Russia produces complete demobilization of its army;
Russia's military vessels go to Russian ports before the conclusion of a universal world or immediately disarm.
From Soviet Russia under the Agreement, Poland, Lithuania, Kurland, Liflandia and Estlandia were issued.
In the hands of Germans, there remained those areas that lay the east of the established border agreement and were occupied by the time of signing the contract by German troops.
In the Caucasus, Russia was inferior to Turkey Kars, Ardagan and Batum.
Ukraine and Finland were recognized as independent states.
With the Ukrainian Central Rada, Soviet Russia was obliged to conclude a peace treaty and recognize a peace treaty between Ukraine and Germany.
Finland and the Aland Islands were cleared of Russian troops.
Soviet Russia undertook to stop all agitation against the Finnish government.
Separate articles of the Russian-German Trade Treatment of 1904 came into force again
In the Brest agreement, the borders of Russia were not recorded, and nothing was said about respect for the sovereignty and integrity of the territory of the Contracting Parties
As for the territories that lay to the east of the line marked in the contract, Germany agreed to clean them only after the complete demobilization of the Soviet army and the conclusion of the universal world.
Prisoners of war of both sides were released at home

Performance of Lenin at the seventh Congress of the RCP (b): "Never in the war in the war, you can not associate yourself, ... there is a means to collect strength ... Some definitely, as children think: signed a contract, it means Satan, he went to hell. It's just ridiculous when a military history speaks clear clear that the signing of the contract with the defeat is a means of collecting forces "

Cancellation of the Brest Mira

Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 13, 1918
On the cancellation of the Brest Lithuanian Peace Treaty
All the peoples of Russia, the population of all occupied regions and land.
All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviets all solemnly declares that the conditions of the world with Germany, signed in Brest on March 3, 1918, lost their strength and meanings. Brest Lithuanian Agreement (equal to the additional agreement, signed in Berlin on August 27 and ratified by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on September 6, 1918) as a whole and in all points is declared destroyed. All obligations included in the Brest-Lithuanian treaty relating to the payment of contracting or concessions of the territory and regions are declared invalid ....
Workers' masses, Liflandia, Estlandia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Finland, Crimea and the Caucasus, freed by the German revolution from the oppression of the roster, dictated by the German military officer, are designed to solve their fate now. The socialist world, concluded by the masses of the peoples of Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, should come to the place of the imperialist world. The Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic offers the fraternal peoples of Germany and the former Austria-Hungary, in the person of their councils of workers and soldiers' deputies, immediately proceed to resolve issues related to the destruction of the Brest Treaty. The basis of the true world of peoples can only lie the principles that correspond to fraternal relations between the working people of all countries and nations and which were proclaimed by the October Revolution and defended themselves with the Russian delegation in Brest. All occupied areas of Russia will be cleaned. The right to self-determination will be fully recognized as worrying nations of all nations. All losses will be assigned to the true perpetrators of the war, on the bourgeois classes.

The Brest World is a contract between Germany and the Soviet government, superimposing the obligation to leave the First World War. The Brest Mirny Agreement was concluded on March 3, 1918 and completed his action after the succession of Germany in World War.

Before the beginning of the war, all countries Western Europe They knew what the position of the Russian Empire was: the country was in a state of economic lift.

This was evidenced not only to raise the standard of living of the population, but also the rapprochement of the foreign policy of the Russian Empire with the advanced states of that time - Great Britain and France.

Changes in the economy gave impetus to changes in the social sphere, in particular the amount of the working class increased, but most of the population were still the peasants.

It was the active foreign policy of the country that led to the final formation of the Entente - the Union of Russia, France and England. In turn, Germany and Austria-Hungary and Italy formized the main composition of the tripled union opposed by Antante. The colonial contradictions of the great powers of that time led to the beginning

For a long time Russian empire Dried in a military decline, which intensified to the beginning of the World War. The causes of such a state are obvious:

  • untimely completion of military reform, which began after the Russian-Japanese war;
  • slow fulfillment of a program for the formation of new armed associations;
  • lack of ammunition and provisions;
  • aging military doctrine, including an increased number of cavalry in the Russian troops;
  • lack of automatic weapons and communications in the provision of army;
  • insufficient qualification of the command formulation.

These factors contributed to the low combat capability of the Russian army and an increase in the number of victims during the military campaigns. In 1914, Western and Eastern Front are formed - the main amen of the fighting of the First World War. Throughout 1914-1916, Russia took part in the three Military campaigns of the Eastern Front.

The first campaign (1914) was marked by the Galitsky battle successful for the Russian state, during which the troops occupied Lviv - the capital of Galicia, as well as the defeat of the Turkish troops in the Caucasus.

The second campaign (1915) began a breakthrough of German troops into the territory of Galicia, during which the Russian Empire suffered significant losses, but it remained able to provide military support to the territories of allies. At the same time, a four-world union (coalition of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria) is formed in the territories of the Western Front).

During the third campaign (1916) of Russia, it is possible to improve the military situation of France, at this time on the West Front in the war against Germany, the United States is entering.

In July, the offensive in the territory of Galicia under the command of Brusylova A.A. The so-called Brusilovian breakthrough was able to bring the army of Austria-Hungary to a critical state. Brusylov's troops occupy the territory of Galicia and Bukovina, but due to the lack of support for the allied countries are forced to go to defense.

During the war, the attitude of soldiers for military service is changing, discipline worsens and there is a complete demoralization of the Russian army. By the beginning of 1917, when Russia overtooks a national crisis, the economy in the country was in a significant decline: the value of the ruble falls, the financial system is violated, due to the lack of fuel energy, the work of about 80 enterprises stops, taxes.

There is an active growth of high costs and the subsequent collapse of the economy. This served as the reasons for the introduction of forced breadstaking and mass perturbation of the civilian population. In the course of the development of the problems of the economy, a revolutionary movement is brewing, which leads to power the Bolshevik faction, whose priority task has become the exit of Russia from World War.

It is interesting! The main force of the October Revolution was the movement of soldiers, so the promise of the Bolsheviks to stop military actions was obvious.

Negotiations between Germany and Russia on the upcoming world began in 1917. They were engaged in Trotsky, at that time, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

At that time, three main forces existed in the Bolshevik Party:

  • Lenin. He argued that the peace agreement must be signed on any conditions.
  • Bukharin. Put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bwar at any cost.
  • Trotsky. Supported uncertainty - the ideal alignment for Western European countries.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsigning a document on the conclusion of the world most supported V.I. Lenin. He understood the need to accept the conditions of Germany and demanded from Trotsky to sign the Brest World, but the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs was confident in the further development of the revolution on the territory of Germany, as well as in the absence of forces from the tripard for further offensive.

That is why Trotsky, an ardent left communist, pulled the moment of the conclusion of a peace treaty. Contemporaries believe that such a behavior of the People's Commissars gave impetus to the tightening of the conditions of the world's conclusion. Germany demanded detachment from Russia of the Baltic and Polish territories and some Baltic Islands. It was assumed that the Soviet state would lose up to 160 thousand km2 of territory.

The truce was concluded in December 1917 and operated until January 1918. In January, both sides were to meet in the negotiations, which, according to the total, abolished Trotsky. A peaceful agreement is signed between Germany and Ukraine (thus an attempt was made to express the Government of UNR and Soviet power), and the RSFSR decides to announce his exit from world war without signing a peace treaty.

Germany begins a large-scale attack on the sectors of the Eastern Front, which leads to the threat of the seizure of the territories of the Bolshevik Power. The result of such tactics was the signing of the world in the city of Brest-Litovsk.

Signing and terms of contract

The report on the conclusion of the world was signed on March 3, 1918. The conditions of the Brest civil contract, as well as an additional agreement concluded in August of the same year, were as follows:

  1. Loss of Russia of the territory with total area About 790 thousand km2.
  2. The conclusion of troops from the fields of the Baltic States, Finland, Poland, Belarus and the Transcaucasus and the subsequent refusal of these territories.
  3. Recognition by the Russian state of independence of Ukraine, which passed under the Protectorate of Germany.
  4. The concessions of Turkey are territories of Eastern Anatolia, Kars and Ardagan.
  5. Contribution of Germany in size of 6 billion brands (about 3 billion gold rubles).
  6. Entry into force of the individual points of the 1904 trade agreement.
  7. Termination of revolutionary propaganda in Austria and Germany.
  8. The Black Sea Fleet was led by the command of Austria-Hungary and Germany.

also in additional agreement There was an item that ordered Russia to bring the Armanta troops from its territories and, in the event of defeat the Russian army, the German-Finnish troops were to eliminate this problem.

Sokolnikov. D. Trotsky.

Entente states accepted the separatic world hostile. They openly declared the non-recognition of the Brest Treaty and began landing for troops in different parts Russia. Thus, an imperialist intervention in the Soviet country began.

Note!Despite the conclusion of a peace treaty, the Bolshevik authorities feared the re-occurrence of the German troops and moved the capital from Petrograd to Moscow.

Already in 1918, Germany was on the verge of collapse, under the influence of which there was an active hostile policy in relation to the RSFSR.

Only the bourgeois-democratic revolution did not give Germany to join the Antante and organize the struggle against Soviet Russia.

Cancellation of the peace treaty gave the Soviet authorities the opportunity not to pay the conference and begin the liberation of Russian regions captured by the Germans.

Modern historians argue that the significance of the Brest world in Russia's history is difficult to overestimate. The estimates of the Brest peace treaty are diametrically opposed. Many believe that the contract served as a catalyst for the further development of the Russian state.

According to others, the Brest-Lithuanian peace treaty pushed the state to the abyss, and the actions of the Bolsheviks need to be perceived as a betrayal of the people. The Brest Lithuanian peace treaty had unfavorable for the consequences.

The occupation of Ukraine by Germany created a food problem, violated the connection between the country and the areas of breadth-raw material production. Economic and economic destruction aggravated, a split of Russian society at a political and social level occurred. The results of the split did not make himself wait - the civil war began (1917-1922).

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The Brest Lithuanian peace treaty was a forced measure based on the economic and military decline of Russia, as well as intensifying the troops of Germany and allies on the Eastern Front.

The document existed for long - already in November 1918, it was canceled by both parties, but it was he who gave impetus to fundamental changes in the structures of the RSFSR authorities. The historical assessments of the Brest world give to understand: the Russian state lost the loser side, and this is a unique event in the history of mankind.