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Wilhelm II. Life after expulsion. Last German Emperor -Vilgelm II.Gogenzoller

The future German Emperor Wilhelm was born in January 1859 in the Berlin Palace of the Crown Prince. His parents were Friedrich Wilhelm Prussian and 18-year-old Princess Victoria. The births were very hard, and the dedicated seriously said that the prince was still alive in a miracle. He was born with numerous generic injuries, the consequences of which were then affected for many years. In the left hand there was a break of nerves that bind to the shoulder plexus with the spinal cord.

She was much shorter than right, atrophied and did not act. In addition, for several years, due to the congenital curvature of the cervical vertebra, Wilhelm had to wear an "machine to maintain the head," until the parents and doctors decided to surpass this lack. It can be assumed that the newborn also received a lung damage to the brain. It is noted that this kind of pathology is usually irritable, to impulsion, to inability to concentrate attention and unstable behavior. All these shortcomings appeared at Wilhelm already in early childhood.

Princess Victoria was very suffering from the physical and spiritual inferiority of the Son. She dreamed of growing the wonderful statesman of the "second Friedrich the Great" from him and terribly annoyed because Wilhelm hardly assisted even the usual school Program. Mother complained about his top riding and laziness in study, mental coldness and arrogance. This in general, a very smart woman was simply not able to accept the fact that the goal set in it really does not correspond to the possibilities of her son. The prince constantly saw the disappointment of the mother and in response, tried to approve his own "I" through the riot. His childhood and youth were marked by constant quarrels with parents.

He was outraged by their coldness, injustice, undeserved reproaches and paid the same coin - did not love them and despised. The character of Wilhelm from the very beginning was very uneven. Physically, a weak and awkward prince constantly tried to show his strength. Internally timid and insecure in herself, he kept defiant and self-confident. From here there was his love for the posture, his explicit barrack, his irrepressible tribal, so annoying all common and ordinary people. The mentor of the future emperor Hinzpeter constantly complied with inattention, laziness and "Pharisee" character of his ward, as well as his "egoism that has reached almost crystalline hardness."

For general opinion, Wilhelm was "difficult, very difficult" child. At the age of 15, Victoria, on the advice of Hinzpetker, put over the son of the "unparalleled experiment", giving the heir to the Prussian throne into the open gymnasium in Kassel, where he studied with the sons of ordinary burghers. The prince got up at five in the morning and before classes in the gymnasium, which began at seven, should have been involved in Hinzpeter. Along with the housekeeping, with whom he barely coped, Wilhelm received riding lessons, fencing and drawing.

In addition, teachers of the gymnasium in the evenings held additional classes on their subjects with him. A hard day, painted literally to minutes, ended at ten pm, when the prince, completely exhausted, fell into bed. He graduated from the gymnasium with an assessment "Good", but his tacity in study continued to bring parents to despair. "He is from nature a terrible slacker and tunes, he does not read anything, except that idiotic stories ..." Mother complained in 1877, "I am afraid that his heart is completely unprecedented."

She wrote that Wilhelm had no "modesty, kindness, goodwill, respect for other people, the ability to forget about themselves, humility," and wanted to "break his egoism and his spiritual coldness." On other people, Wilhelm produced a complex, ambiguous impression. The talkative, pompous and vain, he was from nature rude and netactious, but if desired, it could be very kind and benevolent.

In the fall of the same year, the Prince began to occupy in Bonn University, and since 1879 began to pass military service in Potsdam. At this time, everyone else has wonderful victories overlooking the garden and sedan. Like all Prussians, Wilhelm was proud of the Prussian army and Prussian battle. First of all, he wanted to be a brilliant Prussian officer, but only then all the rest. Despite the fact that he could not own his left hand, Wilhelm after stubborn and courageous exercises overcame this drawback and became a deft cavalry. In 1885, he received Chin Colonel, in 1888 he was produced into the generals and in the same year he inherited after the sideline death of the father of the German throne.

Shortly after the coronation of Wilhelm, his mother, widowing the Empress, wrote: "I will grieve about Germany, now she will become different. Our son is young, blinded, obsessed. He will choose a false way and will allow evil people to increasing themselves on bad things. " Better than anyone else, she knew that Wilhelm had neither appropriate knowledge nor personal qualities in order to be a ruler of such a great and powerful country as Germany. But for others, this flaw for a short time remained secret. Hinspeter noticed in 1889 about the emperor: "He is absolutely not accustomed to work. All sorts of entertainment in the military society, travel and hunting for it above all. He reads little ... he does not write anything himself, not counting the marks on the reports of the reports. " The inexperience of the new sovereign constantly gave itself to know in actions, affairs and speeches, but he compensated for her self-confidence and indestructible form. Like no other monarch of that time, Wilhelm believed that he was the sovereign by the grace of God, and kept himself accordingly. On one of the banquets in May 1891, he stated: "There is only one lord in the country - this is me, and I will not bearing another." Such statements he pronounced often and in different reasons. It is no wonder that with such views he could not "work out" with the old Chancellor Otto Bismarck, who was accustomed to his grandfather to almost unlimited power. Wilhelm treated him with external respect, but the friction between the emperor and his chancellor was constantly intensified. Finally, in 1890, the old man asked the resignation and immediately received it. From this time, Wilhelm began to resolve in all areas of management. "He does not give anyone to anyone," Walderze's general headquarters wrote, "he expresses his own judgment and does not suffer any objections." The emperor generally led any opposition to his will. In 1891, speaking before recruits, Wilhelm collapsed with attacks on the work movement. At the same time, he announced that the soldiers should, without thinking, "kill their fathers and brothers" if they receive such an order from the emperor. In the same spirit there was his performance in Konigsberg in 1894, when the emperor called for the struggle "for religion, morality and order" against subversive parties. After the draft law on subversive elements failed in Reichstag, Wilhelm exclaimed: "Now nothing remains to us, except for a rifle fire in the first instance and the card in the second!" And indeed, during the strike of the tramways from the emperor, a telegram came: "I expect that at least 500 people will be killed with the intervention of troops." The cruel aggressiveness of Wilhelm demonstrated in other his speeches. So, in the famous "Gunnskaya" speech, which the emperor pronounced in front of the German expeditionary corps, sent in 1900 to China, he gave the soldiers to behave "like the Huns": "If you meet with the enemy, then to fight. Not to give mercy, do not take prisoners. He who will get into your hands in your power. " All these speeches, scandalizing public opinion in Germany and Europe, were the cause of many resignations and constitutional crises. However, people close to the emperor soon realized that behind these thoroughly performances, in essence, there is no thoughtful policy, nor even a certain political intention. They were primarily a militant pose, which Wilhelm considered it necessary to take before the whole world. In 1890, Walderze wrote: "His actions are determined by an extremely desire for popularity ... He literally travels for ovations and does not give him such pleasure as" Hurray "of the roaring crowd." Count Taydlitz-Trewschler, in turn, wrote about the emperor: "He wrote The child will remain the child forever. "So it was really. All who knew Wilhelm well, in one voice argued that he never became a mature man. He constantly fantasized, the dreams of dreams and reality, was fond of one idea , then another. The policy was for him the game, which he indulged with Azart and pleasure, but without giving a report on the consequences of his actions.

If within Germany, Wilhelm was to some extent been restraving by Reichstag, foreign policy Overall was in the sphere of its competence. Wilhelm was vividly responded to all world conflicts, in whatever point of the globe they arose, constantly falling into a prophetic and patestical tone. He was warned by the "peoples of Europe" from the "yellow danger," he was assigned the title "Admiral Atlantic,", then arrogantly pointed out the Russian king, that Russia's mission is not in Europe, but in East Asia. In 1894, he demanded annexation of Mozambique, in 1896 he wanted to send troops to South AfricaEven if it would lead to the "Ground War" with England. In 1898, during a visit to Palestine, Wilhelm declared himself a patron of all Muslims of the world. In 1899, he sent the British operational plans against drills, made by the German operational headquarters on his order. He dreamed of creating in South America The German colonial empire, and the United States promised that in the event of their war with Japan, Prussian troops would take on the protection of California. In vain in all these zigzags of the course it would be to seek a well-thought-out program of action. They were also a consequence of impromptu, minute passion or bad spirit. But there was one idea of \u200b\u200bFix, around which all other mises of the emperor rotated: Germany must rule the world! As a result, any neighbor of Germany was a potential opponent, and a potential ally. Numerous combinations folded in Wilhelm's head, in order to change the other short time. Holstein led by the foreign policy department admitted once that for half a year he had to change his course three times, submitting the will of the emperor. At first, Wilhelm demanded rapprochement with Russia and France in order to defend the German colonies from England. Then he wanted the Union with England, even the price of concessions of the colonies. Finally, he began to relate suspiciously to England and Russia and tried to seek support from France.

But with one way or another, against this or that enemy, Germany was to fight, and Wilhelm was actively preparing for war. The central moment of his military program was the creation of a powerful naval fleet. According to the plans of the emperor, Germany by 1920 was supposed to have enormous naval forces. Only battleship was planned to build 60 pieces! He drove through this idea throughout his reign. Already in 1895, the Marshall Secretary of State wrote that in the head of Wilhelm "only the Navy". Having visited his mother in Kronberg in 1896, the emperor admitted to her that he intends to "squeeze all the veins from Germany" in order to take away from England that the dominant position she occupies in the world. In 1900, he had already openly declared the entire light: "The ocean is necessary for the greatness of Germany." At the same time, he more than once tried to assure the British, that the growth of the sea power of Germany is not dangerous for them. But England was very seriously reacted to this threat. It was announced that the British would build two warships for each, built in Germany. This "dreaded fever" was a considerable degree of the reason for the final deterioration in relations between the two countries. In 1912, the British ministry directly announced that in the case of the European War, England will perform on the side of France and Russia. Such was the result of the imperial policy: constantly threatening with all his neighbors, Germany achieved only the fact that they all, forgetting about their contradictions, united against her. When in 1914 the first began world WarWilhelm had to count on only one ally - weak Austria-Hungary. Romania, Greece and Italy, instead of joining Germany, said their neutrality. "Allies disappear as rotten apples!" - wrote Wilhelm. He did not want to admit that loneliness and isolation, in which the Germans turned out to be largely due to the impassiveness of its nature and inept personal politics.

At first, Wilhelm tried to personally manage the actions of the army, but after six months he completely eliminated military affairs, shifting them all on Hindenburg and Ludendorf. Despite all his military hobbies, Wilhelm remained in spirit deeply by the civilian man, always hesitated between fear and self-confidence and was also worried about responsibility. He, for example, did not venture himself to start the marine fight against the Entente. All four years of war, the German fleet stood in their ports. Thus, the marine race of arms, the former cause of world war, turned out to be completely meaningless - the German fleet did not play in her almost no role.

In August 1918, when it became finally clear that Germany was not able to win, Wilhelm began to look for ways to the honored world. But the countries of the Entente, confident in their celebration, did not meet him. In the fall, severe revolutionary fermentation began in military units and on the fleet. In November, the revolutionary effect covered Berlin. Wilhelm was at this time in his bid in the spa. On the evening of November 8, Chancellor Max Badensky called the emperor by telephone and said that his renunciation was necessary to prevent civil war. Wilhelm irritably rejected this offer and ordered generals to prepare for the campaign on Berlin. But at the meeting on November 9, Hindenburg objected that "after sound thinking" he considers such a campaign impossible. General Grennener spoke even more definitely: "The army will not submit such an orders." At the same time, the news came that the Berlin garrison moved to the side of the rebels. Wilhelm was deeply shocked by such a turnover of events; He hesitated, decided to renounce the imperial crown, but still hoped to preserve Prussian. Without waiting for the formal act, Max Badensky announced in Berlin about the renunciation of Wilhelm in favor of the Son. But he was late, as Shaideman has already announced the establishment of the republican image of the board. On November 19, Wilhelm fled to Holland.

This country was made by his last refuge. The emperor went abroad not with empty hands

The last emperors of Germany were called Kaisers. Although this German in german-speaking countries was applied to the emperors of all times and peoples, in other European states, this term was used in relation to only the last three representatives of the Danube and Ranne dynasty dynasty (South-West Germany, Wilhelm I, Friedrich III and Wilhelm I, Friedrich III and Wilhelm II.

Difficult appearance

Kaiser Wilhelm II was not only the last monarch from the specified dynasty, but also the last German emperor at all. This person was very complicated. The first child of the eight children of Friedrich Prussian and English princess Victoria was born as a result of severe births, which were so difficult that the future German Kaiser Wilhelm II remained flawed, with severe physical disabilities.

The left hand was damaged and remained shorter than the right by 15 cm. The gap of the shoulder nerve and Krivoshoye complemented the list of ills acquired at the birth. The child was susceptible to continuous painful procedures and operations.

Character formation

Naturally, attention to him on the side of the entire dynastic relastic relatives was elevated - his pumped. In addition, physical disadvantages of crowded parents reimbursed excellent comprehensive education. And it is not at all surprising that the last German Kaiser Wilhelm II was not just heavy, but terrible - he was arrogant, arrogant and vengeful. His egoism, according to the testimony of contemporaries, had a "crystalline hardness". This monster will throw Europe to the First World War. Numerous photos Imprinted for the descendants the face of this cruel person.

"Year of three emperors"

Appeared in 1859, already in 1888 he becomes the emperor. Good, managed by the Iron Chancellor Otto Bismarcom Kaiser dying in 1888, which in the history of Germany was called the name "of the three emperors". His son Friedrich III Prussian Kaiser was only 99 days, as he died suddenly from the larynx cancer. On June 15, 1888, Wilhelm II - a man with an overestimated self-esteem, inflexible faith in his genius and the ability to change the world - ascended to the German throne.

Drew to power

Previously, the fanatical desire to all be the first to prevent physical disadvantages and difficulties psychological character. After coronation, passion broke out out. The ministers were forbidden to even think independently.

Bismarck, in front of which Wilhelm I bowed, was resigned, many laws adopted by the United Germans were abolished, which had very deplorable consequences (especially the cancellation of the law against socialists). In a short time, the party of the new Kaiser, requiring changes state Device, gained unprecedented power and strength. It could not ultimately not lead to the collapse of the state.


The economy created by Bismarck, by the end of the century, made Germany from the leading country of Europe. Caisser appetites flared up, he began to reorganize, equipping and increasing the army.

The military budget has been increased by 18 million brands, the number of the army increased by 18 thousand people. It could not not scare Russia and England who excluded from Germany. German Kaiser Wilhelm remained without allies. In the unleashed war, he was supported only by Austria-Hungary. Having used the murder of Ersgertzog Ferdinand, he declared the war of Russia and England, and then all of Europe.

Reckless and slim adventurer

But with the beginning of hostilities, the last German emperor somehow quickly lost interest in the worn hesitated and, by the beginning of 1915, did not interfere. The war with all of Europe was led by Generals Hindenburg and Ludendorf. The November revolution broke out in Germany on November 4, 1918. The empire came to the sunset, Wilhelma was removed from power, and he fled to the Netherlands with his family.

He wanted to judge as a military criminal, but the queen of this country Wilhelmines flatly refused to give it. He lived for another 20 years, sincerely rejoicing every action of the fascists, he fell asleep Hitler with congratulatory telegrams. In his castle, Dorn he died on June 4, 1941 and did not see the defeat of the "Great Germany".


With Otto, the Bismarck, who was considered the "architect" of one Germany, was not only created by the empire, the economy developed, a single currency appeared in this country.

The silver coins of Kaiser Wilhelm I began to be minted after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-1871. They minted from 1873 to 1919. With the introduction in 1924, the Reichsmarks silver coins were shown.

Triba Grandtle Grandfather

Germans, like other peoples, honor the memory of historical personalities. The Church of Kaiser Wilhelm in Berlin is a kind of monument to the first and last emperors of Germany. Other Her short name Gedhechniskirch, and Berliners nicknamed her with a "hollow tooth." The cult Protestant construction was erected by the project of Franz Shvechten. Memory grandson grandfather. The Memorial Church of Kaiser Wilhelm was built in 1891-1895. For a long time, she remained the highest in Berlin - she rises by 113 meters.

Restoration of the church destroyed by the airlinale

The original building was completely destroyed by the Allied Aviation on November 23, 1943. But the memory of her was so expensive to the Berliners that when the city authorities were decided to build a new building in her place, they were defended by the Church. All newspapers were littered with angry and indignant letters. The protest was successful. The Church of Kaiser Wilhelm was reconstructed on the project of Egon Aermann. The ruins of a huge 68-meter tower were preserved, and around them the architect built modern structures, in particular, another eight-marched tower, crowned with a cross and consisting of a honeycomb blue color. The bell sounds at the tower.

Modern architecture

The originality of the restored religious structure allowed the guests of the capital to nose his "blue church". Countless glasses of this color are inserted into concrete cells, inside of which the light source is located. The whole new tower acquires a mysterious blue glow. The light penetrating the outside and burning inside the building creates an amazing effect. The soaring almost 5-meter figure of Christ with open hands as it was ascended over a stylized altar. The new church was consecrated in 1961.

Weekly organ concerts held here enjoy extraordinary popularity from Berliners and Guests Church of Kaiser Wilhelm, located on Brightshaidplatz Square, after the reconstruction, became a kind of female destruction and creation memorial. The ruins of the old tower are left as a warning monument.

Another memorable object

The memory of the last German emperor was preserved in one place. There is a Caiser Wilhelm channel in the country. Kiel canal shipping and connects the Baltic and North Sea. Its length from the mouth of the Elbe to the Kiel Bay is 98 kilometers. The width is 100 meters, which makes it possible to follow from the Baltic Sea to the North is not around Denmark, but directly. The channel, which officially launched Kaiser Wilhelm II into operation in June 1895, is currently very active. It is open to international use.

Exactly 100 years ago, the newspapers reported the renunciation of the emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia Wilhelm II, who actually abdicated only on November 28, hoping to improve the position of Germany during peace negotiations and not to give an excessive occasion for the civil war

It was a triumph of fake news. The technology of illegal removal of a legitimate monarch from the throne, applied in the spring of 1917 against Emperor Nicholas II, was used in upgraded after a year and a half and in relation to Kaiser, his close relativewho turned into a deadly enemy. And it was designed, it seems that those who organized the first world war, the blame for which "hanged" exclusively to Wilhelm II. Her goal was to destroy two great empires in the great war - at the beginning of Russia, and then Germany, between which there were no insurmountable contradictions, having relived the Anglo-Saxon powers and France from competitors. And this intrigue of London, Paris and Washington, especially cynical in relation to Russia, who considered themselves their ally, succeeded. Just like its second series - New World War after the "truce for 20 years", in which the Germans and Russians again fought cruelly with each other, and control over the world, with the exception of the fragile Soviet area of \u200b\u200binfluence, were as a result of the Americans with the Americans with joined Him as the younger partner by the British.

On the sickness of Nicholas II, insignificant from a legal point of view, even if recognized with a genuine signed by the king pencil under the threat of physical violence over the family, printed on a typewriter on a simple piece of paper and who did not have any seal text, is well known. But we still understand how they killed Russian EmpireIf we know how it was done and with the Empire German.

And there everything was very similar.

Fake news 100 years ago: Kaiser Wilhelm II was the emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia a few weeks after the media was announced to reincarnation. Photo:

Different positions, one result

The way to remove from the power of both emperors was almost identical, despite the fact that the situation in which they were, was completely different.

In the spring of 1917, Russia was in anticipation of victory in the war, which Germany and its allies have already practically lost, on the eve of their state and national heyday. In the autumn of 1918, after joining the US War, due to the full depletion of resources and even the worst position in the Allied Austro-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, who has already conducted separate peace negotiations with the Entente, Germany could count on a better case if complete the hostilities For several months. The question stood, therefore, the less flawed for Germany. The appearance of the Government of Prince Max Badensky, in which the right-wing democrats were filled, and it was actually an attempt to receive such a thin world. All sides of the global conflict, in addition to fresh Americans, who have tried to establish their power over the world, were scared and could not fight anymore.

Another blow to the back

Under these conditions, it was possible to bargain. Wilhelm II, the November revolution in Germany, tailored to the Stakelands of October in Russia and organized by the same public forces - court circles, bourgeoisie, officials and military, who wanted to start more "progressive" in their own country, the same as their enemies, regime . Fatigue from the war and caused by this revolutionary moods in the army, the rebellion of the fleet, riots in the German cities who were deprived acting army Rear, extremely weakened the position of Germany on beginning peace negotiations. Their participants on the other hand hinted that Germany harms and the figure of her supreme leader, which in Europe and the world considered the main organizer of the war. Although in fact, these "laurels" should have grieving members of the British Cabinet, who died shortly before the Great War of the King Edward VII and his friends from among American bankers. They were at pickups sought to return Alsace and Lorraine French, Serbian nationalists who dreamed of Great Serbia, militarists in various european countries, Including Germany and Russia. Yes, Wilhelm II was thinking about the refusal of the imperial power, but he wanted to remain in any case the King of Prussia. If so it is better for the country. But he still did not decide.

Fale and deception

On November 9, 1918, speculating on an impending revolutionary anarchy, Chancellor Max Badensky (German Kerensky) ... announced the renunciation of the Kaiser from both thrones, receiving from that clear and clear refusal to reject under these conditions. Here is how the German emperor himself described this drama in his memoirs: "On the morning of November 9, Reichskancler, Prince Max Badensky informed me again (for the first time I was reported on the 7th) that Social Democrats, as well as Social Democratic Statis Secretaries demand My renunciation of the throne. The remaining members of the government are both of the same look, as long as the act more than this act. It was also the case with the parties that constituted the majority in Reichstag. He asked me therefore immediately renounce the throne, for otherwise bloody and real street fighting can be expected in Berlin; Small shocks have already begun. "

Here let's interrupt a little and read what "information" received a Russian king forced by his surroundings over a year and a half before this. Participating in the conspiracy chairman State Duma Mikhail Rodzianko telegraphed ones who was also a kaiser, a sovereign, consciously fruishing paint: "The situation is serious. In the capital anarchy. The government is paralyzed. Transport came to full disorder. Public discontent is growing. On the streets there is a random shooting. Parts of the troops shoot each other. It is necessary to immediately entrust the face to the country's confidence, to draw up a new government. Clear it is impossible ... "

The February Revolution in Russia was not caused by a difficult situation during the Great War, it was organized from above to change the form of government in the country. Photo:

And now we give the floor to the Kaiser: "I immediately called Feldmarshal von Hindenburg and the General Trainer general-sales officer. The latter reported once again that the army could not fight anymore ... Therefore, it was necessary to conclude a truce at all, and moreover, for as soon as possible, for the army has food only for 6-8 days and cut off from every province with rebels who took our Food warehouses and bridges through the Rhine ... At the same time, Reichskancler repeatedly spoke on the phone with the main apartment, persistently hurry me and reporting that the Social Democrats came out of the government and then slowly slowed. Military Minister Donosil: "Full insecurity in the military units in Berlin. 4th Hsenther, 2nd company Aleksandrovsky regiment, 2nd Yutebra battery moved to the side of the rebels". "

Lyguns and traitors in both cases were calculated on the decency of the monarchs that they would donate their personal interests for the sake of higher interests of the country, but methyl was also in the heirs of the throne.

Tsar Nicholas II was the victim of the betrayal of the elite and the "allies" on the eve of the victory of Russia in the Great War. Photo:

Therefore, let's go back to the Kaiser Memoram: "From the main apartment, Chancellor was transferred to that I first had to ripely think about and accurately formulate my decision, after which he would tell him. When after a while, the chancellor passed my decision, an unexpected answer was followed from Berlin: it was late. Reichskancler, without waiting for my answer, hesitated from his name about my alleged renunciation, as well as the refusal of the throne on the side of the Kronprint, who was not requested about this at all. He handed over the board to the hands of Social Democrats and called on Mr. Ebert for the post of Reichskanzler. All this was transmitted over a wireless telegraph, and the whole army read these telegrams. Thus, I have knocked out of my hands the opportunity to decide on my own: to stay to me or leave, or to add Caiser dignity with myself, while retaining the Prussian royal crown at the same time. The army was hardly shocked by a false idea that her king threw it at a critical moment. "

Everything converges

Analyzing that it happened to him, Wilhelm II outlined the same position in which Nicholas II turned out to be the only exception that the physical convict did not threaten the German kaiser. The Emperor writes former thanks to the Fake news, the emperor writes: "First, the solemn promise to become together with the new government to defend the imperial throne. Then hiding the conversion of Kaiser to the ministers, and it could have a positive effect on public opinion. Elimination of Kaiser from all cooperation. Tradition of the personality of the Kaiser on the arbitrariness due to the abolition of censorship. The complete absence of intercession for the monarchy during renunciation. Attempts to encourage Kaiser to voluntary renunciation. Finally, the impocked rise in wireless telegraph about my consistent with the alleged renunciation of the throne. "

In general, almost everything as we have, since this drama has one director. And this, of course, not Chancellor Max Badensky, who resigned a few hours after "passed" the Kaiser. And not the Social Democrats, who, at the head of the government, who were not in Germany, as in Russia. There was a technology for those who have accounted for destroying both monarchies and countries.

We again read Kaiser: "I survived the terrible inner struggle. On the one hand, in me, as in a soldier, everything was outraged against throwing their own faithful to me, brave troops. On the other hand, it was necessary to reckon with the statement of the enemies that they do not want to conclude with me to conclude any legislative for Germany, and with the statements of my own government, that civil war can be avoided only with my departure abroad. In this fight, I discarded everything personal. I deliberately sacrificed myself and his throne, thinking so best to serve the interests of his beloved Fatherland. But the victim was in vain. My care did not bring us more favorable conditions Armistice and the world and could not distract the civil war. On the contrary, he accelerated and deepened the most disgusing decomposition in the army and in the country. "

But there are differences

Unlike his military military, German generals and officers were at a greater height: November 10, the emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia arrived in the Netherlands, who were talked for gratitude for the fact that the Germans allowed this country during the Great War, enjoy the world and rich .

The November revolution in Germany turned out to be a clone of the February Revolution in Russia and the parody of Oktyabrskaya. Photo:

Only on November 28, 1918, almost three weeks after the events described above, the fake, which turned into reality, Wilhelm II really renounced, signing the appropriate official act: "I refuse forever from the rights to the Crown of Prussia and with this from the right to the German Imperial Crown " He also freed his officers from the obligation to fulfill his oath once. The Netherlands Queen of Wilhelmin refused to give the winners, brutally deceived and robbed Germany at the conclusion of the world, as she recently - Russia, former emperorwhom they wanted to judge in 1919 "for insulting international morality and the sacred force of contracts."

Wilhelm Gogenzollern feared to leave the Netherlands and lived there in a small castle until his death on June 4, 1941. In 63, he repeatedly married, even doubled due to profitable investments in the German economy - up to several tens of millions of brands. He carefully followed the events in his homeland, where his family Field Marshal and President of the Weimara Republic Paul von Hindenburg returned the requested land ownership in 1926. Kaiser experienced a dual feelings against Germany under the rule of Hitler. On the one hand, he liked that the country rich and rapidly developed, revived and strengthened his armed forces. On the other hand, he was cobbled and embarrassed the rudeness of the Nazis, he did not like the swastika much. Former monarch called "scandalous" large-scale Jewish pogroms from 9 to 10 November 1938 ("Crystal Night"), stressing that "officers who older, and indeed all decent Germans should express their protest."

Former Kaiser abandoned political asylum in England, which he offered him King George VI after the occupation of Hitler Denmark and Norway to be actually under house arrest, when the Nazis seized the Netherlands. Hitler has negatively treated the Institute of the Monarchy, considering it by restricting his dictatorial power. He called the former emperor "old fool" when he, filled with patriotic feelings, congratulated the Führer with a victory over France for a month. With the strongest army and the country, he did not manage to achieve this and for four years, because then France had a devoteed allied - Russia.

Fortunately for the former Kaiser, who died in a few weeks before the Hitler's attack on Russia and awarded state funeral to emphasize the continuity of the Third Reich and the Kaiser Empire, he did not see the catastrophe that had shortly to Germany. And maybe even did not foresee. He was not a turning politician as the main ancestor of the First World War.

It is believed that it was the German Kaiser Wilhelm II to be directly involved in inciting the First World War. On November 10, 1918, he went to the Netherlands, and on November 28 - renounced the throne. The remainder of the life of Kaiser spent in the estate Dorn. 59 wagons and wagons needed to deliver his property to the castle. To date, everything was preserved in Dorn, as it was with a monarch-exile.

Castle Dorn

At Kaisser, Wilhelme II ended the Dynasty of the Hohenzollers, which was ruled almost 400 years. The shelter of the Oblast Monarch provided the Queen of the Netherlands Wilhelmin. On this occasion, Wilhelm wrote a letter with gratitude: "Events made me arrive in your country as a private person and seek to protect your government. The hope you gave me, taking into account the difficult situation, did not disappoint me. I sincerely thank you and your government for kindly rendered hospitality. "

The last German Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Although Article 227 of the Versailles Agreement also calls for the persecution of Wilhelm II for "Higher Insulting International Morale and the Holy Power of Contracts", the Dutch Government, which retained neutrality, refused to issue an exile.

Living room royal family in Dorna.

Dining room in Dorn Castle.

Initially, Wilhelm II settled in Amerongen, and then on August 16, 1919, he bought a castle in Dorn. The Government of the Weimara Republic allowed the former Kaiser to pick up his personal belongings and transported to Dorn. Things typed for as many as 59 wagons and wagons.

Wilhelm II Bureau.

Wilhelm II study.

Being in exile, Wilhelm II felt pretty good. Thanks to favorable monetary possessions, its condition in 1933 was 18 million grades, and in 1941 - already 37 million brands. Kaiser did not hesitate in expressions and continued to speak outdoor to speak out about all chapters of European states.

Wilhelm II 5-6 hours a day spent in the saddle, not only riding a horse, but also sitting at the table.

Corridor between male and female halves on the first floor.


When the Netherlands were occupied by the Nazis in 1940, all the property of Wilhelm II, by order of Hitler, nationalized, and he himself was planted under house arrest. Wilhelm II was allowed to distance from the castle no further than 10 km. On June 4, 1941, the last Kaiser Germany died at the age of 82.

Wilhelm with the second wife of Hermina Riss Grazovskaya, 1933.

Castle Dorn, 1920.

Wilhelm II had many ill-wishers. And this was a consequence of his hard character - the monarch was a hand-wing, arrogant and selfish person. But, in addition to the World War, which Wilhelm imposed Europe, he also conducted an invisible war - an implacable fight with himself ...

The last third of the XIX century Germany lived under the star of the Iron Chancellor. Come to power in 1866, Otto Bismarck, who occupied different posts in the state, managed not only to gain the confidence of the German Emperor Wilhelm I, but also actually make it a submissive performer of his will. However, in March 1888, Wilhelm I, the classical embodiment of the good old Prussia, died. The reign of his son Friedrich III lasted only 99 days - June 15 of the same year he died of larynx cancer. The throne moved to the son of Friedrich Wilhelm II, born on January 27, 1859. The 1888th entered the history of Germany as "a year of three emperors": three emperors from the genus Gogenzollerns were visited during one year at the throne - father, son and grandson. "One - gray, the other - the patient, the third - Shebuut (traveling)," the Germans joked.

Battle with gentleness

The fact that the future of the heir awaits not easy fate, it was clear from birth. The births were hard, and the life of the future kaiser actually saved the midwife-English-British - the fruit was lying wrong, and he was removed from the womb, pumped by chloroform, almost inanimate. At the same time damaged the entire left part of the body and especially left - The bone was spilled out of the shoulder bag and the resulting muscles were damaged.

But the main thing - the child survived. Although taking into account the fact that a bunch of concomitant diseases arose, the struggle for life promised to be long.
Wilhelm began to fight from the first days. Doctors did not move away from him: he wore a special apparatus for "straightening hands", a corset for maintaining the neck, constantly did the exercises, but for a long time he could not overcome his hands. The heir often sick, dressed with the help of vineners, could not lift anything with his left hand, even fork. But permanent training, the desire to become strong and healthy forged in him a strong will in combination with the "crystalline hardness" egoism. It was impossible to convince anything in something, periods of gloomy were replaced by violent activity and fun. In a word, as one of the teachers said, who was preparing him for life in a separate program, Wilhelm was a "difficult, very difficult child."

And everything would be nothing if this child was prepared by the fate of an ordinary burgher or even a hurried aristocrat. But Wilhelm was able to rule the empire, and what an empire is a strong, difficult-able, heterogeneous, and even on the fracture of the era! Such a task was hardly on the shoulder of the man of Bogatlish Health and Iron Nerves, which was the same Bismarck!

But Wilhelm II, who ascended the throne on June 15, 1888, believed that he was no worse than his predecessors! Moreover, like anyone with low level Criticality, he did not doubt his own genius and the ability to change the world.

Although in fact - he changed the world! But, alas, not for the better ...

Fight with ill-wishers

Despite the fact that Wilhelm was a fanatical adherent of Bismarck, he already in 1890 sent the architect of German Unity in resignation and canceled an exceptional law against socialists.

And if Bismarck, for several decades, undilly ruled the country, using Wilhelm I as a sign, then the grandson of the first emperor of the revived empire himself turned his chancellors in puppets. He forbade all his ministers to think independently, turning them into ordinary performers of his will.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the economy of Germany reached an unprecedented level earlier. Rapid rates grew industrial enterprises. The empire has become a country of large plants, large banks and highly developed agriculture. All this power that emerged over the past few decades, not only turned Germany to one of the most industrialized countries of the world, but also allowed the empire to demand a decent place among the great powers.

Wilhelm understood this and from orphanage sought to be first, although due to physical flaws and psychological problems He could not be. But now, standing at the head great EmpireHe could surrender to his desires. Kaiser, as obsessed, engaged in the construction of the army and fleet. He demanded an increase in the composition of the army by 18 thousand people and strengthening the funds of the military budget for 18 million brands. It was when Wilhelme II, the German army published in the first place in Europe both in terms of the level and in terms of training. But this was not enough. Special love of the last Kaiser was always sea and navy. He went annually in cruise And clearly enjoyed, staying on the ship, surrounded by naval officers. Hence, there was a desire for the Kaiser to modernize the Navy - Wilhelm understood that without a strong fleet, not to build a great power.

However, it turned out in a strange way that all the good and, from the point of view of state interests, the right undertakings, sooner or later turned into their opposite and ultimately led to the collapse of the empire.

So happened by S. internal politician - Wanting to get allies within the country, he canceled the law of Bismarck against socialists. And as a result, by 1912, Social Democrats, freed from the restrictions of the law on socialists, turned into the largest batch that thirsty of revolutionary changes. The party came up with every day the firewood in the furnace of discontent, until the social explosion was demolished by the Mesterman's house and the landslides did not increase the dedicated Nazis.

The strengthening of the army and the fleet was afraid of the former friends of Germany - Russia and England - and led them to the camp of the main opponents of Wilhelm. Ultimately, by the beginning of the First World War, Germany, who became the efforts of Bismarck, became one of the most strong countries Europe, turned into a zogean country, to the country that did not have the allies - among them only Austria remained on the side of which, Wilhelm II in 1914 after the murder in Sarajevo declared war and, and after all Europe.

Post-war agony

Surprisingly, with the beginning of the war, the combat spirit of Kaiser gradually came up. And if he at first, he still tried to decide something, easily felt in the bet in the Plesia (Silesia), then since 1915, Generally Ludendorff and Hindenburg, realizing all the uselessness of the monarch, took power into their hands. Wilhelm retained the visibility of the leadership of military actions, in fact, without interfering.

Meanwhile, the empire clone to the sunset, and on November 9, 1918, as a result of the November revolution, Kaiser was removed from power. He, together with a switch, fled from the country.

He wanted to judge as a military criminal, but the Queen of Wilhelmin refused to fulfill the requirements of the Allies on the extradition of the former German emperor.

At first, Wilhelm settled in Amerongen, then it became acquired on August 16, 1919 small castle Near the city of Dorn, where he lived uneplesenly for more than 20 years.

In 1925 he was allowed to use accounts in Germany, because he was rich. After the death of his wife, Augustus he married again and dreamed of returning to the throne.

But even realizing that he will never be returned to him, the former Kaiser rejoiced that the Nazis did. He brought the true pleasure of aggression against, according to his assessment, conducted "wonderful", "in the old Prussian spirit."

In 1940, he welcomed the victorious German troops, held through Dorn on the road to France. Wilhelm sent enthusiastic telegrams to the Führer, spoke with admiration about the "new order" established by Hitler in Europe.

He wrote:

"A series of miracles! Old Prussian Spirit of the Friedrich, Clausevitz, Blucher, York, Gneisenau, etc. Revilly revealed himself to the world, as in 1871 ... Brilliant generals who commanders of the armies in this war came out of my school, in world war they lieutenant, captains and young majors were fighting under my beginning. Pupils Shliffene, they embodied his plans developed under my leadership. They did it in the same way as we were in 1914. "

Wilhelm II passed away on June 4, 1941, never seeing that he would soon happen to the "great Germany", which, including his fault, will fall so deeply as never before in its history.