Repairs Design Furniture

How to repair a bumper if he cracked. Repair of bumpers with your own hands at home (photo). Repair of numerous end-to-end ruptures on the rear bumper

Any car coating defect that appeared is a reason for the owner's mood disorder. Repair of the plastic bumper is capable of saving not one thousand rubles.

The content of the article:

Of particular importance does not have the age of the vehicle. Bumper is considered the most vulnerable part of the car, since the item is located ahead, and, in fact, performs protective functions, it is also subject to all sorts of factors of impact.

But basically these are small damage associated with the destruction of the paintwork, it loses the appearance. But also, over time, small scratchurns to a major focus of corrosion processes. Therefore, tightening with repair is not recommended. DIY repair requires knowledge of the techniques of restoration work and the availability of equipment.

Equipment requested to work

Before conducting independent repair of a plastic bumper, you need to stock theoretical knowledge and prepare the necessary tools.

You will need:

  • Electrodes;
  • Specialized hairdryer. With it, you can easily straighten dents using small efforts. Suitable construction with temperature adjustment;
  • Furniture stapler. It is necessary to strengthen the seams;
  • Fleeter mesh made of soft alloy. When repairing the bumper is superimposed on the seam;
  • Heat welder. The device was quite largely distributed, both in the medium of amateurs and in the environment of professionals. With it, it is sold to the damaged sections;
  • Scotch, putty, paint for bumpers. These funds will be needed at the stage of gluing, putty and, accordingly, painting;
  • Grinding machine with abrasive impact. Applied at the end of work.

Preparation for work

Repair of plastic bumpers independently should not scare even newcomers. If there is a great desire, the work will not take much time. Nevertheless, starting to it, you should carefully read the instructions. It will be useful to view tutorials on the topic. Bumper repair technique from plastic may be different depending on the type of material. There are polyurethane, polypropylene and fiberglass bases. Large importance plays damage, its shape and features.

Damage can be conditionally divided into:

  • Dents. Distinct surface deformation;
  • Cracks. Through destruction. As a rule, with further inaction, they increase;
  • Scratch. Can be superficial, damaging the layer of paint and deep, destroying the plastic base;
  • Rupture structure;
  • The formation of breaks.
For events to restore integrity, the bumper must be removed. After removing, it is necessary to wash it well. The existing marking on the back of the product will prompt the type of material from which the bumper is made. It is worth noting that the bumpers made of fiberglass, in most cases, are not marked. If the item is damaged only by scratches, then this is the easiest type of repair. The product is inspected by the emery grid, as a rule with a grain of 320 or 480, after which it is painted. It is preferable to use the paintopult, but if there is no possibility, you can also use paint in the cans. Several layers are applied, each of which should dry, before applying the following.

Repair of plastic bumper

Soldering is carried out in the presence of cracks. The process is carried out from the back, the most pressing parts. The resulting seam is strengthened with a construction stapler, or with a grid that is soldered as reinforcement. It is advisable to do the operation and from the front side, for this you need to remove the paint with a grinder, otherwise it will not let the plastic melt normally. Next, the front side is grouped, to prepare for shtchelivania and painting, we will not consider these moments.

Pretty efficient, method using electrodes. We will need flat electrodes, they are sold in auto shops. This process is heated by a construction hairdryer. Also required soldering iron with a wide stale. First, the mesh is attacked on the joints, then the electrodes are placed on top of it, the smelting of which occurs due to the heating with a hairdryer. The temperature is about 600 degrees.

Liquid plastic is used in the restoration of the surface as a result of the presence of cracks or deep scratches. Thus, the surface is leveled. Increase temperature, in this case, not required. The main thing is necessary, it is to determine the type of material. After the substance reaches the desired state of hardness, it will need to be stabbed.

Painting bumper after repair

We will not consider this moment in detail, it's just worth indicating a few trifles. If the painting is made by a can, then you should not wait for the color perfectly coincide. It will be brighter, rich. The thing is that when the time passes, the paint is fading. This is taken into account when selecting paint on bottling. A multiple caller is mixed into the jar, after which the desired combination obtained on the computer is obtained. And even this is not a guarantee that the color coincides.

Video: How to repair plastic bumper yourself:

In the development of the very first cars, such a detail, as a bumper, was designed to protect the body and doors from damage arising from collisions on the road or

Bumpers, like all other elements, were made of metal, they had high strength, and their repair, as a rule, was in the elementary recovery of the initial form by the Richtovka method. The main participants in such events were welding machines, as well as hammers and sledgehamming of different sizes and species (metal, plastic, wooden, rubber).

Modern bumpers and their repair

Today, the leaders of the automotive industry prefer to use polymers for making as much details as possible. These materials have the necessary texture and durability, and also have a number of other significant advantages:

  • A light weight.
  • Relatively low price.
  • Easy processing.
  • Immunity to corrosion processes.

Based on the listed characteristics, it can be concluded that plastic bumpers reduce fuel consumption (by car facilitate), increase the aerodynamic properties of the vehicle due to its streamlined form, as well as reduce the cost of the auto owner for repair or replacement in case of damage.

In addition, the repair of bumpers with their own hands at home is becoming much easier and faster. The answer to all possible objections of novice motorists relating to the strength of bumpers from various can serve numerous test drives. They clearly illustrate how this item, passing around in a collision, quenches part of the energy and effectively protects the engine and body.

Causes and types of bumper damage

Most often, the car bumper suffers because of negligence or inattention of the driver, or by virtue of circumstances that do not depend on it. The territorial location of the repair shops allows you to quickly quickly perform repairs of bumpers (WA and other districts). The main reasons for accessing specialists are:

  • Natural wear (impact of destructive weather factors, rubble, gravel).
  • Falling heavy items for detail, a strong blow.
  • Unsuccessful parking.
  • Hitting a border or another obstacle.
  • Emergency situation on the road.

The result of such adverse situations is often superficial damage to the bumper or its mechanical breakdowns (cracks, chips, deformation).

General principles of repair and restoration work

Noticing a crack or chip on the bumper of his vehicle, it is not necessary to strive to rush to the repair shop, because even with the minimum presence of tools and experience, you can quite effectively repair bumpers with your own hands at home.

One of the main conditions of the productive restoration of automotive parts from is the correct selection of materials and technology. Repair of plastic bumpers is reduced to the assembly of damaged elements (if necessary, instead of the absent parts, fragments with a similar composition are added), carefully comparing their edges and fixation with glue or soldering apparatus.

The finish stage, which completes the repair of bumpers on their own, is grinding and painting. These activities are carried out after the main repair of the details, its putty and stripping.

The method of eliminating light damage

As a result of the collision, the bumper assumes a significant part of the strike at which the inevitable damage of its integrity occurs. The severity and nature of the breakdown can range from minor scratches on paint to serious dents and dropping plastic fragments.

In cases where the bumper of the car does not have deep or through damage, and the paint layer remains unharmed, it is possible to repair bumpers with your own hands without painting. This procedure requires a construction dryer and automotive polyurets. The bumper material under the influence of high temperature expands, pushing the dent and taking the original shape. Any attempt to level the surface of the bumper without heating will lead to paint exfoliation and appreciation of repair work.

After the item was leveled, you need to go through it with a polyrolol, which will help hide small scratches and abrasions.

Preparatory work

Those owners of vehicles that did not intend to get rid of light fright and several scratches on the bumper, have to look for ways to restore the damaged part. Repair of bumpers with their own hands at home requires certain skills, consumables and tools.
In addition, it is necessary to properly select the technology of recovery of the plastic part, taking into account the type of polymer material and its composition, as well as comply with the sequence of work.

The choice of a method of repair depends on several factors:

  • type of polymer;
  • degree of damage;
  • financial capabilities carteller.

Find out what plastic the bumper is made, you can, watching the labeling on the back of the part. This information is important, since not all kinds of plastic are soldered.

Preparatory work include the search and purchase of plastic, as well as a metal mesh for overlapping Pats (if necessary), mixtures for grinding, putty and painting, sandpaper, spatulas, soldering iron and grinding machine.

Bumper integrity recovery methods

There are several popular methods for comparing parts of a broken bumper, each of them has its own specifics and characteristic features.

Embed patch and seams in plastic preferably from the back side of the part. However, if there is no such possibility, it is possible to solder them from the front side, thoroughly shrinking and covering several layers of putty in the following steps.

How to replace missing parts details

In some cases, when damaged, plastic bumper can split into several fragments that are poured and lost. Without these elements, it is not possible to restore the part, therefore specialists are recommended to replace them with plastic patch, metal lattices or fiberglass. Small chips can be filled with a special putty.

The repair of fiberglass bumpers is distinguished by the materials used: fiberglass material, a special putty containing fiberglass.

Painting of the automotive bumper

After all global damage is eliminated, and the restored surface of the bumper is thoroughly polished and degreased, you can start painting.

Pre-detail should be covered with a layer of primer and give it to dry. Conducting ("Private Universal", "Hatchback" and other motor vehicles) and causing a paint layer, you should adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations that are indicated on the cylinder. Often, they relate to the spraying method, the distance to the surface, the nature of the movements of the wizard and the drying time of paint and varnish.

Given the consistently high level of popularity of independent repair automotive work, there are more and more valuable tips and instructions on the Internet, allowing the repair of bumpers with their own hands. Photo, videos, comments Masters and a step-by-step description of all stages really help to ensure high-quality and economical maintenance of your car.

Bumper - car safety element, also possessing aesthetic functions, improving the appearance. In accidents, in collisions, the detail assumes the force of impact, protecting the body and passengers. Damage occurs in other situations - when parking, maneuvering.

The value of the subsequent recovery is determined by the degree of damage. But knowing how to repair the plastic bumper very much, it is easy to reduce costs and not leave the car in the service.

Works begin with inspection of a damaged bumper, assessing defects and feasibility of recovery. If damage is accompanied by loss of pieces, the procedure is complicated - it is necessary to choose the same material to eliminate the samples or order a new bumper.

Repair technology is determined by the existing defects:

  1. Scratches, chips, not affected plastic, eliminate with grinding, putty and subsequent painting.
  2. Deformation - common damage, often accompanied by cracks. To restore geometry, the part is heated by a hairdryer, the burner is suitable. Plastic warming makes it soft, pliable. Then it is easy to give the element the necessary form. The result is fixed until complete cooling. You can not overheat a fragment. This is accompanied by thermal deformation.
  3. Cracks - common damage requiring soldering. Depending on the size of the crack, its location, it may be necessary to strengthen, reinforcement, tightening to prevent further discrepancies.
  4. Obsoles - flaws arising when an obstacle or as a result of a collision with the back of another car. Arise as a result of the impact of the silencer. DIY repair assumes a soldering, reinforcement. The procedure is possible if there is a missing item. If the selection is required, the marking on the inside of the bumper is pre-studied.

With the right approach, it is easy to eliminate damage, most importantly, observe the sequence of stages, technology, prepare a place to work.

If the bumper is just a dent, then you can use this package.

Soldering is an effective method of eliminating cracks and spoins on a bumper of plastic. Thinking on how to pour bumper yourself, it is better to carry out manipulation from the front side. It is important to suck on the desired depth.

Working from the inside, it is easy to allow an error. Then the putty, the paint layer will soon crack.

Preparatory steps:

  1. Dismantling of the bumper or protection of intact auto elements is performed.
  2. Prepared table, workplace. If the item will turn over to the front side, the surface is covered with a soft cloth.
  3. At a distance of 1 cm from the edges of the defect, paint is removed.

Bumper soldering options:

  1. The soldering iron is heated, after which the cracks are made from each edge of the cracked. The tool is plunged on half the thickness of the element, is held at an angle of 45 degrees. At the edges it turns out a comb. Further, the sketch of the soldering iron is carried out along the crack, smoothing it out. The edges are securely connected.
  2. The use of a staple bracket allows you to get a reliable connection if the material is thin. Staples, in a step of 3-5 mm, are fitted in plastic, the ends are bend from the inside. They should not hang around.
  3. Copper and ordinary wire, as solder, allows you to securely braid items. Here are required skills, experience. We need small holes to make the wire. Further work scheme does not differ from the application of the bracket. With minor damage to the holes do not.
  4. Solder from plastics contributes to the creation of a durable plane. It is assumed to be restored by adding plastics at the place of damage. It is important to choose a suitable solder.

Soldering is the most effective method. But the crack does not appear again, the place of damage is reinforced. Further processing use fiberglass, epoxy, rubber glue. Over time, materials are departed without disturbing the integrity of the design. Therefore, they are imposed on the inside.

In the area of \u200b\u200bdamage:

  • paint is cleaned;
  • plane degreases;
  • glue is applied;
  • the mesh is superimposed;
  • alternates a layer of fiberglass and glue, which will end.

Regardless of the selection of the method of soldering and amplification, the process is completed with a grinding of the cooled surface, putting off to a flat plane.

Elimination of defects - only part of the work. For full recovery you need to know how the car bumper is correct. The process begins with preparation.

If the part soldered, the place of work should be thoroughly polished, as if there are scratches.

Spaklyka is carried out in several stages:

  • a special putty is applied to work on a plastic plane;
  • this height is recruited so that the putty is a little speaking;
  • the area is polished until eliminating all the irregularities that are checked to the touch;

Procedures are repeated until the ideal plane is obtained. Performing preparation yourself, it is better to choose a small sandpaper.

The next step is degreasing. The primer is applied twice, ensuring drying each layer.

The time of preparation implies not only the processing of the surface of the element.


  • the place where the work will be carried out, you need to remove, wet cleaning, remove dust;
  • walls are cleaned, ceiling, flooring.


  • bumper is better to dismantle, which will provide high-quality applying the paintwork layer;
  • if dismantling is excluded, the car is tightened with a film.


  • the best option is on the VIN code, then the color coincidence is guaranteed;
  • computer selection is also effective, but some differences are not excluded.

Application of paint, preparation of materials:

  • the amount of paint, its composition, the method of application determines the quality of staining, the final shade, the flow;
  • the paintopult needs to be adjusted correctly, make sure that the rigging is normal (if the aerosol is not used).

Secrets technology painting

Proper staining of the bumper is a simple procedure, subject to proper training. In the work you need to use a mask. The number of materials and time required for painting is determined by the scope of work.

Types of painting:

  1. Local staining is suitable for inconspicuous areas, lower elements, when damage is insignificant or you need to paint scratches on the bumper. It is assumed to apply paint to a certain area.
  2. The full painting of the bumper is used when damaged in noticeable places.

Painting process includes stages:

  1. By blowing, degreasing.
  2. Testing paint on the details, applying a small amount.
  3. The first layer is done thin - this is the base. Dries 5 - 10 minutes.
  4. 2 layers of paint with gaps for drying in 15-20 minutes are applied.
  5. If dust falls between the application of the layers on the part, special interlayer napkins are used to remove contaminants.
  6. The final stage - application of 2 layers of varnish with drying.

In sufficiently preparation, neat application of pigment and varnish, no irregularities occur, drowshes. But if defects appeared, you need to wait for a complete drying of the element, and then stabbing, polish these places.

Many drivers came across the problem of cracking on the bumper of the car. If it is plastic, then you can make the repair of a damaged area with your own hands. There are many different ways to restore the aesthetic type of bumper from this material, without resorting to the service of the car service.

Below will be addressed in detail the process on the independent repair of damaged bodies of the car body.

Types of bumpers and materials from which they are manufactured

Modern buspers can be manufactured from metal and plastic.

In turn, plastic can be made of 2 types of material:

  • thermoactive;
  • thermoreactive.

What is the difference between thermoactive plastic of the automaker from thermosetting

The main difference of thermoactive material is that it can be subjected to secondary heat treatment. Under the influence of high temperature, the material easily melts, becomes elastic, soft and can take any shape.

Thermoreactive plastic opposite is very strong, resistant to high temperatures and mechanical damage.

Autospers from thermosacive plastics are usually rarely exposed to the appearance of cracks due to the strength and reliability of the material.

Selects such types of thermoactive materials:

  • Polyethylene - used in the production of food packaging, packages, etc.;
  • Polystyrene - of them make various insulation in construction, etc.;
  • Polypropylene - applied in the production of auto parts, including autompeals, food industry, etc.;
  • Polyvinyl chloride - manufacture of insulating coatings for cable, window technologies, etc.

Thermoreactive materials are divided into:

  • Polyurethane - most plastic auto parts, both small and large, made from this species;
  • Epoxy resins - used to connect and gluing different parts;
  • Fiberglass - apply in the production of heavy-duty autodetas, including bumpers;
  • Phenol resin - needed in the manufacture of small auto parts, comp. boards, etc.

How to eliminate small damage on plastic automotive

Bumper damage is different types - from small scratches and small dents to severe cracks. Small dents and scratches can be deleted independently.

If the busper is made of thermoactive plastic, then small damage on it can be easily eliminated using the polishing method with special chemical. means.

For example, if there is a shallow scratch, it can be treated with a universal detergent to clean WD-40.

In order to polish the scratch or chipping, a sponge, a soft rag and chemicals will be required. First, it is necessary to clean the place of damage from dirt and dust with a sponge with water. After applying Chem. Spray or sponge agent. Next, the damaged area is intensively polished by a cloth until it is visible damage.

The 2nd method of eliminating small dents and scratches on plastic automotive vehicles is straightening the damaged area with thermofen. The essence of the method - the damaged surface is evenly heated by a construction hairdryer. Due to heat treatment, there is alignment and straightening damage.

The method is simple and does not require special skills in execution, but there is no deficiencies: there is a possibility of plastic deformation, heating with a hairdryer can only be used on unpainted places.

Also, a simple and inexpensive way to eliminate small damage on plastic automotive can be a wax pencil.

With it, scratches and chips are simply painted. Chem. The composition of the pencil fills damaged areas, aligning them with the overall surface and forms a protective layer. The process of removing chipping and dents of the wax pencil takes no more than 5 minutes.

What to do if a crack on the bumper - methods of its sealing

If a crack was formed on the bumper of the car as a result of damage, it would not be possible to simply shut down and secure this place, in any case it will be visible.

To close the crack, you need to resort to more efficient methods. There are several ways to seal cracks on plastic bumpers:

  1. sealing the damage to the liquid polymer;
  2. welding with a rod;
  3. welding cracks with thermofen;
  4. repair using fiberglass;
  5. plastic gluing two-component composition.

Consider in detail each of them.

For the convenience of working with damaged places, the automper must be removed and secured on the stand. Before starting repair, it is necessary to carefully clean the damaged place from dirt and dust, and if the bumper has already been repaired, then remove the remnants of the repair kit from last time.

Specialists advise before repairing the damaged surfaces by any degreasing chemical. means.

Close up a crack using a liquid polymer

For this method, you will need a soldering iron, fine-grained sandpaper, knife, nippers, steel wire, thermofen, a piece of protection for a roller car.

Crossing process:

  1. We clean the edges of the cracked sandpaper.
  2. If the crack is long, then in several places around the edges it is necessary to sew trimming of steel wire. The edges of the wire bend and cut off with nippers.
  3. Next, the edges of the crack are boosted together and gently solder the soldering iron.
  4. Protection for the hider is made of polymer plastic, which is easy to melt and is suitable for creating a roller. A small strips are cut from the protective protection (approximately 2-3 cm wide, 15-20 cm long and 2 mm thick), which will be piping for soldering.
  5. The place where the patch will be superimposed and the watch itself is impeding a sharp knife.
  6. Heat the hairdryer damaged plot in the place where the patch is imposed. Next, heating a strip-latch to a semi-liquid state, gradually overlapping it into place of damage. So repeats several times (with new stripes) until the crack on the bumper is fully sealed.
  7. The obtained seam is extinguished by the emery circle and is preparing under painting.

Video Repair Instructions This method is given below.

  • Pros: low cost, simplicity, minimal set of materials and means.
  • Cons: The likelihood of plastic deformation when heated.

How to cook bumper rod

For welding cracks, the rod will need: manual extruder for welding plastics, additive polypropylene rods of circular cross section or twisted polyethylene rods.

Welding process:

  1. Heat the manual extruder to the required temperature and wear a special nozzle in which the additive rod is inserted.
  2. Carefully disappear a damaged area, forming an uniform seam from the molten bar with an extruder from the molten rod along the entire perimeter of the crack.

Pros: speed, does not require special skills.

Disadvantages: plastic prone deformation, specific tools and materials that are not always available.

Detailed video instructions look below.

Welding thermofen

For brewing cracks, thermofen will need: thermofen, soldering iron, plastic rods, steel wire or rivets.

The process of welding:

  1. Fix the torn edges of damage and solder their soldering iron throughout the perimeter of the cracked surface. If the edges differ greatly, you can fix them with rivets or wire brackets.
  2. Heat the thermofen and proceed to welding: Mailing the rods and put it on the crack of the plastic of the bumper, forming the seam around the perimeter of the damaged area.

Pros: quickly, effectively even for serious damage.

Minuses: intact surface can be deformed from overheating.

Video Instructions for working with the thermofen below.

Repair with fiberglass

To repair the automper with the use of fiberglass, you will need: sandpaper, Bulgarian and grinding machine, fiberglass, epoxy resin, fine-grained sandpaper, hardener, brush.

Repair process:

  1. Stripping damaged places to sandpaper and fine-grained emery.
  2. Epoxy resin is divorced in plastic containers with a hardener and uniform layers with a tassel applied to damaged places.
  3. Fiberglass cuts out of the fiberglass, which are glued to areas of damage and are coated from above the uniform layer of epoxy solution.
  4. The bumper seeks, thoroughly grinding the machine and is preparing under painting.

Pros: You can close damage to any size and thickness, suitable for thermosetting types of plastic.

Disadvantages: reagent toxic - work is required in Chem. Protection, fragility of sealing, even with small blows, an isolated plot can crack.

Video repair of fiberglass below.

How to glue plastic with two-component composition

Required tools and materials: Schlif. Machine, emery circle, two-component glue, degreaser, tape, construction grid, spatula.

Glace process:

  1. Stripping the damaged section of a fine-grained sandpaper (emery circle).
  2. Surface treatment with a degreaser.
  3. The crack on the outside of the bumper is stuck with scotch.
  4. From the construction grid, the latch is cut and sits on glue from the inside of the automper. The glue is applied on top of damage to several layers. Similarly, it is done from the outside after removing the tape Scotch.
  5. Overlooking glue spatula. The bumper is left for drying at 30-40 minutes.
  6. The glued surface is grouped and prepared under painting.

Pros: Convenient, quickly glues, retains elasticity.

Cons: Not suitable for large cracks.

Detailed video instructions for gluing.

Soldering large bumper damage

This procedure is made with the help of a soldering iron, reinforcing grid, scissors.

Soldering process:

  1. The inner side of the bumper in the place of damage is superimposed with a pre-cut patch from the reinforcing grid.
  2. Patchworks from the mesh are soldered by a soldering iron into the inner surface of the busper, sleeping the torn edges of the crack.
  3. From the outside, there is also a propagation on the seam.
  4. After soldering the seam, it is cleaned and preparing under painting.

Pros: a quick and reliable way to repair large cracks, availability of materials.

Cons: Suitable only for thermoactive plastic, with the time of the seam it may disperse.

The bumper of the car usually suffers from borders when parking, stones on the road. And no one is insured against the roads in the form of a small accident. In car services for restoring this item, considerable amounts are asked. The ideal way out of this situation will be the repair of the bumper from plastic with their own hands. Tell how to repair the bumper with your own hands without tremendous and temporary costs.

Types of plastic bumpers

Plastic bumpers on modern cars are made of two main types of plastic - thermoactive and thermosetting. It is necessary to know the differences in these types of materials to select the correct method of repairing the bus. To find out which plastic has made automper, you need to look at its opposite direction.

Thermoactive plastic bumper

Thermoactive plastics It can be subjected to recycling, since when exposed to high temperatures, they soften and become plastic. Easily can be welded. These include:

  1. various polyethylene ( PET,PET, PVD, PND) -used in the production of pipes, tanks of cars, bottles, children's toys, food containers and packages, packages, rugs;
  2. polystyrene (PS) It is used in the manufacture of containers for dairy products, audio and video cassettes, various dishes;
  3. polyvinyl chloride ( PVC,PVC) It is used in the production of windows, flooring, bottles, films for packaging, cable insulation, credit cards and medical devices;
  4. polypropylene ( PpPP) It is used in the production of food containers, batteries, bottles for bottles, automotive parts.

Thermoreactive plastic bumper

This type of plastics is used in production much less often, because they are not recycled.

When exposed to high temperatures termoreactive plastics Not melted and destroyed. Very poorly welded. But very durable and resistant to damage.

These are the following types of plastics:

  • polyurethane (PU, PU) used in coatings, finishes, gears, membranes, pillows, mattresses and automotive seats;
  • epoxy resin Used in adhesive compositions, sports inventory, electrical equipment, automotive equipment;
  • phenolic resins used in furnaces, handles for cutlery, automotive parts, printed circuit boards;
  • fiberglass (ABS / MAT) -used in automotive bumpers and other reinforced details.

The body of modern sports cars make precisely such plastic -fiberglass and carbon fiber.

Types of damage to car bumper

The front bumper and rear are subject to various damage. Depending on the degree of damage, you should choose one or another method of restoring the automotive bumper. Damage There are the following types:

  • Cracks.
  • Scratch.
  • Dents.

Restoration scratches auto bumper

We repair the bumper with your own hands - we remove scratches from the case. To eliminate scratches on the bumper, make grinding. Take the sandpaper and carefully work out all the irregularities to the smooth, smooth state of the surface. Then apply putty on the surface and, after drying, primer. Now you can start painting.

You can also do with special liquid polymer, in line with the corresponding markings on the bumper. Apply the polymer layer according to the instructions on the package, then process the sandpaper to the perfectly smooth surface.

Repair of dents on the bumper of the car

To save a car bumper From dentsUse a construction hairdryer or gas burner. Heat the deformed area, softening it, and give the correct geometric shape. This method is suitable for thermoactive plastics - polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene.

With significant deformations of the geometry, it is not recommended to strain the bumper independently - better contact the car service to specialists.

Caution: Do not overheat the processed area, it can cause even greater deformation.

Repair of cracks on the bumper of the car

Repair bumpers It is impossible without knowledge about the repair of cracks. Cracks on automperia can be eliminated by a variety of ways. To choose the appropriate option, be sure to look at the marking on the back of your item. Depending on the type of material, the repair of the bumper from the plastic you can spend:

  • welded with thermofen or electrodes;
  • with the help of fiberglass and liquid polymer.

Required tools and materials for the repair of the bumper

For various methods of repairing plastic bumpers can be useful the following materials:

  1. Soldering or construction hairdryer, or soldering station with a hairdryer, can be gas burner.
  2. Soldering iron industrial or household.
  3. Solder for plastic (by the type of bumper plastic).
  4. Fiberglass fabric.
  5. Metal grid.
  6. Set of liquid polymers.
  7. Epoxy or polymer two-component glue.
  8. Emery paper of various grainies.
  9. Primer.
  10. Putty.
  11. Rag or rag.
  12. Roller for painting works.
  13. Tassel for glue.

Bumper Auto Repair Order

With the help of various techniques at home, the automper can be restored from various types of plastic. Consider the most common methods how to repair the bumper with your own hands.

Repair with fiberglass and liquid polymer

The best way for fiberglass or polyurethane bumper repair - Restoration with a patchwork from fiberglass. It will take a piece of fiberglass fabric, liquid polymer composition or epoxy glue (two-component). Procedure Such:

  1. Preparatory work: Remove paint and carefully sand and degrease the surface.
  2. After stripping, cut the piece of fiberglass in the size of a damaged area.
  3. Mix two components of glue and mix.
  4. Apply glue to the surface and glue fiberglass.
  5. Apply glue into a few layers with flushing movements, while fiberglass does not bother.
  6. Cut through the obtained layer of fiberglass roller, moving in different directions. It is necessary for the layer seal.
  7. After drying, it is thoroughly sanding the surface of the sandpaper, moving in a circle.
  8. Then apply a flat layer putty to align the bumper.
  9. When everything dies, apply a primer in 2-3 layers and dry. Treat emery paper.
  10. Now you can proceed to staining.

Bumper welding with thermofen and solder

Only thermoactive types of plastics can be welded, and if your item is of thermosetting plastic, select another repair method.

Before repairing the bumper with your own hands by welding or soldering, spend it thoroughly clean and carefully dry. Now it is necessary to choose a plastic solder, suitable for the material of the bumper of your car. On the reverse side there is a plastic type marking - select Plastic Rods with the same notation.

Order of work Will be:

  1. Clean the place damage to sandpaper or grinding.
  2. Powerful soldering iron (with a power of 100 watts) drop the uniform groove throughout the length of the crack. You need to do it very evenly, try not to overheat plastic so as not to mad and damage it.
  3. Take the welding rod From plastic and attach to the resulting deepening from the front side of the part. Heat high temperature hairdryer for better connection. It is recommended to heat the solder at the same time, and the groove itself all over the crack. Must get reliable, strong seam.
  4. When the outer seam hardens, do the same actions With the inside of the bumper.
  5. So that the weld seams turns out to be stronger, make it above it several transverse "bridges". To do this, welcome across the seam alternately small segments of the solder size of 3-4 centimeters. Do not forget to impose such bridges to the ends of the crack so that it does not crawl on.