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The most interesting sights of Japan are a list, description and interesting facts. Sights of Japan briefly: photo titles

Japan, an amazing country, literally different from other countries. In the country of the Rising Sun, even monuments differ from generally accepted standards. Some monuments of Japan have not one thousand years old and thanks to a careful relationship, they could continue to be preserved. For example, Buddhist statues in the Khorosh-Dzhi region, they are not one hundred years old, but so far they are revered. People come to the statues and pray for help. In the same province there is an ancient Buddhist temple of Nara, in which a huge collection of old artifacts is collected. Many interesting things can be seen in the luxurious palace Haidze.

Japan in the past militant country, therefore obeliski remained from all over the country. Military monuments do not resemble the habituals to us. For example, in the city of Hiroshima, they made a memorable complex of the cozet of the house from the stone, a little higher than it is a sculpture made in the form of a bomb dropped during the bombing to the city. In the town of Urava, you can see the sculptures of Babat and Pumpkin, these vegetables resemble the Japanese about hunger, from which many people died during the war. Vegetables helped to survive the Japanese those harsh times.

In the capital of the country, you can see the sculpture set in honor of the artist playing in the theater of Kabuki and the dog, beloved by many Japanese.

Monuments in Japan also call the temple complexes, there are many of them in the country, for example, the Temple Center Tosju. Complex is located near the town of Nicko. Many temple buildings more than three hundred years. The Japanese put monuments that they are important for them, for example, cartoon or cinema heroes, animals, events and a lot.

You can talk about Japanese monuments a lot, I want to say the main thing, it is better to see once than just hear. Amazing and unusual monuments allow tourists to get acquainted with the unique Japanese culture and the careful attitude of the Japanese to it.

From his primitive cult, China retained the tradition of sacrifices committed during the solstice in the sanctuations having a form of terraces and resembling Mesopotamian altars. Perhaps it is necessary to see the remnissation associated with Mesopotamia, also in multi-storey towers, which are found on antique Chinese figures, and in the pagodas in the form of towers, of which the tower in the canton uses the greatest fame.

As for the architecture associated with the religions of Lao Tzu and Confucius, it was so merged with Buddhist art that monuments of both cults can be distinguished only by the details of symbolic images.

In Japan, monuments of an ancient Shinto cult differ from the Buddhist style rigor. In the general history of religious architecture, both in Japan and China comes down to the description of Buddhist temples.

Amazing monuments of Japan

Japan is the most developed country in terms of technology development. Every year, the Japanese pays the workforce most of their lives and even amazing how they give birth to children in such a circulation and rest.

In addition, the Japanese love their culture very much and presented it in the form of interesting movies, monuments and even paintings. Like all countries of the world, Japan appreciates their people and suffers from otherworldly invaders. And so that the memory was alive at all times, the Japanese in the city of Hiroshima installed an unusual monument in the form of the head of the stone house, which was destroyed during atomic bombing. And not far from the temple, located on Mount Tsukuba, a monument was laid in the form of the atomic bomb itself, a resembling bottle, where the moonshine is contained. And historians of the country argue that this is a real doubling bomb, which was discharged by the United States during the war.

It is interesting to look at the railway monument, which is installed in Kawasaki. It is installed against the background of a huge mirror building and reminds the old brick buildingwhich half went to the ground.

The Japanese appreciate every moment of their existence. For example, in the city of Urava, a monument to Pumpkin and Sweet Potatoofel was built, his appearance constantly reminds residents, as it was difficult for them in the years of disasters and wars. And in Tokyo, tourists can observe an amazingly attractive monument that the Akita family was installed, a faithful friend. And not only the faithful dogs were honored to have a monument, but also the Japanese actor of Kabuki, who played the incredible number of the roles of the best samurai Japan, now bangs on the street of Tokyo.

Since Japan came up with the first walking robot in the world, and generally famous for cartoons and cinema about them, in her capital was installed giant robot Gandham, Mobile Hero Warrior. This robot is considered the most difficult and greatest achievement of the Japanese people.

Hello Kitty.- Character of Japanese pop culture, little white kitty in a simplified drawing. Invented by Sanrio in 1974 and became a kind of meme. The Hello Kitty trademark, registered in 1976, is used as a brand for many products, has become the main character of the eponymous series, appears in Kameo's roles in other cartoons. Toys Hello Kitty - popular in Japan and all over the world souvenirs.

Monuments 15 Riding DogsThe Second Antarctic Japanese Expedition, which could not be taken out of Antarctic, are built in the cities of Vaccana and Sakai in Japan.

Building-torchaSAH's beer company is known for its architectural sensation to the mysterious Golden Object.

Monument to the stray dog \u200b\u200bin Tokyo

Monument to the homeless dog, which the inhabitants of Ginza found exhausted surrounded by five quenched puppies. She did not have enough food itself, and the children suck all her milk, but she stopped standing. As they say, it was the first case when in Japan people placed a dog into a human hospital and went out!

In Japan and China, the last time monuments appear, which undoubtedly have a national flavor. These are monuments of comic book characters or transformers. In Tokyo N. railway station Kamiigusa was opened a monument in the form of a bronze statue of the most popular hero of the manga series and Anime Gandam Robot 3 meters high. The ceremony was attended by the creator of the world of Gandamov Tomino Yoshiki, President of Animation Studio Sunrise Yoshi Takayuki and a whole crowd of rustic individuals.

The statue setting was the result of 2400 petitions from various associations of fans of the series and two years of preparation. The cost of the statue is 20 million yen, of which 2 million allocated the state, the rest amounted to private donations.

Akimoto Osamimo in 1976 Published a series of stories with the Hero Police Guide Kochikame. These stories in the form of anime went to television, which still enjoy great success in children and adolescents. Cultiputer is located at the Kameari station at the police station

Primincial dog Khatico. Who after the death of the host Khatiko came to meet him on railway station For nine years, until he died of old age.


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Japan is a country that carefully and carefully stores and cherishes its traditions and culture. Look at Japanese historical and architectural values, thousands of tourists come. There is something magical in this calm, balanced culture. Take a tea ceremony only to travelers only. But it is not all Japan.

Japanese technologies will surprise any European. The cities are building high skyscrapers and television bones. Tokyo television tower is the highest in the world. The Toyota Museum finds a lot of fans not only among motorists. And Tokyo Disneyland is among the best parks in the world.

Japan is rich in temples of amazing beauty. The temple of Todai-Dzhi, Kiyimiz-Dara, Azuta, Golden Pavilion Kinkaku Ji looks incredibly. Despite fires and destruction, they are rebuilt and look fantastic. They can be deeply learned to the culture and religion of Japan.

In addition to famous Fuji, which will captivate with beauty and greatness, there are beautiful waterfalls, gardens, national parks and islands in Japan. Colorful underwater world and warm water attracts to Isigaka island. Cain waterfall surprises in power. Arashaima radiates a pacification, and in the Garden of Happo-Ene I want to walk all the time. Japan can be discovered forever. It is inexhaustible. As the color of Sakura, it is constantly updated, surprising with a new beautiful appearance.

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What to see in Japan?

The most interesting I. beautiful places, photos I. short description.

Fujiyama is a visiting card of Japan. Its height is 3776 meters. For the Japanese, this place is sacred, and for tourists is incredibly attractive. Volcano has a surprisingly symmetric cone. Most beautiful view on him in winter or in early spring. Near Fujiyama is 5 volcanic lakes. Climbing on the mountain is carried out in the summer. Fuji feucet helps guides and developed infrastructure.

This is the most sacred place in Japan. Every year three million visitors arrive here. The Todai-Dzhi Temple decreased in sizes subsequently fires, but still is the largest wooden structure in the world. Built it in 745. In the middle of the temple of the 15th meter statue of the Buddha. For her manufacturer spent almost all bronze stocks. On the territory of the temple also live deer tourists.

Grove created a monk Muso Soski. It is located in the Kyoto area. Everything in the park has a deep subtext. No wonder they say that here you can understand the meaning of life. Tracks pass through Araciam. You can get around the park in 15 minutes, but I want to walk there for hours. Bamboo stems make special sounds. This is an incredible forest music. The height of trees reaches 40 meters.

Himedezi is called a white heron castle. Its snow-white walls, and lines and traits graceful, like a bird. During its existence, the castle did not suffer from fires or enemy raids. And if anyone tried to capture the castle, it would be entangled in the labyrinths of the gardens and rooms. The whole complex is 83 facilities. Sakura flowers around them, which makes the castle even more beautiful. It is not surprising that he was repeatedly removed in films.

This is one of the 23 special districts of Tokyo. Once he was a village, then a small town. Now it is part of the capital and the center of nightlife, entertainment, fashion and shopping. Also here are one of the most high skyscrapers City, Microsoft and Coca-Cola offices. The center of the district is the monument to Hachiko. In addition to boutiques and entertainment centers there are museums and temples.

This is a mountain in Wakicama Prefecture, on which there are many temples and Buddhist schools Singon. The first temple was founded in 819. Today in the temples take tourists. The mountain is very picturesque, and the place is peaceful. Travelers may feel part of the life of monks. Also on Mount there is a beautiful cemetery that is highlighted at night. Lifting up the mountain can be on the tram.

This is one of the Sanctures of Kumano. It is located near the thermal source of Katsuura. Numerous tracks lead to the temple. They are surrounded by huge trees and stretch for 600 meters. One of the main beauties of Kumano Nati Tairy is the most high waterfall in Japan. Its height is 113 meters and for the Japanese it has a religious value. His power and beauty surprises even experienced travelers.

This is the main island from Yayama Islands. It is located on the Mount of Omothe Daqua, the height of which is 526 meters. Isigaka is famous for its coral reefs. You can swim in the sea near the island round year, Water is warm there. Diving here enjoys great popularity. Also here are very beautiful caves of Chiracubo and Ugan. At the boats of tourists will be taken to the neighboring islands.

Cook-in is a temple that became famous for his bronze statue of the Buddha. Its height is 13.5 meters, and the age of more than eight centuries. In the initial version, the statue was made of wood and reached 24 meters in height. But she was destroyed by a storm in 1247. Then in 1252 began to cost a new statue. After 12 years, creation appeared, which opposed all the elements and survived the temple in which it stood.

Up to 8:15 of the sixth of August 1945, Dome Gambaku was Hiroshima's exhibition center. After the explosion of the atomic bomb, which fell into the building, all visitors died. The dome was 160 meters from the epicenter of the explosion. He burned down, but survived. It was strengthened, and he became the main exhibit, demonstrating the consequences of the atomic explosion and the inadmissibility of the use of atomic weapons.

Garden Happo-En is a green island in the middle of an asphalt city. His beauty noted the government, and tourists increasingly add it to their route. In the garden you can get on the real tea ceremony. After it, you can stroll along the path passing through the valley and surrounded by bonsides, admire the fish in the pond or visit the temple. There are two of them here and regularly conduct weddings.

The park is located on the island of Honshu and lies in the Valley of the EKO at an altitude of 850 meters. It attracts tourists by what about 160 macak lives in it. Third years in the park is snow. But a favorite place of monkeys - water of thermal sources. Some groups they are not like in warm water. The monkeys have their own charter and hierarchy. Someone is heating, someone carries food. They feed on plants.

The temple is located on Mount Ovan in Kyoto. It is considered a pearl among the shrines of this area. He was built in 798. According to the legend, the monk Entin noticed the stream and, wanting to find his beginning, rose to the mountains. At the top, he found a glade with an amazing waterfall. After of something sleep The monk founded the temple. Over time, a temple complex has been built here. The water is considered sacred here, and the view from the temple on Kyoto is stunning.

Tokyo Heavenly Tree is the highest television tower in the world. Located in Tokyo, in the Sumida area. Its height is 634 meters. The only construction in the world, which is above - Burj Khalifa. The tower has cafes and souvenir shops, two viewing platforms and a restaurant with a breathtaking view of the city. The base of the tower is a shopping and entertainment center.

This is a facility covered with gold sheets. Pavilion confined Esimitsa in 1397, when tired of the board. Near the sanctuary there is a beautiful lake and a garden, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the country. It has a lot of tracks, streams and ponds. On the first floor of the pavilion receive guests, the exhibition of painting is on the second. The third spend religious rituals.

The sanctuary is located on Miyazima Island. The gate of Torii, which are located on its territory, are considered one of the symbols of Japan. The view of them relates to the "three famous landscapes of Japan." Their height is 16 meters. They are built on piles in the water. You can walk to the gate only during a strong bet. Having reached them, you need to shove into a crack in a tree coin and make a desire.

These are very colorful villages, which are perfectly preserved and demonstrated the history and life of the Japanese. Climate I. geographical position Here is severe. The villages are located in the mountain area on the island of Honshu. In winter, the island was often completely cut off from civilization. This has formed a special way of life inhabitants. There is a special architectural style, which is designed to protect the houses from the snow.

The famous commander elevated this castle in the XVI century. Its square is a square kilometer. It spread five aboveground floors and three underground. Walls of the castle are decorated with tinted gold. The structure itself is located on a stone mound to protect against enemies. Some boulders reach six meters in height. From the observation deck of the main tower of the castle offers an amazing view of the city.

The National Park is located in the central part of Honshu Island. It has been more than 50 years old, and its area is 17.4 thousand hectares. It grows maple and coniferous forests, bamboo. This territory is called Japanese Alps. There is a meadow, amazing mountain lakes and even the acting volcano. The inhabitants of the park became typical residents of Japanese forests.

The temple was based on about 1900 years ago, which makes it one of the oldest in Japan. It contains one of the three sacred imperial relics - the sword Kusanagi is Mitsrugy. In the halls of the temple there are about 3,000 historical values. Every June in the Temple of Azuta is held competition in Japanese Military art. 8 million people comes here to honor the goddess of the sun amteras.

This is the residence of the emperor and the imperial palace. It is located in the very center of Tokyo. The area of \u200b\u200bthe entire palace complex is 7.5 square meters. km. During the existence, the palace burned and destroyed. Now it consists of one underground and two terrestrial floors. At any time, tourists can only get into the East Park. You can get to the palace only twice a year.

The waterfall is located in Nikko National Park. Its height is 101 meters. It is considered one of the most beautiful in Japan. At his foot, a tea house was built and there is a lift. On the sides of the waterfall flowing another 12 jets. You can explore the waterfall from different angles. The National Park itself combined the pristine nature and modern comfort.

The Palette Town entertainment center is the main automotive museum of Japan. it amazing placewhere high-tech shows are held and the most interesting cars are presented. In the six halls are shown as Machines ever, so projects of future. Among them are rare cars, and cars similar to the lunas. In the Ride ONE hall, you can make a test drive of any car, provided that you have rights.

Tokyo Disneyland is located in Uraya. This is the first Disney Park, built outside the United States. It is part of a whole Disney resort. He opened on April 15, 1938. The territory of the park is 465,000 m². It is divided into 7 thematic areas. There are 47 attractions in the park. There are also shops, cafes, hotels. Disneyland works all year round and is the third fleet in popularity in the world.

Khana is a sakura holiday when people admire with flowers. It passes in the spring. Then the whole country is transformed. Parks, temples and castles attract even more tourists. For the Japanese themselves, this is an amazing phenomenon, peaceful and joyful. The trees are perfectly high in the evenings, so admire with them not only during the day. Very popular occupation - to arrange picnics under a blooming sakura.

Mysterious Japan - the country of the rising sun, in which the age-old national traditions surprisingly intertwined and the latest technology Future. Almost until the middle of the XIX century, Japan conducted an isolation policy from the influence of the Western world, thanks to which there were unique historical monuments, ceremonies and vitals in the country.

Currently, Japan enters the top tourist destinations, and thousands of tourists are sent annually into an exotic journey to touch the traditions of the Eastern World. For those who want to start an acquaintance with the culture and history of the country, we offer a brief description of the most important sights of Japan.

Old architecture

Going on a journey through Japan, you will certainly see and visit the famous East Palaces, many of which are excellently preserved and are a real national treasure. One of the main architectural attractions is the Castle of Himedezi (White Heron Castle). A wooden complex with snow-white walls, located 1.5 hours of ride from Osaka, was built in the XIV century and is under the protection of UNESCO. Here you can see the room decorated with wood and painting, a collection of samurai armor, wander around the lush garden with streams, waterfalls and bamboo groves.

Another important example of architecture can be called Nijo Castle in Kyoto. He was one of the residences of Sögunov, additionally fortified in case of hostilities. The castle is surrounded by the fortress walls and deep Rips, there is also a traditional Japanese garden. One of Nijo Castle's doors is great the Cherry Orchard. It collected trees of various breeds of Sakura, and in April the garden is filled with tourists and local residents who want to enjoy the beauty of blooming cherries.

If there is an opportunity, it is worth visiting the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. His square is huge, but now the palace is used as a residence of the imperial family, so the hours of visits and the territory are strictly limited. You can get into the eastern garden, incarnating the centuries-old traditions of Japanese landscape art, as well as the historical part of the palace complex.

The embodiment of scientific and technological progress

Among the main attractions of Japan are not only vintage fortress and palaces, but also modern buildings created by the bold ideas of Japanese architects. For example, in the 80s, Toko-Capsule Tower, created from 140 removable elements, was built in Tokyo, created from 140 removable elements, each of which represents an apartment or office. The ambitious project marked the beginning of capsule construction in Japan, but now the building requires significant reconstruction.

Tokyo built the highest telebashne in the world. The design resembles Eiffel Tower in Paris, however, significantly exceeds it with sizes. On the lower floors of the tower there is a tourist area with shops, cafes, exhibition halls, aquarium and children's attractions. There are two viewing platforms on the tower with a breathtaking view of the city, and on a sunny day you can see the Volcano Fuji.

An interesting attraction towers over Kyoto, sharply contrasting with the rest of the city. The tower built in the 70s became the subject of numerous disputes and discussions. It was believed that the design of the tower, designed by Macoto Tanahasi, would be too modern. Despite the discrepancy in opinions, the tower was built and is now the best observation platform in Kyoto.

Cult structures

Japan is difficult to imagine without such attractions as Shinto and Buddhist temples. These recognizable buildings are a sample of purity, simplicity and harmony. The most important religious places of the country are the twin temples of Ginkakuji and Kinkakuzi. The "Golden Pavilion" of Kinkakuji, standing on the shore of the reservoir, was burned in 1950 by a fanatical monk, but completely restored. The temple is chosen by the symbol of Kyoto. His twin, the "silver pavilion" of Ginkakjuzi, was built as a resting place Sögun. The unfinished image of the temple reflects the main aspects of the Japanese idea of \u200b\u200bimpermanence, vehicles and proximity to nature.

The main Buddhist attraction of Tokyo is considered the Temple of Asakus Cannon, the construction of which began in the VII century. Unfortunately, the main hall, the main gate and the Pyhyraulic pagoda were destroyed during the Second World War, and now their copies are built in the temple complex. The Temple of Asakus Cannon is distinguished by special pomp and solemnity, and many tourists come here to get prediction, pray or stroll through the picturesque souvenir shops.

Museum values

In the cities of Japan Tokyo and Kyoto, you can discover the true sights modern culture - Manga and Anime. Museum of Manga in Kyoto is a paradise for comics lovers. In the ever-growing collection of the museum there are several hundred thousand manga editions, many of which are readable. Here lessons and master classes are held, which will be interested in novice artists and illustrators. And the Museum of Anime-Studio Dibbles will not be able to bypass by any fan of creativity of the famous director, Laureate Award Oscar Hayao Miyazaki. The museum has a large collection of exhibits, telling about the creative way of anime studio, descriptions of the main characters and plots, photographs and risks from various films. There is a theme park and one of the best souvenir shops, so getting into the museum dresses very difficult, and tickets should be ordered at least 2-3 weeks before visiting.

An open-air museum in Canhanwa on Honsu Island will be interested in lovers of contemporary art. In his collection there are samples of creativity of talented artists and sculptors, exhibitions and bright, memorable installations regularly pass here.

Absolutely, all without exception is recommended to visit the Museum of Advanced Science and Technology Mijan in Tokyo. The museum presents the latest technological innovations and achievements, and walking through its halls, you can truly take a trip to the future. "Star" exposition - the robot android Asimo, over the creation and improvement of which the incredible number of specialists work. The museum is completely interactive and will be interesting even to the smallest visitors.

Nature of Japan

Mount Fuji is a majestic sample of harmony, the natural symbol of Japan, binding a century and generation of residents of Honshu Island. Its beauty was chased by Japanese poets and artists, the image of a snow-covered vertex to everyone who had ever seen traditional Japanese painting. The current volcano spawned many legends and legends, and in honor of the goddess of Mount Fuji every year arrange the spectacular holiday Himatsouri.

Lubility, contemplation, reflection, solitude - such epitheats can be described japanese gardens. The real masters worked on their creation, and each bush, wood or stone have a special meaning here. Beautiful Japanese gardens and parks in spring during the flowering period of Sakura and in the fall, when they are poured by the crumb of Maples Maples and Gingko.

Japan keeps a lot of secrets, mysteries and miracles, see which stands at least once in life!

Japan is a country that is very responsible to preserve its historical cultural monuments and traditions. If you go on a trip hoping to open something interesting in this country for yourself, it means that you definitely move in the right direction. The whole world comes to the main attractions of Japan, since there is something unusual and calm in this balanced culture.

Do not forget the fact that the Japanese are among the leaders in the creation of modern technologies who surprise their unusual thousands of Europeans. Japan's megapolises are whole labyrinths with elegant and overnight modern architecture. In one country, the highest skyscrapers and luxurious temples are intertwined, beautiful nature And terrifying volcanoes that are captivated by their beauty and greatness.

Let's begin to gradually get acquainted with the main attractions of Japan with names that have been creating wild interest in this country from many tourists.


Traditionally, the story of Japan should be started with a great and terrible representative - Volcano Fujiima. To date, this is a valid stratovancan located on Honshu Island near Tokyo and who is a kind of business card of this country. All the Japanese consider Fujiim's sacred place, and for tourists it is one of the main attractions of Japan. Climbing the volcano is made exclusively in the summer with the help of modern technologies, but it is possible to catch the most amazing view in winter or early spring. Which is characteristic of the volcano, this is his symmetric cone. Also on its territory there are immediately five volcanic lakes, no less attracting the eye of the tourist.


Having decided to visit this wonderful country, Razza are pregnant to a rather uncharacteristic pronunciation of many attractions. Here is one of the applicants - the Temple of Todai-Ji. This is the most sacred place throughout the Japanese state. Sadly, the temple moved a few fires, which later led to a decrease in its size, but nevertheless, Todai-ji is still the largest wooden structure in the world. Every year about three million visitors arrive here. The temple was built in 745, inside it is a huge Buddha statue, personifying the symbol of the Divine Power. On the territory of the temple can also be found deer and even consider them near.

Bamboo alley

I spread out on the expanses of this beautiful state of Arashaim, which became almost the most demanded in Japan. The grove was created by the hands of a monk named Muso Soski. Today, the bamboo alley implies a full mini park that you can get around in 15 minutes. But it does not matter what territory the grove is occupied, it is important that the walking here wants for hours. Not in vain they say that here you can know the meaning of life.

Surely most of the audience of our readers do not observe the castle of white heron. Yes, you are right, this is the second name of Himeji, since its snow-white walls and graceful outlines resemble a bird. Amazing the fact that no person could have been subjected to building a fire or simply apply to him some damage. Perhaps this factor can be explained by the presence of endless labyrinths in the form of gardens and rooms. The Himeji complex consists of 83 structures, beautiful Sakura flowers on its territory, giving a castle a certain charm and charm. By the way, Herons repeatedly appeared in many movies and since 1993 is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List.

Mount Koyan-san

Mount Koyan-san is one of the important sights of Japan, the description of which is not amenable to normal words. There are many temples and Buddhist Singon schools. The very first temple that originated in the Koyan-san mountain was built in 819. At the moment, the entrance to the temples is open to ordinary tourists, it is also a very picturesque place where you can feel the beauty of the monastic life. In addition to the listed, there is a beautiful cemetery on the mountain, which is highlighted at night. It is possible to climb to Koyan-san with a tram.

One of the Sanctures of Kumano, located a few kilometers from the thermal source of Katsuura. Here are truly picturesque nature and beautiful views. There are numerous paths to the temple, drowning in the foliage of luxurious trees, with a length of 600 meters. Special attention deserves the highest waterfall in Japan, religious significance. Its height is about 113 meters. No traveler will be disappointed from what he saw.

Another representative of the temples in Japan, who was widely publicized due to the magnificence of the bronze statue of the Buddha, located in the territory of the temple. The statue is already here for about 800 years, and height reaches 13 meters. The history of Buddha in Kotoku-in is quite interesting. Initially, it reached 24 meters in height and was wooden designwhich was destroyed in 1247 during a storm. Then the Japanese launched a solution to build a bronze statue capable of withstanding all elements.

Mira Memorial

Sometime Dome Gambaku was the Hiroshima exhibition center, but after 1945 he acts as a memorial, symbolizing the effects of an atomic explosion. The bomb fell into the building itself on August 6, 1945, 160 meters from the dome. All people who were inside the building were killed. Today it is an important exhibit that is very clearly reflecting the picture of the consequences of the atomic explosion and the inadmissibility of the use of atomic weapons.

This place is famous for which lies in the Ekeu Valley at an altitude of 850 meters, where over 160 snowy monkeys live. Most of the year there is snow for which Macaki run and entertain visitors. But the most important highlight of this park - thermal sourceswho became a favorite place of monkeys. Here they have their own rules - alone bathe, and others wear food. Definitely, an interesting sight!

Tokyo. Sightstitality of Japan

At the moment there is no higher TV phone in the world, rather than its height reaches 634 meters, in addition, this is the only construction that is superior to the Burj-Caliph skyscraper in Dubai. It provides a wide range of tourist opportunities: you can go on one of the panoramic sites and make an unforgettable selfie against the background of the city or go to a cozy restaurant with a beautiful view from the window or look after a gift for relatives and loved ones in one of the souvenir shops. In addition, the base of the tower is located a shopping and entertainment complex.


The structure, fully covered with gold sheets. The Golden Pavilion was built in 1937 by decree Esimitsa in a picturesque place in the middle of a beautiful lake and a lush garden. This garden is considered one of the most beautiful throughout Japan. The Golden Pavilion is divided into three levels: the first is intended for receiving guests, the exhibition of painting is located on the second, and the third floor is designed for religious rites.

All are heard about the beautiful castles in Scotland, but do not forget about Japanese architecture. Local castles are no worse than European buildings. The famous commander elevated this castle in the XVI century. It consists of eight floors (five above-ground and three underground).

The construction was erected on a stone embankment as protection against enemy raids, and the castle walls are decorated with an observation deck, located on the upper floors, opens up the most beautiful view of the city before tourists. The castle to this day is the main attraction of Osaka in Japan.