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How to disassemble the wall of the brick. Disassembling brick wall how to disassemble a brick building

If you need to build bricks, it can be done manually or using special equipment and even explosives.

Depending on the volume of work and material material, the masonry is selected the most appropriate dismantling methods and technical means: Mechanized tools, bulldozers, cranes are used.

Disassembling brick walls manually consists of using various technologies and the corresponding tools. With this type of work, it is important to take into account the material of the masonry.

Therefore, if it is necessary to dismantle the brick wall for which it is used mortar Or a complex low-grade solution, such a wall can be dismantled with a thumb or residue.

In this case, it is necessary to blow under brick from the brick, it is desirable to fall into horizontal seams. Disassembly begins S. top linewhich moves along the wall. Tiled brick is easiest to use with special hermetic grooves. Use special equipment, such as CATERPILLAR. For renting special equipment, as well as to buy spare parts for Caterpillar equipment and other brands, it offers dozens of enterprises that are located simply via the Internet.

Experts recommend cleaning all construction brick With pickax. Purified bricks should be folded. This construction material Useful for future buildings. If when dismantling brick design A crushed stone is formed, it can be lowered through the grooves and roll into sheets.

In vertical and horizontal seams, the wedges amazed with a hammer. Increase the efficiency of work with a pneumatic and electric hammer. This is known next to tools that have a narrow shock detail of the blade.

When removing walls from concrete or butane, stones can be broken by stones and wedges.

But it is better to cut off the walls with a wall of masonry. Brick vaults are disassembled manually, starting with removal from the lock and move on the heel. Asylums are dealt with the help of a handle (that is, the concepts of construction), which does not exceed 0.5 m. In the closed circles, dismantling the cross, dome and sidewalks.

Before disassembling the storage and their supporting heels, you must prepare the panel under them and rounded, which will prevent the fall of the dungeon.

How to break the brick wall

When conducting overhaul It may be necessary to demolish the walls or knock out the passage between the premises. This process is simple, but time consuming and requiring the correct sequence of actions.

We define the type of wall

First you need to make sure that the dismantled wall is not carrier and the design of the house will not be broken. Officially, this information can be found by contacting BTI, or a company serving a house where you can read with technical documentation.

In addition, in BTI, it is necessary to obtain permission to redevelop, so that it does not have any problems with its registration. The full demolition of the carrier wall is prohibited, however, in some cases the installation of a doorway is allowed.

You can independently determine its type by its thickness: the carrier is performed in two or more bricks, without taking into account plaster, and the usual one is twice as long as possible.

Prepare the room to demolition

For dismantling work, it is necessary to remove all things from adjacent premises, as there will be a lot of garbage and dust.

If it is impossible to do this, then you should carefully cover all the furniture with glued and windscreen and clean the place of work. After that, the wall is examined on both sides for the presence internal wiring. If you have a light switch, junction boxes, outlets, then the cable goes along the walls and work is carried out in compliance with the safety rules. In addition, it should be prepared required tools: Perforator, grinder, jackhammer, sledgehammer.

If there is no possibility to buy them, you will have to rent in special building stores providing this service. When transferring an interroom passage, you will need to lay an old passage, for which you need to buy brick in Samara (, huge selection Bricks and choose from them fit not work.

Dismantling works

Before dismantling work, you need to prevent neighbors about inconveniences to avoid scandals.

Wall demolition should start with removal finishing materials At the dismount site. For this, on both sides of the walls are applied with a marker line, especially if you plan to do the doorway.

To S. back side You can measure the label to measure all the necessary distances for this, and you can drill holes at the control points. After that, the puncher is placed on the perforator and the plaster on both sides of the wall is neatly removed, so as not to stumble into the hidden cable. When the layer is removed and wiring is detected, then you need to de-energize the wiring and bend the cable, and if it prevents the work, then cut it off.

The ends of the wire will need to be insulated.

How to independently disassemble a brickwork, saving the material as much as possible?

If the accuracy of the ends of the day is not required, then you can take a jackhammer and the connecting seams hollow out one brick after another. To make dismantling neatly, without breaking the masonry of other walls, you need to take a grinder with installed disc On concrete and smoothly cut through the opening of the line caused by the marker. This process is sufficiently dusty, so you need to completely protect yourself from dust from getting into the bodies and eyes.

After that, the wall is knocked out with a sledgehammer. If the wall does not destroy, you will have to use a jackhammer. Better if the whole process is to pursue in stages, without destroying the entire wall at once to see her condition, and under the feet there were no garbage.


The dismantling process is quite time consuming and will require a lot of physical effort.

However, with the right approach, no problems and trouble will arise.

What you need to fulfill such redevelopment

Redevelopment is carried out after coordination of the project of everyborn, which is often required to obtain technical conclusion from the author of a house or a commercial organization about the possibility of a sides of the windowsill.

In some panel houses The bottomroom unit is a counterweight balcony.

Reference order:

  • Free consultation in "MVK-Service"- Our experts will consult you free at any stage of coordination. If you need our help, we are always ready to provide paid services.
  • Project creation - In MVK-Service, there is a project department with the admission of SRO in construction and design, which prepare redevelopment projects.

    Disassembly of a brick wall

  • Submission of documents - On my own or with the help of our company, the package of documents is submitted to the Moszhylilation.
  • Demolition of the windows block Forces of certified specialists, if necessary, the author's control over the execution of works.
  • Drawing up an act on the work performed, Visit the inspector to the object for the purpose of the examination.

The easiest way to coordinate the dismantling of the windows part of the wall, having enlisted by the support of our company.

Specialists will collect the necessary package of documents and will receive a positive conclusion without your participation.

Construction process - disassembly brick house Often it is required to release the area or replace the old, who have burned lines of dwellings on new ones. In the redevelopment of the building use partial disassembly of brick walls. It is conducted independently manually or builders with the use of special equipment. The surviving brick can be applied in other works. For example, for decorating, erection of garden buildings or economic buildings.

Preparation for discerning work

If you follow the instructions, you can easily disassemble the brick wall with your own hands without damaging bricks. The quality of the secondary material depends on the correctness of the preparatory work. Disassembling brick masonry on preparatory Stage Includes such processes:

  1. Cleaning nearby objects and floor shelter with fabric or film from damage.
  2. Disable electricians in the room and disassembling the outlet with lighting.
  3. Cleaning brick wall From plaster, putty, wallpaper or ceramic tiles.

To manually make a disassembly quickly and efficiently old wall From brick, after cleaning it is washed with water. This procedure allows you to eliminate excess dust. It should be repeated as the surface is disassembled.

Tools to spend work without damaging the brick

Smash the wall brick houses And do not break the bricks will help such tools.

Kirk may need for work.
  • pick;
  • chisel;
  • sledgehammer;
  • jackhammer and ordinary hammer;
  • metal wedges;
  • perforator;
  • gloves;
  • protective glasses.

It is not enough just to stock up with these instruments, you need to use them again. The removal of the seal does not require the use of the entire set of fixtures, but on the basis of its type you may need one or another inventory. Perforator and jackhammer can be captured with brick walls of large thickness. The terminal is removed with a chisel and a sledgehammer. Start work from the top row, without worrying about the safety of the material, and go down.

Chisel and metal wedges help dismantle every separate brick without disturbing its integrity. For this, he is attached to the seam of the wall and hit with a hammer. Watching wedges in horizontal and vertical seams can be disassembling walls with durable cement mortar. Such work is better to perform in 4 hands. Thick masonry breaks through the 2-layers. It is desirable to leave the last layer of masonry in the form of a threshold, on the place of the joint. It will simplify the finish and will allow you to distribute space for 2 zones.

For the purpose of expansion useful Square The premises or its redevelopment is often used to dismantle a brick wall. With the right approach, you can delete any part of the structure, whether it is a carrier wall or simple partition. Also possible dismantling of the wall area for installation additional door or windows.
But the dismantling of the wall implies partial or complete destruction of one of the reference points of the structure, and therefore entails a certain danger. To avoid the formation of cracks on the adjacent walls, or the complete destruction of the building, it is necessary to conduct this procedure extremely carefully, without fail. By complying with all possible safety rules.

To dismantle the brick wall, the following tools and devices will be needed:

  • Heavy hammer
  • Sledgehammer
  • Chisel
  • Special tongs for dismantling bricks (not required)
  • Special supports (to dismantle the bearing wall)
  • Funds of protection against dust and falling bricks

You should not use cheap and low-quality tools to dismantle. For example, a perforator, which is designed for small work, will not withstand long loads and will not provide sufficient shock power To destroy a qualitative cement mortar.

Removal of any wall should be started with consultation with a specialist. Some walls, especially carriers, are generally better not to touch if there is no possibility to actually assess the degree of risk. In extreme cases, dismantling such a plot is better and safer to trust professionals.
Immediately before the start of the disassembly, it is necessary to remove all electrical wiring from the wall. In extreme cases, if the wiring is hidden, and you do not know its location system, you can simply de-energize the entire line in the room.
Next should ensure protection outdoor coatingSince falling bricks can permanently damage it. For this purpose, you can use any spring material, such as slices of foam rubber or old blankets. If there is furniture in the house, it is closed with a film to protect against dust.
If a brickwork Finished with plaster, then it is frown. You can do this with a hammer, ax or other tool.
Start dismantling the brick wall should be from the top row. It is knocked out with a perforator or sledgehammer. It should be done very carefully, avoiding large on the area of \u200b\u200bdestruction and cracks. Further work on the dismantling of the brick wall lies in the approach of each subsequent row with the help of a perforator or hammer blows on a chisel. To accelerate the process and more accurate disassembly, specialists use special forceps. The principle of using this device in the following. Tongs are clamped at the same time several adjacent bricks. Then, with the lever, clamped bricks are taken out of the masonry. The advantage of this method is also that dismantled bricks are not broken when falling. This makes it possible to use them again.

If the carrier wall is dismantled, then special supports should be installed for holding slabs of the overlap.
Also used phased dismantling of the carrier wall.
In these cases, part of the masonry from the floor overlap is removed, then the support is installed on the placement.
This process is repeated with the passage of each safe area. Usually carrying walls are rarely subjected to dismantling due to the appropriate danger.
But in case of extreme necessity, for example, for the overhaul of the building, it is still practiced.

Today there are many sources of information on how to build a house right and do repair or finishing work. But sometimes it happens that a person needs not in the information about the construction, but information about demolition or dismantling the building. Many people think that a lot of knowledge is required for demolition, but it is not.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that incorrect actions when dismantling can jeopardize health and even human life. In addition, if you disassemble the construction correctly, some materials can be used in integrity that can be reused. High-quality demolition and dismantling of any buildings or walls will provide you with a techno-digger company, the experience of which is confirmed by many years of practice.

Brick construction - material features

The most delicate dismantling is the disassembly of brick buildings. Brick always want to keep for reuseAnd it is easily destroyed with powerful mechanical actions. For high-quality dismantling of a brick structure, such important details must be taken into account:

  • the scraper, which was used when building. If the fastening solution is not very strong, it will be possible to disassemble the construction of several bricks, separating them with a metal cola;
  • brick quality - if the brick crumble, care must be taken to keep it. If it is strong, it will be easier to separate it from each other;
  • the volume and feature of the work - if you are going to demolish the building completely, it is easier to do, but if you need to remove only one wall, you must adhere to the rules of caution so as not to disturb the integrity of the whole design;
  • the place of construction - if the structure is away from other buildings, it is easier to demolish it or dismantle. And if there are other buildings nearby, it is necessary to ensure that the collapse does not happen, which can destroy them.

Ways to disassemble a brick building

To date, there are several ways to disassemble or carry a brick building:

  • manual is a way of disassembling the building using any submitted means for the brick separation;
  • mechanical - lies in disassembly with the help of different mechanisms and devices;
  • the subversive is the most rigid way to demolish or destroy the structure using microcrusts in separate areas of the building. When it holds it difficult to save materials for reuse.

The most important when performing dismantling work is caution and adherence to all safety standards. If there was a need to demolish or dismantle a brick building, it is better to contact the specialists, it will help protect themselves and others, as well as save the necessary materials.

Brick building demolition using special equipment - In this video:

Over time, old buildings from bricks become emergency and unsuitable for operation. In these cases, dismantling of brick buildings is required, since this house is harder to reconstruct than to build a new one. But it is not so easy to break the building. Therefore, it is not recommended to demolish the house independently, it is better to seek help from specialists.

What is important to remember?

The basis of any home is the foundation. Restore the Old Foundation of the house of the brick house is difficult and the result may not justify expectations. Therefore, it is advisable to demolish old brick structures with it. It is better to build a dwelling again. This will help avoid unnecessary time and finance. Many elements of the old structure are suitable for reuse after dismantling, as they remain in good condition. Therefore, to disassemble the house should be started with them.

Trust dismantling work should be experts, knowing fineness process. So you can get energy savings, additional building materials, preserved after dismantling, and avoid unforeseen costs.

Stages of demolition

Demolition brick structures Consists of 2 stages:

  • preparatory;
  • main.

At the preparation stage, the following is performed:

Before starting work, the territory is protected.
  • determine the degree of destruction of the construction as a whole;
  • assess the condition of materials, namely the possibility of their reuse or the need to dispose;
  • establish the scope of work;
  • choose a dismantling method;
  • establish warning signs;
  • fencing the site;
  • disconnect all communications.

The demolition of the brick construction is the main stage. The demolition sequence of the house remains the same with any dismantling method. Perform such work:

  1. Clean the wiring, gas pipeline, plumbing, heating system.
  2. Disassemble windows.
  3. Disassemble window and door structures.
  4. Destroy the roof, the rafter system.
  5. Wrapped inside the construction of vertical elements.
  6. Break the foundation.
  7. Export construction garbage On landfill.
  8. Machine the territory of the site.

Methods of dismantling work

Apply one of four ways:

Longer disassemble the design of manual method.
  • Manual. He is the most time consuming. Apply if when using other methods, there is a risk of damage to neighboring buildings.
  • Mechanized. It is the fastest. With the help of special construction equipment Brick builder demolished in minimum time.
  • Semi-powered.
  • Explosive. So demolish separate buildings With the reconstruction of urban development or mass demolition of the quarters.

The table shows dismantling agents used when demolishing a brick house:

What walls can be demolished in a multi-storey building?

When redeveloping the apartment, we will admit demolition of some walls.

In apartment buildings from brick demolition walls for the purpose of redevelopment is allowed. Such a dismantling is possible only after the work plan is harmonized and obtaining the permission of the housing inspection. This is a preliminary technical assessment of the brick house. Assessing the status of the construction, the licensed project organization takes into account:

  • year of construction at home;
  • number of floors in the structure;
  • material of internal overlaps and external walls;
  • layout, floor and location of the apartment;
  • status of the foundation of the building;
  • availability around groundwater and reservoirs.

Having permission, you can start redevelopment. It is allowed to change and destroy internal partitionsBecause the strength of the building as a whole will not affect. Bearing walls Do not break because they take on all loads from overlappings and roofs, being a support of the structure. It is forbidden to dismantle the walls of the brick wall:

  • at the junction carrier structures and beams, columns, overlap beams;
  • in diaphragm walls;
  • in racks and pillars;
  • if you need to eliminate or reduce ventilation channels.

Redevelopment in the house should be legal. Before it began, it is necessary to obtain the resolution of the relevant authorities. This will help avoid building mistakes during reconstruction and problems in the event of real estate sales.