Repairs Design Furniture

Repair and care for Venetian plaster. How to remove the old plaster from the walls without problems Venetian plaster how to remove from the wall

Decorative plaster is today a very popular finishing material that allows you to quickly and easily implement the most brave into reality. designer ideas. However, there is no limit to excellence - manufacturers represent all new, more interesting, seductive variations on the subject of decoration of the walls. If you are a long-standing fan of decorative plaster, and you wanted to experiment in you - this is a great reason for creating a new coating on the wall.

However, before you see the walls of your house, your apartment in a new guise, you will have to get rid of the old one. So how to remove the old decorative plaster?

It seems difficult to remove plaster? However, in fact, it is a rather long and time-consuming process. You can make a job just easier if you adhere to some rules.

Stages of decorative plaster removal

First, the surface with which the decorative plaster is removed, it is necessary to abundantly hot water - So you can soften the surface, in addition, reduce the amount of dust in the air. Do not be lazy in the process of working periodically clean the surface - remember, it should always be wet, it will noticeably facilitate your work.

After the surface is moistened, you need to catch the entire wall with a hammer. Those parts that keep loosely will donate themselves, the rest will have to "help."

Remove the decorative plaster is needed from the top of the wall. Fragments are knocked off with a chisel and hammer: layers of plaster are approaching and separated from the wall by layers. In addition to the hammer and chisel, the spatula may be needed (if the plaster holds a loosely) or a perforator (with a very durable clutch of plaster and walls).

It is notable to facilitate work with poorly separated by the plaster, if you can cut the surface on the sector using a disk with a disk for working on concrete and stone. You can remove the decorative plaster with the help of grinding machines with abrasive discs - in this case, decorative plaster is not knocked down, but erased, and do not forget about moisturizes, otherwise dust will be very much.

Release walls from plaster need carefully, including seams between blocks and bricks. After the plaster is removed, over the surface you need to walk with a metal brush or a drill with a brush nozzle. Finally, the wall is washed, and you can start experiments with a new decorative plaster.

Decorative plaster, a variety of which is also "liquid wallpaper", is considered one of the best and trendy finishing materials for the wall surface. It is simply applied, and the effect is excellent. But it happens that sometimes, doing repairs, I want to replace the decorative trim on some of the rooms normal wallpapers Or paint the walls. But before starting glue wallpaper, paint the walls, you need to remove this plaster. How to do it? Remove the decorative plaster is not so easy how to apply it. In order to do this, use the tips and instructions.

Removing the plaster is a very time-consuming and long-term process, especially if the walls are separated by cement-sandy solution.

Instructions for removing decorative wall decoration

To remove the decorative plaster from the walls, you need to perform work, which consists of two stages: cyclove and equalizing the surface with putty.

Before proceeding to perform the first stage, you need to collect everything you need for it. Namely, the materials and tools that will be useful to you.

List of materials for removing the coating from the walls:

  • gypsum putty;
  • paint (if you paint the walls after removing the plaster);
  • oil primer.

Tools that will be required to remove decorative plaster:

  • polyethylene film;
  • gloves;
  • wet fabric;
  • bucket with water;
  • cycle (or spatula, chisel, hammer, grinding machine, Bulgarian - on your choice);
  • spray.

When all materials and tools are ready, you can start work.

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Decorative coating cyclovka methods from the surface layer

We start from the first stage - cyclovka. There are several ways to perform this work. They differ from each other different toolswhich can be performed. What exactly will you use, choose yourself.

Removal of decorative wall coverage - the case is very dusty, so do not forget to store all surfaces polyethylene filmSo that there are less dirt in the room (this applies to all methods). Next, take a 130-150 mm cunt and spend it on the wall, slightly pressing. Selecting the right angle of the application, start doing work. With light movements, with the right slope you can bother the finish: first start with a small part of the surface, then go to a big one. After that, wipe the wall with a cloth, wetted in water to remove all the particles and dust from the remaining decorative plaster. We rinse the cloth in the water more often to wash the surface.

If you do not have a cycle, you can use the hammer and spatula. To do this, first surface with decorative finish. large quantity hot water. This is done in order to soften putty well and reduce dust. Do not forget to wet the entire surface of the walls throughout the surface, then the removal of plaster will be easier. After you moisturized the surface, you need to knock down the hammer along the wall. Thanks to this, those parts of the plaster, which hold well, will disappear. Well, another will need to "help." For this, the chisel and the hammer will be needed: the layers of putty are approaching, and they drop out of the surface with pieces. You will also need a spatula that you can clean the remnants of the finishing material. Please pay attention to deactive finishing material It is necessary from the top of the vertical overlap.

You can also use the grinding machine with abrasive discs. Using this tool, the plaster is erased, rather than knocked. But do not forget, you still have to moisturize the surface, otherwise drown in the "sea of \u200b\u200bdust". Tune in to work, since you will have to spend a lot of effort on the surface grinding. Decorative plaster must be removed carefully, not forget about the seams. After everyone was freed from the plasterers, pass through the wall with a metal brush for its full removal. This is one of the most effective methodsIf hot water does not help.

Sometimes during the repair process it is found that it is not possible to conduct a finishing finish on old plaster. Well, or new is done very poorly and it must be removed. In such cases, we faces the question "How to clean the walls from plaster?".

This article will help you understand the ways of removing the coating from surfaces. Here will be considered the work with a spatula, simple and rimpted, perforator, as well as a grinding and grinding and grinding and vibration machine.

How to remove stucco from the ceiling and walls

The choice of the method of removing the coating depends on the quality of the latter: the gypsum from the brick or concrete wall can be removed manually, and with cement, most likely, it will have to work with power tools.

How to remove the old plaster from the walls: plaster and cement

It is easiest to hit gypsum coatings. With small thickness, it is possible to do the rod spatula. From simple, it is characterized by a thicker blade. You can remove the coating: the spatula lean at an angle of 90 degrees. to Wall; We start applying light shocks with a hammer; As the blade immerses in the layer of finishing, we tilt the tool, gradually reducing the angle between it and the wall. At the same time we move the spatula to remove one and go to the next section. Similarly, you can remove and old cement plasterLosing strength. Only the riding spatula replacing the chisel.

How to remove coverage: Using a relief spatula

To the question "How to remove plaster from the walls if it is from cement, new and made qualitatively?" Answer one: Perforator + nozzle-chisel. Tools include on the middle speed, put it to the surface at 80 degrees; As the chisel is deepened, the angle of inclination of the perforator is reduced and brought to about 30 degrees. Remove the coating in the loafing mode.

Note: The perforator is very easy to damage the base. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the plaster, slowly. It is better to return and resist the surface than to damage and then make it a repair.

How to remove old plaster from the walls: work perforator

Removal of decorative coatings

How to remove the decorative plaster from the walls, because it is thin and perforator here do not work? In this case, you can use a spatula / cuccant, grinding and vibration machine. With the spatula, everything is simple: We lean to the surface of the Venetian or other mineral finish the blade under an acute angle and remove the composition of the scubactural movements.

Move the tool to another place and repeat the removal. This method is the most budget and does not give large number dust. However, it is suitable for processing small squaresSince due to low speed in one working day it will not be possible a lot of removal. In addition, the spatula and cycle are good only for loose coatings that are easy to remove.

How to remove the decorative plaster from the walls and the ceiling: You can use the usual spatula

Very thin, but strong plaster can be removed grinding machine. Its working disk removes a decorative layer of served rollers located on its underside. The work is not complicated: the machine included on the middle speed with an effort is pressed to the coating and slowly move. We work in small sections, moving from one to another as the surface is clean. And do not forget about individual defense - A lot of dust is distinguished in the process, so you need to protect yourself with a respirator.

How to remove the old plaster from the walls: video about the work of the relief-grinding machine.

Decorative plaster with a layer of 3 mm easier to remove the vibration grinding machine. It is distinguished by the principle of work: the vibration work element quickly moves from side to side, in the same plane. It is easy to work: lean the tool to the base at a small angle and slowly move it in the right direction. Gypsum compositions are thus not difficult to remove, and silicate will have to be tinked.

Note: Remove the plaster with the specified power tools is much easier than the spatula or cycles. However, you will have to spend money for the purchase of a car or get acquainted by finding a place where it can be rented.

How to remove old plaster from the walls: Using a vibration-grinding machine

How to remove cement and gypsum plaster: Process features

Sometimes cement-sand plaster is difficult to remove even a powerful perforator. That is, it is possible to delete, but very slowly, with a big physical effort. In such cases, the coating should be loosen by cutting on the sector. This is done with the help of a Bulgarian with diamond disk. The size of the sectors can be arbitrary, but the smaller, the easier it is to remove them to the perforator.

Note: Under the influence of acids, plaster becomes loose. This property property can be used if you need to remove the plaster based on it. For half an hour before the start of the work, it should be good for water coating, acidified by vinegar. After that, it will be easier to remove the finish.

How to remove plaster from the walls: cutting coating on sectors

During the repair period, questions arise regarding not only finishing, but also preparatory workIn the process of executing which it costs to know exactly how to remove the decorative plaster from the walls so as to put the minimum of harm and high-qualityly prepare the surface. Experts offer several ways to use any repairman.

Basic methods for removing decorative plaster

When determining how to remove the decorative plaster quickly and efficiently, it is worth considering that there are several ways to dismantle:

  • Power method. To implement such a method, you will need the easiest set of tools: old ax, hammer, chisel. This option is considered the fastest in terms of execution. But if you make a little more forces in an unnecessary place, it is easy to significantly damage the surface of the wall.
  • Sediment method. In this situation, you will have to be patient, as the plaster will be filmed with a layer layer. To perform work, it will take the presence of a grinding machine or a grinder with a disk of abrasive coating.
  • Technical method. To remove strong compositions from a solid wall, you should choose a perforator with a special nozzle.

Remove the old plaster is sometimes difficult, therefore it is worth using a combined method at certain sites.

Preliminary preparation of plastered walls

It is sometimes difficult to imagine how to remove the decorative plaster from the walls quickly and efficiently. Actually affects the promotion of work preliminary preparationwhich is produced on initial stages.

How to remove stucco from the wall?

  • Pre-remove the surface finish. It can be wallpaper, wood, plastic, paint.
  • Depending on which material is under the plaster, moisten the surface.
  • Chatting the surface to determine the sections where the plaster is lagging behind or swollen. Note them as priority options for dismantling.
  • Prepare required toolsthat will fit the type of wall and the method of work.

Features of dismantling plaster with drywall

Plasterboard is very fragile building materialwhich is easy to damage at the time of removal of plaster. It is worth considering this nuance in choosing a dismantling method and selection of tools.

To remove decorative plaster with drywall without damage to the base, it is necessary to act as follows:

  1. To simplify the process of removing plaster, it is worth a slightly moisten the surface. The degree of treatment with water depends on what type of drywall is under the plaster. If moisture is too much applied to the decorative layer, it can lead to the deoxidium and the drywall itself.
  2. Then it is worth identifying the weak places of plaster by the method of palpation. To pinch your fingers or palm to the moistened surface. In more weak placesah may arise behind the applied layer. The characteristic of weakness is the falling palm, reverse deformation.
  3. With or cycle, start removing plaster from weak points. Next move to more difficult sites.
  4. If the plaster is firmly fixed, it is possible to repel it using a small chisel and a hammer: drive the chisel for the basis of the plaster and slightly sweep the hammer.

The work of this type should be taken carefully not to damage the plasterboard.

How to independently remove the decorative plaster with a grinding machine

To find out the secret of how to remove the decorative plaster from the wall with your own hands, you need to contact a specialist. Experienced Builder B. obligatory Recommends the use of grinding machine in this situation.

The tool has many advantages in comparison with manual work:

  • Does not require a great physical effort.
  • It will take less time.
  • Will not be able to damage the wall.
  • Dismantling will be accurate.

The principle of operation with the grinding machine is quite simple. It is enough to purchase a disk with abrasive coating and protective clothing. Be sure to buy safety glasses and respirator.

Previously wet the surface of the plaster to reduce the amount of dust in the process of removing the layers decorative coating. After processing the walls of the grinding machine, it is necessary to re-clean the surface with a metal brush.

Cycle method for decorative decoration

Knowing how to remove decorative plaster from the walls correctly, you can avoid many problems with further work. Experts are recommended to conduct a primary cyclusion of the upper surface of the plaster.

For the cycle process you need to pick up right tool. Cycles use more often. It is desirable to choose a tool with a length of no more than 150 mm so as not to damage the surface of the wall itself. Need to install the CCC right angle, then this operation will become simpler for the employee and effective for coating.

A similar tool for performing a cycular will be a metal spatula and a small hammer. First you need to soften the decorative coating of hot water. Wait a few minutes. Slightly knock the hammer over the surface. Weak sections of the plaster will disappear, and the rest will have to cleaned more paintakingly.

Economical disassembly plaster

It is worth knowing a few secrets as to how to remove the decorative plaster from the walls so as to save some means. Here, only 2 secrets that will be useful in the dismantling process:

  1. It is necessary to remove only that plaster, which does not hold well: bubbles, area around the cracks.
  2. The bottom layer is to be treated with a cheap composition, and the upper better and expensive. This concerns the secondary finish.

If you do dismantling carefully, it will also save money on repair, as the inner parts of the walls will not harm. Savings are possible in the process of work itself. In order to further spend money on the process of removing the decorative coating from the walls, you need to use sweater tools.

As you know, the preparation of the foundation is one of the most important steps of repair, since the quality of subsequent decoration and its durability depends on it. This procedure primarily refers to the removal of an old coating, which sometimes is very laborious work, especially if we are talking On the plastered surface.

However, virtually any construction operation has its secrets to simplify and speed up the process, not an exception and removal old plaster. Therefore, then we will look at how to quickly remove the plaster from the walls or the ceiling in different cases, from minimal cost time and strength.

In which cases it is necessary to remove plaster

The need to remove from the walls of plaster with their own hands can occur only in one case - if the finish began to lag behind the base. Check it is very simple, for example,. To do this, it is necessary to obstruct the wall with the handle of the instrument every 30-40 cm.

If the sound is ringing, as if you knock on concrete, it means that in this place the coating is kept quite firmly. The deaf sound, as if under the finish of the emptiness, suggests that the plaster was covered in this place.

It is possible that the stronger strikes of the handle, you wrap a whole layer of the retained coating. It is impossible to carry out the finish on top of such a coating, as it will soon begin to collapse in itself, and all repairs will go to the pump.

In addition, there are other symptoms for which it is possible to determine the peeling of the material from the base:

  • Wet spots began to appear on the walls. True, such a picture can only be observed in rooms with elevated moisture levels.
  • The surface of the old coating began to crack.

If you have found at least one of all the above signs, you can safely immerse the edge of the spatula into the coating and consider the entire area that can be exposed to the tool without much effort. At the same time, keep in mind that it is necessary to delete not only the penetrating area, but also centimeters of 30-40 well fixed finishes.

The spatula, of course, can not always cope with the task. In this case, more modern methodsthat we consider below.

In this case, the easiest way is to use the grinding machine with abrasive nozzles. This work is not heavy, but quite long.

The instruction will look like this:

  • First of all, the surface with the old finish should be rich in water and wait until the coating absorbs moisture. If the drying occurred in some sections than the saturation of the layers of finishing moisture, then the procedure must be repeated, since the impregnation of water should be abundant.
  • If the layer of decorative plaster is quite thin, then you can do emery paper (coarse) stretched on the grater. It is necessary to remove the surface with circular motions, periodically wasting the "skin" with water.
  • If the sandpaper quickly comes in disrepair, and the decoration remains almost untouched, then you need to use grinding machine With an abrasive nozzle. Since the circle itself is not recommended, the walls must be performed periodically with water.

After removing the coating, the base can be brought to the perfect state with the help of a metal brush nozzle.

Full removal of old finish

In some cases, it is necessary to fulfill full removal of plaster from the walls, even if the coating is well held for the base. For example, if the old layer of plaster is too thick, it can be replaced with modern, thinner materials.

In this case, of course, more radical tools are needed, such as perforator and Bulgarian.

The work is performed in the following order:

  • Before removing the old plaster from the walls, as in the first case, it must be moistened with water and wait until the material does moisture.
  • Then you need to switch the perforator into the loop mode and put it at a low angle to the surface by setting the pre-chisel nozzle. Thus, you can shoot large pieces of plaster.
  • If the coating turned out to be so strong that even with the perforator, the case moves very slowly, you should use a baccle with a disk for cutting stone. In this case, vertical and horizontal cuts are performed on the coating, which will be given the surface into separate areas. After you bring down this old finish The perforator will be much easier.

Recommending how to quickly remove the plaster from the ceiling or from the walls, do not forget about the safety of work.
The respiratory tract must be protected by a respirator, and the eyes - protective glasses.


As we found out, it's not so difficult to clean the old coating from the walls or the ceiling, as it may seem at first glance. The most important thing in this business is to use the appropriate tool, and perform work in accordance with the recommendations given above.

Thus, it is possible to prepare a reason for the subsequent finish as quickly and efficiently as possible. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.